The Augusta news-review. (Augusta, Ga.) 1972-1985, July 17, 1975, Page Page 6, Image 6
The AUgusta News-Review - July 17, 1975 - Evertised items is required I ■ AtfWWffliS M„a&p liable for sale at or below I ■■ Cl IDCD JPFR H SUPER KM Hdll ■IF W >rice m each A&P store, I M Ch MJUJjllliMajlUjM ■ D| |V JMMM :all y noted m this ad J KI (RJi jIIITKMjTM MBH DiJ T 'th t k I liM iZIY I B “SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY > 1U IIIP IKI K I I*l I*IKII LJ II S HHMHNHH rill I GRAIN FED WESTERN BEEF ■ ■MHkJMMIMmBM K B A V*l M Lilli L1 I Chuck I / * ■rl I Roasts I IH| iW VI SAVE 40 c J I B cu? E lb. ■ U I I rn>W lanVo’LAKES I Ffflr MARTHA WHITE I I I I DA INSPECTED II ? |CO HI M 631 M jXI 8110116111119 I C& U 3WiNGs" S W/MCKS <> ■_■ I WlfafcKF UMITI WITH SlO DOOR MOREORDERBf* LIMIT 1 WITH SIO.OO OR MORE ISi lb, 5 J I jjkbbmbi jHRNMft SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY I ■ |"| g|j |||T|HBlr4rjl lIIVI CH * I GRAIN FED ■ I New York Strip I |Sj|; f * fcj| IRrWI F I t steaks I L$2 19 I IfiWi I ■ save HRnL I JL • ’ r 4uh^S■ lb & b w wk A&P STORES AT NATIONAL HILLS AND PEACH ORCHARD ROAD OPEN SUNDAYI2 NOON Uj\nUL_7PJVI. I ElH*ffi?K 1 I 11 Beef Franks 11 mxL"!Jr L V? I Imarvel regular of] Compare & Save I [ JfjfH *7EC llGreen , 6 02 JY II o i lkb m /3 iiD PAnq M oil oanuwicn buying convenience products ■ ■ J ■ ■DWCIIIO I .. ■ ■ *** ■ ■ W " " you are paying for someone else's la- A&P S SUNBRIGHT I I CREAM STYLE OR WHOLE KERNEL | U ■ ■ «J I ggssßEE I kliced Bacon I /"II Bread »I Compare COST PER SERVING ■ ■ jl — ■ ■ PflHrt CAN I ■ ■ nn ■ rather than cost per pound. The M OH ■■ MB H H IjFUI II \ f' H H Un I oXwlsu caus<ithas,itt,eboneor I |Mppiu 16 . 0 Z. n I I ruortMiiHnK Compare FOOD VALUE: Cheaper ■ ■QOII f* O CAN U ■ ■ I” F || KIII| IG I cuts of meat are just as nutritious as M ■ QIII ..■ FZ I M ■ " " Wnl H■■ W H I * ■ the more expensive cuts. Lower ■ ■ **•*••'*!*** I ■ ■ ■ H VAN CAMP S ■ ■ L f = I psafct»Jd - R °" s n „ •x. «i 13 > 1 00 J[3 ? 1 00 l 13 s 1 00 1 $1 78 I SfcsW ■ r»- I ■rwwwMM botl. | Qnnj ■ K• irPid I I ASP FROZEN FRENCH FRIED I (ON SALE THIS I I KuH I k at most A&P supermarkets 7 ■ ■UPKHi O LB hh C WITH I I T I VM H I LtK I COUPON I 95C Open Stock ■ J mWPWI V I V M Subject to appucaole tax one I ■ ■ I atari ■ rt ’ W coupon per thru 7-20-75. ■ ■ Bread & Butter Plate ■ JHBBf I ■: I | A4P AUTOMATIC g ANN PAGE POURABLE g ANN PAGE REGULAR g Save sO€ on Two I Dish Detergent ISalad Dressings! Tomato Ketchup I L; 0 I :: ao« 3««1“ 3 s l°° V y PKG. PREPRICED LABEL ■ W B ° TLS ' I PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU JULY 20TH ITEMS NOT AVAILABLE TO OTHER RETAIL DEALERS OR WHOLESALERS Page 6 A&P’S “SUPER BUYS” HELP YOU SAVE MONEY y A. JJappineAA JJeaftk by Otto McClarrin SMOKING WOODPULP: the very near future, so 6,000 Britions will be sampl cigarettes made up of synthc as well as real tobacco. And the end of the year, cigarettes are expected to available to all British smok< Derived from woodpulp, synthetic tobacco v developed at a cost of S million by a cigare manufacturer and a chemi concern. The synthetic tobacco’s 1 content is said to be d quarter that of real tobaci and its nicotine content is ze; The cigarettes in the trial v be from 10 percent to percent synthetic, while the that finally go on the market the British Isles are expected be 20 percent synthetic composition. DRUNKEN DRIVIN Experts fighting a deac epidemic of drunken drivi fear they are failing to sc: drinkers from behind t wheel. According to rece statistics, approximately h; of the 55,000 traffic deaths the United States each ye involve alcohol. Especially disappointing li been the failure of t “breathalyzer” laws. T developer of the breathalyzi Robert Borkenstein of India University, places the blame < poor police enforcement. 1 says one in every 201 violators is arrested. TEENAGE DRUG USER The nation’s teenage drug use are less religious, poor students, and more alienati from their parents than the nondrug using counterpart according to a Nation Institute on Drug Abuse stu< released recently. CHOLESTEROL DRUG! High level of fats in the bloc send the risk of suffering heart attack soaring. So in tl past two decades docto frequently have treatc patients who survive one hea attack with drugs to low, cholesterol levels in hopes < preventing another attack. A major study sponsored b the National Institute < Health (NIH) shows th; lowering levels of cholesten and truglyceride, anothc blood fat implicated in hea: disease, fails to prevei additional heart attack c improve the chances < longterm survival amon patients who have suffered on or more heart seizures. In the study, doctoi followed 8,341 men treated b 53 medical centers for five o six years. These patients wer compared with 2,789 men wh also suffered heart attacks bu who did not receive antifa drugs. The benefits of dru therapy, said NIH, wer vanishingly small. Howeve officials emphasized that th study did not prove or disprov conclusively the value o lowering high blood-fat level in people who have suffered heart attack. CANCER OF THE COLON Cancer of the large intestim will strike 99,000 American this year - more new cases thai any other type except skii cancer - and at current surviva rates more than half will b< dead within five years. Earl detection, says the America Cancer Society, is the onl; hope in sight of makin progress against the diseas which is the second leadin killer among cancers. Suit Filed Again? Miss. Billiards Parlor The Department of Justi< filed a civil suit today chargii the owners and the manager < a Mississippi billiards parlor f< refusing to admit Bla< customers. The suit charged that tl defendants refused Bla< patrons the use of the chi facilities and informs prospective Black patrons th: the billiards parlor was private club, in violations < the Civil Rights Act of 196 The suit asked the court enjoin the owners froi refusing to admit Black patrol on the premises.