The Augusta news-review. (Augusta, Ga.) 1972-1985, July 11, 1981, Image 1
Charles Walker Responds To Media Critics Page 1 Volume 11 Number 16 Reagan Tells NAACP He’ll WorkForA Racism-Free Nation In his address to the NAACP convention, President Reagan called for the economic emancipation of Black people and spoke of the ‘"economic freedom at a solid j0b....n0t one concocted by the Government and dependent on Washington winds, that a real job” where a person can “put in a good day's work, complain about the boss, and then go heme with confidence and self respect.” The President noted that some government programs “have created a new kind of bondage, Blacks Not In The Running For Court Vacancy Because nobody ever knows exactly how a Supreme Court justice will act once on the bench. Blacks cannot be sure what ♦he surprise decision of Justice Potter Stewart to resign will mean. Though designated as a swing vote on the court recently Stewart most often has voted with the xnservativies. Appointed in 1958 by Charles Walker: His Side Os HRC Controversy EDTTOR’S NOTE: In an effort to be su;e that full Human Relations Commission story is known by the public, we are printing the full text of Executive Director Charles I know that most of you, like myself, are very curious as to what in the hell is going on at the Human Relations Commission. Well, I am here to tell you today that I am just as puzzled as you are. Ulis whole circus that has been lurking for the last three months somehow seems to be so elusive that the characters and players do not know what stage they are supposed to be on so, I will make every attempt to try to explain to you where we are with the Augusta-Richmond County Human Relations Commission. As most of you know, this Commission was created in August, 1971 as a result of the May 11th riot in Augusta and Richmond County. I Clink that when the county fathers created the human relations commission they felt very strongly that they would create an agency that would be ineffective, quiet, and that somehow, with the insufficient amount of funding ava ’.tble, it would just simply go away it reminds me of the Biblical story of Moses...when the Pharaoh took him to the Sinai Desert and gave him a stick and told him, "This is your staff, and that is your kingdom. You shall rule over the serpents and the deserts." But, as you know, Moses went into the desert and he struggled. Augusta Neius-ißeutetu because regardless of how honest their intentions in the beginning, those that set out to help became clients essential to the well being of those who administered the programs.” The President favors the kind of program that would make people independent -- no longer in need of government assistance. On the subject of education, the President said that the Administration will “take a comprehensive look at the education of Blacks from primary school upward and strengthen the President Eisenhower, Stewart at 66 was the second most senior member of the Supreme Court. When he steps down July 3 he plans to go on senior status, this making himself available to serve occasionally on lowet courts. His departure opens the door for Reagan to fulfill an Oct. 14 campaign pledge to include a woman among his first Walker’s recent report to the Commission. We are also printing the full text and HRC response to a letter from internal auditor David I. Rollins wrote to County Commission Chairman Travb Barnes. and somehow he managed to prosper, anyway, in spite of the odds against him. Somehow I feel that the Human Relations Commission was given the same mandate. We were given SIO,OOO by the county government in 1972 and a legal pad and literally sent to the' 500 building to perish... However, what has happened is very simple. Through the leadership of a lot of dedicated citizens and the staff of the Human Relations Commission, we have not gone away, and we have not become a tool for the power structure...We have not sat idly by and allowed injustices and inequalities to be perpetrated upon the poor and economically disadvantaged...We went out to seek funds from the Federal government to do the job that the county government should have been willing to supply us with... And, this is what the problem is. The County Commission and some of the press feel that the Human Relations Commission is too big for its britches... And that Charles Walker, specifically, must be harnessed. It appears to me that the question is whether the Human Relations Commission should have gone out and sought Federal funds or not....but, I submit that if th« oounty Goldwater Supporting Voters Rights Acts Page 3 base of Black colleges which., are a prouc tradition...a symbol of Black determination and accomplishment." The Reagan Administration has already increased the funds spent on Black colleges, and the President said that trend will continue. Concluding his address, the President gave an example of great heroism-- and caring -by a Black soldier in Vietnam: A live grenade fell among a group of American soldiers. They were frozen with horror knowing they were only seconds away from appointments to the Supreme Court. The president has said he intends to appoint someone who has a similar philosophy to his own. That means staunchly conservative. He also intends to pick a nominee who he believes will interpret the law rather than attempt to use decisions to legislate. Reagan was advised a month ago that Stewart government did not want the Human Relations Commission to seek Federal funds, then I say that they should have supplied us with the necessary funds and the necessary staffing to enforce the civil rights of this county and the civil rights laws passed by the County government. It would have been a dereliction of our duty and responsibility to sit idly by with the nominal insufficient appropriations from the County government and allow racism and injustices to continue to afflict the workforce without some attempt to bring justice and equality to all citizens both Black and white, male and, as I say to you all today, it is not an issue that the county government did not know about the EEOC contract It has Legal Services Corporation’s Life Extended By Ed Kogers The House has overwhelmingly passed a bill to extend the life of the Legal Service Corp., but the controversial agency remained in the shadow of a possible presidential veto. Unless the bill is enacted by Congress and signed by President Reagan, the agency will go out of existence Sept. 30, to be replaced by funding through Block grants to states. White House counselor Edwin Meese announced he is advising Reagan to veto the bill if Congress passes it. The corporation is an Indapandant body whtah death. Then a young Black soldier threw himself on the grenade, covering it with his helmet and his body. He died to save his comrades. His last whispered words were: “You have to care.” “Let us care,” the President said. “Let us work to build a Nation that is free of racism, full of opportunity, and determined to loosen the creative energies of every person of every race of every station to make a better life. It will be my honor to stand alongside you to answer this call.” planned to step down. The search /or a successor has been underway since then and women are known to be among the potential candidates. However, the president’s campaign pledge was not to name a woman to the first vacancy, only that he would include one among his first appointees. White House been mentioned in all of our annual reports, and when they passed the ordinance they knew we would become a deferral agency and would establish a contractual relationship with the Federal government.... That is no myth. It appears to me that in the midst of the innuendos and inferences, that somebody wants to accuse the Human Relations Commission and Charles Walker, specifically, of malfeasance and misuse of federal and local funds... That is what appears to me.... And I am reminded of another Biblical parable involving the same Pharaoh and goes something like this.... Pharaoh told his son, who was to become the Pharaoh upon his father's death, “I hear that there is a Messiah in the dispenses federal funds to legal aid societies to represent the indigent. It has come under severe criticism for supporting suits to achieve social changes. The House approved the bill 245-137. Fifty-nine Republicans voted for the bill. Only 21 Democrats voted against it. The breakdown indicated the House might be able to override a presidential veto. Conservative Republicans and Democrats spent three days debating the agency's past abuses, locking a number of amendments onto the bill ami cutting lha prapaaed Atlanta Investigating Mass Female Murders Page 2 July 11,1981 'St fl ill < P / r I wPM 1 spokesman Larry Speakes says Reagan will use as his standard “excellence, competence and judicial temperament.” Blacks are not ' considered to be even longshot potentials in the replacement process. Somewhat surprisingly, one of the names being bandied about is that of Deputy Secretary of State William P. Clark He was named to a high judicial town called Judea. I want you to go to Judea, and if it is a myth, bring it to me in a bottle, and if it is a man, bring him to me in chains.” well, lam saying to the press and the county Commissioners ...If you have some allegations.. Some proof that there has been some irregularities Associated with the Human Relations Commission's fund.. Then Let’s get It on! If it is a myth or Something you wish had occurred, then put it in a bottle and set it on your shelf (applause). Let’s tell the press to put up or shut up. I don't think the Commission should sit idly by while some people continued to make a mistake and seize an opportunity to destroy not only Charles Walker as an individual, but the Human annual budget ironi $260 million to $241 million. Amendments make the corporation subject to scrutiny of the General Accounting Office, the investigative arm of Congress, and forbid the corporation to "promote" homosexuality, defend illegal aliens or file school desegregation suits. Rep. Larry McDonald, D-Ga., created a heated debate over the amendment that would forbid the corporation to "promote, defend or protect" homosexuality. McDonald said it would not prevent the corporation from protaatifii post in California by Reagan but testified recently during confirmation hearings for his present post that does not have a law degreee. He did study law and passed the bar examination. Any change in the composition of a Supreme Court which has handed down the number of close decisions the present one has, cannot but stir Relations Commission as an institution. There is a need for more local action to combat racial and prejudicial verbal attacks and discrimination against racial and ethnic minorities in our community. In recent years there has been a significant increase in racial outbursts against Blacks and the Black leadreship. Further, certain groups who are openly committed to racism and to acts of racial and ethnic outburts have surged in recent years. In these times of inflation and of economic uncertainty, people's minds become more vulnerable to this kind of racial outburst from local groups. We must take the activities of racist groups and individuals more seriously and tell the press to produce, to put up or shut up. homosexuals trom discrimination or harassment; it would only forbid use of taxpayers funds to advocate homosexual life styles. "This amendment is condoning blatant discrimination," Rep. George Miller, D.-Calif, told his colleagues. The House approved by voice vote an amendment of Rep. John Ashbrook R-Ohio, to forbid school desegregation or school busing advocacy, but defeated, 218-176, his proposal to forbid any suits against school boards. The members shouted approval of a substitute Young Terrorist Pick On Wrong Woman Page 3 concern. Among the priority issues that could be adversely affected by a stronger conservative tint would be affirmative action, busing for desegregation and the right of poor people to public assistance in a number of important areas. Noted for, simple, direct language and as a strong supporter of First Amendment rights, Stewart We do not subscribe to the notion that the proper way to reduce racial tension is to retreat from our commmitment to racial and ethnic equality and justice. We cannot stop our effrots to affirmatively redress the injustices which still survive...our community's long and not yet successful battle against discrimination and prejudice. Rather, we must forcefully pursue full equality for citizens of our community, and we must also vigorously oppose acts or outbursts motivated by racism and prejudice. We cannot afford to oe distracted. The full force cf our resources must be utilized to protect the civil rights of the population in our community. Every Augustan... whether Black or white Must understand that this proposal of Rep. Bill McCollum, R-Fla., to deny legal aid to illegal aliens Read The Augusta News-Review 25C also wrote some important civil rights decisions. One of them, Jones vs. Alfred H. Mayer, held that a Civil War Era law could be used to ban racial discrimination in housing. However, he dissented last year when the Supreme Court upheld the setting aside cf 10 percent cf federal construction project funds for minority contractors. Commission will not tolerate innuendos that are calculated to destroy HRC. There is a need in our community for the establishment of a plan of action to counter these attacks from certain factions of our community. These groups are a threat to our society. We implore the help of all citizens in this community. One of the shameful tragedies of history is that the very institutions which should inform man, participate in creating and perpetuating the concept that man should be misinformed. The shape of the world today does not permit us the luxury of Soft mindedness. A city or county that continues tc support soft-mindec institutions purchases its death on an installment plan. except political refugees, permanent residents and relatives of citizens