The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, June 14, 1900, Image 1

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VOLUME 14. CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 14. 1900. NUMBER s?i. A Word is p . riv . at : Suffering Women. No one but yourselves know of the loss of one is speedily followed by the loss of the other.) Don't feel "weak ” and "worn out.” Impure blood is at the bottom of all your trouble. will purify your blood and brinjj . the bloom of health back into your , cheeks. Each bottle contains a quart. QUART BOTTLES. PaAafal and Supressed Menses, Irregularity, Leucorrhcca, Whites, Sterility, Ulcera* tlpnof the Uterus, change of life In matron or maid, all find relief, help, benefit and cure In JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA. It la a real panacea for headache, pains in the left side. Indigestion, palpitation of the heart, cold hands and feet, nervousness, sleeplessness, srntetssu which make the average woman':; life *so 'miserable. iYo have a book fall of information. Yon want it—its free. ««THE MICHIGAN DRUG CO.” Detroit. Mich. Llvcrettcs for Liver fils. The Famous Little Liver PUls. 35c. FOR SAI.K BY K. BRADFORD. No. 1907—Height, 1 ft. 1 in. Dip.., 2.8x1.6x0.4 Bhsp : 1.9x0 7x0 5 B. Base ..2.2x1 0x1.0 Price, $21,00. No. 2001—Height, 2 ft. 4 in. Dip 1.2x1.0x0,4 Base 1.2xl.(>x0,4 Ii. B:isp 1.0x0.10x1,0 Price, $15.00. 'When you want Monumental or Cemetery work of any kind or an Iron Fence just write me for my catalogue and prices and discounts and I will surprise you with low prices. DALTON MARBLE WORKS, H, P. COLVARD, Prop., JDJLTjTOJST, GhA.. Chananooga fi $s. Mis eg. Ifi OWN RAILS, WITH THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE TO ROM, CHATWNOOGA, NASHVILLE m MEMPHIS.' 1 DREAMLAND. I heard him laugh in his sleep last night* 1 beard him laugh in his sleep. And softly up to his bed I crept. As softly as I could creep. -And I bent above him as he lay, I bent and whispered low, *‘0 beautiful dreams that to childhood come, I, too, your joys would knowl” And I listened as soft he laughed again, 1 listened, and then I sighed. I wondered where he was wandering While Dreamland’s gates stood wide. For I could not follow where he went, For my wings had been clipped by ca And only those wiio can soar on high May enter sweet Dreamland fair. But 1 could patiently watch and wait And love him as tiuav he lay. For Dreamland’s wonders he’d tell to i When back he came with the day. 80 1 was glad when he laughed in his sleep. Was glad, and 1 knew no pain, For, led by the land of my laughing boy, Dreamland was my own again. —Morning Guide. COPPER TOE NOW EXTINCT. How the Boot Protector Was Invent ed by a Maine Farmer. Children kick out the toes of their boots now just as much as they ever did, hut the copper toe has gone out of date too long ago to talk about. It was line, though, in its day. How the cop per did wink and glitter in the tire- liglit! Away up in the Marne woods a farmer S-lio eould not hear the thought of giving the shoemaker all he earned took an old copper wasliboiler and cut it into strips, which he fastened on the toes of the boots of Ethridge and El mer, Ellsworth and Eddie. "There now!” said lie. “Less see you git through them in a hurry. Laws! I never see boys so hard on shoe leath er!” It was a bright idea, and the more he thought about it the more it was borne in on him that it was a bright idea. lie got a patent on it. Elbridge and Elinor, Ellsworth and Eddie were kind of ashamed to he seen in their copper toes at first, but when the other boys all crowded around them at the district school and said: "Gosh! Woosht my pa would fix my hoots that way!” they feft more comfortable and rattier happy. From that it went on till, for the sake of peace and quietness in the house, if for no other reason, fathers had to buy copper toed hoots for their boys. The Maine farmer got rich and had pie three times a day and moved to town and had a haircloth sofa.ln the front room and a marble topped center Lablo with wax flowers in a glass ease on it and everything that heart could wish. But foolishness is hound up in the heart of a child, and it is part of his na ture to be hard on shoes. You may beat the laws of the universe for a. lit tle while when they are not looking, but not for long. The day came when the child woke up and realized that it was being robbed of its rights guaran teed under the constitution. Some thing like tills, eh, "We, the children of the United States, in convention assem bled, do hold these truths to be self evident?” Not at all, not at all. They said: ■“Ilee! Coppertocs! Coppertoes!” And the coon came down.—Harvey Sutherland in Ainslee’s. Rev. J. Davis preached an eloquent sermon to a large and attentive congre gation at the Baptist chuich last Sun day. His snbject was from the 3d chapter and 21st verse of Revelations. He dwelt principally upon the promise to him that overcometh. The writer never saw a more attentive congrega tion during the forty minnteB devoted to this snbject. We don’t see how moital man conld have made any im provement on this subject in so short time, but it can be truthfully said when all oar able divines have exhausted their skill that the half ha3 never yet been told. The services were concluded by Rev. Head in a very appropriate manner. We have had a quantity of rain, bnt the prospects are for’ clear and hot weather now. A new girl boarder has made its ad vent at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Philpot. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brewer,of Senev, were here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Everett attended church here last Sunday. - This week will complete the wheat harvest which will soon be ready for the thresher. The wheat crop is good in this section. The censns man has come and gone, and Joe Philpot says he has got as mnch sense as he had before the man came. Omikron. Small in size and great in results are DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the fa mous little pills that cleanse the liver and bowels. E. Bradford. 'Indiana, I see, has adopted compul sory culture.” “How’s that?” “If a man isn’t agreeable to bis neighbor, they get ap a surprise parly and hang him.” REPEATING A GOOD STORY. PULLMAN SLEEPERS AND FIRST- CLASS DAY COACH TO St, Leasts and AH Paints West* QUICKEST SCHEDULES TO :fflCAGO fte NORTHWEST. Excellent Service to Loui&viUe, Gincinnati ami Ohm, Sndiana and Michigan Points, ALL RAIL AND STEAMSHIP LINES TO NEW YORK 3SNX3 the EAST. TOURIST RATES TO ALL RESORTS. Cheap Emigrant spates 9® Arkansas and Texas, r«)i' schedules, maps, w any railroad Information, call upon or write lo J. W. THOMAS, JR., H. F. SMITH, CHARLES E. HARMAN, General Manager, traffic manager, Cen. Pass. Agent NASHVILLE. TENN. NASHVILLE, TENN. ATLANTA, OA.- Through Chair Cars to Texas/ All through trains, via the Cotton Belt, carry handsome Free Reclining Chair Cars from Memphis to principal points in Texas without change. These cars are furnished with chairs which can he made to recline at any angle, thus affording ah easy seat during the day, and a comfortable place i I to sleep at night. Iii addition to the Through Free Chair Onrs, Cotton Belt trains are equipped with Hallman Sleepers at night and Parlor Cafe Cars daring the day. The comfort thns .provided for everybody, combined with the fastest time, make the Cotton Belt tho most desirable route to Texas. Write and tell ns where yon are going and when yon will ell you what yonr Jleket will cost and We > Texas.” rSED.B.JOStS. D.PA. •Jtmphis.Ttjn. W. t PEELER. UJL. Hcmplis, Tenn. W. G. ADAMS, I.P.L, KashviIIe.Tt<m r. It. WYATT, T. p. A., Cildmti, OUn. B. II. SUTKB, T. P. A.. Chat! ana* J, Tom. fi. W. LaBEAUME, G. P. and T. A., St. touis, Mo. She Wn Xot n Drinker nnd Missed Its Point. “My wife has just heard that old sto ry about the man on the train and the corkscrew,” said my neighbor. "The story goes this way: Mail rises in a car and says, ‘Is there a man from Bangor, Me., in the car?’ ’Notlier man gets up with an inquiring look on his face. *I’in from Bangor,’ says he. ‘Well,' says the first feller, ‘let me take your corkscrew.’ “My wife thought the story was pret ty good. The oilier night I was out in the silting room reading, and she was in tlie parlor talking with the woman from over the way. 1 had to stop read ing and listen to this: “ ‘Oil, say,’ says my wife, ‘I heard an awfully funny story the other day. Now, let me think a minute. Can’t be that I’ve forgotten iL Let’s see. Oh, yes. This is It. The other day on the train a man got up in the ear all at once and shouted just as loud as he could. “Is there a man from Bangor, Me., In this ear?” Every one jumped and looked at the man. One person down near the door stood up and said, "I’m from Bangor, sir.” The other man then said, “Will you De kind enough to let me take your screwdriver?” There! Isn’t that funny?’ “ ‘He, he, be,’ snickered the other woman a little easy. ‘Yes, that’s a real cute story; just as funny a? it can he. But what. did he mean? I guess I don’t understand what it is abouL’ “I could almost hear the wife think ing. Then says she: ‘Well, my gracious, that doesn’t sound so funny now. 1 won«jer what the trouble is with it? Guess I didn’t tell it right. But no matter. -Oh. you were going to tell me about that new ribbon cake that*— and then I continued with my literary studies.”—Lewiston (Me.) Journal. THE NEWS is uTiat you want, and vou get it in The Standard. ' flyw Would Yon Have Said It? There is much in the way a thing is said. “Your cheeks are like roses,” said Aunt Flora when Lois came in from a January walk, glowing from the cold and exercise. Lois smiled and looked lovingly at Aunt Flora. Aunt Margaret entered the room minute later and glancing at Lois as she stood by the fire said: “My! Your face Is as red as a beet!” The red grew deeper on Lois’ face, while unconsciously she turned petu lantly away from Aunt Margaret, who prides herself on being “plain spoken.” Aunt Flora's way is best. She can say the right word at the right time, too, even the word of admonition and reproof, hut she says it in such a man ner that one can think only of the Scriptural “apples of gold in pictures of silver.”—Ada C. Sweet in Woman’s Home Companion. Orief and Pithy. An American law journal has quoted the charge to a jury delivered by a cer tain Judge Donovan as the shortest on record. The judge said: “Gentlemen of the jury, if you be lieve the plaintiff, find a verdict for plaintiff and fix the amount. If you be lieve the defendant, find a verdict for defendant. Follow the oflicer.” But an English periodical caps this brief charge by quoting a shorter one delivered by Commissioner Kerr. He - I ra.ilFUJ a jury: : 1 ’'‘Bbat iuav-says prisoner i The Standard Office.^ FISH SCALES. Do you want a remedy for Fistula or Foot Evil in stock? If so, nse Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic as directed pt will cure it. For sale by drnggists at 50c. a bottle. BOTTOMLESS HOLES. Pltn Iu the Transvnnl Whose Depths Have Xot Been Fnthouied. Up near the course of the little river of Malmaui there is a strange round hole in the rocks a few yards in diam- ter descending perpendicularly down to the unknown. In that hole there is nothing, it is empty. The neighbors say a stone dropped into it is never heard of again. These good people, though, are not given to throwing in many, even when the protecting par son Is there on his rounds. They grave ly suspect a loo free indulgence might prove an annoyance to an irritable personage whom they would rather not see on their level in that part of the world and whose visits in anger they would be loath to receive. Though tills hole is empty, there Is another, somewhat larger, close to it which is not empty. This other Is full of water almost up to the brim, and it has upon it a floating island of grass which shifts from side to side with ev ery change of tho wind. To tint] further examples of the same sort of herbage it is necessary to go <100 miles north ward. well into the hot districts in the tropics. Boers sa.v of this second pit they have endeavored to sound it. using 12 dozen rawhide thongs (reiusi tied end to end. a line. say. of 200 fathoms, witli a big stone as sinker, but without striking bottom. The sinker and line, at the lowest, were pulled sharply away to the side, as if a strong current were coursing lielow. Upon that they ceased to investigate further. You see. they were meddling in things which' didn't concern them and risking en counters with powers best left alone. So how deep il may lie we do not know yet. Some day a holder spirit may tell us.—Cincinnati Enquirer. A Cliesn Gealns, When Lasker, previous to the 1S99 chess international tournament, visited Manchester he was opposed In a simul taneous performance by an unknown player, who had’ obtained permission from the club secretary to take a board against the champion. The player put up quite a fair game, lint was finally muted. Then lie inquired of Lasker to know wherein lie had erred in the con duct of the play. Well.” said Lasker, "your play lias been somewhat peculiar. 1 notice that you have not oiu-e moved your knights.” “No.” replied the player, “the fact is that I have not as yet quite mastered the move of the knights, so I thought it safer not to move them at all.” The strauger had unconsciously con ceded his famous adversary llie odds of two knights, uot. to mention the handicap of his cramped po: il ion.— Brooklyn Eagle. The Best Twenty OnokH. “The 20 best hooks in tile world,” according to a consensus of replies re cently published in London Truth, are as follows: The Bible, Shakespeare, Homer. “Paradise Lost,” "Vanity Fair,” Dante, "The Pilgrim’s Prog ress,” Gibbon’s “Decline nnd Fall,” “Ivanhoe,” “Robinson Crusoe.” Car lyle’s “French Revolution,” “The Imi tation of Christ.” Boswell’s Johnson, “Pickwick,” Tennyson. “The Arabian Nights,” Virgil. Moliere, “David Cop- perfield” and “The Vicar of Wake field.” in this selection the books are supposed to rank In the order named. Hum It Bad. “Why, I didn’t know she lmd the golf craze.” “Yon didn’t? Oh, it’s a terrible case. Seems to have struck In. She sold her canaries awhile ago and won’t have anything but bobolinks in the house now.”—Chicago Times-Herald. Look! LOOK! Look! Have you seen and heard those beautiful Pianos, which are on exhibi tion at the Booz House? If you have not, you should by all means go and hear them. NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY To Exchange Your Old Piano or Organ T You are all cordially invited to come and see them. You can buy on EASY TERflS. Prices are right. Come and hear the Self-Playing Piano! The sale is in charge of Hr. R. P. nAYER, who is a competent and thorough piano man. He will be glad to explain any parts of the Piano to you. Free Concert Tonight! All are invited to attend a grand Pianola Concert free at the Booz House at 8 o’clock this {Thursday} evening. InTmrwtTrrrnTrrrnTiim.umuxilWUilDlto^ • LAND OF THE SKY.” In Western North Carolina, between Bine Ridse on the east and the Alle- ghanies on the west, in the beautiful valley of the French Broad, 2000 feet above the sea, lies Asheville, beautiful, picturesque and world-famed as one of bright skies and incomparable climate, whose praises have been sung by poets, and whose beauties of stream, valley and mountain height have fnrnislied snb ject and inspiration for the painter’s brush. This is truly the “Land of the Sky,** and there is perhaps no more beautiful region on the continent to at tract pleasure tourists or health seekers. Convenient schedules and very low rates to Asheville via Southern llail- Dnnned With a Purpose. Debtor—Don’t be so anxious to col-j lect this bill. I’m jiot going to run away. Creditor—Rut I am.—Baltimore Jew ish Comment. For Fine Job Printing come to robbed him. You settle Are you in the habit of catting yoar- Holf when y on shave? Then you shonld keep Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic conveni ent. It stops bleeding, prevents sore ness, rids yonr face of pimples and heals eats before yon know it. Pleasant as perfnme and cooling as a breeze “from Greenland’s icy monntians.” Sold by druggists. way. “Hello,Brown. How did yon get yonr face scarred so?” ‘‘Got run oyer by a truck.” “D'dn’t you see it coming?” “No. I was looking over my shoulder at the new moon for luck.” If tlie predisposition to worms in children is not cured they may become emaciated, weakly and in danger of convulsions. White's Cream Verlni- fuge is the most successful and popu lar remedy. Price 25 cpiiIs. T. F. Bur- re inedy bank. “He knows mnch that knows enough to know that he knows nothing.” “True; bnt he knows more that knows enough to look as if he knew everything.” CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Tlie Jlntclcnl Mirror. An ordinary mirror of any size or shape, a piece of French chalk, pointed so that it can be used to write, and a silk handkerchief are tlie requisites. Draw upon the mirror, with the chalk, any design or words you choose. With the handkerchief wipe the glass light ly until it is perfectly clear and no writing or design is apparent Hav ing all this prepared beforehand, show to some one and request that he breathe gently on tlie face of tlie glass, when he will see—a picture of his fu ture wife, for tlie design drawn will show very distinctly. This can again be wiped off, and if breathed upon the design will be again visible. Automatic Renown. “Kirby eould become famous if he weren’t so lazy.” “Oh, he will get famous yet” “Wliat do you. mean?” “Why, he Likes such good care of himself that lie will live lo be 100 and he famed for that.”—Detroit Free Press. A labored Effort. “What do you think of my play?” asked the author. “Play!” grunted tlie leading man “Play nothing! It’s hard work.”—Phil adelphia North American. I can tell everything that man writes,’’remarked the discerning citizen. How?” “If it’s poetry he begins each sentence with ‘O,’ nnd if it’s prose he begins it with ‘I.’ ” Aside from the serious inconvenience and pain caused by piles, there is a tendency to fistula and to cancer in tlie rectal regions. Piles should not he allowed to run oil unchecked. Tatt ler's Buckeye Pile Ointment is an in fallible remedy. Price 50 cts. a bottle, tubes 75 cts. T. F. Burbank. “Bridget, how did it happen when we came in last night after the theatre there was a policeman in the kitchen?” “Sure, mnm, Oi don’t know; bnt Oi think tbe theatre didn't last as long as nsnal.” DOES IT PAY TO BUY CHEAP? A cheap remedy for eonghs and colds is all right, but you want something that will relieve and enre the more severe and dangerons resnits of'throat and lung troubles. What shall yon do? Go to a warmer and moie regular cli mate? Yes, if possible; if not possible for yon, then in either case take the oDly remedy that has been introduced in all civilized countries with snccess in severe throat and lung troubles, “Bosebee’s German Syrup.” It not only heals and stimulates the tisanes to destroy the germ disease, lmt allays in flammation, canses easy expectoration, gives a good night’s rest, nnd cures the patient. Try one bottle. Recommended ninny years by all druggists in the world. Sample bottles at Knight Drag Co’s. Slimmer Resorts. Many delightfnl summer resorts are situated on and reached via Southern Railway. Whether one desires the sea side or the mountain, the fashionable hotels or country homes, they can be reached v : a this magnificent highway of travel. Asheville, N. G., Hot Springs, N. C., Hale Springs, Tenn., Rcan Mountain, Tenn., and the monntain resorts of East Tennessee and Western North Carolina—“The Land of the Sky,”— Tate Springs, Tenn., Lookout Moun tain, Tenn,, Monte Sanb, Huntsville, Ala., Lithia Springs, Ga., and various Virginia Springs; also tho seashore re sorts, are reached by the Southern Railway on convenient schedules and very low rates. The Southern Railway lias issued a handsome folder, eutitled “Summer Homes nnd Resorts,” descriptive of nearly one thousand summer resorts, hotels and boardipg houses, including information regarding rates for board at the different places. Write to C. A. Bemeotor.A. G. P. A., Chattanooga, Tenn., for a copy of this folder. WHY DR. HATHAWAY CURES. Reasons for His Marvelous Success— His Netv, Free Book. Dr. Hathaway’s method of treatment Is no experi ment It Is the result of twenty years of experi ence In the most exten sive practice of any specialist In his line In the world. He was grad uated from one of the best medical colleges In the country and perfect ed his medical and surgi cal'education by exten sive hospital practice. Early in his professional career he made discov eries which placed him at the head of his profes sion as a specialist in treating what are generally known as private diseases of men and women. This system of treatment he has more and more perfected each year until today his cures are so invariable as to be the marvel of the medical profession. , ,, . Enjoying the largest practice of any spectelbt In the world he still maintains a system of nomi nal fees which makes it possible for all to obtain his services. Dr. Hathaway treats and cures Loss of VlteUty, Varicocele, Stricture, Blood Poisoning In Its <hf- ferent stages, Rheumatism, Weak Back, Nerv ousness, all manner of Urinary Complaints, Ulcers, Sores and Skin Diseases. Bright Disease and all forms of Kidney Troubles. His treatment for undertoned men restores lost vitality and makes the patient a strong, well, vigorous man. Dr. Hathaway’s success in the treatment ot Varicocele and Stricture without the aid ofhnlle or cautery is phenomenal. Tlie patient is treated by this method at his own home without pain or loss of time from business. This is positively the only treatment which cures without ah operation. Dr. Hathaway calls the particular attention of sufferers from Varicocele and Stricture to pages 27.28,29, 30 and 31 of his new book, entitled, “Manliness, Vigor. Health,” a copy of which will be sent free on application. . Write today for free book and symptom Diana, mentioning your complaint. 'J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. Dr. Hathaway SCO. 22* South Broad Street. Atlanta, Ga. MENTION THIS PAFEIt WHEN WRITING- 1 Alarietta I CHMITM i marietta, ga. g | July 1st to 7th. Inclusive £ A SPLENDID PROGRAM. “Suicide,” said the emphatic man, “is the last thing I would do.” “Yes,” re plied the solemn one, “these who com mit suicide Reldom do anything more.” CASTORIA. Bears the /J The Kind You Hava Always Bough! Jclv Ist-BISHOP h. c. hobeisoh. Jcly 2d-GOV.fiANDLER anil EX-GOV. BOBTAYLUB. July Ud-HOW. geo. r. wendling an' DE. A. A. WILL1TT8. July tr.i-GEti. JOHN B. GORDON and HON. POLK MILLER. jcly 5tii—BON. ALT Tai—Bacd DB. 8. A. STEELE. Jcly Sra-PBOF.EUGENE C.FOSTER in his celebrated L. ctare Hjinid Air” with startling practical dtm- onstration3. ■ July 7th—HON. HENRY WATTERS0N- All of the above will appear at their best Music bv the Fifth Reg iment Baud and Chicago Glee Club the entire week. Ollier first-class attractions which spates forbids us KAY&BRO., DEALERS IN Fine Whiskies, Beer and Wines, Cash Orders Promptly Filled. Home, Ga. No Danger! Unhappily the most dangerous diseases are the most stealthy ones—ones that at first cause you ittle or no inconvenience—ones that you neglect until it is too late. Such is the case with diseases of the heart and lungs-don’t wait too long! Happily you have a great remedy within your reach, Compound Oxygen, which acts like magic on the whole system, put ting new life iuto lungs and heart. It has been in use for more than thirty years; thousands of patients have been treated and over one thou sand physicians have used it and recommended it—a very significant fact. Good Seasons for Vslig COHiOOlD OXYGII. It has been iu use for more than thirty years.. It is well tried. Thousands have testified to its wonderful curative powers. Hundreds of physi cians have used it in their piactice and at e warm in praise of it. It can be used at home without interfering with one’s business or employment. It cannot harm the most delicate patient. Treat ment includes consultation of most experienced physicians. For the cure of chronic diseases. Send lor free book of 200 pages. The great success of our treatment has given rise to imitators, unscrupulous persons, some calling their preparations Compound Oxygen, often appropriating our testimonials and the names of our patients, to recommend worthless concoctions. But any substance made elsewhere, or by others, and called Compound Oxygen, is spurious. Sound Endorsement. Testimonials of many well-known men and women establish the claim of Compound Oxygen to be the gTeat revitalizing remedy of the present time. It vill cost you nothing to investigate. Call and convince yourself, or send for our free book. Home or office treatment for chronic or acute diseases. |Drs. Starkey & Palau, 1112 Girard St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. £ to meutiou. - ^ PABKER’i^"" , HAIR BALSAM [Clause* sod besnfafias to ht ■ Promotes S hxxunsnt frowxs. I Never Falla to Bestora Ora? I Hair to Its Youtnful Color. iCnras scalp disease* * hsir Lslltaf. 1 Sau Francisco, Cal. Toronto, Canada. Please mention this paper. The One Day Cold Cure. For cold in the head and sore throat use Kef motfs Chocolates laxative Quinine, the “ One Day Cold Cure.” - -A-. maLkMtifMM mmim