Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, August 02, 1888, Image 1

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I Enterprise and -BY JAS. W. STANFORD. ‘independent in Ail Things—Neutral in Nothing.” - ' ---■ =al TERMS $1.00 IN ADVANCE. VOL. VIII. Sss 'iSl !■ lsst - CUTHBERT, GA„ THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1S88. NO. 2S GREAT REDUCTIONS! BARGAINS! GREAT REDUCTIONS! HARMS'S DRY HOUSE! • Our entire Stock of Sarin" and Sitnintci\Goods ;Tt actual cost. Dress Goads and White Goods of every description. Embroideries, Embroidered Financings. Rid Gloves and Silk Trimmings, silclt as Moires and Surah Silks; to make rfiOiii for ouf Mammoth Stock of Fall Goods. Owing to the stringency of money, many large manufacturers had to close within the last week, and Harris’ Dnv Goons House will be represented there to take advantage of the nutty bargains bought strictly for cash. Ak. TP COST Z T O. O S 2 t Yon know what that means without a word from us. Such a reduction never was known in Cuthbert as will be made on all Goods in our line. Such an opportunity never wftf* offered to casl. ’purchasors. An honest slaughter of honest Goods, reduced only to enable us to get more cash on hand to be able to take advantage of the many bargains offered in the East for the fall trade. Dry Goods tit almost half their former price. Harris’ Dry Goods House’s reputation for correct statements has been made too long to be talked of or questioned. Comcf at once and take advantage of these sales while our Stock is still complete. rJUKUTti* Enterprise & Appeal, saved from suicide. .. _ — - -I PROSTRATED’ KIND M BODY- PRICE : . Life Saved in Savannah. . ’. . f 1-00 j sunsuKimox One copy one }-ear . “ Six mouthy li . Three months 1C ail ISoad Srlicduh*. DAY rASfeKNOKIl, gOISO WK<T. Arrive 2:55 r - M * CiOINC EAST. 11 :53 A. M. ‘‘When I began thv iWcof your Frond Wine ol Coca I was pr« »?r:i‘e«l and bro ken down mom.illy and physically b\ excesses ami ovoc exertion. I had bo citiuj'elled to give nj>a lucrative busii on and bad bee liecik*. gluon bneuling ovi Arrive FLOKIHA A WESTERN l’.\KSKN<*UK. GOING WEST. 4.:00 a. <701 K<; EAST. Arrive Stops Arrive me little better than an im- dcsjiomlent. continmiily my miserable condition. | ami at times really contemplated suicide. ; Six bottles of vour French Wine of Coca j have restored me to perfect health and | vigor, and am ahie to attend to a large ! commercial business. 1 am happy, ! cheerful ami (>. K.” I (Cigiud.l h. WOOD. 2 :11 I’. M. Springs. Eufaula, at Union , . Cuthbert. Dawson, between Mont torv and Siiilthville. I Fort Caines train makes close con-j hection with the Montgomery «V Macon i Pasascngerat E , rs A ,, P „ t . ! , A NoUle ant! Gocd Woman Saved Prom llie Gjave Wlo Had Despaired of Living. Women at Auctiou Sales. New York Graphic. •How much am 1 offered for these linen handkerchiefs? .Ilow much will you give inc for one,! with the privilege of a Start ’em lor something much?’ 3*ou a quarter for them * She got them, and U1C3' were three sizes too small. Up went a piece of fine lace worth #1 a yard, and it was bought *1 ilgivcgpu ten cents, si:. while mentioning it afterward dozen.' |, v a gentleman lor 20 cents, not a ^ ow lady making a bid. This struck • me as being very strange, and _ ; while mentioning it afterward to *l<n I m tillered, who 11 say the the auctioneer, lie said: fifteen: ; *You see, a woman thinks a ‘I reckon 1 11 give you that much.’ ‘Fifteen, who'll say the twenty?' A Rhinoceros limit. J myself, kept ray head, and as I Taking ray eight bore and hall * lied I managed to open my rifle, a dozen spare cartridges in my j get the old cartridges out, and pul pocket, I made a detour, and i two fresh ones in. To do this 1 reaching the ant heap in safety, j had to steady my pace a little, and Ia\* down For a moment the wind j by the liriic that I had snapped bad dropped, blit presently a gen j the rifle to, I heard him snorting tie puff of air passed over ine and ! and thundering away within a few POPULAR DRY I'hcy Did Right. Concealed Weapons. ? Atlanta Common wealth. It is reported that Senator Col j Judge Van Epps, of the Atlanta quilt and Representative Stewart I City Court, by the upright and were requested to invite Congress- faithful discharge of his high of li man McKinley, or Ohio, the gleiit- j cial duties since he has beeft tlpofa est leader of the protectionists, to the bench, lias earned the sincere •Will yoti let me look at them, please, sir? I'll bid twenty* ‘Twenty, did I hear tin a woman thing sold at auction must be al ways literally* given away. They want to pay 10 cents for some thing north $10. That’s their B -tt TJ 2ST s W I CTT i &c WESTERN K j ilb o Aid. IV. i ff IRGTT'E,. < i nts idea of the business, and the only l luivr been a_jrrent sufferer f<»r many I * 1 went}’, Hint 1 Hear tlie fi'«-' j time we catch them is when we ; t.. n ■( 1't!»*'lu• :ihh^'.-i ”;!in!":!!iG <■ xjmired j *' venl Y* twcut}*, twenty, twenty*. I f 0() | them on the goods or put tip lie at any rime. Penibrrion’s Mine nt j1 went}'; once, twice; are you all done? The third and last time, •a was recoinu cwh d t:> me alter all medics bad failed, and I can r,fully say that i. ha* IK.I ..illy kept | an( !_g 0 ne to—lo— to' alive. !>ut strengthened ami raised 1 >0 that I again enjoy the blessings lth. I suffered with great nerve exhaustion, an organic heart disease, j with cold Kinking spelis. with little pow- j er of reaction, and Pemberton’s Wine *1 : *' 1 le that would bring tion.” On and after Sunday, May 1 SM.-s J on ., .j.jl, £ reat passenger trains will run as fallows: [Signed. | CKNTKVL STANDARD TIME. | ‘ Mks. TAM AUINE CARTER. FOR THE WEST. NORTH A SOI TO. j Cmciu ti 1 Mail. Drunswick lv *>:•>•» *1 m 3‘vles’ M'sb •17:15”m -Jamaica lv 7 :'*»7 a ift AVavnesville lv S :07 a m Hoboken lv l»:l*2 am .Helilatt'villc* lv 0:13 a m \V aveross . arU:l2am kk',I SUFFERING MANKIND. ♦3 :2«> p m I Co to tin* Drug Store and lmy a botttleof • S:1 -1“" I ppMnruTnii’s rprunri mpa something they don’t know any-, thing about. I have seen them j give a dollar for .a thing that; wasn’t worth 10 cents a dozen.’ I noticed one lady who had bid : on nearly everything which had ! been offered for sale and had not j bought a Unite. Finally, when Savannah sir 1'-:2:> p m Charleston, ar 4 :20 p m Callahan aril :20 a 111 Jaek’ville ar 12:00 in 'fbomasville ar .1 :20 i» Jli Pensacola.. ar 10:10 p iu Mobile ... . ar 3:20 a m New Orleans ar 7 :.V» a m Jacksonville lv 7 :30 a m Cal] ban ■■ lv $:05 a nt Charleston.. Iv3:00 a m bavaunuli lv 7 :«.HJ a m . fa. TV ay cross... lv 10:00 a m 3’earsoii. * ..Art-11:10 a 111 Alanaha lv 12:07 j> Tv Ty...:.. lv 1 :‘W 1* m Sumner. — lv 1 :M p m Willingham lv 2*24 p m Davis lv p m Alhanv ... rtr :‘»:00pm ‘Mis. John Smith.* 1 ‘How many will you take, Mrs | Smith?’ ‘Wh}*} I’ll take the dozen lor ■ 20 cents, of course.’ ‘Madam. 3*ou were bidding f° r . box of handkerchiefs had been one with the privilege of taking a knocked down for $1.50, and her I welve of them will cost | j nsl i, a ,i been JO cents, she said »n an audible voice: ‘That man is just as mean as mean can be. He won’t let me have a tiling, but just keeps on until somebod}' bids over me.* blew 4in towards the rhinoceros. I>3* the way, I wonder what it is that smells 20 strong about a man? Is it his body* or his breath? 1 have never been able to make out, but I saw somewhere the other day that in the duck <#coys the man who is working the ducks holds a little piece of burning turf before his mouth, and that if hr does this they cannot smell him, which looks as though it were the breath. Well, whatever it was about me that attracted his atten- paces of my back. I stopped, and as 1 did so rapidly cocked the ri fle, ami slewed round upon my heel. Hy this time the brute was within six or seven yards of me, but luckily bis head was up. I lifted the rifle and fired at him. It was a snap shot, but the bullet struck him in the chest within thr«*e inches of the first, and found its wa}* into his lungs. It did not stop him. however; so all I could do was to bound to one side, which I tlid with surprising activity. smelt anil as he brushed past me lire tion, the rhinoceros s mt‘; and within a half a minute the other band Into his side, alter the puff of wind had passed ! That did for him. The ball pass ,s (l;7 p in !>:<)4 p in 10:0S a m Wont^iMilery — ar.:... Ni'aP Orlcan* :»r lhrmiiighaiu • -ar Decatur ar Nashville ar Louisville ar Cincinnati - ar t’-ohm.bus ar >lneon ir Atlanta ar Mafiefcta .. ar CTiuttar.oogu r. ar Louisville ar I’inciwiati ar .. FROM XHK WEST, NORTH ti HESSES THE FMji ; TVjfAlNlSKiV ^l-bARGEn'i-oMFS 7:2ft p in *Ar x v v „ __ 11 :iw a... oT A A nTH.'Tp m : 2:-k> V 7:20 p 111 .2:12 a 111 j . |»:.*V» a iu | m H i2>. IS A LINIMENT PERFECTLY iRKLESS.AtfQ SHOULD BE USED A F£W MONTHS.BEFORE CONFINEMENT.I SEND FOR £?GOK TO MOTHERS • Eh t’JjFiEID'P.E au LATQR CO- c, ATLANTA.GA. _J Cincinnati lv . Louisville ..C.,. lv Chattanooga — lv.. Marietta lv Atlanta lv Macon. lv Culam’Dws .... - .lv Mail. 2:.» p m *J :*X) a m 1 :1.> p m 2 :-■{ [» in 0:4-'5 p m 0:05 a m j — — 0*40 a in 1 Sold 1»v Druggists timl Dealers. SOUTH. | ' feblG-l\* Florida n^wviui T-ir-1—wtm— Kxi'rc—s. j giSflmj DR. WESTMORELAND, ljSp m ' »K.Vri*T, 2:2.i p in OfT^rs li is sorvices to t lio pulilic in dozen you $2.40.’ “Well, you fan just keep your old handkerchiefs.’ • I had a bach seat in a stoi c on Whitehall street, which was be ing sold out b}' the sheriff, and the sale had been announced as a ‘ladies’ auction.’ The above introduction was what I heard when 1 lirst entered the store, and it was the auction ecr wrestling with some lady bid ders. The handkerchiefs were sold again and bought by anoti.e. lady for 40 cents apiece, he was im> and lurmug round to get his bead up wind. There he stood for a few seconds and sniti move, cd in behind the shoulder and right through his heart. He fell over on lo his side, gave one most awful squeal—a dozen pigs could and ed, and then lie began to first of all at a trot; then as the! not have made such a noise scent grew stronger, at a furious promptly died, gallop. On lie came, snorting As for me, I blew my nose, and like a runaway engine, with his ! going up lo the rhinoceros, sat on tail stuck straight Up in the air; his head, and reflected that 1 had A nicely dressed lady had lv dozen 10 cent stockings of rain j bow lines knocked down to her, I and when the bundle was handed to iier she looked around in aeon- fused manner and said apol 'geti cally: j ‘I bought these for my cook.’ j There was a lady silling quite I near the auctioneer who had. bought a great many things, and | 1 watched the sale for about an ; j j 1ut { m , me t c the conclusion that hour, and from what I witnessed | s | lc had a dry goods store some I ain fully prepaid! that women where in the suburbs. Presently van clean up a house and milk a j she i efl Uie gtore an( j4fci minutes! ; later I saw a gentleman cn ier ex r.:.'»!» pm FcNFS p 111 Cincinnati .... Iv * I :00 p ui Vuisville lv k:4.*» a m Nashville- lv 12:2»» p m- PecHtur- lv 5 A3 p iu Jfirniiriirhani. Jv ( j.3} ii tn New Orleans lv 7:53 a lit M on tp mierylvlO : a"» p m all the branches of Dentistry.— Work warranted. Oflice oyer the- Pnstnlfice. Rooms formerly* occu pied by Dr. Worsham. nitoJl ct Albany Davis lv 5:0G a m lv5:23 a m Willingham.-... Iv 3:.’tS a m Nmnner lv a in Ty T\ Alapaha l*carso't . lv G:20 a ni lv 7 :.’>3 a m lvS::t0a tn ar 0:3<»a ui W. R. THORNTON, u^;d E N T 1ST CUTIlBEIfT, GA-. O FFICE over t West Sid' Public Square, K. Rev’s Store, leblj-ly cow, but they are a dead failure! at an auetioa. j cited ly, closely* followed by my! \\ bile the auctioneer was scream- ( supposed storekeeper. It was her 1 ing himself hoarse lu get up some j | lusl)amI> aml |, e rllslle d , lp to a f enthusiasm over a tablecloth a, el „ rkan(1 a8 Ketl the amount of half dozen or more ladii^ crowded I Mrs. A.’s bilk It was $28 and! aiound the counter and asked Ihe j someihing, and he t-aine back to delks to silow them various and IPs wife, vrlio was standing at the if he had seen me lie down there, he cohI.I not have made a belter line? it was father nervous work, I can tell you, lying there wailing for his onslaught, for he looked like a mountain of flesh. I de termined, however, not to fire until | I could plainly see his ev e, for 1 think that rule always gives one the right distance for big game. So I rested my rifle on the ant- heap and waited for him, kneeling. At last, when he was about forty yards away, 1 saw that the lime had come, and aiming straight for the middle of the chest, I pulled. Thud went the heavy bullet, and with a tremendous snort over rolled the rhinoceros beneath its had a capital morning's shooting. — f.x. Barrooms mid Children. Atlanta CoiniiioiiiteaHft: Last week we referred in these columns to the shameful practice of some parents in this city who send their children to the bar rooms to get beer and liquor, and to the equally shameful practice of barkeepers of encouraging this traffic through innocent children. This week's issue of the Savannah Local, under the bead of “What a Shame,” has an article on the same line, condemning the sale of beer and liquor to children in that city. The Local says sharply: come to Gcoigia and -leliver a lec ture at the Georgia Chautauqua at Salt Springs, near Atlanta. It is further stated that these two gentlemen refused to extend the invitation because Mr. McKinley was a republican and they did not propose to have anything to do with the movement of republican campaign speakers. This has created a good deal of comment, and it is alleged that as this Georgia Chautauqua is not a political gathering, but an assem bly iif teachers and literary people no political consideration should have anything to do ttith these lection of speakers. We do not know whether Sena tor Colquitt ami Judge Stewart did refuse lo invite Mr. McKinley to come to Georgia or not, but wc do not see that they have commit ted any crime it they did. If they did not. wish to have anything to do with Mr. McKinley’s visit it is nobody’s business exeept their own. The United States has a postofliee department that would have carried the invitation for two cents, and these gentlemen are not respect of the people. This re- spect has been increased tocnlhu siaslic admiration by the firmness and wisdom lie has displayed of late in dealing with violators of the law against carrying conceal ed weapons. Some time ago the Judge announced his deterroina tion tn pfuiisb this cowardly crime with the severest penalties of the law. giving those addicted to this evil practice full notice of what they might expect if brought into court and found guilyy. A day or two ago a negro was convicted, and, in passing sentence, Judge Van Epps said: “It is the sen tence of the court that you serve four inohtiis oh the public works. All persons, whether high or low, rich or poor, respectable or disso lute, no matter who they may be. who shall be convicted in this court of carrying concealed reap- oils, will be dealt within the same way. I hereby announce it my fixed purpose to enforce the law vigorously. Carrying concealed weapons must cease. The mini mum penally in all cases of tills character will he four months on to he blamed if they refused to the public works. There "will be lake any interest in llie visit of a | no fines. If [he most distinguish republican politician to Georgia j ed citizen of Fulton county Should during a presidential campaign, j be convicted of this offense I But this is a Iitcrnry«-not a po-! would not hesitate to impose the lineal gathering. Then why is u i penally. I shall give him four man selected who has never made! months in the chaingang, no mat any reputation in literature and is j ter who he may lie.” entirely unknown exeept as the! Those who know the judge inventor of the republican Chinese : know that he will tarry out his wall tdriff platform? Whatever i decision to the letter. We sih- sundry articles; and finally the auctioneer'paused and remarked that it was absolutely necessary for him to have the attention of the entire audience. This made tlic ladies mad, and they began to door and Slid: "Great goodness, Nellie, you have bought nesilj - $30 worth!' -What? Why 1 didn’t have any idea I had spent over $5.’ There was a gentleman standing make so many uncomplimentary , near ine, who whispered in my car: remarks about the tablecloth that 1 it was thrown down and some thing else put up for sale. They had to inspect critically everything that was offered, and it required half the auctioneer’s ‘I’ve caught on to a scheme. I came here to buy my wife some itiuimings and laces, and I was afraid lo bid. because t knew nothing about such articles, hut now, whenever I see the ladies | bidding lively, then I’m going to Pavannali . . ar 12:23pm 12: 23 p m charleston . . ar 4:20 j» in 4:20 i* in tTiilahnu 11:26 a in 7:10 a m Jacksonville . nr 12:00 m a m New Orleans . Iv 4 :<)«> {» in Mobile . lv 8:*0 p in I'ensacola .. . lv 4:00 a m ThoniasvUlc . 12:55 j* m Jacksonville.. .. lv 7 :•*><» a m 6:40 j> in Callahan S:0rt a m 7: * -■» p m Charleston... . lv 3:00 a m 2:15 j’ in Savannah ... iv 7 ;00 a in S:15 p ni Waycross.... .lv 10:Wi a in 3:57 r. in PARKSR’S , BALSAS] [Clc-nses anrl beautifies tins ha! ,i Yomotes a luxuriant'7rcwili» Ift over Fas’* to Rcstcro Git ; Hail to its Youthful Color. GurcssoalpdiseasesaiuX fric. et Drnggisfcsh £ehiatt*.v*e. Jtol . lv 10:2!) a m .Iv. 10:41 a m lv 11:37 a m lv 12:5 p iu Ivtl2:2S p in ar 12:50 p in tSton on siirnal. Tim-hasc tickets at the station, and save extra fare collected upon the train. The mail train stops at all I> & \Y fctu- iioy*\ itobokfMi tVaynesv'e Jamaica . TV M’sb . Dmnswick. PARKER’S GINCERTOHH rsvsJu able lot Ccuslu;, CoiJa, iawardf oia&i&Ziaagt'i apr 12-1}* 4 :2. a m 4 :40 a m 3:32 a iu ! <1:03 a in j 10:25 a m 0:45 a in Jug. 0. Gunn, UNDERTAKER, Cuthbert, Georgia. Your attention is called to the fact that I am prepared to furnish, day or niirht. any style or size Connerfions mnde at Wayeross Coffin, Burial Case or Casket <-’• from all points on ^aVaifOah, Florida A mitt Mann i keep always in stock full assortments Pu Hi inn Palace Sleephtg atttl Mann Boudoir Gars. II. S. H A INKS. CEO. W. It AlXVX * » Geifl Manager. Supermtcnde'ht. C. D. OWENS, J. A. McDl FFlK. Traffic Manager, ileu’i Pass. Agent. K. AY. ANCilKU. Ass’t fien’l Pass. Ajrt. B x * S. S. at J. W, SfASFoiito s. .. \ In Stifles and Sixes. And can furnish Coffins as tastily trim med. and at Prices as Fcriv as Van he bonsrht in the State. Will send Hearse to any part of Che county hy contract. When you need me, come to see- me. t’an he found, at night, af resi donee, opposite 'Methodist'Church, on- Lumpkin street* selling. When a bolt of ribbon was -looked at’ it was unwound and the end passed around, while the holder of life boll run the rib bon out as the end got farther and farther away. When finally re turned to the auctioneer he had some ten or fifteen yards lo straighten out. The auctioneer, standing upon a tonnlcr, would throw out goods into llie audience for ladiesMo in spect, and when iic accidentally knocked off an elderly lady’s bon- net with a pair of stockings there came near being serious trouble. Once a corset was thrown into a young lady’s lap, imd with cheeks like poppies she drew her liat over her eyes, picked up the article gingeilyand dropped it into the lap of an old married lady, who exclaimed: ‘Them's good stays. I’ll give The first article Jic ‘ bought on this plan was ten yariU of lace at 30 cents a yard. aniMl was cotton, and could lie bought anywhere for 10 cents. He left the store a few minutes latcf: and I snpnose lie went home to get his wife. , , . . ..... I "‘Yes, we say what a sfiatne; shock, just like a shot rabbit. But . , , , . , ... . , , , and it should be stopped, it c re if I had thought that he was done , . fer to the fact that the liquor for I was mistaken, for in another. . , , , . | dcaiefs in this city arc guilty of second he was up and coming at ... , ... . , , 1 ° ; selling beer, if not other stronger mens hard as ever, only with his) .. , , , ,, , . . , ... . drinks, to the prattling, innocent head held low. 1 waited till be! .... - . . , children in our city. I ins is done was within ten yards, in the hope , , ,, , every day in the week and Sunday that he would expose ids chest,: ..... , , „ . , 1 j loo, in the face ami defiance of the hut he would do nothing of the sort. So I just had to fire at his head-with the left barrel, and take my chance. Well, as luck would have it, of course the animal pul its horn in the way of the bullet, which cut clean through it about three inches above the root, and Don’t Experiment. You cannot afford to waste time in experimenting " lien your lungs are in danger. Consumption al ways seems, at first only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to iui pose upon von with some cheap imitation of Dr. King's New Dis- coveiy lor Consumption, Coughs and Cold*, hut be sure you get the genuine. because he can make more profi* he may tell you he has something just as good, nrjusl the same. Don't be de ceived. but insist upon getting Dr. King's New Discovery, which is guaranteed to give relief io all Throat, Lung and Chest affec lions. Trial bottles free at J. W. Stanford's Drug Stole, law. Do you not know this to be a fact? Have you not seen it in ! your neighborhood? We have ! seen it more than once. Only a i few Sundays ago we saw a five or j six 3‘ear old negro child come out | of the gate of the grocery corner , West Broad and Minis streets tfien glanced off into space. After' . . . , , *?. , * j with a tin bucket half full ol beer, that tilings got rattier serious. My , , ,, . , . - ° , the bucket being uncovered. Tins gun was empty, and the rhinoee- c ., ‘ , was on the Sabbath,- we aav. ros was rapidly arriving—so rap : ,,,«•• „ , , , , , ° 1 Here was a double offence—a vio idly, indeed, that I came to the i, .. . , , . . | lation of llie Sunday law and the conclusion that I had belter make', , - , , , ... , ; law that forbids the sale of liquors way for him. Accordingly I Him.)-!. , , . , . , , . . ; to minors. And we are told that ed to my feet and ran to the right i / • , , . . “ 1 this same grocery, and the other as hard as I could go. As I did ... not far from it, corner West so he arrived full till, and knock ed my friendly ant heap flat, and, for llie second lime that day went a most magnificent ermq-er. This gave me a few seconds’ start, and I ran down the wind—my word. I did run! Unfortunately, however, my modest retreat was observed, and tbe rhinoceros, as soon as be got bis legs again, set to work lo run after me. Now no man on earth can run as fast dsan irritated rhinoceros can gallop, and I knew that lie must soon Caleb me up. But having sonic slight experience of this sort of thing, I, luckily for Broad and Taylor streets, contin ually. daily, tosell the abominable poison to both the white and ne grn children in the neigiilioi hoo.l without any compunction or fear. •Till they deny this? But we do not accuse them of being the only ones guilty of such violations of law. morality and decency, for wc verily believe evert retail liquor dealer id tbe city stands guilty of these high banded sins and viola tions.” At Wallingford, Coun., a big pointer dog was caught trying lo bury alive his rival—a small span iel—of whom be was insanely jeal ous. the naturc.of the assemblage Mr. McKinley was expected to come to deliver a republican protectionist speech. Jiist after President Cleveland's election the democrats decided to have a big jubilee meeting in At lanla. Nine tenths of Hie votes that had elected President Clove land were c.1st hy the tariff reform ers and yet the managers of this meeting invited Mr. Bandall to; come down and make the speech, and lie did make it and it advoca ted the protection that had always been tbe doctrine Of the republi can party and had always been op posed hy democrats. Three years later, when the gates of the Piedmont Exposition were opened. 31 r. Randall was on liafid again with Ills speech in fa vor of protection. The Piedmont Exposition was not a political af fair, but the liirifi' reformers wefc not beard from, and this great democratic apostle of protection was there lo disseminate his doc trines. If Senator Colquitt and Judge Stewart did refuse to have any- corely hope that llie other judges of the State will enforce the law in the same spirit and with’ the same vigor, it will bring about a grcitt rcforiii and suppress an evil which lias long been a shame to our civilization. thing to do with Mr. McKinley's™ 0 ”' 1 - TOU bavc *° tt ’ et1 ' l >u,,e ‘ , • visit they have .lone nothing of “' Vl,ttl! Shan’t I have’em out? liich the people of Georgia will disapprove. Dyspepsia (lured .(her Fifteen Years. Rrooewitt, Min. Co., West Va. \V. H. Comstock, Dec. 10, ’86, Dear Sir—For fifteen years I have been afflicted with Dyspepsia, and at times was unable to do any work. Six months a2° 1 began to take vour Indian Root l’ills and I have not lost a day from work. I highly recom mend them and am satisfied that they have hut to liertried to establish their merits. Yours truly, J.u.03 T. Lillls. 'hiking Her Happy. Detroit Free Press. A woman with tears in hereyes, and her jaw tied up, stood in the doorway of a Woodward avenue dentist the other day, having come in from the country to have a tooth pulledj ami yet dreading to lake the decisive step. In this emergency a pedestrian who un derstood her feeling^ halted and asked: “Toothache, ma’am?” “Yes, awfully.” “For how loDg?” “Two weeks: It isn’t quite so bad just now—just, this minute.” “Let me lecl your pulse, tt’m. Run ont your longue. Il'm. Had a Cold?” "Yes, sir.” “That's what ails you. It is neuralgia ill the facial muscles. A Chapter ou Beautiful Necks, Xew York Graphic. “A woman with it ttjiiic neck never conceals it,” is one of the' social aiiults. For the last fie# years, ever since, in fitel; the Prin cess of Wales became the leader of American and London fashionSj the white neck has been in eclipse. The princess . has a deep" scar, caused by an abcess under the skin, and to conceal this blemish the high collar on day dresses and the broad hand of velvet and jew els by night were adopted. Like’ most fashions this one was bofff to sooilic royal vanity, and it must be conceited it has proved It blessing lo many a long-fact feed 1 commoner. Now, however, there' is a threatened revolt among tbe young beauties with white round throats: they say, with the usual* cruelty of youth, that the princes? would be glad enohgll to dispense ' with her chokers ii she eottld, ant? they will not be governed by bef scar any longer. For tailor-made severe street gowns, yes; but ttfr the bouse, no! Aided atul abet ted by M. Worth, the girls are showing their necks in a most dis tracting way. At the theater tbff oilier night the back of the love liest white neck divided attention 1 with “Jim, the Penman,” whenev er the curtain fell, for tbe beauti ful line of the soft brown hair 09 \ that white skin, the graceful ■ curves of the jaw tthere It joineft i the neck, and then the roundnesa j of the contours, were studies in j which an artist might have revel*-' 1 ed. To exhibit all this loveliness the Frcncby gown was devoid of any band. Trying? WcH, slilpA- ly, bat then that is the charm of it. Only tbe young and fair may venture lo uncover this porliik#ttf the human anatomy. Itnglisk 1 girls are famous (ot their colum nar necks. Americans, on the’ contrary, are of the finer mold, and their necks, like their wristtf and ankles, arc more slender than 1 those of the fair, hut massive daughters of Albion. Mrs. Lang try, fur instance, has a perfectly set neck; the back of it is atlfif the Greeks call “kissablc,” and 80/ too, was this demoiselle’s who en grossed the attention of the occu' • pants of two seats behind her all the theater last week. It it sel dom, however, that this pure’ Greek ty|ic appears on this side of life Atlantic, though nb# it ftp to be fashion it will doubless de velop among American beauties,- for Americans have a way of be ing wliat they desire.- out?” “No, madam. Y’ou will get over it in a day or two.” “Ob, sir. I’m so glad—so glad. You don’t know how 1- (Jreaded it!” “Exactly. Keep your jaw tied up and go borne. I cttbHl have told clear across the 'street that you had no toothache,” It was an awful lie, but those who saw her happiness an she skipped out felt that- the liar ought lo have a tncdal. Lucky Little Htjit San Francisco Wasp. Tiic minister sought to iwpfofe’ the time hy giving Bobby a' lesson’ in ftooi'ality. •‘My boy,” he said, “f hare liv ed Wrty-five years ami have never used tobacco in any form, nor told a lie, nor swore, nor played booth-' ey, nor—” “Hare yon got any ItUllfboynJ* interrupted Bobby. ‘ No, I have never HftSJ any litlUf boys.” “Well, they are mighty lucky/’ said Bobby. Safflfiel Dickie, chairman of this’ national prohibition committee,- declares that tbe Chicago nomi nations chow the republican cam paign is to be one of pedigree and) pocket book. MB ■■■OHM OHM HBflfiiBtfHBUEHKI