Cedartown advertiser. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1878-1889, April 24, 1879, Image 2

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TIE ADVERTISER. ADVERTISES PUBLISHING GO. CedartowE f G-a.,, April 24th. WM. BRADFORD, - Editor Jenkins’ Ear. Dr. II. V. M. Miller delivered a lecture in Home last -reek with ihe above title. It was delivered at thc- request and' for the benefit of the Young Men’s Library Association and everybody seemed to expect something “rich, rare and racy” in a Inimor-ons way. Both the title of the lecture and manner in which it had been advertised contributed to pro duce this expectation. But this im pression was dispelled as soon as the The EViier,dment offered by Mr. Bragg, of Wisconsin, to the appro priation act, providing for the imme diate abolition o! the Southern Claims Commission was defeat d in the house. The Republicans Voted solidly against the amendment; six teen demesnes voting with them. Dr. Felton,, for the most obvious reasons, voted with the Republicans. The conduct of these sixteen demo crats is receiving the almost unani mous condemnation ot the demo cratic press, North and South. The “C'or.feuerate brigadiers” gent rally favored the amendment, and a man like unto these men, whose soul, mind and strength were elisteu in the cause of the Confederacy, and who risked all, and lost all except life, in its defense, ought at least, to be excused if he occasionally shows speaker got well into his subject, i himself not much in love with the His lecture was based upon an inci- “Southern loyalist ’ dent in the reign of George II. of England, during the ministry of the corrupt Walpole, and was political throughout. He endeavored by fre quent ironical allusions to make it appear that the evil and corrupt ministration of Walpole was repre sented in the politics of to-day by THEY ARE GONE Into Hie Hearts and Pockets of the People. The l ast or the Garrard Bonds Sold. On Saturday evening Treasurer Renfroe signed and delivered the last one of the baby bends. So that thh 4 per cent, issue divined by so many, is out at last. Every dollar is sold, and an issue of double the amoun could easily have beer. sold. Tin treasurer has on baud now an orde from the National Park hank- o New York for £25,000 worth o bonds that he could not till. This with other orders on hand, wouh consume at hast £150,000 worth O: bonds that could be placed to-morrow Before dismissing this subject so full of interest, we have a few points to note. The bonds’j have'; been taken by Georgians, and by email investors. j None have been sold out of the The negroes of the South should | State, except in sample lots, as etiri- take notice of the fact that the first; osit.ios, except a few hundred dollais’ colored Southern Congressman ever ; worth in Charleston. Georgians State News. The d.-bt of the. city of Macon foots up the snug little sum of §714,- 350. Richmond county is badly in need of an Ordinary. The election is be ing contested, and m the meantime the people have been forced to exist without that much needed officer. General Toombs says now that he nil not be a candidate for Governor. The corner stone cf the Ocnfeder- 'e Monument, at Columbus has been aid. It will be completed on the 16th, as it is Italian Marble and finished, and ready fur erection. Excursions to North Georgia fails have already commenced. Under the new npportoinoient of convicts the system is said to be im proved. The Conyers Weekly has hoisted the name of Gen. L. J. Gartrell for governor Col. Josepii S. Claighorn',V^prom inent merchant of Savannah is dead Georgia State Gazetteer anil Business Directory. The undersigned annonnee with great pleasure 'that they have formed a copartnership with Mr. A. E. Sholes, the distinguished Directory compiler and publisher, for the pur pose of publishing one of the most valuable and practical works ever is sued in the South, viz: “The Georgia State Gazetter and Business Directo- The wvrk, in active preparation now. will be carried forward under! esttte of Joel Wheeler. deceased, have applied for letters of Dismission from their said Aduiinistra tiou, ailedgiug therein that they have tally charged all their duties as each admini-iratcrs. Therefore, all persons concerned will he and ap pear at a Court ol Ordinary to he held in said county on the first. Mondayjn July next, to snow cause, if any they have, why letters of Dismission should not be granted in s-atd case, and they, the JOLL Bill-WEH. Ordinary. Postponed Sheriff’s Sales- Tuesday in May next, between the legal hours of sale, the following property to-wit: Lots and half lots of land to-wit: Nos. 200, and fhp firm r.Minp of A T?, Shnl. q & ("Jo i half of lot No. 201. and one-half of lot No. 232. all tile mill n^me OI A. onoi* S Ot CO., ljin Northand West of the public road leading and will be issued from the press in — - - -* -• • a magnificent volume of nearly 800 pages iu about three months from date. The work will contain among its leading features, a Complete List ol ail Post-office and other Towns in the State, with description ol their geographical position, the population of each, character.of Ihe surround ing country, with its leading business in:eres*s; alphabetically arranged list of all business and professional men in each place; a vuh minousclassified I business_direCtory, giving the names _J and address of all business and pro lessional men, under their appropri placed at the head of a committee has ’ have taken the issue, and the bonds • 1 L . I 1. .. I 4 . ....it .. .. I 1. .. ... r f 1 l , —. V... ,1 r- hiif'fi just been put there by a Democratic Senate, lie is Bruce of Mississippi, the oniv colored Senator lelt'aod he the organized democratic party and j has been very appropriately ( Doted that the opposition party was typi-| by the Democrats ot that/body as lied by the- independents. There are, j chairman of the commit tee to inves- of course, two sides to this question, ; tigate and report upon the defunct but we do not propose to discuss it j Freedmen’s Hank—an institution now. What particularly struck ns j that was run by white radicals os- as being legitimate subject for com- i tensibly for tue benefit ot the ne- jaent was the exceeding bad taste groes, but which they managed in displayed by the speaker in giving j such > wav^us jturn into their own such a turn to his lecture before such ; pockets the hard earnings of hun- an audience and or. such an ucca will stay at home. The bonds have not gone begxing in foreign markets and straining the credit of the State. Not a cent of commission lias been paid on'lhe sale of these bonds. Everv dollar has been sold out of the treasurer’s bauds, over the treasurer’s counterandwithoutexpen.se to the State. Offersl'have been received from banks asking what commission the State would pay on sales, anu offering to .undertake the handling of a few for a small per cent. Treas- sion. Dr. Miller was invited by a litvra- I deeds of poor negroes who were in- j nrer Renfro always replied ’that the i dneed to deposit their little earnings j State needed no syndicate ar.d no : in “de bank.” 1 agents, but was able to sell her own ry society, •nineteen-twentieths of j whom held political opinions diamet- j rically opposed to his, and while they imposed no conditions or re strictions upon him as to theme .it was supposed as a matter of course ; that his good sense anil good breed ing would not allow him to take ad vantage of the occasion to deliver a political speech in advocacy of any party or doctrine, ■of a party j securities. Not a dollar’s worth was are becoming exceedingly troub- ! lesome to the officials of that eonn- 1 try. It. appears that they aie regu larly organized and number among their members all classes, some of them men, and even women, of dis tinction and high social standing. Sentences of death aie passed by the aud particularly ! societies »P<™ those who are obnox- and doctrine to which j iou3 to them 4 aml m( ’ n ffi’Poiuted to , ... ...... „„.i i, carry themhnto'execution. Princes, they were so utterly opposed, tr. . . ... was, to sav the least, a gross breach I * 0 '' ,nC11 a ‘ lu u 1 >-<-..i.a of propriety and a bitter disappoint- j liaTB - be ‘*" ^--.i^-nated, and an ai mer t to the speakers numerous : “' fc ’ ln I ,t l-as lab-.y been made npou friends and admirers in the hill city. | of h ""* AL We never heard a more unanimous expression of disjpprobatiou from an audience. The socialists or nihilists of Ras- ; j., any bank for sale, and tue A ridiculous blunder’made one cf ■hi most delicately aud intricately con from onrl valued Constitution, appear j protect them in onr columns last week as original, i the adverse decision w We beg our friend’s pardon, paragraph was well built up, our anxiety to give our readers the benefit of it, wo forgot to give prop- j experiment will tie oi vast cr credit—or at least our stupid prin- j hen-fit to the State, ihe prompt ! ters forgot oar standing rmlrra to i tl oating ot these bon-.s w.ll lead to too plainly that the turn he gave j credit s „ eh scientifically erected "ie i^wejof a new s-ries. Ir is more hia lecture was no accident but was j,aF-i<rr.ipl:s to the Constitution. We L,,an probable that tiie legislature at | the result of a preconceived and well it . glvu!g the Constitution its ! itR Jl,1 - V session Wll > l’ ;iss “ genera! j deliberated plan. They felt that the ; W| j]| as --([ le law retiring nil of Georgia’s matur- | structed paragraphs fr The few present who sympathised | eschang(1> the Oongt: with the speaker’s peculiar political views were in a titter of delight but the great majority of his audience felt that they had been grossly de ceived and imposed upon. The skilful aud masterly manner in which he handled his subject showed s.les did not cost the State one cent. Not a dollar's worth of advertis ing was done. There were no ip- neals made through the papers to investors; but the bonds were put on sale, and the people came and took them. The press noted them in its news columns and that was all. Treasurer Renfroe did not spend one cent, and in these two items in thejhandling of these bonds saved the State double his salary tor the whole year. The confidence of the parp’e in these bonds Inis never wavered. They determined from the outset to sus tain these bonds despite any doubt, relying on the honor of the State to Oil the very day that reported in The ! Georgia, a rush of new orders cauie d in I ln - There is no doubt, that the result ite headings; list of planters and Robert Skelly, sentenced for the I farmers in the State, with address; | Van Wert to Cartrreville; also lot* of land Nos. 157 and 20fi. all in theJlSth district and 3rd se ction of Polk county, Ga.. as the property A S Mc Gregor, bv virtue of t wo .Justic Court ti fa’s from ihe N EVY.A D V ERTIS E M E N T S. A Hew Serial. What a Wife Can Do. EY MISS!;MAHY E. BARTLETT. Savannah Week! views Q e A EORGIA—POLK COUNTY.—W. C. Knight. Administrator, de bonis non, on Ilenry O. biivy Lite of said county deceased. 1 as apptied for letters of Dismission from his said Ad- Polk County Espuiy Sheriff Mort gage Sa ! e. murder of his wife, will be hanged in Fierce county on the 23rd ef May. Ir is believed that Hie Atlanta Cot ton Mill will be lull of Machinery, and in running order, by~tH^^ffdie of July. Major Charles H. Smith (Bill Arp) has consented to deliver a lecture in Macon on the night of the 2-jtli inst Record of State and Countv Goveri - [ 3?, e f da - v in isra, the ruiiowtag properly, ment8, with lists of officers of all OF SATURDAY, APRIL 12X11. Will appear the first chapters of a new serial story entitled, “WHAT A WIFE CAN DO,” frum the gifted pen of Hiss Maky E. Bartlett, of Gave Spring. Georgia. _ The story is one of absorbing "the Estate©! - i interest, and will ran through some eight or ten numbers of the Weekly- The scene of the ro mance is laid in Europe—Chiefly in London and Paris—and the author, evidently familiar with the oality she so vividly.‘describes, through the median) of a pleasing fiction imparts to her readers the ad ditional pleasures of a tour of the continent. Subscription $2 a yeir, $1, for six months. Mon- j ey can be sent by Money Order, Registered Let ter or Express at our risk. J. II. ESTILL, April 10. tf s Savannah, Ga. Cares Consumption whrit other Otla Fnil- WILLSON'S CAHBOLATED (5Torwegian) Cod Liver Oi Immediately Arrest* Decay and Uuilcis Up the System WILLSON’S CAHBOLATED (Norwegian) Cod Liver Oi Is retained by the Weakcrt Stomach. If F.ee from Uople.r-ant Tasf* Is Readily Digested. Never gets Rancid WULSON S CARBOLATCD (Norwegian) Cod Liver Oi Cures Consumption. Sprofr.la, Eiaaclailuu, (ougiifl, Cold? All Lung and Cossrin tional C jmplaettn and : a romark-iMy efficient Blood PomyrtK and check., the Bavagee of Disease. WILLSON S CAHBOLATED (Norwegian) Cod Liver Oi is sold only in large tv 'dge-shap^I battles. WiIIf : i spelled with a double • • L.” Kemeuiberthe w^r . “ Cardolatzd ’' in ordering from your DruggL. and iasbit on having th* ri-.ht kind. Send for Circulars to the Proi-Tietora, GUEMP MANUFACTURING CO., =2 PARK PUACE, MEW YORX Directory of the Southern Slices; List of Southern Express Stations; Stations ami Distances on a:I Rail roads, and lar.dii'gs and distances on all rivers in Georgia; auewly revised map of the State, prepared expressly for the work ; list cf churches, - . ... , , t schools, etc., with such other siatis- for the benefit of the Ladies Memo- j tieul, historic il and general informa- rial Association. , | tion as will make it unsurpassed as a The Summerville Gazette saysj book l,[ reference and accurate i'-Ur- rimtion concerning everything worth knowing rt-lativu to the State of ings; Money Order and Post-office i M >r«gagcnfa in favor of narp-.id & iiiiiye John C. Waits. Property pointed out iD said 5 fa. Also at the same t the town of Cedarto ing one half acre and place. Polk count the old saw mill survey of said town, saidlot bound ed as follows ; on the East by the lot of T F Bur bank: on t!ie Sou.h by the lands of J S Stubbs; on the West by the lot of O. Philnot. and on the North by a street leading to It G Herbert'-- residence lot. said lot being the one whereon li ii Thompson ant! James M Morris now resides, as the property of R it Thompson, by virtue of one Hoik Superior that tlu? little spark of Mormon ism | dropped bv Eider Morgan, in the j Georgia and its inhabitants, quiet^district of Haywood, continues j The work will be under the sole to burn and gather fuel. j supervision of Mr. Slides, whose ex- Court Mortgaged fa i R 11 Thornp bn. notice of this levy. E. \V. CLEMENTS, Deputy Sheriff. Haraison Courtly Sheriffs Saies. Largest Stock. BUCHAN’S CAR5QLIC BALE? OINT3IE3iT Salvo in tha 'World. Lowest Prices. Mrs. T. B. Williams, Quiolc and Siav'dia; Coras. It Heals "Without a Scar. Allays Pain &, Stops Bieedia£ Soothes a Eurn or Scald. Heals a Cut Jkilzo Magic. Draws Poison out cf a Wonnt. ROM] Dealt r in Millinery, has just re 1 from the Eastern Markets, and is now ■iving Bonnets in all .he ir.test Styles, ats in every ~hu;n- it' d j rice. Powers W First Tuesday in May. loTH, betwe hours of Kil 5. tile following pronenv I . iiajr Goods. rp , „ „ v . . tensive experience, enerry On I uesdav Mr. D. M. Bain, of | Cllila ,. fitn ^ 8 for i’ t pe- - . pnrtant works of Atlanta, and Miss Lucille Ellis, for- j rids kind are too uvii known to re- merly nf Bolambtts, were joined in quire extended comment. IBs n me marriage. Mr. Bain is well known in Atlanta society, and his fair bridd* was quite a belle iu the great city. Conslitulionali.il: More old fields, thrown out for years, are being re claimed this spring;than any other since the war. A very large crop land No. 596 in the 2oth District und 3rd Section of originally (her..kve now Haralson emuty. Ga.. hs :u»* property of W. M. F r Court fi fa Driver vs W. M. Kr.micr. principal and A. J. Hunt 'Ctirity. Property pointed out by deiendont. Levy will he planted this spring, and if seasons are good, the yield irjll be im mense. Mr. James II. Gilreathj of Car- tersv'lle, is dead. The Primitive Baptists ak'Oluver- dale, Dade county, have ox'anizvd a Sunday School. Georgia lumber, furnished t>y a Georgia coniractor, is urell in the construction of the huncljeil thou sand dollar oollem; that is being built by the University of Goorg- townn. The Cartersvill Free i'.’OM an nounces the death of threeo.ld oiti- z-.-iis of Bartow—Mr. 'i’liante Gore, Mr. Thorius Jemniersoa jm-d Mr. John S. Owens. Dr. Pratt, the di.stinsui.~hd Geor gia chemist, is endeavoring to fu.-m Oflot.9 of land Nos. 523 and 824 Ci)iiUiiriiudr 253 acres in the , u :h district and 5th section of origin:i‘!y Carroll Haraison county. Ga., as the property of W. A. McAlpin. by v The State and county vs W. A. McAlpin for tax due for the year 1>73. Property pointed out I defendant. Iso at the same time and plac» one hundr of lotcf land No. 191 in tin-- 7th District at section of originally Carroll now llaralsi the property of A. G. Story by v is u guaranty ol f lie snpurior excel lence ol the literary and statistical contents, and 4 the puffiishers have liie determination and the resources to make it, typographically, the most j substantial and elegant work ever issued from the Southern pi\-S3. j conatv, ti'Lc . a,,, »-*i,. ,...-,.1. ... ,. ,ix* i tue of one tax fi fa fn favor of tht State and conntv I 111- . latl lit the it Oik n.-is conceit - I v « A. o. Story, for MW dm for the year ISIS, ed and partly executed some yea! s I Property pointed outt>y ago, hue fur- various reasons met | api. jrdiSTSt with delays. Tiie announcement of j its puhlii-a ion, at tiiat time, met j pQjjj CQUatv Si’.sriff S S. with the enthusiastic indorsement of ^ the people and press of the State. A ; yy cv>: tices Millinery Retail. march 27 3:n found Yn allr-t class Store at wholesaler BUCHANS’ CARBOLIC BALM OINTMENT CONTAINS NO GREASE AND 57A*IIE3 OFF T7IT:iOUT SOAF. It ads Iistanthj and like Jfarjir.. For Sal* IThca.-n. Sore Throat, Ulcer 3urns, ScaDls. Cuts, Wimniji, F’llv , io c t yes, PoixnnooA Sl'ii ;* 3i>«*- Harbpr’.i Etc!*, Chappei! Mind-i. Srrufi .->**«* Sore=, and any aud every oth r pun«.>ee Jcr A'hich » Palvo or Hiiitiaout cm bo .naed. Bn - Ca'-bo'le. Kwlm Ointment 1* th tnlv prcparaciGU tUatcan always berelieu npc-r. .4 ■> boaut-ifnl jelly-«*f> ure i article, Boiil in ' 3 with tho r'kjvs “ trade-mark." withru-. -hir.h non -ir. y nuiu •• S to it {Jiit ronr druj- de.-KTib P R U F E S SIU y AL DR. a H. HARRIS, 1UEHP MANUFACTURING C0-. 22 I'AHK PLACE, NEW YOBE. Physician and Surgeon. Cociarte - - - G-zi. Office at Bradford JkAilen’* Drug Store. Ifcsi- CL&CIC AS THS RAVES’S WING i dence at the Valley Ho rU-ly HOLCOMB, Jr. heriff. ILL be sold before the Court House county, few of t.he more prominent notices I fatioli-n which will apply with equal force to j xo.'wi. in tue: "he work now announced, are here- | i^^-FUn'iiv! i.V.,.,;2,;'.’,i,::v:'ai Ar-Ui! money y at of iL STRASffSSl, N. P. Ci Ex. Off J. P. gzs olrz.-aj.gt.x'* o., Ga, Collections solicited, aud r paiicmallv. IS KI2DEIVS P.avea Indelible Inf Never Blots ! Flows Freel y | Never Spreads 1 Al v a y •• Ready: Perfect Black : ;• fum or trouble! It ia n .-i without jirei*tration! boll by all druggists ami staP - rf* '-(^ere. Mfg•t‘; •a Park Plxce, N. i with appended. Trusting to have the hearty co operation and support of every en terprising citizen of Georgia, v.e re main, Very respectfully, A. E. Siiolls & Co, Compilers. ■J a s. P. Hark I sox & Co., Publishers. ■eu! I e - r-;0R ( i|A. 1'ulkC'unuty.—U. . .1 t;> l.vrich. in tie.- c:: | '._>T -0. thi: ,il : of said lot. ffiiU _ lilt ten ■. being (icKimns to resign his ! find r ol i ; Et- >11; < filed i tins ea. sl ue has •1!. -15. :•). 101, 105, in the ^ist .i: tion of Polk county, aud 2* 9, 27- in the 22nd dis’-ict and 3rd *;;cti All the above lots of land levied defendant, and pointed onL by him. by virtue id aud 3rd f : 1.272, 395, 3 of b.iiil u-un •* the nropc •a | tedglug that not the time to properly uu-tm m uie mpiui?.- ot •- ; slid estat;*. ami -agai-^ts the name of J. A. Liddell who is qual ified and entitled to aud as wiUing to accept ot i-aitl administration. Therefr ..-•i j->nrui-*o- j ; .tn.i retresbi-g- Of fi fa in favor ot the state and . Jt. .Jones, for tax dtp- for the year 1S7! id place, 'ot of la ». r'VTU': 1 ” snvs v. \ ■ rr:■ : • CUUAr^Ea. bEH!t,ft2Fii'WLffilA.. A. Liddell and n»-xt or kin take no: ice to be and appear a held in said county unique title had been given to his p S ._Uo insinuating comparison lecture the more lifcctnally to con-| ^ mfa;U b t!ie j ux ; :l . 1>ositio:i of ceal the dagger with which he in- , i|ime3 in la8t senten ce. tended to stab them. It is exceed- ... L , ingly doubtful, however, whether q’liere is lio hurry abon the lecture will benefit, either the ' ig bonds in new small-bond 4 ]H-r a stock company for the mai ufuctu re congress adjourning. The members are paid party or the personal ambition of the by the ye . r t „ Iuok a [ te rthe interests speaker. There was too much in- | ( , r the people, and there^is no reason I account nearly one half congruity between the occasion and ; n . hv , they should not attend to their ! make things easy cents. It is out belief that the tviiole ' of fertilizers in Atlanta, indebtedness can be retired saving to the State by the substitu-| to be found all the ingred non of 4 per cents, for the outstand ing Is and 8s will be something im- mense. it will reduce the interest and will iin. The He sa ys! the speech. It was a case of political j j u jj P8 throughout the tear. They I prot ision made by these bonds for rape against which the l et ter tenli- | ViCul ]j cog j the country no more, and ment of his own party retolted, on , (j le j r work would tie far more setis- eecond thought- ihe Young Men s factory because more deliberate.— Library Association learned a lesson q'hose who do not desire to earn their that will not, we trust, be lost U P j salaries as members should not go to on them. j congress.—Const i tut ion. \ congress - safe interest-bearing investments for our poorer people, will lead to frugal habits and economical methods among the masses and thus redound most to onr behoof. One of the most cheering tilings connected with the bonds is the high position their ABOUT this time of year the public | Messrs Blount and Felton, of this j issue has given to our State. That spirited newspaper man, by S uot | . State, voted against abolishing that 1 a Southern State, so totally devastat- luck, getting hold ol a horoe anc - ; hot-bed of Iraud, ! he Southern j ed by Shermon’s torch-braves and buggy takes a short ride iiuo t !, v j Claims Cummiss country. With an eagle eye he looks j $unie j t |, to the right and left and seeing now j bers votfd in lavor of the propos : aud then a flourishing field ot wheat, ;j on _ \y 0 i K ,j )e s , a . a jj events.— j th. decade float, an issue of 4 per ms lor ' exalt him to the position of a tlemi- ' j god. They applaud everything he i ' »prStas’ , does, and measure lheir principles j ir.iyett a. by |,j 8 actions and utterances. They j great deal of property, anl caused j ^tribute to him every virtue which j ye States! man can possess, and deny, ihe e.xis-! first-class fertilizers, The recent floods have dell some 1-ss of life.in the th of Georgia, South Cardin abama. Leesburg on the 9th of murder. Go to i’cxos Young of Iraud, the Southern j ed by Shermon’s torch-braves and *' ‘ Commission, It is to be pre- j plunderers, and so totally under ! a S° amounte liat the other Georgia mem- I reckless carpet-bag rule, should so j tilan J *‘= 11 t> l' niK1 ' > Reports from the count: day were veiy disheartenin rain which we thought f northern portion of the coil ty a feu haiily more lint e ougll uj j S flow OsS It. . J. L. Uni midI deed., will i ourt of Ordinary j t^e, if any they have, why j f paid G. W. I Vathenstou should t b»* allowed and .-ait! J . A. Liddell he spp->:' ted Pitch adniinipfratoi in his j.lucu and etead. Given der ray liana this April 2nd. 18*9- JOiiL BKE'VER, Ordir.ary. n t p 0 0 + i .GCL <10 ft-.ndant. I c Al>o at the sat by virtue of one l'< of It. It. Thompsc Proderty p< ’ Our frieml Vvillin^iiani. • of the Cartersviile Free Pr&a*. coin mem Is our iduds on lmiejieiiclent as expressed two weeks since, and sug gests than we look to the “independ ent papers’’ of the Seventh District, ns exam pies of true independence, j We must ask to be excused, i liose 1 ncr coart ot ivdk .. papers show eonspicimiis proofs of | s’ldii iaj5 i the most absolute partisanship. They I ti»ci«.'df uarv-y ' The taat within the limits of Gjorgi i: re ; co „ si j er Jj r . Eelton infallible, and j n-rmi’iuD.r'i: t fi fa in i Powell EW'i i If99 il bearer. nit by plaintiff in fi ta. Tenant I t'tified of thi* levy. Levy made by ! lormer Sh'-rili'. time and place, lot «»f land Nos. ! i ihe 3rd district arc 4ih section of . i:y virtue of a :i fa f ; .tn the bnp<- , NEW Livery and Sale Stable, Cor-’’Alain £ Prior .'•'tree/. ,o. fi ^ % u &\3uctetyxst’' ttwi dy m 'to ceriniit 1 I !>.Ir .••-•I t.M.l LivrO:’.3Lir;t . r of li: Propel ■ of Paid La ey Be 1 , Beil vp. H. Lawpon, defendant. J claimant, had at the Fcbrna t rt, the money I .-. TI*. wm : v. HIGH SCHOOL CBDARTOWN, GA W. F TREAD 4WAY, , P.-opriotor. New Veliicles, Good Stock and . low prices. Give me it trial. ^ toms;h and is nol • ..all. An’Iidis. Br-'.z- Hinni AT—- NOTICE. id Al- i tence of common honesty in his op. j | ponents. They are even now per- ! | sistently trying to blast forever the I CsdaftOWH^ u3i Three negroes are to be luged in | reputations of good men for no other : j. notes. a. B. Prineipul. -r- _ q It v, for | reason than that those men opposed j Mrs. M. A. CRAGR, Assisuint. | _L_iclllCL JJ OP : Felton. They admit nothing to Jibe j Mrs. H- \. NOYES, Instructor in Drawing | j].,, gu i (fcr iber being il t-rminecl ri--nsl cPmplain'.p. «.: ;h late I Oil i.Y remark .1 Scrof..lon« ATeU-icna . -Hroa^lyrect :..zny-> i- Sale. -,ul in - e-din-j, it iruq-.i r does, ujv n H disparagement of their favorite, and la„t j willingly—ves, eagerly—believe any * * I scandal, however damagiti-g or how- .. j ever improbable, against tnose who ; and Paintin F-t*rjTo:njd5 y«s: er- i ,,,, ; opposed turn in ihe 1te canvass. J * le | Tlnv are not independent papers; n i be j" they are Felton’s partisans, and their void of the first The Spring Term of the Scholastic year ?j7J) will commence January 6th inst., and lose about tiie middle of June. The course i study taught is THOROUGH AND SYSTEMATIC par isar.ship element of independence. We re- ; gr*-t that il is so ; 1 ut so it is. Some of them may be displeased ; Especial a* f cntion is given to tue English brauciies. The studies which render pupils conversant with their and oats, goes back to his sanctum Augusta Chronicle. and informs his readers that an nn usually large acreage of land has Senator Gordo; ■been planted in small grain the :i t; Ty-Tv station. ; present year. And he knows what he is talking about—he thinks. tor's sou, JIuHi II . , -, l , - i do more than Jav the dust or a few j.,,* recuperate that it cm almost within 1 - , , { at the plainness Oi our rt.-, bur. hours. On many piantatpm the j they ought not to be. They ought OWN LANGUAGE cm icnvo CGrmpt.a'coxiaunity : offers about 1 3U0 Acies of First Class Land lying in Cedar Valley and COHard Town Valley, on which ip a good MILL aud a gook Ca#tom Water GIN. Ac.. VERY LOff TOR CASH. I will divide said lands to snit purchaser. Call ! and examine said Lands. I will guarantee ii to be the he?! pi ire in the State for an honest man to die at. a* he won Id leave it with fewer regrets than any other in the wide world. nnv 28-Gm G. W. WEST. .4 ;,i t-uiy :'X v.-.» «• «.-s!iaT>ed bottles. * WIILson ’. ,. il • 1 with a 'I mble • L.” Itemembcr thn »'r • ,• ;rbr.:a*e:l r.larlng from your druggist, aa* ' ,3’Nt r.p- a having Vhe right hintL wheat is not mors th an ju t. F ie food to consider what tve say. They < light ! de T ,eJ t , h /”° r ,t 1 i” p ° r ‘Ll TilTT 1 . ... . ... ,1.- : ; ,.r .I thorough andfnitbful instruclion is given ; cent, bonds is tue best poof ot | d ; heailil)g out . b ; , rnto . i8 ( to rid themselves of the heat of the , lbe branche3 . vast na' ura! richness, the energy o\J ’ * , before canvass-notv that .he canvass » ) VMta n- - , „ , lover—and endeavor, bv the time r planting cotton, as it tvouldfje laoor 1 ... sheep ranch? is , its people aud the vigor and integri I: comptiscs 40,- I ty of its administrations. A 4 p< of offer superior ."<1- i. men, who desire a basi- Those who with to take a 000 acres of good land. The Sena- ! cent, bond tl mting at par is the best j *°-* P lo i: '” V next cam;.: Let Inin j manager Gordon, is tiie j immigration argument that ingenui- tbe ranche in his father’s i ty can devise. It speaks plainly if eed. i'eais or enter-| state of mind which will enable them j led of a famine in corn nd oats, | to act with :rue indepeudenc.: which | - and hence the price of the Id crop \ will enable them to see that their j of corn is advancing, will It Is to be hoped that the press ■ absence. He is an enthusiastic sheep ! flier taxes, rich lands, growing towns, ! every one bolding on 10 all tl association at its meeting in Carters- farmer, and is just starting with a : appreciating properfv, a prosperous j vilte will not rake up the old contra- j flock of 1,700. Seven miles of wall \ people and a faithful, capable al- versy about patent out sides. It has j have been put up. • ministration. It is an argumentthat long ago been demonstrated that res- ' ■•--i.n. -l. . ! can bt! nt . it i, er gp-cious nor deVised olutions passed by the convention! Gem. \V. T. Shermax, if the j for t ,h e occasion. It is ihe outcome ev nave. do not control t lie members, anil it seems to us to be a waste of time to revive a subject that can only result in criminations and recriminations. Il the patent outside business is an evil, it will cure itself; certainly the press association has failed to cure it. It should be remembered, too. that one of the best and freshest weeklies in Georgia is a patent out side.—Atlanta Constitution. Tub Augusta Chronicle and Con- slitutionnlist suggests, and we en dorse the suggestion, that when Henry Ward Beecher reaches Atlanta ihe decent people of that city should' let him aud his lecture severely alone. It is noc possible that he will be in vited to any other city iu Georgia. —Savannah News. . poit ol a fiiend is to be believed, is : Q r y uars () f probity, progress and en- iu favor of repealing all laws that require the presence of armed soldiers at Voting places, and says that it is a duty unpleasant to both officers and men. ergy. The successful floating oi these bonds in the face of the ill- advised assaults made irom week to week upon the integrity of our dem ocratic administration, was the best possible answer to tlnse attacks. That they were taken at all is proof of tiie pocket—the best proof, too— tiiat Georgia is wisely, prudently I and ablv governed. That thev were The Walton County Videite men tions the fact that Georgia has about twelve hundred cnyicts, aud the revenue realized from their hire is oulv twenty-live thousand ilc-ilars a year. Tennessee gels more than seventy-live thousand dollars a year for a much smaller number. It wants to know why this is thus. The democrats in congress owe it ! r ', to the country—especially to the peopled! tn • South—to reduce the! duty oil quinine. That it has not been reduced before is a disgrace to 1 , . . . , , , , .. . i taken bv Georgians is proot that this our law makers. As matters stand,: r t , i ,u, quinine is out of the reach of the) poorer classes.—Atlanta Const it it- ! tion. So far our vegetables are nei iy a to tal failure. The Dallas mar at at no time this spring has shown scarcely any at all. The suppiydi jgettin ii S3 and li-Si eve y day. At lie hour of writing, liie iiiglT and d y winds which have prevailed for this weeks are still blowing, with no mo tur humidity in the air, and noja cloud nearlv The as Hiv - bad in aboiu nough, a corn verdict was rendered by the very people who knew the facts of the case, and who tiie assaults were in- ^ tended to mislead. Resting under ’1 HE Roman Catholics are forming repeated aud desperate attacks—at- extensivu settlements in several of j tacks made upon almost every de- the States. They have bought amt nartment of the Slate government— are preparing to buy larger tracts ol the administration did not send the lands upon which they will colonize j bonds out of the State to distant exclusively Catholic tamilies. This i markets, but offered them to the report, we suppose, will greatly alarm | home people, in whose ears the ncisv those people who have been reared ] invectives had been dinned. The to tremble at the power and wicked i result speaks for itself. —Atlanta influence of the Catholic church. Yve were glad to receive the intel ligence of General Hampton’s arri- Constit'Aion. be seen in the heaven situation is bad enough. It er worse, anil lias not been the memories of thirty yeui now. Ail liope ot wheat abandoned. There is time however, te make a cotton a crop if we get rain. The tonghth covers iiil that portion of j x iug upon a line of llenisou Antonio, including every west ot it, and an averag tiers east. Iu portions of tri terri tory people are hauling titer for drinking purposes from ihr miles, aud iire cattle depen the larger streams, all ol lower than can be remembered. Dulles Herald. lid ball inty f two carried through ihe j same studies usually pursued io colleges will be reasonable to candidate is not the essence of Cue and patriotism, and that his op- j s “ j.’ueVof ponents are not necessarily traitors , , 0 ? t Th e 3 Lrd times. They will range from and vi'.lians, but are probauly ns .^soto *4 no per month. Drawing ami good as he i3 ; which will enable | painting $2 00 per month. Exercises in them to support a man for office | vocal Music f. to Incidentals 50 cents without damning all who oppose i P er annum, him.—La Orange Reporter. What the Democrats of the -Sev- j IILLIIERY. oath unci Ninth districts will think L~J l % C K u > & F- % A ill’ Ci « H c of the promotion of Felton—for it is that theoretically, at least—and ;is it is i the honorably placing of Speer, I do to six upon ch hat in- i must ■gisla- Here is a pretty good one find in an exchange, but y not let any of our Georgia tors see it, for they might qir. mak ing speeches, and then whaivouLD become of the country ? Ever since it got ont that Rome was saved bv the cackling o geese, The 136th Anniversary of Thomas ^giidatois of every grade hse set- J . , . , tied down to the e Jefferson s birth-day was celebrated I |y t j K ,j r e t erDa ] cackling an the val at Washington City. His health j iu Charlottesville on the 14th inst. | people’s rights be subserved. Verily > has coceidcrably improved. by a large processi&n. the goose has much to anetvci' not of course know. But it strikes me that they will begin to wonder why such a fully “organized” Demo crat as Mr. Randall gave them the smack in the face. • They must re member, however, that the so-c.illed “independent’’ role af these gentle men is only played before home au diences and that here iu Washington they appear on the hoards only in thecharaeter of “organized,” “caucus ridden” Democrats. As such, I sup pose, Mr. Randall only knows them, and consequently is bound lo recog nize and deal with accordingly. But isn’t it rather curious that nu n who spit upon and despise anil villify or ganization alld CaUCUS and convell- hcrStockftna Prices before yen male l!OU3 at home, should be cl) llespel- \ ..archas.—. Remember the place, attly anxious and exceedingly ready i Go and see Miss Lizzie Yelvin, over Philpott & Di-tid’d Store. Codartown, G-a., and examine her new SPRING STOCK of Millinery, comdstinjj al! of the latest styles of 1IATS, BONNETS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, VEILS. RUFFS, RUCHING, Jewelry, Ilair Goods, Hosiery, Underwear, and all other good? in her line. Call and examine •nr Spring apr 3*2m CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after SUNDAY. JUNE 9, ISIS, the j rain? will run on the Home Railroad ae follow?: EVENING TRAIN. Leave Rome tlany at 3 10 A M i Return to Rome at 12.30 P ?»f j te! te 1 SAT U il D AY A C CO MM ODATION. Leave Rome (Saturday only) at 5 OOP M Return to Rome at R.oo P 31 C. M. PENNINGTON, GenT Sup’t. ap27tf JNO. E. STILLWELL. Ticket Ag’t W. P. LA KAMO RE. J. T. FEARS La ram ore & Co. WHOLESALE Commission Merchants IN PROVISIONS, PRODUCE, TOBACCO CIGARS, eic., Masonic Temple. i ROME, - - - L GA Webb’s Restaurant, Bakery, Lager Beer, Ale, &e. Nearly Opposite the New Masonic Temple. .Vo. 6'7, P.road Street, Rome, Ga HEALS AT ALL HOURS. Oysters, Birds, Game, Fish, Ac., in their Season, and Always the Best the Market Affords Furnished. J, i Also Lodgings Furnished Strangers. | Meals' 25ets each; Lodgings 25cts ! pc-r head. march 27- tf to serve upon and devour the fruit i _ grown upon the hateful tree at L "V\/’ANTED AGENTS Washington.—Cor. Macon Telegraph \ Forthc&stest teiiin:; boot or Hie agt: and Messenger. ; Tjl The HOUSEHOLD and K £ aimers Cyclopsedi-o- An enterprising correspondent of j ’ elation for the assassination of Gen •<* every family who, Grant is being formed in Kentucky, 1 wants it. Secure territory at < RIUS HALL. TONSITORIAL PARLORS. cedahtowkt, &a. CHOICE HOUSE. J CAVE SPRING, GA., XI. C. Tilly, Drop- Shaving, Shampooingand flair Cutting done ■ id ntntly. cheaply and expedilioasly. Give me a call, jan 31 tf HIUSUdLl. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES MAIL COACH TO CEDARTCWH DAILY,