Newspaper Page Text
—satisfajetiOMguaraiitmli MV I,-,. ry P „„, allt ,
were fitted up expressly for the ladies, and the patr
From Nine Dollars up to Thirty.
Fifteen (lillerent Styles to select
rmr.i. Among which is tile tele
Charter Oak, 4"
with the wonderful wire iratiSe
rlnor, lire most perlect Cooking j
Stove made.
—The weiUief Is getting « Ut
•lc too drV. Can't somebody <rr.
pulling fodder?
— Pio Bono Publico is not now
an incumbent of a county odice,
and will not lien candidate for
one in January next.
I he trouble about gnessino
is, there are too many chances
against you. Still some people
"ill guess.
I he protracted services at
the Baptist church begins Sun
day. Rev .1. C. Porter will preach
Sunday and during the week.
—For two or three miles this
side of Coleman along the rail
rorid. the land lies beautifully-,
and is in a fine slate of eultiva
unago of all especially solicited.
C. A. geobgiL
I'ncralorniK Etu McDon
The intelligence, on Saturday
afternoon last., of the death of
Aliss Eva MeDunald, cast lifer
our city a shadow of sadness and
gloom. Her fond relatives
and I? 1
anxious friends had watched and j
Waited with prayerful hopes of
verythlng in His Line
IScthcl Dolx.
A nmnber of our farmers began to
pull fodder Monday. It the weather
is iavombi* a bountiful supply will be
. ...j * w.v........ a saved.
, r , ‘ «■ i * \ r » Mrs. J. II. Manrv has been quite
,do,ph County Confederate \ etc ; sil .,. Ull . ,, cek / We are clad to
j rans’ Association, org:mir.ed less learu she its better at this writing.
\oiu:g U iilie Cheshire, from Alba
ny, is vi.-iting in tin- community. b ii-
Thc Re-l'uion.
Last Friday wasonc of the ino&t
remarkable and eventful days in
the history of Coleman. The Ran
—Several parties expect to got
1 also keep the Iron Kino. Now J :l 1,1 cotton Into market by
Excelsior, Su r Queen, and other
good patterns. My house is full
Till A\ T nrp,
Granite Ware, Etc.
I rann«ifactnre my own Tinware.
*nd will guarantee every piece.
, Roofing. Guttering and Valley
Work made to order.
Tinware at wholesale. Your
patronage solicited.
Crawford’s Eczema Wash!
Perhaps there e na our ihiinj that
the tenth of August. We shall
be glad to see the staple coming
A good Milk Cow with young
calf for sale. Apply to
i her recovery; but fate had decreed
! otherwise, and death was but the
realization of their worst fears.
Her remains readied Culhbert on j
Sunday evening, ami at 9 o'clock
Monday morning the funeral cer
emonies were performed at the
Methodist cliuivlt. I),-. IL, SS .
president of Wesleyan College,
led in these exceedingly s Jenin
anil impressive services His
eulogy upon tin* pure and noble
character of his late lamented pu
ptl was grand an*l deq ly touch
ing. The music by tile choir,
with Mrs. Woolen at the organ,
was excpiisitcly lieautiful, and
touchingly appropriate to the sol
earn occasion. After the conclu
sion of the ceremonies at the
than one year ago. had been cor
dially invited to hold its first an-,
nual re union there; and at an
early hour the beautiful village 1
1 was lileially thronged with old!
BUY GOODS HHKAPJ soldiers,-«“id llltir families and |
friends. Some
lie moved away from here with iiis pa
rents when a mere child, some years
hack, ami this is his lir. I visit to the
•jiit home since his departure. We
wt-io,roe him among ns, ami hope he
will repeat his visit before too tong.
Rev. <J. 2*5. Knowles, from the \ iilu-
<;f the adjoining i iah neighborhood come by Sunday
• j and spun: the nigli#wiili us. lie was .
* ; on his way n* assist Rev. John Martin i
the crowd which was csliuiuled at in his meeting at Dover. Mr. Knowles
! counties weie wed
hut lor l
thou,and. N - doubt many « °. ne f. Oic- iroblu y«ou S I gl jg/
- giving hus life and tabors to rue Cf.-at S^r-? / •; -A C*-
irs would have been present,. cau-.-cl.r, ,auby. <t S- ' 'A.Ei'f,
Mis Prices Sell,
ami Quality Tells.
i 11
net ol
— We learn that the ladies of ! church, the remains, in a most |
Coleman were very successful on ei'*gnnt casket, were carried to the 1
the day of the re-union selling I Western cemetery for interment.;
letnoh.ule and ice eienih, realizing and there the last sad rile was |
Groceries, Confec tioneries. Hardware, j (
Crockery, Glassware, Family Wine
Presses, Library Lamps; .-void
Lamps La mi* Goods c.i ah
kinds, Fruit Jars.Bretons
and Wooden Ware.
, , . , . ._ WX\
a'.c;.! !i* r -i ■ :y olio *»• nol)u*st iHiC.« -l. *-
& j meciiita**- unit has ev»-r b.vii c nj >%. .
" ; Hi our vicinity has been guii:^ « n at
New i>eiiti*i since List Mats»r«i:.y week.
I he m*. eih:g has o.-. :i o mimaed by
'.he pa.4c*i. Rev;. L. ti. Crnmbiey, as
sisted ;•.* ikvs. John Martin ami J. C. , rw •» c , . <?
Bass, (Mr. Mass beivg frflm i'•••.*;* a 5
county,) ail ol u hum ha»*e laboiedasi
I eiiriieatly anti as zeal')iisiy iis we ever rrill!> I’-.v •!.•;* rrvev varies. A mar*
I saw prcaclieis. Tlie churc-ii has bee u ! I. vd-Uj . sfivn.ath and wlmle-
: givatiy reyivcd, and up lid now about : • ••’*; ■: « - . M«*:••. ec- noniieal than the
i many of whom *\vt*ie old soldiers do liave been received vii sin expe-; ‘'ohna
in and ih
weather iu the li:
p»il of the morning. The i-a-ai j
vc.-t.i rans. u:i it-r eoiiin»ai:«l of Gee*, i
W. I)ozii.r 4 ii»U /laisiiai of the
day, met attiiC Station 5 he special
train from Shelluian and Cullibert,
which was crowded with people,
; siill
Restaurant and Bakery!
'and members »f the Assuciation. | ^n^T.’u^l al-
! and a column was immediately thor.uli liev. J.C. Bass left for his
formed, with the Culhbert, brass j bomo Tuesday, and Rev. John
. . went to Dover to hold bus meeting
; band in front, which was inarchcti (t j lelv ] t .. lv j n ., the pastor to conclude
I to the large, academy where the; *be meeting by Iiinisclf. " la-.t.agio
. tti *i-t rious tiling a jtenuiue rev.val is, m any
| exercises were to be held. I he ; t ., mri . h _ p, Mult -,y vrays arc the glory
iary kinos
c-ompctitioo \v:
•aiiib i be
test, -hurt v. ki:t. nlntn or jihosplititt
powders. Slid only in cans. I toy a i Ba-
ki.-iy I'owdtr t o., H O Wall Strecit. New
York. mav22-lv
tic.-iriy seventy dollars.
performed by Dr. Bass in r. most' lull biasi at all times.
—The Cuthbert Brass Ha
a., jo:
-Ilain is again very much need
imd small chiidren dnrinir Dio r'llnmier
luonthsso much as ZSKA'I'. You iniJV . ,
bathe ami ]*owdc*r them, still the beat | Sldelable loss to the doctor, as he
and inflammation remains, and they still I ,• , 4 .,
fret and cry. Howeve r r«dief has' a*t l:ret j a o° ot » P*D»r his cattle,
been found. SKIX-CURA or f'/iMH'-l \ . i t , .,*, r
FORD'S ECZEMA WASH is .j si>E* 'IE- I A ( ons,(lt 1 i ,J ‘ l l .V
?C FOR IIEAT. and Skin afl‘eeti(*ns j Cuthbert went down to the
Unused by lleiit. .Spimge tin* afteeted
.... , , ... ; me when von are needinj
ass tiand , |,ullK ‘ Uc |),a ' er arui benediction. ! niy Line. ‘
will occupy the stand in. the city I niucral was largely attended,
park tomorrow a ftcrifioa at fi:3o| an ' 1 cver - v liear t Kas S ri<!Vl -‘ ,, > »nd
o'clock. Everybody is invited to j uvcr - v head was.bowed with poig.
come out and bear the boys play, i n!,nt hniivntation over this unlime
ly death. A young lady of pure,
amiable, aud nobic character;.
r . | with rare gilts and
tor the cotton crop has .been ma
terially changed for the worse
within the last few days.
—Onc^ of l)r. W
line Jersey cows is sick and will
probably die*. This will be a con
parts with the Wash and the little fellow
is asleep in live minutes, Xo mother
should be without it.
For sale in Cuthbert by J. \Y. Ktax-
Konn, T. .S. l’owell, and it. Ik Toombs.
Jr. nnr'JU-lv
Ofliee over R. J. Anthony's
Store, 3d door from front entrance.
nual picnic at Blutfton to day. It
will no doubt be a very pleasant
— Don't fail to buy your Shoes,
Hats and Umbrellas, at
— Miss Sallie Ellis, recently of
our city, and well and favorably
accomplishments; with a future
j blight with all the hope# and as
i piration- that wealth and social
stmoreland s | j )0s j t j l)R C;|U w j f jj a cart »f u l
j and finished education*, and yet
i cut down at the very threshold
womanhood! It i# in-
ad, but such ia the
work of an all wise Providence:
who does everythin:* for the best.
rcrxoual .Heutioii.
Mr. J. C. Cobb, of Eufaitla, was
in the city Friday last.
Mr. A. C. Moye is of!‘on a trip
to New York this week.
veterans took their seats in front
C °nj'im.g hi; "f llic Sl.-igv, and the remaiudvr of
tlie building was rapidly filled
with fiiends and spectators. Hun
dreds found it impossible to ob
tain standing room, and sought
other places for rest »u 1
from tlie Fourlli,
We continut* to have good rains and
liii> crop pr.;spr-ct was never better
than now in this section.
ous benefits seen and lelt. Miss lJcilc Slap-py returned from a
Quite a. number gutliered at the : visit to /IV: roll oil .Saturday last, to
tiieJioineof Mr. E. I*. Sanders Mon- the delight of ln r many friends,
day afti-rnuon last to lislen to the cio-; There is less sickness just no'-v in
sing exercises i*f Miss Nannie Coley's | our section tlian at any one time in
music chiss; The pupils stood a splen- fire years, it seems to us the Fourth
ditl examination, and rendered their would be a good place for sickly peo-
pioces in a way that showed t!-ey had , pie to come to lor health.
ln*en earefnlly’traiucd. Miss Nannie i Messrs. Knighton and Walts were
amuse Tuesday Ur her home in 5ftcwart, circulating among the girls last Sun
You can do so if you come to us. In coflM
sequence of scarcity of money, we offer
Ecenl. At about nine o'clock the 1 where she will remain a
ort while, day evening. They excused tbem-
, , . Her next engagement is at tlie. An- j selves and went home for supper, but
j house was ca.leu to oi der, and the j j rew .. Aca<iemy, where she lias a large j promised to stay later ik-xI time. The
j exercises were opened with a very class awaiting her. l’rof. J. A. Colev, boys did r.ot know that the moon went
, . .*. ! brother to Miss Nannie, who is also ; into an eclipse that night at 11 o'clock
? a PP , r, l M an( * P a tri**tic pi ; HC j Hceoinplisbed musician, and is now ; or they would have staved longer.—
j of her yotiny
! cxpressibly
53 »rsf‘s B'«r ^alc.
On T ime or for 'Cash. Call at, at
ii)21 if Mus. J R WOOTEN S.
Miss Etta Bedding is visiting j , 1} . R ev . \y_ s< Sagers. O. A. ! teat-
friends in Eufauia this week. ! IJarry deliveied the address 0 f 1 and spent
Mrs C. A. George will ajieatl I n .i„, mc , an d K. D. CrnZier re
some tixic with relatives near Co | S p 0 r.(k*d in Behalf of the'!
lumbus. ; Association.
Mrs. Endora Hamilton left last j CnpL M. C. Edwards and C
Friday for Monteagie, to tre ah - R p Crittenden both made exet-1-
senl several weeks. | lent speeches during the day- which
Mr. and Mrs. N, M. \\ uaver, Jr., * wcl . e heartily applauded by the
are visiting rtialnes in Stewart! ,whence. The eall of the roll
> nccomplishe:! musician, and is now : or they w«.i:ld .have stay*
■aching a chi- ~ at Arlington, came up Think of yourselves boreal
nda\ and Monday with j Some few of die o! ’
he evening, after the • out to Coleman huvt
ut*’r, boys.
1 soldiers went
c Friday and re-
exarcirsc:! Were over, they played ami j turned late in the evening. They re-
, sang a few pieces together, which port a pleasant time and plenty to eat.
! were truly charming to listen at, and The baptist meeting at Friendship
| certainly "enjoyed to (he lr.iu.-t by tlie j will commence next Friday and con-
^ol. j entire crowd. ’ I. A. 31. timie one week. Rev. J. G. Corley,
—— | pa>tor, will conduct the services.
Look Oal For Hiohigan. j, Ti.o sij-k oi whom we made mention
I last week, wc are glad to say have
Louis Repub.ic. ; about recovered.
: Li:
t I
i i
— Our
ca re fully
Sj rup ol* Figs
la Nature's own true laxative. It j cotton. It is badly
is the most easily taken, and the J S(lin< i places, and is llirowin
most effective remedy known to
Cleanse the System when Pillions |
lanneis should notice
tiic proposition of oiu
warehousemen. These gentlemen
known to our people, was married i :l,e enterprising anil progressive,)
on the 3rd of July to Mr. T. D ; and every jio.ssiblc t lb.i t will be
Joyner, of Rutland, Sumpter conn : { lna,1 « hy-lliem <ltirin S the coming
ly, Fla. i season to make it. to the interest of
—The recent excessive rains, i * ,e P l * , ntI fi* 59 cot.on t<» i iall j.^ was in the city the
followed by intelislv hot weather. ln * ^ ,e ^ ,U .' CIS u1 the week.
have had rather a bail effect on j ,,Ul ^ ^‘ ll ,ilcls ou sl,eil *j Kx Gov. A. K. Allison, of Flor
county this week. j |\>iinil a l arge majoiity of tile mem
Mi. \V ill Harvey leaves to day p c , s presentj and sixty-five new
on a visit to liiends in bolt i ui | names were added to the list-.—
Irv. ! Great enthusiasm and the utmost i
Rev. W. S. Rogers left Monday ! g no .j feeling prevailed, and every-
morning for Andersouville to as j,,,,;.,. 8e ,. IUl .,i that lie was
Hst in a proliactud meeting there, j Uiere. The most bountiful and
; magnificent dinner we ever saw.
was laid out upon the long tables
•which had been erected in the
Michigan has not been a repuh C*uryoung people contimu' to court
iitnn stale since the Garfield Han- and « !C . n " si -~' ,s
, r , w)C ,v , , a wedding soon. Now, girls, reinein-
cm-k campaign ol IbbO, and the; ]m . UlU £, raJ , _ ve a r , and if you let
coinbilialit'ii effected on Ihurs • Hiis(>pportunitv pass, it will be three
day between the democrats and : years before you will have this oppor-
I '^recnbackei s will almost certainly j hmity again,
make it dacocratic in November. I <>i.r iriernl I\ E. Tucker, goes to
j[., n . Wcllin-don IL Uun, hi* sweetheart three times a we-*
this market. The
; meet the farmers on the street,
hlbdjicd in I ant ^ I urc !» :ihe Hieir cotton upon
! , n est price fm* the sainci
squares and young bolls. I 1
Miss Rebecca Doone, of Yaidos-
! ta, is 'isitin^ Mrs. Dr.. Palmer
| this week.
^ Mr. John \V. Chastain, of Eti
first oi
everv Fimdav. Who can
convention, is a man
and means, fully in
or Costive: to dispel Headaches.! —-Out* third shipment of Para-j
Golds, an.l Fevers; to cure Habito | sols and Sun Umbrellas just ar |
al Constipation, Indigestion. Files, i rived. Come in and see ns before |
etc. Maniifautcd only by the Cal- they are all sold.
ask is a ti ial, as they
of their ability to please.
All they!
ire satisfied
... . , and once
democratic candidate lor gi.vt-r- ric-iiT tluit ?
nor endorsed by the green track Mr. W. 0. Bynum, of Shellman, I
of in linen ee has b light out .’Clr. J. L. Jay’s plan*
accord vvitli ■ tnt!«*n, four luilt’.s of Shcllmun,
,, , - , ' . i .• • and be will move bis family to it some
the president a message an.l luc ti|m . tllis will!rr . \ Ve :ire g f aJ to have
M-. Louis plat hu m. I he state n;ell as p^p a i ni>I! «r l; . s .
r«\*e in rear of the acade Iplalfoim on which he is nominal- We learn that cholera is playing
less re ! represents the strong tariff re ; ha\\»e with the porkers in some p<*r-
i form sentiment which has grown
ymjiaUiy with it.
and seasoned, : the fact that h e has discounlen
I Atkins. • | thus evincing the great proficiency J | * an 3* ! ,u *' gradual changes
Mr. W. A. Gamble, who bas I aa ,l skill in the culinary art to j in l ' x! s un n larl11 tonditmaa sis-
, .. . . ; , . 1 sures him the confidence and the
I ’*«*-“ s I’ t ; n,lln * s, ’“ :e U,uc W!l 1 : "’liivli ll.e ladies of d/at section . V(lU>s Ule Urj;u number of Mich-
j home loiks. left I uesday tor a j jjave attained.
6 ready Reduced*
my. T
m a rkab!
its qua
was no
... - - , , , |bl:i, is viHting ins daugbltr, Mra.: ^.liculv cooked
■ the wagons, giving the very high j ^ - -*
able for its (/aantifi/ than for. ' ,,.* . - , . ; i.' 7 ’
1 J up in altclngaii, and wmle.
ifth/ff. Everything was c\ {Dirt is in full svmpatliv will
ifornia Fig Syrup Company. San
Francisco, Cal. Sold by J. M.
max 17 1 v
y,u u
The Undersigned will take Con
tracts for Building m Randolph,
and the surrounding counties.
The main* remarkable cures Hood’s j
Sarsaparilla accomplishes are sulii- j
cieiit pit*i*i that it does possess pecul-:
iar curative powers.
ct F. PULASKI «fc CO.
—There is Hot to be found any
wherein this great count ry of ours
a cleverer or more hospitable peo
pie than those who live in and
around the charming village of crate Veterans’Association hcie
I by tender their sincere and ear
nest thanks, and their grateful :ip
4'ard oi’ Tliancis.
Cuthbert, July 25, 1SSS.
The Randolph County Cocfed
Golem a n.
—Save money by buying your
Shoes and Hats at
c t A N T110 N Y' S S110 E S T O RE
—Bev. A. J. Allen, (rob.) re-
quests us to state that the Dis
trict Convention of the South-j
western Association will be held
; at Liberty church in this city,
a . „ u « i*i- uni 1-11 -*inil beginning to dav, and continuing
A guarantee on all work entrusted =* r
to tIx-ir hands. Bi-sprctriilir. ! im-ougli the week.
visit to L fiattauooga.
Rev. G. W. Matlicw* is carry
j ir.g on a series of religious ser
! vices at Enterprise ciiuich this
■ week.
Mr. T. R. Harris and sister,
Miss Dixie, returned home last
’Saturday, after a visit of several
weeks to fiiends in Zanesville, ■
his father, X
The follow
of our colon*'
j igan republicans who believe with ! MaryJiad I:
tion.s (;t <»ur i ••uir.mmty.
('<n ; ."ii bask* are-hein r carried to
market. This looks as though the
Cot ton .-.MSDii is n;-;ir'at hand.
M *. E. L. "s the
f>‘!» 1 •is-riel, spent .several days with
Wfu. Tucker, ll»e pastw
t song sung by one
ren in eh inch :
lb-sides this great abundance of; Grant, Garfield and Anhur in a
dainty and substantial food, there ; l:ii d* 1 ^'euue with ineidciitai
) proU’ction.
was an endless profusion «*t den . . . , r
1 ^ . Michigan lias been ripening for
emus watermelons; and <d a:, ibis . j- c . v , y j^ against n pub!ie<ir*i.’>iii for
the multitude was cordially invi | years, and if there is anything
led to partake. When aii had eat- certain before tlie event in Ami r j
Its n ets
And ehrv
Dat hiU.
;i S ;*v- snovt I
Mi*v went
there was much left '■ ,t: " 1 l" >lili -s, it is that the c .-.ii-
, , # . . ; *ion will carry tlie state next No-
t.i.j.t to i/o . j Vt . n j^ e r fur both state and national
After a short business ses
preeiation, to the good people of j Ohio.
Coleman and vicinity, for the un
bounded kindness aud generous
i hospitality with which they were
: received and cared for on the oc
[ e.ision of their late* re union on
; the 20th inst.
Jno. F. Kiddoo,
Chmn Ex. Com. R C. C. Y. A.
—Come ami see the New
Sewing Machine in its new
-F. Pt LASKt (k Co. offer great work and new line of attachments.
jan26 i t J T. HESTER & SON. j
—-*o—— - | inducements in Ladies'and Misses* A thing of beaiRw At
^ HnOPF.P-l Shoes and Slippers. They have 2t FURNITURE STORE.
Cuthbert ^ Georgia*
Mrs. Mary Graham, of Telfair
county, accompanied by her chil
dren, is visiting her mother, Mrs
MeI)utile and other relatives
Prof. M. A. Clark anil sister.
Miss Lota, returned home Satur
day, and were, accompanied by
Miss Alice, and Mr. Waller Glaze
of Shell in an.
en to satiety,
>ion ir. the afternoon, the meeting
at about half past 3 o'clock ad
journed, and the people began to
ly leave fi r their homes, eve
| ticket.
The republicans have steadily
| lost ground both in votes' and
j percentages, in 1384. Alger car
! rieft the state against Regole, but
i only by a minority vote, the re
in : jybody pleased with the day sex- publican percentage of tlie total
perience, and all grateful for the vole being 41 Ti. a loss,of4 83 per
cent from the Garfield percentage
boundless hospitality of the cili s
zens of Coleman.
Central Railroad ofCteorgiSs*.!
Aoiicc ioTrarriffag: Pidilit*.
The best and cheapest Passes
ger Route to New York and Bojs
ton, is via Savaniiah, and Elegant
Steauu-:.? ilicncc. Passengers, be
fore puLa-dug tickets via other
ro'-.tes. •. ;ti!d *;:> well t) enquire
first of tlie merits of the route via
Savannah, by which they will
avoid d’i->L and a tedious, all rail!
ride. Rates include Meals, and)
State Room on Steamers.
Round Trip Tickets will be
W&pJ’rompt attention given to 1 Office opposite Court House.
a large and handsome line, and: — —— —
are sure of suiting you, both in j Goalee* :o E urine cm Z*
Style and Price. Having lu«n informed that
—Next Tuesday is the <late of | ®""|® l’ l:,tllers niis< ''’ nslruu ° ,,r
the mass meeting. It is
cm) increased Algei’s numeifcal
At frequent intervals dnring; 1)!ur .,| ity> i, llt | eshl . ccl i | 1IS ,
both the morning and evening ses- centnge to 47.Go. In this election
sions. the band furnished some ; 25.174 votes were cast for Dickie,
Brut. G. G. Gunn, of Greenwood, excellent nn .l inspiring music.— ' _
t la., n im lias Utuii spenilmg some The next le-uninn will i>e lit-lil at! u e !, ( 'in
tunc in our city with his brother, jjhtllin.m on tlfc 4th <if July, 1SS0 ’ ”
Mr. \V. C. Gunn, leaves to-day tor o — —
h8S4. In lb8t). Luce (repub.i ^ placed •<-) sale June 1st., good to
Inch rc-
tiic ina
return until October 31st.
New York Steamer sails tn
weekly; l>*» n Steamers weekly,
from Savannah.
^a?“F«»r further information,
apply loctnv Agent of tliis com
panv, or tt* E. L. Chawltox, Gen.
tint that all democrats come
proposition in regard to 1 month's j
impor- |* rcC storage, we will say: We will
i i it t « 111 s.n . »» »» i it
1° ! aive to any and all planters free : i^ 1
31 oui*v for f'ilrntorf*.
town on that occasion, as matters , storage for one month on any cot
I am prepared to negotiate loans i of interest will be discussed and ; L4 ** n brought to us, any lime (lur^
for farmers, at a total Commission transacted. Those who stay away ■ *, n ~ ct, ^ on season, «_l>b am ,
o * ! 1SS9— and any cotton sold and,
Jioubl not complain at what i» j ^, lijll)0 «l out within one month j
lone, if it does not suit them. from date of cotton receipt, the visiting her dau
his home.
Miss Emma llaivey, after a
eaaaul visit to Misses Leila and
L ora
t>f 12 per cent., with interest at
per cent., payable once a year, to
wit: on Decernbei 1st.
Claik, left lust Fnday lor
her home in Oglethoipe. Mie j
was accompanied by Aliss Leila.
Burr, who has been
liter, Mrs. J. W.
Alis. A. P.
In ay 17 till 7 II !>• ELDER.
-Last Saturday evening the
farmer xvill have no stordge to pay btanlord, for some time, left Sun
at all. \onrs truly, ! day to visit other children at Ala
Cuthbert W akeiiousemex. .,
_ : con, Gidlin and Alolena.
* less than tlie fig’nos l>y whin!
1 Garfield won over Hancock.
Sold by B. J ANTHONY.
eel ESdi^
l «**.•» ?»er-
. . little girls of the city were made
farsmtl Uleann^ «MI ftale 3 , 3 .. , f / .
happy. Airs. Mattie butler gave
IinriHiiSL ,a !. ; ?*J in C / L ‘ i an ice cream part,v to Ross Ellis, j Mason% Fmli Jars Hon. 1. J. Perry left luesday
Mammoth Fall Stock. We offer I and all the little girls of her size 1 Quart and Halt Gallons; I in iop : list lor Cincinnati, Ohio, and will
nur entire Stock of Spring and were invited. It was a very en lumbleis .lai Lubbers, visit other points in the North-
Summer Goods (tt actual cost tor joyahlc occasion, ami the little P AIa\i*‘ r ’*r ; Wt stiluriug his absence in the
***\ DresE^G^mfs^ ^ \ t'cxv j c * n ^ ren arc unanimous in voting j ^ Next door to Pulaski A: Co.’s. ^°i ,e benefiting his health, j The annual meeting of tlie Sha-
niorc patterns of Summer Silks at j Mrs. Butler as one of the cleverest | — Air. Perry has been quite feeble j ron M. P. Church in this county
half their value. White Gooils of' ladies in the city. ' a ’° <Ue 1>r ®P ,f ° r for some time, and we sincerely j will begin on Wednesday, 11
every desi-ri pi ion. j —The Domestic Sewm* Mu-' . •«niy. , trust ibat bis trip may redound
Hakris’Dkv Goods House. L.| lino in aU ils i !lt( . 9t j.^provc . As a for Kepresenta
ImmrHNe B»rKa.«! menu and beauty of finish. For uvt -,’ ‘*l e !, u . ,,,v l!> itol “ 1,1
Om- entile Stock of Sorin-r and 1 sale at FUBNITl'BK STORE. uf < ^' nl, I !““ n l 7’" nl - v mv 1,0
Uui eninc oiou oi •- pnn^ anu sition on the .following questions
Summer Goods at actual cost to: —We call particular attention : 0 f public interest:
cash purchasers. A handsome a pj-o C lauiation by Governor; I am in favor of Tariff Reform.
!^ELb^rcSa M ndV“Kac' | B — 1 ST'™' " 5Ies '
* n(TS > <»t three hundred dollars lor the; ‘ 7 , . . , - 4 .
‘“o 5 ** 1 am opposed to the sale of the
Hakkis' Hkv Goods House, 'arrest and safe delivery of Sam state Road and the claims of Joe
—To make a clean sweep ol our , Sncdlings at the jail of Randolph Brown for Betterments.
Spring and Summer Goods. we : t . n untv. It is to be hoped that 1 Respectfully soliciting your sup !
litis - reward will have the effect !'" r , 1 ’ n l ! ,L ' n,,miualinu oil lh ? Sl!il !
of bringing this notorious mur of Jult.Iam.reM ! (.spr'ctliiMV,
derer and outlaw to justice. j July 1688. . ”■ E. G^v
J*i.ty was iu lSi«0, when Gailieid Passenger Agent. Savannah, Ga..
; polled 52 54 per cent of the total ,,j- (;. G An!*i:k-» n. Agent Steam-
vote and won by 53,800 votes over ,. rSj Saraunah, Ga. tf.
i Hancock* Garfiebl’s vote was! 0
, 1 So. 100. Blaine s was E«2.GC0 a , v::iiai:*li loArw York.
I gain on Garliel 1 of 7.170 votes. .. . , l¥ , ... , r .
Bat Blaines plurality in the stale ,- p.,,,.,...,.,.. j„| ; , 2 . t.i.ipm
xvas cuily 3 308—or 50,000 votes ('ii;ittaIi{>uciu*<-.\\’tl»t>:iay.Ju!y 4.-.'*upm
►vllicJ' Nat-Gorlice, .*:it:ir-hlr. J:ilv 7.
('iiy oi .'-av aiinah. Sunday, Jv s. r v‘^q> m
('it;, of Augusta. Tm*sday. Jy'iO. 0 30 j* in
B.aine also lost 5 03 on percentage Taliaha.'--... Friday, Julv l'»,.Villa in
: of the total vote as compared with V ll!,s,a V
I n ,. j . 4 j, i July D. 12..I0 p 111
; Garfiehl. 1 t'ity of Savan’h. Friilay, July 20,
This shows hew disastrously ! r Ry of Aujju-ta. ^'.mday. Jy ’ll. a.oo a m
U,e republican lines have been '
broken. * lereland s gain in the : SaeiNu-hee. >-':ind.:y. July l*!.), lo.fjo » »»*
state over Haoc<;ck was 53.00$ j U'ity of Savan h. Tuesday, jy. :;i, 12.00 iii
vf*tes. Blaine’s loss from Gar-
field’s vote was 7.470. 1 ^. ttc
In the election of 1880 34.759 • <'ity
votes were cast for Weaver, green
barker, and 1.15G were‘*scatlered.’*
In 1SS1 the "scattering” vole had | J t j s vel v p,„l, a ble that the op-j
Suvauuali l» BSosSon.
‘‘ity. ..Tl*iir-«l:iy. July •">. UMO p 111
«»f ^kiron. Thursday. Jy 12. S.on j* 111
! <iate City... riiursday. July U). 111
City of iiaeon, Thursday. Jy. Ai.ti.UD 111
ft are
And Consequently are Ready to
And Sell Every Article in our Store at a
position to Mr. Grimes in the 4ih j
increased to 5.037. and St. Johns
July 25tb. The services will polled IS.403 besides. in 1886 | Congressional district will disap-1
really to Ins recuperation. lie conducted liv Rev. Jno. G. j the^pr'dnbilion vote had grown j ja-ar by the time of the meeting j
Mr. U. B. Graham, of the Fort j Caldwell, pastor, who will be as
... . . | .- — - “"s'-' •■.»" .- - j tue la-ivio in mi
at the end of his
as Oi 25,174. riiis year the probibi-j of the convention. It would be [
0 ■ , . 11, i . . . . . j lion vote will be larger than ever. \ the height of fnllv to retire an ex !
Games Auverliser, was. in the sisted by other visiting ministers ! an(i lt wil , ctlt lu . avi iy i !ltr , .the eelient member '
city yesterday. Wilt is one of the from the circuits around Atlanta, republican slienglli. As Blaine's hi st term. - j
cleverest aud handsomest young Ga.
editors in the Stale. It it were not I for several days,
for fear of causing his numerous
i'lie services will continue j vote for president was greater'
than Garfield’s in 1SS0, and 11,-;
000 greater than the vote for Luce 1
offer them at actual cost. Gomel
and see our handsome Dress Goods
und Silks and compare prices.
HAinas’ Di:y Goods House,
t—One hundred I’arasols from
35c. to eight doilers, the finest ns
sortmontever t>rouglit to Cuthbert.
1 offer them for li-ss than cost to
manufacture. Cash purchasers
will take advantage of our tnauy
IIakkis* Dkv Goods House, i
Three thousand dollars worth
of Ladies’ Misses and Gents Shoes
tit cust. Fully 5'' per cent saved
by buying your Goods at
Harris* I)kv Goon? }I«»use. i
lie comes to see a
| young lady here.
two drawers.
would say and dropleaf, only «i?2(>. New Na
jhlv pretty tiocal—same sty!:;. $22. At
No Weak |
—The Favorite Sewing Ma tor governor in 18s6. it may lieae
sweethearts in hurt Gaines to] cllimj wil |, lK „ ,i niwt . rS- <-nver' cepted as the utmost limit oi re,
give him a slight, we would say and dmnleaf. nnlr 1*^6. New Na publican strength, and there only !
remains to in* overcome a# bare
I plurality of 330S iff connection 1 -Hore
„ ... ! with a minority vote of47.Cl peri a
Dr. W. C. Bass. President of| T n n cent. - r/5ITC^ELL ! 3
M Deeply, Act Wisely,
And dceklc quickly to buy of [m beiofl
the Stock is picked over, as such
chances as we offer uow are not
met w ith every day, and you
cannot afford to let
them pass.
—Those in need of Summer
Clothing would do well by calling
on us, as we intend to sell out
these goods regardless of cost,
—The attention of our readers
is respectfully invited to the new-
adverliscmetil of Mr. B. W. Jillis
He is -‘getting ready” for the re
ceplion of an unusually large
slock oi goojls for the fall and
winter trade. He will hare everv-
250 Suits ol Youths and Chil j thing in the furniture line for
(Iren s Clothing at A ew i oi k cost, which there is any demand in this
| market, and will sell at very low
; prices. When you neeii furniture,
call on him.
We are compelled to reduce
. IIakkis’ DkvjGoods House.
—Just received a New Lot of j —Great Bargains in Shoes for
Valem-ii-iinc Flouncing*, at I tlie next 30 days at the Shoe Store
ct F. PULASK! A (. U S'. [of K J ANTHONY.
I-'ri-sti Tarnip r»ce#i!
I Wesleyan College; Mr. and
. „ , . , John W. Drewrv. of Choccoiocco,
All varieties, by the pound or pa-; Ala . Mr antl M , s . E U Cllaul
per.just arrived, at | beriin, of Atlanta; Mrs. A. W.
2t J. W, Staxeoed s. i Reese, of Macon; Mr. and Mrs. I
15. B. Coiner, of Anniston, Ala.;, > t lls
and Mr. Boss McDonald, of Sa j rales
vaiiuah, were in the city Monday
Mrs to. B-ttuna,Cashier,
— Read what Ab Jones has to
any in this issue. Hecnumeiales
many of the nice things which he
keeps constantly on band, and of
feis to save > ou money on any
thing he sells. Go and give him
a trial.
Cuthbert, Gft. 9
Transacts a General Banking;
Business, solicits and receives De
subject to sight draft.
Exchange at reasonable-
The Chicago platform of itself
; is wortli 15 000 democratic votes.
The democrats will poll the solid ; j'.j, j u ,
greenback and
of the Farmers’ Alliance, and will
draw over tlie Scandinavians of
•w£l and ;'ifLAMiiirS i Seem Baxg&ixis "by Calling Witln*
—: -iii-v-s. and Ke-
anti monopoly stone-the sight of the old.
will have the full svmpathv rurc5 * ir orauulatmn. .StyeTu-
. V ’ ill ...;i• ■ ni'irs. J-.y?w. ..lulled l-.yi- I.ii.lics,
; ANU i'iMlH t'INII •il l' K ItKI.IKF
jest iti:< i:it i:i> :
, , , - | Bin s F7xt-liange on any point in
to attend the 1 uncial of Miss Eva United States
Iiiickleii’s Arniia Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for
Cuts. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt
Klieiun, Fever Sores, Tetter,
A large line of Fine Umbrellas, Chapped Hands.Chilblain*,Corns
for ladies and gentlemen, at land all Skin Eruptions, and posi-
et AN II10NY S SHOE SI ORE , lively cures Piles, or no pay re-
■» • cpiired. It is guaranteed to give
General Boulanger, of France, 1 perfect satisfaction, or money re-
has lost inneh of bis former popu- funded. Price 25 cents per box.
larity. He is nut the man the | For sale by J. W.-SfAaioKD.
people are looking for. I jn25 ly.
Make your Notes and Accept ,
uncos payable at mv office, and
you will know where to find them
the peninsula. Consequentlv they ly : ,'. v ' '-aj-ioiis w hen used in
-- - * - oilier niahtities, sir 1, as l leers, rever
Sores, Tumors. -Tit Rlu-um. Hums. Pilt-5
t*r wherever e\IsN, M|T(.'!I-*
KLI/S s.\ i-VL imty he used to advan
tage. S..M l y all I)rHj:;;i.sts at Z* cents.
aUkT-’O-i v
will carry Miclngan. Stick a pin
in this point and watch the'refcult.
Do you want your Life or your
Property insured? If so. come to;
sec me before you accept any Tul j Well, it will be a l< ? ng time be
ic\. nn«l I v. ill do you good. . « orc ^} it . j^oplc of Gcoigia will b<
—Bargains in Embroideries and
Laces. We have cut down the
Price of them one third from origi
nal Price. Be sure to see our
stock before buying.
. ct F. PULASKI & CO.
What an absurdity to think of
inviting McKinley of Ohio, an ex
treme radical, to come to Georgia
to make a republican campaign
peaks at alt in ofir
be invited by his
Soliciting the patronage of my
friends, and anxious to please you,
I am faithfully yours,
icb2d r*JNO. 1). GUNN.
found supporting the robber tariff
— Straw lints at cost, at
speech! If lie
; State, lei him
D»wn party.
I No fiemoerat will call the Presi
dent’s armtial communication to
a ‘ iooiijii mejuage.”
oat Delay.
a pi l(f cl