Cedartown advertiser. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1878-1889, January 24, 1884, Image 2

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as D. B. FREEMAN, Editor. f,\t Advertisementsinserted a! the rate of Si per square, for the firs! insertion and 50 cents per square for each subso- quent insertion. The space of one inch is reckoned as a square. Special rates -iven on advertisements to ran for a longer period than one month. Oedartown, 6a., Thursday, Jan. 24,1884 Senator Gaiu.an n says he thinks the Edmunds bill for the Utah trouble very much like prescribing a corn plaster for consumption. The Philadelphia Times, which maintains a cheerful view of the bus iness situation, lias this to say re garding the times and tiie future prospect: Industry has had larger earnings in the inflated times of the past, when it cost much more to live and when extravagance reigned in all circles; hut frugality has been taught by painful lessons, and the great mass of the people—the pro ducers of all our wealth—are not only more generally solvent, but more generally prosperous, than ev er before in our history. Let these indisputable facts answer the croak ers. who sac a few unfortunate over- producers and reckless gamblers It was, possibly, with'the greatest <-f jev that variousol democratic lead- j tumble into bankruptcy, and predict ers present at a big political banquet i general depression and ruin. Legit- at Boston, heard General Butler de- ; imate business is not only more dare that he meditated no raid on ; thoroughly legitimate than at any the Democratic camp,since a spirit of j time in the past, but it never give unrest has prevailed lest the wily j better assurance of legitimate profits. ‘.! 'c Ben. should capture and carry off the j The country is sound to the core, and chief honors. i business trust should be unclouded. Pott the last week reported by ■ The Congressional Directory. Bradstreet’s there were 345 failures i The new Congressional Directory in the United States, 03 more than has just been completed by the public the preceding week, 3 more than the corresponding week of 18R3, and 142 more than the same week of 1882. This total exceeds the record for any one week of the past five years. About 69 per cent, of the failures, however, were those (if small trades, whose capital was under $5,000. Already the bills introduced in j Congress number sonic thousands. j On one day recently 670 were intro duced. In the single matter of pub lic buildings, uj) to the 7th inst., bills had been offered to authorize the purchase of ground and the erec tion of sixty public buildings in thir- >ty-£Tiree States and Territories, in cluding the District of Columbia, the cost of which, so far as indicated, will be upwards of $12,000,000. Tlie following patents were granted to citizens of Georgia, week en ding January 15, 1884, reported ex pressly for this paper by Jos. II. Hun ter, Solicitor of American and For eign Patents, 934 F Street, Washing ton, 1). C.: Kansas S. Davis, Cole City, balloon propeller; 'Wm.lt. and Samuel E. Jones, Toccoa, carpenter’s square; Henry Denton Terrell, Starrsviite, cultivator. Chakles Dm.monico, the last (if the family who have been distin guished in New York city for about fifty years as keepers of restaurants, left his home on the 5th inst., in a state of mental aberration, and was Supposed to have wandered into New Jersey. The most diligent search failed to secure any satisfacto ry information of him, until his body was found on Monday of last week on Orange Mountain, near tho road side where he had perished in t! cold a week 'previous. Dei manic; fortune is estimated at §2,000,000. The telegraph bring; news of one of the most terrible disasters that has ever occurred on the Atlantic coast. The staamship City .of Columbus which sailed from Boston for Savan nah on the 19lh struck a reef off Gay Head, at the southwestern extremi ty of the Island of Martha’s Vine yard, the next day after it left port, and went down, 102 of the 120 per sons on board losing their lives. Bad steering, it is claimed, brought the disaster. Another steamer, the Ili- vai-Yuen, has been wrecked on the sum Islands, involving a loss of about two hundred lives. - The American Register says: Agitation for the sake of agitation is not wise, and tiie Democratic leaders in Congress, who are endeavoring to force tariff reform at this time do not manifest the highest wisdom. The tariff is as much a business as a political question and it ought not be made the sport of partisan endeav or. It will be time enough to revise the tariff when the party comes into power, and any agitation now is use less and foolish. No revision of the tariff can be had with a Republican Senate to opposedt, and even should it find favor in that body, a Presi dential veto would he ready for it when it came before the President. Tiie Democratic party is not called on to perform impossibilities. The people, satisfied of their intention in that particular, are no doubt willing to wait until the desire to revise the tariff can be accompanied with the ability to accomplish it. Two of the most important land sales in the history of the Southwest will occur in Alabama within the next two months—the first at Montgomery, hegining on the 31st of January, and the other at Huntsville, on the 14th of February. I Under the provisions of the act of Congress.of March 3,1833, known as the Morgan Land bill, all of the pub- lUWands in Alabama that were re ported to the General Land offices prior to passage of the act as contain ing coal or iron will be offered for Side at the times and places mention ed. Each of the sales may cc contin ued for two weeks, and at the end of that time all the lands that have been offered and remain unsold will he open to private entry on the same terms as agricultural lands. The bulk of the lands to he offered iics in the famous Warrior coal field, and embraces thousands of acres of the richest coal lands in the State of Al- abmu. During the past six months vrrious companies of capitalists have had experienced coal men in the field ) examining these lands and locating ( the richest veins of coal. This work has been d one quietly, hut thoroughly - and when the sales open these capitalists will knew • where ■ to put their money. There Is here a field for speculation, and it is safe to predict that many large fortunes will be realized by ju dicious Investments in these rich printer and it reveals some enriou personal statistics. Of the 26 Senators who were sworn in at the beginning of tiie 'present session only tweiv arc new to that body. Mr. Morrill of Vermont is the oldest, being 74, while Mr. Kenna of \Y Va, is the youngest Senator, lie being only fir- years of age. Tiie longest Senatorial biography is that ot Mr Brown, of of Georgia, who admits that because he favored reconstruction measures he “became unpopular,” hut salves his vanity by asserting that “ in every instance when lie has been a candidate before the people lie lias been successful.” The briefest sketch is that of Senator Call,of Florida, who occupies four lines. The richest Sen ator is Mr. Fair, of Nevada, reputed to lie worth forty millions, though Mr. Bowen of Colorado, is said to possess nearly as much its Fair. The poorest are about a dozen of the Southern Senators whose riches are on an even plane with their Senato rial salaries. Brown of Georgia, and Malione of Virginia are the only two from the South who are wealthy. Senator Butler of S C is pronounced the handsomest man in the Senate, j though Mr Riddle!>orgor of Va., dis putes tiie palm in this respect. Sen- | ator Ingalls is considered the best de bater and Senator Morgan tiie best logician. Messrs. Edmunds and Gar land are tlie ablest lawyers, while Senator Vance is the finest r'uetoriti- eian and best storv-tellor. But to re turn to the directory: Botli Mala »e and Riddleberger make their Confed erate records a conspicuous portion of their personal sketches. Senator Anthony is the oldest in Senatorial services, and Edmunds next. NATIVITY OF SENATORS. Kentucky leads the States in fur nishing the present Senate with eight native horn Senators; Ohio comes next with seven; New York, six, Georgi i, Tennessee, Virginia and Pennsylvania each four; Ireland, three; (Jones, of Florida, Fair and Small); England one, (Jones of Ne vada, and Scotland one (Beck). Ohio furnishes two Senators for Indiana, and two for Iowa, tlie four gentle nen ■representing these States having been born in the Buckeye State. THE HOUSE IN THE DIRECTORY. There are twenty foreign born members of the House. The oldest is Mr. Kelley and the youngest is Mr. Post. General Rosencr.uis has the longest biography, nearly a page, while Messrs. Skinner, of N C, and Houseman, of Mich, give simply j their names and post office address, j After Rosencnius, ex-Spcaker Keifer indulges in the longest sketch. A grandson of Henry Clay, who . now sits in the House employs less than three lilies. THE MEMBERS WRITE TIIEIU OWN SKETCHES, and a great diversity of taste is in m- ifested as to whaPis worth telling of themselves. For instance, John S. Wise, of Virginia considers it an honor that he “ was Captain of the Richmond several years, Tbe Emjteror Louis Napoleon smoked only tbe finest citrars the world could pro duce. Prof, non-ford «ye the Emperor ■ cigar* were made specially for him in lla- vacc from leaf tobacco utowu in the G olden Belt of North Ctr.'lina, this being the finest leaf crown. Blackwell's B.iU Durham Smckinv Tobacco in made from the same leaf used in tlie Emperor**; cigar*. If abso lutely pure and ti unquestionably the best tnhsoco CYt*r offered. Thackeray’s gifted daughter, Anne, In her sketch of Alfred T*. nnyson. in Harper'• tell* * f her % isit to the great poet She found bim Binokinr Blackwell’s Bull Durham Tobacco, sent him by lion. James Rur.-cll Lowell. American ilii icter to Ihe Court of 3t James. In Uie»e dr.ys of adulteration, it i j a com fort to smokers to to»o»r that the Bail Dur ham brand is absolutely pure, and made from tlie best tobacco the worl 1 produces. Blackwell’s Bull Durham Smoking To bacco is the beat and purest made. All dealers have it. None genuine without tlie trade-mark of the Bull. P OI.K be s< W. T. JONES, ROME, GEO. Dealer in American and Italian Marble, MONTTMEBTS and T0KBST02TES, -also— SlIERngrS SALES.—WILL sold, before tho court house door in tlie town of Oedartown, Polk county, Ga., between the legit! hours of sale, on tlie iirst Tuesday in February, 1884, the following property, to-wit: Lots of land numbers 5, 6, 7 and 75, in the 1st district and 4th section of origi nally Oherokoo, now Polk county, La., and also on lots of land numbers 25, 26. 36, 87, 38, 39, 40, 104. 105, 107*412, 113, 114, 175, 170, 17<, 18S anti 249, in the 21 district and 4th section of originally Cherokee, now Polk county, Ga.. by virtue of four ft fas issued from Polk Superior Court, the first in favor of John H. Reynold* vs. John 11 etchings, the second in favor of Camp, Glover it Co. vs. .John Hutchings, the third in favor of J. *V L. Scaxongood A* Co. vs. N. J. Tunilin A Co. and John Hutch ours, ;tud tiie fourth in favor of Edward Snowden vs* John Hutchings; also one fi la Issued from Floyd Superior Court in favor of J. A* L, Sotnongood A Go. vs. N. J. Tunilin, .survivor of N. J. , Tunilin «k Co., and John Hutch lugs, All J the above property levied on as rim prop erty of John Hutchings. , Also, at tiic s une time and place, will \L£A large supply of Stone Moun- be Hold, lot oi land number 507. in tho igff f tain Granite and all Lime Stone 2-.1 district and 4th section of Polk county • for door sills, door posts, win- propertv of K l. Brown, by i dow sills and caps constantly on hand. Granite and Limestone For Building Purposes. A large variety of Monuments rityand Head Stones constantly on if! jhand, and any style made to or der on short notice. ISMS” THE WORST “ ISM ” TO-DAY IS Rheumatism RHEUMATISM IN THE BACK Cured by PERRY DAVIS’S PAIN KILLER, virtue of one Polk Superior Court in favor of Thomas Berry, eta I, survivor of Thomas Berry A* Co.,* vs. Ed. Brown, at the same time and place, will ALL WOKK GUARANTEED CEDARTOWN High School. MALE AND FEMALE. Exorcises of the above school will be gin on Moudny, January 14th, 1881, at tiie Acadetnv formerly occupied bv Prof. W. J. Noyes. Rates of tuition to snit the times. Boys and girls desiring to enter col lege will be prepared for any cl:is3. Our past experience in teaching justi fies us in saying our patrons will receive entire satisfaction. Pupiis charged from entrance to close of term, unless otherwise provided. Vocal and Instrumental Music will lie taught in connection with the school at reasonable rates. A fair trial is all we ask. W. S. FEATHMIISTON, Principal. Miss PORTIA BUNN, Assistant. be so! i, lot of land number 7:7, in the ! 24 district and Iiii section of Polk conn- ' a RHEUMATISM IN THE KNEES Cured by PERRY DAVIS S PAIN KILLER. RHEUMATISM IN THE MUSCLES Cured by PERRY DAVIS’S PAIN KILLER. RHEUMATISM OF LONG STANDING Cured by PERRY DAVIS’S PAW KILLER. RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS, buy of any Druggist Perry Davis’s Pain Killer S TATE OF GEORGIA, POLK tv.—To the Sn ■OUN- Superior Court of said t* unty. The petition of .las P Harrison, Jacob S Rosenthal, Paui A Sceger, John Fox and their associates, respectfully shows: 1st. That they and their associates and successors desire to bo incorporated un der tlie corporate name of “The Atlanta Variegated Marble and Slate Company,” for an l during a period of twenty years with the privilege of renewal at the ex piration of that time. 2!. That the principal place of busi ness of said corporation is to be at Roek- mart. in said State and county, but they ask the p >wcr of establishing works or agencies at jjiich other places as may be i necessary or proper for the conduct of j their business. | 3d. That the capital stock of said com fy, Ga., as the property of James L. Jen kins, by virtue of two Polk Superior Court fi fas, the one a mortgage fi fa in fa vor of Mrs. Martha J. Woods, for the use of Thomas G. W. MeMeekin, vs. Janies L. Jenkins, and the other in favor of M. F. Harris and Thomas G. W. MeMeekin transferree?, vs. James L. Jenkins. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lots of land numbers 1254, 1253, 1135,1181, 1266, 1234 and 12‘»5, in the 3d district and 4th section of I'oJk county, Ga.; also, lot of land number 1080, in the 2d district and 4th section of Polk coun ty, Ga., as the property of Reubin Web ster, security; also lots numbers 1267, 126S, 1209 and 1252, in tlie 3d district and 4th section of Polk county, Ga., con taining 200 acres, more or less; also 1009, in the 2d district and 4th section of Polk county, Ga., as the property of Ed. Web ster, principal, by virtue* of one Polk Superior Court li fa in lavor of JaniesM. Smith, Governor of Georgia, vs. Ed. Webster, principal, and Reubin Webster, security on bond. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land number 1107, in the 18th district and 3d section of Polk coun ty, Ga., as the property of L. B. York; also, lots of land numbers S, 9, 10 and 11. in the 21st district and 3d section of 1'oik county, (4a.: also, number 90, in the 22d district and 3d section of Polk county, Ga., containing 320 acres, as the property of A. Huntington, one of the securities. All of the above levied property pointed out by W. E. Wood, assig. ee*of Hunt ington & Wright; levied on by virtue of one fi fa issued by Joel Brewer, Ordinary of Polk county, (4a., in favor of C. 11. Wood, Treasurer ol Polk county, and W. K. Wood, assignee of Huntington & Wright, transferree, vs. L. 15. York, prin cipal, and W. C. Barber, A. Huntington, M. V. B. Ake and W. U. Reck, securities. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, one bay horse, medium size, about 12 years old, with white face; one two-horse thimble-skein wagon : one old six-horse power threshing machine and one mowing machine ; said property in possession of John Hutchins?*, and*lev ied on as the property of said Hutchings, by virtue of one Polk Superior Court ii fa in favor of John Ii. Reynolds vs. John Hutchings. Post pox ei> S ales. and set up if desired. Prices reasonable, and patronage solic ited. Karbleyard 102 4c 104 Broad St.,Borne,Ga ooll-lv. THE BURLINGTON HAWKEYE. Established in 1839. A Paper far the Family, Farm and School. MOST P0PULAE PAPEE in tbe WEST. Visits Every State in the Union. Acknowledged to present tho cleanest, brightest humor of any publi cation extant. Presents the following departments ably maintained; Political, Agiicultu ral. Domes! ic. Literary, Juvenile, Humorous, New ». HARMONY IN VARIETY. Subscription Price, $1.25 a Year. TTsf'Send §2.00 and secure, in addition j to the paper, tbe famous humorous book 1 by Robert J. Burdette, editor of Tins ; Hawkeye, entitled 44 The Rise and Fall j of the Moustache and other ITawkeye- i terns.” An agent wanted in every town. Address, THE HAWKEYE CO., Burlington, Iowa. East and West Railroad of Alabama. SCHKDULE. In Effect November 4, 1883. L B. TREAD AWAY Main Street, Successor to THE ADAWAY 4 CO.i KEEPS A GOOD STOCK OF General Merchandise, AT LOWEST PRICES. TRY THAT FINE FLORIDA SYRUP. Shipped direct from Florida plantations. ALSO OFFER Fine Hast Proof Gats, of which a trial is solicited. CHEROKEE DIVISION. GOING WEST. NO. 1—PASSENGER TRAIN. Daily, Sunday excepted. Leave Cartersville ...9:50 Arrive Stiles ho ro 10:20 * 4 Taylorsville 10:36 Deaton’s 10:45 “ Rock mart 11:08 Goddard’s 11:28 Fish Greek 11:34 Oedartown 12:00 No. 3—PASSENGER TRAIN. Daily, Sunday excepted. Leave Cartersville 4:30 Arrive Stilcsboro 5:00 44 Taylorsville 5:16 Deaton's ** Rock mart 5:45 44 Goddard’s 6:08 dec 13-41. Also, at the same time and place, lots of land Nos. 1085, 1147. in the 2d district and 4th section of Polk county, Ga., as tho property of Mrs Helen >1 Ingraham, the &anic being in possession of Elias We call on all who remain indebted to us in anv amount to come forward at 4th. That tlie objects of said corpora tion and business which they propose to carry on are the quarrying, cutting, pol ishing, preparing and selling marble and slate, and to these ends they ask that they may be granted power to buy, sell, lease, or let lands and mineral interests, to execute mortgages, issue bonds and do all other things necessary or proper .for carrying out the objects of said busi ness. They ask that- they may be grant ed nil the rights, powers' and privileges incident to corporations in this Slate,and such as are specified in Section 1(179of the Code of this State. And petitioners will ever prav, Ac. ‘HARRISON * PEEPLES, Petitioner’s Attorneys. Slate of Georgia, Polk county.—*1, \V. C. Knight, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and com plete copy of the petition for incorpora tion as therein set forth on file in my office. This January 12,1884. ‘W. C. KNIGHT, C.S. O. P. c. lots strict and 1th section of originallyW*hemkeo. now Polk county, Ga., as the property of the defendant John Hutchings, by vir tue of one Polk Superior Court mortgage once and make settlement, as wo can not wait longer. From this date we will sell only for cash. W. F. HALL CO. January 1, 1884. II Reynolds fi fi! said John Hutching Also, at the same time and place, lots of land Nos. 448, 347. 316, 246, 657, 34-5, 348, 351, 314, 346, 357, 323, 695, 415, 491, 7**4, 795, 834, 835, 763, 765. 766, all in the 21st dis trict and 3d section ol Polk county, Ga., as the property of J It Morgan by Virtue of one tax fi fa in favor of the State and county for the year 188.3. Fi fa issued bv M E McCormick, T. C. Levy made and returned to me by L. C. January 2. 1884. E. \V. CLEMENTS, She riff. Enlow House J. D. ENLOW, Proprietor. 44 Fish Creek 6:14 44 44 Cedartown 6:40 44 SUNDAY ACCOMMODATION. Leave Cartersville 2:50 p. m Arrive Stilcsboro 3:21 44 44 Taylorsville 32>6 44 44 Heaton’s 3:15 44 44 Rock mart 4:08 44 44 Goddard’s 4:2S 44 44 Fish Creek 4:34 14 44 Cedartown 5:00 44 GOING EAST. NO. 2—PASSENi: s*t* waia. Daily, Sunday excepted. Leave Cedartown 2:05 p. ni. Arrive Fish Creek 2:32 44 44 Goddard’s 2:39 44 44 Rock mart 2:58 44 44 Heaton’s 2:24 44 44 Taylorsville 3:33 44 44 Stilcsboro 3:51 44 44 Cartersville 4:25 44 NO. 4—PASSENGER TRAIN. Daily, Sunday excepted. Leave Cedartown 7:15 a. m. Arrive Fish Creek 7:40 4 * 44 Goddard’s...; 7:46 44 44 Rock mart 8:05 44 44 Heaton’s v 8:29 44 44 Taylorsville K;3S 44 44 Stilcsboro 8:54 44 44 Cartersville 925 44 SUNDAY ACCOMMODATION. Cedartown S:00 a. m. ve Fish Creek. Goddard’s.. Rock mart.. Heaton’s 9:14 Taylorsville 9:23 Stilcsboro 9:39 Cartersville 10:10 Barber 8hop ! West Side Main St., Cedartown, Ga. One Door South of Barr Leake, BY LEWIS BOND. Bond’s Hair Tonic ! A popular Hair Dressing, Removes Dandruff, stops itching in the hair or beard, and is an effectual remedy for chapped face ,r hands. Lsare ALABAMA DIVISION. GOING WEST. NO. I—DAILY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Fast S West Junction ..2:55 p. in. Having re sp-etfully s. patronage. poned tho above house,I ro- licit a share of the public Terms Liberal. live” is my motto r>. ENLOW. T7 ARALSON SHERIFF’S SALES.— XI Will be sold before the court liouse EVEBYBOBFS DOCTOR. By E0BERT A. GUIOT, Y. P. Everybody's Doctor contains 6s-l octavo pages, and is printed, on fine paper and is handsomely bound. It is sold at tho low price of three ($3.00) dollars a copy, so as to bring it within the reach of all. The work differs from all other books on Domestic Medicine in having the dis eases systematically arranged according to their classification. Everything is de scribed in the plainest possible language, and the prescriptions arc written out in plain English, so that they can be em- Light Infantry Blues for j P ! S ved a ",Y intelligent reader. if. Parents will nnd it a reliable adviser ir S. L II Vveller, of Iowa, everything relating to tho rearing ol door in tiie town of Biu-hunan, Haralson county, Ga., on tlie first Tuesday in Fob- i ruary next, between the legal "hours of! sale, the following property,"to-wit: i Town lo No. 57, fronting street 50 ft ■ and runuing back one hundred feet, said lot lying northeast of court liouse square known as tiie Jackson gin house prop erty; also,one cotton gin. Levied on as tlie property of J. K. Jackson, by virtue of u ne justice court fi fa issued from the 1143d district, G. M., in favor of S. M. ilaveuport vs. J. K. Jackson. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Defendant no tified of levy. Levy made and returned to mo by 1. c. This January 2, 1 SSL J. K HOLCOMBE, .Sheriff. G 1 EORGIA, POLK CO ^Stewart has applied OUNTY.-.T. M. for permanent letters of administration on tlie estate of J. I>. Williams, late of said county, de ceased. These are, therofore, to notify ai! persons concerned to be and appear at a court of Ordinary to be licid in said county on the first Monday in February next, to show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not "be granted. This 1st davof January. lss4. JOEL BREWER, Ordinary. Arrive SulphurSprin Shiloh 5;42 “ “ Hebron 3:5(5 “ “ Gray’s 4:11 “ “ Ohateiiib 4:21 “ “ Francis 4 ; 34 “ Singleton 4:4!) “ “ Iiagian ! 5:12 “ “ Fair View »:33 “ “ Broken Arrow 6:00 “ GOING EAST. NO. 2. DAILY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Broken Arrow <1:00 a. m. r air view 9:30 Rasrlan - Singleton 10:33 Francis 10:51 < >hatchie 11:06 Gray’s 11 ;21 Hebron 11:41 Shiloh 12:13 Sulphur Springs 12:33 East and West junction 1:15 JOHN POSTEI.L., Gen’I Miin'r. GEO. T. KERSHAW, G. P. A. - ,, , , i Every famdv can save fiftv times the forms the country tint though born j price of the book every year, by consult ant! reared a Democrat, he voted for | mg it. It is coinp’ote in all its parts, and is tlie THE “BONANZA” Fremont, Lincoln, Grant, Greeley, and then sandwiched Tilden in, and next voted for Weaver, the Green- hacker. After moving to Iowa he “ tilled the soil in the day, an;l stud ied law, polities and theology at night; was admitted to polities at once, subsequently to the courts and most recent book of tiie kind published. If you hav • Dyspepsia, find out how to cure it by reeling Everybody’s Doctor. You can learn how to cure Catarrh by reading Everybody’s Doctor. For habitual Constipation, read Every- Ffflmm Above is the exact representation of tho Sewing Machines We sell for Twenty 3>o11jii*; It is in every respect tlie very best of tiie Singer Style of Machines. Fastest Cleaner and Grader in the World. The most Perfect Separator in the World* It is tlie only mill ever made, the screens of Which never dug. Finished in the host manner, with the last improvements for winding the bob bins. most convenient style of table, with extension leaf, large draw rx and beau tiful cover, it stands without a rfval, > > ©„ * ' O 3 : - 5^ !?- - O n c 5 . I = o m CO Sg a PcHlNEVE^ 1 cP*S No EC uAl " NEWHISiffifiSEa SO UNION SQUARE KEV; YOPS'.. cAe 0 c. A N . f u A V r, ILL. Mf-S3. GA • TOR SALE SY ranfred Pfriflly First Class. t-ruity of Finish. Pirn l:ko T«ne. Snpprlority *’• and 5 .< :cuglturBs «*f CoU- b:. aci.-cii they Bti-ud uiaivalied. EliXSANT CATA I.OGUS3 FH2E. WHIT New and First-Glass! y CRGAn co., :nrc-5 Iloj-10r;aai, r.. it. Mica. Job Printing. -t i if- AD VERTISEE JOE OFFICE I.i thoroughly equipped with YEW I*HESS, ‘ NEW TYPE, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS, &c. of the most modern design, and new material throughout, rendering its facili ties equal, i f not superior, to those of any olfice in this section for turning out All Kinds of Job Printing eastsav TORPID E D 3 S O fi D 2 R E D LIVER, and FslALARIA. From these sonro-3 arise tin cc .ourtV?! of tho t’iseasus of too hunum r.:c-c. Tiioso symptomsin-lifafoU:e ruxislenuu :Lo*o of Appetite, llovv.li tcsilrc, 6lcic IfcRti- aclie, falit'CiiS alic? catiacTi c.Trr*lnn to eurtian of tody *;r infnd, Erm^licu of fo- :?, Irrl.'aLlii.W cf temper, Jovr *uir!H, A fr^king cf Dnvlnrj n< glrcfcil some d:ity, IMcziiicss, t’iirtie- rhv” o Jlrcrt, bcfarn t’a rye-:, highly col ored trrin*, ( OXS7IPATIO.V, Hi.d de mand the n 30 cf a remedy that ads e.lroc^ly ©rtlbe i.iver. AsaLivcrmodiCinoTUTT’S PfT.I-S Imvonoc-Tjtnl. Tlielr action on tho Kidneysr.n'i 8k nis a’so prompt; removing nil i:npu* ities throuprb these three “scav engers cf flio sr6t«m. M prodneiny nation, T'-Tnlar stools, a clear r!:lhanclarigoroa»bodTCTT'S HLLS cause no nr;u«' a cr griping nor interfere villi daily work an<l ar c a perfect AMTISOTS YO MALARIA. 8?UercrTv>.»tv,ONc. ?.fnfruy8:.,.s.Y. Turn . S sap E S3 laMsfct G.tat Hint on Wkisktbs chanced in- tnaCLossr Bux.-it hy a aincie np- flicatio’i eft Ida l.'T!:. Fi'M by Drujjlata, cr Sent l'V ..X’lress ..'1 t-'CL*ipt of S*. JInr-nv w 5 crk. rrTT’8 F!*5"!TF USEfuL RECEIPTS FREE. with neatness and dispatch, and at prices as low as tho lowest. LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILLHEADS, NOTES, RECEIPTS, INVITATIONS, CIRCULARS, ICKETS, PROGRAMMES, SCHOOL REPORTS,POSTERS. HAND BILLS, DODGERS, LABELS,^ PAMPHLETS, VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, STATEMENTS, SHIPPING TAGS. In fact any nnd all kinds of printing ex ecuted in a manner sure to please. Legal Blanks. body’s Doctor. For all diseases of tho Lungs and air passages, consult Everybody’s Doctor. You can cure Croup and Whoping Cough by following the treatment given THE KING firAsk TTo-uls IDr-u-c^lot for For all in j uri cs i n man or beast nothing equals Hamburg Liniment. finally to the church.” Mr. Weller in Everybody's Doctor. For the Cure of Piles read Everybod v’s Doctor. Tlie book will lie sortt free hy mail or exjjrass on receipt of three dollars. Address then details a number of defeats while running for office, while most Congressmen conceal the defeats and make the successes prominent. Col. Tom. Ochiltree says that he U-the first native Texan ever elected to Con gress, nnd as the colonel is a bachelor he omitted to say when he was born, but givtv; liis age away when he states that at the age of sixteen lie engaged in the Indian campaign of 1854-55; he is thirefoie orty-six cr thereabouts. NATIVITY OF THE MEMBERS. The only native of Washington in Congress is Gilbert M. Woodward, of Wisconsin, whose birth in this citv was accidental. New Ydrk leujls in the House with 35 native sons; Penn sylvania, 33; Ohio, 31,Kentucky and Virginia, 17 each; Massachusetts and Tennessee, 13 each; North Carolina, 12. Of the entire Arka'nsas delegation (7) in both Houses, but a single mem ber was bom in the State. Only two of the Mississippi delegation (9) are na tive of the State,but she gets even by having sons in tho Arkansas, Mis souri and California delegation. Of tho 401 Senators and Congressmen 267 are lawyers, while the remaining fNIGXLES PUBLISHING CO., Send for circular. 2:1 Ann Street? ’Sift- Agents Wanted. New York City. Exclusive Territory Guaranteed. jan!7-2t. A SSIGXEE’S SALE.—I WILL SELL to tlie highest bidder, before the C mrt House door in Cedartown, Ga., on tlie lir:t Tuesday in February next, or at private sale beforehand, the following describ'd Cedar Valley lands: Tiie farm known as tlie I)r. Richardson place, 2 mill s north of Cedartown, em- hraeing lot- anil parts of iots numbers > S3 \ and S32, in t;:o 2d district and 4th section of Polk county, Ga., toOacres, more or less. Also tho farm known as tho Rudiecal place, 4 miles southwest of Cedartown, embracing lots numbers 821,822, KK5, in the 3.1 district and 4th section uf-Poik unty, Ga., containing 12(1 acres. of Sewing Machines. V.'c do not ask you to pay for it until you see what you arc buying. We only wish lo know tr.:,! you realty intend to buy a machine and are willing to pay $20 for the best in the market. Write to as, sending tho name . of your nearest railroad station nnd we : will send the machine, and give instruc tions to allow you to examine it before paving for it. WILMARTH A CO., 1828 North 20th St.. Philadelphia," Pa. Wl) .«■ T SSTT TESTED JBY TIME. STRONG’S PECTORAL PILLS All kinds of Legal Blanks supplied on ( very short notice. Such blanks as Jus tice Court Summons, Executions, Sub- pumas, Garnishments, State Warrants, Attachments, Distress Warrants, Posses- sory Warrants, Forthcoming Bonds, Af- 1 lidavits, Bonds for Titles, Deeds, Claims, Declarations, Istndicrd’s Liens, CHCESE SAFES. (Patented.) tv? EZTAIL G20CEBS, ATTZmO'TI Buy Kokh! Hays None 1 UseKonkIII But? The celebrated EAR MU I'll SAFES. For*sale generally by the w* olesr.le woodcr.ware and grocery dealers. If y- urjobbcrcaaaot supply you, send your orders direct to us. The E. T. Barnum Wire & Iron Works. DETROIT. MiCiL gage Deeds, Waiver Notes, etc., kept al ways in stock. Ail blanks not kept in For Information and Circular*, mddreo. DETROIT FUHM MEL MT6 COL, DETROIT, MICH. XX 8UOCE88TUX, USX XtS HALF A CENTURY. Th« best BrnnodF for Colds, Byy». ds and Wlifotl—i. Insure Healthy Appetite, Good Digestion. Regularity of the Bowels. Apr kept stork will be printed to order, on short notice. Our blanks are printed from clear new type, and are unsurpassed foi neatness. ^ All orders by mail will receive atten tion. £PlainEngiishi HERE EXPRESSED! IHtmbib^ Our F3ee Ciscular tills the rmt —. Knnsafl, June 2f!th, I3R1 ik from the time I comce-.red nsioe them I began to sleep well and I ccniinn-d to cee ail the box with movement and since that time i Oct. ISili i hssa te delleste feauslco, soothing and bracing tho nervous system, and giving vigor and * ***■ * * Ty. Sold by r - D. B. FREEST AX, Proprietor. mpr I have felt like . tho sufferers will find . 'bme and !»e cured by the RespectfuUr k’ou «, 7.8.—You will not publish iny name hat persons visit- fag you ma7 bo referred to me end 1 will answer them. To every young-, nducile ara or old man health to every fibre of the body. Bold by Druggists. t. For Pamphlets. etc^adfcressC. £• MITuldfcGOL* Portablo UCMar8L.ILY.Ctty. Pine Boa Bfeuialty:-Patent causes before the Patent (hiicej land the Coorta Reasonable terms. Opinion as t patentability, free of charge. Send for circular. Also the fayii known as.the <ieo. Foster place, 4 miles southeast of Cedartown,Oa., enibnicing lots numbers U)37, 1110, 110.1, !0‘15 and ?K>4, in the 21st district and 3d section, and lot number 1273, in t'»e 2d district and 4th section, all in Polk county, (*:»., containing 280 acres. Also, ths farm known as the Powell- Cambron place, 2 miles oust of Cotlar- t own, on the Rock mart raid,- embracing parts of lots numbers 1094,1139 nnd 1141, in the 2d district nttd 4t!i section of Polk county, Ga., containing 55acres, more or Dr. L. S. Ledbetter, DENTIST, CEDARTOWN, - - GEORGIA. ;^**A11 Rental work performed in the most skillful manner. PENSIONS SSkSTi oCjc-1- clisabiliiy. Widows, minor child ren, and dopendent parents entitled when death resulted. Claims re-opened, re- stonition, increase, bounty, liaek pay, and discharges procured. Apply at once, delay prejudices your rights. Feeslixed by law. Address, with stamp, the es tablished firm of HODGE <S CO., Attor neys and Solicitors of Claims, Look Box 255, \\ ashin-ton, D. C. C l .EORGIA—l*OI,K COi'NTY.—SUPE- I r rior Court, August Term, IssT—Ills Honor J. C. Fain, Judge of said court. I. L. (Ai\ctt . f jji, 0 | f or |>]vorec. C. E. J. ChiyotL J «*?**>» iVrfeet Service. It app.-aring to the Court by tlie returns of the Sheriff that the defendant docs not reside in this county, and it further apjieurmg tliat she docs not reside in this less. A'so the farm known |hn Ilemdon , ^ . place, SK ijiiles south of'. Cedartown, | State. It is on motion' of counsel or- n umber re'irosoilt over forty different I e,1 >bra< - ing lots and par’s of lots numbers dered that s.iid defendant appohr and an- . , - . ‘ | 1127,1128, 1120,117«. nnd 110(1, in the 2J I swer at tiie next term of this Court, else trades and pi otos-uons. i district and 4th se-tion of Falk county, ; that the case ho considered in dafauli, Ga., containing 120 acre,, m ire or less. | an-1 the case allowedto proceed. And it - d^pi&lIisBale Georgia pine is now bemg diipjx^d j All the above described p oporty sold I is further ordered tfeatjlna Bide be pnb- to South Amerie i. A Pensacola •» the property of Hunting: m * Wright lislie l in the UKnruTowx Anv. Tjiinerul landb which tho Government j finn Iras closed a eontnrt Cir l'»,«* - for “** beneflt w TwoTn Aas'gnec. I ° aa> * “ R. c 3W offers tor gK. !<D9 «• * dan M.It* •. ^ A.T. WT" * * - - - . . naa, eomuh**. QEOHGIA—FOLK COUNTY.—MARY U H. Cantrell has applied for letters of •diqinMmttan, with the will annexed, ondbe eata’a of It. (’. UnntreH,- late of aatdoounty, deceased. TMese are, tbere- fCM, to notify all persons concerned to be and appear at' a court of Ordinary to be held in said county/m the find lion day In February next, to show eana i any they have, why 0MBAXTEEDC3RE FOR SCROFULA, SYPHILIS. RHEUMATISM, UEURALGIA, AND ALL DISEASES OF THE BLOOD and SKIN THE HOST rCWEBTL BLOOD PURIFIES PAYNE’S IO Horzo Spark-Arrosting ** * kblo Engine ha* <*ut 10.000 ft, of B ichipan lioanl iu 10 henrs, burning sUba from tho in eight lout lengths. troubled with nervous or physical debili ty or impotence sealed circular is sent true. Send full address on postal card to HARRIS REMEDY CO. St. Louis, RTd. Ws want your ad ares«i. You need our remedy. Isnd and be convinced of this. Our 10 Horse We Guarantee to furnish power to saw 8,000 feet of Hemlock boards in 10 hours. Otar_15 Horse will cut 10,000 feet in same time. Our Engines are ouibamikzo to furnish a horse-power on H less fuel and water than any other Engine not fitted with an Automatic Cut-Off. If you want a Stationary or Portable Engine, Boiler. Cir cular Saw Mill. 8hafting or , Pn'liea, either castor Mediiart’s j 15Al?> ES’ Patent Foot and Steam Power Machinery. Com plete outfits for actual Q work shop business. Lathes tor wood or metal. (*ircular saws,scrol 1 saws, t] formers, mortisers, ten- Sfc „. ,v oners, rtc. Machines o. trial if desired. Diserip , ive catalogue and price list free. W. F. 7- JOHN BARNES, No. 2114 Main st., Rockford, III P»t«nt Wrought Iron Pulley, scu l for our illuatruted Cata> !ognA. •« v ” for information and B. W. PAYNE A 60NSw Elmira, H. Y, d prices. . Box 8; 6 CONSTITUTION A. ALTERATIVE EVER USED. A V. FAME, MRETBt LOUISVILLE. KY. G eorgia—polk county.—e. h. KicharJson. Jr., :uimiuisinitor on tiie estateofE.il. Richardson, Sr., hits applied tor leave to sell the following h:n U lielongiug to said estate, to-wit: Twenty-one a”d 70-100 acres of lot num ber 7:4*, sixty-eight and 29-KK) acres of lots numbers 72B, and 7S7, and twenty acres of lot number 797, containing one hundred and ten seres, more or less, lv- ingand heingj'.i th* 2d districc of tlie 4th section of Polk count v, Un.‘ There fore, all persons conekrned will take no tice to be and appear at a court of Ordi nary to l>e held In said county, on the first Monday in Febraary, 1994, to ahow eause.lf any they can, why leave to sell 1 said land should not be granted. Given . under my hand and official signature, ’ Ibis December Slat. IWR. JOEL RRKVVER. nrf’imry Tiie Cffigrapb, M&fv or ’ Perfect Writing Machine. Weighs ten pounds. Eleven styles of type. Descriptive’cat alogues sent free. TtWRBl’BY * CKOMKIilX. (Ftenogi-aphrrs,)fJeneral Southern Ag’t* 44 Marietta Street. Atlanta, Ga. tfeb'I / PATENTS i&S& 'Vfialaihtalnea thrlsKhtlCNJiZcoSr! U! "* t ~ mmaanKXTirir ADZBICAS. too km. i c