The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, December 06, 1900, Image 1

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CEDARTOWN STANDARD. VOLUME 14. CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 6, 1900. NUMBER 45. HIDE OLD QUAKER LADY f MBS. POLLY EVANS, A LIFE-LONG FRIEND OF PE-KU-NA. "My wlto {Polly J. Evans) says she feels entirely cured of systemic catarrh of twenty years’ standing. She took nearly six bottles of thy excellent medi cine, Peruna, as directed, and we feel very thankful to thee tor thy kindness and advice. She did not ever expect to be so well as she Is now. Twelvo years ago It cured her of la grippe. I want to tell thee there has been a great deal of ■ Peruna used here last winter. Peruna does not need praising. It tells for Itself. We can and do re ommend It to anyono that Is afflicted with catarrh.” As ever, thy friend, John Evans, South Wabash, Ind. ' The above loiter written by n venerable old Qualtor, Mr.John Evans, living at South Wabash, Ind. tells In his quaint language his oxporlonco with tho national catarrh remedy, Poruna. Tho QunkorB have nlwayn boon on . notorized by tholr untiring caro H rollovlng tho sultorlng of tholr owt poor, and nro hospitable,swoot-splrlu. and goutlo pooplo. Thoy universal!;, woar plain, unobtrusive clothing, not t much for uniformity, ns to oscupo tin ovor-ohanglng fashions In dross. Tlioir honesty and voracity Is well known. Hcnoo this lottor will bo resi With Interest by all olnsses. Could any words bo more to tho poin i could any ovldonco bo more convincin',’ than tho above persuasive, direct, >.. cere lottor? Systemic catarrh is a o<v.. ditlon In which olironic catarrh haspei- vadod tho whole Bystom. Oatarrl t'rst begins by localizing Itself In some on or tnoro organs of tho body, but vcy soon it shows a tendonoy to spread n othor organs. If It Is not cheeked, tie whole systom becomes Invaded by Dili Insidious dlscnso. When cntarrli has reached this stags, of courso It has gono beyond tho reach of all local remedies. Nothing but a systomio remedy can reach It. Poruna Is tlioonly remedy yet devised to moot such cases. Poruna eradicates catarrh from the system. ) It does Its work qulotly, but surely. It cleanses tho mucous membranes of tho whole body. It produoos regular funotions. Poruna restores porfoot health In a nntnral way. Anna P. Nlohols, Vice Grand Baiter Robekali Lodge, In A lottor from (WO Main street, Kansas Olty, Mo.,says: " My friends rec ommended Peruna sohighlytliatlpur- clmscd a bottle to try it and have never been sorry. “ At times my system bectuno en tirely run down, 1 could not Bleep well and lost my appetite. Since I havo used Poruna I feel like a different woman and hardly know what it is to bo sick. I congratulate you on tho merits of your wondorful medicine and wish you continued success.” One of Dr. Ilartman's freo books 0:1 catarrh, sent to any address by Tho Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. TOYS, TOYS. DOLLS, DOLLS. Biggest Line in Rome. Childrens’ Shoos, size 8 to 0 4c All Wool Dross Goods,Double Width, per yard - 7c This is by far the Largest Store ever in Rome. We now occupy the Entire Building-,241, 243 and 245 Broad street, and have every Nook and Corner of the Three Floors filled with new, up=to=date Dry Goods, Millinery, Shoes, Clothing, Crockery and House Fur= nishings. We Wholesale and Retail, and at lower prices than any house in Georgia. Come and see, and we guarantee to save you money. Read these prices; they are only a few of the many bargains. The whole store is full of them. , “Oh, lior husband is as riok nB Croesus! She could have tho lovolicst things if Bho wore not too lazy to pino for them!” When yon need a soothing nnd lienl- ing nntlseptio application for any pur pose, use tile original DeWitt’s Witch llazel Salve, a well known cure for piles and skin diseases. It healseores without leaving a scar. Beware of counterfeits. E. Bradford. “Olara, an indoor flying maohino has been invented." “Well, you needn't got ono, Olnronoo; you break enough brioabrao now." Don’t use any of tile counterfeits of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salvo. Most of them are worthless or liable to cnusc injury. Thu original DeWitt’s Wltoh Hazel salve is a curtain cure for piles, eczema, cuts, scalds, burns, sores nnd skin diseases. E. Bradford. Teaoher—“How many voyages did Columbus mnko?” Pupil—"Ho mndo four, ma’am." Teaohor—Correct; nnd ftcr which of them did bo die?" “Miss FrookB is a very pretty girl," said Mr. Hunker. "Pretty?” repented Mr. Spatt8. “Mias Frooka is handsomer than her own photograph." THURSDAY AFTERNOON CLUB. The Thursdiiy Afternoon Club met last week will! Mias Pauline Chap man, and the members were charm ingly entertained by the hostess. A pleasing nnd Interesting feature nf the afternoon's pleasure was a guessing contest. There were four tables, on each of which were placed twelve objects. On the first were twelve kinds of vegetable seeds; on the second twelve pictures ol anl- mal’s heads; on the third twelve bottles, the contents to be determined by smelling; on the fourth twelve kinds of foliage. The contest was interesting, Miss Mary Barton prov ing the winner. Following tho delivery of the prize, a silver call bell, delicious re. freshments were served, and the club members voted the Thankss giving meetiug one of the most pleasing social gatherings yet en Joyed by that popular organization. THE MEETING OF 1JHE BAPTIST UNION AT ANTIOOH. 1. Remember that the Union meets at Antioch on Friday before the 6th Sunday in December, nnd not at Shi loll. That was a mistake. 2. Let us make it n joyful Christmas time. Brethren, put your house in perfect order nnd let there be no UIb. comfort to keep anyone away. Make your house warm and keep it so. 8. Let it be filled with the spirit, Many ought to speak besides the ap pointees. 4. Talk about the meetings nnd ex pect grent tilings from them. Let each one do his pnrt. 0.1C. H, Assures light, sweet, pure and wholesome food. Housekeepers must exercise care in buying bak ing powders, to avoid alum. Alum powders are soltl cheap to catch the unwary, but alum is a poi son, and its use in food seriously injures health. BOYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST.. NEW YORK. Hov. J. R. King, who was assigned to Park Street ohnrob, Atlanta, by the North Georgia Methodist Oonfereneo, wished to remain in Augasta, and has accordingly exchanged appointments with Rev. Luke ‘Johnson, who had been assigned to that ohnrob, the “swap” being sanotioned by the Bishop and Presiding Elders. Lawyer—“You say that you were in the saloon at the time of the assault re ferred to in the complaint?” Witness— “I was, sir.” Lawyer—“Did you tako cognizance of the barkeeper at the time?” Witness—“I don’t know what bo called it, but I took what tho rest did.” Judge—"You aro charged with steal ing a gold searfpin of the valuo of ten dollars. Aro you guilty or not guilty?" Prisoner—“Not guilty, your Honor. The pawnbroker said it was tbrowin’ money to tho birds to let mo havo moro than two dollars on itj’ CLOTHING. We bought the stock of Cloth ing of a big manufacturer, and can and do soil Clothing cheaper — than any house in Rome. Men’s $4 suits Men’s 5 suits Men’s 8 suits Men’s 10 suits Men’s 15 suits Boys’ $1 suits Boys’ 2 suits Boys’ 2.50 suits Boys’ 8 suits Boys’ 4 suits Boys’ 0 suits $2.10 fi en > s Underwear 4.45 Men ’ s heavy Shirts g_Dg Men’s heavy 50c Shirts q qg Men’s heavy 76c Shirts 48c B °y s ’ ®0c Shirts , 1.25 Qo0(i 0flBco Remnants 1.48 2 Papers .Needles for 1 jjg Toilet Soap per cake 2 25 10c Tar Soap 8.50 Octagon Soap 84-in Fine Comb 4 pint Tin Otip Pie Plates Ladies’ Fine Plush Cape, Fur Trimmed,"each only i 80c Good Yard - wide Bleached Sheeting - 4| c Mattress Ticking, 88-in. wide 44c- Fine Double Fleeced Outing, good style ” - "ic 3 Spools best Six-Cord Thread 10c Tailor Suits. This is the largest and finest lc Suit Department in North Geor- Tlie suits are all new styles, gia. SHOES. We have the biggest stock j Leather Shoes in Rome, all solid Jj-j NCW CrOCk= leather, and priced so low you need not buy the cheap paper ery Annex. shoes. 2c fi' le material and best workman- ac ship. Prices are from $2.08 to $45 suit; every garment gunran- lc teed to fit. lc ““ 5 MILLINERY. This is one of the largest and finest Millinery Departments m , „ , the South. Our milliners aro the I JZlZJSZ B “ * 4 f i* «'» -Sr, - !’.y- direct from manufacturer and get 2 0-inch Fire Shovel the lowest price and sell as we 10-quart Dish Pan buy, Cheap. 17-quart Dish Pan ■ No. 2 Glass Lamp complete Boys’ Wool Hats Pins, per paper Ladies’ Ribbed Vest Children's Cloaks All Wool Fascinators Fine All-Wool Fascinators, all colors; bended 24-in. Umbrellas, Pretty bright, Dress per yard 5c Decorated Plates, set lc Cups and Saucers, set 13c Tumblers per set 20o Goblets per set, 15c Tin Dippers - Syrup Pitchers 26c Cream Pitchers 26c Glass Vase * n S 1,8 "’ e do in largo quantities 15c from, first hands, we sell cheaper 15c than any other store in this sce- 15c (ion. 25c One large lot Felt Hats trim- 20<! med with Silk, Ostrich Feathers, 10c Fancy Pompons, etc., all colors, 28c choice - Qfc !k Big line fine Trimmed Hats at 8e $1.25, 1.48, 1.98, 2.25, 8.98, 8.26- 8(5 and up to $20. Turkey Red Table Damask, 00-in. wide - 19c Plaids, Largo Bowls eacli 3,5,8,10 and 15c 3Ac Crystal Glass Sugar Dish, Cream L."" 77 , , 1 , otT ,’' Fine Blenched Table Damask 19c Pitcher, Spoon Holder nnd . , , 12 Envelopes for - , lc 12 Sheets Paper - lc Vaseline, per bottle - 2c Good Machine Thread, 200 yd spools, only - 2c Butter Dish, all for Lonsdale Bleached Cotton, yard wide - 04c 27-in. Checked Cotton Ging hams, yard wide - 84c Heavy double Front Overalls, strapped buttons - 88c LAN HAM & SO ROME, OA. 245 Broad Street. Corner 3rd Aye.