The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, April 26, 1900, Image 1

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THE CEDARTOWN STANDARD CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING. APRIL 26, 1900 (Published by Request) SANCTIFICATION. SOME A WFUL DEATHS. HUGH MOORE is now Agent in Ce dartown for the Hr. S. G. N. Cates was struck by a piece flying from his lathe machine Friday morning, which knocked a hole in his upper lip. J3e was in your town in the evening for the purpose of having it dressed. He is improv ing. Mr. J. B. Hogg, of your_town, was in our burg Saturday. His wife came last Thursday, and will remain here a few days yet. Mr. J. B. Crabb and wife, of your town, were visiting their parents near here Sunday. Rev. G. B. Roman, of Esom Hill, was here Saturdaj and Sunday. As he is the pastor of the Baptist church at this place, we have him with us once a month. lie-delivered an able sermon Sunday and also Sunday night. There was also a good meeting at New Home church Sunday, two miles east of this place, having sermons by Eld. L. C. D Payne, of Floyd, and Eld. R. S. Ham rick, of Cedar Valley. Quite a number of gentlemen and ladies came out from your town Sun day evening, having a very pleasant trip, gathering flowers of all de scriptions. From Dr. Godbey’s Commentary. Ephesians v; ; 26: That He may sanctify her and purify her by the washing of water through the word. No honest Bible reader will fail to see the second work of FEARFUL FORMS IN WHICH THE GRIM DESTROYER CALLS. Tlte Venom of a Scnth Australian Spider and tile Frightful Agony It Cnatet — A Grain That Makes It. Victim a Raving Maniac. What Is the most awful shape in which death may come to mortal man? Not by Are, nor by water, nor by gun shot. These are mere pleasures to some or the deaths by which you may die. The most agonizing of all is caused by- an insect half the size of a pea—a small black spider. It lives in Peru and South Australia, hut a few speci mens have reached Europe and Amer ica in shiploads of timber. Not long ago a dock laborer was unlucky enough to come upon one in the'Yic- toria docks while unloading a bark. The tiny death dealer dropped upon the back .-of his hand and dug Its fangs into his flesh. The bite itself was noth ing, but as soon as the poison began to work the man fainted with pain. Soon afterward he came to and lived three days before the end came. This spider’s venom scorches up the blood vessels and spreads through all the tissues, causing the most fearful agony a human being can have to bear. The worst of it is that the victim lives at least two days, enduring unthinka ble anguish the whole time. This spi der is luckily not common. It is known as the "specky.” and when a man who knows what the bite means is bitten he generally blows out his brains. Another fearful death is caused by eating a grain called “bhat.” This sometimes gets mixed with rice, which it resembles. The plant grows in the east, and a few grains of it will drive one into a state of violent mania. The victim becomes drowsy at first and aft erward hilarious, then he goes stark, staring mad and tears himself literally to pieces with his flngers.'biting mouth fuls out of his limbs. It is bad enough frace here re vealed beyond the possibility of doubt. The regeneration of the Holy Ghost takes sinners out of Satan’s kingdom, transforms them into saints, and con- Ecclesia here Compound Oxygen ROME, OA. Laundry Work leaves Cedartown on Tuesdays and returns on Fridays. Best Equipped Laundry in State JB@r We make Lace Curtains look as good as New. £fv5" \Ve guarantee to nol break ycur collars in laundrylug. ffiy-NO SAW EDGES on your collars. Give us a trial. stitutes the Divine mentioned The Cord does not sanctify this wicked world, hut Erclesia: i. e., his own church. Herce no one can be so stupid as not to see that sanctifica tion here revealed is a work distinct from regeneration and subsequent to it. What is sanctification? The Holy Ghost here defines it a purification, illustrated by the “washing of water” —not literal water—as we here learn, it is “through the word,” The Bible which acts-iike magic on the whole system, put ting new life into lungs and heart. It has been in use for more than thirty years; thousands of patients have been treated and over one thou sand physicians have used it and recommended it—a very significant fact. No 2001—Height; 2 ft. 4 Pricp, $21.00. ROME STEAM LAUNDRY CO HUGH MOORE, Agent at Cedartown. When you want Monumental or Cemetery work of COMfOUID OIYGII, any kind or an Iron Fence just write me for my catalogue and prices and discounts and I will surprise you with low prices. DALTON MARBLE WORKS, - H. P. COLVARD, Prop., DALTOIT, G-J±. Ithasbhen in use for more than thirty years. It is well tried. Thousands have testified to its wonderful curative powers. Hundreds of physi cians have used it in their practice and are warm in praise of it. It can be used at home without interfering with one’s business or employment. It cannot harm the most delicate patient. Treat ment includes consultation of most experienced physicians. For the cure of chronic diseases. Send lor free book of 200 pages. The great success of our treatment has given rise to imitators, unscrupulous persons, some calling their preparations Compound Oxygen, often appropriating our testimonials and the names of our pitients, to recommend worthless concoctions. But any substance made elsewhere, or by others, ar.d called Compound Oxygen, is spurious. the purgation; the word, God’s ap pointed medium through which we are sanctified, and faitii tne condition on which Hence the Spirit, blood, word and faith are but counter parts of the same great transaction. The instantaneity of our sanctifica tion is here confirmed by two infalli ble witnesses in this short verse; i. e., HAOEASBic and katuarisas, purifying, are both in.the aorist tense,which God put in the Greek language to reveal to ail honest readers that lie actually sanctifies in the twinkling of an eye. You may long approach the experience but suddenly enter it, the gradualism always being on Hie human side, as oinnipitence needs but a moment to do His work. They returned at 730 o’clock Sunday night. Messrs. J. B. Woods and T. E. Brock have one and one-half acres to plant in watermelons, potatoes and goobers. They expect to gather their goobers and potatoes, but do not know about their melons, for everybody likes them. There will he singing at the Baptist church here next Sunday, commencing at 12 o’clock. Mr. G. B. Holder, wiih a good portion of the Liudaie class. WHY DR. HATHAWAY CURES. Delayed Letter. MORGAN VALLEY DOTS. Mrs. Sopbrohia Holland, of tho “State of -Paulding,' visited relatives and friends in our cym-nanity part of list week. Mr. E. O. Wynn, one of onr clever citizens, was in the Slate City on bnsi- ness the latter part of last week. Mrs. Cora Doyle, of Ked Ore, spent Sunday with relatives in this part of the moral vineyard. Mr. W. H. Morgan was over to An tioch on bnsiness Saturday. Mr. Hugh Williams, a clever Bock- marter, was a visitor in onr community recently. Mr. Chas. Holland, of Bemns, was a visitor here part of last week. Mrs. Seab Cliancey was among the the visitors in Bockmart last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Bnckner, of Flowerydale, were among the visitors here Sunday. Miss Lillie Hubbard closed her spring term of school at the Morgan Valley Academy last Friday. The session just closed has been a successful one, and both teacher and pnpils will enjoy their vacation. Leila, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M.Parliam of Bartow county, was buried at the Morgan cemettry last Sunday. Funeral services were con ducted by Bev. John 0. Head. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of onr community in their hour of trouble. The prospect for a good wheat crop in this part of the county is very flat tering at present, and if no disaster be falls the crop, the harvest will be a good one. “Gentle Spring” seems to stand in great awe of the cold north breezes that so delight to caper arennd, and loses no time in hiding her blushing face whene’er thoy ehanco to blow. Jay. Reasons for His Marvelous Snccess— His New, Free Book. "71 Dr. Hathaway's method of treatmentisnoexperi- K meat. It is the result of KL E twenty years of experi- Vtfl09 R ence in the most exten- ,7 sivo practico of any VUfom(J specialist in his lino in Sji|SjES£s^ the world. lie was grad- ' uated from one of the best medical colleges in tho country and perfect- ed his medical and surgi- Sound Endorsement Testimonials of many well known men and women establish the claim of Compound Oxygen to be the great revitalizing remedy of the present lime. It will cost you nothing to investigate. Can and convince yourself, or send for our free book. Home or office treatment for chronic or acute diseases. OWN RAILS, WITH THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE TO Those horrid fits of depression, mel ancholy, low spirits, and sndden irrita bility, that sometimes afflict even good- tempered people, is due to tho blood being permeated with black bile. Her- bine will purify the blood, restore] health and cheerfulness. Price 50 cents. T. F. Bnrbank. PULLMAN SLEEPERS AND FIRST- CLASS DAY COACH TO St, Louis and ASS Points West. QUICKEST SCHEDULES TO CHICAGO % NORTHWEST. Excellent Service to Louisville, Cincinnati and Ohio, Indiana and Michigan Points. ALL RAIL AND STEAMSHIP LINES TO NEW YORK and the EAST. TOURIST RATES TO ALL RESORTS. to see such a ease, but as for experi encing it— This grain Is only found In remote parts of the east, but both white men and natives are killed by it occasion ally in the east, for the plant grows In with the rice crops and can scarcely be told apart, but that the dried grain is of a reddish color. Of course falling Into a vat of boiling metal, as unfortunate workmen some- cal education by exten- I... 7 ^ sive hospital practice. Early in his professional career he made discov eries which placed liim at the head of his profes sion as a specialist in treating what are generally known as private diseases of men and women. This system of treatment he lias more and more perfected each year until today his cures are so Invariable as to be tho marvel of the medical profession. Enjoying the largest practice of any specialist in the world he still maintains a system of nomi nal fees which makes it possible for all to obtain his services. Dr. Hathaway treats and cures Loss of Vitality, Varicocele, Stricture, Blood Poisoning In its dif ferent stages, Rheumatism, Weak Back, Nerv ousness, all manner of Urinary Complaints, Ulcers, Sores and Skin Diseases, Brights Disease and all forms of Kidney Troubles. His treatment for undertoned men restores lost vitality and makes the patient a strong, well, vigorous man. Dr. Hathaway’s success in the treatment of Varicocele and Stricture without the aid of knife or cautery Is plienomenaL The patient is treated by this method at his own home without pain or loss of time from business. This Is positively the only treatment which cures withoutan operation. Dr. Hathaway calls the particular attention of sufferers from Varicocele and Stricture to pages 27,28,29, 30 and 31 of Ills new hook, entitled, “Manliness, Vigor, Health,” a copy of which will be sent free on application. "Write today for free hook and symptom blank, mentioning your complaint. 'J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. Dr. Hathaway & Co., gZK South Broad Street. Atlanta,Ga. MENTION THIS PAPEB WHEN WKITINO. BAPTIST CONVENTION NOTES. For the Baptist Convention meeting in Hot Springs, Ark., it is understood that all lines east of Memphis will op erate throngh coaches and Pullman sleeping ears to Hot Springs over the Iron Mountain ronte. Delegates from the states east of the Mississippi River have decided to go via this ronte who have made arrangements for special trains in both directions between Mem phis and Hot Springs. Tho Iron Moun tain people have a well earned reputation for handling large bodies in the most efficient and satisfactory manner, and the fact that the Iron Mountain, is tho official line for the Baptist Convention is a sufficient guarantee of the service. The convention meets in Hot Springs May 12th. Tickets will be sold over the Iron Mountain Bofito from all points in the south-east May 7th to 10th with final limit of May 24th. The Iron Mountain people have made arrangements for ex tension of limit on tickets if so desired. Their representative in this territory is Mr. I. E. Behlander, Traveling Pas senger Agent, Chattanooga, Tenn. 1112 Girard St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. ancisco, Calv Toronto, Canada. The President never says, “Take my seat, madam.” A woman’s idea oi a congenial' hus band is one who lets her have her own way in everything. Inquiring boy—“Ma, what did tho moths eat before Adam and Eve wore clothes?” Mothers! Beware of those secret rob bersof year baby’s qniet and health Those sleepless nights and long honrs of tiresome vigil are cansed by those terrible enemies of childhood—worms, Destroy and remove them with White’s Cream Vermifuge. Price 25 cents.. T. F. Burbank. Passengir Schedule in effect April 16 1000 Tor schedules, maps, or any railroad information, call apou or write to J. W. T^MA s , JR., H. F. SMITH, CHARLES E. HARM Manager, Traffic Manager, Gen. pass. Agent NASHVILLE. TENN. NASHVILLE, TENN. ATLANTA Try Allen's Foot-Ease, A powder to be shaken into the shoes. You ftet feel swollen, nervous and hot, and get tired easily. If you haves.marting feet or tightshoes.try Allen’s Foot-Ease. It cools the feet and makes walking easv. Cures swo.len, sweating feet, ingrowing nai s, blister and callous spots. Re lieves corns and bunions of all piin .and give.*' rest and comfort. Try it to-day. Sold by all dnigghts agd shoe stores for 25c. Trial'pack age FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy. for a man to feeL The ’’knotter” is well known to scientists and is, in fact, a sort of huge flytrap plant. Those who have strong Instincts of cruelty, coupled with curiosity, sometimes force a dog into the grip of the "knotter” to watch the effects, which are too horri ble to describe in detail. Again, there is nothing very much worse than hydrophobia., when genu ine. The patient often lives for days in the acute stage and in his last hours Is simply tied up in knots and bent backward and forward like a bow. It is a very rare disease with human beings, for most people bitten by rabid dogs, n small number at most, escape it In extreme cases the patient act ually-snarls and bays like any hound, and. next to experiencing it the worst thing is to watch a case. It is as dis tressing n spectacle as any man could witness. There is a snake called the "lancer,” which lives in South America, and is very ready with its fangs. It is a small, brown, insignificant beasL but its bite induces a sort of Imaginary swelling all over the victim’s body. He feels as if every inch of- him were being strained to breaking point and the agony which results is too awful for words. Generally, however, the ex cess of pain drives the bitten man mad before very long, and in four hours he dies—a senseless imbecile. But. all said and done, perhaps there is no death mncli worse than by the common disease of cancer, which gnaws at the patient’s vitals through month after month of unceasing ago ny and slays its victim at last through sheer exhaustion.—London Spectator. SEND*US ONE DOLLAR Cut till4 nil. out and send to uc with #1.1)0, ami hc will send you this NKW I IMPUOTKU i’AUUlIl UFJ1 ORGAN, by .freight C. O. subject toexamina- tlon. You cun examine It at your nearest freight depot, and If/ you find It exactly nit rci>rc*ciitc«l, the greatest ralue you ever saw \ and far better than organs advertised by others at more money, pay the freight f agent OUR PRICE S35.50, less the91.00 deposit, or *84.50 and* freight charges. THE PARLOR GEM I«one of the most DL'UABLC AND SWEKTKST TONKD Instruments ever made. From the illustration , sho • n, which is engraved direct from a photograph you can form some Idea or its beautiful appearance. Made from solid quarter riawed oak or walnut ns desired, perforated key slip, Tull panel body, beautiful marquetry design panels and many other handsome decorations and ornaments, mating It the TE8Y LATEST STTLK. THE PARLOR GEM is C feet high, 42 inches long, 23 Inches wide and weighs 350 pounds. Contains 5 octaves, 11 stops, as follows: Diapason, Principal, i Pulriana, Nelndia. < , lest,-. Tm,.i,na. Hz-sC,rapier, Treble Coupler, , Diapason Forte and Vox Humana; 2 Octave Couplers, 1 Tone Swell, 1 Grand Organ Swell, 4 Seis of Orchestral Toned Krsonatorv Pipe A&gJl quality Reeds, 1 Set of 37 Ture Sweet Xelodla Reeds, 1 Set of 37 Charmingly Brilliant Celeste Reeds, 1 Set or 21 IUeh Mellow Smooth 04 Diapason Reeds, 1 Set ot Pleasing Soft Melodious Principal /flfi Kreds. THE PARLOR GEM action consists of the Celebrated Newell Rred«, which are only used in the high- f est grade Instruments: fitted with Hammond Couplers and f[^TT?nii Vox Humana, also best Dolge felts, leathers, etc., bellows of the best rubber cloth, 3-plv bellows stock and finest f leatherin valves. THE PARLOR OEM is rurnishtri with a 10x11 beveled plato French mirror, nickel plated pedal frames, and every modem improvement. We [■£^2 fre.- n han.Loine nrgan stool and the bet organ in,trur- lion hook published. GUARANI EED 25 YEARS. S NORTH BOUND. The longest periods in the life of a small boy are those between meals. QUESTION ANSWERED. Yes, Augnst Flower still has the larg est sale of any medicine in the civilized world. Yonr mothers and grandmoth ers Dever thought of using anything else for Indigestion or Biliousness. Doctors wercscarce, and they seldom heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostra tion or Heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic ac tion of the system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green’s Augnst Fiovier, in liqnid form, to make yon satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with yon. Sample bottles at Knight Drug Company’s. DEALERS IN CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bondens d Schedule in Efiec. November 19.1899. Lv Birmingham. Ar ........Birmingham Jet 6 30am P.35an< 7.15pm 5.02pm 10.2’am 3.00pm 4.25pm Mobile Cash Orders Promptly Filled. Rome, Ga. 5.30am 6.15am lv. ..Greensboro... .....Marion..... ...Marion Jet., 7.10pm 6.22pm 5.28pm 4.36pm 4.10pm 12.30 pm 11.15am 9.30am 8.0 am 7.10am The empty wagon goes fastest and rattles most. 7.40am 8.25hm The One Day Cold Cure. Kermott’s Chocolates Laxative Quinine for colrl in'the head and sore throat Children take them like candy. The One Day Cold Cure. For colds and sore throat use Kermott’s Choco lates Laxative Quinine. Easily taken as candy and quickly cure. lv.New OTs.a T lv..Meridian.a r York...... 7.30pm 5.00am 5.45am To Yon Need an Electric Belt? N Dr. J. Nfiwton Hathaway has per- fected an electric belt which he is pre pared to famish to all patients who need it, at a merely nominal charge. Write to J. Newton Hathaway, M. D. 22$ Sonth Broad St., Atlanta, Ga. GRAiHARn NM METHOD ORGAN .Demopolis*. 6.40am 6.03pm ar..Uniont’ 7.21am fi.-Mpm .Marion Jet. Selma j- * 4.51pm 4.25pm 4.15pm 2.25pm S.35am 8.45am 10.33am 10.48am 11.11am ll.iTam 12.50pm 1.27pm 1.40pm lvf « ...Montevallo.. Calera..... ..Columbiana.. ..Childersburg. ...Talladega... . .Oxford....: ....Anniston... -..Jacksonville.. ... Piedmont... ..Cave Springs.. Rome ar.. Atlanta.-lv 3.15pm 5.05pm lu.-jearn . 12.57pm . 12 15pm . 11.39 am 11.25am . 11.04am . 10.43am . 10.00am , 9.25am ' 5.3 'am Unchecked Brutality. It is very different, the treatment of domestic animals in Paris. There, if you live In a hotel on one of the nar row streets of the Latin quarter, you will be kept awake 4ill night long by the never ending cracking of the whips cuts as they are laid 3.10pm 3.45pm 10.25pm and the Withering hard and.stinging over the backs of the limping, half starved horses that draw the voitures and fiacres. If a cab horse stumbles and falls to his knees in Paris, the driver does not run to the nearest apothecary’s for 25 centimes’, worth of liniment to b&tlie the scratched knees, as the London cabby does for tuppence worth. He simply gets down from his seat and, taking the butt end of his whip, beats the liorse over the - head until he clam bers to bis feet: then, after administer ing a couple of kicks from a No. 13 hobnailed boot, he mounts his box and drives along. The tram horses are constantly bela bored with a whip and sworn at in the argot of Paris, and the result, strange as it may seem, is that it takes you longer to go a mile in a fiacre in Paris with the horses being whipped all the time than it does the same distance in London when not once during the drive will the animal feel the touch of the lash.—Detroit Free Press. 1 v... B irm’ham.. ar 11.35 PeU City., r.: 10.18 Anniston 9.16 Oxford 9.08 Heflin...... 8.38 ...Edwardsville... 8.27 ....Fruithurst..,. 8.18 . ..Tallapoosa.... 7.47 ......Bremen 7.29 .. ;DouglasviIle... 6.44 .. Lithia Springs.. 6.31 5.40 Why don’t yon dress that Wound with Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic instead of that old greasy salve or ointment? It will prevent or remove inflammation and soreness and heal it mnch quicker and is so mnch cleaner and more pleas ant Only 50 ets. a bottle by druggists. COME TO THE Lv Birmingham. -Lv Anniston..... Lv Atlanta Ar Macon.... ... 4.40pm 6.57pm 10.45pm 6.00am 8.10am 12.05pm 2.25pm 6.50pm 10.00pm Many a self-made man might be hap pier if he could blame the job on somebody else. Ar Jesup Ar Jacksonville. 5.20am 7.00pm An Irish philosopher says the only way to keep a baby qniet is to let it bowl. No 36 carries elegant Pullman Drawing Room Buffet Sleeping car Birmingham to Jackson ville, and Atlanta to Brunswick No. 38 carries Pullman Sleeping car Birm ingham to Atlanta and Atlanta to Jacksonville to make, for you, a doLen FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. EAST BOUND TRAINS. No. 4. No. 2. No. 34 Leave— (Daily)ex-Sun. Sun. only We bring to you the new and true from the piney forests of Norway— Cuts, wounds, bnrnf, sprains and bruises quickly heal if you apply Ballaul’s Snow Liniment. Price, 25 ets. andj>0 ets. T. F. Bnrbank. Lv Rome....... Lv Knoxville. 0. in •12i'am, 2.25am 4.00am 5.10am 9.30am 12.06pm 3.231 un 5.10pm 9.10pm 6.13am Ar Morristown... Ar Hot Springs.. ur onfers for excellent Cray-" Port rails, size, \fix20 inches Some wives would save more money if their husbands would give them more to save. . . - .I'-' ArSalisbury...(CentTimej Ar Greensboro.. (East Time) Ar Raleighs Ar G oldsboro.. .T.A Ar Washington. King Solomon nn Egotiat. Aud yet this kiiig-(Solomon) with his magnificence and unrivaled power, this shrewd judge, tills skillful statesman, this scholar with his wide culture, be came a pessimist, and stands forth one of the saddest figures in all the his tory of melancholy. But if we analyze his misery we find that lie was a pessi mist hot because men are disciplined by conflict aud trouble, but because he was a coutinned egotist. Had men used printing presses in those faroff days the first letter to be exhausted In setting up Solomon’s copy would have been the capital letter “1.” ‘T btiilded me houses, “I” got me soldiers, “I” wrote proverbs, “I” had manservants, “I” had maidserv ants. Through insatiable egotism Solo mon lifted up this “I” as a columnar hitching post, and asked all creation to stand around and admire him. But simplicity is to a great man what sweetness is to a rose. A bloated and overwrought egotism makes happiness impossible.—Rev. Newell Dwight HU* Us. 1). D., in Ladies’ Home Journal. For couglis and colds there islo mt d- icine so effective as Ballard’s Hore- honud Syrup It is the ideal remedy. Price 25 cents and 50 cents. T. F. Bur bank. ; Little girl (to visitor)-“Don’t'you think I loo’j ja it like m t nma? ’ Her mother—“Hath, dear; don’t he vain.” No. 15 carries Pullman Sleeping car Rome to Chattanooga. Chattanooga to Salisbury and Salisbury toNew York without change. (These are the kind the agents sell at $1.06.) 1 Make Frames, All Sizes and Price. WIST BOUND TRAINS. No. 1. No. 3. (Daily) ex-Sun. i Nature’s most natural remedy, improved by science to a PLEASANT, PERMANENT, POSITIVE CURE for coughs,„colds and all inflamed surfaces of the Lungs and Bronchial Tubes. The sore, weary, cough-v/orn Lungs are exhilarated; the microbe-bearing mucus is cutout; the cause of that tickling is removed, and the inflamed membranes are healed and soothed so that there is no inclination to cough. LvRome v. Ar Chattanooga. 6.25] i in 8.40pm 7.45am 7.50am Ar Cincinnati! Ar Louisville. No. 9 Pullman Sleeping car Rome to Cincin nati and Chattanooga to Louisville. CASTORIA. Bears the ^ The Kind You Have Always Bough! Signature y/ /} . /? liOOn n 8.13pm 11.56pm 2.00am Lv Atlanta Ar Charlotte: Ar Danville. Ar Lynchburg...... Ar Charlottesville.. Ar Washington . Ar Baltimore .. 11.50pm 9.10am 1.22pm 3.25pm 5.28pm 9.15pm 11.35pm lor Diyoi (•<*. Anna Adams) No. 30, In Polk Superior vs. Court, February Term, Win. Adams j 1900. It appearing that Win. Adams,defend ant in the foregoing petition, resides nut o|‘ the state and that it is necessary t > perfect service upon him by publiea- t»«m: It is ordered that serv ce be per fected by publhmtion in the paper io which Sherirt’s advertisements are printed t wice a month for two months. This March 15th, 1900. C. (i. Janes, J. S. C. Sanders A Davis, PJa'mtitf’s Attys. Ar Philadelphia 10.15am ArNew York. |12.43pin No. 38 “Washington and Southwestern ited” Solid Pullman Vestibule train Ath. New York, carrying Pullrnun Sleeping car Atlanta to New York. Dining car Atlanta to Greensboro and Washington to New York. .TPgriClose connections as follows:-- ’edartown with Central of Georgia, at ?oekmart with Southern Railway at ’artersville with W. A A., at Piedmont viMi K. T. V. A a. 6.13am SOLD BY ALL GOOD DRUGGISTS. BOTTLES ONLY. 25c, 50c AND $1.00 SIZES. Pulli Atlanta No. 36 carries Pullman Drawing room Sleep ing car Atlanta io New York, and Dining car Charlotte .o Washington. ♦Daily'. tDaily Except Sunday. ^Sunday only. l R. S. GANNON 3d v.p. & g.n. Washington,D.C. jV M. CIJLP. Truf Mgr. Washington. D. C. \y\ A. TURK. G. P. A.. Washington. D. C. C AbENSCOTER, A.G.P.A.jChuttanooga.Tann. f PARKER’S I hair BALSAM ^ Cleansei and beaotifiei the oair.! I Promote! a luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Seniore Gray Hair to ita Youthful Color. Cures scalp diseases * hair tailing. I AM 8! YEARS OLD, and never used any rem edy equal to Dr. Bell’s Pine-Tar-Honey. It gives quick and permanent relief in grip as well as coughs and colds, it makes weak lungs strong. —Mrs. M. A. Metcalfe, Paducah, Ky. CEDARTOWN, GA. pusiti'Face’s T.ivery Stable, North 1 Main Street. WESTERN and ATLANTIC R.R Carters villo... 10.00 a m 6.40 pm 1.15 pm Taylorsville... 10.34 7.12 1.47 Aragon 10.49 7.24 2.01 Rock mart. 10.57 7.31 2.07 Fish Creek...- 11.11 7.40 2.22 Grady.: 11.15 7.51 2.27 Cedartown 11.30 8.10 2.40 Ksom Hill 12.45 pm 3 09 Piedmont 1.42 3.48 Pell City......... 5.50 6.50 Pell City am 9.40 am 7.10 a m Piedmont. 2 02 pm! 10 12 Ksom Hill 2,45 10.51 Cedartown...... 7.00 3.25 i 11.20 7.18 3 42 s11.33 Fish Creek 7.23 3.47 11.38 Rockmart 7.39 4.04 11.53 Aragon...... 7.47 4.10 11 !9 Taylorsville.... 8.03 4.23 12.13 p m Carters vilie 8.40 5.00 [12.45 ’ 1907 1 No. 1907- -Height, 4 ft. 1 in. Die 2 8x1.0x0 4 Base 1 9x0 7x0 5 B. Base .2. 0 xl Oxl.O STATIONS i No. i No. 3 No. 11 Lv Carrollton.ji 50pm Bremen 2 17 Buchanan 2 33 Cedartown 3 20 Rome ... -.4.05 Lyerly 4 5» Sum’rville-:5 16 Trion.. (526 LaFayetle- 5 54 Ch'kam’ga 6 22 Battlefield ,6 30 Ar Chattan’ga:7 00 r, 10 6 55 7 48 S 06 S is 8 42 g 12 9 20 9 50 am 5 ooara 6 20 f ’ 15 8 00 am LvfSI STATIONS. No. 2 No. 4 No. 12 Lv Chattan’ga Battlefield Ch’kam’ ga La Fayette.. Trion.. Sum’rville Lyerly _... Rome. Cedartown Buchanan . Bremen.. ... Ar Carrollton.. S ooam h3t> 83S 906 934 i9 44 iii 1227pm I IO 3 50 pm 4 2S is 5 36 5M - 6 50 7 33 3 20 pm 5 00 6 10