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rough is so shaped as to need splitting, the
workman decides what part is to be re
moved and makes a small cleft with another
diamond. A diamond-edged tool is then
used as a cleaver, and the fragment is split
off. The greatest care is necessary, of
course, to determine what will be the direc
tion and extent of the cleavage, and as it
cannot be made except with the grain, only
a long-experienced workman can tell how
to make the cut. The stone now passes to
the cutter, who uses two stones at once
mutually to cut each other. Each one is
secured at the end of a stick in a cement
made of resin and marble dust. Holding a
stick in each hand over a box to catch the
diamond dust, the workman steadily rubs
one against the other until the attrition
wears down one face of each diamond. As
soon as a clear space has been cut through
the rough outer coating (“making a win
dow, ” the experts call it), the diamond is
carefully examined for flaws and its shape
determined. If a flaw lies near the'Outside,
it can, of course, be easily cut away in
shaping it; but ifrit is far in the interior,,
the stone, if large, mus£ -be jjbut|in |wo,j
making two half-sited gems instead of' one
large one. The snape having been decided
—the cutter goes or. to cut the stone to cor
respond in generat form to that determined
upon. There is litth§ attempt made to cut
regular fasces, but the position of the “col
let” and the “table” is defined, Thg “col
let” is the small pointed lowei* apex of a
diamond cut in “brilliant” fashion, and the
“table” is the flat surface on top. When
the diamond is passed over to the polisher
it is set in a pewter setting held in a kind
of socket about an inch in diameter. This
has a copper rod about two inches long and
a quarter of an inch in diameter, extending
from the back, which is grasped by the
jaws of the rest in which the socket is held
while the polishing -is done. The rest is
heavy so as to press the diamond down
upon the polishing disc with sufficient force.
The disc is a circular plate made of steel
and iron revolving horizontally at a velocity
of two thousand revolutions a minute. The
face of the disc is cbvcred with oil contain
ing diamond dust which is retained in the
pores of the iron and acts as a polishing
agent. The diamond is carefully set in the
pewter as nearly as possible at the right
angle, but if a slight variation either way is
needed the copper stem which holds the
diamond socket can be bent sufficiently to
give the exact angle required. Two or
even more diamonds can be polished at the
same time on one disc, ••and as the process
is necessarily very slow, three or more rests
can be watched by one skilled workman.
The “dop” which holds the diamond in the
solder resembles a large acorn in shape, the
diamond being at the point and the copper
wire representing the stem.
The most fashionable and elegant shape-
now cut is the “brilliant,” which has an
upper table, generally octagonal in shape,
thirty-two faces to the girdle, or broadest
part of the stone, and a pyramid below
running to an apex called the “collet.”
The proper proportion for showing the full
brilliancy of a stone is one-third above the
girdle and two-thirds below. If the npjier
part is too deep in proportion to the lower,
the stone will lack sparkte at the - edge s,
while if the reverse be the case it will have
no brilliancy at the centre: The besf dia-'
monds for color are the Brazilian and In
dian; for although many fine stones have
been found in the South Africa# fid<la, the
greater number of these latter are of poor
color. There are three shades in great de
mand, the pure white, tl^j.ateel white and
the blue white. The pure white is un
questionably the most beautiful; it is full of
sparkle and white light in whatever angle
it is viewed, with absolutely no traces of
color visible. Such a stone will cosf' as
much as three hundred dollars a carat. The
steel white has no perceptible color but a
steely sheen in its sparkle. They look al
most like black objects reflecting the light
from a highly-polished surface. They are
East India stones and very rare. They
also bring “fancy” prices. Blue white
stones, placed beside an absolutely pure
white, will make the latter appear “off
color” in comparison. There is just the
faintest shade of blue in them, which coun
teracts any tinge of yellow in the light pas
sing through them. A pair of earrings of
this quality, weighing together about four
carats, found a purcliaser recently in New
York for $2,000, the buyer being a dealer,
who said that he had a private customer
for them at $2,500. “Off-color” diamonda-
will bring from $50 to $100 a carat* but
there is little demand except for a really
perfect stone, and the nearer pure wfliite me*
better. Since the discovery of the South
African diamond fields, about twelve years
ugo, the price of diamonds has fallen to
about seventy-five per centum of what it
was before. Contrary to general opinion
New York is one of the best diamond mar
kets in the world. Moreover they'can be
bought there quite as cheaply as in London
or Paris. The duty on uuset diamonds is
only ten per centum and on uncut stones
there is no duty at all.
Statistics tor Girls.
A young English statistician who was
paying court to a youDg-Jady* thought to
surprise her with his immense erudition.
Producing his note-book, she thought he
was about to indite a love 9onnet, but was
slightly taken aback by the following ques
“How many meals do you eat a day?” ;
“Why, three, of course; but of all the
oddest questions—”
“Never mind, dear, I’ll tell you All about
it in a moment.”
His pencil was rapidly at work. At last,
fondly clasping her slender waist:
“Now, my darling, I’ve got it, and if
you wish to know how much has passed
through that adorable little mouth In the
last seventeen years, I can give you the
exact figures.”
“Goodness! Gracious 1 • What can you
“^ow just listen,” says he, “and you
will hear exactly what you. frave been
obliged to absorb to maintain those charms
which are to make the happiness of my
“But I don’t want to hear.”
“Ah, you are surprised no doubt, but
statistics are wonderful things. Just listen.
You are now seventeen years old, so that in
fifteen years you have absorbed—oxen or
calves, 5; sheep and lambs, 14: chickens,
327: ducks, 204; geese, 12: turkeys, 100;
game of various kinds, 824; fishes, 160;
eggs, 3,124;* vegetables, (bunches,) ,700;
fruit, (baskets,) 003; cheese, 103; bread,
cake, etc., (in sacks of flour,) 40; wine,
(barrels,) 11; water, (gallons,) 3,000^
At this the maiden revolted, and jumping
up, exclaimed:
“I think you are very impertinent and
disgusting besides, and I will not stay to
listen to you!” upon which she flew into the
He gazed after her with an abstracted air,
and left, saying to himself:
“If she kept talking at that rate, twelve
hours out of twenty-four, her jaws wouldin
twenty years, travel a distance ori,332,T24
The maiden, within two montlis, married
a well-to-do grocer, who was no statistician.
Da«t on the Atlantic.
About the latitude of the Cape Verde
Islands on the Atlantic it is h frequent
experience of voyagers to observe falls
of red dust and a dry kind of mist. The
material of the dust mass was examin
ed microscopically many years ago by
Elirenberg, and his opinion was that
small particles carried aloft from coun
tries here formed a transparent dust
zone from which they sometimes sank
down, and in a whirling moment came
to the ear-.h’s surface. The material
observation open to Ehrenberg was
somewhat scanty. The phenomenon
has therefore been lately studied anew,
and in a more thorough way, by Herr
Heilman, who examined the log-books
of 1,196 ships that had passed through
the region in question during th<
1864; to 1871, j He deals with ‘
chiefly from meteorological ffoint of
view, and the following are some ofthe^
facts elicited: Host of the dust fair
occurs in the zone of the Atlantic be
tween 9 deg. and 16 deg. north. South
of the 6 deg. north they are extremely
rare, and the furthest south hitherto
was in 2 deg. 56 m. north, 26 deg. west.
The two furthest west were both in 38
deg. 5 m. west, both about 300 miles
from Cape Verde. Dustfalls often oc
cur simultaneously at very diflerent
points of the “Dunkle Meer,” or Dark
Sea (as Ehreuberg called it); in one
case they were 150 miles apart. They
also often last for several days, e. g. ten
(April, 1759). Surfaces of very differ
ent size up to 100,000 square miles, may
receive dust falls. There is a yearly
period in the frequency of the falls. It
seems that near the African coast most
occur in winter; further west, in the
early spring. The direction of the wind
during, dustfalls was from the east
quadrant,'" and most frequently^ Ijfom
north-northeast to northeast. The
dustfalls observed are verv irregularly
distributed over the years in question.
Of sixty-three, taken at fandom; there
were eightr falls of sand aiid tnree 4 of
sand or dust. {Sometimes sand and
dust fall simultaneously. The dust
falls with great extent east and west
are denser nearer the African coast.
In forty out" of sixty-five instances the
color of the dust was red. Sometimes
there is no coloration. The dry mist
on the Dark Sea is in casual connection
with dustfalls. Herr Heilman con
cludes from the facts that the dust ma
terial comes principally from Africa,
and Western Sahara. The possibility
of occasional mixture of particles from
South America is not excluded. The
distribution of the dustfalls, both in
space and in time (they follow the
movements of the trade winds) sup
ports the hypothesis, as also does the
tact that the falling material is coarser
in the East than in the West.
Baby and the Live Doll.
They were standing near a table
where a w orker was just putting the
finishing touch to the dress of a large
wax doll, and just at that moment, to
Jem’s surprise, she set it on the floor
upon its feet, quite coolly.
“Thank you,” said the Doll,politely.
Jem quite jumped.
“You can j'rin the rest now, and in
troduce yourself,” said the worker.
The Doll loooked oyer her shoulder
t her train.
“It hangs very nicely,” she said. “1
hope it’s the latest fashion.”
“Mine never talked like that,” said
Flora. “My best one could only say
‘Mamma,’ and it said it very badly too.
“She was foolish for say tog It at all,”
remarked the Doll, haughtily. “We
don’t talk and walk before ordinary
people; we keep our accomplishments
for our own amusement and for the
amusement of out friends. If you
siiould chance to get up in the middle
of the uight, some time, or should run
into the room suddenly some day, after
you have left it, you might hear—but
what is the use to talk to human be
“You know a great deal,” consider
ing you are only just finished,” snap-
lied Baby, who was really a Tartar.
“I was finished,” retorted the Doll.
“I did not begin life as a Baby I” very
“Pooh!” said Baby. We improve as
we grow r older.
“1 hope so, indeed,” answered the
Doll, “There is plenty of room for im
provement.” And she walked away in
great state.
S. C. looked at Baby and then shook
his head.
“I shall not have to take very much
care of you,” he said, absent-mindedly.
You are able to take pretty good care
of yourself.”
“1 hope lam,” said Baby, tossing her
S. C. gave his head another shake.
“Don’t take too good care of your
self,” he said. “That’s a bad thing,
He showed them the rest of his won
ders, and then went with them to the
door to bid them good-bye.
“I am-sure we are very much obliged
to you, Mr. Claus,” said Jem, grateful
ly. “I shall never again think you are
not true.^ir.” .
S. C. patted her shoulder quite affec
“That’s right,” he said, “Believe in
tilings just as long as you can, my.dear.
Good-bye, until Christmas Eve. I shall
see you then if you don’t see me.”
He must have taken a fancy to Jem,
for he stood looking at her, and seemed
very reluctant to close the door, and
even alter lie had closed it, and they
had turned away, he opened it a little
again to call to her.
“Believe in things as long as you
can, my dear.
“How* kind he is exclaimed Jem, full
of pleasure.
Baby shrugged her shoulders.
“Well enough in his way,” she said,
bnt rather inclined to pros , and be
'Tarnal Cute.”
“Was the prisoner disorderly ?” ask
ed Justice Wandell, eyeing Dallas
Barnes, of Blooming Grove. Pa.
“Only demonstrative, Jedge,” Dallas
him$elf interrupted. “I challenge the
vote if he says anythtng else only dem
Dallas looked like ail inflated Mul
berry Sellers. Hat, raiment, gesture-
all were identical; only he had more
“He wasn’t very drunk,” said the
officer. “Just as you See him.”
“Discharged,” said his Honor, turn
ing to the clerk.
Dallas caught the whisper, but not
the meaning.
“Look-a-here, Jedge,” he interrupt
ed. “None o’that whisp’rin. I’m tar
nal cute, I am, and it takes more’n one
Yorker t’ fleece me. Ten dollars 1
shall pay for this drunk; it’s worth ev-
§ry cent of it, but no more. Ten dol
lars your figure? You can’t raise it on
me. I won’t give a red more.”
He waved a bill and frantically
forced it on the clerk.
“All right,” said His Honor, philo
sophically, “as you’ve fixed the price,
so be it.”
Dallas came smiling down. “Didn’t
get the best of me, I tell yer,” he mut
tered, with a wink. “Cute, wasn’t I?
Equal to a whole regiment of Ytorkers.”
“Yer darned fool, he was a discharg
in’ of yer,” was forced from the officer
he spoke to—the one who had arrested
“What!” cried Dallas stopping short,
while his jaw fell several inches.
Then lie turned to the bar.
“Jedge, this is downright extortion
—dow'nriglit extortion,” he said.
The Justice bow ed blandly.
“1 w ould not for the world disagree
with so clever a gentleman’s estimate
of adrunk,” he said. “Good-bye; safe
home to Pike.”
Dallas never once glanced back as he
left the room,
Emporia, with Dave Dunham at the thiot-
tle and Johnnie Haley at the furnace, just
as it has every evening for the past six years.
As engineer and fireman these two boys
have stood side by side on this run since the
spring of 1873; and have not offly registered
“on time,” but have, by thpfr‘ strict atten
tion to the rffies of the road, gamed the
fidence of their employers and the friend
ship of many people living along this divis
ion of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas. As
the train pulled out from the low land on
the Neosho and struck the prairie, the con
ductor noticed a sudden change in speed,
but thinking the boys might be “lifting”
her a little to meet the grade, paid no atten
tion to it. The grade w r as met and passed
as though no grade was there, and then
down the hill she started at a terrible rate.
As she skimmed along the passengers began
to show signs of nervousness as they saw
farm-houses rushing along as close together,
apparently, as in a Kansas town, and the
conductor too began to think all w r as not
right at the “steam end.” As the speed
increased at every revolution of the wheels,
cushions, lunch baskets, bundles and babies
flew around the car like mad, and now the
thoroughly frightened passengers appealed
to the conductor to stop the train. By this
time he realized the danger himself, and
knowing that a Santa Fe train had the
‘•right of way” at the Emporia junction,
and that it would be certain death to Teach
there ahead of time, he jerked the bell-rope
as though a town were on fire. The bell
sounded the alarm, but as no response came
from the whistle, he realized for the first
time that he was on a runaway train, five
coaches from the engine. Whether it was
the small amount of his life-insurance policy
or the safety of the passengers that urged
him on, will remain an open question, but
it is morally certain that he was not many
seconds in passing through the coaches,
scaling the iron rail of the mail car, and
landing on the coal pile near the locomotive
which was writhing under the pressure of
sixty-five pounds more of steam than was
necessary for celerity, comfort or conve
nience. He says as he struck the water
tank and rolled down into the cab, the en
gine was going so fast that the telegraph
poles along the road looked like a “picket
fence.” It look but a moment to put on
the air brakes, reverse the lever and slow
her down and find himself within two hun
dred yards of an open switch at the Santa
Fe crossing, and that the run of eight miles
had been made in less than eight minutes.
When the train stopped the fireman jumped
from the engine and ran down the track
towards the city, and the engineer, arising
from the floor of the cab explained that ’JfiSt
as they neared the Neosho, grade, Haley,
the fireman, accused him of having reported
something discreditable to him to the divis
ion superintendent. This he stoutly denied
whereupon Hale}' assaulted him with a coal
pick, and a hand-to-hand scuffle ensued.
In the melee the throttle was thrown open,
and going at the rate of a mile a minute
they “fought it out on that line.” On leav
ing the train Haley ran down to the court
house and had Sheriff 3Ioon lock him up in
in a cell, fearing tliat he would be overtaken
he said and killed by Dunham and his
friends. Dunham was conveyed in a car
riage to a physician and had his wounds
dressed. His face, head and shoulders
were terribly cut and bruised, the cut in
the back of the head by a pick being a se
vere one. The conductor ran the tram
through to Junction City, leaving his en
gineer in the hands of a nnrse and his fire
man in the hands of a sheriff.
A Wonderful Trotting: Ox.
A member of a party of miners named
Green, disgusted with prospects at Pike’s
Peak, took, as his share of the camp outfit,
an ox and the forepart of a cart and out of
the latter made a sulky. With this he
drove eastward and squatted on some land
near Denver, which he cultivated. One
day as Green was driving his ox into Den
ver some fellows on horseback attempted
to pass him. The ox, moved by some ap-
parenj freak, quickened its steps until it
went off in a swinging trot, leaving the
horses behind. This was the first intima
tion Green had that his bobtailed ox (it was
bobtailed) could trot. The idea then pre
sented itself to him that if he could only
accustom it to trotting a short distance on
a certain piece of ground it could out-trot
any horse in the neighborhood. There was
gambler named Randale in Denver at this
ime who owned a horse that could do his
mile in 2.40. Randale was acquainted with
Green, and would occasionally drop into
his quarters and praise his horse. A day or
two after Green’s discovery of his ox’s
powers Randale dropped in, as usual, ‘talk
ing horse. * Green remarked that he had
an ox that could beat Randale’s horse for
three hundred yards. Randale laughed at
first, then got mad, and at last offered to
bet ten to one that it could not be done.
The bet was promptly taken, and they ad
journed to the prepared place. The ox
was baeked up to a little hand cart. When
eveiything was ready, away they went.
Sure enough, at the end of four hundred
yards the ox came in ahead. On the spot
Randale bought half the ox for $500. The
next day it was pitted against two horses,
and the whole city turned out to see the re
markable phenomenon, a trotting ox.
Again it was victorious, and amid the wild
est excitement passed the line six lengths
ahead. Every day thereafter the ox de
feated a horse or two, and there soon be
came a popular demand for a share in the
animal. Accordingly a company was formed
with a joint stock of $6,400, being sixty-
four shares of $100 each, The stock went
aike hot cakes, and soon sold above par.
tin a week, during which the ox had won
several more races, the stock was quoted
the gambling tables, and passed for $1,000
a share. At last a horse sired in ban Fran
cisco came along, and a trial of speed was
made up between him and the ox. On the
day appointed it was estimated that there
were ten thousand people present. The ox
took the lead from the start ; at the one
hundred j'ard pole he was a length and a
half ahead; and at the one hundred and,
fifty it had become three lengths; at the
two hundred and fifty the distance had
widened into five lengths and the ox still
gaining. But when within a dozen yards
of the winning post the ox became tired,
and made up his mind to stop. Accordingly
he planted his front feet and refused to
budge. Moral suasion, profane abuse, physi
cal ill-usage, all failed to move him and the
horse quietly trotted past and took the race.
From that minute the stock sank from
$i,000 a share to one sixty-fourth of the
value of the ox as meat Many efforts were
afterward made to coerce the animal into a
trot, but all enticement and persuasion,
gentle or otherwise, failed, and he never
trotted again.
I to eateh them ?” |
know how. The
A Baby in a Panther’s Jaws.
Recently about dark, Mr. and Mrs.
George Campbell and Dick Mannon were
sitting on the porch of the Soda Springs
Hotel, at Soda Springs, on the Sacramento
River, while Mr. Campbell f s little boy,
aged about three years, was across the road,
about fifty or sixty feet distant, amusing
himself with cutting bashes with a little
hatchet. Those on the porch were startled
and horrified by oliserving a panther spring
upon'the child, and at the time supposed he
was dangerously injured, which would have
been the case, no doubt, had not the child
screamed and those on the porch shouted
exitedly, which prevented the panther from
making a deadly spring, as he was evident
ly watching and fearing the parties on the
porch. As it was the panther seized, the
child by the chin, one of the tusks of the
upper jaw cutting his lip, and one in the
lower neck, while the paw of the beast
struck and scratched him in the breast.
The shouting and rushing toward the child
by those on the porch caused the panther
to make tracks up the mountain speedily,
and, Rafter picking up the child and exa
mining the wounds inflicted, Mannon re
turned to the house for his gun, and follow
ing it up the mountain, soon despatched
the panther, a hungiy, lean-looking cus
tomer measuring five feet from tip to tip.
Obsenations at Great Altitudes.—Pro-
go-Inter room hi the !“ sor s - F - Langley, of-Allegheny
, . . . ® _ . Observatory, who is now in Italy, sends
dark and wait for them to come out , 0 The Amer ’ can Journal of Sei ^ ce and
They must come out to get food, and Arts a brief description of the proposed
water. I wait until they get near my observatory to be erected on Mount
bait, and then, by the aid of my dark Etna,.under the direction of Professor
lantern, seize them in my liamls and iacchini, of Palermo, at an elevation
.. "7 .- . _ _ ", . , of over 9,GUO feet above the sea level,
put them in a bag, or elke I pick them He adds .’ x wite in lhe hope that the
npwiuriny tongs. Of course I got to example thus set by Italy may find im-
be quick about it, but I have spent j itators with us. 1 have been now for
many nights surrounded by rats with- some time at a less high but still an el-
Rules fob the Care of Sheep.—
The following good rales for the care
of sheep we find floating round with
out credit. The writer , evidently un
derstands how to take care of sheep,
and every farmer w ho keeps sheep—as
every farmer should, at least a few—
ought to paste these simple rules upon
his stable door, that himself and hands
may see them often, and adhere to them
strictly: Keep the sheep dry under
loot with litter—is even more necessary
than roofing them. Never let them
UliUlY 111 ca 1119 fUl 1 UUlltlCU UV IdlS niiu- WUIS wmv oi a ivoo uitu uuv ouin au J c 1 • • - - - — ,
out eettin-bitten X have had them evated station here, about 4,500 f eet ; ftand or lie m mud or suow. lake up of making is tbe same as that of shoe-
oui geiun B omen• i nave uau uirm a ^ ove ^ gea eno . a ~ e( j j n observations i la mb bucks early in summer, and keep maker’s wax. This compound, you
, above the sea, engaged in observations i ,amD DOCKS early m summer, ana Keep
running all over me, on my head, up which it be g 0 | ed wiu be of some j them up until December, when' they
my sleeves and up the legs of my pants.; use j n determining what may be ex- 1 nia y be turned out. Remove the.lower
You don’t mind it when you get used pected iii similar sices in our own terri- i ^ ars asjthe^sheep enter orjeave S^yafd^
to it. I often put my hand in a bag of
rats and bring out any particular one
that may be wanted. Good lively rats
are worth about eleven .cents each for a
rat bait, but the business is very poor
since Mr. Bergh took’ to breaking ftp
the matches. It don’t pay to catch
rats unless we can sell them, and as
yet the only use for them is for rat
baits. In Paris they use the skins to
make gloves, but nobody has tried that
here. But somethiug must be done if
Mr. Bergh keeps on. Look at the sew
ers! 1 could kill 400 rats any night,
and they are DOw so numerous that
they will walk boldly up in the streets
at uiglit. Look at the markets they
are infested with them.
“It won’t do to poison rats, because
they die in their holes and their putre
fied carcasses infect a house with dis
ease. Sometimes they eat linen and
clothing to make their nests. Ytou
can’t catch them in traps unless you
know how. That used to be my busi
ness in Liverpool, and how I did it is
a secret. It is a slow way for most
people. Often they c^tch one rat in a
terv, their aim being to substitute some I thus avoiding broken limbs. C«*unf
sort of quantitative data for our present them every day. Begin graining, vfitn
conjectural knowledge as to the degree j greatest of care, and use the smal-
in which the condition of vision are j jest quantity first. If a ewe looses &
improved at higher stations, and to : milk daily a few days and mix a
form with somethiug of definiteness a ; httle alum with her salt. Let no hogs
standard of comparison.” The results w ith sheep. In weaning lamp, use
(which will probably appear in.a report a m dl feed* Never frighten sheep
presented to the United States Coast ^ y°^ can avoid it. Sow rye for weak
Survey) are not as yet complete; but I one ® in cold weather. In the fall sep-
may say, in general terms, that while as i arate the weak, thin or sick from the
regards observations of precision, per- strong, and give extra care. If one is
haps even as regards work on double ; hurt catch him at once; wash the
stars and like measures, the gain is less wound; if in fly time apply spirits ol
than might have been expected, too turpentine daily; always wash with
much can hardly be said of the ini- something healing. Splinter broken
wence advantage of an elevated station ! limbs tightly; loosening as tbe limbs
for almost every kind of researches swells. Keep a number of good bells
connected with solar physics. This is on . tbern. Don’t let them spoil wool
specially the case as regards the chro- with burrs. Cut tag locks in early
mospliere; while as to the corona, con- spring. For scours give pulverized
oededly, our oniy hope (with our pres- al um i 11 wheat bran, l’reveut by tak-
ent means) of materially extending our * n g care * n changing dry for green feed,
knowledge of it, lies in the prospect If lame, examine feet, clean out hoofs;
that we may yet be able to see it with- P are hoot, if unsound, apply tobac-
out an eclipse, if the observer be in an c0 foiled with blue vitrol, in a little
exceptionally tiansparent atmosphere, water, if the weather is not too cold,
1 will add that, after a recent expedit- sbe *r at once sheep beginning to shed,
ion to Colorado, and with the condition and carefully save pelts of those that
of observation there and here freshly die. Have some good book on sheep to
in mind, I have no hesitation in saying refer to. It will put money in thy
that our own country has sites at least purse
equal to the Etnean station in every
, ^ . astronomical requisite, and far easier
trap, but never catch another, although of acce?s . u is most earnestly to he
the rats may be in the house. hoped that something will be done with
“Rats are very clean. They will not us in this direction soon, even if on a
suffer a spot of dirt on their bodies ex- very moderate scale. If we wait for
cept possibly the tips of their tails. I such a distant event as the completion
a ir . A i of the Lick Observatory, we shall find , . . .
1 hey are very loud of sweet oil, anu I ^ liiure j s .rathered by European ob- :lIltl susta ins plants which otherwise
have seen them dip their tails in a hot- servers before we are on the field. would perish. The observations of
tie of sweet oil and lick them off, as Professor Stoekbridge show the soil,
the only way to get at their favorite Is Heating G&s Better Than ‘ ,u°r”acf and° five^i^es deep, 'to ‘be
OI aOaO— vv'nrmpr thnn flip fiir* it. ia harHhr nfKai.
Where Does Dew Come From.—The
general belief is that the soil obtains
water from the air at night by absorp
tion and condensation to such an extent
as to be of the utmost agricultural
value, and that in times of drought
this moisture of the air invigorates
food. They will gnaw holes for fun. What is needed, as a measure of auso- warnier tban the air; it is hard y y posgu
I have gone up and sat down by rats lute econemy, convenience and health- We that tbe moisture ’ on tbe sur ^ e in
and watched their movements, when tatEeSgtributiOBmduseofheatlDJnB'. tlle mornillg was <k T osite<l rron .> lhe
they did not run away because they Almost the entire available heat eapae- A more reasonable conclusion is
were perfectly blind. I have seen them ity of the fuel can be delivered without j ^‘leels 3e,“ U come™ neon-
so old that they lost nearly all their loss and at a minimum of cost in the ; lact with the coWer air . ThepheD0ID .
faculties. A great many people think dwellings of the poor and rich, and gas enon of so-called “dew fall” is usually
we have a way of charming rats, hut w b ^eson^thTn'coal’stovS" attributed to the supposed fact that soil
this is ndt so We onlv know how to P eI ) slvea “ a wholesome than coalstoves, an j plants are colder than the air at
th s 1S ndt so. We only know how to d be used wherever coat is now I nj ht ‘ and so ( , 01rJen3e its nioisture j„
catch them, because it is our business, burned and the gas burned in them [b f f ’ rm of de w.” The “dew” on the
w,il " lake «ailahle at any desired tern- j itcber Ig tbe cominon illustration
perature-for heating, cooking or man- t ‘ rov e the theory; but as we have
ufacturing purposes - the beat con- 8ee n, the conditions in this case are the
tamed a the coal. Heating gas is, be- ’ of tbose with S0ll and planti
yond all comparison, more economica j whicb are bntll warmer than the air at
and useful than steam lor heating ol ni , white tbe ice .pltcher is colder.
Tun Finnegan Claims.
Saying to a miner, one of a family,
“What fancy led you to name this
claim Tim Finnegan?” he replied :
"Weil, stranger, it was at Prescott, cities and we trust that our city an- Fl f rtll ’ er investigations were made in
and me and Tuscan Jake was play in a ihonties will have their respective . lbe studT of tbi3 fjUe3t i oll . a tin box,
game of cursock, jist fur the drinks, ‘" e "'I witliout'top or bottom, was filled with
you know, when 111 comes one ot them , lnv tbat may bave a “j ob ” in 3oil allJ placed ill growing grass; the
crazy, blood-thirsty blood-hounds that view. " ’ ™ J ° b | the grass was loaded
! with dew, but not a trace appeared on
turns loose in mining camps, some- ' Y"A 'the box, and the temperature of the
soil was GG degrees, and of the air GO
times, l ipped out liis six-shooter and
shot the barkeeper dead; and then
turning on me and Jake, lie said :
“‘Now, either of you move an inch,
and I’ll blow the top of your
tion of a practical character has T is exriVh ent vas re ea "
beeu made by Mr E A Cowper a; j ££ wS the same ™!uUs.
well-kuown English mechanical en- „
gineer. It is a real telegraphic writing ? h he " a 1003 V" cov ? r was ? laced f ° n
■heads , machine. The writer in London move? I the box i 111 tlle morm,l 2 th . e t0 P. ul llle
ills pen, and simultaneously at Brigh
j cover was dry, but the under side was
“thickly studded with drops of water”
“We know’d he’d do it. Thar was ton another pen is moved, as though
the barkeeper dead, and thar was the b T a ! ,ha, ‘ tonl * iaud -. in Precisely sim-
. ... 4. .... , T . .. ilar curves and-motions, lhe writer ..
pistol pinted right at us. It was fear- writes in London , the ink marks in Warts ox Cattle. Anoint the wart
ful; we darsn’t take a full breath. u ri ghton Those who have seen the I rl ‘ r ee tnneswuhcieaufreshiiog’s ,ard,
Jake’s feelins worked on him so pow- instrument at work say that its mar- I about two days betw
times. I have
erfullv that lie couldn’t keep still: lie vels are quite as startling as those of I ha d warts on my horses bleeding
hitclid around a little Ouick as the telephone, The pen at the reeeiv- I wa *Lts of large size, rattlmg warts anil
niteneu arounu a little. ^uick as J. f. fhp a ‘ -ranee ot beimr i seed w arfs, to the number of one hun-
iightnin a buitet laid him at uiy feet. -] de(| b a s )irit hi ?‘ d . Tbe appara ! 1 di-ed on one horse’s head. I have never
Now tbe pistol was turned towards me 53 ehnrtlv m he nvuie nuhlie before I been able to find the warts for the third
with the muzzle within three feet ol I „f l«d-. AU disappear
my face, snd the eyes of the scoundrel A fae-siunle of the writing produced aJter tbe 311011 application. I have
by this telegraphic writing machine “ nt th,a tn
shows that the words are formed with
out any lifting of the pen, and are per
fectly legible.
Wax axd Mortab for Wounds —
Grafting wax which I have been suc
cessful with for over forty years Is made
ot five parts, .by. weight, of resin, two
parts of beeswax (to give It body to
stand the heat pf summer), two parts of
beef or mutton tallow, or a pint of 1 in
seed oii or enough of thelaGroVeither
of tbe former to make the compound
pliable when applied with the fingers
to the grafts or wounds; thus it can be
kept at the same temperature of the
hands while applying it. The process
perceive, is partly vegetable and partly
animal. There can be no grafting ma
terial made so congenial to the bark of
the tree as mortar of loam and clay in
equal parts, and water enough to bring
it to the right consistency, beating
and tempering until it i? thoroughly
incorporated. It Is said that some
use horse manure free from straw, and
some add a little hair like that used in
plastering, to present cracking. Un
doubtedly both horse man uip and hair
will pin the morter together, dna make
it wear well. But I have always used
that made of equal parts of common
clay and loam and watei by beating
and tempering as above described.
Formerly it was applied to the stocks
and crowns on flax or tow as a bandage
to cover the mortar, to keep it in place,
and to prevent it from washing oft' in
showers, but now we use old calico for
bandages in strips say two or three
inches wide and twelve or more inches
long. The mortar is applied with a
wooden paddle or trowel to one end of
the bandage in a bunch without spread
ing, large enough to cover the stock,
and then applied by pressing it over
and abound the stocks and scions with
the hands, and then winding the ban
dage neatly around, tacking under end
of the bandage. It can be quickly and
neatly done with a little practice. Al
though grafting wax is in general use,
because of its easy application, facts do
not prove that it is congenial to the
bark of fruit trees. The fact is that oils
or fats, also vegetable drying oils, are
more or less injurious to the severed
bark of the stock which absorbs them,
consequently the bark is unable to
make a lip or layer of wood and bark
over the wound, as when clay mortar is
applied; besides all vegetable oil, when
used in grafting wax made of rosin and
the air, rendering it hard, and thus
crowds the scions, preventing them
making wood inward over the stock,
especially if cleft-grafting is the mode;
young, vigorous growing trees over
come these bad effects more easily. 1
think there can be no purely vegetable
grafting wax made, as both vegetable
and unetious oils, are a positive injury
to the bark of trees; my experience is
in favor of the latter in wax compound,
if either is to be used. The following
is highly recommended, but I haven’t
tried it! Mix equal parts of resin and
finely pulverized dry clay, adding suffi
cient tallow to render the wax the
consistency of chewing gum; apply
warm with a wooden paddle. It qeLther
dries up, cracks nor peels off, and is so
cheap that it can be used for mending
or stopping cracks in barrels, smearing
wounds on animals and many other
fairly blazed as he said:
“ ‘Move, move, you, jist the tenth
part of an inch !’
“It was the most horrible time of ray
life. The sweat stood on my face like
cobble-stones. I knowed he’d kill me,
if I moved a finger, and it seemed all
the time that I was going to move in
spite of myself. I even wished that he
Your Babies Not my Babies.
Jjome years ago there resided in the
town of fTebron a certain Dr. T ,
., . _ , . who became very much enamored of a
would Bhoot me, and have it all oyer bcautifu , young lady in tbesame town
with. Jist then a pistol flashed behimP In the course of time they were
the wild beast, and he fell dead in his
boots. Tim Finnegan had got too much
whiskey early in the evening^ and
stretched himself out on some barrels
jaged to be married. The doctor was
a strong and decided Presbyterian and
his lady love as strong and decided
men uaxxn.. B apfcigt> They were sitting together
in the eorner and went to sleep. The I ^ eyening oyer their ap _
shots that had killed the barkeeper and . . , M
proacing nuptials when the doctor re-
Jake waked him. And being sobered r b *
| marked:
“1 am thinking of two events which
by his nap, he, uubeknownst to me anti
the murderer, very easily and gradual- i j sball number among the happiest of
lv drew liis pistol and sent the blood- m y uf e »
hound to kingdom come.”
“You fled from the scene of horror?”
“I hugged and kissed Tim.”
“What is the name of this prospect
in front of us?”
“Tim Finnegan No. 2.”
“The one on the right?”
“Tim Finnegan No. 3.”
“And this on the left?”
“Tim Finnegan No. 4.”
“How many locations have you on
this hill?”
“The name of the last one?”
“Tim Finnegan No. 19.”
How is it that you have No. 19, and
only sixteen locations?”
“My boy, and my dog and my horse
is Tim Finnegan No. 16, 17 and 18.
“Y’ou have not named your wife
“No: but if I died ’fore her and Tim
—he’s a bachelor—I want her to be
Mrs. Tim Finnegan.”
An Electrical Lady.
And what may that be doctor?”
asked ihe lady.
“One is the hour when I shall call
you my wife for the first time.”
“And the other if you please?”
“It is when we shall present our first
born for baptism.”
“Y'es my dear, sprinkled.”
‘‘Never shall a child of mine be
“Every child of mine shall be sprink
“They shall be, eh?”
“Yes, my love.”
“Well, sir, I can tell you, then, that
your babies will not be my babies. So
good night, sir.
The lady left the room and the doc
tor left the house. The sequel to this
story was that the doctor never mar
ried and the lady is an old maid.
A Wind Spout.
William Langley, a cotton planter of
Gwinnett county, Georgia was stand-
in Nevada City resides a lady of high ing in a field on his farm on the even-
social standing who presents a singular
case for the consideration of scientists.
For many years she has been afflicted
with acute neuralgic pains in various
parts of the body, and, some time ago
hoping for relief, resorted to the use ol
an electric battery. She used the ap
paratus for six months but found no re
lief. At this time nothing wa3 noted
of an unusual character as the result,
and although several months have since
elapsed, it was only when the winter
cold weather commenced tbat an extra
ordinary symptom followed. One night
in the winter the lady had occasion
sent this prescription to several agri
cultural papers, hoping it would be of
some use to farmers. But they all
seem slow to believe; perhaps because
the remedy is at hand and costs nothing.
It ougnt to be at the head of the veter
inary column of every agricultural
paper. I was slow to believe it myself,
but having a line young mare with
large bleeding warts, thatcovered parts
of the bridle and girths with blood
whenever used. I thought there would
be no harm in trying lard on them.
When the mare was got up for the third
application there were no warts, and the
scars are there now, after more than
fifteen years, with very little change.
The “Leather Glove.’*
The Governor of Haha, the largest
and most important province in the
Empire, which long maintained its in
dependence of the Sultan, hereditary
claim to the government of the twelve
Shellah tribes who make up the popu
lation. Although miserably fallen
away from its ancient prosperity—in
the lime of jL«eo Africanus (in the six
teenth century) there were six or eight
populous towns where there is now
nothing better than a village—the Pro
vince still furnishes much agricultural
produce and live stock, and sends hides
grain, oil and other merchandise lor
exportation to the port of Mogador.
The Governor, at the time of our visit,
had long held his office; by liberal con
tributions to the Imperial Treasury lie
had kefjt himself in the favor of the
Sultan while amassing vast wealth.
Powerful and feared, he might have
maintained his authority unbroken,but
that, by a continuous course of oppres
sion and cruelty, he at length stirred
np the spirit of resistance among his
own people. Vengeance, however at-
trocious, for acts ol revolt is so fully
the admitted right of men in authority
in Morocco, that it did not seem to
count for much in the indictineu
against him that on one occasion he in-
of the 23d of April. Around him
were several men, a woman and three
children, all breaking the soil for cot
ton. The sky was elear and t 1 cair j flicted on several hundred—some .said
quiet, there being about both a hint of j a thousand—prisoners the terrible pun-
sultriness. The children.had juststop-! ishment of the “leather glove.” A
ped work and thrown themselves, tired j lump of quick lime is placed in the vie-
as tired could be, on the top of a pile ol ; tiro’s open palm, the hand is closed
guana sacks, when a peculiar roaring i over it and bound with a piece of raw-
was heard in the field. The sound bore hide. The other hand is fastened with
some resemblance to that of an ap
proaching train, but as no railruads
were near the workers looked at one
another in amazement. In a moment
they saw a small column, not larger in
to enter a dark room and pick up a circumlerence than a barrel, skim rap-
a woolen coat which 'was lying ther e
a chain behind the back, while the
bound fist is plunged into water. When
or the ninth day, the wretched man
has his hand set free, it is to find him
self a mutilated object for; life, unless
mortification sets in, and death relieves
As she did so she was both ftnrprised
and frightened to observer brightligh;
surrounding the hand tbat held the
garment. At the same, time the elec
tric current passed along the arm
shocking her quite severely. When
idly along tbe ground, 'ihe wind col- , him from further suffering. But in
umn appeared to be filled with dust, 1 addition to such acts as these, the Kaid
and in the centre contained what look- j of Haha was accused of capricious deeds
ed like a ball of fire. Tbe mother rush- j of ferocity that revolted the consciences
ed towards the children, who crouched j of his people. Among other stories of
low in fright, but before she could ( the kind we were told that on some oc-
reach them the pile of guana bags,chil- • casion, w hen he was having a wall
her husband was told of tbe facthedis- dren and all were scattered right and made round bis garden, he happened to
credited its reality, thinking there was
more immagination than anything else
in it. So the next evening, to convince
her incredulous better half, she turned
the gas out in the room where they
were sitting, and letting her hair dowD
began combing it. A remarkable dig
play of light was the result. r ^he
left. In its course, always eccentric,
the columns struck a stump fairly
from butt to roots, and tore it from the
ground, the wood splitting into three
pieces and dropping twenty or thirty
yards away. Mr. Langly was sucked
in as the whirling thing bolted by and
thrown into a plowed gully some dis-
sparks flew around in every direction tance away. In the next iustant the
and there was a sharp, crackling sound
as the teeth of the comb passed between
the hair. In laying her hands upon
iron the lady does not observe the pe
culiarities referred to, but the instant
she touches a woolen cloth the Are be
gins to fly and the shocks follow one
another in rapid succession.
strange visitor had gone, passing up
over the tops of the trees. It was seen
plainly by the ladies at the Langley
see a youth jump over the low, unfin
ished fence. Feeling in some way an
noyed at this, he had the unfortunate
boy’s right foot struck off as a lesson
not to repeat the experiment.
Philadelphia has 140 shoe factories,
against only sixteen eight year* ago.
To Bake IShad.—Scale and clean the
fish, wash and wipe it dry, and fill it
with a stuffing made of boiled mashed
° iVitho potatoes, bread crumbs, chopped pars-
bouse, appearing to them like the s | ey an( j seasoned with pepper and
An Ingenious Nigiit Lamp.—A re
cent number or the Paris La Nature de
scribes a simple and convenient night
lamp, the invention of M. Behn, indi
cating the hour by the extent of com
bustion of the oil. From the oil reser
voir rises two vertical glass tubes; one
contains oil, and is graduated for the
hours; the other contains the wick sat
urated with oil, and giving the light.
The construction is such that one hour
is required to consume the quantity of
oil between the two graduations of the
first mentioned tube. A reflecter
placed under the flame at the side
throws a luminous beam across the
graduated tube. During the night one
can thus see at what height the oil
stands in the tube and read the corres
ponding hour.
e Wanted Sows **Sci
He Wanted Some * Scenery.”—On
a train coming east over the Central
Road the other day was a Californian
bound for New Jersey, and the train
had scarcely left Chicago behind when
he stopped tbe conductor and said:
" On which side of the cars can I
The conductor told him tbat there
were no mountains along the route, and
the man indignantly replied :
“ What in blazes did you build the
road for? What do you suppose I’m
traveling for? This must be a one-
horse road ir it don’t take in at least one
He cooled down after a while, but in
half an hour be-tackled the-brakeman
with the .query:
“ Does this road pass by any old ruins
of interest?’’ ,
Tbe btakeman ebulctfiV remember
any ruins except tett ohF log house here
and there, and4he Californian was mad
in a minute.
“Do you think I shipped on this
road as freight or livestock?” he called
out. “ If you don’t run past any old
ruins why don’t you say so on your
time-cards, and not be deceiving peo
When the conductor next came along
the Californian was looking from the
window to catch sight of the bridges,
and he turned and said :
“If we come to any bridges over
eight hundred feet long just give me
the word. 1 don’t care about seeing
any shorter ones.”
The conductor hacLto admit that the
road was trying to get along with a few
short bridges, and the passenger bobbed
around’in his seat'and replied :
“ What did you build your old road
for? If you haven’t any long bridges
on the line why didn’t you hunt for a
new one?”
About thirty miles west of Detroit
Californian caught sight of a lake
off, and going out on the platform
ked the brakeman:
Don’t we run along the shore of
that lake, over there?”
“ No; we are as near as we shall go.”
“You are, eh? Then that settles this
road with me I When I come back I’ll
ride in a lumber wagon ! Ycu can take
your confound railroad and eat it, but
you can’t fool me again. Looks to me
as if the lolks who built it simply
wanted to connect Detroit and Chicago,
aud didu’t care a cent for scenery. I’ll
get off at t ie next station and walk.”
|t^° k
Lemon Custard Pie.—1 lemon ; grate
the rind and squeeze the juice; 1 cup
white sugar, yolk of one egg, 2 table-
spoonsful corn-starch, 1 cup water.
Mix the corn-starch with a little cold
water, and have the remainder of the
water boiling, and stir the starch into
it. When cold, add the rest of the cus
tard. Bake in one crust. When done,
beat the white of the egg to a stiff
froth, thicken with sugar and spread oi
the pie; return to the oven and brown
Rats —Keep the house as clear as
possible ot these pests. If they will
not enter the traps set for them, drop a
little oil of sodium in them; that will
attract them without fail.
The Sea of GaUlee.
Riding by the foot of the Hattin, over
the place where 700 years ago, Saladin
annihilated the Crusaders’ power in
Palestine, we at length'reached a ridge
where we looked out on the distant hills
of Bashan, and down far below us upon
a dark blue pear or harpshaped sheet ol
water lying snugly in a deep inclosure
of high brown hills. Though less than
thirteen miles long and seven miles
broad, yet, measured by the events it
has wituessed, it is a kind of a Pacific
Ocean. It was the Sea of Galilee. As
we moved over the long way downward
to its level—650 feet below the Medi
terranean Sea—we had time to grasp
and fix its whole aspect and surround
ings. It lacks boldness of outline, for
its hills slope gradually back from the
shore, or leave a narrow plain, as at
Gennesaret and Butiha. But the lights
aud shadows lie sweetly on the hillsides
at night and morning; the northern
end is broken into pleasant little bays,
and Ilermon looms gradually up be
yond, far off, yet seemingly near.
The whole aspect of the lake is one
i hat suggests the thought and the lack
of beautiful homes. It was still a long
ride to the lake. The region we were
passing, once brimful of life and activi
ty, was utterly forsaken now. Theen
tire lake lay spread before us, and near
ly the whole of its coast line, along or
near which once lay the cities Tarichea,
Tiberias, Hippo, Camala, Gergesa,
Bethsaida, Chorazin, Capernaum, Mag-
dala and Beth ArbeJ. Of these cities
Tiberias once had^fts fc*enate of 600;
Gamala was able to resist and defeat
Vespasian at the head of three legions
and when captured by Vespasian and
Titus it lost 4000 in the fight, and 5000
who hurled themselves or were pushed
down the precipices; while Tarchea,
according to Josephus, was able at one
time to furnish 16,500 for slaughter in
a sea-fight with the Romans, 1200 slain
in cold blood in the stadium, 6000 cap
tive youth to dig for Nero in the isth
mus, and 30,400 to be sold into slavery.
The only existing visible representa
tives of all this strength and activity
were the wretched little cluster of huts
called Mejdel (Magdala), and the
shrunken Tiberias with its 200 inhabi
tants. *Froin our path not a’vestige of
the other places could be discerned. It
was near sunset when we entered Ti
berias. We followed the road through
the gate, but could easily have passed
through the rents in the walls. The
now squalid city, mentioned but once
in the New Testament, has been a tffiief
home of Jewish learning since the dis-
truction of Jerusalem.
—The quantity of logs and sawed tim-
, sley, and seasoned with pepper . . .
smoke that rushes up in circular vol- I galt> p ut a sma n p i eC e of butter on ber lying along the upper waters of
umes from the smoke stack of a locomo- ! top, lay it in a baking pan, and bake I the Delaware is said to be the largest
ti ve . I it in a hot oven. Serye very hot. I since the panic of 1873.
An exchange tells of an old farmer,
who. having eaten an oyster slew for
the first time, said: “I like the soup
pretty well, but I didn’t like them
polly-wogs.” Th reminds us of the
little story of the H 'ier, who lunched
with “Old HicKor ” when he was
President. Among ether-things, there
were champagne aud olives on the
table, and of which the guest partook
freely, and, when the lunch was about
ended, Mr. Hoosier remarked : “ Gen-
eneral, that’s mighty good cider, but
hang your pickles!”
Jones' Water Pitcher.
A reporter was detailed to interview
Hon. John Jones. He proceeded at
once to his residence, and running
up the marble steps, rang the bell. A
lady appeared at the summons of the
servant, whom the reporter supposed
to be Mrs. Jones, the wife of Mr. Jones
the wife of the distinguished gentle
man. Bowing and removing his hat,
the reposter said:
“Is Mr. Jones at home?”
“No,” was the response.
“He is not in the house then?”
“No, sir.”
“Ah, in that case he must be out!”
“He is.”
“Yes! Being out he is therefore not
“No, sir.”
“Hum! When will he be in ?”
“I don’t know .”
“Ah-h! No objections to publishing
this interview in the Daily Forum, I
suppose ?
“Not at all.”
“Thank you,” aud the reporter bow
ed and left. He returned again, how
ever, about eleveu o’clock at night in
hopes of finding the gentleman at home.
At any rate a man raised the upper
story window when the bell rang he
asked who was’there. The reporter ex
plained and asked if it ‘was Hon. Mr.
Jones, who spoke. The man said it
was, and if the reporter didn’t leave
he’d throw a pitcher of water out. The
reporter hoisted his umbrella and asked
what Mr. Jones had to say on the su
ject of international finance and com
mercial reciprocity. Jones threw the
water, but the umbrella would have
protected the reporter, had not Jones
thoughtlessly dropped the pitcher.
That ended the umbreila and inter
view, and nearly smashed the reporter,
but he sweet feels revenge in the fact
that Mr. Jones’ water pitcher is no
more. It struck his cheek.
A Peculiar but Effective C«
Harry Stanley, a resident of Antioch, Ind.,
has suffered severely since June last with
rheumatism. From a strong, robust man he
was reduced almost to a skeleton, the joints,
especially the knees, were stiff and swollen
the cords and ligaments contracted and the
case was altogether a serious one. N>me
of the butcher boys suggested to Stanley
the idea of bathing in and drinking bkxxL
He was taken to McMaster’s slaughter house
and treated accordingly with most astoaish-
ing results. Placed so as to receive the
warm sunshine his limbs were bathe 1 in
warm blood fresh from the slaughtered ani
mals. As soon as the blood was dried ipon
hi9 legs they were wrapped in a fresh sheep’s
pelf, another being bound across the btek ;
he also drank freely of beef blood. In two
days after commencing this treatment Stan
ley discarded crutches, and is .apparertly a
sound man. He has the full use of his
limbs, the swelled joints are in a m.tural
state and he daily gains rapidly in strength.
This is to us a new remedy, and, whether
like results would follow in all cases of
rheumatism is a matter of conjecture, but
it has accomplished w onders for Stanley.
“The Next Town.”— Recently a
citizen on his way to the Post-office was
halted by a woe-begone tramp, wr.o
looked as if a dinner of sfiingle-nafls
and currycombs would be gladly wel
comed if served up warm.
“ You have the same old story to tell,
I suppose,” said the cit he came
to a halt.
“ No, sir, I haven’t,” was the prompt
reply; “ I am simply about to ask your
advice. You look i ke a keeu, sharp
business man, ami 1 thought I’d ask
you what you thought of my going ro
the next town.”
“ Why—why, go on, of course,”
stammered the citizen.
“ That’s your advice, is it?” contin
ued the tramp. “ I shall leave it all to
you, and do just as you say about it. I
have every confidence in your judg
“Y"es;I think you can’t get out of
town too scon.”
“And if you were me would you
borrow a quarter before you left?”
“No; 1 wouldn’t. 1 wouldn’t wait
for supper.”
“All right—you seem to be a kind-
hearted, well-posted m:»n, and I will
take your advice,” quietly observed
the tramp, as he moved away.
The citizen looked after him until he
was lost In th^^jstunce, never once
thinking of back and hand
ing him a He had the same
game played onliira twice before.
—European Russia has 78,000,000 in
habitants—only 11 per cent of whom
can read or write.’