Newspaper Page Text
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The Green Grove Missionary
Baptist Church of 1692 Old
Savannah Rd. will begin its
annual Vacation Bible School
on July 21 through 25 at 5:00
p.m. There will be classes held
for all ages including an adult
class on “Home can be a happy
For further information call
Mrs. Betty Bennett at
793-8601 or Mrs. Virginia
Jennings at 798-2522
Rev. R.F. Thompson is
The Harmony Baptist
Church, 930 Hopkins St.
cordially invites you to the
ordination services of Mr.
Edwin Sullivan and Charles
Cook who will become
ordained Deacons Sunday, July
20 at 8:00 p.m.
The Rev. Floyd Heard is
Rep. R.A. Dent
To Speak At
Miles Memorial
Miles Memorial Christian
Methodist Episcopal Church
will be closing out another
year’s work on Sunday, and
will have “open house” at 3:00
p.m. The Honorable R.A.
Dent, of the Georgia House of
Representatives will deliver the
special message. He will be
accompanied by the Senior
Choir of the Tabernacle Baptist
Rep. R.A. Dent
Church of which he is a
member. Dr. C.S. Hamilton is
the pastor.
The Church installed new
windows, a suspended ceiling,
lighting fixtures, (after
By Donna F. Jones
Rafe Cooks of 1715 Old
Edgefield Road, North Augusta,
died Thursday, July 10th at his
Survivors include his widow, Mrs.
Mattie Cooks; five sons, Elester
Cooks, Thomas Cooks, Bernard
Cooks and David Cooks, North
Augusta, and Ray Cooks Jr.,
Belvedere, S.C.; six daughters, Mrs.
Jogn McKinney and Mrs. Gloria
Benefield, Augusta, Mrs. Christine
Lyons, Bath, S.C.; Mrs. Vivian
Robinson, Savannah, Ga.; Miss
Lenola Cooks, Morth Augusta; and
Mrs. Gertrude Nathaniel, Belvedere,
SjC.; three brothers, Mike Cooks,
New Haven, Conn.; Ernest Cooks,
Long Island, N.Y.; and Archie
Cooks, Atlanta, Ga. and two sisters,
Mrs. Irene Britton, New York,
N.Y.; and Mrs. Emma Brown,
Augusta, Ga.
Funeral services were held
Monday, July 14 from Second
Providence Baptist Church at 3
p.m. and the Rev. Nathaniel Irvin
Peoples Funeral Home.
Mrs. Mattie Wilson of 1132
Turpin Street died Thursday, July
Survivors include her daughter,
Miss Rosemary Millicent Wilson;
son, Sam Leon Wilson, Atlanta,
Ga.; step-son, Sam Wilson, Jr.,
Brooklyn, N.Y.; mother, Mrs.
Mattie Johnson, Evans, Ga.;
brother, William Trammell,
Augusta, Ga; uncle, Lewis Burns,
Evans, Ga; two daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Jessie Wilson, Atlanta, Ga.;
Mrs. Christine Wilson, Brooklyn,
N.Y.; five grand children and two
Funeral services were held
re-wiring the entire Church),
scraped all of the old paint off
the walls before repainting of
the top and paneling the lower
wainscoating, and a short while
ago installed a Baldwin organ,
and a complete set of pulpit
Among those on the
program in addition to the
speaker, will be S.B. Gandy Jr.,
(master of ceremonies).
Principal H.E. Wilson, Mrs.
Zadel Hynes, Editor Mallory
Millender of the News-Review,
S.M. Jenkins, and M.M. Scott
Sr. Refreshments will be
served. The Rev. R. Anthony
Lark is the pastor, and is
anxious to see all of his friends.
Sharon Baptist Church will
observe its 147th anniversary
on July 27, 1975 at 2 p.m.
with the Rev. E.T. Martin of
Springfield Baptist Church and
his congregation in charge of
The Rev. J. Bussey is pastor.
Young Adult
Worship Service
The Young Adults of Christ
United Presbyterian Church
will conduct the 11 a.m.
Worship Service on Sunday,
July 20. The speaker for the
occasion will be Miss Cynthia
Butler. Miss Butler is presently
working on her Doctorial
Degree in Clinical Psychology
at the University of Georgia.
The public is cordially invited..
The church is located at 1316
Gwinnett Street.
Young Adult
Films for young adults will
be shown each day, Monday
through Friday, at 3 p.m. at
the Wallace Branch, 1237
Gwinnett Street.
It’s A Girl!
Congratulations goes out to
Mr. and Mrs. Davis Peeples of
1467 Tobias Court. They
became the proud parents of
Andrene Latrese Peeples, 7 lbs.
1 oz. on July 10,1975.
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday goes out to
Frank Bowman, who is
advertising manager for The
Augusta News Review.
Monday, July 14, at 4 p.m. from
Tabernacle Baptist Church, and the
Rev. C.S. Hamilton officiated.
William & Dotson
Simeon L. Harris died, Tuesday,
July 8 in D.C. Jones Hospital
Washington, D.C.
Survivors include five sisters,
Mrs. Allie Harris; Augusta, Ga; Mrs.
Willie Brewster, Amityville, N.Y.;
Mrs. Susan Harris, Brooklyn, N.Y.;
Mrs. Janie Davenport, Mrs. Madora
Whaley, both of Washington, D.C.;
two brothers, Lewis C. Harris,
Washington, D.C.,; Freddie Harris,
Long Island, N.Y.; three
brothers-in-law, Mr. Samuel
Whaley, Mr. Charles Davenport, and
Mr. Paul Hanis; nieces and nephews
and other relatives.
Funeral services were held
Wednesday, July 16 at Elim Baptist
Church at 12 o’clock and the Rev.
R.L. Boyd officiated.
Dent’s Undertaking
Columbus Ashley of 1447 Sunset
Ave., died Thursday, July 10 at his
Survivors include his wife, Mrs.
Nina Ashley: four steo-children,
Mrs. Luvenia Pugh, Mrs. Annie
Pearl Nelson, Julius Burton.
Roosevelt Burton: two
sisters-in-law, Mrs. Annie Mae
Ashley, Mrs. Lizzie B. Ashley;
grandchildren, and a host of other
Funeral services were held
Tuesday July 15 at First Ebenczer
Baptist Church at 5 p.m. and the
Rev. J.D. Williams officiated.
Dent’s Undertaking
Moses Baptist Celebrates Women’s Day
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Mrs. Joyce Cherry, assistant professor at Paine College, was Women's Day speaker at Moses Baptist Church
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Mt. Olive’s 104th Anniversary
" 'i t
by Rev. Lee Wallace
Greetings in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ, who is the
Savior of the world and a
personal friend of mine. First
of all I wish to make it clear
that I’m proud to he called
(not a Baptist of which I am
but) a Christian. I believe the
Holy Scriptures have been
given to us as a guide for every
Christian. Being called by a
denominational name doesn't
make one be saved. However,
being a Christian will. So I say
I’m a Baptist! What is a name if
I don’t obey the word of God?
The Holy Bible is for every
believer. The same God that
demands Holiness of the earlv
church still demands that his
people by Holy.
This is the first of a series of
sermons on being a Christian.
Nearly everyone who has
united with a local church, will
say yes I’m a Christian. To be a
Christian means we act the way
Christ says act. Is that right? If
1 love the Lord, then I will
obey his Holy word. Everyone
that says he or she is a
Christian will say 1 love Jesus.
I'c )
836 Fenwick St. 11 i .
H. 11. (BuMkO NL.s Jr. fc
Phone 722-6972
“Monuments ol Distinction Sime 1911
Before Christ
- After Christ
We sing it in our churches,
schools, homes and even in the
street. We sing Oh How 1 Love
Jesus. But Jesus said in St.
John 14:24“IfamanloveMehe
will keep my word.” Jesus says
if you keep His command
ments you love Him. Now
what are his commandments?
If we do not study His word,
how can we know His
commandments? And how can
we love Him? Now some
people say they love Jesus and
still have outside men or
women. They still drink, they
still cheat, lie and do all the
things they did before they
joined the church. Are you
really a Christian? Can I say
I’m a Christian if I do all the
things my friends do who say
they are not Christians? It
can't be so! You are born of
God or you are born of the
Devil. 2nd Cor. 5:17 “Say
therefore if any man be in
Christ he is a new creature, old
things are passed away behold
all things are become new.”
Are you a Christian??????
" ' A iLltf
The Sick and Shut-In
Antioch Baptist - Rev. R.E. Donaldson pastor
Janice Brown, Elizabeth Coleman, Sabra Ketch, Sallie Parker,
Ed Lee, Hattie Perrin, Mittie Walton, Anna Bell Jennings, Mary
Wiley, Annie Ruth Bennings, Addie Worrill, Hardy Benning, John
Kenner, University Hosp.; Mary Hawkins, Freeman Nursing
Home; Essie Brooks, Andre Nursing Home.
Tabernacle Baptist - Rev. C.S. Hamilton, pastor
Mattie Bennett, Loree JacksonJJetty Waddell, Annie Carter,
Mary Burley, Annie Williams, Eloise McComb, Vandella Garvin,
Hattie Kaigier, Lillie Brown, Lena Pace, Carrie Thurmond, Carrie
Roberts, Hattie Williams, Florine Walker, Lillie Darlington, Ivey
Conley, Virgil Lowe, John Hightower, Rev. Andrew Hogan, Oscar
Greater Mt. Canaan Baptist - Rev. N. Irvin, pastor
Alvin Hill
Good Shepherd Baptist - Rev. E. Mclntyre
Rev. and Mrs. Joe Brown, Gladys Mcßoy, Richard Owens, Mrs.
Cora Gunter, Mrs. Mary Marshall, General Lewis, Carrie Turner,
Sandy Brown.
Summer Clearance
20%-70% Off
On All Summer Merchandise
722 1759
931-4 BROAD ST.
(ft Georgia Railroad Bank
Helping, What friends Are For.
Serving All of Augusta
With 14 Convenient Locations
The Augusta News-Review - July 17, 1975 -
\Astrologv J
ARIES (March 21-April 20) People you meet now can be
charming and help give you a good vacation. You may be invited
to a lakeshore cabin they own. Try to buy a few good new things
for vacation weather. What you spend now will repay you in the
future. Don't forget to buy a present for someone who will be
delighted - perhaps an infant just learning to know such things.
TARUS (April 21-May 20) If single, you can become attracted
to someone new in your life. You may be attracted, even if you
are married. You are too cautious and honorable to be disloyal to
your marital vows though. You want safety.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21) You may be in conference about an
important matter. You may have to suffer a lowering of income
or try for another job that does pay more. You can be forced to
change jobs just because of all that is needed in your financial
world. If you do quit, don’t look back at all.
CANCER (June 22-July 22) This marks the end of your
waiting period and dates will be taking up your evenings. You
think of marriage and want to set the date for next month. It
may come true.
LEO (July 23-August 23) A gala trip that you take with
companions will be remembered forever. It may be a long hard
journey, but memory will erase all that and leave only the good
times you have. Spend money this week for it’s time to enjoy
some of what you have saved up.
VIRGO (August 24-September) You may find yourself happier
than ever before. You feel free and easy, have more money
coming in, can buy clothes which you love. Devote some time
now to building up your fall wardrobe rather luxuriously.
LIBRA (September 23-October 22) You may meet the family
of your loved one and enjoy it very much. You like a large family
and it will seem as though you are getting that as well as a loved
one. Life is delightful and you have scarcely a worry.
SCORPIO (October 23-November 22) Your finances are
excellent and you try for more. You may be seeing a lawyer and
working through him. Standing up for yourself and your family is
only natural, but you may not win due to some technicalities.
You dislike losing the extra money you wanted to get, but in the
long run you’ll be satisfied because you can earn much.
SAGITTARIUS (November 23-December 21) Be careful for
whom you do favors. You may make someone be far too
dependent upon you. This could be embarrassing and difficult to
get out of. Just keep the ways you have had and don’t alter them
for anyone.
CAPRICORN (December 22-January 20) You are really
showing feathers of the bird you actually are. You’re happy to be
in love with someone else and just waiting for the right break to
come. You may expect divorce, but you cannot take one step
about it. Waiting can fill you with tensions.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 19) A shock may strike you
suddenly and your life be changed practically overnight. You
won’t have to be bothered with the child any longer, for you have
to go away to a distant state.
PISCES (February 20-March 20) You may be extremely
sophisticated and yet be near tears when the boss reprimands you
a bit. This is because you haven’t quite grown up in emotional
ways. Try to work with yourself to harden your philosophy
toward yourself, to soften it towards others.
Dent’s Undertaking
PHONE 722 4809 722-4800
1221 Ninth Street
722 6401 or 722 6026
W. H. MAYS 111
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