Newspaper Page Text
The orange-growers of Florida are
turning their attention to the making of
wine from oranges, and several experi
ments have indicated a possibility of
success in that direction. The first wine
made from oranges in Spain has lately
made its. appearance ih Madrid. There
are four kinds, one sparkling, and all said
to be of “an attractive color, pj,afectly
clear, of an agreeable, sweet, sflghtly
acid flavor, and of an alcoholic strength
of about fifteen per cent ”
Law, physic and divinity are well
supplied with feminine members in the
United States. The lady doctors num
ber 530, and feminine dentists 420, while
68 women are preacher*, and five prac
tice as lawyers. Some ladies adopt two
or three callings at once. A Mrs. Gibbs,
living in St. Louis, notifies on her door
plate that she is an “ elocutionist, poet
ness, washer and ironer. ”
Bareback riders in circuses, at least
in those of England, are the most popular
of circuB performers, and the best of the
class. A lady who is very graceful in
her acts, receives $500 a week during her
engagement. The two best male riders
of England receive $300 and $400 a
week. Clowns of the best kind receive
$50 and $75, and they are going out of
James McCormick, a millionaire,
bank president in Harrisburg, Penn.,
teaches a remarkable bible class.
There are three hundred members,
of whom he says: “ There are men
in this class who are by no means
Christians, men who are not even re
formed. One of the worst gamblers in
this city iB a regular attendant. He is
a bad man and confesses it, but there is
a spark of goodness in his heart which,
some day, may be fanned into a flame. ”
The highest ralary ever paid inBos
Lon was that of J. Wiley Edmonds, who,
at the time of his death, was receiving
$50,000 per annum as treasurer of the
Pacific mills. The highest salary paid to
a bank president in Boston at present is
$10,000; the highest to a cashier i^
$3,600. The range of salaries of dry
goods salesmen is from $5,000 to $500 a
year. In the wholesale boot and shoe
trade the highest salary is not over
$4,000. A few women, the heads of
departments in the dress or suit-making
business, receive about $1 000 per year.
Most salaries have been much reduced
since the advent of the hard times.
The articles made of paper at the lat
Berlin exhibition comprised the roofe
ceiling, cornices and interior walls of a
house, the exterior walls of which were
made of pine wood, but all the furniture,
blinds, curtains, chandeliers, carpeting,
ornamental doors mantel and table or
naments were of paper, including a stove
made of asbestos paper, in which a fire
was burning cheerfully. There were also
exhibited wash basins, water cans, a full-
rigged ship, lanterns, hats, shirts, full
suits of clothes aud underclothing, straps,
handkerchiefs, napkins, bath tubs, buck
ets, bronzes, flowers, urns, jewelry, belt
ing and animals, both for ornament and
for toys. .
Dr. D'Unger’s cinchona rubra treat
ment for drunkenness is ridiculed by Dr.
Earle, the physician of the Chicago
home for inebriates, who thinks that the
method of that institution is the best in
se. The patient suffering from alcohol
fm-ig first bathed and then put to bed.
Liquid nourishment only is given him.
If he is excessively nervous, or is suffer
ing from cerebral affection, he is given
nerve sedatives, like the bromides or ex
tracts of valerian. If he has been for a
long time without sleep except when
drunk, it is deemed essential that he
should have a long sleep on his first night
in the home, and in the majority of
cases this is brought about by doses of
hydrate of chloral. On the second day,
if the nervousness is followed by depres
sion, quinine and ammoniaare given, but
no alcoholic stimulant. Usually he is
able to leave the hospital department on
the third day. Thereafter during his
tay he lives on an ordinary diet. Dr.
Earle ciphers out the proportionate
causes of drunkenness as follows : “ As
sociations with drinking companions, 40
per cent.; sociability, 10 per cent.;
trouble of various kinds, either in busi
ness or in family, 10 per cent.; the cus
tom of drirAhg in families, 2 per cent.;
and the other causes which go to make
up the ien «er are different kinds of
business iiich bring a person in contact
with alcohol, such as liquor traffic, hotel
business, etc , mental depression and ac
tive brain work, army and navy associa
tions and other reasons.
New York Times: The experience
of the last few years has shown that the
cultivation of great fajrms in the west,
where they are almost entirely owned,
has been anj^hing but lucrative. They
n»^4*ioved in the main both injurious
^individuals and the country; the fail
ure of the colossal farmers in Illinois being
(samples of the untoward fate attendant
u non gigantic enterprises of th<» kind.
Farming on a grand scale ever * the
assistance of improved machiD ^-and
implements, is a dangerous ex penitent
here, and tuu&lly terminates disastrously.
T ie majority o agriculturists who have
made money on small farms have lost it
on large farms, and this experience has
been repeated in Illinois, Missouri, Kan
sas, Colorado, Nebraska and Dakota.
The trouble is that our‘ big farmers
undertake far more than they caD accom
plish, and their gt and ambition ends in
partial or slovenly cultivation. It is
estimated that ihe money sunk by large
farmers during the last ten years amounts
to more than $100,000,000, and it is
thought that their failures have taught
them a valuable and much needed lesson.
Much of the success of France has been
ascribed to the subdivision of the country
into small farms, which, thoroughly
tilled, support a large population. Al
though we do not usually regard France
as agricultural, she produces more wheat,
it is said, than the whole of the United
States. Her crop for 1868 is represented
at 350,000,000 bushels, while ours for the
same year was only 240,000,000 bushels.
Wines, silks, laces, oil aud fine fabrics of
divers kinds are not her sole exports; she
sends enormous quantities of grain, but
ter, eggs and other household products
to Great Britain. Two-thirds oi the
entire area of France is under cultivation,
while little over one-third—if so much—
is under cultivation in this country, and
her farms yield on an average, per acre,
three or four times what the broad
regions of the west do.
Carrion Crows of Vera Cruz.
Vera Cruz Cor. N. Y. Post.
These black vultures, called zapi'otes,
are an institution of Vera Cruz. Tame
as domestic fowls, they circle about
singly, in pairs, and ia great flocks,
roosting upon the towerp, cupolas and
housetops. They act as the scavengers
of the city, cleaning the streets of offal
and refuse, and, in fact, descending upon
anything edible within their reach.
They quarrel with hungry dogs for the
possession of a bone, uttering many gut
tural protests during the struggle, and
clinging pertinaciously with beak and
talons to their end of the prize. They
haunt the fish market when the sun has
begun to do its work upon the finny
merchandise, and steal surreptitiously
up behind the vendor, when his head is
turned, to abstract a fish. Their ex
pression, when detected before the theft
takes place, is that of unimpeachable in
nocence. They seem to say, “ Oh! 1
won’t take anything; I'm simply looking
No one is allowed wantonly to
destroy them, five dollars fine being the
penalty for shooting or otherwise killing
a zipUote. Those within the city walls
are ©t the species known in the southern
states as the carrion crow (Caiharics
alralus), though two other kinds exist
upon the coast—the common turkey
buzzard, with plumage of a more somber
cast and red on neck and legs of a livelier
tint, and the king vulture, monarch of
his tribe. One of the most common
roosting places of the vultures are the
crosses on the church towers, and the
sight of three of these black qpats perched
upon either arm and on top of these
white emblems forms a novel if not
cheerful spectacle; one involuntarily
thinks of the crucifixion and the two
Flounders’ Eyes.
From Nature.
In the la*e summer of 1875 a little
shoal of some fifteen quite transparent
flounders were captured by Agassiz, on a
quiet and brilliant morning, on the sur
face of the water at the mouth of the har
bor of Newport. They were swimming
vertically, and violently rushing after
the minute entomostraea which swarmed
on the surface. They were at once trans
ferred to shallow glass jars, in which they
would remain at the bottom on their right
sides, lor hours immovable. When dis
turbed they were rapid in their move
ments, frequently jumping out ol the
water. When swimming vertically they
usually moved obliauely, the tail being
carried lower than the head. When one
of these was looked at in profile, its right
eye could be seen through the head,
slightly in advance and a little above the
left eye; owing to the great transpar
ency of the body, the right eye was then
nearly as useful as if placed on the left
side. Gradually it rose, until about six
days it was well above the left eye;
shortly after, wonderful to relate, it was
seen to sink into the tissues at the base
of the dorsal fin, between this and the
frontal; slowly it sank, until the huge
orbit became ieduced to a mere circular
opening. Little by little this became
smaller and smaller, the eye pushed its
way deeper into the tissues, until an ad
ditional opening was formed on the left
side. At this stage there were three or
bital openings, though ofjeourse but two
eyes. The original, or right orbital,
opening soon became closed, and the
colored side had its two eyes.
The sky was dark, and the iron-bound coas"*
Of the Battery loomed nigU,
When stout Pen Bow. of the Nancy Jane,
O’er the billows cast his eye,
But his eje returned, and the sttadfast glare
Of his nose’s tip renewed,
For they «aine, too, that had dwelt therein
Ever since the wot Id is viewed.
i hen a sigh he heaved o'er the Nancy’s bow,
with a wild, convulsive throe,
And he muttered words which I can’t repeat,
»”or his speech was somewhat low.
1 hen his glass he seizni, and looked sgaln,
With an anxicin gaze aud keen ;
But the inky doed he swept iD vain
While dead eyes gleamed thiough the growing
Ar.d the air srrnied full of shrouds.
Down into the fateoraleES deep he hove
The lead, with a seaman’s prayer
Then murk and murkier grew the sky,
and fieicer rolled the tide:
Ar.d hold Ben Bow was quite unmanned,
Till his cry became a
But never they’d ansvirel yet i
Thcuiih they oft replied “ Ay, ay !”
For though as stauLch aB tars may be,
And -
> mifcters.
A Woman’s Sharp Wit.
A witty woman, if she is also pretty,
seems to be licensed to sky what she will
to friend or foe. During the war for in
dependence, the ladies ot the south freely
exercised their sex’s * privilege. Alter
the surrender of Charleston, the British
arms were, for a time, triumphant in
that section. Many of the leading,
men, through fear of imprisonment and
of losing their estates, renewed their
allegiances to the kiDg. Most of the
women, however, adhered to their Whig
principles, and were not reticent in ex
pressing their sentiments. Mis. Daniel
Hall, a noted Whig, obtained per
mission to visit her mother on John’s
island. As she was getting into the boat
that was to carry her to the island, an
English officer, in an authoritative style,
demanded the keys to her trunk.
What do you expect to find there ?’
asked Mr. Hall. “ I seek for treason,” |
replied the officer. “ You may save
yourself the trouble of searching my !
trunk,” said the lady, “ for you can find
plenty of it at my tongue’s end.” I
Then his male drew Bt n aside, who seemed,
As the crew said, “ much consarncd,”
For oft his shaggy brows he knit,
And his eyes at times he ‘ darned,”
For the dreaded blow teamed near at last,
As his hoard of choice Havanas
Had pH been “smoked, ’ so lie opined,
To judge by the customs manners.
But higher and higher the waves arose,
Ami first the anchor parted,
And then, it was seen,not men ly a plank,
But the whole of the ship bad started.
When this the customs officer saw,
His heart grew sore with trouble,
the c a plain-toward him stretched his hand?,
And the tight he s
a double.
At that, to the shore be madly rushed,
And shouted, “ A vast! Bt-lav!”
And small and smaller the Nancy grew,
For she quickly wore away.
And lo ! ae he watched that noble ship,
vV'ithasort of shuddering quiver,
With her cm p tain hoi 1 and her crew, went dow
But the only went down the river.
Appliance* to Protect Proper I'urloiia
Orvice* u*rtl n* Mtfeicuat d*.
New York Mercury.
At the present time, to a greater de
gree, perhaps, than at any previous pe
riod in the history of the world, crime,
particula iy robbery and burglary, has
become a business, a profession, and a
fine art—pursued for a livelihood by
many bold and adroit and sometimes
scientific men—consequently the protec
tion of property, money and valuables
from the attacks of thieves has become
one of the most important problems of
civilization. Four factors are relied up**
on to furnish the desired protection.
First, mere force or material, such as iron
bars or shutters and the like. Second,
mechanism, as evinced in locks, combi
nation-locks, clock-locks, etc. Third, or
ganized systems of watchmen, patrols,
etc., in which intelligently directed and
presumably honest human nature is
relied upon; and fourth, science, which,
by applying the laws of human nature to
the purposes of protection, acts as a
guard. The last is, as can be readily
seen, the best. Force can be overcome
by force. Machinery, however intricate,
can be taken apart or broken. Men may
prove incompetent or false; but a law of
nature can always be relied upon, in all
emergencies, to do its work. In the
present article it is proposed to review
the price pal means adopted in the me
tropolis to protect money and valuables
against thieves, and to show how our
leading business men and institutions are,
or can be, rendered secure from the at*
tack of burglars. Such an article as this
at such a time as this is, indeed, timely.
The iron shutters are familiar to the
general public, aud are in use among the
generality of wholesale and dry goods
bouses. But many of our leading retail
stores are protected on the entirely
opposite plan of no shutters at all—
merely a plate of glass and a brilliant
gas jet. Several stores on Broadway are
guarded in this fashion, and one safe
deposit company has adopted this ex
pedient. Its very simplicity forms its
security. Any one moving about in the
intei iorofthe establishment can be plainly
seen from the street, and supposing that
a watchman was in guard all night on
the outside no thief could ever effect an
entrance inside. But even a model
policeman can not spend his entire night
watching the outside of one establish
ment, and although under ordinary
circumstances this simple illuminating
process suffices, yet it does not aflord
absolute protection. A case transpired
not long ago in which a brilliantly lighted
store was robbed by two bold and adroit
thieves, who entered the store from a side
door which they burst open ; they then
proceeded quietly to open cases and
boxes, although a policeman on his
rounds passd them at their work and
passed on, thinking, naturally enough,
that these were clerks busy a little later
than usual. Tne very audacity of their
plan saved them. The |policeman never
imagined that a robbery could thus be
committed be ore the eyes of any body
and every body, himself included.
The patrol system and night-watchmen
system have been extensively relied
upon for protection, and, supposing the
patrol never to fail, the patrolman to be
immaculate and untiring, the watchman
beyond the reach of temptation, and
physically strong enough to resist all
assaults, this system would be all that
could be desired. It certainly has many
features to recommend it; in fact, every
possible variety of precaution should be
used, and exclusive re iAnce should not
be placed upon any one : scheme, system
or contrivance. A system of patrolmen
has been established in the down-town
districts, among the wholesale dry-goods
houses below Broome street, in which
doors are tried every hour from six to
six o’clock. An up town patrol has also
been established from Thirty-sixth to
Fifty-ninth street, in which some thirty-
nine men are employed, sending signals
from every corner of their patrol every
twenty minutes from nine o’clock till
six in the morning. Photographs have
lately been taken of the night-watchmen
connected with the leading houses and
stores, and these photographs serve a c an
important factor in watchiDg the watch*
men. Not long ago a private watchman
connected with a dry-goods house was
from his post, and several pretenses were
made of errands of importance during
the night so as to call upon him, but he
always was (apparently) found at his
duties. Finally his photograph was
taken, and several copies of it were given
to various parties. Among them was
one handed to a lad with whom the
watchman himself was unacquainted.
This lad was sent on a manufactured
errand to the store one Dight, and found
b man on post who did not answer to the
photograph, though he did answer to the
name, and made believe to be the watch*
Another boy was then furnished with
the photograph and on a trumped up
errand saw the watchman, who did net
answer to his picture. The simon pure
watchman, however, continued to draw
his weekly pay, until he, one day, with
out the least suspicion having been ex
cited on his part, was confronted with
the facts and with the two lads, who each,
without knowing the other, testified
that the man they had spoken to as the
night watchman was not the man before
them. The watchman, thus cornered,
confessed that he had employed a substi
tute so that he could take a night off
now and then, but claimed that his sub
stitute was perfectly reliable. His em
ployers did not see it in that light, how
ever, and discharged him. Of late years
the application of electricity as an agent
for the prevention ot crime and the pro
tection of property has attracted atten
tion. It has been largely applied. It is
held by many that in electricity is yet to
be found the one absolute security
against robbery. Certainly the theory
of employing a great agent of nature like
electricity to announce, and therefore
defeat, a crime, is in itself perfect.
Where nature herself acts on guard, the
millionaire may rest secure. And in
practice the use ot electricity in this
respect has mere than justified the anti
cipations of the most sanguine. Many
ot our houses and most of our large stores
depend chiefly upon electricity to protect
them against thievery, utilizing a com
bination of electricity circuits aud electric
The advocates of electricity as a detec
tive claim for it the three advantages of
economy, simplicity and certainty. In
many places an electric current is placed
around a safe or vault. There are several
ays in which this can be done. Some
times the safe is incased in a box, and an
electric circuit is attained by means of
plates separated by some insulating sub
stance. If this box is tampered with or
cut, the circuit is disturbed and an alarm
is given. The only objection to this box
method is that a skillful electrician could,
give him time enough, separate the
plates or material which composes the
box without breaking the circuit or
giving alarm. But only a most skillful
practical electriciau could do it; then
only when he had plenty of time and
opportunity to study the box, so that,
practically, this system is next to in
fallible. Certainly no mere burglar or
gang of burglars or unfaithful watchman
could accomplish a robbery under these
circumstances. Sometimes the safe itself
is made a pait or pole of the battery or
circuit. In this case the safe is covered
with an insulating sub3t9Dce, which is
covered again by a metallic coating.
The latest device in this line is the
eiectric net. This is composed of cut
strips of copper woven into a net which
surrounds the sale. These strips are
insulated each from the rest, so that
several independent circuits are made,
and boring or tampering with which
would at once cause a separate alarm.
This net can not be taken off, like a
metallic coating, and not even an elec,
trician could get the advantage of it.
There is one advantage about electricity.
Unlike a woman, electricity can keep a
Ooe of the objections to combination
locks is, as alieady hinted at. that their
key must be known to several persons,
but the secret of an electric circuit need
be known onlv to one man. To explain:
There is a measure used to electricity
kuown a? ohms, from Mr. Ohm, its in-
ventor. These ohms are for electricity
what feet are for distances or pounds for
weight—they determine the resisting
force of ttie electric current. Now,
every electric circuit cau be to arranged
to have its own ohms or measure ol
distance, and if a circuit is placed round
safe, it can be set to a certain number
of ohms. So long as the circuit is main
tained just at this force, or ohms, so loDg
all will be well, but the moment the
number of ohms in the circuit is added to
or taken from, that moment electricity
will give the danger signal. If a mile of
wire, with a circuit o so many ohms,
guards a certain safe, then if any elec
trician should connect-it to another wire
with another circuit, the original wire
would at once indicate a greater Dumber
of ohms than before the connection.
This would disturb the balance of the
circuit, and the signal will at once be
given. The only possible way by which
j electrician could tamper with such a
balance-circuit,” as it is styled, would
be by knqwing beforehand precisely the
number of ohms to which the circuit
was set. Now, the circuit need not be
known to any one save the electrician
who controls the circuit in the interest
of the proper parties With these ad
vantages, it can be readily conceived
that electrically guarded safes are com
ing into vogue, especially as they cost
les* than clock locks or combinations.
Electricity is used as a guard against
rolbsry by many of the leading business
institutions of the metropolis, many
banks, hotels, dry goods stores, etc. A.
T. Stewart & Co., believe in electricity,
and have adopted their own peculiar
way of utilizing it. No watchmen are
placed in the Stewart stores at night.
Just before the stores are closed two
men go around and search out for intru
ders. Then, after these two men have
concluded their search, another pair
start on a tour of inspection. Then the
stores are closed, and the two night
watchmen patrol the ourside. There
are four signal electric boxes at the re
tail store, one at each corner. These
boxes must be opened and a signal sent
from them by the watchmen every five
minutes. When the watchman at the
corner of Tenth street and Fourth
avenue sends his signal at midnight, the
watchman at the corner of Tenth street
and Broadway sends his; and thus they
each reach their separate rounds,
traversing part of each other’s patrol all
the nfght through, two sides and a part
of a third side being inspected by each
watchman every five minutes. These
watchmen have handcuffed keys, or
tumbler-lock keys, as they are called.
These are keys which are handcuffed
round the wrist, and which can not be
detached from the handcuff. When
once placed in the lock they can not be
detached till the box ia closed again, so
that the key can not be possibly left in
the box or duplicated. Ihe boxes, too,
are so constructed that their locks can
be changed every few nights, if necessary.
H B. Claflin’s has its own separate
electric wire, and a watchman who is
allowed to send signals just as often or as
seldom as he pleases. If he don’t send
them often enough then the party at the
other end of the wire signals him, ring
ing, by electricity, seven bells at once,
one bell to each ot the seven stores of the
monster store. Lord & Taylor have six
signal boxes, from which signals are sent
every two hours, each box having its
own separate time-table of signals. A
correct list of these time-tables and the
way they are filled the night before is
sent to the firm every morning. E. S.
Jaffray & Co. have five signal boxes.
The Pacific bank has an electricity-pro
tected safe, so has the Batchers’ and
Drovers’ bank, the Bowery savings bank,
Tiffany & Co., the Central Safe Deposit
Co., and about five hundred other houses
aDd stores. Of these five hundred scarce
ly any two have the same set of time
tables or arrangements. Electricity in
its applications to modern life and busi.
ntss is still in its infancy, but none of
its applications are more important than
those designed to protect property
Probably the time will come when elec
tricity shall be fully understood, when
burglary, which is now a science, will
become a “ lost art.”
How Waterloo Was Won.
Yau Lann's Revolutionary Epoch.
Ney was unabie to maintain bis
position without infantry, and had to
order a rttreat. His gallant men had
already partially descended the slope,
but every hollow, every square yard of
the well-chosen field, was commanded by
English guns. He resolved to attack
the English squares once more, assisted
by fresh brigades of cavalry under
Killermau, whom Napoleon had sent to
his support. Even one hundred car
bineers. who were held in reserve, were
ordered to advance in spite ol the remon
strance of their commander. Seventy-
seven squadrons ot cavalry —10,000 he
roic and picked men—rushed once more
upon the heights. But again the En
glish formed their solid hquares aDd re
ceived the enemy with their concentric
and terrible fire. The fighting now
glow more desperate than before, and
the loss was great on both sides. Both
armies were almost exhausted. Wel
lington had called up his last reserves
and his ranks were thinning fast, while
Belgian fugitives were crowding the
Brussels road. Six flags were captured
and taken to Napoleon in the midst of
the battle, and he accepting it as an
omen ot success Hoped every moment to
witness the retreat of the enemy. What
then was it which caused the French,
and not the EnglisH, to retire from the
heights on the center and right ©f the
allied positions? There can be little
doubt that the battle of Waterloo, as a
battle between French ^and English
alone, was lost and won upon these
heights, though its success was rendered
complete by the arrival of the Prussians
It is, therefor, interesting to inquire how
the victory was gained. Perhaps the
majority of foieigners are wont to main
tain that the English were beaten by
Napoleon and rescued from utter defeat
only by the opportune arrival of Blucher,
by which the French army were over
whelmed. Tnis,* however is a wrong
opinion. Even if Napoleon, who was
aware that the Prussians had arrived in
the neighborhood of Waterloo, had in
terfered with or recalled the cavalry un
der Ney’s command, or had withheld
any forces he might otherwise have sent
to Ney’s assistance, the only argument
which might be reasonably brought for
ward is that the Prussians created a
divergence in favor of the English de
fenders ot the Heights of Mont St. Jean.
But the cause of the withdrawel of Ney’s
gallant squadron need not be looked for
outside the circumstances of the despei-
ate duel which had been waged from
four to seven o’clock, and which must be
regarded as either a drawn battle or as a
victory for the allied troops. “Onthe
>lateau,” writes M. Quinet, “the ex-
laustion of the French was equal to that
of the English. Seven generals were
seriously wounded—Lheritier, gDonop,
Blancard, Picquet, Delort, Travers, Col
bert. No one gave the order to retreat,
no one sounded the recall. The dimin
ished ranks, pierced by grape-shot, by
musketry fire and the saber, disorgan
ized by three hours of unprecedented
conflict, by the failing strength of the
men, and yet more of the horses, neces
sity which sets a limit to every thing—
all these things occupied the place of
orderly array.” If this was so, what ia
the conclusiou except that the French
found it impossible to achieve what they
had so gallantly attempted, while the
tenacity of the English enabled them to
remain glued to the ground when the
enemy had disappeared ?
on an average pay of about £60 a year
is a mystery worthy to be classed among
the great enigmas of life; but they do
it, and, furthermore, they con.-ticute a
society. In certain villages, indeed,
their group composes a recognized aris
tocracy ; they are the great world ot the
place; they possess the advantages of
ran* ; the Sunday bonnets of their wives
and daughters arouse rmotion amoDg
cap-wearing spectators. And all this is
paid for by about twenty-five shillings a
week! Very wonderful. But the
people of this curious category are ren
tiered more remarkable still by a pecu
liarity which is proper to themselves,
which saturates aud permeates them by
an unimaginable servility to their
superiors, and by an equally unimagin
able arrogaace to everybody e’se. They
cringe ana they bully with a skill which
is the most productive and the mo?t
evident of their professional endowment-,
and whica sets the beholder wondering
what, hidden -grace there can be in the
service of the French government to
develop so wonderful a capacity of alter
nate obsequiousness and insolence in its
lower retainers. It is all over France;
it sprouts in every wearer of a gold
lace cap ; but it is more striking in the
country than in the towns, “for the
double reason that there is more space
for it in the former than in the latter,
an i that the people have more time tu
contemplate it.
French Petty Employes
Frazer’s Magazine.
There is a peculiar French class, the
army of imall government employes, who
discharge their infinitely insignificant
but infinitely diversified functions
throughout the land, on salaries which
stretch between £32 and the vast, envied
and rare imm > ity of £160. Of the
600,000 civil 'ants required by the
complicated an inquisitorial adminis
tration of FraDC< one-half, at least, are
obliged by tbei < ccupations to inhabit
the villages. Ihe gardes champetres, the i
The Fact* In fbeCa*efcet Forth in Humble
Oil City Derrick.
A Chieftain, to the Highland bound,
cries, “ Boatman, do not tarry, aud I’ll
give you a dollar and a half to row us
across the lake.”
“ Now, who be ye would cross Loch-
Gyle this dark an 1 stormy night?’’
a-ked the ferryman, with much curi
“ What ia that to you, you bald-headed
snipe of the valley ?” replied the Chief
tain, growing pale about the gills. “If
I pay you a good round sum for your
services it appears to me your interest in
the matter should end there. Do you
require the pedigree of every man,
woman or child you take across in your
infernal scow? If it wasn’t that I’m in
a hurry I’d smack your jaws for your
impudence, but as it is,” displaying a
handful of coin, “as it is, I’m the Chief
of Ulva’-r Tsle, and this—Lord IJlIan’s
daughter. His horsemen hard behind
us ride, and should they overtake us here
in the glen it would go hard with us.”
Out spoke the hardy Highland wight,
while he unlocked his skiff and told them
to get in : “ I’ll go, my Chief. I’m ready;
but considering the terrible storm, I hope
you will make it two dollars, although,
as a matter of fact, I do not venture
forth for a mere money consideration,
but for your winsome lady. I have been
there to BOme extent myself", and can
appreciate the situation, so, by my wore,
the bonny bird in danger shall not tarry.
Sit a little more in the middle to trim
the boat, please, and here we go!’’
By this the storm grew loud a pace,
the water-wraith was shrieking, and
other things looked most mighty dark.
But still as wilder grew the storm, and
as the night grew drearier, adown the
glen rode at least a dozen men, wi:h old
Ullan at the bead on a cream colored
mule. “ Oh, baste thee, haste 1 ” the
lady cries; “though tempests round us
gather, I’ll meet the raging storm, but
not my angry pa. ” Sj on they rowed
amid the roar of waters fast prevailing,
and when Lord Ullan reached the shore
his wrath was dreadful to behold. And
no wonder. For sore dismayed, through
storm and shade, he discovered his
daughter out in the boat with a smile on
her lip, and salt spray in her eye, and
both arms around her lover. For a while
it seemed that he weuld take it out of
his hired men and the cream colored
mule, as he declared he would have the
former beheaded as soon as he got home,
and the latter he was hammering over
the ears with a club. Presently he took
another tack: “Come back! come
back! ” he cried in grief, “ across the
stormy water, and I’ll forgive your High
land bey, my daughter ! oh, my daugh
ter! and also settle the bill with the
ferryman. ”
But the young lady could not be
caught so easily. Neither could the
young man, who told the ferryman to
press on, and then turning around in the
boat, still keeping one arm about his
sweetheart to prevent her falling out,
called to the old gentleman : “ Much
obliged lor your kind invitation, my dear
sir, but we will not come back at pres
ent. You can expect us, however, in
the course of a week or ten days. Till
then, adieu !” Lord Ullan called again.
’Twas vain ; the loud waves lashed the
shore ; return, they wouldn’t think of it.
In fifteen minutes they were on the other
side, the ferryman was wondering what
he would do with a twenty dollar gold
piece, and the young couple were in
quiring the way to the nearest justice of
tne peace.
You have not fulfilled every duty
unless you have fulfilled that of being
Success has a great tendency to con
ceal aud throw a veil over the evil deeds
of men.
The man who walks “ a thousand
miles in a thousand hours” s more gen
erally admired than he who walks up
rightly through th lee-score years and ten.
There is no merit where there is no
trial,and till experiance stamps the mark
of strength, cowards may pass lor heroes
and faith for falsehood.
Boston's imports in 1878 were $36,-
610.759 as compared with $47,720,664 in
1877. Her exports in 1878 were $49,-
938 465 as compared w th $43 563,229 in
“Father,” said an inquisitive boy,
“what is meant by close relations?”
“Close relations, my son,” replied the
father, “are relations who never give
you a cent ” The boy said the old man.
then, was the “closest” relation he’d
He who never changed any of his
opinions never corrected any of his mis
takes : and he who was never wise
enough to find out any mistakes in him
self, will not be charitable enough to
exense what he reckons mistakes in
An rfligious newspaper will go the
rou d of the family circle and still look
bright and clean, but when the family
tory-paper makes the circuit, it looks as
if it had served in the capacity of a
bustle, and had been given to the baby
to cut its teeth on.
lecturer on chemistry lately dis
coursed in this fashion : “ L’o illustrate
how elements that are perfectly harmless
in themselves may become destructive
by combination, take the case a gun
and a small boy. What can be more
harmless than each of these when alone
by itself, or what can be more dangerous
in combination ? ”
A ruracist seated himself at a res
taurant ’able yesterday, and began upon
the bill of fare. After keeping three
waiters nearly an hour employed in
bringing dishes to him, he called one ot
them to him, heaved a sigh and whis-
l**red, as he spread the bill of fare before
The Man Who Booted Dickens.
Washington PosL
Old Major Throckmorton, keeper of
the Galt House, in Louisville, is dead.
He was a good old man and Kentucky
to the bone. When Dickens came to
his house in 1846 the Major gracefully
and hospitably addressed him thus while
the assembled c.owd looked on and lis
tened with admiration akin to enthusi
asm : “ Mr. Dickens, we are glad to
welcome you. We know you a^d admire
you, and will reckon it a privilege to be
allowed to extend to you the hospitali
ties of the metropolis ef Kentucky. As
your special host I beg that you will
command me for any service in my
power to render.” Mr. Dickens received
this with a frigid stare. “ When I need
forest keepers, the various loremen of j you* landlord,” he Mid, pointing to the
the national department ana cemmanal door, “ I will ring.” The next moment
roads, the multiform agents of the tax*
collectors, the overlookers of navigation
on the rivers and canals, the inspectors,
surveyors and overseers of every possible
process, thiDg or deed that can any how
the distinguished author was half way
out of the window, the Major’s boots
under hs coat tail, and numerous Ken
tuckians holding the Major’s coat tail,
for the Major viewed insults from a
be inspected, surveyed or overseen, and ! strictly Kentucky point of view, and the
crowds of other diminutive officials with j only mention of this incident in the
a line of gold or silver braid on their “American Notes” is that Dickens saw
kepis, are all, by the essentially local ! a pig rooting in the streets ot Louisville,
nature of their calling, dwellers in the | which proves that great novelists are
country. How they manage to ledge, j more careful about their fiction than
nourish, clothe and educate their familit s th e * r facts.
iiim. and jiointed with his finger: “ Mis
ter, I’ve et to thar, and ’’—moving his
finger down to the bottom of the page—
“ er it ain’t agin the rule, I’d like to skip
from thar to thar.”
Sir John Lubbock and Ills Ants.
London World.
One of the best rooms on the first floor
of High Elms is devoted to wort, and at
the present moment contains a menagerie
nf ants. Between thirty and forty
species are represented by separate nests,
placed under glass, carefully shaded
from the light, and surrounded by
water to prevent the insects from escap
ing and prevading the house. It is
pleasant to see trir John Lubbeck, ar
rayed in his working suit of gray stuff,
gently uncovering the nests, and replac
ing the screens quickly lest the animals
should take alarm at the influx of light,
and be thrown into disorganization by
the the ught that their nest ia attacked.
It is curious to observe that these tiny
creatures have animals with them, which
it may be presumed are useful in some
way, as the ants forbear to attack them.
They are mostly of the beetle race, and
some, like the little Claviger, are quite
blind, possibly from confirmed subter
ranean habits, and are only found in
ants’ nests, the proprietors of which take
as much care of them as they do of their
own young. Apparently ants have a
considerable variety of domestic animals,
among which the blind Platyarthrus
is conspicuous, as well as the Bsckia al
binos, the latter of which was first iully
described by Sir John Lubbock, whe
suggests that perhaps ^iese two act the
-part of the Constsntinop’e dog and the
Turkey buzzard, making themselves use
ful as scavsngers.
An hour’s chat with the owner of this
well-organized work-room has a tendency
to dispel some early illusions of the un
scientific mind concerning the industry
of the ant It is an industrious crea
ture in the main, but there are ants and
ants. Tne large red Bpecies found in
Central Europe, and which displays ex
traordinary activity when light is admit
ted to its nest, is not industrious at all,
being a purely fi.hting aristocrat and
slaveholder. She—the fighting ants are
Amazons—makes predatory excursions,
like the “ commandoes” of the old Dutch
boers, and carries off the puy se or chrysa
lids, the so-called ants’ eges, of which
young pheasants are so fond, of another
species, and brings them up as slaves.
As Sir John Lubbock points out .he
slaveholders present “ a striking '..s.ance
of the degrading tendency of slave.y.”
They can neither wash nor feed them-
selves. They have lost the greater part
of their instincts, their art or power of
building; their domestic habits, lor they
take no part in providing themselves
with food; aud if the colony changes ita
nest, the rulers are carried by their
Blaves to the new one. Even their
structure has altered; their mandiblea
have lost their teeth, and have become
mere nippers, terrible in war, but use
less for other purposes. So helpless, ex
cept for fighting purposes, have they
become, that if deprived of ther slaves
they actually die of hunger. There curi
ous facts, which sound almost like the
romance of natural history, have all
been verified at High Elms by observa
tions which confirm those of Huber in
almost every case.
Enforced Silence for Twenty Tears.
Uclethorre.'Ga.. E.ho.
There has just died in this county a
lady who, at the age ot sixteen years,
from some cause or other, stopped the
use o: her longue, and, until just before
her death, twenty years after, she never
uttered a word. As her last hours were
drawing near, she sent for some of her
friends and dictated her will in a man
ner that proved her sound in mind and
fluent in language. She spoke of many
things that happened in the country
during the apparent dumbness, bat gave
no reason for her strange conduct An
attempt was made to break ber will on
tLe ground ot insanity but it failed.