Newspaper Page Text
1 Copy one year -
TERMS—Cash In Advance.
Cedartown Advertiser.
CEDARTOWN, GA., JULY 17, 1879.
Sht |Mwrti$rr.
i«o umn
w l ta I iu « iu. 1 y.
18 0,'
IB 00
20 u.
18 00
*£> 00
LOCAL NOTICES—Ten rente per line r>rone
lii.'ertlon. For two or more insertions, flvo-
cen.s per line each .nse.uon.
OBITUARY NOTICES—Charged at naif rataa.
Lend a hand to one another
In the daily toil of life ;
When we meet a weaker brother,
Let us help him in • h • strife.
There is none »o rtoii bnt may,
In h» turn, be forced to borrow ;
And ihe.poor man's torn to-day
M»y became our own to-morrow.
Lend a hand to one another ;
And when rumor's tongue has thrown
Dark suspicions on your brother,
lie not prompt to ca*t a stone;
There is none so good but may
Bun adrilt in shame and sorrow ;
And the beafc of them to-day
May become the worst to-morrow.
Lend a hand to one another
In tbis race for honor's crown ;
Should it fall upon your br ther,
Let not envy tear it down.
LenJ a band to-ail I sav,
In tbeir snosbine and their sorrow.
And >he prize we've lost to-day
May become our own to-morrow.
the reason why the wages had been cut i
! down; I understood it all, and my blood:
j boiled. I felt that I would save the road if I
I lived, and told Roberts so.
“Bee that you do it, Harry I” he replied,
as he climbed qp on the steps of the coach
which was coupled to my engine.
“ I sprang up into the foot-board, got up
the switch-tender to help my fireman,
opened the trottle, and just as she com
menced moving, looked at my watch, it
was just 11 o’clock, so that I had one hour
to make seventy-five miles.
“From V to C there were few
curves on the road, but there were several
heavy grades. I was perfectly acquainted
with every rod of it, so that I knew exactly
what I had to encounter, and when I saw
how the engine moved, I felt very litt
fear for the result.
The road for the first few miles was
Killing a Kangaroo.
“We were to assemble next morning at
our friend’s station for breakfast, after which
we were to join a large party that liad as
sembled at the place selected for the hunt.
It was a lovely morning, with a fine, brisk
wind blowing, just sufficient to dry up all
the moisture from the atmosphere. We ar
rived upon the ground in good time, and
found those whom we were to join already
waiting for us. The dogs which accompa
nied them for the purposes of the hunt were
unlike what we had been accustomed to in
the more civilized neighborhood of Mel
bourne. They were a kind of large, bob}*
greyhound—a cross between the greyhound
and Scotch deerhound; and it was explained
that instead of following their quarry by
scent, they hunted entirely by sight. The
Trees and their Names.
district which bad been selected was not
| airline and so smooth that my engine flew very prolific in kangaroo, as it is deemed
' along with scarcely a preceptible jar. 1 1 better to select localities where a few are
i was so busy posting myself up as to the sure to be found, but not in large flocks, as
Seventy-five Miles an Hour.
I had spent a night in a stage, a day in a
saddle, a night in a sleeping-car, half a day
doing business, half a day in bed, and was,
after supper, enjoying a cigar apd a news
paper, in the reading room of the Redwood
House, Fayette, Ind. The newspaper was
uninteresting, or.clse I was rather sleepy—
and I guess it was a little of both—so that
1 aoon neglected it, to watch the fantastic
curling of the smoke from my fine-flavored
cigar. I didn’t feel much like talking, and
felt still less like reading; but I did feel
as if 1 would like exceedingly well to hear
a good st )ry. t
1 had barely come to this conclusion, and
commenced wishing for some one of my ac
quaintances to amuse me till the time was
up for the train which was to take me to
Indianapolis, when I recognized, in the
person who sat next to me, a fellow-trave
ler in the sleeping-car of the night before.
He, too, had laid aside his paper, and
was apparently, like me, watching the
smoke of bis cigar, and wishing for absent
m friends to keep him company.
He was a very agreeable-looking little
man, with a clear, gray eye, light hair,
sandy whiskers, and smiling mouth. In
deed, he had so much the appearance of
the man that I would like to hear tell a
story, that I thought Dame Fortune had
smiled upon me, when he recognized me
with a genial, “How d’ye do, stranger?”
I returned his salutation, and asked him
some common-place questions about how he
had enjoy ad the ride we had together.
Ae said something in reply about the;
amount of wood and water, eta, that we
danced by the first station almost before I
was aware of it, having been five minutes
out and having five miles accomplished.
“You are losing time!” yelled a voice
from the coach. I looked around, and
there stood Roberts with his watch in his
“I knew very well that we would have
to increase our speed by some means, if we
carried out our plans of reaching C—— by
midnight, and looked anxiously around, to
see what I could do to accomplish that pur-
it is difficult under these circumstances to
separate them, and the dogs are apt to se
lect an animal for themselves, instead of all
keeping to one in particular. We were
soon ‘on to an old man,’ who led us at a rat
tling pace. At first it was very treacherous
work riding through the thick bush, and it
was necessary to keep a sharp lookout sim
ultaneously for the eyes, the knees, and the
neck. The saddles used in the bush have
large knee-pads, to prevent any injur}* to j fetched in Italy as much as thirty gold
the knees; for it is impossible o*l! all occa-j ducats, and were sold largely, as Sir T.
^ sions, especially when riding after cattle'Brows tells us, in England It was
pose. "she wa8*blowin (r off steain**fiercely I through the bush, to prevent the face and j‘hought that the plant would grow only
one hundred pounds? so I turned down i ey“ coming in contact with Ihe branches, under a murderer’s gibbet, being nursed by
2 valve to two hundred, for I know we i and also to guard against the number of I he fat which fell from his decaying body;
need it all to make some of the i hidden, fallen trees, which has lxjen over-; hence it formed an ingredient in the love-
which lay between us and ! grown with ferns and grasses. The horse, i philtries and other liell-brotba of witches,
‘ — 1 — 1 and, as it was believed that the root when
torn from the earth emitted a shriek, which
Not a few strange superstitions and be
liefs are embalmed in welhknown names.
The Celandine, from Chelidon, the swal
low exudes a yellow juice, which applied
by the old birds to the eyes of the young
swallows who are bom blind or have lost
their sight, at once restores it The Hawk-
weed has the same virtue in the case of
hawks. The Fumatory, fume-terre, was
produced without seed by smoke or vapor
arising from the ground. The Devil’s-bit
is a common Scabious, with a premorse or
shortened root, which was used so success
fully, for all manner of diseases that the
Devil spitefully bit it off, and forever
checked its growth. The Judal tree with
its thorns and pink blossoms, was the tree
on which J udas hanged himself. The Man
drake gathered around itself a host of wild
credulities. It was the Atropa Maudragora,
a plant nearly allied to the deadly Night
shade, but with a large forked tuber, re
sembling the human form. Hence it was
held to remove sterility, a belief shared by
Rachel in the book of Genesis, and was sold
for high prices in the middle ages, with this
idea. In fact, the demand being greater
than the supply, the dealer used to cut the
large roots of the White Biyany into the
figure of a man and insert grains of wheat
or millet in the head and face, which soon
sprouted and grew, producing the semblance
of hair and beard. These monstrosities
q < ~ | however, which has been bred in and is
‘fit was three miles to the next station, accustomed to the bush, is itself very care-
Wifti the exception of a few curves, the j ^» an ^ ^ the rider has a tight hand, and
tra<S was as good as the last. As we dart- ®ts steadily and easily, yet closely to his
ed around what commonly seemed to be a i 8 ^ ee d, he is almost sure to be carried safely
rather long curve, at the station, but which
was, at our high speed, short enough, I
looked at my watch; and we had done it in
two minutes and a half.
“Gaining,” I shouted back to Roberts,
who was yet standing on the platform of
the coach.
“Lookout for the heavy grades, he re
plied and went inside the car.
“The next six miles rose gradually from
a level the first, to ten and a half feet
grade the last, which lay between us and
the next station. My fireman kept her full;
and now she began to get hot. The fur
nace door was red, and the steam raised
continually; so that she kept her speed,
and passed the station, like a streak of
light, in five minutes.
“Now came nine miles like the last;
over which she kept pace with her time and
passed the station in seven and a half
Here, for ten miles, we had a twenty-foot
through all difficulties. The pace, as I have
said, was very great at first, but it gradual
ly slackened as we proceeded, and the ani
mals began to tire. Some of our party had
already had enough of it, and a hcree ridden
by the owner of two of the best dogs in the
pack had got badly staked. Presently we
came to cultivated land, and here the kan
garoo endeavored to intercept us by placing
a pretty stiff ‘log fence’ between him and
bis pursuers. But he might have saved
himself the trouble, ‘poor old man, ’ had be
known w*hat a small batch of horsemen and
dogs behind him couid do in the way of
overcoming these obstacles; and when he
brought death to those who heard it, all man
ner of terrible devices were invented to ob
tain it. The readers of Thalaba will re
member the fine scene in which the witch
Khawla procures the plant to form part of
the waxen figure of the Destroyer. It is
not uncommon in Crete and Southern Italy.
Its Luit is narcotic; and its name is pro
bably derived from mandra, an enclosed,
overgrown place, such as forms its usual
Carpenter Birds.
The bill of the little tomtit, though short,
is exceedingly strong, and in the formation
of their nests they cut away until they get
an upward winding entrance. Even in old
perceived that even this last effort was of j ®t° ne "walls there is the same formation,
no avail, and that he was still pursued, he ; experiment was once made with this
evidently began to lose heart, and soon came I bird to test the P° wer it® bill, while con-
to a standstill. The dogs cautiously m ap- tined in a cage. In a common wire cage it
preached him now—cautiously, I say, for
they were ‘old hands, ’ and well knew the
terrible use ‘the old man’ could make of bis
toes when driven to desperation in this
could not be confined many minutes, as it
warped the wires aside, first with its bill
and then with its Ixxly, until it got rout.
But upon being tried in a cage of waxed
- - - j - , wav; and most of the dogs bore testimony i thread instead of wire, and finding it un-
running being too fast for the poor track ;; grade to encounter; but the worst of it all | 0 f p 0wer8 by t b e lar^e scars which were i manageable, it attacked the wood-work,
and from this the conversation ran upon ; was, at this place we would be obliged to j vig jb| e on their sides, f °r a kangaroo can j all(1 thrusting in its bill, used it as a wedge,
fast traveling in general, for some time. At! stop for wood I was just going to speak ! a or anything which attacks him, ; Half the force, had it been at liberty, would
last 1 remarked that sixty miles an hour! to Roberts about it, when I looked around j j n tb e ^st wholesale manner, by the use 1 have proved sufficient to have hewn out a
was the most speedy traveling that I had \ and saw him fi ling the tender from the! 0 £ tbe gbar p claws attached to his legs. ne8t bcle in the trunk of a partially decayed
ever done. Whereupon my friend informed, coach with wood which had been placed d0‘*8 were now called off, and one of !tree. Another of these little carpenters is
me, with a pleasant but knowing smile, j there before starting, while he was gone tbe ° dismounted string behind the I the nuthatch. This bird is also a mason,
that he had traveled considerably faster j after me. animal, while another faced hini? with a i The peculiar form, wedge-like and abrupt
than that, and, in fact, faster than he had ; i believe we would have made this ten heavily loaded hunting whip in order to ending of its bill, makes it very easy to be
ever heard of, besides. _ Of course I was. miles with the same speed as before; but, dispatch him. This was no’easy matter, understood how this bird may do its work.
parts of her body thirty or forty times, al-;
most cutting her to pieces. The fiend was
caught while the body was still warm, and
was about to be summarily hung by the
people—every man in the place except the
Judge ready to assist—when the Judge in
terfered after this wise:
“Boys, you must not do it that way. The
man must die, but I won’t have you dis-
grfiCfc-i&anta Cruz and yourselves by hanging
a man without a trial. Bring him to the
Court room. I’ll empanel a jury and try
him in the regular way, and if the jury find
him guilty justice shall be done without
violence to the majesty of the law.”
The mob obeyed, and was resolved into
a pome comitatuSy according to the notion
of those who composed it, and the prisoner
was arraigned before Court. A jury was
selected, but no counsel was appointed, for
there was no lawyer in the place. The
Judge conducted the proceedings, and, when
the evidence was closed, the case was pre
sented to the jury, who rendered a verdict
of ^'•nity of murder in the first degree. The
Judge, after examining the volume in calf,,
announced: .
“I find no law exactly applicable to this
case, but my judgment is that the prisoner,
having been found guilty of murder in the
first degree, shall have one hour to prepare
himself, and then he shall be shot.”
No persona were appointed to do the
shooting, but after the expiration of an
hour the condemned was tied to a tree, the
crowd retired a convenient distance, the
word was given, every man who felt inclined
“blazed away,” and there were more bullet
holes in his body than knife wounds in the
body of his murdered victim. Thus Banta
Cruz was saved from the disgrace of a man
being hung by a mob.
The Judge, having witnessed the execu
tion, immediately wrote an account of the
proceedings and dispatched it by a courier
to Governor Mason. When the courier
returned he brought with him a letter severe
ly reprimanding him for having transgressed
the law so outrageously and warning hiur
against the repetition of a similar offence.
A second courier was dispatched with
another letter to the Governor, informing
ham that if he supposed that the writer
(Blackburn) had been serving as Alcalde
for the honor or profit of the office he was
much mistaken; ihat he (Blackburn) had
accepted the place to preserve good order
and to administer justice in his neighbor
hood, and if the Governor did not like his
way of doing he might take the commission
and go to the devil with it.
Sea Wonders.
A Hero In Disguise.
The Fortress of Lourdes*
The ideas about coral which people have „ ^ e . on a , 8t f unctl bl ??» belonging in
who have never seen it in its living state M ame » but ^bng from Port-
are generally erroneous. They know it as |
a beautifully white ornament under a glass ° ,n WQa / ' nr ° ,r ‘ T ' nr rmo ^ TT “”' r
Martin was our skipper—one of the very
best sailors and one of the best men I ever
sailed with. We were loaded with shooks,
lumber and working-tools, together with
several small steam engines for sugar-mak
ing purposes, and were all ready for sailing,
save the lack of a man before the mast.
We needed two, but Capt. Martin said if he
could find one really good seaman he would
put up with him, and do full deck duty
^ himself. So word was left with two or
out of the older trees. Flat, 'circuit “tables j thre ? keepers °f sailor boarding houses that
of dingy brown, growing one over another, l wante< *. ? De able seaman, and we
with spaces under each. These attain a ho F d that would answer the purpose,
great size, extending for yards without a
shade, or in delicate pink branches in their
jewelry, and they imagine living coral is
like these. Their ideas are helped along by
the common misnomer of trees and bran
ches, as applied to coral. I have never
seen it in the South Sea Islands, but
throughout the Eastern seas the most com
mon variety takes a laminated form, not
unlike the large fungi to be met with any
summer’s day in an English wo<xi growing
break, so that the bottom of the sea is per
fectly level. This kind is much sought
after by lime burners. Another species
grows in detached bosses, like thick stemmed
—Bonner has paid about $350,000 for
—Paris drinks more than a hundred
million quarts of beer a year.
—There are 10,000 miles of telegraph
wire under ground in London.
—Miss Mildred Lee, daughter of
General Robert E. Lee, is traveling in
—The Prince of Wales is Tory in
Dolitics and Broad High Churcn in re
—Vice President Wheeler is troubled
wiih chronic sleeplessness, the disease
that killed Horace Greeley.
—Boston is bragging of 100,000 bulbs
of all varieties mostly tulips, in blos
som in its public garden.
—The German Empire has 21 nniver-
Seamen were scarce at that time. It was
just at the close of the war, and able sea
men out of work had not yet felt the need
of employment. A day passed, and a night, i sities. wlrh 1250 professors, and more
iuno tin ^, ini imm _ and Martin had resolved that he would take ! than 17,000 students.
plants * which "^"'gardener has” trimmed the first decent-looking lubber He could find, —The -tally consumption of milk in
around the top. These clumps grow out of. an t0 w , ken ’,.j ust as our cook 1^1 New York city approaches 400,000
the sand, and stand up in dull brown against i waa k la S u p the breakfast pans, there came quarts, and at least $25,000,000 are iu-
the white flooring. A third pattern u a hail from the wharf lrkc the roar of an vested by farmers in this industry.
spiked like stag’s homs tangled together, c c 7’,, ant ‘ , 0r ,° „ •!> u i T —The bronze s tatue of Voltaire, by
and is of a dingier brown than the first; its' Ba-a-l°. Bng ahoy! Isay yeou . ; j ae q Ue g Maillet, \flis untSoVcTed on
spikes collect the drifting weeds, and its I We looked up and be*jdd t h e man w ^ () , fKe p lace de la j£ a j r j e< 0 f the Eleventh
appearance is consequently untidy. There p w ° ed tliat ^ 0lce he was a man to Aroudissement m Paris, on tne 30th of
are scores of varieties of corals and madre-, °° k 8u , re '>'-. a se * n '..° ot *° May.
pores, but the three mentioned are those ^ overlooked until be had been studied. Ic —A life-size statue of Mr. Gladstone
which principally make up the mass which f rame he waa a Birnple Hercules—-standing | )as pieced in jjic Manchester
is ever growing under the still waters inside we afterward found) just six feet two (England) Town nail. The attitude is
the reef. At Maheburg the reef is distant kla at f ks ’ a P air of shoulders .nib to be perfectly ehsracteristic and
seven miles from the shore, and the whole
of thi9 great lagoon is in process of filling
up by coral. There are one or two holes,
left capriciously, and a channel which the
river has cut to the reef which it pierces in
what is locally “a pass.” Everywhere else
the bottom is only a few feet under water,
and is always slowly rising. The various
corals, the patches of silver sand, the deep
winding channel, lend each a tint to the
water—sapphire blue, where it is deepest,
sea-green with emeral flecks, or cerulean
blue shot with opaline tints, in the shallows.
The reef is a solid wall, shelving toward
shore, absolutely perpendicular toward the
ocean, and varies in width from twenty to
one hundred yards. Against the outer face
like the shoulders of a huge draught-ox. the likeness excellent.
He was clad in a suit of homespun, and | -statistic, printed in the American
bore upon his shoulder an enormous clothes- j shlp ., low th:lt since Js33 une hulll ]red
bug a regular seamans bag filled full, ,-md forty-three vessels hive been lost
and packed solid, with clothing. In face ; at sea and with them two hundred and
the man was of the pure, unadulterated,
conventional Yankee stamp, and the whole
man was in keeping—ferret eyes, broad
mouth, prominent cheek-bones, tangled,
carroty hair, and all.
Capt. Martin, just out from the cabin,
responded to him.
“Sa ay! Is this ere the brig ’at’s baound
for Cuby, and wants a man ?”
“Be yeou Capt. Martin ?”
I am the man."
the rollers rage incessantly. Swell follows tide was «t its lowest ebb, and the
swell, smoothly and regularly. There is no ™ 1 ° f tha Jrl 8 la - r n far be '°'T the edge of the
hurry, for here there is no snelving bottom : wharf - J he “ a ° flun ? h,9heav }' beg down
to keep them back. On they come, separ- deek ; and t he reached forward,
atiDg their ink-blue masses from the tumble , wlt ? a s b nn b' an( ^ caught the topgallant-
Parallel with the Yal d’Ossau runs a
valley* -that of Argelez, commonly
called the Paradise of the Pryenees. It
i8 of surpassing loveliness, truly:
bright in due season with varied crops,
the maize predominating; gay with
grass pasture lands of a vivid dazzling
green; av^ping luxuriant woods; the
roadw ' festooned with vines, rich
with 5;- djbherry trees, in springtime
a magf of snowy blossoms; the whqf*.- coral with which storms have strewed the
of the ocean, rearing aloft their crests, like
living things anxious to try their strength,
and fall with a roar on its edge as it stands
up to meet them. You can stand within a
few feet of the practically bottomless sea
and watch them tumble, with the water no
further than your knees, as the surge of
their onward rush carries across the reef.
To stand so and watch them coming on ap
pears, to one not used to the sight, to court
destruction; the wave is so vast, its crest
rising higher as it advances shuts out the
sea beyond, nothing can be seen but a wall
of water rolling on; its strength is so appar
ent, so irresistible, and the pause it appears
to take as the top curls over seems to check
your breath. The rocks and lumps of dead
backstay in his hands, and followed his bag
like a catamount.
\Hayr I be, Captin, and wantT go to
Cuby with you.”
“But,” said Martin, rather dubiously,
looking the man over from head to foot,
“are you used to the sea ?”
“Wall—I reckon! Up on PawdunkLake,
in Aroostook, I built a bxit with my own
hands, and rigged it, tew ; and I telL yeou
—I could just sail it some. O, yeou git
Aye—boat sailing on an Aroostook lake
and a brig on the Atlantic are two different
things. Can you hand, reef and steer!”
‘ ‘Aye—I reckon. ”
“You know what I mean by those terms,
do you?”
“Sartin, old feller.”
“Well—can you say the compass—whole
valley watered with innumerable rills. . rcef ^ and dl Tj the pools of limpid n vou v
U is cursed nevertheless, with the same | ? ater “ f he kolea 81 nk s T points. h^aod qStera
,, ,. , ’ . awav, their surface glassy, and their depths ” “v, , . , .
lell disease which affl.cta the most full J of . color and strange-shaped living' _ aas-but what’s the use o’ puttin’ in
beautiful valleys of Switzerland; ere- things, then the roller breaks and sends a
two lives.
—A bird’s irest, containing four blue
was found at Bridgeport, Conn.,
Ia*t week, on a oar of marble> which
came from Massachusetts. It was built
in a corner of a platform car, and made
the journey wirhout injnry.
—An ounce of bread wasted daily in
each household in England and Wales
mean3 about 25.000,000quartern loaves,
the produce ol 3j.u00 acres of wheat in
a year; w hile au ounce a week of meat
wasted amounts to 300,000 sheep.
—There are said to have been 508 ap
plications for the post of public execu
tioner of Paris, made vacant by the
death of M. Roch, Amongst the appli.
cants were 87 doctors of medicine and
21 cabmen,
—America munches about one mil
lion bushels of peanuts a year. They
come from Virginia, Tenne*c-*ee and
North Carolina, the coming crop from
ttresp Scares being estimated at 1,293,-
000 bushels.
—Senator and Mrs. Brucc.have de
termined to give their infant son the
baptismal name of Roscoe Ccnkling,
The child will be taken to Cleveland,
Ohio, for baptism immediately follow
ing tne adjournment of Congress.
• —A shark 12 feet lqiig became en
tangled in ihe propeller,of, the steam
ship «u:f Stream, when off Charleston
harbor, recently, and, ttroagli killed,
caused great difficulty in the working
of her machinery. The carea9e was
extricated aud taken to Charleston.
—During thelanyear France contri-
anxiouatoBnow where, how, and when he through the crelessness of ihe fireman, the ■ as the kangaroo would ward off the blow I A nuthatch having been confined in a cage j*cju g|B extreuit q v prevalent aud the 1 puree of water hissino- hv and the reef has i
bnd done it; and, after the modest assur- fountain-valve, on the left-Yand side of tlie> with his onus and hands, showing the “skill ' of °« k andlwire, supplied with f~xi ,8 r excre m ly prt.v<u t n , auu l e .urge ot water hissing by, and the reef lias
ranee that be feared his tale would, not be | engine, go, op^ued, and the water rose in! of „ ex^“fenc^ Twonld often eating and drinking at pleasu£ goitre makers,, filueotrs w*cre J. a- j sank beneath the fKira and bubbling water. ■
interesting, ray friend relieved my anxiety | t he boiler so fast as to run the steam down | endeavor to charge his opponent in front: wouId 8 P™ d the intervals in battering the
by relating the following story:
I am a railroad engineer. Aw$iy long
in ’67, during the great panic, I was run
ning on the F. & C. R. R. The railroad
companies were going under in all direc
tions. Every day we heard of new fail
ures; and cjuite often in a quarter where we
least expected it. Our road was generally
looked upon as one of the most substantial
in the nation; nobody seemed to have any
fears that it w r ould fail to survive tne ge
neral mash-up. But yet I did not fully
share in the general confidence. Wages
were cut down; arrearages collected; and ^
great many other little matters seemed to
indicate to me that the road had got into
rather deeper water than was agreeable all
around. Among other things, the master
mechanic had to!d me in the spring that
the company had ordered four first quality
Taunton engines for the fall passenger bu
siness. The road was put up in the very
best condition, and other preparations were
made to cut down the time, and put the
trains through quicker than ever known be
fore, when the new engines should come.
Well, there was but one of the engines
“I said there was but one engine came;
to one hundred pounds, before I discovered 1 but, fortunately for the enemy, who other- fram8 °* his cage ; the sound being so great
Where the difficulty lay. : wise would not fail to feel the animal's fury, to be heard in an adjoining room, with
At first Roberts did’nt appear to notice ■ there was another behind, who would at
the decrease of speed, aud kept at work at
the wood as if for dear Ufa But present-
sy, he looked up; and, seeing that the
speed had decreased, he shouted: “Harry,
we are stopping 1” and then coming over to
where I was, he said, “Why, here we have
been ten minutes on the last ten miles, and
I believe we will come to a dead stand if
something is not done. The speed is con
tinually slacking! What is the matter?”
I explained the cause. He was appa
rently satisfied with my explanation, and,
after having titd down the safety valve, he
climbed over the tender, exhorting to put
iier through, for God’s sake, or we are all
begg»rs together l”
Just then we passed the next station,
having taken nine minutes for eight miles.
We Were now more than half over the
road; we had lost nearly ten minutes time,
and had left only twenty-seven minutes to
do thirty-four miles.
I had shut the water off from both my
pumps, a little distance back, when I dis
covered what was the matter, and she was
. . . . . . , - . i now making steam finely down a slight
but she was, in my o.umon altogether the, du . Fr0 ? n lees than one hundred T “ th
best ever turned out of the Tautou Works; t® Uch we startcd 0Ter that ten ’ nliles
this moment seize him by the tail, and, by
a well-directed blow from his loaded whip
on the animal's head, put an end to the
Peruvian Temples of the Fun.
Of the early history of the Peruvians we
have but little knowledge, owing to that
barbarian policy exercised by the followers
of Cortez and Pizarro, in destroying every
thing belonging to the tribes which they
conquered. Like the Mexicans, the Peru
vians had advanced in art, science and
learning, under the administration of suc
cessive wise rulers, and their State archives
contained written histories of their country,
from the dawn of civilization among them,
to the period of the conquest. But the
superstitious Spainards committed these
works to the flames, because of their
heathen origin, and we are obliged to de
pend almost exclusively on the truth of tra
dition for the knowledge we possess of the
closed doors. He had a special fancy for
the corner pillars of his cage; on these Jie
spent his most elaborate taps, and thongh
he had occupied the cage but a day, the
wood was pierced and worn like a piece of
old worm-eaten timber. He probably had
an idea that if the main beams could be
taken down, the rest would fall and free
him. Once he succeeded in opening the
door, and when it was tied in a double knot
Running Away with, an Aunt.
ture seems sublime. As if to bar ad
mission to this enchanting region, the
old fortress town of Lourdes is perched
at the mouth of the defile; defianLstill. j “I have an order for your arrest,”
but not ol supreme importance now, as j remarked the officer addressing a sup-
in ancient times. Alter the fatal bat- : posed criminal.
tie of Tours, when 300,000 Moslems fell, I “For what?” was the indignant in-
the Saracens flying before Charles Mar- ! terregatory.
tel, “the Hammer,” rallied beneath the
wails of Lourdes. It was again and
tigain a bone of contention, most of all
when the English owned it, in the
with a strong cord, the constant application , , ^. .... ^ . .
of his beak quickly unloosened it At the r , ei « n of “ 1 ; . Itle Duke of
open space where the water-cup was placed,
fiuding it too small to insert his body, he
would dig and hammer with his pickaxe of
a beak to enlarge the circle. This hammer
ing was peculiarly laborious, for he did not
perch, but taking hold of the side of the
cage with his immense feet, swung, as it
were, on a pivot at every stroka All
night long, at the interval of every ten
minutes, he kept up bis hard work, but be
fore morning dawned, he lay lifeless on the
floor of the cage, actually dying from over-,
work. Many animals with similar habits
of carpentry would not have so used them,
history ''f this people during the Inca dy-! but would have been distracted and puzzled
nasty. The most magnificent of all the j out of their confinement. Woodpeckers of
Peruvian temples was that of the sun at | every species are carpenters in the seuse in
and that is saying as much as can be said g^^h, she had two hundred pounds be- Cuzzo. The mode of worship in this tern-! which w*e have used thHterm; that is, they
in praise of any engine. She was P ut in f ore W e finished it; and, as the gau<re indi-: P^ e was similar to that of Heliopolis in not only bore into trees in pursuit of food,
my charge immediately, with the under- n0 higher than that and the valve i Egypt, where this great luminary was : in the shape of insects, but chisel out holes
standing that she was mine. ! was t j ed dowl , j ^uid no t tell how much adored. His golden image occupied a large ‘ for their nests. This abode is neither lined
“ is was Saturday when she came out of over tw0 hundred pounds she carried, but portion of one side of the interior of the i with feathers, grass or straw, but the eggs
theshop, and I was to take a special train ghe certa i n ]y carri.d none less the rest of | tem P le i before this the worshippers are deposited in the hole without anything
up to \ . The train was to carry up j the j ourne y > And well might she carry! prostrated themselves with rich offerings iu | to keep them warm. It would seem as
the president, and several officers of the ! such an en0 nTi 0U s head of steam; for after i their hands, which were received by the at- though, being endowed by Providence with
roae, to meet some officers of another road, pa8 ^ na over t jj at ten mjjgg gjo-ht inin- j tendant priests. Two or three virgins, se- ■ such an instiuct, they must take as great
which crossed ours there, and arrange some , ute « ^ ere j a y ten m iieg 0 f five-feet up- j lect ed from the first families in tlieir king- pleasure in the employment cf these facul-
important business with them. | and f ourte€n miles of twenty-feet-to-! dom » were * n constant attendance, whose \ ties as we do in the most agreeable occupa-
the-mile depression between us and C ,! dut y it was to make oblations of wine to | tions. But of all the birds which earn their
add it w*as now eleven o’clock and forty- the deity, and chant hymns of praise to the i subsistence by spoil, none lead a life so la-
seven minutes. ! great Father of- Light. Like other abori- borious and so painful as the woodpecker.
‘I had no trouble at all making my for
ty miles an hour going out. The engine
handled herself most beautifully. We
were just holding up at Y , when Aid-
Anjou vainly besieged it, and having
failed at the citadel, burnt down the
town in his lage. More insidious meth
ods succeeded open attack, and at the
Duke’s instance. Gaston Phoebus of
Foix, having summoned Peter Ernault
its governor, to visit him at Orthez,
plied him w*irh persuasion, threats, and
bribes in turn, but failing in all, sud-
Jeniy stabbed him in five places. “Ha,
monseigneur I” cried the poor knight,
“vous ne faites pas gentilesse, vous
m’aves et vous m’oeeiez.” He died
thus for his duty; but treachery pros
pered not, for his brother, whom be
had left in cotnmand, continued to hold
Lourdes. More recently, this castle
was the prison of Lord Elgin, whom,
iu 1804, Napoleon seized aud in<*arcar-
ated for no reason but to affront Eng
land and stir up war. Its memorable
history is its strong point, for Lourdes
is now' a dirty, uninteresting town;
only of late years it has gained a cer
tain lustre from the alleged miracu
lous apparition of the Virgin to «
maiden of the place—a revelat.on fol-
Now the engine was hot in earnest. The ! gi ne ®
of this continent, the Peruvians were j In order to seek for its food, it is obliged to | owed by l be bursting forth of a heal-
dic tribes, aud gained a subsistance : bore the bark and hard fibres of trees. Ne- * n £ spring trom the rock. Now crowds
rich, the treasurer, who had come out on furnace door? amoke arch and chimney, all i nomadic tribes, aud gained a smisisiance .
the platform to put the brake on, slipped i were w hile she seemed to fly onward > by hunting and fishing. Superstitious in j cessity never suffers any interval of labor,
and fell. As we v^ere yet under good head-! ^ t he veiy Evil One himself operated her I the extreme, their objects of worship were I it never shares in the cheerful sports of
way, he was very much injured, and was \ mac hinery. ^ numerous as those of the Egyutiiw ! other birds; it will not join in tbeir meny
carried off to the hotel insensible. ; Six miliutea carried us over that ten ! _ : ^ng, but sings its wild, sad note in the
“According to the president s directions,
I switched off my train, turned my engine,
and stood ready to start back to C- at a
moment’s notice.
“Aldrich’s presence was of so much im
portance, that the business could not be
transacted without him; so all those I had
miles; and we darted by the last station
that had Iain between us and C . Now
we had fourteen miles to go, and my time
showed eleven o’clock and fifty-three
Domesticated silkwo
The magnificent silk-farsn North !
Italy show the domesticate « si a-worm at j
his best. In these great nurseries the worm !
The Alcalde of Santa Crux.
of deveteeg annually make pilgrimage
ihitber; the halt and the maimed come
to be cured, and leave behind their
crutches and other offerings in the pret
ty white church which has been built
above the grotto de la Vierges.
. Judge Blackburn was Alcalde of Santa
“If Hive,” said I to myself, “I will is watched over with unremitting care, from \ Cruz, Monterey county, California, under ’
,1-0 it ” ArtH trt, that I th*» mnmmt whon a hio^L- h« the regime of Governor Mason.
The Immensity of London.
. . ^ . ., - ... ; make it.” And we plunged down that | the moment when, a viny black thread, he
brought out, except the president and Aid- twenty-foot grade with all steam on. Per- chips the shell, until, a corpulent mass of
rich, went ac to C* on the *3 o clock , w h 0 saw the train on that wild run, j waddling whiteness, he leaves off eating,
express rain. This was the last regular that is was so soon after they heard the anc clothes himself in the golden sheathing
tram which w,is to pass over the road until firet of her approach , when the ‘of the many-threaded cocoon. The noh2
a /S?* i A . onda J • -I A.t ,. strange object, which looked as if it was a j made by the many thousand worms, as they
“Early m the evening I left the machine flame of ^ re? darU;d by , Md then the browse on the fresh-picked leaves, has been
_n charge of ni} fireman, and wen. over to i sound Q f its traveling died away in the dls- 1 not inaptly compared to that caused by
wi ea mg- »ouse, to see if I could not spent; ta nce, they could hardly convince them-; grazing sheep, while scores of spindles are
the tune more pleasantly than on my en-1 g^gg they had really seen anything. It! ever busy in reeling off the yellow film that
gjne. The hours dragged themselves away seenied more d k e the creature of a wild I is the future grist for the silk-mills, of
siowJy I was playing a game of dominous, drearn then a g^ reality. j Lyons, Genoa, and Lombardy. Unfortu-
with the station-agent, when in came Ro- And now let me tell you that no engine nately, for some quarter of a century past,
ever beat the time we made on those four- the silkworm farms of France and Italy
teen miles. Those great wheels, seven feet have been scourged by a malady, akin to
in diameter, spun around so swift that you the oidiuin in vines and to potato disease,
couldn’t begin to count the revolutions, under the influence of which the worms
The engine barely seemed to touch the track sicken and perish by millions. No domes-
as she flew along; and although the track tic animal fattens so rapidly as the silkworm.
, -- - , - was as true as-it was possible for it to be, I Give him his choice, and he will prefer the
outside <>T the door, he caught me by the gbe swayed fearfully, and sometimes made 1 lettuce to even the white mulberry, as he
> arms. and. burned me along so fast that I ( 8Ucb prodigious jolts that required likes the white leaves better than the red,
, 851 ^was in earnest. ) considerable skill for one to keep and the red leaves better than our common
\ Harry, said he, \i you don t set me his feet. No engine could hold together if j English black. Lettuce leaves, however,
1 down in C - by li o clock, 1 am a qxfeded to a greater speed. ; imply a white and weaker silk, and a defi-
nnned man, and Uns road is a ruined rood , “Well, just as 1 came to a standstill in ciency of healthy silks and the invaluable
j Aldnch is dead ; but he told me, befere lie t he depot at C——the big clock boomed eggs. The leaf of the white mulberry,
aiea, that he had embezzled from time to j ou t twelve, and the steamboat was getting ! which does not suit our soil and climate, is
xune, five hundred thousand of our money; her steam on. Roberts got on. board in the true food of the true silkworm. In
and fiis clerk is to start with it, on the 12 j time and nothing to spare.” * * * * warm countries it is not indispensable tfiat
o clock boat, from C for Canada. s If | “ And saved the money, did he ?” I lie should spend bis little life in a house,
we don t have that money on Monday asked, when I saw that my friend had fin A mulberry tree will harbor a vast popula-
morarng, to make some payments with, the jghed his story. tion of the crawling alchemists that turn
road goes mto o.her hands; and if you put “ Yes, he found it hid away in some old. vegetable fibre int-o sheeny silk. But such
me down, in C : at the right time, so boxes as Aldrich had directed him.” j a grove needs careful netting to protect the
that I save the money, you suall have five “ If you are the passenger for G d,” toothless white, tid-bits from the beaks of
thousand dollars. Understand it, Harry?; gaid a waiter, “the ‘bus’ is ready.” j birds; while it is difficult to collect the co-
Uf .!i-'-i-> 1 8o I thanked my friend for his story and , coons, and a single thunder-shower or dusi-
berts, the president, in a state of great ex-
m citement.
“Harry,” said he to me, “I want you to
put me down in C at 12 o’clock!”
As it was nearly 11 o’clock then, and the
distance was seventy-five miles, I thought
he was jqking at first; but when we got
Of oourse, I understood it. I saw now 1 bade him “good-bye.”
i storm means ruin to the stock.
He was prominent among the earliest pio
neers, having served in the war of the Con
quest, but was astonished when commis
sioned Alcalde by Mason, for he knew
nothing more of jurisprudence than the next
farmer. He accepted the position, however,
for the same reason that it was given him,
to wit, he was the leading American of his
His decisions were not only remarkable
for* impartiality, but their originality sur
passed that of the decisions of Saneho Pan-
za when Governor of the Island.
His library consisted of the “swearing
book” and one volume bound in calf—sup
posed to be a law book—which he made a
pretence of consulting on all occasions prior
to rendering judgment, but he invariably
announced that he fouad “no law applica
ble to this case, eta”
On one occasion a native Californian who
had maliciously shaved the tail of a fine
saddle horse belonging to another, was
arrested and brought before him for trial.
The evidence was conclusive, and the Judge,
after examining the volume bound in calf,
announced, “I find no law exactly applica
ble to this case, but my judgment is that
the defendant shkll be taken to the barber
and have his head shaved. Officer, attend
to your duty.” The offender was accord
ingly taken to the barber and his bend was
shaven amid the shouts and ridiculg of a
crowd of spectators.
On another occasion a native Californian,
in a fit of jealousy, had murdered his wife
the most brutal manner by tying bar to a
bedstead and plunging a knife! into .various
Of all the great cities, London, on the
vhole, contains the most 10 interest and in
struct Americans. It has doubled in popu
lation in the memory of men still young.
Most readers remember when Macauley’s
history appeared., In his first volume the
author contrasted the grandeur of the mod
ern city with the London of Charles IL and
boasted that the number of inhabitants had
increased from little more than five thousand
to at least one million nine hundred thousand.
In the brief time that has passed since Ma-
cauley wrote, the one million nine hundred
thousand has become four million.
A few contrasts taken from the best esti
mates will give some suggestions of the
immense magnitude of the city. It is aptly
described as a province covered with houses.
New York is equal in population to the
aggregate of Maine and New Hampshire.
London equals Maine. New Hampshire,
Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Mas
sachusetts and California all together. To
equal the city of London, here we should
have to bring together the people of the
following cities; New York, Philadelphia,
Brooklyn, St. Louis, Chicago, Boston, Bal
timore, Cincinnati, New Orleans, Buffalo,
San Francisco, Washington, and Louis villa
The transient people in New York are about
thirty thousand; in London one hundred
and sixty thousand. In New York a baby
is born every fifteen minutes and a death
occurs every seventeen minutes. I*i London
a birth occurs every six minutes and a death
every eight. The drinking places in New
York set in one street would extend Seven
teen miles; those in London seventy-three
“Wuy, 1 am informed that you have
been running away with your aunt.”
“My aunt! Why she’s my wile!’*
“Bnt wasn’tshe your aunt before she
became your wife? You see we don’t
tolerate those kind of going on, in Col-
The young man looked at the minion
of the law in a sympathetic sort of way,
which implied very plainly that he pit
ied his ignorance. It was perhaps the
first time in bis Ute that he had ever
encountered a Colorado detective and
he wanted to know evidently what sort
of an ai.imal he looked like.
“I suppose you never were in Utah ?”
he remarked after he had completed his
“No, I never had that pleasure.”
“Well, as you don’t understand the
615.000; the British Isles, 591,000, of
which the largest portion was contri
buted and disbursed in Ireland; and all
other countries, 2,395,000 francs.
—The fires in the State of Massachu
setts during the year 1S78 numbered
1728, on which the insurance was
$7,703,226, the loss $3,683,265. and the
iiuouut paid $2,525,182. A summary
; “One more question my friend: You have
j said the compass correctly ; now, can you
box it ?” (give the points backwards.)
And away he went: “Nothe, nolhe-by-
west, nor’-nor’-west, nor’west-by-nothe,
nor’-west,” &c. Correctly as before.
Certainly the man did not look like a J
sailor; still, the captain was at a pinch, : ot the causes shows 397 incendiary, 249
and he must take this offer, or go toseade- ! explosive, 133 defective chimneys, 75
cidedly short-handed; so, after a little con-1 accidental, 41 lightning, &c.
sideration, he bade the new-comer, who i —“Improvement”has marked forde-
gave his name as Eben Pote, secure his bunk *truction the house No. 1&4 Aldersgate
and consider himself shipped, and he should street, London, in which William
be paid according as his services should ; Shakespeare resided. What makes this
prove worthy. Without a word of objec-. the more to be regretted is thfr fact that
tion, or finding fault, Eben went into the ibis builJing is a very complete exam-
cabin and signed the shipping articles, after
which he spread himself on deck.
And now—I tell this story just to give the
grand result—that is, the result as developed
from such an unpromising beginner. Haid-
ly had the brig struck the open ocean when
she was met by a sudden and severe nor’-
wester, and the first thing to be done was
pie of the ordinary domestic street
architecture of the Elizabethan period.
—Newport, R. I., has established a
sanitary protective association which
furnishes its members, for a fee of $6
per year, the services of an inspecting
chemist and engineer to examine their
premises, drinking water, etc., and
to shorten sail. The top-gallant sails had , look after the sanitary condition of
been clewed up, and the buntlines hauled j schools, churches and places of public
taut, and then the word was given to lay ! sort.
aloft and double-reef the main-topsail. It —a home for working girl3 was late-
; was a new sail and very heavy. I ly opened in London nuder very en-
Where was Eben Pote? Ha! by the : cou raging auspices. Working girls be-
relations of an aunt and nephew in that time the rest of the men reached the bunt : tween Hie ages of 13 and 18, who have
territory, I suppose I ought to explain jof the yard he was away to the windward, j no parents or friends in Loudon with
them to you, aud then perhaps you may on the extreme weather yard-arm, the ; whom they can reside, are boarded at
see vour dutv. ! Femish horse all his own ; he had lifted 4 shillings 6 pence per week. This first
“J shall be great!v obliged to you ” heavy canvas alone, and hauled the ! nome contains 37 rooms, and others are
remarked the detective, congratulating reekcmjgl® ckock and snugly home; and contemplation. - *
, . . ... .. V ' by the time his mates were on the foot-rope, —Five years ago the wife and child
himself meanwhi.e. that he was abou. the earing ha d been passed and secured, and ! of a Mr. Chandler were drowned by tne
to get a glimpse into the social econo- lie was ready to lift the rest of the sail into : Mill river flood in Massachusetts, She
my of that remarkable country ^here * - - - • -- 1
a inan is permitted to have as many
wives as he pleases.
“Take my case for instarce,” contin
ued the Mormon, “my father married
my mother.”
“1 suppose so.”
••Then he married her sister,” contin
ued the stranger, without heeding the
interruption. “Then he married the
sioter of his brother-in-law. Then the
daughter of his uncle, who was a cous
in to histwo first wives, then he mar
ried her daughter; and a son of his
wife married my sister, who also a
widow of one of the other wives sons.”
By this time the detective was mak
ing frantic efforts to keep his head on
Aye, he was willing to do anything; and,
down below the Bahamas, when Captain
Martin was down sick, and the first mate
not fit to be on deck, Eben Pote sailed the
brig, and made better time than she had
ever made before under the same circum
stances. He proved a blessing, indeed, and
while he was on board there could be no
severe wrangling. He would not have it.
Said he: “Mates, as true as you live, I
dob’t like quarrel in’; it makes me blue an’
chilly. I don’t like it, and—I won’t have
And his fiat in the forecastle was law.
his shoulders, while his eyes hung out j M er <jy! who would have dared to insult
hi. fihoata lit-. him < I have seen him take a full barrel of
water by the chines, lift it freely to his
place for the others to secure it. 1 *'ore at the time a valuable diamond
“Ef you’ll only be quicker, boys, and \ Hng* -A few days ago some workmen
some of you git up in season, I’d jest as leaf ! a bank discovered something
take the lee yard-arm every time ; but, d' j bright, which, ou mvestigatiou proved
you see, the weather earning must be snap-
ped fust.”.
on his cheeks like protruding saucers.
“I suppose you are following me.”
interjected the narrator.
But the detective had heard enough
“That will do,” he said; “you have
a perfect right to marry your aunt or
your grandmother, either, or both ot
them, if you follow in the footsteps of
your family.”
“And you won’t arrest me?”
“Certainly not.”
mouth and drink from the bung-hole; and
I have seen him take two ordinary sized
men—one in each hands—and hold them
dangling in mid-air at arms’-end I
Do you ask how he learned to be a sailor?
He was bora on the ocean. His parents
were lost by wrecking, while he, then a
mere infant, was saved by being washed
ashore in a close, hanging cot; and he had
followed the sea until he was over twenty.
! At that age—twenty-one or two—he took a
, fancy for farming, and having saved up a
little money, he went up into Aroostook
• and bought a big farm: and there he had
Many people complffin of their bad luck ; remained, working like a Trojan to bring
Lack and Labor.
when they ought to blame their own want
of wisdom and action. Cobden, a distin
guished writer in England, thus wrote about
luck and labor: *
Luck is ah rays waiting for something to
turn up.
Labor, with keen eyes and strong will,
turns up something.
Luck lies in bed, and wishes the postman
would bring him news of a legacy.
Labor turns out at six o’clock, and with | berth.
his farm up to a high state of excellence,
when the fit seized him that he would like
to smell the salt water and sling his ham
mock just once more; and he had reached
Portland upon that mission when the word
of Captain Martin was given to him by the
boarding-house keeper. So—that is the
way we got him. He sailed with Martin
two voyages, and then went back to his
farm, refusing the offer of a first-mate’s
busy pen, or ringing hammer, lays the
foundation of a competence.
Luck whine*.
Labor whistles.
Luck relies on chance.
Labor on character.
Luck slips down to indigence.
Labor strides upward to independence.
But,” said he to Captain Martin, as he
stood upon the brig’s rail ready to leap
to the wharf, “yew may be dead sure
o’ one thing: Ef ever I make up my mind
ter go tew sea agin, I hunt up Sam. Martin,
if he’s in the land o’ the livin’. I will, s ar-
tin. Good-by!—good luck! God bless
you !—every one on you 1”
tilled as the one worn by Mrs. Chandler
at the time ot her death.
—The production of the 9almoq can
neries of the Pacific coast last year wa9
584.000 cans, or 28,032,000 pound s-of riiis
delicious and nutritious fish.. Speci
mens weighing 60 to 75 pounds .were
caught by the Oregon fisherman. A
peculiarity ot the Oregon saltrion is
their contempt lor all the angler^» lures.
There is tio salmon anglirfg oftdbe Ore
gon rivers. They are sometimes caught
by trolliug at the mouths of the rivers,
out they uerer take the angler’s fiy.
—Queen Victoria was by no means
und^turbed by busiuess doling her
Holiday at Raveno. between the 25th
of March aud the 21st of April, Her
Majesty re«*eived at the Villa Clara no
less than 364 telegraphic despatches, or
at the rate of 28 a day. 1 he average
length of these despatches was from
100 to 300 words, but on the 21st of
April there was one of no fewer than
600 words, relating to the campaign cf
—The Roman Catholic Church o
America numbers 5,581 chcrches. 2,183
chapels and stations. 242 asylums, and
183 hospitals, aud 5,75d pri- *is, and a
Catholic populatieu of 6.204,630. Ten
Atlantic seaboard cities cotiLain 2,815,-
000, or more than three-eighths of the
total Catholic population of the coun
try. Those cities are New York, Bos-
toii, Baltimore, Philadelphia, sit. Louis,
New Orleans, Cincinnati, Chicago,
Albany, and Brooklyn, in the order
named of population.
—The late Dr. Charles*L. Ives, of
New Haven, Couu., left property valued
at $195,626 8l, of which $71,231) was in
real estate aud $124,396.81 in personal
estate. Ai* puolic bequests are as fol
lows; $10,000 to Yale College, the in
come only to be devoted :o the support
of indigeutand worthy students in any
department of the university; $5303 to
die New Haven Orphan Asylum, and
$10,000 to the Carleton College, of
Northfield, Minn., the income only So
he devoted to indigent and worthy »tu-