Cedartown advertiser. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1878-1889, April 24, 1879, Image 3

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— i THE ADVERTISER, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY .MORN ING. Cedartown, G-a. April 24th. Terms of Subscription. 'Osk Copt One Yen $ “ Six Month- 1 ® Eleven Copies One Tear 10.UJ TERMS—Cash in Advance. Dick Poole killed a large gobbler last Monday morning. Bradford it Allen will start their Soda Fount next week. iCapt. \Y. 0. Spence, postmaster at Rock mart, died last Monday. Abner Hogg is in Atlanta nowat tending a business college. Advertising Rates. In three mouths trom now Cedar- Janies Young’s House Burned. Onr community was startled last Monday by tire report that the resi dence of Mr. James Young, of this county, with., nearly its entire con tents, bad beer, destroyed by fire. None of the family was at home when the fire was discovered, though Mr. Young had left the "house not more than half an hour before. The fire,it is thought,crigiuatrd about the «r*ot. I iwn I t -Me- i"a Mo I omq. I i»-m*>- town will be tile most wide awake kitchen stove flue. There was no town in Georgia. i insuranceon either houseorcontents. • Local Notice*, ten cents per line fnrone Ir^ertioip " For two or more insertions five cents per 1 MABRI°GE AND HE vrrl NOTICES-As matter of new**, nubli-hed free. . „ , OBITUARY NOTICES—Charged at hnlf rates. City IJi*ecIoiy. County Officers. ORDINARY t CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. • SHERIFF deputy sheriff TAX RECEIVER TAX COLLECTOR TREASURER SURVEYOR • CORONER .... JOEI. UnKWRB. \V. C. Knight. ... W. G. Tati.or. ...E. W. Clements. CONTESTED. . W. .T. Richardson. C. II- Wood. J. C. Harris. . .Jerry Thompson. REPRESENTATIVE no*. C. C. .Units. SENATOK-tStU DISTRICT.. . IIos. W. J. K*AD. Clmrcli Directory. METHODIST. EVERY SABB\TII n.J. MrmcK, I’Mtor. BAPTIST. l.t and 3rd SABHATH S. C.K.HasDZnsos. Pastor. rRESBYTEKIAN. Sd and 4tS SABBATHS -I E. Joses. Pastor- KNIGHTS OF,HONOR.; Cedartotvn Lodge No. 273. wm. Bradford dictator. L. S. LEDBETTER Retoutkk. Lodge meets every Monday nl-tit alter 11.1 ,"anu 4th Sabliaths. A1ASOAIU. Caledonia*Lodge F. A. >1. J. S. STUBBS. W.M. Regular .coratnunlcalion^ard Friday ni-ht it* every mouth. in room over Huntington it W risjbt s LOG A. I a N E iW S. HOTiC:. After this datc^lie Legal Advertising connected with my office will he done in the Cedartown Ad- vkbtimk. JOEL BREWER, Ordinary Polk ro. Alter this date the advertising of the ShreifT- OlHco or Polk county will be done in the Cedartown AnvKRTisKix. W, U. TA \ LOR. Sheriff. Feb. 17.1879. RCCIIANAN, GA.,*Feh.l7tll 1879. Until firther’notice the Legal Advertisements of the Ordinary atul Sheriff of Uaraluon county will be done in iho Cedartown advertiser. s. .M. DAVtNPORT, Ordinary. .1*. K. HuLCOMB,.Sheriff. Mr.TV. S. I). Wikle arid nephew, from Cartersville, visited Cedartown on a prospecting tour last Monday. Loss about S3,000. Jud Crahb had a tries-, ol ripe strawberries for dinner l ist Sunday. Says lie can prove itby New: Wright. As the sexton of, the Baptist Church was lighting tlie chandalier last Sunday night it fell and was smashed ’l-oni Oar Haralson County Correspon dent. Farmers pushing ahead with their work. Some are done planting corn and are putting in cotton seed. Guano is not use quite so exten sively as last year. Bu-.-liacan is impioving rapidly. D. 13. II. h is re-covered his well. .Mis, Lucy Rogers, of Palmetto, We are requested to announce that Ca., is teaching school here. Mr. McKinney has dismissed Ilia until the 1st ol July next. Jasper Pliilpot killed a fine gobbler last week. IPs is of en guilty of such tricks at tins season of the Rev. J. W. Trawick will preach at Oppert’s mill next Sunday evening. The contractor is moulding brick for Stubbs & Co’s, new building at the fate of ten thousand adav. To any one desiring to become ac quainted with the paper, We will semi Tiif. Advertiser for three months, post paid, for twenty-five cents. Dr. L. S. Led Oer ter was chosen Grand Sentim 1 at the recent sisrion of the Grand Lodge Knights of j Honor. year. Little Jessie, daughter of Matthew and Ida Thompson, of this county, died on the 2Stli tilt. We deeply sympathise with the bereaved parents and pray that God will give comfort to their troubled hearts. C. A. P. Georgia Teachers’ Association. The nexft* annual convention of | this Association will he held at Rome | from April 29ih to May 2nd to be earnestly hoped time N >rth 11 ted copie^of speeches recently deliverer., j , ;g f jjj g w j|| |j e t| le g rg r, meeting held in Congress. j within her hen mis. Prof. P.J.King informs us that RiHrowI. l K ' s3 tc ' ! ‘ cht,r3 ,0 and the Polk county delegation in his Genera! News. * It is stated that more than six thousand negroes emigrants have ar rived at St. Louis from Louisiana and Mississippi since the exodus be gan. Three printers in New York bought half of the ticket in the Louisiana Lottery which drew a prize of thirty thousand dollars a few days ago. General Hampton reached Wash ington last week, and was sworn in as a member of the Senate. It is rumored that G n. Grant will not, under any circumstances, he a candidate for a third term. The second adventists have ;pt the 11th of July for the general wind up of the world. The first iron works in America j were establiolied near Jamestown, I Virginia, 1G10. The Knights of Honor report r. ] membership of 0.000 in Tennessee, j A Tiiden pioneer club has been \ organized at Ocean Springs, Miss. Out, of twenty seven thousand ! deaths in New York last year only . two were the result of small pox.! Systematic vaccination was the cause ! of tiiis small mortality from a dan gerous disease. A California journal has had pre pared and dedicated “to the friends j of Chinese immigration,” a group ol ; photographs of 13 Mongolian lepers., The Senate Committee of Privi leges am! Klections have commenced j an investigation of the c; so of Kel- 1 PHOENIX PLANING MILL. MILLDfEEY GOODS, Longley S Robison Proprietors, G-A. THE LARGEST AND COMPLETES! MILL IN GEORGIA LONGLEY & ROBISON, No. 3S I), catnr Street. Factory corner Butler and Gilmer, Contractor-and Proprietors* of Photnix Phinirp Mill.manniaeturers rf Door?. Sa^h. Blind-, etc. The Phcenix is the fiiie-t an.I be.-r Pltiiniiur Mill in the Sooth, and jnrt,- out work ol th.; very best quality and at prices lint, defy competition. Tbt-v have purchased the latest lrapiovcmcnta and best machinery ever brought South, and now enarantee th.it no house. North or iVcst, t-liail furnish better goods, or for less m-futy. Besides goods of their own make. they have a large stock of Western goods that are offered at trice- below competition. Parties desiring building material. Sashes. Blinds, etc., will do well to %vrit:*’o Messrs. L. .t ll. \s Contractors liscl<> an uomensv business, having built many of the finest building* in the eity. They are thoroughly and absolutely reliable, and their esti mates arealway- lowest. They can point to scores of huge a.:u costly bui.Gings put under their bids and they have 'never to come up to the very highest nmtk •*( their cm tract. .M.niufaeturing the most of the material ti.-ed in building, and all of the Su-he-. Poors. Blinds, Ho . they can uideroid moH of their comp tor-. The firm i- aLo auent for the New York Enamei Paiuf ».A>. 7 It-paint s'»].i by thi» company is endorsed a- the best in the world. nov28 i«ni MR8. A. O. GARRARD NO. US, hKOAD STREET, KOHE, G.l, II is just returned from New York with ;i Magnificent Stock o' Goode, which sh-- purchase,] in person, and is offering at remarkably ow prices. The L-idies will du well to call and examine her Select SiO x of Bonnets-. Hals, I-1 >wers, Luces, Gloves, Corsets, Dress Buttons, R ebons aud Neck U ear, and many oilu-r desirable goods, before purchasing elsewhere. April 10, 3m Written for the Advertiser.] Forsaken. Ot bow dearly I have loved thee. Tongue nor pen can ne’er dincri! c. For to you my heart was given; You were try oalv joy and pride. Once yon *eemcd to me so lovely. And «o faithful kind and trn*\ That my Heart know no pleasure Only tv^ft ws’ shared with yo::. Now you’re«hanged to me, bow dreary. How iny heart doth ache with pain. When I think ol when you loved me. And know you ne're will lore again. Tim” we mow makes many ch&ngoe. And haw sad this change to me, Still I love, end lore thee only. Tbor.ga I be not loved by thee. rrr crowds j’ou iui«gle. And al J c; r • forgotten be, Twould be j v if ;u fcuchnionif nts You wr uid keep one thought «»f me. i have loved m :? loo fondly, And my sorrows* none can tell, 1 have loved and lost forver. Hoik: and beunlv. fare the well. Wm. M. IDS & Co., oou 1 K , null F»sii Oilier .-it It. P. Shei’abd's *] it nf borrowing our paper 1ft this be ; the last time. The American He- | publican, in speaking of this matter, ; say.-: “It h just as commendable for ; a person to go to his neighbor’* • j house every morning and ask the | ; the lou.-i of his breakfast, as it is for j him to be continually reading his j J neighbor’s pope:-.” 1) m't v ,u think i iso? I J.artjp. Stock—Low Prices, at IV. 1 I il. Pmllips & Co.’s A L.t’l’L.U.V. " A hargiii.i is offered sale of a nice lot of printing ’ material and a large Wasliing- | ton Hand Press. Price reason- ! able. Send stamp for particulars i to Advertiser Pcb. Co., Cedartown, Ga. Exchanges please copy. DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE,- OXDTr- C-A:,. Have just received a large and varied Stock of "Spring Goods and General Supplies. Jei We Kane to UntJerscil Us. buying. At the Old Stand. Call .and examine our goods befors march 20-!v Hons. John* B. Gordon and B. II. II.ll put us under obligations for j Glf0rgia Inay b e largdj rtpres s of speeches recenlij de]*veiti. j .■ will lif* ilip iiiyr, nifetin,' school at Cave Spring mg finely. are progress- llank L-.'db.-tter has “lolded his tent like the Arab anil”—well, he has moved across the street. Jud Crabl) ami W. M. Hatch are building houses out beyond TanyarU branch. Roland Green lias bought a lot adjoining Rev. G. Iv. Ilenderseu’s, and will Lui'd upon it soon. new residence is near- He expects to move Billy Peek’s !y completed. Ill Xt We, k. The LuGrange iiepurtcr man thugs his pen about rather carek-esly for one ,, I who expects lo visit Oanersville ■*'>“! soon. The oration of Dr. K. II. Rich- Jr.. ik-iivertil before the Om- Terms. One Gopj- One Year.. “ “ Six Mouths If any prefer to pay in the fall, we j will send (hem the Adtebtiseu for P rdson • , / rt.,iiiv.i (»corgui Medical Association in Uoaie one vear provatol tln'v Mill callumi . , v .. i ! lad week was pronounced uv ih‘»M? give nsa note lor %l.o0UueN,)\. 1st., “ * „ ,r i who lii-iiru it a xiiiislu il and sciioiar 1871). - jiydTor . 1 he Doctor was the r. c!p> r fry tout Cramptun's Imperial j () [• warm and uil«*giaiii Soap at Hradford & Alien s and you j c.in^ralulatioiifl. wilt use no ot.lv r. I r - i - -»•* —. I The I hunter and (■ range war, s Best l!oek lteer, alwnvs un draugnt | |' : ,rm,-is against. “P* :ul Pi diet” at at D. II. Finley’s, Broad Street, Rome, Gii.—Shorter Block. from Rome for one fare. Ladies.will he entertained by private families without charge. Gentlemen will be funiisliad board at our best hotels at the reduced rates of one dollar per day. Those who desire to attend, or who wish further inlorma ion, will please address at Rome, J(; S. G. Caldwell, Oh'm. Local Com. The lieuies'.ic Monthly. The May Number of this p- the bi*-t writing ink to be hurl aljivlujrc. Take your Inkvlauil then* ami gut it fllh’d for a nickel. Laramore & Co., Rome. Ga, offer special inducements to merchants who want corn, oats, hay, meat, Ac., in car toad lots. It will pay you to consult tln-m before buying. march 27, 3m Pure Wines and Liquors of all kinds, at It. II. Finley’s, Shorter Block, Broad Street, Rome, Ga. ot 13 Ball Pool.—Only Table in Rome, at I). II. Finley’s, Shorter Block, Broad Street. mareh275t About ten years ago I was con sidered a confirmed dyspetic and my Case was considered a hopeless om- by the phvsicans who treated me. I i-js advised to try the liver medi cine prepared by Dr. J. G. Yeiser. I used three bottles and was entirely cured and am now sound and well. I consider it an invaluable remedy for that disorder and heartily recom mend it lo all afflicted with that com plaint.—John Kenedy, Cassville, Ga. For sale in Cedartown by Brad ford & Allen at 75 cents per bottle. two at bed time occasionally when you feel a little “out of forts” will otten save you a long spell nf sickness and a still longer doctor’s bill. “A stich in time saves nunc”—sometimes ninety-nine. REMEMBER that if you buy a box of Bradford & Allen’s Liver Tills and tley do not give entire satisfaction you can get a box of any other pills in the mr.rket wilhout charge. There is no chance for you to lose by trying a box of them. Boots aud shoes repaired on short notice at S. P. -Shepard s. For Sale. A No. 9, Silver Plated Wilson Sewing Machine, bran ueiv with complete set of attachments, very low. Apply at this office. tf 2000 Pounds White Lead Just received at Bradford & Allen’s. Also a large stock of Colors, oils and varnishes. If you are going to paint call and price our slock. Bob Hutcherson lias repainted aud remodeled his Bar, and ii is now the neatest Saloon in town. The Knights of Honor have dis bursed, since their organization about rive years ago, to families of deceased members, one million four hundred aud ten thousand dollars, at an av erage cost to each individual member of $11.50 pel annum. There are not less than two hundred men in Polk county to da} 7 who ought to he members of the order, and who are Call at Bob Hutcherson s^Bar doin 2 their families great injustice •lor fresh Lager Beer. 2t 1 *’J remaining out ot it. Or Trial. The Atlaxia Sunday Phono graph, the liveliest, Spiciest and sauciest paper in the State, will he sent to any address Eight Weeks fur only 25 Cents. Address, Phonograph, apr 17, tf Atlanta, Ga. against. $1,00 a pound, by Peter Henderson, Seedsman and florist, of New York It is nothing but the old familiar “Gat Tail Millet” of the South, and seed can be had in Atlanta at 20cte per pound. Exit Peter and the “Ptarl” Millet trade. Mrs. C. M. Ellis, of Greenville, Ga., daughter of Mrs. Ledbetter, of this county, and a most estimable lady, died at her home in Greenville, on Friday, April frth. She had been sick for several months, and her death was not unexpected. Her bereaved husband and child have the sympi- tliy of her many_ friends and rela- tiwsju this county. The Medical Association of the United Stales and Canada meets in Atlanta on the (ilh prox. The con- venti ns of American Colleges, of the editors of Medical Journals and of the Southern Baptist cnurcli alsc meet in that city at about the same lime. Atlanta will have a fine op portunity for ilie display of tier tarnous hospitality. A concert will he given by Prof. Snow and his class at Huntington & Wright’s hall on Friday night next, for the benefit of the Library Asso ciation. We hope to see a fill! at tendance, not only of those who are lovers ot tine music, hut of all who are in the least interested in the for mation of a public library. With some aid and encouragement from our citizens the success ot this laudable undertaking is assured. Dr. Ledbetter attended, last week, the session ol the Grand Lodged Knights of Honor of Georgia, at Macon. He reports ail the lodges iu the State represented except Rome and Cave Spring lodges. The Macon Lodge entertained the brethren hand somely, and the meeting was most pleasant. There aie forty-one Lodges in the State and 1,700 members, uu increase of GOO iu membership since last meet ng. The order is in a flour ishing condition, aud doing an in calculable amount of good. pillar Magazine comes to us well filled with inte-esting and useful informa tion concerning the Fashions. It presents a large and choioe array of Spring and early Summer Styles, all of them characterized by taste and , legai.-ce in design, and accompanied by full and pr. ci-;e description. The department devoted to Children’s Costumes is also very complete, the numerous styles presented being very Imiiusonu-. Toe number opens with the usual review, presenting a com plete rc'inuc rf all the prevailing novelties, and those coming in favor, in every department of the toilet.. In addition, there are :i t -resting artiel -s on o mines of L-adviUe, Colorado, still continues, anil miners are flocking there at the rate of 8.00 a week. Ore is tak-n out worth $3 a pound. It is thought that tlie locality of the pres ent camp will yield $30,000,000 rt the precious metals per year, and there are va!l ys and ranges adjacent to the camp enormously rich in mines, which have not yet been fully explored. General Taylor’s funeral in New York Suud iy was attended by a num ber of distinguished men ol both po- litical parties, and hears witness to the esteem in which the Soul hern soldier and author was held. Among the pall hearers v.ejv siicji men as Mr. Pish, G -nut’s Secretary of -Stale; Mr. l.vnrt--rho vweiipies the same position under 11 ayes;.Ct a les O'Con or, Wm. Tieknar Curtis a d Mr. Bayard. The ceusiii bureau will soon be: number of j organised, but Superintendent Wal- the sp-cial. ker says no appointments will b‘- Jtdv Is 7 . In the I3,>30'3 pom -i Bushels cf Cent. ■1 fc-'C :r. at d IC83 at I’mUips & (Vs. ’ The Latest r-le-sical Wonder. It is I lojKt.'tbe last of the carpet-baggers.! ., “ .- T1 , .. , r — , " I Young men g" to I impot c Important Announcement! i Tiie senate lias had fitly presidents | Dodds’ and s:-: those Giove Kid j T , j pro. tem. before Thurman, and onlv Gaiterg.Standurd Screw fastened and ,, receiv j .. po s. i 1 . , ,. the larg md best assortment n| | one, John Ivler, of Virginia, ever; a * , a . ' ' ! ladies and gents shoes ever b rough' j became president, and n- t one passed ' NOTICE. 1 to Cedartown. li-'im the senate to toe whi.e house, j j w jjj ; -t the following named I lie last president pro. tem. -lie ilem- i pj aceg b-r the purpose of receiving ocrats had was Jesre D. I r.ght of Ir-; Tas i ;e :urns for the year 1ST:-: -liana, who was expelc d for writing; Cedartown, Tuesday and Wed ties a letter to Jefferson Davis. | tluy May p t!l , lll{1 14l h. The extraordinary rush for the ! Hampt-ii.’s, Thursday, .May 13th. Young’s Saturday, May 17th. Esoin 11:11, Friday May, IGlIi. Fish Creek. Mond v, May, 12th. I tankman, Friday, May, 9:h. Buucomi e, Saturday, May, 10th. J. M. ARRINGTON, R. T. 11. :-V~We tniik® no blow aiiont it, -y* liu: duii't mui.i yon 1n *1 qnict ^17 k way. that we bavc one of the torp^t and b.r-t^KLKLTElV STOCKS ( .f SPUING . n-Hir.jf th- m at prir -s tlrnt will 2**fcni5h 1 Y*'U. anti till yoa friend#. Y«>u may not t ” believe if. in tact, wc had mb«-r tou Call at Pm Iji - & Dodds' and see those low cut, screw fastened shoes, one pair of v hicli u-ill om wear two of pegged i r sewed shoes. If you »-i ut a good suit of Clothes, 1’jots, Shots, Hals, Shirts, etc., go to J A. WYNN & BROS. A Scvelt}!, Th- latest impif.-vement in fife wav of fastening ladies, childrens and gt nts sillies to be Seen at Pliilpot & Dodds’ S'rj'e. FOB SALE. A vonng sow and five 1'igs. Good stock anil in good condition. Apply at this i fi.x-e. -»a*- XOMOI-.E BALDEEACS. The Race to Kmirely Disappear. The anneaneement that the race of bald- . c 1 n 1 ... ... . • . heads is soon to tlisappear entirely from the instruction ef ev-|for the ben* fit of these seeking yp-1 face 0 f,he»arth mayVstartle the ii mid. and grate harsHy upon the ears ot those who areaccr.stinii' d to regard tlio shining pates The Orgnlnettc; re present ing Organ and Organ 1st. Manic ami Musician. Not a toy. bat the mn«*t marvelous musical iiistromcr,; or the a»e. 1’layj* from one to.a thousand tunes. No limit **» cither ( kind or quality. Play* Hymn Tun'ct*. Popular Song?, Polkas, Waltzes, Heels, Quadrilles and Jlcrnpipc* with perfect accuracy. A mere child can play it. Cur.strnctcd on the principal of a j cabinet organ and plays automatical from tunes on perforated paper. In handsome case. 2ft. long, I ’il. wide, t ft. high. Price, including four tunes, | __ only $10. Extra tun*-* *75 c:*nts each. Guaranteed) to-give mor«satislacfoa for the money than any j c*lht r musical instrument in the world. Agents I wanted everywhere, trend for descriptive circu- | lure. Address, j g a jAi I ,T v; DEALER IN" Coin and Hye Whiskies, Wiae r Gins and Brandies, War.-house, CEDARTOWN, GA i.UDDEN S: DATES. Savannah, (iff Wholesale Southern Age; A tspt-cialty made of tone Mountain Bourbon and .Stone Mountain Corn Whiskey j THE ‘M t- E. LE E, and OLD CA.I5ENTET” i Cannot he exci-U-.*!. I keep such Li*juor: as may be used as a beveraga-? or- ; fur n-i'-di-il jiarjinses, with perfect 8iilhry. Give me a call. Good treat- j ment guaranteed. oct. 3, tm’79. topics of fashion, providing all the made prior to i •furumtiou necessary for the piacti-' meantime a tiicular will be issued Cal guidance ery Jaiiy in matters of dress at this j pointmenls. season. There are also numerous ■ New York, April 18.—A snydi- line illustrations of Costumes, Gar-1 ca'e composed of nineteen banks ments, designs for Trimming, Coif- ! and hanking firms of this city and fores, etc, and articles of Millinery, Boston to-dav made a subscription Lingerie, fancy and art Needlework, Have Von the BuckeyeJ It is a well established f a", that j Fabler’s Buckeye Pile (Lutim i-t will ! cure, if used acc -riling to -1;:- - ti-m -. j The ,'Ejculu8 Hippoe.-:-t-ririn, or- Horse Chestnut, comnioui - k- * 11 as the Buckeye, lias been big ily es-1 teem d lor many years,owing to the) tact, that it possesses virtues, Ling iu the hitter principle called Ksouiiu which can be utilized lor the cure of Piles. If affected with that terrible! dis-ase, use Tabler’s Buckeye Pile in workmanship is equal to a Chronometer V/atch, and Ointment, and he relieved. Fite as elegantly finished as a first-class Piano. It received 50 cen's. For Sale liv Bradford & \ the highest awards at the Vienna and Centennial Expo- Alien, Cedartown, Ga. sitions- SY SEWS OPIE-FOURTH FASTER than other march 13, ’79-ec-wlv machines. Sts capacity is unlimited. There are moro _— -.a. —- WSLSOM EA'ACHIMES sold in the United States than A VALUABLE INVENTION, l \ THIS WORLD RENOWNED WiLSOi SEWiiO MACHINE of thoir icie. - hut no to and a very handsome colored plate representing a reception and street toilette of most elegant designs. nice, fortcnates.i 1 HO wool Oil it where th ;'i a .sortof sacred rever- l 14 to entne to those un- -* poor Uncle Ned,"' have p of the heal, the ptnee ;:!it to grow.” Th- vare of §130,000,000 in 3 per cent bonds , and $40,000,00 in funding certifi cates, making ill,- largest single sub scription to 11;, government funded j The Domestic Monthly is publish- j loan in this or any other country, ed Blake & Company, 849 Broudway, The continued drouth is doing New York, at $1.50 per year, inclu- j great damage to the Texas wheat sive ef pattern premium. Specimen 1 crop, copies, 15 cents. liur-tin-.-tiiii Wright. Our readers will note the absence of the double-column advertisement of the above firm from the paper this -.v- k. They have sold out all their guanos, about 400 tons, and of course do not want it longer adver tised ibis season. There is no more liberal and progressive business house in Cedariown than theirs. They keep posted in all the move ments and fluctuations of trade, and are always prompt to avail th-. msolves and share with their customers the benefits arising therefrom. They recognize the fact that no town can be long prosperous without a news paper and they do more than their share towards sustaining one here, uot considering it as a charily, eith er, but as monry well spent. They well deserve the prosperity that at tends them, and may it never grow less. Mexico and United ffiates. Owing to their warm and dcligh’- ful climates, ilieir inhabitants grow sallow from torpid Livers, Indiges tion and ail diseases arising from a disordered Stomach and Bowels. They should of conr.-t■ at all times keep the liver active, and to onr rea ders we recommend 'Fabler’s Porta- line, *!f Vegetable Liver Power. Ta ken in time, will often save money and much suffering. Price 50 cents. For liiale by Bradford ii Allen, Oe- dartown, Ga. march 13,’79-eowly Barker's Stock Powders are the best. They prevent aud cure chick en cholera. They give horses and cattle good appetites aud healthy digestion. They keep all kinds of stock in good ln:;d. Ii. The package is the largest s Id and is worth twice the money. F r sale by Bradford A Alien at 25 cents p-.r package. Try one package i. id you will n»e no other. ' ap! 3-tf. the combined s?.!es of all the others. The W2LSOF MEPIDINC ATTACHfifiE?*T for doing a!! kinds of repairing. WITHOUT PATCHIKCi, eiven FREE with each machines, '•2tS.lWn.S8N SEWING MACHINE C0. . CHICAGO, IIX.., U. S. A. The Knights of Honor have paid to the widows and orphans of yellow fevp|- sufferers, three hundred and eightv-s'X thousand dollars, besides the voluntary contributions sent to suffering lodges during the epidemic, the gross amount of which will prob ably make half as m'ucli more. This order is one of the most gigantic, noble and munificent churities ever organiz-d. A'or is it purely a char ity, for every member gives with the confident assurance that at his death it will all be returned many fold to his tamily, each member’s family be ing entitled to a benifit of two thou sand dollars at his death. Capt. Joyner, ex-Chief of Atlanta Fire Department, is in town trying to sell eur hoys a hook and ladder truck. Mr. Smith, tobacconist, with Lar amore i Co., of Rome, was in town Tuesdav last. nnt to l-o oxtirp-ii*-:!. i-.ntl not n Imir rf their hoiid- is to be injured. Their bold ness is lo be cow red over, not by art. but by a natural growth of hair, stimulated to development by ".he application ot that aio.-t tTO-idnrf.il d’.-i-overy, Curboiine, a de odorized to Iriu-t. of petroleum. In many cases it fill aim t-t. d ■•stray the i 1 intity of the individual for a time; but the change will be kuc!i a delightful and :.-:rc- able one, that a!l n: - 1. evenruahv icj.iice over it. it. will tic ■■■cry e-irions, doubtless, to in:ss all iho b&fdhoads from the churches, the It is probable that Senator Kellogg lectnre rooms, the theater-, and other i . r .i .. ■ ’•» pnhli.- r,s-r:a-.Ho-, hut the transform:.-,ion ■•the last of the Carpet-baggers, ; ? boill|( | „„„„ N ., m:l! .,. rh „weim-.th will have to g». or shining ihe ora—no matter Jmw bnrren The colored emmigrants to Kar. ^Kriml^e h iVtond to'brPng forffraa sas art reported to be iu the most abundant crop, and enable the possessor t ..„ v . c i ■. • , of the bare head lo shako his locks aa hopeless state of destitution, and nr- proadly as d: ., , ver Samaon C r Absalom. gent appeals arc being made in their Sold by draggisti behalf, to tl-.e charity of the public. A terrific tornade swept over the lower portion of the South Carolina last we k. In the village of Water- We have recently heard considera- ford, more than one hundred dwell- ble.complaint from our subscribers— ings were blown down, all the hoth in town and country about churches destroyed, and fifteen per- pesky individuals, and have held our sons killed. peace about them until forbearance General Francis Marion, a citizen ceased co be a virtu *. iiieie in good standing of Fentress county, 5 ' eins ^ • u,set ‘grabbers Tennessee, has been convicted of * n Barn sville, who hang around the robbery and sentenced to ten year’s post-office, t-.ie drug stores and other imprisonment in the peniteutiary. P^ ace3 business in order to gee ihe What’s in a name? ' news without paying for it. We Out of seventy-six democratic ^ ave noticed that when our carrier \ . members of the Penr.sylvania iegis- distributing the G.,z?tte among | ef k;' 1 vD Y-M -\7)K ^CUO’fV?rXll la tore, sixty are openly in favor of' subscribers, these parties would be Gen . a F anl ighing Goods, lie Tiiden and Hendricks. t' )e to grab, Cumpeliing subscri- ! ha? a ]| the latest styles of Spring and bers to wait until they had extracted Summer Clothing ae well as II ts. DIi. S. \\\ JONES, wrm S WHOLESALE Paints, ITarrzishes, Liquors OOs 7 O-imiES aad Seeds, NO. 55, NORTH MARKET^ STREET T23JNTTT. Ginsun^. Beeswax, Feathers, It a™. Wool, Drie* i^hest market price. acconn? from eu-tTircer? jau. 23-sy From the Barne-viilc Gazutte. Newspaper Itnrnmcrs. DR. J. BRADFORD’S XY. lias added to his stock of Cloth ing. Furnishing Goods, &o., uu ele-1 gant line of Prints, as well as Sugar Cotfec and oih»*r staple Groceries,) ^ m B in all of which he is prepnr-d t«. Bjld Dy&XSSptlO ModlClXie give attractive bargains. Gall and I J “ * price his goods before buying else- | where. april 10, 2ui 1 This is a prompt and certain cure for al 1 *1; -.-.ses of the Liver, such as Dyspepsia, Headache, Ghills and Fever, &c. | Satisfaction Guaranteed in Every I d< sire all my patrons to bear m * mind that :-o mark- t account is al- case, or money returned. For sale hv druggists generally. l-«0l:C3. lowed to run lougerthau one week. a3-4t S. P. Shepard. H. GAMMON J. G. 7EISER, Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Garden Seeds, etc., Rome, Ga, - hv Bradford & Ailen, Cedartown, Ga., and R. T. Hoyt, and P , Rome, Gf>. fehg.3-1 v The Advertiser has a new poet- all the news, and iu many eases ical contributor. lie seems to be in where the subscribers are sotwatch- « very poor way now, hut we have i n! r tlu-i.i, they staff the paper ia prescribed several doses of hiccum- their pockets and walk off with it. poop drops, aud hope he will he bet- Sow, fins is decidedly cool, to say ter soon. the least of it, and we are pleased to are only a lew of this Gaps, Ties, I'nderware, &c., which he will Sell as low as can he bought anywhere. He extends a cordial in vitation to ail to come and examine his stock before purchasing. 1030 Bushels ot Corn, as well as! • state .hat tiler Other Supplies, for sale by W. M. class in cur-midst, and they-are able Phillips & Go. " it | to pay a year’s subscription to a pa- —* per. We wonder if they think how tiouhk-some it is, and how penurious , j it appears to be always on the bora row fur news. Parties in the coun try will some'inies come to town and get their neighbor’s papers and keep them a week before seuding them From the manner in which onr citizens shall attend the concert ot Prof. Snow and his class next Friday night, we will know whether or not they care two dimes and a half for a public library. Capt. John Dodds, Prof. Snow, home, and it not nnfrequeutly hap- Capt. Prebble, Dr. J. 0. Allen, two pens that “little Tommy” gets his horses, one hack, one dog, one nig- paw on the papers, and then tiiey ger, one jug whisky and four guns, are not worth se: ding home. W e ; 5_IVEHY, FE£D anti SALE STABLE, went down in the Lime Branch hope all who read this will give the , Cedartown^ Gra. neighborhood hunting last Monday matter of borrowing newspapers a I FILLER A. WRIGHT, Proprietor, and returned Wednesday. serious thought and come up and j Ke^pf con»tantly on hand to hire. Good noraea Net Proceeds.—One old lying- subscribe for a paper of their own.! for D.overe anil oilier- 1 .' C.nrria-t-,, anii m squirrel. Reader, if you have been in the hah- I T? I MERCHAHTS, ATI EfiTiON! Laramore & Co., Rom -, Ga., are receiving Ten Car Y01j> r Q’B G^LLL1|Y. IiOME, (Shorter Block) GA. of Choice White Corn, in new Bers | LIFE SIZE (bust) for only ten dollars: half life size only five dollars lap Bags; Two Cars of Choice Tim- j His .wink is ail strictly first-class. Makes copies of ail sorts of picture -: othy Hay, which they otter low- j any s.r. • aud-character desired. Ith27-ly Send your orders. . I Mr. J. W. Sm.th, of Danville, Yu.,! has a tine lot Tohaeeoes. Call on j him, at Liramore & CVs.. before purchasing, and save money tiy lin ing so. ‘ apr. 17, 2t LUMPKIN’S OLD RELIABLE FOR TOUR DRUGS. Leading House, Largest Stock and T owes!- Pries Next door to Hunting & Wright's, Main Sfesst, - * - - Cet3ai»tcis7n,Gav