Cedartown advertiser. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1878-1889, January 10, 1884, Image 1

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iiinr^giWaf-fitttr-erfr^ 1 9bt tietertmu giAmtw. Job* Printing. THE ADVERTISER JOB OFFICE I£ EQUIPPED WITH GOOD Sew Haterlal, ■?’" OBUACINB Tvwk dk - a A 'Jr?# wnifr, wirnmots, ir&, Of tiie very latest designs, and all onlata for Job Work will be executed neatly, cheaply and promptly. TERMS: $150 Fer Annum,- in Advance. D. B. FREEMAR, Pnbli#r. - AtlverrlHenieut* Inserted at the rale of (1 per Vjypre.lor fir? insertion, and SO cents per »qurn: lor each subsequent insertion. Tbe siweept ooeiucii is reckoned as a square. OLD SERIES-YOL. X- NO, 49 CEDARTOWN. GA.. THURS^^/^i^tlfAfi? 10. 1884. NEW SERIES—VOL. YI—NO. 4. heard of, for the practice of robbing graves is dangexooa. A Canadian gen tleman who nsed to call on me twice a year for fine ‘rattlers’—that’s what they call these cheerful relics—tcld me that he got the taste through hearing in his youth a graphic story about the steal ing of a bone from the grave of the Bev. George Whitefield, the celebrated English preacher, who died near Boston a few years before the Evolutionary war. I supposed this is time. At any rata Boston was considered at one time headquarters for dea'ers in find rises ‘rattlers.* There is not mnchriall for them openly,-except among ooUectors of morbid articles connected with neat criminals. The Canadian ooaa tenia bitter fight with a fellow colieetDr^MM^ on visiting him, foond in hin poasapsiaw the skull, of General Kleber, wbo was assassinated in Cairo in theyear IttQ.; Now, aa the visitor had haadl pro cured in Egypt, at great axpenasy a skull of the General, the collected^ be came highly excited, and an anatonnst was called in. Scaence decided that oss of tEe skulls contained a piece of in tegument whose chemical changes proved it to be considerably lass than six years old, while the farmatkB of the oiler not only showed a derided Egyptian origin, bat smtaioed the teeth of a person of twenty years. Kleber was about fifty. Nut tbs Can niest part of it, though 1 did not dare laugh over it whan the report was made, was that one of the collators had been cherishing the aknll of a woman. “it is vary singular bow easily rails banters may be fooled.^ Neither of those two then would bay any of the religions relies so oommon in Europe. Bat take , almost any kind of a boos, boil it eareiully to take the fat oat, dry it far several days by gentle heat in an oven, and color it yellow with tomaric and Vandyke brown, and yon have a fair basis fur a dickar with the best of the relic honteta. Tne inscription must be veiy carskl.y made on old vallam, and odd private marks, partially obliter ated, most appear hare and there on the bone. Soma dealers use a mixture of a mineral acid and water on parts of the bone, to make them crumble easily The articles mast be kept in heavy glass eases made tat them, and, if mounted, moat show costly work. The price asked amt ha large, find rigidly adhered to. These devices may appear immoral, but it is better to nse them than to rob a grave. “Of course most of the rebq banters aim to get a general collection. They will take a bottle of water from the' Elver Jordan; a piece of rotten atone from Veaarina, golf weed from the At lantic ocean, or a piece ot-old bark from Hyde Park. With equal nnlnniiwe they will break a piece of stone from a statue or a public onilding; they would but I didn’t'see'where it ended, for the ■smoke wag in my way.” . The German empire alone has no less than 33,000 miles of subterranean wire, out of a total of 153.000 miles of line. France has 7,200 males of underground wire in suooeasfnl use Austria-Hun gary eomes next, with 854 miles of her underground, and Russia follows, with a subterranean system covering 155 mfiea. We have not at hand the means of showing all the erers-eonntry lines making up these several totals, nor is such showing necessary at the present time, Wthar for the purpose of good the statements heretofore made or at establishing the points we had in view, which related solely to intra- rinrel service, or the nse of wires in cities. We are, however, able to name . a number of Instances where wires are serried for long distances under ground lint through itiwtctia of open conn try, one where then are no objections to the -w. pole-strong hues, snch as exist In . populous add crowded cities. 1116 Between Berlin and Halle, in Ger- war four hundred miles aid beneath the snr- and marking tap satis- lir-strung lines, with rantagh fnit they are ■Mb. To tbe snxpnre of Bio Ameri cans, she hoisted a Hack flag! She was a pirate, in search of prey; and the captain, rightly believing that the privateer must have s good amount of gold on board, engaged her in * very spirited manner. The buccaneer was considerably superior in farce, bat his men .were ill-disciplinfid,’ and their gunnery was wretched in the extreme. It was now tbat iXr* Gale’s skill with .the forty-two ppXpdefWWO again , turned to account.. 'Jitter a number of . broadsides had beeu«pphanged,be sue- ( ceeded inputting a pilot into the pi- ( rate’s hnll several feet below the water . line. This was done as the enemy rolled In the hewty smetl Which hap- lened then to he miming, Bias expos- ng a part of his hnll which tn smooth water would have been iMhfc- a— . As the spot was again, instantly seb- merged, of course a perfect torrent ba- her to sleeper most be worth several hundred dollars, and the company ought to saw it np and sell it, Isewi no logic in a rehe hunter. The one who travelled ail over the world and brought back several trunks lull of noaee broken off from ancient statnee, had a definite idea. His followers are curiously dila ted specimens of their predecessor. “Some of them, however, have spe rial ties not unlike that of the nose breaker. One of the liveliest of the relic men collected the hate of oeleb- ritiea. I don't believe he would have given a dollar for Napoleonic grey over- ooet; bnt the hat of a President of the United Stabs had fer him an almost prioeleea value. If neeeaaary, he was was ready to suborn a great man’s ser vants to get the wished for article. gun to pour in through the hole. Mr. rale knew what bad been done, for, in spite of the smoke, be had seen where his great cannon-ball had struck. The pirates, finding their vessel' danger cf sinking, hurriedly ran inboe all' the guns on that side, at fee sat unhts tafingly replied Chat “he couldn’t stay away from her, twenty hours if he tried ever so hard. 7 ’ Craig went home, time running ont those on the opposite aide—hoping by this expedient to so careen the ship as to bring fen hole ont of water. ‘ " " " * ' ’ less liable to injury and interruption 1 from atmospheric and other causes. In • France the telegraph Knee belonging ’ to the railway between Paris and Nancy, . a distance of one hundred and seventy miles, ere wholly laid under the , ground. A iwrfinn of tHnan Vmlnnfrinff tnUidl. Bat the moment that so much weight was shifted, over she went. The hatches being open, the ship filled immediately, and in less than five minutes she sank wife her whole crew! The Tom had one to flndlmy trace of him. ftiss Barker vowed fee never would go into or re ceive company again until he returned. As years passed by aadno traces ef the misting sen were received, his parenia earns to look upon him as dead. MBs Baxter, however, had n singular faith thai he woiild come back, some day. She kept her vow as to living a sedlud- ed life, and few people ever saw her after the night the had quarreled with IPHHHRI , killed and two wounded in the engagement. The-name of the pjrate ship was never ascertained, nor was that of her captain; but that she was an enemy of most gloomy and threatening front the privateer’s-men could well attest. Standing to the northward until in fee track of vessels from Europe to the West Indies, our patriotic adventurers next described a heavy Ship which proved a mole worthy foe, if a less des perate one. She was tbe Townsend, a mail packet, sailing between Falmouth and Barbadoes. The English captain, feeling that he bad much at stake, used every exertion takenptnuste island,qf Bogoslov (God’s Ep, thirty miles northwest from O biilSfei. Bepotto had been brought in-than feme to time daring the summer by natives of fee doings of-fee * ‘angry moaotainf* of Bogoslov, fed to this volcano tbe cloud oftohrs seems to have bee* attributable. In the San Franeisoo Chronicle of November fefe hi addition to fee Asets above ifeetted, is tbe tulle wing inter view wife-Captain Sk/gce, Of fee steam er Dora, which bi> tight fee letter of Mrs. Smith from Oonalaaka. Captain Hogue said, in reply to an inquiry, that he had beett at Bogoslov twice, daring the put season, and added: “ ‘When Isay feat I was at Bogpslcrv you must not lake it for granted’llend- ed there.’ “‘Is it not. inhabitable Island?’ We asked.'' ‘“At certain seasons, perhaps, bnt at the time I saw it there was nothing visible there but a mass of Hama and amok^ wife piece* of rod hot rook issu ing from the great oone in the eentre of fee mass and great quantities of lava running down to the sea.’ “ ‘How near did yon approach?’ royalmast, yards, men, - and all, pluni splashing into fee water. _ There was a most lively scrambling among the wrecked spore and rigging glimmer or one; yet ura uki uiat tucj -could occasionally do so proved their unknown neighbors to be much nearer than could have been wished under all fee uncertainties of the case. It ap peased probable feat some of the stran- gerg bright be merchantmen and others mei-of-warj but, of course, no definite conclusion could be arrived at in this resfiefet. As there fell at (he moment an al most entire calm, the relative positions of fee vessels could be changed bnt very slowly, if at all; but tbe men of the Tom keeping a careful silence, her proximity remained unknown to the otbers, whatever they might be. Now and' then a light would show faintly through the fog, seeming to be close to the privateer, then becoming wholly obscured by .an increasing density of the mist. The weather was precisely in that state which is apt to keep sailors atritiork shifting studding sails from one side to the other of their vessel, in order, to profit by whatever light air there may be, as it comes now from starboard and now from port. Occa sionally a boatswain’s pipe was heard; and tbe hollow atmosphere permitted even the words of command on board of some of tbe strangers to be made out wife great distinctness by tbs priva teer’s men. The sentences were some what like these: ’’Lay h’aft, ’ere, and give a pull h’on that mizzen-top-s’l-’alyaisl Tbe yard’s sagged—git it h-up w’ere’t belongs!” . “H’in wife them larboard stun- ners’lsl” . /‘Small pull h’on the weather brasesl” "Come h’up with the fore and main, tacks and h’ease h’afl sommut h’on the aheeta:” - “H’eight bells! Call the watch there.” The - nationality of the strangers eoukl no longer remain in doubt. lh. the morning, after the sunbeams hafeMpbfaed fee fog, it was found that tffe flpet'eonsisted of three West India- fenjgi&a seventy Aoungun ship. Tli£ man-of-war immediately gave ctautfifejlhe Tom, then about three OflcLrljfllLkiid, as fee pursuer had the best of the breeze, fee privateer’s-men sqjBSftAfebafeln a position of no little pouT But, after the kina’s ship bad aunceedpd Hytoatoasing fee dittanee by her lorn. Friday evening, fee 7fe of Dee., a atranger knocked at fee door erf old Mr. Barter’s house and asked to see Mias Barker. He was a large, fine-looking man about forty years of age. He m admitted, and when Mine Barker ap peared he held otrt his hand and mid:— “Mary Barker, dfcFtT tell you feat you wouldn’t see me again in twenty years f” ' • ' It was William Craig. He had re turned io his patents’ home in the after noon. Both hla father and mother were still living. Tbe secret of his arrival was kept, and when he appeared in so where fee numerous fellows who had been aloft were seen like so many en gulfed rats; but, as was afterwards as certained, the casualties were fewer than might have been expected—only three men being lost, although four or five others were somewhat injured. ties which often existed between the sine of fee two article*. He told me that he had tried scraping down the boats, which were generally much larger than the hats, hot the result waa to give a peculiar appearance to his collection. One or two of his hats, notably that of Thomas H. Benton, were so small as to create a doubt in my mind aa to their authenticity. I From the loss of all her head canvas the seventy-four was obliged to take In to defend the property entrusted to his care. His ship carried moid’gnns than the privateer, and they were well man- She had a strong crew, and, beside, elusive light An official report, pre pared some three years ago bom au thentic data then obtained, showed that there were nearly 600 miles of subter ranean wires winked aneeeesfuliy at that time in the principal cities of the learned afterwards that hotel servants mid others used to palm off their own hats upon the collector. One of the greatest troubles wife relics is that they seldom bear the least evidence within themselves ot their genuineness. 1 have seen in my day several hundreds of the pens with winch Walter Scott wrote IVuverty, and in tbe old country Bobby Barns’ erfsM miaht hn nalUl She, however, kept’ everything set on fee mainmast/and, bringing her broad side to bear on the privateer, sent fee round shot whistling thick and fast. Nevertheless, the distance being some what too great for her guns, fee execu tion done was very little Mf. Gale repeated his fire with the forty-two-pounder a doeen or twenty times; but could not succeed In bringing tood part in the battle, so that, alto gether, she was a really formidable an tagonist. One of her shots, striking fee Tom on fej starboard quarter, went into fee cabin, where it tore through the captain’s berth, and, going across to the port side, lodged in fee lieutenant’s mattress. But the Tom’s forty-two-pounder made sad work on board the Townsend, catting up her hull and spars and spreading destruction among her de fenders. At length, when their cap tain and a number of others were killed, fee Englishmen struck their colors. dramatic a manner in the prorence of his Ad sweetheart she fainted in his arms. Craig’s story of his disappearance and long absence was that he had gone straight to Philadelphia after leaving home, and there enlisted in the army under an assumed name. He served until tbe end of the war, and waa mas tered out at Philadelphia. He longed very much to return home, bnt he per mitted Eis determination to remain away twenty years to control him, and he went directly to Nebraska. There be took np a tract of land and went to fanning, remaining feere until tbe twen ty years was up. He resolved to time his return and the meeting of hie old sweet heart, If she was still alive and unmar ried, at as near thehonr of his leaving her as it was possible to do. He came back with an ample fortune, and found matters much as he had left them. The wedding feat did hot come off twenty drinking glass might almost be called a staple' article of commeroe. When my .poor father first took me into business he gave me an awful talking to heoanse I nought three locks oi Byron’s hair from a relic collector, although I only paid sixpence-for the throe. The trouble waa they were aU cf’■ different shades. Foe’s hair tued to be sold largely, bnt yon can t dis pose of it now unless yom mount it very expensively la old gold; it takes best in moomtng rings or pins. There was so mnoh ot Poe’s hair sold that the relic trade m hair has coffered ever since. There was a time when a hair relic-hunter would make an ef fort to secure a look from the head ot a great man, even if the latter died as' bald aa the American eagle. “Bless me, if here isn’t one of the twenty-five million cones that have been tamed oat at the Mount Vernon man ufactory. it is marked ‘From the grave oi WoaUngton!’ And this fellow Germany, 40. In Amsterdam, 7j; the Hague, 4; forty-five other plaoes in Holland, 194. In Brussels, 3j; Ant werp, 2. In various cities in Switzer- land, 4*. Since these statistics were furnished, the underground system has been very much extended in the oountnee named, as well m the cities where it was then m nee as in other places where the ex periment had not yet been tried, so it is quite within reason to assume that the length of wire as reported at that time lisa now, very nearly, if not whol ly, doubled. Bat the figures given above very clearly demonstrate as they stand the hollowness of the pretense set np by fee telegraph interests of this “ T stood off about a mile and a half, not daring to venture nearer. It was fee grandest soane lever witnessed, and I have toco pretty nearly everywhere. ’ “ ‘How long did the eruption last? “ ‘I can’t exaetiy say aa to that, ask foond the enua in a disturbed ixmditiim',' and left it next day, still in a state of eruption. I have learned feat it had been throwing eat lava tor several weeks, and that it. had stiO oonthmad to do so np to the date" of my depart ure from Oonalaaka. But what was moat remarkable and singular waa a new feature winch waa then’ visible on ths some. A new jetond had sprang up not far distent from Bogoslov since my pmviaa* voyage to that spot, At ftnt 1 const not believe my senses, sad thought I had maty amiaortealstian in taking my surroundings, bat’ there it wsa, a new island, with, a eaoe-shaped peak in the oeatra,- (00 to tMfert high* and lying only a short distance from where we stood, that portion of its ir- resulsz onfiinc ndarest to Bogoslov be ing bata few milas sway from the old steal a great man’s hairbrush, or split off a piace of mahogany from Ml writ ing-table. A list of their varied collec tions would be very long far the aver age ramysae cf a man’s life. Sven tn* fee deck, wounding a marine in the foot, and bringing up fee opposite First, however, they threw overboard fee ship’s mail, in order that the Amer icans might not profit by any informa tion or other matter that ft contined. ■ it was not sufficiently heavy to sink immediately, and the privateer’s men, hat. 1 have known men who took a shell or a pebble from every well-known beach they ever visited or mountain they ever ascended. One id than had a stone from the streets of every import ant city in Europe. Ths number oi going after them forthwith!” The wind had freshened, and the Tom was put m chase of the merchantmen. perceiving it as it floated, lowered their wat and secured it A proposition was now made, by tbe They wells more than twenty miles off, but it was soon discovered that they had lost fee breeze which was helping the privateer, and, coining up wife them near sunset, she captured all three. officer whom the death of the English captain had left in command, to ransom the ship in order that she migHt proceed on her voyage; and the arrangement was presently effected, the sum paid being forty thousand dollars, which, considering fee value of fee ship and cargo, was not excessive. , . ATomantic incident occurred fa con nection wife fee captnre of this ship. One of feeTom’s youmj officers showed Upon a subsequent cruise, the Tom, with the same officers as before, and wife many of her former crew, wept ranging along the coast of Africa. Here, upon rounding a bluff which ahettwed On the coast iff San Luis Obispo, Cal, are found great numbers at the rock oyster, although a scientist rays it is not an oystei at all, but such is its common name. The Parapfwlas Cali- fornicus invites the curious to study its habitat, and the epicure to feast upon its juicy body when they find it. When a little inlet, her captain dferibv&ed a Guineaman lying coziiy in the basin, and, going.in, dropped anchor within a much Mildness to; although only a pa o, Island. ’ a “‘What would yoa consider a fair . a, estimate cf its anit’ eg ‘-‘Well, its irregular proportion! 1% would hardly admit of anything bnt a hej rough gm -1 : think j it -abode drt three-loortaa pt a mfle in hsngth anl 4 about the same in width.' J ‘“in what latitude and longitude was * *WeU, I will fell ypa .boat Urn*.’ ~ ‘Ton see, I made not knowfag frbat „ fed there rinse, I wouldn’t like to publish than, as they might te'skndiotlwrviavigatorK’’ “ ‘D.d yoa meet any other tailors who had seen the land reoently thrown up? ... “ 'Captain Anderson of the Matthew Turner said that he had also observed it,’ replied the espialn. ‘His observa tion waa made about the same time, bnt the island was Bun a mass of Ore and smoke, and hot yet in’ a compact state. He said that he had sailed over the same spot now oeeupied by the cable’s length of her. Not a soul appeared upon her deck, but on her stern were read fee words, “Gambia—Liverpool,” which gave .the Yankee commander all the information he desired. A boat was manned,- and the vessti, which 1 as a large square- rigged brig, taken possession of, still without arousing any one to call this the tide is low, thin moltaak may be found almost anywhere where the metal project into the sea, but it requiressome knowledge of its rr—Ww characteris tics to know where to look. The pan* pbolas, when a spat, swims in theses until it stakes s rock, when it and locates fest wpat for its hemeu Ap parently without shell or hard substance to bite, scratch, or bore with, the little follow makes its way into stone sad there imprisansitoelf for lifo, taking on s shell, growing and eulaigtag its cavern with its growth. How the rock oyster bone into the stone and afterward enlarges its chamber is a puzzle to scientists. Whan grown It is about four inches in leagth, is ahnralv* = and fa form reaentbias a pear, the ssmE end toward the opening in ths bnI, through which ft thrusts Its tuba or siphon to draw fa and ffoot water fa which it finds its nourishment. In its' prison home it keeps a continual rock-* tag motion, by which It enlarges ths room in which to grow. Tbs oystac is found by discovering tbe little hates fa ths rock and breaking it open with a, pick or hammer, Thpy are found aU along ths Pacific mart from Cap* Hat* tory to Cape St. Leeas, and ard^teati- or fee genial glow of cannel coal, mantl- ed in limpid flamer of blae, dirpoee pne to profitable reflections, to generous and sympathetic feelings, and to a placidity l*com*r"WW»y, aud consequently that he^coukl sailtliree miles to fee enemy’s two, slung a drag, tinder the Tom’s bows ineraer to deaden her'headway and give the Bnton mtah hope of over taking her as would eauae him to con- a bird that eosat or S3 her* is from tfg to $5 ‘Bsere. The me birds afo> 53 oeatsln the South they are bought from the, men These merchants'sue creels, wh them from the boys who make * ness of robbing the pests for the birds. The boys only get frbm 15 centeipieoetar teem, bnt wt often have We shaito to bay from the boys; as we don't,wiali l long and must get up a tot aa m possibiflh fe- • - 2. *" ' The bird catchers are MBs bis white' boys wfartive ratty’#9* ly, anddhea3£y Batch enough! they take tnepife the city and « of than to tbs street bird men ealcalal of mind feat was for a fear supposed by the rushing public of the nineteenth century to be one iff the lost arts: Gassy furnaces, cast iron stoves, and snch poor pretexts as kerosene and gas radiators can never import more than physical warmth, Mentae caloric and those airy fancies, delicate as fee flames feat give them cause, are not evolved by hogging stoves and sitting over registers. The cheerful effect of visible fire gives ft decorative value, and Els such amclcs, and will pay heavily for them. “Many relic hunters go in only for siness. At all events his slumber must have been very profound, to have suf fered no interruption from what had been going on so near him. Opening his eyes, be stared, in astonishment at “I am a naval officer, sir,’.’ replied Mr, Gale. “Ah, yes! I see! One of ’is^ipqestj’s ... lui’te that, Sir,” replied Hr. “The ‘Tbe Sovereign people.’ Of late s'law has been passed agamrt taking maeking-Mids truer fee plsato. lions, and moakaD of tasty come faun the sea ooaat. The old aaesbaild fetor nests generally in wdd tone buslMk old trees and lenoaa. They are very particular, arid make them ont o* stinks, which they pot together in k rough manner joat so they will hftU fee eggs;. They lay fear or five,; and every one hafobrib In feifrwild state they nil* only tws hraode. if apt dm- tor bed; bnt when a boy finds a nest blue-jackets, I most ’ope, sir?” _ “Not quite that, Sir,” replied Mr. nugesty I serve is called Gale. “The majesty I serve is called ‘IRie Sovereign people.’ I am first lieutenant of the privateer Tom. of Baltimore, to which vessel your brig has become a prize! I. am sorry for your misfortune, bnt it is our business to make war on England’s commerce, as it is her policy to distress his fate. His officer* and men, he ex plained, were aU gone on shore, and he himself, having had no particular busi ness on band at the- moment, had sat down to read in fee cabin,- andwa fiaEl^ti The Gambia proved to be one of. the richest prizes ever captured by mi American privateer. She was iff about three hundred .tips barren, and h« almost completed her cargo ferhoaN Its balk consisted mainly of palatMU tamarinds, and valuable wood: but fee V,nd UVavdioo saws - nmsaatoi '1 Ajm lieutenant oi tue privateer iwh. oi Baltimore, to which vessel your brig '_ 1 . - .±:‘ ' , *:t your misfortune, bnt it is onr butinees so feat the eocation waa favorable, but still, even a big seventy-four pounder at a distance of two miles oould be no very encoudriing mark for a single cannon ball. - In those days, the big guns were not fired as now, by means of percussion caps; but a man stood by wife a slow- match and clapped it upon the priming at the word. Mr. Gale took unusual pains in sight ing fee long forty-two. Once or twice he was upon the very point of giving fee order to let drive, but hesitated and sighted again, the ™" wife the match alt fee while standing with arm out- streteted and the bright coal glowing. Nows little higher, and again a little lower, was brought .the muzzle of fee huge cannon, as fee lieutenant squinted along the iron, till fee lopkers-gn he-, pamk impatient for the flash and roar. or times’before yon hit fee fellow 1” ‘t kuow .it,.” said Mr. Gale, still fating intently and never looking : ‘-but I want to come aw near ae thers! a little lowep! I wapt tp cargo, fa orifer fo reiiov who had thus lost their Tbe captain said that hi would remain at a Fta at a little distance deryn an PPportunlty shouH-i