Cedartown advertiser. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1878-1889, March 27, 1879, Image 1

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Am &tlrottecr. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING. WM. BRADFORD, Editor. Advertiser. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: l Copy, one year - - - - - $1 oo TERMS—Cash in Advance. Address, ADVERTISER PUBLISHING CO., CKDARTOWK, GA, OLD SERIES—YOL. VI. NO. 2. CEDARTOWN, GA.. MARCH 27, 1879. NEW SERIES—VOL. I. NO. lo. ADVERTISING RATES. 1 Inch 2 Inches^.. 3 inches.... ‘i column.. .i* m. $2 bo $B oo 3 00 ! 7 SO 3 50 10 00 5 IH) 115 Oft 7»>'»00 »,40 0 i y- $14 00 18 00 25 00 40 00 66 00 100 OU LOCAL NOTICES—Ten cents per line for on* Insertion. For two or more Insertions, five cents per line each insertion. OBITUARY NOTICES—Charged at half rates. SPEAK NO ILL. Nay apeak no ill—a kindly word Can never leave a sting behind. And, oh! to breath each tale we’ve beard, la lar beneath a noble wind. Full oft a better seed ia sown By choosing thua the kinder plan ; For if but little good be known, Still let ua speak the beat we cau. Give ua the heart that fain would hide— Would fain another’s faults efface ; How can it please e’en human pride To prove humanity but baae ? No ! let ua each a higher mood, A nobler sentiment of man ; Be earnest in the search of good. And speak of all, the beat we oau. Then speak no ill, but lenient be, To other’s failings as your own ; If you’re the first a fault to see, Be not the first to make it known. For life is but a passing day, No lip may tell how brief its span ; Then, oh! the little time we stay. Let’s speak of all the best we can. “Here’s to pretty 8u& I it said. ! He wheeled around. Boh w; j in the act of drinking his glass. Red fern just She Got Him. ' ployed in tl jirl, young and pretty, but aboyi Cousin Bob. It was an odd-looking old ring, set with a single opal. Not the sort of a ring, by any means, usually chosen for a wedding-ring. But it had been In the Redfern family for ever so many years, and on the bright summer morning, when Jack Redfern w as to make pretty Susan Wheatley liis wife, he brought the opal ring, ind with it a string of old-fashioned, pinkish-tinted pearls. “I have always heard that opals are unlucky,” said Susan, “Why didn’t vou get a plain gold band, Jack” “It was my mother’s wedding-ring and my grandmother’s, and my great grandmother’s, and maybe even fur ther back than that.” A year had sped by. In the wanin brightness of departing summer, Susan sat in the old trysting-placc alone. The quaint opal ring glittered on her Unger She touched it caressingly,, turned the stone to catch the sunlight, her pensive eyes full of unshed tears, a tender smile parting her lips; as she thought ol* her happy bridal morning, only one short year ago. For Jack was gone! Gone oil' over the seas; never to return, perhaps; gone, and not one word or line had come to her since that terrible night of his going. But she waited and hoped with that faith which is born of death less love. Jack, fond and proud of her in his masculine fashion, had been prone to be jealous. Without cause, as he con fessed himself, but the miserable fail ing seemed to be part and parcel ol his nature. One afternoon, Susan had gone into garden to weed her flower-beds. “How dare you trifle with my wife’s good name?” demanded Jack. Hob laughed sneeringly. “When a woman shows a fellow fa vor, he dares everything,” he answered and held up his right hand. On the little linger gleamed the opal ring. Jack saw it, and his dark face flushed crimson. He cleared the dis tance between himself and the speaker with one bound, anil before the by standers could interfere had felled Bob to the ground. “Stand back, neighbors,” be panted as he tore the ring from the prostrate man’s finger. I’ll have his life for it.” But the bystanders interfered, and Bob was got out of theVvay. Jack went home, with all the bright ness of liis life dashed out His young wife met him at the door, in the silver shine of the spring twilight. He caught her, and held her at arm’s length. “Susan,” he said angrily, “where is your wedding-ring?” “Why, Jack,” flushing and speaking with embarrassment, “it was on my finger, 1 hope 1 have not lost It. Her husband threw her from him, with a muttered exclamation, and strode out of the house without a word. All through the night, from the rls- ng to the setting of the stars, Susan waited, but Jack did not return. She fancied he was angry because her wed- all gifted with an adorable caudor, pre sented herself before a certain Prussian lawyer. “Monsieur, I came you upon a grave affair,! want to oblige k mail I love to marry me in spite of himself how shall I proceed ? The gent’eman of the bar had of course a sufficiently elastic conscience. He reflected a mou* nt; then, being sure that no third person overheard him re plied unhesitatingly: “Mademoiselle, according to our law you already pos sess the means of forcing a man to mar ry you. You must remain oil three occasions alone with him ; and then you can swear before a judge that lie is your lover. “And that will suffice, monsieur?” “Yes, modemoiselle, with one further condition, which is. that you will pro duce witnessess who will make oath to their having seen you remain with the individual said to have trifled with your affections.” “Very' well, monsier, 1 will retain you as counsel in the management of this affair. Good day.” A few days afterward the young girl returned She Is mysteriously receiv ed by the lawyer, who scarcely giving her time to seat herself; questioned her with the most lively curiosity. “Well, mademoiselle,how do matters prosper ?” “Oh. all goes on swimmingly'. 1 have passed a hal.-hour with my in tended. I have been seen to go up stairs and come down again. I haw ding-ring was missing, and wept her-, f our witnesses who will affirm ibis un while awaiting her husband’s return. “Susan!” called a pleasant, lazy voice. * She dropped her rake and looked up. It was only Bob—her cousin, Bob WheaHey. “Rfhy, Bob, how you startled me!” sh* said. Will you come in? But I’m very busy.” The young man sauntered in. “You’re always busy', it seems to me, Susan, when I’m about,” he said with a smiling sort of impudence. Won’t you shake hands with a fellow, for the sake of old times?” A flush rose in the young wife’s cheeks; but she gave Bob the tips of her fingers. In her girlish days, Susan had been a good deal admired—for her own sweet face and winning ways, for the most part; but in a few cases, the fact that she would inherit the old Wheatley Homestead served to enhance her at tractions. Her cousin Bob had been one of her most assiduous-admirers. He followed Iter like a shadow and even after her engagement to Jack Redfern, was a little disagreeable by liis marked de votion. After her marriage, on one occasion, Cousin Bob hid excited Jack’s jealous anger by makinghimself over-attentive to Susan, and some pretty hard words had passed between them. Bob took the finger-tips she ottered, held them an instant, and then carried them to his lips. “How dare you?” cried Susan, snatching her hand awav; then picked up her rake and went on with her weeding. “Let me do that for you, Susan,” he said after a minute. “If you were my wife, you shouldn’t drudge like a slave.” Susan gave him a blazing glance. “But I am not your wife, and glad enough 1 am of it,” she replied. “Go :iway Bob; I don’t want you here when Jack is absent.” Gob laughed an ugly, provoking sort of laugh. “1 suppose not. You’re afraid he’ll come and find me here, the jealous brute. But I am not going.” “Then I’ll go myself,” said the young wife, and left the garden. Bob stood irresolute a minute, halt regretting what lie had done, half in clined to follow his cousin, and beg her pardon. Something glittering in the mound at his feet caught his eye. He stooped and picked up the old opal ring, which had always been a little large for his cousin's finger. His first Impulse was to return it to Susan at once; his second was to keep it, and pay her off for treating him so scornfully. He slipped it in his vest pocket and took bis way to the viDiage tavern. The place possessed a great charm for Bob. He ordered a bottle of wine, and then brandy and seltzer, and by sunset was not quite himself. Lounging in the tavern porch he saw Jack Redfern com ing down the road, and a- wicked thought flashed through his excited brain. “He’s coming in. New boys,” he cried, “look out for some fun.” . Jack came in to leave a message with the tavern-keeper, and, having deliv ered it, was going out again, when a load voice caught his ear. self ill over his cruelty. Morning came at last, and Mrs. Red fern, Jack's mother, appeared. She had the opal ring on her linger, and a letter in her baud from Jack. “Your husband lias returned the opal ring to me,” she said in a severe voice. “JJis letter will explain the rest.” Susan read theTetter and then, with the pathetic cry, “Oh, Jack, comeback to me!” fell in a swoon at Mrs. Red- fern’s feet. The tulips had bloomed, and were withering on their stalks in the garden when she awoke from that awful trance of death. On her white, thin linger glimmered the old opal. Hearing of her illness, and bitterly remorseful for the evil he had wrought, Bob had told the truth about the ring. But it too late. .lack was gone. “I’ll find him, and bring him back to her,, if it costs me my life!” said Bob, in remorse. And with a last look at her death-like lace departed. Months came and went, and the cry of the little new-born babe was heard in the cottage. “Jack’s little baby,” said Susan, as it lay on her heart, “and he may never see it!” * And now in the early autumn, she sat by the old stile, waiting the post man's arrival. .She had waited so many, many times, but surely the letter would come to-day; the letter from Jack, as suring her that he loved her still. The shifting sunlight fell about her fair head; a golden leaf fluttered here and there, across the green turf at her feet. Wife and mother in one, her bo som tlirilled with tender longing. Su san looked at her wedding ring aud waited. A quick, resolute tread on the coun try road below. Could that be the postman’s nag? Susan looked up, with her heart in a wild flutter. It was not the postman, but a tall, bronzed man. “Oh, Jack! oh, Jack!” In a twinkling, Jack had her in his strong arms, and his tears were on her cheeks. “Oh, Susan, can you forgive me?” le said, with a choking voice. “There is nothing to forgive,” sh obbed, clinging ♦<-» him. “See, Jack have got 1113' wedding-ring! Jack you can never know how my heart has hungered for you. “Jack,” hiding her hot face in his breast, “there’ lomeone besides me to welcome you. Can’t you guess, Jack? A little, wee baby, Jack, with his father’s own eyes. L thought, once, you would never see him, Jack, but thank Heaven you have come.” lie could only hold her close to his heart; he had no words to answer her. “Jack, how did you know?” she asked, at last, when the first rapture of the reunion was over. “Did you get my letter?” “No,” he answered hoarsely. "It as Bob. He followed me across the ocean; found me, and told me every thing. Oli, Susan, say you do realty forgive me?” Come and look at baby,” was Su san's reply to that. der oath.” “Capital, capital ! Persevere in your designs, mademoiselle, but mind, the next time you consult me you must tell me the name of the young man we are going to render happy in spite of liiin- Curiosities of tbe Kart a. At the city of Medina, in Italy, and about four miles around It, wherever the earth is dug, when the workingmen arrive at a distance of sixty-three feet, they come toa bed of chalk, which they bore with an auger live feet deep. They then withdraw from the pit before the auger is removed, and upon its extrac tion the water bursts through the apart- ure with great violence, and quiekly fills the newly-made well, which is af fected neither by rains nor drought. Rut what is the most remarkable in this operation is the layers of earth as we deeeiul. At the depth of fourteen feet ar found the ruins of an ancient city, paved streets, houses, floors and differ ent pieces of mason work. Under this is found a soft oozy earth, made up of vegetable matter, and at twenty six feet* large tress entire, such as walnut trees, with the walnuts sticking to the stem, and the leaves and branches in a perfect state of perservation. At twen ty-eight feet deep a soft chalk is found, mixed with a vast quantity ol shells, and the bed is eleven feet thick. Under this, vegetables are found again. Shrewdness aud Ability. Hop Bitters, so Ireely advertised in all the papers, secular and religious,are having a large sale, anil are supplant ing all other medicines. There is no denying the virtues of the Hop plant, and the proprietors of these Bitters have shown great shrewdness and ability in compounding a Bitters,whose virtues are so palpable to every one’s observation.—Exchange. “You shall have it without fail.” A fortnight afterward, the young person more naive and candid than jever, knocked discreetly at the door of her counsel’s room. No sooner was she within, than she flung herself has tily in a chair, saying that she had mounted the stairs too rapidly, and that emotion made her breathless. Her counsel endeavored to reassure her, putting his arm around her to keep her from falling and ottering her every as sistance. So she said, “I am much better ” “Well, now do tell me the uameofthe fortunate mortal you are going to es pouse.” “Are you very impatient to know it?” “Exceedingly so.’* “Well, then, the fortunate mortal be it known to you, is yourself,” said the voting beauty, bursting into a laugh. “1 love you, 1 have been three time te.te a Lett with you, and my four wit nesses are here below, ready and wil ling to accompany us to the magis trate,” gravely continued the narrator. The lawyer thus fairly caught, had the good sense not to get angry. The most singular fact of all is, that he adors his young wife, who, In* the.way, makes an excellent house-keeper. Inglish army. The can non were now provided with iron balls instead ot the ponderous stone ones in use previous to this date. Here also -we find mention of the wheel-look pis tol. Carbines, petronels,and dragoons are frequently mentioned among the firearms of the age. The first was so named from having been used in the vessels called carabs; the second from being fired with its square butt planted on the chest; the third, from its muz zle being frequently decorated with a dragon’s head—hence the troopers who used it came subsequently to be named dragoons. The wheel-lock hackbut was used in Elizabeth’s reign, with the rest for the heavy matchlock, but the powder was now made up in cases, each containing a complete charge to facili tate the loading of the piece, and the strap to which the}* were attached named a collar or bandolier. A Female Robinson Crnwe. 1 One to Bla Iii the spring of 1835 tli.» small schoo ner Peor es Nadu, built at Monterey, wis chartered by Lewis T. Burton and Isaac J. Sparks for an otterbunting ex pedition from Santa Barbara to the coast of Lower California. The schoo ner sailed in May, but the trip not proviug so successful as was anticipat ed, she returned as far north as San Pe dro, where she remained at anchor du ring a portion of the mouth of August ol the same year. It being known that tiic small i laud of San Nicholas, situat ed about seventy miles southwest of S-.tu Pedro and a little further southeast from Santa Barbara, was inhabited by a number of Indians, the Peor es Nad a was dispatched «lo remove them to the main land. Nineteen men, women aud children were taken on board the schooner, which was preparing to de part when one of the Indian mothers discovered that two of her offspring had been forgotten and left on the island. The Beginning of Guns. In 1340 cross bows were in prett3' general use among the English, but a new era in war was to be inaugurated, for with the army of Edward III. (at Creasy) came five small pieces of can non. a species of weapon supposed to be unknown in France, though cannon arc spoken of in a sea engagement in the 13th century between the King of Tunis and a Moorish king of Seville. By whom the five pieces of cannon were made is uncertain: but Le Blond, in his “Treatise on Artillery,” says that the earliest guns “were of very clumsy and inconvenient make, being usually formed of several pieces of iron fitted together lengthwise, and then hooped with iron rings; and as they were used for the throwing ol stones of prodigious ight, they were of enormous bore.” The “Dictionare Militaire” 1758) asserts that cannon “were known in France,” according to some authors, in 1338, under Philip, but known of only. Nevertheless,” says Voltaire, “tili the reign of Charles VIII., artillery ontinued in its infancy. They did not make use of artillery in sieges till the reign of Charles V. King of France; and the spear was their principal weap on till the reign of Henry IV.” No more mention is made of cannon in the English wars until 1405. when we are told that, at the siege of Berwick a shot from one great gun so shattered a tower that the gates were at once thrown open b\ r the alarmed garrison. In the year 1400, James the .Second of Scotland lost his life b3* the bursting of otic of these rude implements of war. At the siege of Roxburgh, standing in the vi" cinity of a gun which was about to be discharged, the rude mass composed of ribs of iron, bound together by hoop: of the same metal, burst asunder, and a fragment striking the king on the thigh, broke it asunder, and killed him on the spot. Handguns were not then in vented, but at the battle of Chipping Barnet (1471) mention is made of 300 Flemings armed with hand guns, but ot the construction history does not tell. At the battle of Flodden (1513), James of Scotland had with him thirty pieces of artillery, which had been cast for him at Edinburgh, 1)3* the master gunner ot the Castle, Robert Bortliwick. Seven ol these guns were of great beau ty, and were known as the “Seven Sisters of Bortliwick.” The cannon of the English were of inferior make to those used by the Scots, being com posed of hoops and bars. The first cast-iron guns of English manufacture were made at Buxted in Sussex, in 1543, b\* Ralph Hogge, mas ter founder. About this time there also came into use guns called arquebusses, which were fired from a rest planted into the earth. The French were now making rapid strides in the manufac ture of brass guns, for in 1545, when Francis I. was preparing to invade Eng land, we find him (according to Pere Daniel) possessing in his fleet one ship carrying 100 brass guns. At the battle of Pinkie (1543) pistols were in use [among the Germans and others ern- The other day when a house on Fifth street took tire and was saved b3' the firemen in a damaged condition, they set about trying to discover the cause of the accident, and in so doing ques tioned various inmates of the family. The head of the house had .his theory all ready. “It is my opinion,” he began, “that some enemy of mine climbed to the roof and emptied coals on the shingles.” The idea was laughed at and the wife said: “Well, there was a lamp up stairs, but it was not lighted. Now, if the rats got hold of matches and tried to light that lamp, they would just as quick throw a lighted match on the bed as to blow it out. I don’t say they* set the house afire 011 purpose, but 3-ou know how careless rats are.” The theory didn’t hold with the fire men, and the oldest daughter was call ed upon. xpect it was spontaneous com bustion,” siie began. “You see, in my room up stairs, where the lire broke out, there was a hole in the chimney. didn’t like the smoke coining in my room, and so 1 stuffed the hole full of straw. It may be that tl mortar aud the brick neons combustion.” The firemen were about to accept her j breaks, afibrdin theory when the small boy of the fami ly came up and said : “1 know all about it. •Smith he was on the shed a heavin’ snow balls at dogs. Tom, the teller with one arm, was in the barn playin’ with my goat. That Turner gal she was on the fence out there callin’ us names, and her mother had the clothes line and was ttyin’ to lasso a stick of wood off a wagon in the alley. 1 went down in the cellar to see if 1113* mud turtle had got away, and 1 was just tr}*- supposed to be tine to her chewing rough and solid articles of food. Her age appeared to be aho.it 50 years. Mr. Brow 11 made her a ski it of ticking, with which, and a sailor’s cotton shirt and a black nektie, her dress was complete, A severe storm arose, and embarkin with their island queen, the men soon found themselves at sea in a storm made signs that site could stop the storm, and obtaining permission she knelt on the deck facing the quarter whence the wind came and commenced muttering something supposed to he a prayer. She soon got up, but contin ued the prayer at intervals during the day, apparently without fear, and when the wind began to abate site turned to her fellow-voyagers and with a smile made signs that her prayers had been answered. She was taken to the bouse of Mr. Nidever in Santa Bar bara, where she became the centre of attraction. The Mission fathers took a great interest in her, sending to Los Angeles and other places, hoping to i<l Al>u»< BRIEFS. With true maternal devotion she sprang j Hud one who could converse with her, into the water and swam to the shore in search of the missing children, one of which was 3 years of age and the oilier an infant unable to walk. Her hurried search was unavailing, and, abandoning all hope of finding the babes, she returned to the beach just in time to see the schooner sailing away with all her friends on board. {Shy called frantically for some one to 19jh her to the vessel, but received no rejflly but the one sad word, nwnyana (to-morrow), which never ceased to ring in her ear and was repeated on her dying bed. The schooner never went back to the island, which was not again visited until 1851, when George Nidever, an otter hunter, stopped there for a few days. He was not previously aware that the place was inhabited, but on his occasion he but failed. Even the Pepimaros Indians, who were said to have had an acquain tance with the Indians on the island, could not understand her. Two otters, one of $1,000, for the privilege of tak ing her to San Francisco were refused by Mr. Nidever. When found she was in excellent physical condition, strong and active; but the eating of fruit and vegetables brought on a sickness, which in connection wiih an injury to the spine received b3* falling from a porch, terminated her life four weeks later, or seven weeks from Lite time she landed Important as it is to keep these mil- —Over 14,000 hogs are daily slaugh- lious of sudatory ducts open, it is very j tered at the Chicago stock yards, questionable whether a lavish use of j —Salisbury, Mass., turne i out 8000 soap aud scrubb.ng-brushes has a ten- carriages last year—many for export, deucy to do so. In fact, the contrary j —The latest dinner cards are the shape av be presumed, for the apDlicatlou j of a horseshoe handsomely decorated. side cuticle, scrubbed ~ T . he "ew middle Penitentiary, at of soap to the outside eutlcie, scrubbed , ,IB ,, m " ,u . ® 1 enitenuary, i ... ’ . Huntington. Pa., will have 1280 cells, well into the pores with a rough brush, „„ , . . . i . i .i II - —lhe glass skylights lor the nc must rather block the capillaries than p, nvPrn *, * A Mean Advantage. There were a score or more of women gathering together at 31 r. Johnson's house. 3Ir. Johnson is a gcod-hearted man and a respectable citizen though ather skeptical in some thin; open them. The application of very warm w'ater surcharges the skin with blood, while that of very cold water drives back the blood and contracts the capillaries. There are other reasons, however, why soap and scrubbin brushes are not 011I3* unnecessary to health, but even inimical to it. The outer cuticle or scarf-kin of the body is composed of the same material as the nails, although the liber is somewhat differently arranged. It Is, in fact, the enamel of the skin, and its proper pre servation gives to the skin of a beauti ful woman the ivory finish so much ad mired. it is the protection of the skin beneath. But, like the substance of the nails, it must be painlessly scraped or rubbed off'easily, if one keeps scrubbing long enough. Under the microscope it is scaly, like the skin of a fish; and these scales may be ea-ily scraped away. Nearly all soap contains strong alkalies, which soften the epithelium or scarf ski n, and render it easily removed by rough scrubbing. A strong flesh brush, rough towel and hot water, are j wonderfully efficacious in removing | this protecting membrane, but are I wholly unneccessary to health and 1 • cleanliness. The only- really health3' i new Chicago, will Government buildin weigh 20 tons. —3Jrs. Astor celebrated the marriage of her son by donating $1500 to the man agers of an asylum for destitute chil dren. —It*s rumored in Berlin, that Queen Victoria will, during the present year pay a visit to the grave of the late Prin cess Alice. —It is suggested that New Haven, Conn., celebrate on the next 4tnol July the 100th anniversary of the invasion of that city by the British. —London converts her public b.*th houses into gymnasiums for the wint *r. under the provisions of an act of Par liament passed at the last session. —In November there were five four- masted ships in .San Francisco harbor, which the Bulletiu of that city call \ a maritime phenomenon. V —The stock of grain in Boston ejevn tors is only 200,000 bushels, against half a million bushels at the same time last year. —Joseph 3Iilmore, the sculptor, 1 received a commission to execute bt; ot Lord Lome and wife, for the city Ottawa. —Of the 007 students at Eton, one is a marquis, one an earl, one a viscount, two are counts (foreign), thirteen are lords, thirty-eight are honorables ami three baronets. —Dr. David Laing, the well-known and proper water batli costs little or j investigator of Scotch'antiquarian liter nothing, and can be taken at home, ature aud keeper of the Signet Library Some say they have no time to take a : at Edinburg, died recently at Porto bath, but this only requires eight min utes before breakfast, which every one not inordinately-lazy can take. Go to then strav and became convinced that such was the The women had just organized “The ,, i ,n to i m;,ke ^° i u case. He noticed three small circular | Foreign Benevolent Society,” v in closures about two hundred yards Mr. Johnson entered the room, from the beach about a mile apart, was at once appealed to donate a They were about six feet in diameter : dollars as a foundation to work on u tin to li.t father fall down stairs and mother giv a yell, and that’s how the house g«i afire, and now I won’t have to go t school for six weeks.” Met* • stones Catalogn made ol brush,the walls live feet high, with a small opening on one side. Near these openings were sticks of driftwood stuck in the ground in the form of a attsed sponta- tripod, supporting tried blubber. These inclosures appeared to be simply wind no protection from also saw a mysterious foot- j print, and judged to be that of a wo- aee, Bill \ man from its small size and arched cen tre. An approaching storm obliged Nidever’s vessel to leave the island without allowing him to persue liis in vestigations an3' further. Mr. Nedever, having seen many otter on liis visit to the island made a second during tiie winter of 1852, and being requested by the Mission Fathers of Santa Barbara, he and a party determined to make a cajujul hunt for the supposed lone in- 1 J^aur of 1 Dc* island. Within half a miU of the head of the island the3' dis covered a basket in the croth of a bush or small tree, covered with a sealskin and containing a dress made of sliage- skin—aseufowl common in that section trav about two inches deep and eigh teen inches square. This will cost about sixty cents. Then buy a spoil which will cost 3*011 about With tlie tin pan, the spoil bello. —M. Ambroise Thomas, the compos er of “Hamlet” and “Mlgnon,” was married recently at Nancy, to 31’lle Elvirh Reqjaury, a sister of Mme. Mou- tigny Remauay, the pianist. —The Bordeaux Mint, the scene of . c ,_ the recent misappropriation of MA1. a quarter.! Rothschild’s silver, le to be closed and |We aiM j a jthe ^taff transferred to Haris, which will ” ’ 1 njw be the only French mint. Stras- “Is tliis society organized to poor of foreign countries?” “Yes—yes—yes!’’ they chon “And it wants money?” “Yes—yes.” “Well, now,” said Johns id. «i. 3li - . Charles 1 . Shepard, of New Haven, Conn., writes to the Indianapolis Journal for fuller information concern ing the alleged meteoric stone of recent uotoriet3', and expresses an earnest de sire to procure a piece of it to add to his large collection. Mr. Shepard has been informed of the facts, or rather the want of the facts, in the case. His let ter states that he has been for fort3* years a diligent student of meteorology, and that lie lias accumulated the larg est collection of meteoric stones in the United States, if not in the world. He forwards a catalogue of his collection, showing the number of stones and the date and locality of their fall. The collection embraces over 500 meteoric stones and meteoric irons. The total weight of the collection is about 1,200 pounds. The largest iron, procured from Colerado, weighs 482 pounds, and the smallest, from Ostego county. New York, weighs half an ounce. The largest entire stone procured from .Mus kingum county, Ohio, weighs fifty-six pounds, and the smallest one, from Sweden, weighs less than fifty grains. The specimens have been gathered from all parts of the world. The catalogue begins with one which fell November 7, 1492, in Alsace, and ends with one which fell Februar}* 12, 1875. in Iowa county. Iowa. There are none between 1492 and 1703, but most of the years since the latter date are represented, and some 3'ears b3’ several specimens. Nearly every country in the known world is represented in the list. The entire collection is in one of the build ings in Amherst College. Mr. Shepard makes one statement which will sur prise most persons. He sa3*s: “There have been several instances of death occasioned by meteoric stones. Two monks in different places were thus killed in Italy, and two sailors on ship board in Sweden.” It is an oft-spoken whim ol the cy nics—and pos8ibl3' something more— that the doctors give their presciptions in Latin so as to afford tlieir ignorant patients the benefit of a little imagina tion. Bolus Panificus sounds a good deal more important than “bread-pill.” Some years ago in a Rhode Island Le gislature a member moved to translate all the Latin phrases in the statutes so that the people could understand them. A 3Ir. Updike took the ground that it was no advantage to have the people understand the law. He said that they were not afraid of anything they un derstood ; that it was the Latin words they were afraid of, and proceeded to illustrate as follows: 3lr. Speaker, there was a man in South Kingston about twenty years ago who was a per fect nuisance, and nobody knew how to get rid of him. One day he was hoe ing corn and he saw the Sheriff coming arefully folded up, and several piec es of skin similar to those of which the dress was made; also a rope of seal sinews, shell fish-hooks, bone needles, etc. A3 it was late and time for them to. return to their boat for the night, Mr. Nidever scattered the con tents of the basket on the ground, so that upon his return lie could judge of the presence or absence of the owner by finding them gathered up or remain ing as he left them. The following four or more days were spent in otter hunting, and before the search for the Indian woman was renewed a southeast gale compelled them to seek a more hospitable harbor at the island of San Miguel. A third expedition made to the island in 1853 b3’ Nidever, Charles Brown and four Indians from the San ta Barbara mission were more success ful. On the da3' after landing Mr Brown discovered the object of tlieir search at a distance, and cautious ap proaching in an opposite direction from the remainder of the part}' came close to her without being observed. She was sitting cross-legged, skinning seal blubber with a rude knife made of a piece of hoop-iron driven into a piece of wood. There was no covering on her head excepting a thick mass of mat ted hair of a yellowisli-brown color, due to the exposure to the sun and air. The hair was short, as though the fine ends had rotted off. She would occa sionally raise her hand and shake her eyes and look toward the other men on a sandv* plain near the beach, whom she evidently saw. The balance of the party were now signaled in order that she might be captured if the attempted to escape. To the surprise of all she made no attempt to get away, but greeted each one as they approached with a bow and a smile, and chattered all the time in a dialect that none of them understood, although the Indians accompanying 31 r. Nidever were ac quainted with several Indian dialects. She was talking apparently to lierselt, from the time Mr. Brown approached within hearing distance until she was made aware of his presence. The ex pression of her face was pleasing, her features were regular, and her comple xion much fairer and her form more symmetrical than that of the Indian women on the main land, and she is be lieved to have belonged to a different and superior race. By signs and other means of communication she was made aware that they wanted her to accom pany them, and without any apparent hesitation she made ready to follow. I11 their course to where the schooner la}* at anchor the}' found a beautiful spring of water issuing from the bank above the beach, under a shelving rock. The cracks or fissures in this rock-were stuck full of bones, and there were other evidences of an encampment then Mrs. Graham added. , “It would be so pleasant, in after S“lion of water, you have all the re- bourThaWng become Gerinan!’ 3*ears for you to remember that you ‘lhireuients tor an excellent bath, and gave this society its first dollar and its e '*- r y person should take such a bath first kind word.” j c,ail >’* lc is onl >* necessary to sponge He slowly opened his wallet, drew ! yourself thoroughly from head to foot out a ten dollar bill, and as the ladies i am w,pe ,,ry W Ith :l sofl toweI * T,,e smacked their lips and clapped their 1 eXt * r< ; ,se °f doing this to one’s self—no hands, he asked : one eIse 8,l0,,Id 1,0 it—is excellent. The l u , i water should be about the same tenqier- ature as the atmosphere, if you are healthy and strong; but if the weather is intensely cold, tepid water may be substituted. But the bath should not .v. wiiuouii In* ^ * aken "’ill* the window open or in a folded the bill in a tempting shape, i curn -' nt of air - :lni1 ll, e "'der should be “there are twenty married women t *"‘ 3:,mc ten, perutiire as the atnios- liere. If there are fifteen of yon who P"e™ in the room. cau make an oath that you have combed 1 the children’s hair this morning, wash- a Little otri Fancfnate* i«r«is. ed the dishes, blackened the cook-stove [ ami made the beds, I’ll donate umi dol- f , There reside in the vicinity of ll«ti-j A Umin*c K lars.” risburg, an out-of-the-wa y place ini the woman is that she neve r » **1 have,” answered 7w. of the crowd, Hancock count}*, Ohio, about three George \V ashir-* jn. and the rest said : miles west of Mount Blanchard, a very , — A 1*J.V in a Franklin county (Me.) “Why, now, .Mr. Johnson !” remarkable child only five years old, i tow , n in providing for the twenty-first “if « fle ? n Jon can make oath that j ".Ho seem* to have the power to charm j JrttoVdShSr“pr£ your husbands are not wearing socks ; l* 11 ” 3 u *”• Her mother first noticed serves that were put up in August, 1857. with holes in their heels, the money is j strange fascination that the child j They were first tested on the eventful 3’Ottrs,” continued the wretch. j possesses about a year ago. The little day of his birth, again when seven years “Just Hear him!” they exclaimed,' was out playing in the door-yard j of a «e, and also at fourteen, eaclt one looking at the other. i an,on £ l * lc of snow-birds, and : —New discoveries of gold have been “If ten of you have boys without w * ien sI,c spoke to them they would made In Siberia, near the source of the ’ ” ’ Konnissar, and a nugget of gold, weigh ing 117 pounds, the largest ever discov ered iu Russia, and probably in the world, has been found 011 th*e banks of the Upper Toungouska, about 100 vere above the river’s mouth. —The death is announced of the Ger man painter Nerly, Who has been living in Italy since 1820. He was acquainted with Goethe and Byron, and is mention- ed‘In the respective biographies of the 4wo poets. —The Berlin police have lately found that at least one tenth of the population of that city live in cellars. The mor tality among them is great. Half of the houses of the city are excessively crowded. —The silver mounted Malacca cane of Judge Lynch, the founder of Lynch burg, Va , and the originator of Lynch law r , and his inkstand, are in the posses sion of Mr. E. J. Withers, of Henderson, Ky. j —Mrs. Appel, said to be the olde« person in Cincinnati, died there sever; j flays ago, at the age of 97 years.^ I was active up to ti;e time of. | holes in the knees of their pants, tiii 1 eo,,,e an<1 n £ ht u P° n her, twittering X goes to the society,” said Johnson. | to ,,er * 0,1 taking them in her “Such a man!” they whispered. | ! ,a,lds :intl stroking them, the birds “If there are five pairs of stocking- ! * ,,> tead of tr}*ingtoget away from their iu this room that do not need darning, * a * r uaptive, seemed to be highl}* I’ll hand over the money,” lie went on. l ,1,;ase,1 > amI wl »e» kt loose would fly “Mr. Johnson,” said Mrs. Graham, j a ' va >’ a sl,ort distance, and immediately with great dignity, “the rules of this , ret,,rn to l,ie again. .Site took society declare that no money shall be ! several of them into the house to show Contributed except by members, and as j hcr motl,er > wl, °* thinking she might you are not a member, 1 beg that you ; hurt them, put them out ol doors, but no withdraw and let us proceed with the ! sooner was the door opened than the routine business.” .birds flew into the room again and lit Bijnii and Novel Reading. upon the girl's head and began to chirp. . „ .. , . ^ j The birds remained about the premises A motherlv-lookmg woman about. • ... ..... . . . 6iw ’ . f 1 . all winter, flying to the little girl wlien- fifty years of age, entered the parlor, I and when invited to divide her burden ! of wee and anxiety she began : “31 r. Joy, I have a daughter.” “And I have three,” was his encour aging reply. “This daughter of ours is a dear girl, 31 r. Joy. .She is our only child, and of j ‘hiring last summer the child list course we arc much concerned about ! numerous j»cts lrom tlie birds, ever the door was opened. The parents of the child became alarmed, believing that this strange power was an ill omen, and that that much-dreaded vis itor, death, was about to visit tlieir home. But death did not come, aud had The hej future. j child handles the birds so gently that “Very likely, madam. I used to be i a humming-bird, once in her hand, concerned for fear iny daughters would j does not fail to return. This winter a bevy of birds has kept her company and she plays with them for hours at a time. Every morning the birds fit* to her window, and only leave when the sun sinks in the west. The parents of this little girl are poor, superstitious people, and have been reticent about the matter until lately fearing that some great calamity was about to befall them. marry blind men.” “Our daughter has a passion for rea ding, 3Ir. Joy. She reads about ten novels a week, and often sits till mid night to read the story papers. Her father and I have been wondering if she is not reading a little too much. I was going by, you see, and I thought 1 would call and see 3*011 about it. Do 3*ou think this novel reading will affect her future! What would 3*011 advise?” “Well, if I had a daughter.” he slow ly replied, “I think i’d let her read 24 novels per week: I’d let her sit up till midnight, and lie abed till noon. I’d hire a servant to comb her hair and cook her canaries; I wouldn’t let her lift her hand to housework, and I'd practice her till she could pound a piano and drawl her voice in a fashion- 1 able way.” “And then?” she queried, as lie paused. “Then, when she was old enough to marry, the whole famil}* would turn out and hunt down a husband for her, wish ’em much joy, and—” “And what.” “And know that she would make him the most miserable wretch in town madam! Don’t teach your daughter how to sweep or cook, because it is un fashionable. Don’t teach her to know butter lrom beef-bones, because it will affect her standing in society. Don’t teach her to cut and baste and fit and sew, because some one may suspect that hcr grandmother invented the needle. Bring her up to be nothing Fa der land’ft Bee with a paper and asked him what it ment> obtained by sucking; they were dried and resucked many times, show- and know notning. Get hcr three av- of the lone inhabitant of the island. \ era g C servant girls to run her house for These bones were used for nourish- | | lcr> an j jf j ier husband doesen’t was. Now if he had been told that it was a writ what would he have cared? But he told him it was a capias satisfa ciendum!, and the man dropped his hoe and rat* and lias not been heard of since. that occassionally she was put upon short rations, but at the time of her discovery appeared to have an abun dance, such as it was. She retained all her teeth, but they were worn low, y° u an J away or commit suicide within eight month’s it’s because he hasn’t brains enough to come in when it hail: German beer statistics for last year show some remarkable features. The total product for the whole German Empire was 856,823,220 gallons last year, and this immense amount was some half a million dollars less than the previous year. The total amount of beer consumed within the territory of the excise union was 45S,4S2,S38 gal lons, or 114 pints per head of total po pulation. In Baden and Wurtemberg the consumption and its proportion to production are higher, the consump tion being at the rate of 129 pints per head of population, while in Bavaria the production is at the rate of 427 pints per head of population ; but the actual consumption is not given. It is known, however, that the quantity of Bavarian beer exported is very considerable, while the quantity of beer imported in to Bavaria ts very small. Still, there can be little doubt that the rate of con sumption per head of population in Bavaria is greater than in any other part of Germany. The total consump tion of beer for the whole German Ein- I pire is set flown at 841,058,768 gallons, ■or nearly 160 pints per head of the to tal population. “Xlr. Jov, I shall not take vour ad | —Already three claims to the ^15 vice!” she*replied. bounty offered by the Princess Louise 31 v* dear woman, I haven’t given j for triplets have been made within a fortnight. ’ he humbly remarked. —The Special Relief Committee of the Odd Fellows of Memphis, Tenn., have made their report, showing that they received $18,061 in contributions during the prevalence of the yellow fever. Ninety-five members of their fraternity died, and of their families, 134. The number ol widows is54, and the orphans 150. —Judge Junkin, of the Court of Com mon Pleas, of Juniata county, Pa., in a recent case against an employe of the Pennsylvania Railroad for shoveling coal on an angiue on Sunday, held that on long lines of railroad “both necess ity and charity require that trains car rying live stock and perishable freight be run upon Sunday, and the statute ot 1794 is not violated thereby —A man in New Haven, Conn., whose house was infested b}* sewer rats, tried the experiment of catching oue of them in a trap, and leaving it to starve to death, believing that its cries wouid frighten away its old associates. l L . shrieks of rage and despair had the de sired effect. The trial was made si* or^^ •y months ago, and not a rat has beer;^ heard from or seen within those wall-i 1 m i heard front or seen usince. I—The productions by State and Terri tories of precious metals during 1878 is as follows: California, $18,9*20,461; Nevada,$35,181,949; Oregon,$1 213,724; Washington, $73 311; Idaho, $1,868.122; Montana, $1 763 610; Utah, $6,d04,613; Icolorada, $6 232,747; New Mexico, $453 813; Arizona, 2 287,983; Dakota, $2,215,805; Mexico, (west coast. ).$1,594,- '.195; British Columbia, $1 283 4 8. Total, 87, 154 , 622. The school population of South Caro lina is 228,12S; of this number 144 315 are colored. The school attendance during the past year was 102 390— color- ad 55,952. There are *2483 public schools rnploying 1725 white and 949 colored teachers. The average salaries oi male teachers were $28 32 per month; of fe male teachers, $26 87. Of the 226,020 expended upon the schools, $100,000 was appropriated b}* the State, ami $4100 was bestowed from the Peabody Education Fund. —ft is asserted that from the summit of mount Etna the circle of vision lias the enormous radius of 150.7 miles. The habitable zone of the mountain is very fertile, and sustaius a dense population —1424 to the square mile. Rodvreli says the gigantic chestnut trees of Car- pineltoare no myths, but sober realities. He asserts that the diameter of the trunk of one of them is twenty-five feet, ami that a public road passes through the much-decayed trunk of the largest, the Custagno di Cento C&valli. — It is estimated that there are in the State of New York no less than 6400 ecclesiastical organizations of all de nominations, occupying nearly as many ed ifices, which furn ish seats for 2,600,000 persons aud have an enrolled member ship of 1,300,000 iu round numbers. The total value of these church edifices and the lots which they occupy is about $101,110,Of 0, to which should be added say $16,500,000, the value of the parson ages and other real estate belonging to the various denominations. ~y