Weekly state rights' sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1834-1836, October 21, 1836, Image 3

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THE SE N TIN EL. Aurustn, Friility, October 21, 1830. Mr OWN OIUNION IS, THAT IT IS TIIE NATURE OF ALLOII.* l ß»Tr.B?t>WltK TO INCREASE: IT HAS BEEN VERT APrur SAID r« «K I.IKK THE SCREW IN Ml!- ciianics;;t hoi.uk all it gain®, and every turn •it gains a iwtti.i: MORE. [Speech of Abraham Hal<imim,-af Georgia, in tie. V. Stales' Senate, on the Repeal of Judiciary AH of 1801. mw-sm &• FOR FHESIDENT. maiai FOR VICE-PRESIDENT. A-nO-Van Eiarcit Electoral Tick«t. Hr AMS ROSE BAKER, of Bibb. Col. JOHN W. CAMPBELL, of Muscogee. <Jdl. GIBSON CLARK, of Henry. Cel HOWELL COBB, of Houston. Hon. GEORGE R. GILMER, of Oglethorpe ©r THOMAS HAMILTON, of Cos*. •CHARLTON HINES, Esq. of Liberty. WILLI AM W. IIOLT, Esq of Richm-nd. Col. THOMAS STOCKS, of Greene. ©AVID MERIWETHER, Esq. of lasper •Gea. EZEKIEL WIMBERLY, of Twiggs. FOR CONGRESS. WILLIAM. C. DAWSON. THE ELECTIONS—FULL RETURNS. We give to-day the returns from till the comi ties in the State, and also a list of the members of the Legislature. The state of the poll shows a closer election Ilian ive have ever had before in Georgia, and must be highly gratifying to the friends of State Rights every where. It is a perfect demonstration of the overthrow of Van Buren in November. Our aggregate differs from that of the Constitutionalist only in this, that we have added tlie vote of a precinct in Oglethorpe County, and taken from the official returns in the Mdledgeville papers, not contain ed in the estimate of that paper, at which the State Rights candidates received a majority of 40 or fifty votes. William C. Dawson, a State Rights’ man, is elected by 467 votes over Cof fee, and is only 187 votes behind Holsey. Our next highest tnan, Alford, is beaten 374 votes. The highest on the Union ticket, is 089 ahead of our highest; and their lowest man elected 811 altcaa of our lowest. But lor the extraor dinary sickness prevailing in all the midland Counties, there is no doubt that more titan half our ticket would have been elected. As it is, the result is one over which we rejoice ; two years ago, our Congressional ticket was beaten by an average majority of about 5000 votes; last year we were beaten for Governor 2527 votes, and now the majority is so meagre, that neither the Athens Banner, nor the Standard of Union, have breatli enough left from their frigid to raise a shout of triumph. When neither of those papers can say “glory,” the case is in deed desperate ! Those in italics are elected; those marked thus *, are State Rights men. Glascock , - 48172 Cleveland , - 29579 Towns, - 29541 Haynes, - 29477 Granlland, - 29332 Owens, - 29323 Jabez Jackson, - 29217 Holsey, - 29177 * Dawson, - 28990 * Alford, . 28803 ♦Coiquett, - 28661 *Habcrsham, - 28582 Coffee, . 28523 ♦King, - 28455 *J. W. Jackson, - 28415 ♦Nesbit, - 28394 ♦Black, - 28366 The following is the result of the election in Philadelphia, in the city proper, for two mem bers of Congress: WHIG. VAN BUREN. Joint Sergeant, 5321 Read, 3000 G. W. 'Poland, 5313 Longstreth, 3078 THE WILLIAM GIBBONS. Tins steam pabketleft New York on t ho Bth instant, for Charleston, and lias not since been heard of, and it is feared lias been lost with all on board of iter. Wo understand that among her passengers were many citizens of Charles ton and Augusta, with their families. Great anxiety prevails in both cities. Several vessels laden with provisions have been sent out in quest of her in various directions from Charleston. The Courier of that city minks there is 100 much alarm manifested, as it is probable she may have put into some of the smaller ports on the Atlantic, from which we may not hear from her for several days yet. Van Buronites arc straining every ( nerve to carry tlie Electoral vote of Georgia, j They hope to profit by the apatliy of their op- < ponents, and carry the State for Gen. Jackson’s j nominee. And is there an anti-Van Buren man £ in Georgia that will so far forget hie duty, as to ( stay away from the polls, rain or shine, on the ■ first Monday in November ? Is there one who ( will lose the honor of lending a helping hand to the overthrow of corruption, misrule, district abolition, and practical amalgamation ? Is there ( one who will fail to be at bis post of duty, in f such a righteous cause 1 VVe hope not. Then , rally to the POLLS—TO THE POLLS, free- , men of Georgia, and redeem your Slate from ( the disgrace of being sold and transferred in ( the market, by the political stock-jobbers of | Van Buren! Our enemies battle for the “spoils of office” under the black flag of the Magician and Amalgamator ; we for the rights of the people, under the spotless banner of While! Their array is a hundred thousand office-hold ers, and a hundred thousand drilled and hungry office-hunters, with their dependents and under lings ; ours, is the raw militia of the uubought, unfeed, non-officc-holding, non-office-hunting people ! Who shall be absent in such a strug gle I Who shall lose his share of the honors of such a victory as awaits us ! To the Polls, then, EVERY ONE, TO THE POLLS ! ! MADNESS AND DESPERATION! Tlie result of the late election has convinced the friends of Van Buron that his chance is in deed desperate, to obtain the Electoral vote of Georgia, and they arc now making their death struggle, with a madness and desperation un paralclled in the political contests of Georgia. Eook at the columns of their papers; they teem with miarcprescntationK the most flagrant, and falsehoods the most foul. Look at the columns of the Constitutionalist of the 18th inst., and the Standard of the Union, for the proof of this assertion. The Constitutionalist says: “The Whigs and Nulhfiers are willing to give their votes for Gen!. Harrison and Mr. White, who are friends of tiie Bank of the United States.” The Nullificrs do not support Gen. Harrison; he is not our man—lie is not in the contest in Georgia at all, and wo arc not willing tu give our votes for him. Tint .lodge Wl.m* is a friend of the Bank of the United States, is false, false, false! Nothing but the most reckless disregard for trutii could ever have justified such an asser tion ! There is not a single act of his life thal will warrant it! But why tnout he about tiie Bank ? Can the Van Burenites talk and think of nothing but the Bank? The Bank is dead ; its charter has expired, its day is passed ; its destiny is fulfilled, and why then do the Van Buren party eternally gabble about a tiling not inexistence? VVe can tell the people. The Bank was unpopular in the South during its ex istence ; and they think to frighten the people into the support of Van Buren, by dragging forth the dry bones of the dead monster to the public gaze, and then stretching their own mouths, and flaring their own eyes as if fright ened half to death, they bawl out, “ behold the Bank,” “ look at the Monster,” “ there’s Nick Biddle,” “down with Biddle,” “down with the Bank,” “huzza for J-'ckson !** All this terrify ing clamor and ferocious war cry is made over the dead carcass, for the purpose ofkoepmg up a morbid cxc foment, for the benefit of Mr. Van Buren, a man who, in the graphic language of a Tennessee toast, “cannot stand long enough upon his own merits to be knocked down.” And will tiie people suffer themselves to be deluded into the support of such a man by such means ? Arc they nuinsculls, dolts and blockheads? No! Again tiie Constitutionalist says: “ And why do vve support Air. Van Buren ? Because lie is opposed to a protective tariff, to a system of internal improvement; to the Bank of the United States, and bank monopolies, and because he would oppose any measure tending to interfere with tiie institution of slavery in the South. Mr. Van Buren believes that the fede ral government possesses no constitutional pow er to meddle with slavery in the States, and he believes that slavery cannot be abolished in the District of Columbia, without the consent of the slave-holding States, if even tiie federal go vernment had tiie power. “ If Mr. White or General Harrison iiad de clared that they entertained opinions similar to those of Mr. Van Buren’s, we would not be so much opposed to those gentlemen.” Have trutii and sincerity departed this world ? and have ignorance and blind credulity taken possession of it, that men will make such asser tions with the hope of finding believers? Van Buren opposed to the Tariff! Why he abso lutely voted for every Tariff ever imposed by Congress since 1824—tiie “bill of abominations and all,” in 1828! “ Opposed to internal im provement"! Why lie voted for the Cumber land Road, with its toll gates, and for every measure of internal improvement of a popular character ever proposed ! “ Opposed to the Bank"! Yes, after it had become unpopular ; before that time he petitioned for one of its branches to be located at Albany ! Has he not declared his belief in tiie constitutional power of Congress to abolish slavery in tiie District of Columbia ? And yet the Constitutionalist says, that if White or Harrison entertained sim ilar views on these subjects, to those of Van Buren, that tiie Editors would not “be so much opposed to them”! Now, admitting that Van Buren is opposed to the tariff, to the bank, and to internal improvements, we ask wherein docs lie differ from Judge White? The Judge is opposed to them all, and on the subject of Abo lition the Constitutionalist certainly will not have the assurance to say that Van Buren’s opinions are preferable to his ! White is op posed to abolition, and stands above Van Buren in denying the right of Congress to touch the question anv where, not even in the District. Was there ever before such palpable misrepre sentation and bare-faced inconsistency as this paraded before tiie wot id in a public newspaper, under the guise of truth and dignity ? Never! But the Constitutionalist again says ; “ But. we are convinced that, should eitliGr Mr. White or Genl. Harrison be chosen to be President of the United States, a course of po licy would bo pursued, which would place the Union in imminent peril. The surplus revenue would be employed in corrupting the people of the States; and increase the surplus, duties on imposts would have to be increased. The fiscal operations of the country would he under the control of the Bank of the United States. A system of internal improvement would be car ried into effect in the States. And the question of Abolition would become one of the leading measures of the administration.” “Angels of grace and ministers of peace de fend us”! Abolition “one as she leading meas ures of White's administration"!!! “ Reason bast thou quit the haunts of men, and fled to brutish beasts”] Truth, sincerity, discretion, character and common sense, are ye all thus a'u.ked upon the desperate “hazard of the die,” to b.s lost forever to the world, unless Van Bu ren be elected 7 Is Mr. Guieu mad, that he raves thus 7 I s he crazed, that he speaks thus as one, who i.aving no landmark in the realms of truth, whithef t° direct his footsteps, falls into the bogs and of error and falsehood 7 Or has the prospect 01 Van Buren s defeat con founded his senses, bewJdered his judgment, and brought him to the last stages of madness, desperation, and blindness to public censure. VVe know not which most to admu'S, the weak ness which could be brought to believe what Mr. Guieu says he is “ convinced ” of, she pre sumption which supposes it can dupe othei: s! in to a like opinion, or the hardihood which ca n j face a world in saying that the abolition of sla very will be “one one of the leading measures” of White’s or Harrison’s administration, should either of thorn be elected : And sucii tilings, too. asserted by a friend of Van Boren’s! Yes, by a supporter of the man who voted to restrict slavery in Missouri and Florida, who now pro fesses to believe, “with the lights before him,” that Congress lias a right to abolish slavery in the district of Columbia, and who, to cap the climax of political perfection, voted to allow free negroes the right of suffrage. Such reckless arsertions, however little they may become a respectable press, are certainly well worthy of tli e black cause which they are intended to sub serve. Our apprehensions in regard to the state of Indian feeling along our western borders are greatly strengthened by the belief of Gen. Gaines himself now or. a visit to our city. He is we are informed, decidedly of the belief that many ofjjiese Indian tribes tire in a state of excitement calculated to lead to disastrous results, unless timely and efficiently check ed. The general, with a vigilant, eye upon all their movements, is not neglectful so far as in him lies, of those precautionary steps which his knowledge and prudence suggest ought to be taken. We do hope that lie will meet with a cheerful and prompt co-o|>eratioii on the part of those states that he may deem ne cessary through requisitions, to call to the aid of the present unprotected frontiers; and we farther hope, that the eyes of the federal Executive may be opened to the impending danger, which on this subject appear to us to be strangely blinded either by the effect of ad vancing years or some strange delusion ; there was a time when Gen. Jackson knew hotter and would have been the last man in the com ! nmnily, to remain in wilful ignorance of Ike j existing altitude oftlie Indians beyond the j M ■ i .-ip lowards us. V. O. linlloiin I I.'/; hrt. MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATURE. Appling County—Leggett ; Hall. Baldwin — Mitchell; Harris, Hammond. Bryan— Hines; Bird. Burke— Lawson; Byne, Harris, Hurst. Bui och—Cone; Wilkinson. Bibb —A Tie; John B. Lamar, Jas. Lamar. Butts—Wilson; White, Summerlain. Baker—Holmes; Colly. Columbia— Avary; Robertson, Gunity, Alford. Chatham—M’AHister; Gordon, Drysdaie, Bul loch. Clark— Mitchell; Moore, Stroud, Barnett. Crawford —King; Carr, Colbert. Camden— Hopkins; Clark, Cone. Campbell— Cochran; Camp, White. Coweta—Echols; Wood, Smith. Carrol!—Bell; Harrison, Rogers. Cherokee—M’Conneii; Ford. Cass —Morg.n; Espy. Cobb—Guess; Mays. Decatur— Curry; Hines, Keith. DeKalb—Johnson; Powell, Diamond, Murphy. Dooly—Bowen; Bush. Eifingham— Waldhauer; Hines. Elbert— Heard; White, Davis, Johnson. Emanuel—Swain; Drew. Early— Holmes; Ward. Franklin—Freeman; Mitchell, Knox, Ash. Fayette—King; Allen, Landrum. Forsyth—Wharton; Hayes. Floyd—Smith; Eilis. Greene— Janes; Mosely, Sandford, King. Gwinnett—Blackman; Ezzard,Hamilton,Shipp, Rambo. Glynn— Stockton; Berrie, Dart. Giirner—Cooper; Price. Hancock— lngram; Smith, Culver, Turner. Harris— White; Pryor, Henry. Houston—Dean; Kelly. Dupree, Duncan. Henry— Segur; Beck, Bentley, Love. Hall—Dunagan; M’Afee,Clark, Keith, Roberts. Habersham—Smith; Holcombe; Kimsey,C7eie- land. Heard—Wood; Peddy. Irwin—Polk; Young. Jasper— Reese; Burney, Hill, Price. Juckson—-Liddle; Burns, Penticost, Pitman. Jones—Hutchins; Day, Gray, Renfore. Jefferson—Stapleton and Holt, tied; Campbell, Smith. Lincoln— Lamar; Lockhart, Wright. Liberty— llines; Spencer, Quarterman. Laurens— Wright; Allen, Hampton. Lowndes—Pike; Blackshear, Lee — Shotwcll; Ford. Lumpkin—McLeod; Crane. Morgan— Floyd; Ogilsby, Swift, Stallings. Monroe— Rutherford: Black,Flewellen,Gordon, Barron. Muscogee— Lawlion; Holland, Flournoy. Murray—Baker; Carroll. Macintosh — Powell; McDonald, King. Madison— Polk; Daniel, Stickland. Montgomery— M'Lennan; M’Arthur. Merriwether—Burke; Reeves, Fletcher. Marion— Bond; Jones. Newton — Floyd; Cooper, Harris, Loyall. Oglethorpe— Hardeman; A/’ Kinley, Hill, Cook. Putnam — Gordon ; Merriwether, Branham, Hurt. Pulask —Bracewell; Kent, Whitfield. Pike—Harris; Blackburn, Williams. Paulding— Walthall; Bryson. Richmond —Walker; Rhodes, Jenkins, Miller. Rabun—Aloseley; Kelly, Coffee. Randolpii—Conyers; Wood. Scriven — Green; Roberts, Scruggs. Stewart—Robertson; Dismukes. Sumter — Cowart; M'Crary. Taliafero — Gresham; Darden, Stephens. Twiggs—Smith; Solomon, Fitzpattick. Thomas— Reynolds; Blackshear, Dawson. Telfair —Rogers; Hatten. Tattnall— Surrency; Sharpe. Talbot—Powell; Drane, Towns. Troup— Williams; Dougherty, Lewis. Upson— Goode; Blount, Collier. Union—Butt; Welborn. Wilkes—Willis; Brown, Bolton, Bradford. Walton—Echols; Easly, Bryant, Moon Warren—Gibson; Andrews, Blount, Franklin. Washington—Saffoid; Floyd, Warlhen, Robi son. Wayne—Robson; Jones. Ware—Fullwood; Hilliard. Wilkinson— Beall; Hatcher, Rivers, Walker—Faris ; Davis. From .Jacksonviilo The Schooner George <£• Mary , Capt. w i i.lis, arrived yesterday from Jackson ville, —we have received the Jacksonville Courier of the 13th inst. lrom which we have copied the following: Jacksonville, Oct 13. We hear partly from rumor but mostly from undoubted authority, that the detach ments of Tennessee troops have killec straggling Indians to the number of four teen. It is to be hoped that the report and general impression are true—that even the swamps and hammocks of P lorida afford no safe refuge for the Indian, from the bold and brave Tennesseans. Should this campaign close the war, as every friend of Florida devoutly wishes, those men will return to their own State their friends and homes, wearing the laurels ol "the date of our latest intelligence, Oov. OVD was still at Fort Drane —and report says, he is short of provisions and Supplies must soon reach him. It is supposod he will soon he on the Ouithlacoochy and that supplies will be brought up that .river. Forage has ere now reached Volusia, and Maj. Pierce, with his command, hu' s undoubtedly joined the Governor. A gentleman of the Army in a letter to Col. Dell, thiJ place, to whose politeness we are indebted lor a perusal, thus speaks ol' Maj. Pierce “He is a fine fellow —going a head — taking all the responsibility to aid Gov. Call with forage, See. without waiting, as some of the rest do, for a special order for every “ half-bit he expends.” The same writer says the question of command between General Jesup and Gov. Call is settled. Gen. Jesup does not claim it, hut offers to take any command the Governor gives h'm the command of his own regulars, 800 in number and the Creek Indians, GOO in number. They left Tampa on the 25th ult. and are suppo sed to he on the Ouithlachoochy. No news from Gov. Call sines the 28th ult. Reliance can be placed on the above statements, as they come from a gentle man who ought to know the facts and is above misstating them. The Indians have doVibtless concentra ted their forces, and probably they are in council consulting whether to yield or fight till the last man of them is slain. From the past winter and the Seminole cltarac !er, we can hardly anticipate tiny other alternative than* that they will, in one wav or {mother continue the warfare. Extract from a letter to the editor, dated. “MICANOPY, Oct Bth. 1836. ‘‘We arrived here yesterday together with Maj. Pierce and about 100 regulars. We met 100 ol Gov. Call’s volunteers under Col. Cuthbert, at SantatFee as an additional escort or to hurry on provisions to the Governor, who will; 1700 men, lately arrived at Fort Drajpe, probably ‘on the 3d. They left this place on the sth, and about 20 miles on towards San tafTee, at Daniels’ place, they surprised and killed Four Indians. The house is situ ated about 100 rods from the road, and feeling themselves perfectly secure from observation, were cooking and preparing a meal, but the smoke let the secret out and the volunteers surrounded them. They all run and attempted to break through the line but were shot down making no resistance. I was at the house yesterday and Billy (Omartln’s cousin) was along. He examined the dead bodies and is of the opinion that they were Creeks-—He says no Seminole ever goes from home so poorly dressed as these were, one of whom was naked. “We expect to leave to-night for Gov ernor Call’s bead quarters, and from thence we do not yet know. “The Indians have dug up almost every thing which the troops buried on leaving this place in the summer, and even Lieut. Wheelock’s grave was yesterday found open on our arrival. They had dug to the coffin hut left it unmolested when they discovered it to be a grave.” La!e«l from Spain. The Sentinelle tics Pyrenes of the 27th u!t., gives the following?—“lt is stated that Gener al Cordova arrived last night at St. Jean-Pied de-Port. lie was escorted to the frontier by GO horsemen, and at the tort of Falcarlos was re ceived with “Death to the traitor!” His Aide-de-camp, M. Castillo, went yesterday in a chaise to rejoin him. It is not known vvhe ther Cordova will go to Bayonne or rejoin his sister at the waters of Bagneres..’ Extract of a letter of a recent date from Bar celona; —“The ultra party lias succeeded in establishing a reign of terror. Far from being satisfied with their first success, their exactions only increase. They insist upon having the entire government m their hands, and demand that all the public functionaries shall be chang ed, begining with General Alvama. General JVJina is henceforth without either power or in fluence, his ill health has induced hinr to resign his GJices. There are 3,000 Carlists under arms in the df’Virons of Tarragona, which town ha 6 just escaped ifi’tn plunder which it had been promised by some to be sub jected to by the mobalized Na’.ionai Guards of Tortosa. On the 24t :i, Esperanza iiCtl as sembled 1,600 men under the guns of Valen cia. Generals Motes and Sorias, and Briga dier Amor have resigned their commands. The battalion which broke the windows of the French Consul at Valencia has been con fined to its barracks for two days. A letter of the 20th ult. from Bayonne says “M. de Toreno has, it i 6 said, arrived at San tander whence he will probably proceed to England or France and wait till the present storm has blown over. The command of the army lias devolved upon Espartero, but the po sition of this General who has defeated Go mez five or six times within the last fortnight, if his bulletins tell truth, is at present unknown. It is however, certain that the Carlists are routed.’ Another letter of date, evidently written by a partisan of Don Carlos has the following :---“Gen. Gomez has divided his ar my into three corps ; first under the com mand of the Marquis and composed of 5,000 men, is in the occupation of Mondo nedo, in Gallicia, and the surrounding c >un try ; the second, under Brigadier Arrovo, which is 6,400 strong, is in the Asturias and the third, the ellec'ive force of which is 7,000 infantry and6oo cavalry, commanded by Gen eral Gomez in person, threatens the town of Leon, and its environs. All the three divis ions are raising recruits in the country. It is announced that the Carlist Brigadier Don Caston, Andechaga has completely defeated the Christino Chief, Don F. Iraiarta, in the Incartaciones, and forced him to retire in dis order to Santander.” A Bordeaux letter of the 271 h Aug. saj’s ; “We have received further details respecting the battle of Lodoso. G< n Iribbarrens bullet in, instead of being exaggerated, appears to have been under drawn. It has been ascer -ained that the real number of prisoners is 1,014 instead of 900. A depot of arms and 22 horses fell into the hands of the Christinos. The Carlist prisoners, formerly so refractory, now become excellent--,uxilliaries, the enthu siasm of the Queen’s troops extending even to them. Already the greatest portion of these new prisoners have taken the oath to the Con stitution, and fraternized with the Queen’s troops. Ituralde, after his defeat at Lodoso, went with his staff to *Lerin, and submitted himself and his followers to the disposal of the Queen. He is reproached with having pur posely suffered himself to be beaten, for fear of being brought to a Court Martial ; but he could not help being beatefi for lus men, being with out food and pay, were envious of their adver saries, who were in .better condition, and full of enthusiasm, and tlierefore he has probably surrendered to avoid a useless effusion of blood.” Extract of a letter from Madrid, August 22: The citizens are obliged to arm in self-de fence, in the abscence of all legal protection. It is no uncommon sight to behold the inhabi tants of the city with a sword by their side, pistols in their belt, and a cudgel in their hand. The nomination of General ltodil lias evidently been forced upon the Queen ; her uisiiße to mat oincc. 1.. wepoc n».iy iuaimesieu itself since the fall of the Mendizbal ministry. It appears quite settled that the Cortes are to meet on the 25th of' etober. The dispo sitions of the Constitution of 1812 will be ob served. Such is at least the general opinion, which does not attempt to conceal the embar assment which must result to Government from the confusion between the principles of the royal statute and those of the constitution of 1812. The French Embassy is put into mourning, and an immense crowd who hasten to inscribe themselves at Madame de Raynard’s testify the high esteem in which her husband was held, and how much he is regretted. Madrid, Aug. 23. The renewal of a law upon the freedom of the press was a necessary consequence of the proclamation of the Constitution of 1812. The Ministry have thought proper to observe the one decreed by the Cortes of the 22d of October, 1820. This law allows all Spaniards to write and publish their opinions without first submitting them to the Censorship, excepting only works which treat of the Scriptures or the dogmas of the Catholic religion.— Ezprt: not. The Constitution of Arrngon, of the 20th inst. announces that the hand of the rebel Ba sillo has been unable to effect, the passage of the Ebro, not having found a ford. All the boats that could he found between Malkcn and Galieoz were taken away with great promp titude. Basillo then wi n? towards Calatnyuil, in order to be able-to retire by the right bank of the Ebro ; there is no doubt of his being at tacked, and losing the rich booty which he is carrying along with him. A letter from Sirag osa of the same date, & of Carlist origin, gives the following details ;—“Basillo entered Mar agonit with 10,000 men and 300 cavalry, and gave a ball there, lie got his convoy of 3, 000 and 2000 recruits over the Ebro, and then inarched upon Borga, where he got 200 volun teers. lie afterwards went towards Mullen, following the b'lt hank of the Man. lie then j i i.i returned toward Ct! t’at ud. where Qui. lez was. The latter had left at Cantavieja in convoy of 90,000 duros and 600 colts ; he had also re assembled 300 prisoners. Cunning:. The New York Evening Star says:—“ A short tune since High Constable flays went to search a house, where a man had been rob bed of a hundred dollar bill. After a strict search, he was about to leave the premises, without success, when lie suddenly turned to the old woman in attendance, &. giving her his hand, wished her a good bye. fn so doing, the crafty uficer drew a tailor’s thimble from her finger, in which was hidden the i <lentical nole! This worthy funtionary has obtained such a knowledge of human nature, in consequence of his long practice, that lie is almost omniscient.” Ttlorc ItcNignation. The last Army & Navy Chronicle gives an account of eight additional resignations in the army. A year hence there will be scarcely officers enough to take command of a single regiment. FOR THE SENTINEL. T O M Y M OTHER. WRITTEN WHILE SOJOURNING IN A DISTANT LAND. BY THOMAS IIOLI.EY CHIVERS, M. D. “ The words of a man's mouth are as deep waters, and the wcllspring of wisdom as a flowing brook." The Proverbs of Solomon, 1 Am, ol>, that thou wast with me, in this world. To hold me near thee- press me with dalight— To comb the ringlets that have often curled, And talk with all iny brothers in thy sight. To smile before thee —lo- etheo day and night— And kiss thy kissing lips, so kind and true ; To do those tilings which thou vvould’st deem aright— Obey thee all my life—thy ways pursue— And love thee with deep love —the love 1 have for few. o When my last summer s sun was spent with thee, I thought to find another friend on earih,' A dream untold —a dream it is I see ! Oh ! lovely mother! author of my birth ! Thou who didst teach mo innocence and mirth ! To search thyjike is seeking the unkuown ! For who, when found, could be of so much worth ? And who has been so kind to thee, mine own ? Who call'st me thy dear child, as if I wore not grown -3 My precious mother ! think not that I stay Because 1 am undmindful of thy heart— For not one moment in each tireless day, Doth find me reckless, though to far apart! I am not duped by snules, or beauty’s art, But chaste as are the snows that fall to-dny, Are feelings that possess me ! —for 1 start At that which fills me, for I must obey My spirit’s impulse, or endure the smart That my neglect would cause from out my soul to start * 4 And I have been two years or more away From thee, and stilt my feelings are not changed ! J love thee, as if absent but one day, And nothing earthly have my thoughts estranged. I have with beauty, many smiles exchanged,) And fed my soul on sentiments divine! But these are trifles—they have nothing changed— For I am, as it were, a spark of thine, And that which thou dost pvvn—the same sweet thing are mine. 5 My Mother ! still, I feel the day we parted Fresh in my remembrance ! Thy good advice Was like relief unto the broken hearted— A precious incense from a sacrifice ! That caused a sun upon my soul to rise, That ne’er shall set —and, since the day I left, I have adored thine absence, nor mine eye* Been tearless, but in sleep ! —The wing is cleft Thatmadethis journey, else thou vvert no longer left. 6 The scones which I b-didjfc are fair to see, Eut they are like old things remembered long! My thoughts are all consigned to worship thee, For life is but an argument for song ! But why should I ibis sacrifice prolong. When all my heart is offered ihee in praise ? To venerate thine absence—for the throng Os my soul’s voices chaunt away these lays, To guarantee that kindness which shall live always 7 Thus, basking on thy kindness, I proceed In my devotion, and with love that flows With an unbridled current, teem and bleed In my soul’s worship, till my kindness knows No barrier —feels no bounds—but onw*ard goes, Like a majestic river, which sweeps down • All opposition—ending where it rose In thi soul’s ocean—that it may redown To make me happy—crown thee with a righteous crown. 8 Those scenes which 1 would willingly descry, Are lar beyond the mountains —hut these strings Are not awauened Irorn a theme so high, To sing perspective—they are trivial things— Which I can see at pleasure—that which brings Contentment mixed with sorrow, hath its source In the heart’s fiery mountain— there it springs From an unfathomed fountain—and its course Wends onward to the soul, to spend affection’s force. 9 All that I think, or see, or know, or feel, I think, see, know, and feel for none like thee— My hopes to see thee, fixes firm my weal, My hate of life, if that should never be ! If ’twere not so, what were this world to me ? A blank—a gloom—a phantom, and a shade '. This tells me what thou art—my destiny— Anu wast thou gone, and in thy coffin laid The thoughts through which I praise thee would for ever fade ! 10 There is no voice to mortal ears so sweet As chiding from a mother’s fervent love ! And that dear kindness which I used to gree’, Now pours upon me, as from heaven above! But I have left thine ark, —a faithful dove ! or oil u.'il)nn most onwly to return! And be it long or late, where'er 1 rove, I lie -er wi U forgtl my native bourne— The place where thou did’st leach me that I loved to learn. 11 I taste much that is sweet, and hear the voice Os plearantness salute mine car, —I feel As if my happiness would soon rejo’ce In its completion—and my future weal Be centered in a heart—hut not of steel! As if transported on the wings of bliss, I hold thee near me—seal thee with a seal Os unrelenting kindness- -with a kiss, Which is not of this world—to cancel all distress. 12 31}’ Mother! may thy joys on earth increase As did the widow’s cruise of precious oil! 31 ay all thy paths be paths ol perfect pence, To lead Iheeo’er an unadulterated soil ! 3lay weal and wisdom crown thy daily toil, And learn, like Deborah, w hat ,’nou should’st know! And have revealed that which shall never spoil, As was the voice which went to Jericho— That passed beyond the Oak of Ophrab unto old Shiloh, 13 Man’s life is as a shadow—let the sun— The chatener of my spirit—shine ag tin ! Let that wlfch I had long ago begun, Take root and flout ish—let my heart obtain Some recoin pence for absence and lor pain ! That I may cotne at the appointed hour, Enthroned in love—that I may always gain Thy confide ce— then, will my soul have power To pour down on thy latter age a bounitous shower. If 3lay God be with tlirc—heaven dispense thee aid — That all around and over thee may slpne ! 3lay life he precious—death a pleasant sh.rdo— l'o lead thee unto blessedness divine ! Ob ! may no loss he granted unto thine ! That when resolved to pass from life to death— From death to lile—no longer to repine— Which beams upon me with awakened fiith— .May no mute in heaven to 1 rvatlr each other's !m ,qh Aran. loth, 1*33. AUQUSTA PBICI3 CGBaSST. A licvew of the niurkel, mr the past week. The receipts of Colton are lieavy this week anti the article ht)9 met ready sale at from 17 to 173, prin cipal sales early in the week at. 17,, since which the quantity arriving has checked the demand and prices have receded a little. Yesterday the averege price for good lo.'yls was 171, choice in square hales will still command 173. COTTON, 17 a 18 BAGGING.— Cotton cotton bagging, none. Best hemp and flax, 35 a 110 Inferior to fair, 30 a 35 BALE ROPE— 131 a 14 TWlNE.—English, 374 American, 30 a 371- SALT.—Liverpool ground, 75 a 87 BACON.—Hams, 16 Sides, 11 n 15 Shoulders, 11 a 13 LARD— 1H a 30 MACKERELL.—No. 1-scarce, 811 a 13 No. 3, 810 a 11 No. 3, 71 a 8 CHEESE.—In casks or boxes 12 a 15 FLOUR.—Sweet Canal, „ 812 a 12S Do do Baltimore none CORN— 75 a 80 MEAL 87 a §1 IRON.—Swedes and Russia, 51 a 6 NAILS.—Cut id to 40<i, 8 a 9 COFFEE.— Prime green, 15 a 1G •lavaand big white, If a 15 Inferiorlo fair, li a 14 SUGARS.—St. Croix, 14 a 15 Porto Rico, 14 a 15 New Orleans, 13 a 14 Loaf and Lump, IS a 30 MOLASSES.—West India, 45 a 50 TEAS.—lniperialand Gunpowder 100 a 112. Ily*on ~5 a 155 CANDLES.—Sperm, 40 Tallow —Augusta made, 17 a 19 LIQUORS.—Cognac Brandy, 175 a 225 American do 35 a 75 Peach do 75 a 100 Apple do 50 a 56 Holland Gin, 1121 a 150 Northern do 48 a 52 Jamaica Rum a N. E. Rum, 48 a 52 Whiskey, m hluls. 46 a 48 Do in bbls 48 aSO WlNES.— Madeira, 200 a 300 Teneriffe, 00 a 150 Malaga, f>s a 76 PEPPER —Black, 10 a 13 Pimento, W a LEAD.—In bars, a 4 BUTTER.—Goshen, scarce, *8 a 35 KxoJia.ntre nmt Ua.uK ft'olc 'fuHe, Rank of August a, P* F - Mechanics Bank of Augusta, do. Insurance Bank of Augusta do. State Bank, Farmers Bank of Chattahoochee, par. Bank of Columbus, par. Insurance Bank of Columbus, do. Branches of State Bank, do. Commercial Bank of Alacon, do. liawkinsville Bank, do. Dariev Bank and Branches, do. Savannah Bank Notes, do. Merchantsand Planters Bank, do. South-Carolina —Charleston Banks,do. Commercial Bank,Columbia, do. American Cold Coin, new, do. do. do. old 4 ct. prefn. British do. do. none Georgia Gold, 90 a 94c. a dwt. Carroll county Gold, 96c. do. Norlh-Carolina do. 80 a 90c.d0 EXCHANGE* Checks on Nevv-York, none. Charleston, par. Savannah, none. Bills on the North, 30 &. 00 days, sight, interest off tor time to run. I'nder 30 days, interest and } per ct. Charleston, “ lnte-est off. Savannah, “ do. do. Bank Notes, h per cent. prem. OBll'l’AltY. Died, Ot Bath, Richmond County, Georgia, of Con smrmfio.i. on the morning of the 1-tli inst , Mrs. AN GELA DWiGHT, wife of the Rev Theodore M. Dwight,aged 2'J v ears. Her bereaved hushaml and child have in he,' death sustained a loss which this world can never repair. -But faith points the bleeding hearts of Iter weeping l. iends, to that Internal Rest on high—the rich inherit.tt. 'e oi the blessed,and whis pers ‘ peace, be still." into that rest and upon the full fruition of that inheritance iloJc "'ho knew her pious life witnessed her lovely death, can for a mo ment doubt that she has joyfully entered. In her long protracted suffering, which she bore With un complaining resignation, and in her peaceful depar ture, were exhibited in an eminent degree, the sweet ness rather than the dazzling splendour of Christian triumph. Death having,through the power ol sacti fying grace, lost his sting, brought no terrors to her redeemed spirit. “Her cud was lull of peace. Befitting, her uniform piety serene; “Twas rather the deep humble calm of faith, Than her high triumph: resembling more The unnoticed setting of a clear day’s sun, Than his admired departure in a blaze Os glory bursting from a cloudy course.” Though her many dear friends whom she has left for a little season in this “vale of tears," weep under the stroke of the chastening rod, and although the church to which she belonged mourns over the wide breach in her little company, yet we weep not—nei ther mourn for her. The tenderest affection cannot for a moment wish her back again, in t his wilderness of sin. She has gone but a lit tle before us to her eter nal home to enjoy forever, without a veil be! ween the full glories oft he lamb: “Happy Spirit! thou hast fled Where no grief can entrance find, Lulled to rest the aching head, Soothed of the anguish of the mind; All is tranquil and serene, Calm and undisturbed repose, There no cloud can intervene, There no angry tempest blows; Every tear is wiped away, Sighs no more shall heave the breast, Night is lost in endless day, Sorrow in eternal rest!” I*Bifolic I7£oe<issg. fijfcp& sa The citizens of Augusta and of ehJSf ilie county of Richmond, a"o respectfully invited to meet at the Masonic Hall, on SATURDAY the 22nd tnst. at 12 o’clock, to appoint Delegates to the Convention to be held at Macon the first Mon day in November next. SAMUEL IIALE, Mayor. Oct 21 It Victor JDiirmsri A: to. CORNER OF BROAD AND MACINTOSH STREETS, t * AVE received mid arc now opening a handsome t 5 assortment of LONDON CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES of the newest and most fashionable style, viz : Daliah, l’lttm, Bottle Green, Adelaide, Kassel Brown, Acanthus, Olive, Invisible Green, and Bine and Black BROADCLOTHS: Zebra Plaid: i?<UUvay, Mist Ribbed, Diagonal, Maided, Buckskin, and Plain and Ribbed Blue and Black CASS/. MERES. Which they will make up to order, in the neatest style, and on reasonable terms. A I.SO, A latge assortment ol Knitted Cotton, Merino La mbs woo I, and Worsted I’NDER SHIRTS and DR A WERS. Always on hand a large assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING, suit blc lor the season, at the lowest prices. Octal 84 ts _ PETERSBURG RAIL ROAD OFFICE,) Ist Octockp., 1830. $ Messrs. Out t. aw & Lem ay : Ca ENTLKMEN, —] have this moment seen an A advertisement in your paper headed ‘‘Bose imposition,” anil signed by six respect ible gentlemen from, Georgia and Alabama, complaining of the con duct of the contactors on the stage line between Washington and Fayetteville. The truth of their statement we do not lor a moment question, 1 assure them and the public generally, that immediate stops will be taken tty this company, to corr ot the evil, if it is possible to effect it Messrs. Avery it Co. are bound to the Petersburg Kail Road Company, under a heavy penalty, ‘‘to have, at all times, at both ends ol the Rail Road, sufficient number of comfortable post coaches, good carclul drivers, for the transportation of all the which may offer, say tor the comfortable accommodation ol the greatest number of passengers and they further covenant “that the charge lortravilling upon all their lines ol communication shall always be moderate and reason able.” If ill se gentlemen (or any others under similar cir cumstances) will transmit me a statement “of the sums of money unlawfully exacted lioin ihoin,” pro perly verified, we will refund the same to them upon application ; or ifthey prnler it, will honor their order tor the proper amount, anil seek redress ourselves, from the contractors. 1 am instructed by our board of Directors to make yon this communication. CHARLES F. OSBORNE, Pres’t. Oct 21 84 2t fcV The Editors of the Columbia Telescope, S. R. Sentinel, Tuscaloosa (Ala.) Intelligencer, will please insert the above twice, and forward their accounts to this oil.ee lor payment — Fai/ctU ville, N. C Olnerctr Carpetings Ac Hearth 4 VERY'extensive assortment u! low priced and xjl sup. sup. Scotch Ingrain Carpetings and Hearth Rugs of the most approved patterns and colours nave Within a lew days boon opened by .1 P SETZK it Co. i JET The Southern Whig v ill copy the a.»>\ I b. ,t 3 .1 7d Ixforgia Lotlerjr. l or. THK ItFMIFIT OP TIIF Augusta ■iiitt'pt Kflrni tire t'otnpr.n; . C L A s N O . 4. To be determined bv lire drawing of the Yt < l.otlei v, t la.-t t), lui 18.>6. Tube dr mu on SA'liUhA), tjifoher 38? r <.> Numbers—l 4 Lonu ii Baiuns. D. S. Gregory & Co. (Successors to Yates & i.e intyre,) Muimgn*. g £c a N *> s c u r. n k . 1 Prize of 30,000 Dollars is 30,000 l’< \ ..rs I Piize of 15,1.00 Dollars is 15,0 i U Hollars 1 Prize of 6,000 Dollars is 6,u«)0 L.dlais 1 Prize or 5,000 Hollars is 5,000 Dollars i Prize of 4,0(0 Hollars is 4,000 Hollars J Prize of 3,000 Hollars is 3,000 Dollars 1 Prize ol 3,5( 0 Dollars is 3,500 Dollars 1 Prize ol 1,000 Dollars is 1.900 Dollars 10 Prizes of 1,000 Dollars is 10,000 Dollars 15 Prizes of 800 Dollars is it,ooo Dollars 30 Prizes of 5(0 Hollars is 10,00 Dollars 30 Prizes ot 400 Hollars is 8,000 Hollars 30 Prizes of 3(0 Dollars is St,ooo Hollars 40 Prizes of 250 Dollars is 10,000 Dollars 50 Prizes of 300 Dollars is 10,000 Dollars 70 Priz l s ot' 150 Dollars is 10,500 Dollars 100 Prizes of 10(1 Dollars is 10,C00 Dollars 133 Prizes of 00 Dollars is 10,080 Dollars 133 Prizes of 70 Dollars is 8,540 Dollars 133 Prizes of 40 Dollars is 4,880 Dollars 5,185 Prizes of 3(1 Dollars is 103,700 Dollars 25,630 Prizts of 10 Dollars is 256,200 Dollars 31,535 Prizes, amounting to 8340,200 Dollars TICKETS slo—Shares in proportion. 50“ Ali orders for tickets in the above Lottery, will meet v\iih prompt attention, il addressed to A. READ, Contractor and State Agent, Augusta. Oct. 21 84 td (Jtotliiiig Store. Comer of Broad and Macintosh streets. riMIIE subscribers inform their friends and the pub- JL lie, that they have just received ami are now opening a large assortment of JiEAUY-MADK CLOTHING, of every description and of the best Materials an i Workmanship, which they offer lor sale on the iin st liberal tenn.s, at Wholesals and Re tail. V. DURAND & CO. Oct 21 84 ts PLANT’S EDITION GEORGIA & CAROLINA ALKIANiCt FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1537. Calculated for the meridian of Augusta, Ga. and will serve for the adjacent otatps—By Robert Grier, Butts county, Geo. Just published and for sale by the gross, dozen or single. T. 11. & I C. PLANT. Oct 21 84 ts Office Align*lu 111*. A flunking Comß’y. APRIL 20th, 183fe fl’ HE Bonrd of Directors of this Bank have deter, 1 mined to allow four per cent interest on Depos its, on all sums of money not less than five hundred dollars—which may remain for a longer peiiod than thirty days. Notice will be required at the lime the deposit is made should the depositor wish to avail himself of this arrangement. In reference to the Insurance department, the busi ness will be conducted as heretofore, the rates of pre mium will be fixed in accordance w ith a liberal view of the hazard proposed, and the principle adopted by Ihe Board of Directors lrciru the commencement of the Institution, “ to do business on as good terms as either goqd offices.” The agents of the Company are fully authorized to pay all losses promptly where the risk it tuken, when there is no objection lo the nature of the claim—and every effort will be made, consistent with equity and justice, to reinstate the insured w hether at home or abroad. By order ol the Board. HUBERT WALTON, Sec’ry and Cashier. April 29. 33 ts Iron, Steel, Plough Moulds, Hoes. &v. .-miO TONS Sweedes Iron, from 1 to JO inches wide, by 4 to 4 thick. Square from i to 2 inches and Km nd from 1 to 14 inches. 5 Tons English do. lor gig and small wagon tyre. 2000 lbs. German, Cast, American, and English blis. tered and spring Steel. 2000 lbs. Band Iron, from 14 to 4 inches wide. 2000 lbs. Svveedisli faggot Iron. 2000 lbs. Plough Moulds. 2000 lbs. Nail Rods, ' t» 1. 1000 lbs. Pipe Pox Iron, 2500 lbs. Hoop Iron from 1 to 14 inches. 1500 lbs Russia B;,eet Iron, for Saw Gins, jjlOO doz. Blade's Patent and Carolina Hoes. 2 Cask ol iith Chains, Traees, Log, Lock, Breast and Halter Chains, arid Stretches, together with an assortment of Blaek-B'mitks’ Tools, consisting of Bellows, Anvils, Vices, Screw-, plates, Sledges, and Hammers, For Sale bv 3IOISE &. COHEN. No 311 Broad Street. July 29 59 if liist oft’ Letters Remaining in the Post. Office at Waynesboro’, G*. on the first of October, l>3f>. A Lumpkin, E. W. Allen, John P. in E5 Moore, Mourning Celt, Williamnnna miss Morison, Small E. Broom, .Maryann Morriss, Affy Brinson, Stephen Mixon, Michael Brown, l.ovard Milton, Joseph M. IMcNsir, James C iilclniosh M. B. Colson, A\ illiam Moxly, M a thaw Chisolm, tnr. _ Moxiy, Ely H. Cheeaborough, W in. B. Mone, William Cox, Rebecca Carter Isaiah l» Polhill, Rebecca O Peterson, Seaborn Davis, Martha miss Dunn, Ann H. R Daniel, Moses Reeves, Green 8.. Davis, Samuel Reese, James Davis, Wm. W. 4 Reynolds, Juntos M. ft Rogers, John 2 Evans, James g Skinner, Jones f Stringer, J unes A.. Fluids, Samuol Scriggs, Alletha rnrs.. Fort, John Staniges, John Skinner, Jonas _ , . ' Sneed, mr. Goodwin, Nancy mrs. Sloan, John S., Garlick, Edward 4 Stewart, William Gray, Robert ~ Smiih, Susan mrs. Gnlhn, C athenne Gltsson, Dennis Gunn, W illiam Thomas, Richard. Godby, . ipsy Tilly, J. .1. Gray, Mincha Tatin, August Thomas, J. D.. US Harries, George II -jj- Hatcher, E. C. Urquort, A. 11. 3 Hill, C. M Dr. Urquort, Ann, mrs.. Hargrove, Henry Marlow, Rebecca yy W hitehead, Charles. , . 'J,. T Ward, Francis 2 Jones, Joseph W Watts, John Johnson, Moses W . Whilo, Daniel Jones, Mathew Wiggins, Asy Inman, Daniel Clerk Superior Coast tones, M. H. miss Womqck, John Johns, Jonathan Ward, James Walton,J. R. major .. . „ K W illiam, Ezekiel Knight, Dempsey Walker, Susan 11. inks Knight, Jesse Wade, Edward lvenny, I cter William, Arthur Key, Joshua W illiams, Dr. Kilpatrick, Andrew Wluiohead, R. L. mke I, Y Eamhcrt, John M. Youngblood, David Lasitcr, Wt'haiu JOSEPH JANSEN, (October 78) Post Master. is iVtU o v aTT! M E W CAMS I\SO T FUS AiT (RE YV AHE ROOMS. lIIAVE found my premises 318 and, 20 Broed-st. k too small and inconvenient to afford ray rna. tomers fair opportunity oi examining what they purchase, and have therefore REMO V E n to the corner of Broad and Campl>oll-stroet, last or*, copied by George D. Combs, well known as Benntnk McKenzie's obi stand, where I shall constantly keep on hand a large anti general assortment of plait fashionable Furniture. Families wishing to purchase, have on'y to call on the subscriber, to do so advantageously. N I! —Orders filled from the North at shortest notice. THOM YS M. WOODRUFF! Sept. IC> ts _ 71 A t’aril. r|t 11 E Sul scribers having permanently located A themselves in Angus'a, have re-opened their Ware-House an 1 wi ! lattend many Commission bo : incss, which in iv be confid' d to their cam. J.iV.D MORRISON Kept fi. 71 w3nt The Miss Walk Eng ■ i 'jjjpfcn open School on R-ynohl. street, in | ih- rear of the Augusta Bank, the first Tuesilay in j O toiler— where instruction will lie given to | l,.d;es ail ! children in Separate apartments. Bc, t 13 73 ts