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Australian Aborigines Purposely Neglected?
Millions of dollars
earmarked for Aboriginal
health care have been
wasted by an inefficient
oureaccracy, according to a
confidential report kept
under wraps by the
Australian government for a
Parts of the report
were leaked to the press as
criticism mounted against
the federal government’s
plans to hand over to the
Atlanta Investigating Mass Female Murders
The deaths of 38
Atlanta-area females
mostly Black and in their
teens - are now alarming
city officials, after being
overshadowed for months
by Atlanta’s case of 28
unsolved murders of young
blacks, 26 of whom were
I '“I
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states more responsibility
for providing health care to
the 180,000 Aborigines in
the nation of 14.5 million
The health plan is part
of Prime Minister Malcolm
Fraser’s "proposed package
to cut some of the fat out
of government and hand
several federal functions to
the states.”
But opponents say the
government's Aboriginal
Because of the fear
that all of the murders have
caused, Mary Davis, head
of the city council’s public
safety committee, has asked
Lee P. Brown, the city's
pulbic safety commissioner,
to give the committee a list
of all unsolved murders in
Atlanta, male and female.
Black and white
Lynching Witness Convicted of
An ex-convict was
convicted of perjury
Wednesday for giving false
testimony against three
white men in connection
with the killing erf a black
youth whose body was
hanged in a tree.
Johnny Ray Kelly, 28,
of Prichard, said during his
two-day trial that he made
Lovely 3 and 4 Bedroom brick, 2 full baths, den,
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health plan '.’.ill turn an
already inefficient service
into a complete disaster.
According to the leaked
report which Fraser
received a year ago.
Aboriginal health is
worsening in several key
areas, including venereal
disease, dental health,
mc.ital illness, uiabetes and
alcohol abuse, despite
annual federal expenditures
of more than $269 million.
It has also been
recommended to Mayor
Maynard Jackson that he
replace Davis because the
slayings have reached
epidemic proportions and
have vet to be solved
The number of killings
in Atlanta are so staggering
that city officials s they
a deal with Prichard police
to implicate the three in
exchange for dismissal of
two felony charges against
Sentencing was
scheduled for July
27. Kelly, who previously
served a term in state
prison on an attempted
murder conviction, could be
And it claims more than
s7l million spent cm state
programs is simply ‘‘not
The report s_ys money
gJng to the states for
health care is being
channeled into office
development, housing for
white staff, motor vehicles
and maintenance of existing
health facilities many of
which are underused.
The report recommends
are likely to be the worst
case of unsolved murders in
the history of any U.S. city.
The public safety
commission in urging law
enforcement officials to look
closely at the cases of the
females to see if there is a
common thread that may
help to solve the murders.
sentenced to one to 10
years in prison.
Police Sgts. Bill
Williams and Jack Harbin
both denied making any
deal with Kelly.
The three men - Ralph
Eugene Hayes, and
brothers Jimmy and Johnny
Edgar - were charged, but
later released, in connection
with the slaying of Michael
Donald. 19. of Mobile.
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that finances be channeled
to services which are more
acceptable to Aborigines
and that a national agency
be established to help plan
administration, evaluation
and monitoring of federal
programs affecting
Aboriginal health standards
have not met with much
success. Aboriginal health
H i
MAN WITH THE HORN: Columbia recording group
Santana climaxed a series of New York City-area concerts
with a special one night stand at the Savoy in Manhattan
their first dub appearance here since October 1978. In
attendance for the night was a long-time Santana
admirer, Miles Davis (whose new Columbia album is
forthcoming this summer) - the admiration was mutual,
recording group Santana
climaxed a series of New
York City-area concerts
with a special one night
stand at the Savoy in
Manhattan - their first dub
appearance here since
October 1978. In attendance
for the night was a long
time Santana admirer,
Miles Davis (whose new
officials say handing over
responsibility to the states
will make matters even
To stress the point, the
director of a key, federally
sponsored Aboriginal health
program resigned May 22
in protest against what he
called the Fraser
Government’s “deception
and continued oppression of
Aboriginal society.”
Dr. Fred Hollows,
professor of opthalmology
The Man With The Guitar
Columbia album is
forthcoming this summer) -
the admiration was mutual,
of course as Devadip Carlos
Santana and the band were
heard quoting liberally from
the Miles ‘book’, the
familiar opening measures
from ‘‘Milestones’’; a
theme from Pangaea; and
one of the melodies from
Rodrigo’s ‘‘Concierto de
The Augusta News-Review - July 11,1981 -
at trie University of New
South Wales in Sydney,
said he was "Bitterly
disappointed” in the Fraser
Government’s handling of
Aboriginal health.
Hollows, an
internationally known eye
expert and a director of the
Royal Australian College of
Opthalmologists, is one of
Australia’s foremost
authorities on Aboriginal
He resigned as director
of cowrie, es Devadip Carlos Santana and the band were
heard quoting liberally from the Miles ’book’, the
familiar opening measures from "Milestones”; a theme
from Pangaea; and one of the melodies form Rodrigo’s
"Conceirto de Aranjuez" (recorded by Miles in 1959, on
Sketches of Spain). The Santana tour continues in and
around the East Coast through the summer, while the
band enjoys the success of its current album, ZEBOP!
and its first hit single pick, Russ Ballard’s "Winning."
Aranjuez” (recorded by
Miles in 1959, on Sketches
of Spain). The Santana tour
continues in and around the
East Coast through the
Children Help Mother
Fight Off Rape Attempt
An Augusta
woman fought off a rape
attempt in her home early
Friday morning when her
children came to her
Ann Gilbert of 721 East
Cedar St. told police she
woke up about 4 a.m. and
found a man half nude man
on her bed.
She said she pushed
him away and screamed for
her children to help hek
The man grabbed her
by the throat and said, “Til
kill you if you call the
kids,” according to Ms.
Basic Training
Army Pvt. Lorenzo
Broadwater, son of Katie
M. Broadwater of 2829
Hazel St., Augusta, Ga.,
has completed basic
training at Fort Knox, Ky.
During the training,
students receive instruction
in drill and ceremonies,
weapons, map reading,
tactics, military courtesy,
military justice, first aid,
and Army history and
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Page 2
of the National Trachoma
and Eye Health program,
one of the projects which
will come under state
control. Even though Fraser
eventually convinced him to
rejoin the eye program,
Hollows said he stands by
his claim that most
programs .uA
job they
summer, while the band
enjoys the success of its
current album, ZEBOP! and
its first hit single pick,
Russ Ballard’s “Winning.”
The children came into
the room and fought with
the man who drew a razor
and left through the front
door. A man’s hat was left
on the floor.
Calvin Gilbert, a
witness, said he recognized
the man as “ Wild Bill”,
and took police to the
suspect’s home at 713 Ea«t
Cedar St.
The suspect’s mother
identified him as Willie
Webb, but refused to let
police into her residence.
Mt jeL
Loreazo Broadwater