Cedartown advertiser. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1878-1889, June 19, 1879, Image 3
99. 3X1 JJDYEB.TISIK. * r Causa yd evbry Thursday mousing dtatown, Ofc July IQ- (»it> WwrttT. mkthodwt BTBRT SABBATH ... .. Tt.i. Ktuci, P»»tQr. BAPTIST. l.t .04 tf* SABBATHS. C.X.H.M.MO-, P«tor. PBE8BYTEKIAN. 4th sabbaths KNIGHTS Of HONOR. 1 GaJaitMra'UG* * 78 * j. w. . Ixrfj. A,«M ,v«T Moodsy .lur *d m4 4th SAbhatb. MAMI.M 1 '. UMwriA U<w A. #1. *"* ,rkU *wSht'^ pyorT wr .ih Id room over Hnnllngton * Wright • local news. "it von mis* the bargains that we *re still off ring it is your own fault. Wvss * Bro. SW* Schools opened last Monday. HfA great many little papers in Georgia succumbed to the 4ih. lyProf. Noyes reports sixty pu pils in attendance at his school the second day. 0f“The brick work of Stubbs & Co’s new building is finished and the roof on. They expect to get into it in about four weeks. J3f Those who went from here to Borne to celebrate the 4th came back full of patriotism, and other things. jy W. W, Milam, of Taylors- ▼ille, will move here- soon. He has bought the house occupied by Thomp son as B shoe shop and has rented Jud Crabb’s new cottage beyond Tanyard branch. {gy'Mrs. Wm. Seavy, ol Rome, is visiting relatives and friends in our town. jgy-Dr. D. M. Bussell is off on a visit to his old home iu South Car olina. •QrJudge Brewer and Johnnie Mien have put up a splendid bridge across Big Cedar near Mr. Ake'a. J^-Prof. Schoeller and wife, of _ Dalton, are visiting her parents, Rev. At Bradford & Walker's- It i« D. J. Myrick and wife, of this place, better than any of the patent pre- | ^"Wednesday was the hottest narationS of the kind and costi4 Bay of the season, only half as mneh. tf ®*A. J. Young’s business house is undergoing a white-washing. At this Season of the years box of (^.Lights were kept up all night BRADFORD * WALKER’S Liver at the Colored M. E. Church on the Pills in the bow will often prevent njghtof th# 4th . Pills in the bouse will olten ] protracted sickness by being tinw. They coat only 25 cen used in wsa^e 25 cents and if they do youne good the L C °il you nothing. Try one box and be convinced. Barker’s Stock Powders are the en^hoS? P They nt gi “e J hoEes and «•» a S™' de “> with whoo ^g Sttle TOod appetites and healthy cough and summer complaint Mr. digestion. They keep all kinds of aid Mrs. Stubbs’ infant son is very stock in good health. The package | ow i the largest sold and is worth t " IC '' *w“Prof.” Daniel Shirey, of Fair Walkers SiU^r ^ck^e Trj burn, Ga, is in town and proposes to om mckage and yon will nse no t-ach a class in penmanship, other. *P* 3 ' tf- rdhd ^ *** jss-tjr "»«■ y-»■ A , k i »•; , h " ad s*t it eiiod tor i ntekd. mother, and Itev. J. E. Jones left last - V. w»ik«> v.irtobir Tuesday on a visit of three or four wp|A l/jOTrhomm^i tko^unje. ^ jt“ ( " wee ks to relatives and friends of the •£*“ •«“"-Yrtirt formerin Washington Cityand Penn >>C ttofeetnvMBUDc , '-HMreeUawis nlnetj-nlne. sylvania. RF.MEMBKRthatif );«u buy a box of Well and Cittere. o not°gtee eudrt aDUefDoUoiTyou Huntington & Wright have dug a box of any other pills in the market we J| on (heir sornsr of Mam and ■ f “' Woodland streets; and they and Bradford & Walker have pi t cistern in the rear of the store of the la’ter. The business portion ol Main street needs several more wells or cisterns. I DOX Vi BUT Vbtwi aitbout charge. There is no chance for r ec to lose by trying a box of them. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! i HW J. A. WYNN ftftMH^gto fo- lay to sell out their entire stock ol Jry Goode, Notions, Hats, Clothing md Shoes at COST FOR CASH. .egal Notices. Parties desiring us to do legal ad vertising should always briug them u by 9 o’clock Wednesday morning n order to insure insertion. It vould be belter io hand them in early ilondav morning. Remember al- ravs to have the necessary fee ac. lompany the advertisement. Par Sate. A No. 9, Silver Plated Wilson jewing Machine, bran new with complete set of attachments, very ow. Apply at this office. tf Persons living iu the vicinity of fuohanan will Gud Bradford ft Walk- r’s celebrated liver pills—the very >est pill made—for sale by Neal ifonroe at that place. tf About ten years ago I was con lidered a confirmed dyspetic and my :ase was considered a hopeless one jy the physicans who treated me. I ras advised to try the liver medi- >ine prepared by Dr. J. G. Yeiser. I ised three bottles and was entirely :nred and am now sound and well. I insider it an invaluable remedy for hat disorder and heartily recom- nend it to a!l afflicted with that com- ilaint.—John Kenedy, Cassville, 3a. For sale inCedartown by Brad ford & Walker at 75 cents per bottle. No potent nostrum is the I box rosio at Bradford & Walker’s, but » good, honest, home-made remedy. Patent Pratt Sryor. I am authorized to sell the right o manufacture and sell the above jseful article in Polk county for 130.00, if sale can be made in next 10 days. A Dryer will be given free o the buyer. The owner is offering jntte a bargain in this, as the Dryer Itoae will cost over half the money Apply wow to Wm: Bradford, 1 * Cedartown, Ga. Wyjix & B«o. keep good eating sonstantly on hand. It costs yon nothing to try a bottle af that Irom Tohic at Bradford ft Walker’s unless itbenefitsyou. Money . l J !. inalan/Wl «hPNl it BS-Mr. G. G. Tennent, the pho tographer, will be in Cedartown cn tl e 18th, and will be pleased to have you call and see him. See his ad vertite nent J^T The little folks hereabouts are The K. of H. Picnic. Last Wednesday a numb;r of the members of Cedartown lodge Knights of Honor and a few of their friends gathered themselves, their families and their well-filled baskets together aud resorted to Mr. James Young’s spring for a day of recreation and refreshment. West’s Bpring was the rendezvous first agreed upon but it was changed to Young’s on accouut of fishing opportunities afforded by the latter point. Those who attend ed declaie that it was the largest kind of a success in every particular. The Dockets Of Polk Superior Court, August Term, 1879, will be called in the following Older: First, Claim. 2nd, Common Law. 3rd, Equity. 4th, Issue. 5th, Illegality. 6th, Appeal. Certiorari and Motions of mornings Criminal docket on Monday, the 2nd week of Court, and then return to the regular ordt r. J. W. H. Underwood, J. S. C. R. C. July 3, 1879. gtrnekasat Last. The Kansas fever has broken out among the colored folks hereabouts in quite a violent form. A few among them who like to be considered lea ders have been in communication with a party in Chattanooga who furnishes them with documents, cir- cnlars, etc., setting forth the beauties, glories and comforts of this Afri can Eldorado. A meeting was held hen last week and we understand that it was pretty generally “Resolv ed, Dat ’ceptin de white peepul gibs ns what we ought to hab we will leab dese parts.” ^ Ba-iter* V»adlwer^ i to give satisfaction. tf Of Rockmart, conductor on the — ~ Cherokee Railroad, had quite an in- ■ Pratt Jars. ' v teresting tussle with a negro on board Bradford A Walker have in a large j,U train the other day. He was “"‘" 8 “ ’""/rTS r, • een offered in this market the evening tram and discovered that june26-4t one of his passengers was a thief, for whose arrest a reward had been of y have been i , in,.,,tion or that superior sod complete " aSLggJjgffi He approached the negro, ^mmWnay.eDdwbOTweeoMitoimpwa who was alone in a car, and told 2yS55fu«r»T5 T En T w invasion fordem^ him to consider himself a prisoner. r «erc er eyen^ej f“.—«u The darkey not only refused to do t drew a pistol to give «m- > the remark. Vandiver seized i pistol and after a hard struggle rssKjif” to the floest, »e in*»iteiim»i! wrenched it from him. But this ^th^S»ia!5 r rStorSSr‘it%pe«»n>iej» didn’t help matters much for the nsgro immediately drew another drawer meomee. n u —— — Vsndivr pounced upon this also but aSSajftggftggig the negro jerked loose from him and iSlSwiweto see them, gniytma- (prang off the train, which had been K uanal apeed all the while. «hs«y. *t>* a, d”: He bounced np and fired a parting ‘■SWggaSSg shot at Vsndt^r as the train rolled ItBINIW ‘' " A Gnu Imfcasttce. The manager* of the various ebunshea in this place are, we regret to say, doing a great injnstice to many of the young people of the town. This practice'oi having the Sunday evening services begin at seven-and-ahalf or eight o’clock when it is a notorious fact that many young couples cannot reach the church befon nine or u:ne-and-ahall it bat little less than a crying and flagrant outrage upon the tender aenaibilities of a very interesting por tion of oar population. We feel sure that their feelings ara wounded and mortified almost beyond endurance nearly every Sabbath evening by being forced to commit tbe vulgar, uncivilized,disreputableact of march ing into church in pairs after the introductory services have been fin ished and the preacher has passed “Thirdly” in his discourse. Surely there is Christian charity enough iu this community to aid us in organi zing a successful crusade against this cruel treatment of oar young friends. We know they have a consuming.de sire to worship or they would neve: be gnilty of so grossly impolite at act as disturburg the worship o others bv strolling into church aftei 1 the services are half fiuished. Thelt\ do let them have some sort of an opportunity for gratifying this devo tional appetite. Postpone the hour fir beginning services until tenor twelve o’clock, or u til the next day, or the next week. Don’t abuse your power and prerogatives by arbitrari ly persecuting these innocents. We do hope the churches will reform without further exhort itinn. Other wise we shall not hesitate to dip our pen in caustic and lay bare their hollow pretentions as merciful and justice-loving organizations. The 4th in Home.. Last Friday was a big day for Rome. She fairly bubbled over with patriotism and perspiration. It is said that not less than ten thousand people were on hand to enjoy the very interesting programme that the enterprise and ingenuity of tbe people of that city had arranged for the occasion. The day passed with out an accident to mar the loyal se renity of the occasion. We suppose the stalwarts might now consider R roe as a thoroughly reconstructed and harmonized village. A Difference. When a man finds an extra large stalk of co ton, oa's or wheat, or a first colton bloom or boll he seizes it, rushes to the editor and with princely liberality b.-stowa it upon him. But when his first watermel on, his first basket of peaches or bis first armful of roasting-ears matures he quietly appropriates them to his otvu use and walkeB around and tells the editor about it uext day and wishes he could just have seen them “they were so nice.” Prof. Shiroy has bought out Rius Hall’s barber-shop and will continue tbe business at the game place, solic iting a trial from all who desire a first-class job in that line. Itius will remain in his employ. Served Him Right. A few weeks since a wandering knight of the quill from Alabama strayed into our little city and seems to have been not only captured but captivated by some of our fair ones. Hear his own statement : About three weeks ago, we swung loose for a short time, for a little recreation, and while out loose, spent a few days at JCedartown, in North west Georgia, with relatives. This being our first visit to that part of the Sta'e we were greatly surprised to find so prosperous a country, and such clever people. Cedartown is the Capitol of Polk county, and is in the heart of Cedar Valley, one of the most fertile, as well as beautiful valleys in the South. The town has a commercial, as well as a manufacturing importance. The Cherokee Iron Co. have a large fur nace there, and are doing a consid erable business. Their mines are said to be very rich and abundant The railroad from Rockmart to that place will soon be completed, and then they will have direct communi cation with the State Road at Car- tersville. At present they have no railroad, though they are only a few miles from Cave Spring, on the S. R. & D. Railroad. Socially, this town cannot be surpassed in the South. Out of a population of about two thousand, we met no one who did not appear to be a fit subject for first- class society. The young ladies are not only beantiful, hut accomplished, dignified, and social. In fact there is no other town that ean boast of so many fair danghtera, and it is with a bosom brim-full of gratitude that we think of their kindness in rendering onr visit pleasant beyond description. Picnics and sociables were in order, and those given were of the most pleasant character. The Dallas correspondent of the Marietta Journal says that M. M. Ford has invented a concern bv which he can blow bellows by water half a mile from the bellows, up hill and over the roughest of land. All be wants is a branch that afforda an inch of water, a few inch scantling, a small water-wheel with a crank connected by tbe scantling with an other crank at the bellows, and a wire from the wheel to the shop to let on and shnt off the water, ft is a moat wonderful invention, and no doubt Mr. Ford would make a for tune with it if he could get a patent, It is worth going twsnty-five miles to see. It is located near James T. Henderson’s atone, on the south lido of Polk county. CAVE SPRING DOTS. Very t Needing nap. lee and lemonade are in demand. Qn'te a crowd of the “young sol diers” from Savannah and Rome spent the last Sabbath with us. They seemed ti enj >y our village very much. Young in on from Sa vannah thought we had a lovely place. Quite a lot of summer visitors with us, and more coming. Every body went to Rome on the 4th, and all enjoyed themselves. We * are under obligations to the officers') of tbe S. R. & D. Railroad for reduc- ( tion in fare for last week and this. Connor and Davis left on the 7th with a crowd of mutes for Atlanta, where they expect to give a concert' for the pnrpose of raising funds for their library. Capt. Dickerson is having a nice time plonghing with his sulky plow. He does look so good, fat and lazy. Wish you could all see him. Thanks to the members of the string band for the nice serenade one night last week. Would like to hear from the brass band. Wheat threshing has commenced in earnest with us; vield good. Excuse dots this week—it is too hot lor anything. Once A. Week. BRADFORD & WALKER, DRUGGISTS, SOUTH MAIN STREET, CEDARTOWN. GEORGIA, * Keep always on hand a complete stock of all things usually loiind in a first-class Drugstore. Country physicians will fiud our drugs fresh and reliable. Prescriptions put np with special cure. School Books-Applatono Series The School Board o f Polk county hai ing adop’ed the series of school books published by D. Appleton & Co, New York. Messrs. Bradford & Walker of this place have been made agents for the introduction of the Bame and now have on hand a large stock which they will sell fur the next ninety days at introductory prices, allowing liberal reduction where old books are offered in ex change. Parents and guardiins will do well to purchase at ouce, so as to get the benefit of the reduced rates. Tin se books are sold for cash only. Cedartown, July 7ih, 1879. 4l Haralson Heard From—Tbe Free Slate Harmonizes on tlie Glorious / Fourth—Syntax and Sentl- j ■ent Somewhat Mixed. Haralson County, July 4, ’79. Ol’R PICNIC. On Friday last, July 4th, a bevy of ladies and gentlemen assembled near the Rowell bridge. It is thought by some that about two hundred were present. At half past, ten o’clock a. m., the declaration of Indtp n- dence was read by Hon. Walker Brr ck. lie also spoke one hour and twenty six minutes. The speech, I think, interested iill that Were present. After which came the din ner. A table that had been prepar ed on Thursday before was ladeutd with near'y everything that one could wisli for. After dinner was served and a couple of hours spent in social conversation, a Sunday school lecture of one hour and twelve minutes was delivered by Mr. Joel Scales. Mr. Scales is an old and experienced hand in the cause of Sabbath schools, and is calculated to interest most, any one that will sit and beaz him talk. Mr. W. F. ConnelNUfad a few minutes. Then came the kwt- onadc and candies. Everybody was peaceable and quiet and seemed to enjoy themselves. What is more beautiful than this ? Who was it that did not enjoy them self ? Not I. Will we all ever meet on the 4th of July again ? Never. Some one will lie absent. Who that one will be I cannot tell. Some one may move to a distant land before twelve months pusses away. Some of us may be laid in the cold aod silent grave. When will we meet again ? Good-bye. C. A. P. For Sal*. A good 40 Saw Gin and one of the lightest, running gin powers I have ever seen, nearly new. Will sell both together or separate to suit purchaser. An early application can buy this gin and power for less than halt original cost- Apply to D. M. Russell, or Mr. J as. H. Wright. ! TEH, THAT’S THE 805G I’LL RAISE. BY JOB1B. Mote* stood’on the rugged banks Of fha Bed Sea and offered thank* Unto Him who morel the wave*, Altnlgbtfr Ood the power that law*. Ye*, Shat'* the eoag HI rai*e- Y< *, I will cine hi* praise, Darid wa* a man or God, He sang H1* (grace and prats'* cloud. Of Christ old David ever sang Sweet Psalm* with aa inspired tongue. Yes, that’s the song I’ll raiae— * Ytw, I will sing hi* prai**. / JFather, Soa and Holy Ghost, / Without thy power ail *oal* are loe’. — / Let sbs od«r one sweet song— / Let me sing K loud and long. ■ Yes. throughout emlleas days- Savior, let m* sing thy praise. Drsketowa. Ga , July 4,1839, To Teachers af FabUe Ihtcsh. We have on hand a com pie assort ment of the series of school books published by the Appletons and which have been adopted by the board for nse in the public schools of Polk county. Please request your patrons to call and supply thhmselves at once. We allow from 10 to 65 cents each for old books in exchange. Bradford & Walker, julylO-2t Cedartown, Ga, Folk Cwntv Sheriff s Sa>«. j TTTILL bp sold before tbe Court House door, in 1 W Cedartown, Polk county. Ga., on the First Tuesday in Auenat, 1879, within the legal hoars ol sale, the following property, to-wit : Levied this flfison the lot described herein, the *am« being lot So. 3 In Block in H. in tbe town ot Bin kmart. Polk county, Ga~ a* the property ui Patrona of the High School please take notice that the Sommer Session commences the first Monday in July and closes the 7th of November. Those defiring to avail themselves of the full benefit of the Public School Fund (about 1.15 cents per month) should send at the beginning and RE'iULARLY EVERY DAY through out the Term. Thorough instruc tion given in all the branches of study pursued. Especial attention is pa d'torinderpupils masters of their own La sou age. Vocal Music free. Rates of tuition range from 91.50 94.00 per month, acoordiog to grade. Incidentals .*0 oents pePannwm. We respect I u lly solicit ihe patron age of all desiring to build up a good permanent school in onr community. W. J. NOYES, Principal, Mrs. M. A. CRABB, Assis’t. For Sale—A Good Gin. Will soil cheap for cash, or on time to a reliable party, july 10-4t 0. B. Wiiatlet. HOMESICK. Oh. tor & day on the dear old plantation. Just as the flair southland home used to be T Oh! for a swing on the gate of the garder. Under the boughs of the Jine-appl* tree. Oh! for a rest in the shade oT the straw-stack. Hearing the hum of the threshing machine: Oh! for a drink from the spring in the meadow. Under the sweetgum tree, fragrant and green. Farmers bring in your produce when you get in the humor to trade. We’r ready aud waiting. Wynn <1 Bro. The largest piece of good tobacco for a nickel is to be had at Bradford ft Walker’s. _ «r Ho We Believe la Witch-Craft* “I take the position that we do not, in its broad sense, said a gentleman ot years and experience, and yet we find many of the present day carry ing a Buckeye in their pocket through a superstition, when they might be relieved by a f> w applications ol Tab lets Buckeye Pile Ointment.” This Ointment is made from the Buckeye, aud is recommended lor nothing else but Piles. Try it. It will cure yon. Price 50 cents a bottle. For sale in Cedartown l-y Bradford ft Walker. march 13, ’79 eowly Taken in the Act, Sister Jones called on Elder Smith a few evenings since. Being a next door neighbor, she entered his study unannounced, and was greatly shock ed at seeing him taking a drink froma suspicious looking bottle. He noticed her look of inquiry, and said : “This, Sister Jones, is Tabler’s Portaline, or Vegetable Li ver Powder,the only rem edy I have ever found for the many troubles arising from a disordered Liver. I can recommend it.” Price 50 cents. For side by Bradford ft Walker, Cedartowu, Ga. march 13, ’79 eowly Oh! for* cantaloupe, juicy Fresh from the melon-patch down by the spring; Oh! for a night on tbe trundle-bed pillow, Sleeping calm sleep that each night used to bring- Oh; tor a right of the well beloved faces, Now widely scattered, and some, alas dead ; Ob! for one day in the dear old home placet. Bright with the light of the days that are fled, —Mrs. X. P. Handy. For Whooping Cough. Bradford ft Walker prepare a Cough Syrup that greatly mitigates the severity of this distressing com plaint. Try a vial of for 25 cen ts. Iron Tonic, at Bradford A W31E er’s, is the cheapest and best tonic in nse. Try it. tf When you want cheap goods call on Wynn ft Bbo. That “Retriever” cigar at BRAD FORD ft WALKER’S ia driving all others ont of the market Try one. DR. C. H. HARRIS. Offlce at Bradford A Allen’s Dmg Store. Reti- dcacc at the Valley House. nor 14-ly LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. JOSEPH N. JACKSON 1 Haralson Superior vc. y Court September Term MELISSA JACKSON. \ 1879. It appearing to ths Court that the defendant. Mo- lirtaTaeksoo. resides It Cherokee County. Slate of Alabama. It is therefore ordered by the Court that fbe appear and answer at the next term of this Court, or the case will be considered in default, and the plaintiff allowed to proceed. J. W. H. UNDERWOOD, J. 8. C. R. C. A true extract from the Minutes of the Court. This March 15Ji. 1876. H. C. HEAD, March ». Im4m. C. 8. C. ROTICE. having demands against the estate of V. H. Oppert, deceased, will present them properly pro veu to the undersigned in the time required by MW ; and all pessous indebted to said estate will Exitrtx, M, S. JUDKINS, Executor, - a. tm Burial Csss* SI Huntington ft Wright have added to their business a full line of beau tiful Burial Gases and Casket* from rhe smallest to the largest size, which they propose selling as low as they can be bought in any market. Also, a full line of undertaker’s trimmings. WANTED AGENTS For IA, toateit Mlliag book of the age: FamnT^liSiiA l ^ , rr.S5ME4’S£ •- torcvrina-.ij i£S&£Si£? Parker. Also, at the name tunc aud place, lots of land. 1145,1*91. 2SSI, 1087. lflP, 12®, 1165, 2927. 2SS. No?, firt and 87. in the 17th distric*. and 4th section of Polk comity, Ga.. as the property ol Mrs. Sallir A. Childers; also, upon lots of land, Nos. 16. 51,55. 5B. 57.198. 129. 131,132,133. 82. 83, 84. 85, 86, 87. 88 and 89. in she ITth district and 4th section of Polk couuly, Ga., as the property of J. M. Prior: also, upon lots of land, Nua, 12. 13.14,59. 60.61 in the 17»h district md 4th section of Polk couuty, Ga.. and 19.13.14, 61. In tbe 2nd district and 4th section nf Polk county, Ga,. as the property »f P. Vandevender, deceased. Property pointed out by plalnUfl’s attorney. By virtue of sae Polk county Mqperior Court flfo, In flavor ot Annas G. West, vs.Mrs.lfollte AXMwers, principal, umTJm. B^Ake, ySSstJatJr sed.ae seen reties. W. Q. TAYLOR, Sheriff. G EORGIA—Pout County.-Mrs. Sallie A, Chil ders, administratrix on tbe estate of Jane W. GUlders, deceaset, has applied for letters of Dls mission u such administratrix. Therefore all persons concerned will bo and appear at a Court of Ordinary to be field in **id couuty on the flret Monday In October next to show cause, if any they have, why she should not be legally discharged from her arid treat. _ Obt^affiler my hmd this June 9th, 1879. JOEL 1 PER. Ordinary. G EORGIA—Pom Cocntt.—A Huntington. one of the creditors of the estate of B J Hand, has applied for an administrator, de bonis non. to he appointed on said estate, ia lieu of J. W. T. Hand, deceased. Therefore, all persons con cerned will ’• e and appear at a Court of Ordinary, to be held in said county on the lire! Monday in Augnrt next, to show cause. If any they have, why W. C. Knight, Clerk of the 8up< ri«r Court of nid cocwty. or some other At and proper person should not be appointed administrator, de bonis noa, on the estate ot said B. J. Hand, deceased. Given under my hand, this Jane 30th, 1879. JOEL BREWER. Ordinary. $66 Ital risked. Yon can give the business's trial without expense. The best opportunity ever offered for those willing to work, too should try nothing else until you see for yourself what yoo can do at the business we offer. No room to ex plain here. Yon can devote all your time or only your spnre time to the business, and make great pay for every hour that you work Women m.nkr as much as men, >swd for special private term# and particulars, which v» mail free. fSOn'flr free. Don’t complain of hard times while vou have Mich - * Addrees H. UALLETT A CO„ Port 1 TO I® 000 A YEAR, or $5 to #20 a 4p X UvU day In yonr own locality. No risk. Women do W well as men. Many make more than t lie amount stated above. No one can fail t; make money fast. Anyone can do the work. You can make from 69 eta. to #8 aa hcAjr by devoting yonr evenings and spare tome to tfca bnsinoaa. It easts Bottling to tty the business. Nothing like It for money making ever offered before. Bnrinevr pica sanl BBT Strictly honorable. Reader. If yew warn to know all about the best paying business liefore tbe public, send us yonr address and we wiU send you foil particular* and private terms free ; sam ples worth #5 also lrce ; you can then make up your mind for yourarlf. Address GEORGE STIN SON A CO., Portland. Maine. A MONTH guaranteed. $12 a day at C»OW homemade by the industrious. Cap ital not rcauired; we will start you. Men, women, boys and girls make money foster at work tor us tb*n at anything else. The work is light and pleasant, and such as any one can go right at. Those who are wise who aee this notice win send us their addrees at once and see for themseivee. Costly Outfit and terms free. Now la the rime Those already at work are laying up large sums of money. Addreus TRUE A OO.. Augusta, Maine. /^.eorgia—Po m m m VJT Administrator ;on the estate of Jaa Lampton. deceased, has applied for dismission from the same. Therefore all person* concerned will be and appear at a Court of Ordinary to bn brio iu said county no the first Monday la Sep tember next, to show cause, if any they have, why letters of dismission should not be granted In said Given under my hand this 3rd day of June. 1879. JOEL BREWER, Ordinary. june 8n Administrator’s Sol*. In pursuance of an order from the Hon erable Ordinary of Tolk county, will be sold before the courthouse door In Cedar town, Polk county, Ga, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in July next the undivided half interest which the estate of Raleigh W. Whitehead, late of said oounty of Polk, deceased, owns in the old Dr. Nickola place, divided by the line between Polk'and Bartow counties, con sisting of the following numbers to wit : Nos. 6, 7, 8,9 and iO, except such portion of said lots lying son*h of Euharlee creek ae were conveyed to Thomas Deaton for portions of land lying North of said creek, and that portion of Nos. G6 and 64 in same district and section which lice north of said creek;lot No. 66,lying on both sides of said creek, all in the 18th district and 3rd section of Polk county and t he undivided half interest in lots belong - ing to said N ckola place. Nos. 1S92. 1007. 1009, 1010, 1079 and the West half ofl291; all tbe last named numbers being in the 17th district and 3rd section of Uartow county. The whole of the said Nickels place containing 4*50 acres more or less. The undivided half interest ia all the above described lands having been sold be fore the court house door in Cedartown. Polk county, Ga., by me as the administra tor on the estate of Raleigh W. Whitehead, deed., on the first Tuesday in January last between the legal hours of sale and Robt. 8. Whitehead having bid them off at the sum and price of Twenty-five hundr d dollars and be having failed to comply with the terms of the sale, the same are now offered for sale at the risk of the the said Robert 8. Whitehead. Terms of sale, one half oash and the remaining half to be paid or the 1st November next. Notes taken and bond for titles given until all the purchase money is paid. WM. I. TAYLOR, Admr., on the Estate of Raleigh W. Whitehead, deed. N. P. & Ex. Off. J. P. Collections solicited, and money paid over punctually. CHOICE HOUSE. CAVE SPRING, GA., R. C. Tilly, Prop L1VEBY AND FEED STABLES MAIL COACH TO CEDARTOWH DAILY. SB* E. &. DOYLE, Practicing Physician, CEDARTOWN, POLK CO., GA. apr 17 | uatc at Re*idcDcc. PHCENIX PLAINING MILL. Longley & Bobinson Proprietors, ATLA^N TA, GA., THE LARGEST AND COMl’LETEST MILL IN GEORGIA. LONGLEY ft ROBISON, No. 38 Decatur Street. Factory corner Butler and Ollner, Contractors and Proprietor* t>rPb<m)XP!ainin- Mill, matiofarturcr. of Door,. * .Dliad. etc. Tbe Phoenix Is the finest and best Plaining Mill in the South, and turn? out more work of xfc venr best quality and at prices thst defy competition. They have purchased the latest improvements. and best machinery ever brought South, and now guarantee that 1*0 house. North wr West, fhall ler nish better goods, or for less money. Decides goods ot their own make, they have a lanri- «*fode t’f western goods that are offered at prices below cutn|»etition. Parties deeirlug building ma:» rial Sa>h« a Blinds, etc., will do well to writo to Messrs. L. Jt-lt. Ae Contractor* they do an iiumeiiee hnsines- hsving balit many of the Unest buildings In the city. They are thoroughly and absolutely reliable, and their estimate* are alw ays lowest. They can point fo scores of huge and co-tly buildings put under their bids and tney have never tailed to come up to the very highest mark of the'ir eontrsrt. Manufou- tnring the most of the material used in building, and all of the .va*be*, floor*. Wind*, etc., they can under bid miH of ihcir compctor*. The firm is also agent for the Hew York Enaipe! Palm Co. The paint sold by this company m endorsed as the best in the world. junrt^ 3m W. TL PHILLIPS & CO., Agents for the Most Improved WMM1 FARM AND MILL MACHINBRT ijlTEAM ENGINES from 3 to 30 horse power. Cotton Gins. Gooden- " sera and .Self Feeders, Threshers nnd Separators. TURBINE WATER WHEELS, CORN AND WHEAT MILLS. In fact any machinery anyone m?y wanr, we will sell at manufacturers’ price*. We warrant our machi nery and will set it up and start it going Free Of Clinrrre. ROUND A NT D BAR J ROOST. We have the largest stock of Round and Bar Iron in town and at prices that defy competition. Give us a call and examine prices. mli20-lv f-V?" Wc make no blow about it. 4# but don’t mind telling you in a qwlet way, that wc hare one of ihe largest i bssMBELECTED^TOC’KB ot 8FR1MI „ ffWT GOODS ever bronght.to Cedartoww, miff „ tar felling them at prices that will astonish „ PT you, and all you friend*. Yom moj not. tar believe it, in fact,, weliad rather yon. *-w would not. vem want y*u to come and a %V“ see for yonredf. FEATHEKSTON k CO * A. J. YOUNG, DEALER IN Corn and Rye Whiskies. Wine, Gins and Brandies. Noyes War-house, ....OEDABTOWN, GV A Specialty made of Stone Mountain Bourbon nnd .Stone Mountain Corn Whiskey THE “Ft- E. L.KK. fund OLD CABINKT” Cannot be excelled. I keep suck Liquors as may be ua<-d as a bev.-ragae or farmulici! purposes, with-perfectsafety. Give me.a'C'.tr. ment guaranteed. n.«M tr -at oet. 3, tm^O Pjj^gDAUjAB^NVENTIOR j THE WORLD (UNOWNED WILSON SEWING MACHINE In workmanship is equal to a Chronometer Watch, and aa alecantty finished aa a first claas Piano. It received Ida highest awards at the Vienna and Centennial Expo* •Monts. IT SEWS ONE-FOURTH FASTER than other machines. Its capacity Is unlimited. There are more WILSON MACHINES sold In the Unified States than the combined sales of fill the others. The WILSON MENDING ATTACH MENT for doing all kinds of repairing. WITHOUT FATCHIMC, given FREE with each machine. SSU WILSON SEWIN6 MACHINE CO. CHICAGO, tt.t. it m «. DR. S. W. JONES, H. E. PENDLETON. WHOLESALE Drugs, Paints, Yarnlahos, Liquors, Oils, Glass aad Seeds, NO. 55, NORTH MARKET, STREET, N. a VXIalaHt. TXJNN. Ginseng, Beeswax, Feathers. Rags, Wool, Dried Fruit, ett'.jtaken ighest market price. ronnt from ru^tomai • jaa- 93 OLDEST AND BEST DR. J. BRADFORD’S Liver and Dyspeptic Medicine This is a prompt and certain cure far al! diceas s nf the Liver, such ai Dyspepsia, Headache, Chilis *Dd Fever, Ac. Satisfaction Guaranteed in Every case, or money returned. For ask bv druggists generally. J. G. YEISER, Dealer iu Drugs, Medicines, Garden Seeds, etc., Rente, Ga, For sale by Bradford ft Allen, Cedartown, Ga^ and K. T. Hoyt and f>.. J. Powers, Kome. Ga. feb28-lj (Shorter Block) ROME, GA, LIFE SIZE (buBt) for only ten dolltua; half life size only five dollar*. His work is all strictly first-class. Makes copies of all sort- of pictures , _• _ .1..: l