Weekly state rights' sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1834-1836, October 21, 1836, Image 4

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T H E sTK N T I NEL. W illiam IC. JFoites*. f llK1 —f, i the **«m-weekly j.=|>«r, Five Dollar* pe •nitur., I' pni«l in advance or Six Dollars, 1 paid •• end of'the year for weekly pap. - r, Three Dollar* in advance, ol Fuiu Dollars ai lli*> cud ol the year. (V* subscript ten taken for less than a year,find no paper Jisicontini: si till all duos are paid,except at ll»e option ot the Editor. Amvkrtisfimentb will he inserted the first time at Scvevty-Five Ctuir per square, and ThirtyWpxen and a Half f’ents for each cunliatinnce : Monthly •ml other lid vert ismnenti, not published sciui-we* k, ly Hey only. Five Cents per square for rath insertion. ttr l seilort on huHin.'* must bo post paid. & <b m, * PRIVATE BOARDING. MRS. J. I. BYRD respectfully announces to her trio rills that she will be prepared on the first ot October, to accommodate families or single gen tlemen, with day Boarding, or Boarding and Lodging, M that very spacious and pleasant hmt.se recently oc cupied by Mrs. F. Walker, on Broad street, 4 doors below the Post-office, and immediately opposite the Mr. J. G. Dunlap’s Crockery store. Kept 27 77 3t Police. IN conformity to the Proclamation of his Excel lency the Governor, an Election will be hel I at the usual | laces ol election in r ichmond County, on Monday ihe 7th day of November next, for altepre- Mntativo to the Congress of the United States, to fill the unexpired term of JOHN CUf FEL, deceased ; silso, lor eleven • lectors of President and Vice-Presi dent of the United State*. Gtvon under our hands this 13th day of Oct. 1830. VALENTINE Vt A Eli Ell, I. 1 C. K. C. ABSALOM lUIODES, J. 1. C. U. C. j JOHN P EVE, J.I. C R. C. EDWARD THOMAS, J. I. C. R. C. Oct 14 82 ld liiiu police. THE late firm of Beall & Grisham having been recently dissolved by the dealh of the former, the undersigned gives notice, ih.t he will continue his residence in Macon, anti will devote his undivided at tention to the practice oi the 1 .aw in the several coun ties of ftiMi, l tous lon, Ciuvdord, Monroe nnd Twig gs. He will close the professional l.usine.-B of It. A. Beall, as well ns that of the late firm; and whihhe respectfully solicits of the former friends of the deceas ed a continuation of thoir patronage, his utmost exer tions shall be used to .oivdcr his sot vices >atislai lory. JOHN J. GUESIiAM. Macon, Oct 14 82 w3t ltefrr to A. J. Miller, Esq $ Augusta. A. B. 1 ongstreot, Esq. > Col. Joseph W. Jam son, Savannah. Messrs, l-'ort, Hamilton <fc Co. Macon. The Sentinel and < 'onstitutionalo.t, Augusta, and Savannah Republican, will give the above thiee weekly inseitions. — Macon Messing r. ~~~ ULIV 4 Miin. STOLEN, a yellow bay Horse, thickly set ft years of i next spring, main and tu.il was cut last spring, Uul has since grow n out. '1 he horse was formerly owned by ( upt. Miller of Beach Island, Mid ha* an M branded on his tight shoulder. Ihe subscriber thinks that ltic horse was stolen by a man named Billy Brown. Brown is a largp ntan, black hair and eyes, dark skin, short snub nose, he has severs I scars on Ins arm and is rather boisterous in his manners. The above reward will be paid to whoever will deliver the said horse to the subscriber at this place, and will give such information as will lead to tbe discovery of tho thief. ISAAC ATT AW AY. 'His Augusta Sentinel, Columbia Telescope, and Macon Messenger, will please give the above four insertions and toward their accounts to this oflioe. Aiken Telegraph. Seat 27 4t 77 Notice. THE subscriber will examine lands in tho following districts, viz :1, 16, 17, Ift, It), 20, districts of the second section. And also 1,2, 3,4 districts of the third section, and will make a just and truo return to all applicantsof the value of their lands, at the short est notice, for the price or sum of fa per lot. All let ters addressed to the subscriber, ut Marietta, freu of postage, will meet with prompt attention. E. R. MUXS. Marietta, July 19 56 mtf Ntice. ALL persons indebted to the late Dr. Augustus G. •Sheltnan, dcc’d, cither for store or medicul ac rsunts, or on any account whatever, are required to make immediate payment; and those whom the de ceased was indebted, are requested to present their claims properly authenticated within the time prescri bed by law. THOMAS STREET, ). , , lIILLOY B. BOSTICK, \ A<lm ri ‘ July 28 67 6tw ItOAI&DINi*. MRS. BURTON having taken ih t tenement over the Store formerly occupied by Mr. Goo. 1). Combi, would he glad to accommodate n few boar ders. The apartments are spacious and convenient, and no pains will be spared to render the accommo dations both comfortable and pleasant Those who are desirous to obtain a good private Boarding House, can he accommodated on tho most reasonable terms September U 3 2t 76 A Town lor .Sale. SINCE the entire destruction of Roanoke, in Stew art County, the under»ignod have purchased a beautiful site about throe ratios above, upon which they propote to establish a town to be called LIVER. I*ool.. Thu place is very advantageously situated, upon a high dry san.’y hlnfT, which has proved to be healthy Iront the first settlement of the country up to tho present period The witter is very fine; the com mercial advantages and forilitj,,, must bo equal, if not superior, to any intermediate piace between Colum bus and the Gulph. It will command the trade oi the county as Stew art, mid parts of the counties of Marion, Sumter and Randolph, in Georgia, and n com.iderabld portion of Barbour and Russell in tho State of Alabama. The **t« eonsisr* of three fraction* and oneaauare amount ing to nearly four hundred acres, which will bo laid off in lots of convenient size, and exposed to sale on >be I7th October. The company have divided the stack info one hundred shares, a portion of which may be liken nt 159 pet share, if application should be made before the sale. HENRY W. JF.KNIGAN, ASA I’M R. HILL, JAS. E. G A CHET, ■GUNTAVCS DELAUNAY. BE.VJ. A. WHITE, FRANCIS V. DELAUNAY. THOMAS B. STUBBS, JOHN If. HOWARD W* The Columbus, Macon, Milltdgeviile, Augus ta, Savannah and Montgomery (Ala.) papers, will publish the above until the day of sale, and forward their accounts to 11. W. Jernigan, Lumpkin, Stewart county, Ga. _ S , T t 33 76 ids Adna iit i*l i*a tor’s s»alc\ W ILL bo * o!J on «•» first Tuesday in December J “ m ,llc INmrthotMo door in the town of >V«wit*»!>oPct(igli, Burke county, one negro man, Lon don, belongiu ■* »o i. 1,0 tatutc of James Uogtrers, dee d —sold fur the Lam tit of the heirs and creditors. KDIJAII ATTAWAY, adm’r. *><>& g 72 wid For Sale. I ""ILL give u liberal trade in thn Lot and House formerly oectipisd by W Hnrbcn in this place, which comprises a commodious Tavern in good re pair , a wiill arranged Siori'-housp, a Lawver’* OlHce, With all other needed buildings. I will u’so sell a' superior Lot of Land, containing 250 Acres, lying in lets than a mile of this place, having 10 ucrea Jjicn land. The possession of this emirs property would ena ble an mdiwdu.il to keep with much profit a house • Im< imminent, and a managin' cconomicnl mm i I wonfidemly anticipate therelr.im a handsome ». f . To on« who w ill keep a first rate house n lilrrt if Ijt f I will he at cnee pledged, and the in ereaniiig j wrontgc during the summer months loudly calls for suen an estahlishmtiit. Some imluigtiiec iii the pa\mints would be allowed if desired. DAVID C. NEAL. t .am> st, ill#, July 22 . 57 Itw 'i'hn Sentinel ot Augusta and Rer order of Mil ledge vtk. will give the above three or four weekly inser tion. I pinnm HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, Cilliliiij,', Uliizing, liHltntioii of Wood i unci Niirblci Ac. Ac. Dose AT THU tiIIOttTKMT Korirv. uv t. n. c u at ti $, IST I frond f'.treet. litruur sets. Dr. TiiC».». !. VV ray, Mr. I". VV. SnolTord, John \\ A\ iUle. I’.sq. Mr. I*. McGrun, ll&lplk Ketchum. E»q. Mo«»r«. I‘nee A Mailer* rob 2«i _ In it Intra (iravK Coatees, JRoiukl Jifrketn A' l ß ttnfaloons I-nuti.a I’rinted inirltwiu Shirts. lit'B si an" belts, A g‘»>d } rreenliee t>f Sea j JUST rei-civ.it, u new supply of the (ilh.vc, with n amcral n.-wrimml .»f U«:uly..Made Ouiiicuts, ! which are off. red at itc h»\vn>t canli (riv-tv, by I'IUt’KA M M.lAl'v, Tad.,r» 1 I ' {V N i Vi* Its-.ad s»w*#.|. duty k' ft it Needle worked Muslin Goods i SXOWOIiy A SHEAR Have received this day from New-York, a very large supply of Needle Worked Muslin Capet and Collars of the most splendid patterns, and latest Paris styles. Also, Ladies French embroidered Li nen Cambric Udkfs, of very rich styles, and a very large supply of Needle Worked Muslin Edgings and lnscrlKiis iinJackonet and thin Medium Muslin. The Public arc respectfully requested to call and examine fbo assortment. April 9 Kauaivay Jf ROM the subscriber, living in Dallas county, Ain. within six or seven miles ot Belilou, on the I7ili ol April last, a dark mulatto fellow named JOHN, aged about 3.) years, about ft foci 6 or 8 inches high ; has rather a down look, but when spoken lo is very lively—quite inlcllig.-.iit, more so than is usually met with in negroes—believes that hie back is well mark ed with the whip. He wore off a wide brim white hut, a dark pair ot mixed pantaloons, Ac. It is sup posed that he has attempted to gel back to South Ca rolina. Any person lodging said Negro in Jail in the Stale shall receive S3O, and all reasonable expenses paid. JOHN LEE. PO" The Register, Mobile, and Sentinel, Augusta, will publish the about! 3 limes, and charge the same to tins oflico.— Montgomery Ado. Morvgomerv, Ala. August U> 65 3t muted at this Oflicc, f |' IIUCE »r four smart,iitelligent boys from 12 to " 16 years of age, to become apprentices to the Printing business. Every opportunity will be afford ed and every pains taken lo make them masters ol the business. Apply early. September 6 1 Augusta Kaces, Georgia. TITHE great match race between HICKORY l JOHN end MIS K MEDL EY, will take place on the 6th of December next, at which time th* first meeting of the Augusta Races will take place. The day alter the match, a COLT SWEEP STA Kl] will lie run, lbr Colts and Fillies, three years old tins spring—Fifty Dollars entrance, play or pay, mile heats, —free only for colts and fillies raised, I or owned on the first day of September, in the coun ties of Richmond, Burke, Columbia, Ga., and Etlg field and Barnwell in S. C.—to name and close the evening of the Match Race—three or more to make a race. THIRD DAY. Four Jllle Sleuts,—l*ur*.o, - - . .(800 FOURTH DAY. Two Mile Units, - S4OO At the regular Races in March, there is now open and will bo run for, a COLT SWEEPSTAKES,on the day proceeding (lie regular races, mile heats, Ono Hundred Do'iars entrance, half forh it—to uume and close the first day ol November, to which there are, three entries already made—three or more to make a race. Thera will he (bur days races, besides the ■Swetpsiakes, viz: 4m., 3m., and Smile heats, and best 3 ill 5 mile heats. THE PROPRIETORS. July 25 53 wtO The city papers will insert the above once a week, lilt ihe fi-st of October. Pros|H“4*t«iS. FIAIIE undersigned Polish National Committee in -I the United States, propose publishing an histor ical account of the Polish emigration to these United States, under the title ol “ The Poles in the United Statcs ok America," to be prefaced by a short state ment of the history of the late Polish Revolution, and to be accompanied with authentic vouchers connected with the residence of the Poles in this country. Form inftvo. Subscription price Si, payable on dolivery only. l lie Committee beirg sensible of the advantages offered to the Poles by a settle netit in this favored land, the proceeds of the work, alter defraying the ei tienses of publication, w ill bt applied in aid ot the co iony outlie Rock River, state of Illinois. M A UTIN ROS It-.N KIEWICZ FELIX GWINCZEWSKI, DR. CHARLES KRAITSRI ’ . s *M 61HIE publisher of the Sulmagundi and Newt of ■- the Day, prompted by the unexampled and un expected patrouego which this paper has received, oil r* the following premiums : Fol he bast ORIGIN A L COMIC TALE—FIFTY DOLLARS. For the best ORIGIN AL COMIC SONG-TWCN TY-FIVE DOLLARS. For the best collection ot ORIGINAL ANEC DOTES, JESI’S, Ac., not less than fifty in number TWENTY-FIVE D iLLAIIS. For tho best ORIGINAL t;OMIC DESIGN, SKETCH, or DRAWING, TWENTY- HVE DOt, LA RS ; Or the second best, FIFTEEN DOLLARS and for the third Ixtst, TEN DOLLARS. Persons entering as competitors, may or mav not forward th u matnes, agreeably to their own wishes. The premiums will beawurded by cotnpMent judges. All communications on the subject must be address ed—prior to tna first of September, 1*36, pastae*paid —to CHARLES ALEXANDER, No. 3, Athenean buildings, Franklin Place, Phila Editors exchanging with the Salmagundi are re spectfully requested to notice this oiler. May 24 40 Tlic iVlissossri £3arnioi»y ! Oil a collection of Psalm and Ilytnn tunes, and Anthems, from ancient authors; with an intro duction to tho grounds and rudiments of music, by Allen I). Carden, to which is added a supplement, containing n number of admired tunes of the various metres, and several choice pieces, selected from some of the most approved collections of sacred music, by a n amateur. New Stereotype Edition. Just received and for sale bv the dozen or single, by T. 11. PLANT. March 11 19 ts H'lxucutor’fi Wale. \GREEABLY to nn order of the Honorable the Inferior ('ourt of Burke county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold in front of the Court House door in Hie town of Waynes borough, Burke county, on tlto first Tuesday in November next, between the law ful h. urs of sale, the plantation of Doct. Edward Hughes, late of Burke county, de ceased, lying itninodi-Hy on the road Lading from U alker’s Bridge on Brier Croak to Augusta, and dis-, taut about twenty-two miles from Augusta, adeeming lands of Amos Wiggins, Moses Johnson and others, and containing Eleven Hundred Sixty-Two and a hall acres, (11621) more 0* leas, of which about four hundred acres arc cleared and in order for cultivation, the balance woodland of a good quality, sold for tbs b-nofit of tbe creditors and legatees of said deceased. Terms—Half cash, the balance in twelve month notes w ith approved security WM. W HUGHES, Ex*r. VIRGINIA P. HUGHES, Ex’rx. September'S wtd 70 Aeiii3igia&sli*aloi*’« Male. ON the first Tiiesdny m December next, at the Courthouse door in Lincolnton, Lincoln county, will hcaohl, the Tract of l-iind whereon John V.'ino. deceased, lived ai the time of his death, belonging to the estate of said Winn, containing iws hundred acres, more or less, ai(joining lands <>t Thomas Curry ami others, o* little River. .Sold lor the benefit of the licits and creditors of s iid deceased. Terms on the dav of sale. JEFFERSON WINN, Adm’r. Sept ‘J 72 60d To Toaoliers. \ TEACHER wanted for the year 1537, to take charge ol the lluckh ad Academy, strven miles East of Madison, Morgan < lonnty. One calculated to teach the usual branches taught in country acadetn.es, win receive a liberal salary on exhibiting satisiactery testimonials. A letter addressed to cifnor of -the undersigned trus ts;*, at this olltco, will n»oct with attention. JOHN T. McNKAL, A . JOHN JOHNSON, ? WILLIAM HARRIS, J- g JOHN EMERSON, f JAMES I’JTZPATRIC K. J • Oct I 72 12t Ha*. Httij. Sloißglass, SURGEON DENTIST, HAS returned to the city and resumed the duties of his profession, at hisgtoidcncc corner of Frond and tackron streets, over implore of Mess**. Clarke, .M cTicr A ( a Oct 4 ts s l-i oesT n. W. FORCE & CO’S Yl holmlc Mlioc House, X). 27(3 Bruuckstreet. Aug 2<> 63 ly PRICE A: MALLERY. Mr reliant Tailors, have jcsr tiKcr.ivEO a simti t nr (suit) lil’vtlic pc aiders Nummrr Sloi-uh. livtra I'itm Tliread, (ilovrs mill Silk lldk'fs, Ac. Ao. Augurt f> 61 if Notice. VLT. person-, indohteit to the estate of WH.LI.YM A. LEWIS, deceased, are requested i» mol .- ima-dime pa> incut ; an I those tiivinp dcuimais airain- l the suul doeen..ei!, are r. qttired to present them in terms of the law. HEN-HA TODD. Adm r Led- •! ..! •; 3. 1- S |? ... r„ ELECTION RIITURIV§ FOR 1 830. ► W p O aTT? f* 25 H <"5 (Til fej SsMk-lC SI 3 S S H ■? | Sis f D S I 8 P?1 iS i : ?§*f§■ |8 f r ? a counties. : : 3 •: » S • : g. 4 : 5 s * 1 r, « • 't • T“- ; : ?r- • ; • : I : : : • c • • : • : : o : ; : •|: j : : : Rtcmnoud, j ; Columbia, | Hancock, j- Burke, ji Lincoln, r Wilkes, Scriven, Warren, Greene, Jefferson, Baldwin, W asliington, Chatham, !■ M’lntosh, Rffiingliatn, Bulloch, Bryan, IIh!1, Morgan, Muscogee, Bibb, Houston, Monroe, Twiggs, Putnam, Crawford, 'Talbot, Jones, Henry, Clark, Wa lion, Jackson, De Kalb, Jasper, Lumpkin, Habersham, Oglethorpe, Harris, Appling, Butts, Camden, Libert, Glynn, La wrens, Meriwether, P.ke, Pulaski, Taliafere Tatnali, Telfair, Upson, Wilkinson, izo 4i5 425(433(432 423,427 433 37*2 304 377(3751368(300,379 372 061 414 412'416|41G!412 414 415 412 260 254 257 2581256 2561256 257 460 423 422 424(433*426,424 422 426 283 281 291 303 290(292*292 295 676 561 534,522 527 5191521 518 520 126 108 28 132 124 125(180 126 653 1274 274 275 275(274*274 275,275 207 2091208,208 208 207 208 209 488 357 361 !360,369 355j358 3561363 467 460j471!471 468 468469(169 691 241 24112411240 240,244 238 241 196 194j195|193 198j193,195] 196 420 170 477 485*488 479;480j 179!480j501 (5001504.501 504 501 501(503 756 762 766 764 774 763 764 765J68 35j 36, 36 37j 35 35 36! 35 251 488 496 480 477i- 481 j4BS 483 483; 81 75 79; 76! 78 77 87: 77 505 305 300 308 315*305 303 322 300 308 277 *317*306(310 309 313*314 560 497i494 493 496 493 492 191 193 1 184 479|488 488 487 486 486*487 929 [305 303 304 307 309:313 307 305 472 469* 173 473 470,470] 168 472 486 28 25( 23 24; 28* 29 32 24! 99 95*10010o! 100(1001100 100 108 163(163 163 163|i63|164 163 162 121 121 i21*12t*121j12 1 '122 121 ( 284 loj 10 10 10! 10! 10 lOj 10 330 329 331|332|328 326 326(329 338 | 76j 7G 76 70; 76 76 76 76 61 61 61 ‘ 6! I 011 62 62| 61j 138 1256 246 270 274 268i273!284!234 704.702',699 7157011702 701(702 934 (408:403! 403(4481401 401,402 417 278!258275|276*278*282 279 283] 466 805:798 *813,802*798 793 801j533j522 1 515,519,524 520(516 519 522 921 559 562!562 ( 562|558]560!5641570!568(550j554 570*563 570 5711577 772 504(504 504(507 507*507(505|504|619 608;609'61l!604 ! 610 600 611 1033 [BO2 301 j806i807 801(800 8011807 760|752751|758i756j752 760 7601347 (313,310|308(315 311 |312|305j310 399(398 398 396!400|398 397 400' 590 (584 587]591j598 i 592(592|587 597(1911157(198 195 193 199 193 193| 333 (327i327 327(327(327 327 327(327:499:499 497,499 199199 498 499* 812 700,692 710 6971698,693 690*704 821 822 82418191321.824 320 837(1275 429 428j423|429 427ji22 419(426(464 453 464 I'M 406 465 465*474 657 (687 681 !685|701!G80j650 671(684(631 829j644|629 624(600 6301829*1296 548 548(552 535 554 557(552:561,355 339 3571355(357 359 358 358 868 (451 420|435|481|421 423 1 427|423 l ;691 603 6681676 677 067 666 666 1025 (259,258(258(2631 J6l 254i254j2G0'456,455*46l 457(452 455 456 455 654 (501 404]506(493|478 472*484:430 792|747|748 753 744 742 752 754 1182 (578 563(559(581 561 557j556|557 427 408’428*427 421 427(428 421 876 1218(21 3*214*271 ,218 214 212(2 15 611 |599|595!6i)6 593 6041603 599 795 *317 308.289 330,403 306(310 310|680*669 ! 698 076 668 660(633 674 920 485 129 490 500 477(494 47 I i 488( 94! 77, 94! 911 93j 91 j 90| 92 468 655 653 033 659 6511052 650!Q4e(4 18*41 3(416(412(41 Tj414(4111419 769 89 87( 87} 86 87|L05 87; 86 1361129 136 136(118 136435,135 158 215 214 213 233 216(210 214 214 379!378*364(5T0!373j372i375*3T2 573 j 140] 141(1 38j 141 141|122130|136 154 155 155'155'154i150j156 156 160 302 799 789,803,801 '800,796 798,1 17'115 1111115 j 100 108: Ll 4 117! 584 72 64 711 74; 73 71 88| 71 271 26 21 29! 28* 29; 30 30 70 409 407 405'407j409 405*407 404 | t 11 2 11 305 573 524 544(538 *522 522 534 528 653(591 653 6511649 654 650 656 1085 232 232 233 238(231 234(233 233(370 362 369 3711370 370,370 371 585 185 188 186*185* 185 185 206 181 285 250 285 285 284 285 284 284 483 428 426 427(435 429 426(425 423 15 16, 12* 16 15 12 1C 13 298 165 165|167j163 165 174 166 160| 44 9* 48 ! 41 40 44, 47 45 171 101 100 101.101; 98 100107 98 154 88;15i I-c-3 154 150*154 154 192 551 550 552i554|550 557 552 553(357 358 353 38 1 *358 357*356,360 456 335 331*335 336 331 342 331 3 47*366*115 367 367 370 361 371(378 673 633 621 620j644|621 620*618,619,347 346 348(348*346 340*346 344 653 309 304 396 306 302 306*302 305 816,814 812 813*810 792 811 813 1055 150 148*149 152 150 149* l4o| 149(332 331 323 331 324|321|330 331 448 235.234j232'239 214(224 223 224*339 345 327 342 337 335*339 334 500 363(333 378 363 364|369(364 ! 339 495*498 500*503 500 499 491 504 743 866,876 875(880 875865 871*871 ! 241,237 402,396 407*401 396 396!392*393*522 521*5241523 518(5211525 323' 814 123*112 123 119 111 109* 110(108(520,5 12 504508 503 508509 571 595 248(239 250 247 244 243*243 244 332 335 330*329 328,324*332 332 393 (159161101 101 101 163* 169( 15111 06 107; 106,107 100,118*104 106 178 1 33 j 32* 33 32 32 36( 541 33* 95| 96| 97! 95 95 9) 100 96 134 (148,141 165 154 142 142 141 142(477 454*455 458 452 459 444 461 555 259,245 255 258 254 242(238 240 410*410 403 412 403*404 403 407 529 |776;776j78l 765 775,777 775 780 852:841 838 859 843 843 838 843 1477 : 163 167(167 167,168 168*181168! 7* 7! s! «( 77 77 110 10 11 10 2*l 17; 11] 37 10*129* 20* 130* 1-57! 133 131 135 134 133 263 264 263 271 268 263(264 263 278 278 275* 273 275 277 507 170 175,179 178 176(174:173(175 393(371 36*5*370(366 369 367(375 508 258 251(253 253*253 253(238,249 334 335*336 332 330 347 333 33.4 538 58 h 53 54 52, 1 51! 48 45* 55,241 239(242* 235 239*239 242 274 205T04 201 201 jl93i 194 190 190 371 362!357|3T.> 371 355(355 386 535 408 408,409 407(403 403*383 384*302 304 302 301289 302'302 304 438 36 28(29 17} 17 17 17 17(173.157 146; 156 j 15S 154*154 157 181 100 102 101101(103: 98j LOO 99 30fi|307 305 307(302 302 30.-J306 383 (314(320 323*324 322 314 318 321 2021202 200,200*19 -200 200 201 494 337|337;337j335j351(335|335|334 274(277 279269 259 269 269 267 549 ,357(338 310(344 341|344*339 337 69* 70 72 71 '6B 72 72 74 391 ;146:146 121 1 142 141 141 i 140(137 11 Ijl 16* 108*112, jlO 110 111 112 195 I 30| I * l! 2| | 22! 114; 77| 114! 127; 125!114 114 116 135 Newto.-., Franklin, Cherokee, Randolph, Stewart, Troup, Coweta, Carrol!, Heard, Liberty, Wayrie, Campbell, Fayette, Gwinett, Montgomery, Ware, Madison, Cobb, Cass, Early, Forsyth, Marion, Baker, Dooly, Decatur, Sumpter, Thomas. Lee, Irwin, / AGGREGATE. Dawson, 2954 G Cleveland, 28447 Al&rd, 29341 Towns, 28422 Colquett, 29210 Grantland, 28213 Ncsbit, 27952 Owens, - 28203 J. W. Jackson, 29014 Holsey, 280G7 King, 28010 Jabez, 28107 Black, 27924 Coffee, 27394 Glascock, [On both Tickets) 46769 . Cl/' In the same Ccui tics last year, Sc 1 ley’s rot jt r ty""fo. Govc:nor was 664 votes ! From the Augusta Chronicle.—[By request.] DIM Si Eli TO THE BI'UKK lit SSARA. Pursuant to previous arrangements, a dinner was given, on Wednesday, the 29th September, at Waynesboro’, by the citizens of Burke County, to tae Burke lluss us, as a testimony ot" respect for their gallantry and services in the late Creek Campaign. The arrangements were exceedingly taste ful and complete, and reli ct the highest credit upon the spirited tied liberal host, Mr. John Watts. About 600 persons sat down to the table, and the utmost order and harmony prevailed throughout the whole course of the festival. The following are the toasts drank on the occasion : 1. Our Country —A political Eden, rich in the golden fruits of —may pent oeguue tier to forgetfulness of her high destiny, and forfeiture of Iter glorious privi leges. 2. Knowledge and Virtue —'l’lie only stable foundation for public liberty and indi vidual happiness. 3. The Memory of Washington. 4. Georgia —When she flings her ban ner to the breeze, and calls upon her sons to rally around it, may they' bury all party distinctions in oblivion, and only remember that they are Georgians. 5. Caj t. Elijah Jiyne, and his command —Patriots un i Suldieis, who asked no other cait to their country’s service,but the know ledge that hostile feet were upon her soil. By their patient endurance of the toils and privations of a soldier’s life, and l>y their gallant bearing in action with the foe, they have secured our highest admiration and respect; and with joyful hearts we wel come their return. Captain Bvne, in a brief, but pertinent speech, expressed bis sense of the honour conferred upon his company and himself, and gave a brief yet interesting history of the labours and services of the Hussars. 6. The memory of Edmvnd Pryor and Gkkenbkhry Tilth an, who fell gallantly buttling with the Savage so no stone uwj' mark the spot in the lonely forest where their bodies are mouldering into dust; yet, in the hearts of their countrymen, they have a monument more end u ing than mar ble, on which are recorded their worth and their services. 7. The memory of Jonathan Skinner and William Allen —Though they met not death in the battle field, yet it found them in t'u ir country’s s T'-icy, Long their memories be cherished by the soldier and the patriot. 8. The Georgia Volunteers in the late Florida an t Creek Campaigns —A bund of patriotic and chivairic spiiits, who, at their country’s call, forsook ail the endear ments of friends and home, to brave the toils and perils of a soldier’s life. Georgia may well be proud of such sons. 9. Maj. Julius C. Alford— The inde fatigable and daring soldier—For his kind ness and courtesy to her sons, he richlv merits the gratitude of Burke county. 10. The South —United, she may defy the world —divided, and their is none so poor to do her reverence. 11. 2ne Abolitionists —Knaves,fools and fanatics ; for their fiery ™>-*i •»«u eftorts to uproot, our institutions, and bury Union, Constitution' and Liberty beneath their ruins ; they merit and will receive t ie loud, deep and abiding execration of ev ery true patriot. 12. 'Texas —Struggling for civil rights and national independence, with bloody and pcrfid.ous ty rants. He is a traitor to lib erty who does not bid her God speed. 13. 77tc Fair. VOLUNTEER TOASTS. By A. J. Lawson, Esq. President of the day. ’Phe State of Georgia : Rich in soil, ricn in talents ; but oh, how shamefully rep resented in her State and national councils. By Gen. J. I). Thomas, Ist Vice Presi de t. The Burke Husnus, commanded by Capt. Byne : Always ready to march at a moment’s warning. May they live long, and when they die, die patriots. By Col. E. Lester, 2d Vice President. Burke County : Rich in soil ; her citizen,*, patriotic and brave, will never be sluw in defence of their country. By Maj. G. W. Evans, 3d Vice Presi dent. Our Flag : At present we see it decorated with thirteen stars ; the Aboli tionists wish to pluck from its bosom tin! emblems of the North, but the remaining few would shine with more glory and brilliaricv for their absence. By the Committee of Arrangements. Our distinguished guest, Edward J. Black, Esq.: j If a bold, firm and uadeviating defence of ! Southern rights, and talents of a high order, j entitle a man to the confidence and support of Georgians, we shall see him in our next Congress. j Mr. Black rose, and made a most able, I eloquent and spirit-stirring speech, which ! «**< fV'J With reiterated bursts of ap. pluuse. At the conclusion of it he presen- 1 ted the following sentiment: < Parties in Georgia : When the Fanatic is on his inarch, and the enemy at our door, let no man sutler political distinctions to divide and weaken our ranks : and he who falters when Abolition is the question,should be, as he will be, personally, civilly, anil politically damned. Sent by Lieut. V in' oil, U. S. A. The Burke Hussars : They have established the principle that gentlemen make the best sol diers. With an army composed of such materiel, Georgia needs no assistance from neighboring auxiliaries. Sent by Judge Holt. The Northern war against Southern rights : Our only security is in our unanimity and firmness ; and ulti mately in our own good right arms. By Capt. Elijah Byne. The Georgia Ar my : V\ orthy patriotic sons of’7o. By Ist Lieut. Win. Byne Major Julius C. Alford : He is as brave as the distin guished hero whose name he bears. The times and circumstances alone are wanting to make him as great a man. Ilis services in the late Creek war entitle him to the support of every Georgian. By Lieut. Hurst. Maj J. C. Alford, our brave and enthusiastic commander in the late Creek war : Worthy of the most hon orable office that the patriotic sons of Geor gia can bestow —may he be elected to our next Congress. By Lieut. Wm. S. C Morris. “Hail! woman, hail! last formed in Eden’s bow’rs, Midst murmuring streams and fragrance-breathing flowers; Thou art, mid light and gloom, thro' good and ill, Creation’s glory, man’s chief blessing slitl.” By Aug. Patterson. Martin Van Buren : A political chamelion—in the north he is tariff, at the South anti-tariff-—ut the North he agrees with the Abolitionist in principle, in the South he is opposed to their proceed, ings. lie is in favor of every thing the people favour, and serves as a connecting link between all principles and parties, for he agrees with all and belongs to all. By M. H. M’Elmurry. Major J. C. Al ford ; The brave and undaunted warrior. May he be our next Governor. By Miles Murphy. The Fair : Nature’s frontispiece, displayed by the great Artist to give beauty to his works. By George Lovell. Governor Schley : The Governor of a party, and not of the State. By Wm. Johnson. Gov. Schley : Tho’ opposed by the people of Burke on account of nis political heresies, he is ashamed, and should ever be, of the ungentlemanly, in significant, and insulting manner in which he treated her little band of patriots when they tendered him their services us volun teers in the late Creek war. By Wm- Kilpatrick. Gov. Schley : A Federalist, who has covered over his po litical deformit es with the mantle of repub licanism : but the garment is too short, and the true nature of the animal sta ds fully revealed. By Isaiah Carter. The battle of the 24th of July : Well and hard fought ; the vic tory lost by an unauthorised command.— Had there been an Alford or a Byne to have thrown themselves between the re* treating whites and the savage foe, the vic tory would have been brilliant and deci sive. By Joseph Roe. Lieut. Hurst: The good citizen, the brave soldier ; citizens of Burke give him a seat in the next Legislature. By Wm. C. Bates. Maj. Alford : For his gentlemanly and officer-like conduct towards those under his command m the late campaign, let each party in this county without distinction, give him their votes ut the ensuing election. By John Parsons. The memory of our deceased companions, Pryor and Tillman, who nobly fought and fell, and died, of wounds received in defence of their coun try. An honor to the country and to the mothers who bore them. Revered lie their names, and hallowed the sod which covers them. By Jas. A. Stringer. Major Alford and Capt. Jernigan : Brave and generous offi cers, who, when plunging a swamp, on go ing into a fight, do not say go ahead boys, but on the contrury, their cry is follow me, boys. By Dr. Thomas Williams. Capt. Jer nigan : The man of exemplary piety, of liable daring, aiid tried bravery—the patri ot, not for fame, but for his country’s sake : the principled and not the purtizun politici an. May the lime speedily come, when his services shall be compensated. By Jos. A. Shewmake. Maj. Alford,our gallant and generous commander : Notwith standing he has early met and contended with, and been once pierced by, the ball of the savage foe, yet he is the man who fears no danger, and will again face the rifle and the scalping knife of the merciless savage, to protect our citizens. By S. W. Hardwick. Here’s wishing Gov. Schley a happy journey to the Cuick as iwiiatchio Swamp in a wheelbarrow, and Rockwell to roll him to command the bull | frogs for thrie mo silis, living on ten year 1 old bacon and wormy crackers i By David M. Bulloch. Maj. Alford: The j uiiKi.l , 1.1,0 —Ulur, tlio gentleman in j all his deportment. He h;:s the affection | and gratitude of his whole commaivl By J. Jones, jr. The Van Bureti mem. hers from this. State in Congress : Cuthbert says they comprehend a happy union of talents, industry and patriotism. Why Mr. Editor, if yon do not repent of this and some other Van Bureti sins, you will most seri ously have your portion with all liars and abominable idolaters. By Henry Lewis. Gov. Schley : For the manner in which he received the Burke Hussars in Columbus, mav he, if le-elected, receive as compensation for his service s ts ß per month; may he have to ride all over Georgia on horseback, with four days pro vision for self and horse, to his saddle. May lie have a horse cart to haul a frying pan and camp kettle for him to cook in, and a tent cloth to be under only when sick ; and may the people of Georgia tell him they <Ud not call, appoint or want him. By J. W. Carswell. Georgia : May the success ol the State Rights tickets, at the approaching canvass, prove her citi zens are alive to their true interest. By D. E. Green. Captain Byno and his Spartan band, who nobly fought and defeat ed a savage foe, and overcame many obsta cles in their way. By a Lady. Cupt. Byno, and his brave company : Ever ready to do their country’s service, and capable of doing themselves honour. Well may Burke county boast of this little band. By J. D. Wooten. Capt. E. Byne : A gentleman at borne, an officer in the lield. He deserves the warmest esteem and grati tude of his fellow-citizens. By S. J. Bell Capt. Jcrnigan, of Stewart: ! His bravery and skill in subduing the Creek j Indians, l ave won fur Inin unto?*/ ft'mors. By J. T. Barton. The citizens of Burke 1 i county : Noble, generous and spirited. \ By D. M. Bullock. Genl. Sanford : A brave and gallant officer in the field ; at home an accomplished gentleman. By M. M’Norrill. The brave and patri otic volunteers of Burke : May they long be remembered by the citizens of this glo rious country - By Lewis F. Powell. The Burke vol unteers : Though they were refused by the Executive of the State the common com forts and conveniences of soldiers tents and Baggage waggons, they were not to be re pelled from their purpose. They have ful ■ tilled the hopes of their county. She is proud of such sons, and has welcomed them again to her bosom. By John A. Roberts. Maj. Alford —A patriot and a soldier. He will ever be re tained in the hearts of the Burke Hussars. By Jas. M’Croan. Our brothers in arms, Pryor, Tillman, Allen and Skinner, who nobly fell martyrs to the cause of their country. Their memories will long be cherished by their associates, and while we are assembled at the board of luxury, may they be rejoicing around the throne of God. i By F. B. Sapp. Well may Georgia boast : j of patriotic citizens, whan she produces such ! brave and gallant officers as Maj. Alford, | Cupt. Jcrnigan, Capt. Glover, and Lieut. ■ I Morris, who in the defence of their country, in the Creek war, fought as brave as Julius Caesar, and undaunted as Napoleon. By B. D. Hill. The Southern and Wes r tern States: the time has now arrived when they should present an undivided front, and shoulder to shoulder resist every tiling that has the appearance of Van Buren and • Dick Johnson. By r homas H. Polhill, of Jefferson County. The memory of our heroic in i patriotic through unfortunate friend, Ed mund Pryor—a recolection of whose val our deserves a resting-place in the bosom of every Bur kite. By a Lady. Lieut. Harmon Hurst: A worthy citizen, a noble and patriotic officer. He will do any constituents credit; stick to him, boys, he never will desert his friends in the hour of danger. By George H. Harris. Ihe crisis: The man who, on the Abolition question, would compromise the rights of freemen, is a tra itor to his country, and deserves to be a slave. By John Rogers. The Burke Hussars: Notwithstanding the coolness manifested to them by his Excellency, like good sol diers they joined in defence of their bleed ing Country; and the ever-to-be-remem bered 24th July, will bear witness of the valor and courage of the Burke volunteers, who have gained for themselves imperisha ble and merited laurels, long to be remem bered by their friends and countrymen. By William Stringer. The Burke Hus sars: Like the Heroes of 76 they show that the patriotic spirit of that day is yet warm in the bosoms of our fellow Citizens. By a lady. Edmund Pryor, who fell a victim to the merciless savage when defen ding the innocent and unprotected; and though his cold and gloomy bed is afar, covered by wild flowers, still let his noble deeds rest in our bosoms. By Stephen Corker. The memory of Southern Rights and Liberty: They have been buried lor the lasi seven years. May they not be dealt with in like manner, for the next Presidentil term, by the election of Martin Van Buren. By a Lady. The brave and generous Volunteers of Burk, and valiant officers: May they enjoy a peaceful and quiet mind in this life, and rest for their souls in eter nity; and a troubled conscience to those who refuse the fair sex an opportunity of joining them in the dinner given to them. (Concluded in our next.) From the Mississippi Free Trader. The ft Mowing history of the taking of Santa Anna, wo copy from the Natchez Daily Courier. (Joe of the proprietors of this paper lias been intimately acquainted with the gentlemen who had that distin guished honor, many years, and it is truly gratifying to find an old acquaintance that has thus distinguished himself, in addition to having hail the honor of hearing the on ly banner that was carried in the field by the Texiuns. He is a PRINTER by pro fession. “On the morning of the 22d < f April, the report came into camp that Messrs, Carnes and Secretts our spies, with a par ty of men, consisting of about twenty-five Textun soldiers, had surrounded Santa Anna and Cos, with near liftv Mexicans, ten miles from our camp. Colonel Burlis son came round lor volunteers to accom. puny him to reintorce them.—He soon raised fifty or fifty five mounted men and we proceeded to Snnin’s bayou, near Vince’s; where we expected to join Carnes’ pany. We arrived there about eleven o’clock in the morning, and not being able to overtake them (lor we heard after we left the camp that they had proceeded to t:ie Biazi s; we I estate i, an I consulted whether to roiurn to camp, or go on to the Bruzos; finally, about thirty of our party agreed to go on, the balance made a move to return. When we arrived at Vince’s, 1 proposed *r> min* down the Buffalo bay ou, when lour others immediately joined me. 1 was ordered by Col. B. with posi tive orders Irom him not to kill any Mexi cans, but to bring them in o camp. Our party consisted ol Messrs. Miles, of Richmond, Virginia, Vermillion, Thompson, Colo and Mason of Texas. W e had not proceeded far, before we es pied some lour of live deer on the west side of a branch that made up into the praitic, from the B. bayou, l observed to them to remain where they wor,e, and l would 11 yto kill one of them. 1 rode on vvuhin forty or liity yards ol the branch, where 1 halted my horse under a lone tree, which stood in the prunio and was almost in the act iff pulling the trigger of my rifle when the deer started. 1 immediately looked to my tight, when l espied a Mox lean bending Ins course towa'rtl the bridge; he stopped a moment to gaze around him, and immediately started on again. 1 call ed my companions, three of them, (Cole being still in the rear of us, lor Mason had left ns altogether) to come on, ‘here was a Mexican!’ As soon as 1 called to them he espied me, and inun ‘diately secreted him self in the grass. They rode up and we arrived together where he was. The grass was high enough to hide him entire ly from our view. When we arrived at the spot, he was lying on his side, with a blanket over his luce. 1 called to him to rise, when he only took the blanket from ids face. 1 called to him u second and bird time to get up, when lie rose and itood for u moment, and finding himself lompleteiv surrounded, he advanced to cards mo and desired to shake hands, ' rliich Ii; • mediate!v offered to him. Ho ! ‘ shook my hand, pressed it, *nd kissed th» back of it and asked where our brave Houston was. 1 replied he was in camp— * through the medium of one of our party, (Mr. Thompson,) who acted as interpreter on the occasion. I asked him who he was - he observed he was merely a private sol* difir; when I discovered the bosom of his shirt, winch was very splendidly wrought and pointed it out to him, 1 observed that he was not a private soldier, but must be an officer of some rank; he immediately replied that he was an aid to Santa Anna, and burst into a fleo j of tears. I told him in a mild tone “not to grieve, he should not bo hurt.” I then asked him where i Santa Anna was, and observed larther, that it was supposed by us, he was wound ed; he replied that Santa Anna was not wounded, but that he and Cos, and some colonel, (whose name 1 do not now recoi ' leci,) had gone on the Brazos.— He was 1 very anxious to he taken into camp unhurt, as he was anxious to see General Hous ! ton. Lis attire, was indicative of a common soldier, being very plain. He had no arms about iiis person, and after he spoke lie appeared very much dejected; com plaining of pmns in his breast and legs, and saying that ne was not able to walk a short distance, and Santa Anna desired me to let him ride a short distance, as it would relieve him very much. He Moun ted Mr. Miles’ horse, and we proceeded some two or three miles, which distanco lie rode. Mr. Miles overtaking us demand ed his horse ot him, which he refused to give up,without I said s i; I requested him to alight, when he observe'! it was very hard, hut he supposed it was fair, as he was then a prisoner, and should not expect so good •i eat merit as he had received. He was conducted into camp bv Messrs. Miles and f hompson, Mr. Vermillion and mvselfgo ingm another direction. When 1 had ad. vaticed some twenty or thirty yards he wished to see me once more before we parted. 1 returned, and he drew a letter from his pocket, directed to Santa Anna from Colonel Almonte dated 14th April, ol which the contents were, that he had learned there were two or three hundred American soldiers on Galveston island, and that, lie had better make his way to that place, take possession of that island, cut off our supplies, and ho (Almonte) would join him in a few days, Urrea would take possession of Velasco, at the mouth of Bra zos, and lie might establish his head-quar ters wherever he choose. When he arrived in camp lie was con ducted to General Houston’s quarters, which was made of an oak tree, in tho bot tom near the hank of the bayou, where he made himself known. Some *ew min utes after 1 arrived in camp and went to General Houston’s quarters where Colonel R-sk, the then Secretary of War and Santa Anna were counselling, he pointed myself out, as being his captor, and imme diately returned his thanks for my kind ness, when I took him prisoner; and if it ever was in his power, (which he hoped it would be) that he would reward me very handsomely for it. I observed to him that I had already been rewarded, (which os tonished him verv much,) that the honor of being the captor of the Mexican Napo. leonwas all the reward, I ever expected to receive. When he was taken to the general's quarters, he observed,* 1 I am Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna President of the Mexican Republic, and commander-in chief of the army of operations. I surren der to the brave, who are always just.” Houston obse.ved to him that he was then in the American camp, and not a. mong heathens, desired him to take a seat, and make himselt as comfortable as he could. This is a true statement of the capture of Crateral Santa Anna, notwithstanding fabulous reports that have been circulated the in regard to it. As to thefperson ofSan ta Anna, he is about five leet nine ‘ inches high, rather stuopshouldered, though well proportioned other wise. His face is long and narrow with high forehead and con tracted brow, his piercing look of the eye, as though Ik? could see through the designs of man. His nose is short, remarkable thick and clumsy, his nostrils large and di. luted. 1 here is a peculiar expression of the mouth that I am unable to describe, but it is tolerably large and his under lip rather protruding. His chin is round and piojectiug forward. But I would refer the the reader to the remarkably striking likeness, painted by Major J. Spragub. and now exhibiting in tin’s city. J.-V.MES A. SILVESTER, Os Cincinnati, Ohio 2d Sergeant and Color-bearer in Cap tain Wood's Company, at the battle of San Jacinto .” The Constitutionalist of yesterday says. The New Oilcans, Bwe, of Oct- 8, states that “the Textan armed schr. the Terri ble, tias be n placed in the custody of John H. Holland, Esq. Marshal of the U. S. of the Dis trict of Louisana. She was sent here from Pen sacola, where she had been carried bv the U. S. vessel of War the Boston; the court there not having)’ ns'hction to take cognizance of the offence? Uargi’d against her, they having been committed upon our waters. The following charges are the most important:— Ist. That the Terrible was fitted out at this port to wage war against a government with whom the United States arc at pence. 2 by. That her commander Lieut. Randolph, hud manifested t e intention of committing an act of pi-acy upon a Sardinian vessel, the Pelicutia Mexicans. 3Jly. That she had sailed from this port without the authorization of the Collector of this p«rt. Ail the charges will tr dergo legal examine tion, and therefore we forbear making com* ments. We may, however, remark that we feel happy to see our Government show the disposition to maintain her neutrality. Her character in the merchants requires .this of her. New. Orll ans, -Gc t. -6. As we anticipated; Indiain difficulties are likely to arise on our Westero borders. The Governor of Arkansas has found it necessary to call out the able-bodied men of the state, in order to bo organised into companies for the protection of the inhabit ants from some threatened proceedings on the pa rt of the Creeks and Cherakees, who have recently emigrated west of the Missis, sippi. We lear that we have just entered upon ou, Indian disturbances, and until,the Gov emmet acts with energy and promptitude in securing our western frontiers by proper defences, we shall regard the borders of the Western and South Western States, as in the vicinity of worse than volcanic erup tions. “ hie king Ohio Gazette , u is the fearful cog uomen of a political newspaper in a state ad orned the one wlktc a yjan cat»“ lick hie