The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, December 13, 1900, Image 12

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CEDARTOWN, OEORGIA. TIHIUSDAY, DKOEMBEB in, 1900. POLK COUNTY UNEETURNED LAND TAX BALES FOR JANUARY. 1001. fttat* »f Georgia—County of Folk. Will b« wild before the court house door In the City of Gatlartown, folk County, tin.. Willi In the Ifgsl liouia of *al«! oil ll in January, 11/01, to the highest the following described property Ia>t of land No. 64, situate, I In the 1st Hist, and 4th Hoc. of folk County, da., levied on : fl. fa. IhhucU by W. < V. i the nd In for the purpoae of the the years 1HU1 and 18U«. Also, at the Name ilnii manner nliove deacrlhed, will h ud county taxes f< 1 place and in lk< Id lot of lam >1 loin* I f folk County, Oa No. 75, situ Jat Diet. and 4th Nc< levied on as unrelurned land under and virtue of a lav tl. fa. Issued by W. C. •chllestett, T. C. . I\ C„ vs. the anld u turned land for the purpose of the Hiate county taxes for the year 1891. ■ Also, st the name time ami place and in til * * * * of Ian No. M, Itch I lei of folk County, Ga. 1, T. ml for P. C., ie pti the laid of the Nlu i 1HUI, 1892, 1893, 1(04, county ts 1896, IH'jO, 1107, 1898 Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will be anld lo" * ' Vo. 117, situate, lying and being 1st Diet. and 4th See. of folk County, G; * levied virtu ed land Bchllestett,. T. turned land fo county taxes f< Also, fl. fa. issued \V. and h at the same time ami place and in th above described, will lie sold lot of land 137, situate, lying and tiring In tin Bchllestett, T. C. f. C., vs. the i turned land for the purpose of the county taxes for the years 1808, 1310 Also, st the same time ami place a ndnr and h l»y W. 0. \ and Pm id in tli icrihrd, will be sold bit of land Nb. 153, situute, lying and being in tb 1st Dist. and 4th Kec. of folk County, Ga. levied on aa virtue of a t Bchllestett, T. 0. P. ()., vs. the turned land for the purpose of the county taxes for the yearn 1890, 1891, 1802, 1HP3, 1104, 1005, 1896, 1807, 1808, 1800 and 1000. Also, st the same time slid place and In the manner above described, will he sold lot of land No. 201, situate, lying and being in the 1st Dist. and 4th Bee. of Polk County, Ga levisd on as unretuined land under ami b virtue of a tax fl. fa. leaned by W. C. V Bchllestett, T. C. P. C„ vs. the anld unrt turned land for the purpose of the Ntuto an county taxes for tho years 1800, 1804, 1892, 1803, d .. .axes for tho vears 1800. 1804. 1802. 1H0S and 1805. , Also, at the same time and place and in the • above deacrlhed, will he sold lot of land No. 200, situate, lying nml being in tho 1st Dist. and 4th Bee. of Polk County, Ga. levied on aa unreturned land under an * ’ virtue of a tax fl. fa. loaned by \V. ( Bchllestett, T. C. P. C., vs. tho said turned land for the purpose of the Hlat county taxes for the years 1800, 1801 and 1803. Also, at the same time and place-ami in the bed. will be i lying and ..... ... 1st Dist. and 4th Her. of Polk County, Ga. Isvled on aa unreiunied ' land under and virtue of a tax fl. fu. lamed by W. .0. ■clilleatett, T. 0. P. C., vi. Ill, ulil uni turned land for the purpose of the State a county taxes for the years 1801, 1892 and 1898. Also, at the same time and place and in the l*t Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk (Anility, Ga., /•vied on aa iiiireturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W» O. " Bchllestett, T. 0. P. C., vs. the said u..._ turned land for the purpose of tho State and county taxes for the years 1800, *.'01, 1892, 1800. 1898, 1890 and 1000. Also, at the Bame time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 231, situate, lying and being In the 1st Dist. and 4th Bee. of Polk County, Ga., levied on os unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by \V. Bchllestett, T. 0. P. O., vs. tho said turned land for the purpose of the Stats and county taxes for the year 1891. Also, at the ume time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 247, situate, lying and being In the lit Diet, and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga„ levied on as uiirctyrned land under and to virtu# of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. Bchllestett, T. C. P. C., vs. the Mid 1897 end 1898. Also, at th® „ mm manuer above described, will he sold lot of iand 1 time and place ami In. the No. 206, situate, lying and being in the 1st Dist. and 4th Bee. of Polk County, Ga., levied on aa unreturned land under and by ™tu° of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. SohUffltett, T. O. P. a, vs. tho said unre. turned land for the purpose of the State and taxes for the years 1892, 1893, 1891, 189tJ, ItOT, 1888, 1890 aud 1900. Also, at the same time and place and in the S? ,nne J\* b<lv F described, will be sold lot of land No. 828, situate, lying and being iu the 1st Dist. and 4th See. of Tolk County, Ga., levisd on ta unreturned land under and by .virtue of a tax fl. ta. issued by W, 0. V. Bchllestett, T. O. P. C., vs. the said iinre- turned laud for the purpose of the State and county taxes for ths year 1698. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will bo sold lot of land a,l . uat *' being in the 1st Dlat. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by 22S* * Ux u - iBSUcd by W. C. V. Bchllestett, T. 0. P. 0., vs. tho Mhl turned land for the purpose of tho State and the 1891, 1894, 1895, llWfl, 1807, 1808, 1899 and 1000. Also, at the Mine time and place and In the manner above described, will be sold lot of land LW5. •»»«*«, lying and being In the 1st Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga„ levied on as unreturned laud under and by K lB6UCd b y w. o. v. ScWlsetctt, T. 0. P. O., vs. the Mid unre- turned land for the purpose of tho Btato and arTlwi*** 1 f ° r U,e yea ” 180 °’ 1801 ’ ,8W * 1S<J3 Also, at the Mine time and place and in tho manner above described, will be sold lot of land 1>inR and being in the pt Dfag. and 4th Bee. ef Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. ituned by W. O. V, Bchllestett. T. O. P. C„ \f, the Mid luim-u iand lur me pur|K>so of the Stat county, taxes for the year 1890. Also, at the same time and place and In tho inatmoi above described, will bo sold lot of land ’ No. 889, situate, lying and being in the 1st Dim. and 4th See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by a J ax „ fl - f “- ,8sucd by W, C. V. Bchliratett, T. C. P. C., v®. tho Mid unre turned land for the put pot* •• the State and county taxes for ths years Ik; ui 1890. Also, ai the Mine time and »». :e and in the inaOner above described, will be m Id lot of land rfil?' B J )ing and being in the J at , and 4th Soc - ot Polk County, Ga., levied N>n as unreturbed land under and by *°! t * J ax ,, fl ‘ fa * is ' iUcd by W, O. V. Bchllestett, T. C. P. O., vs. the Mid unro- JH!$ , la " d » or A hc P ur P°»° ° r *be’ State and county taxes for the year 1896. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land slt , u * 1 t .‘V iy* 11 * and being in the levied "on ' ,®® 0, ,°* County, Ga., virtue of turned land foi lime and place and In the >cd, will he sold lot of bind Iving and being in the Kec. of Polk County, Ga., limed land under and by fa. is-n.d by W. O. V. I*. C., v*. the said unre- purprioc of the Htate and unreturned land under and by , *. v/., »!>. me sain unre turned land for the purpose or\thc State and county taxes for the year 1890. Also, at the ume time and place and in the manner above described, will be aold lot of land £.°* Eit . u * tp . and being in the 2d Dlat. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., .levied on as unreturned land under and by ‘u’ .'w* °* * ** x f«su«d by W. o, V {Schliestett, T. 0. P. C.. vs. the said unre' turned land for the purpose of the &*ate and ° OU . , \ t £j* XC * tor the 180s * 1805, 1896 and 1809. ovo described, will t»c sold lot of Ism! slluste, lying snd tielng in the snd 4th Her. of Polk County, Os., on unrt tin lied land under and hy n tax fl. fa. Issued hy W. C. V. , T. C. P. C., vs. the said unre- d for the purpoae of the State and cs for the year 1894. the tunic time and place and in th uve di m rilicd, will bu Bold lot of land situate, lying ami being in tli ie of a tax (I. fa. isaued by W. C. V. ieatett, T. C. P. 0„ VH. tIn? sold unre ml land for the purpose of tho State am ty taxes for ths year 1897. so. at the unit! lime and place and in th ‘ described, will he sold lot of land ml b; said se of the State am 1899. md place and in th levied on virtun of a tax fl. fu. I Bchllestett, X. 0. P. C„ turned land for the purp< county taxca for the year Alao, at the same time manner above dwcrlbrd, will lie sold lot of 1 No. 0, situate, lying and being in tho 2d I»lst. snd 4th Bee. levied on as unreturnci virtue of a tax fl. fu. imued hy W. C. V. Hchliestelt, T. C. P. C., va. tho said unre turned land for the purpose of tho State snd county taxes for tin.* year 18W. Also, at the some time and place and In th manner above described, will be aold lot of land No. 10, situate, lying ami being In th 2d IMat. and 4th Bee. of Polk County, Ga.. levied on aa unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued hy W. C. V. BchllMtett, T. C. P. C., vs. the Mid unre turned land for the purpose of ths State and oounty taxes for the year 1899. Also, st tho ante time and place and in the .manner shove described, will be sold lot of land No, OS, situate, lying snd bring in tho •2d Dist. snd 4Ui Bee. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unrsturiicd land under and hy fvirtuo of a tax fl. fu. issued hy W. C. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. the said unre turned iand for the purpose of tho Htate and county taxes for tho year 1899. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will lie sold lot of laud No. 44, situate, lying uml bring in the 2d Dist. and 4th tfec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on aa unreturned land under and hy virtue of a tax fl. fa. {saurd by \V. 0. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. C., vs. tho said unre-. turned land for the purpose of the State and* county taxes for the ytar 1899. Also, at the same time and place and in tho manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 82, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Gu., 1 ’ * unreturned land under and by fl. fa. inaut’d by W. O. V. Bchllestett, T. O. P. 0„ va. tho aald turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for ths yean 1897, 1898 and 1899. Also, at the Mmc time and place and in the manner ahovo doscrihci), will ho sold lot of land No. 95, situate, lying Anil being in tho 2d Dlat. and 4th Bee. of Polk County, 0a., levied on as unroturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. Issued by W. O. V. Bchllestett, T. O. P. O., va. (ho said unre- turned land for the purpose of tho State and county taxes for the year 1891. Also, at tho same time and place ami In the manner above deacrlhed, will bo sold lot of land No. Ofl, situute, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and 4th See. of Polk County, Ga., levlod on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. Isaued by W. C. V. Schliestett, T. O. P, C„ vs. the said unre turned land for the I’nirposc of the State-and county tax«s fur the year 1891. Also, at the wmo time and place and in the manner above described, will he sold lot of land situate, lying snd being In tho and 4th Sec. of Poik County Gu., unreturned land under and hy 2d Dist. levied on virtue of Bchllestett, T. C. P. C., vs. the Mid turned land for tho purpose of the State and tax fl. fa. issued by W. G. V. manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 110, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. snd 4th Bee. of polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and hy virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued hy W. O. V. ScMls<t«tI. T. O. P. 0„ v,. tho Mill unre- turned land for the' purpose of the State and county taxes for th® year 1800. Also, at tho Mme time and place ana m the juanner above described, will be sold lot of land levied on os unreturned land undor artd by vlrtuo of a tax fl. fa. liisued by \\\ O. V. ,‘Bchllestett, T. 0. P. O., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the year 180). Also, at the same time and place and in tho mnnner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 123, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and 4th 8ee. of Polk County Ga., levied on aa unreturned land under and by vlrtuo of a tax fl. fa. Issued by W. O, V. Schliestett, T. O. P. 0., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxca for tho years 1891, 1895, 1898, 1899 and 1900. Also, at the same time and place and In the planner above described, will be sold lot of land No. .124, situate, lying and being in tho 2d Dist. and 4th See. of Polk County Ga., ’cvled on as unreturned land under and by Irtue of a tax fl. fa. Issued by W. C. V. 8chlleitett, T. O. P. O., vs. the said unre turned land for the purposo of the State and county taxes for the year 1801. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot cf land No. 147, Bituntc, lying and being in tho 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue ot a tax fl. fa, issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. O. P. O., vs. tho said unre turned land for the purpose ot the State and county taxes for the yeara 1890, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1IW, 1896,. 1897, 1808, 1899 and 1900. Also, at the bhiuo time and place nnd in the manner above described, will ho sold lot of land No. 153, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. iaiued by W, O. V. Schltcatctt, T. O. I\ C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and taxcs for the years 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1890, 1899 and 1900. Also, av the same time and place and In the maimer above described, will be sold lot of land ?i°* r,?*?’ ly,n K nMd bcI, »K tho 2d Dist. nnd 4th Sec. of Polk County Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by Schliestett, T. C 1\ O., vs. tho soli] unre- turned land for the purpose- of tho Slate and county taxes for the year 1897. Also, at tho same time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land £,°- iltuate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by 2»n»® of a tax fl. fa. isaued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T, O. P. a, v>. the uld unre- turned and for the purpose of the State and.’ and'l900 aXC8 ( ° r U ‘° ycara 1S91 * 1S97 * 188S * 1803 Also, at the same time and place and In the manner above described, will be sold lot of land £. 0, yJ 68, * ,tuatc » lymg and being in the 2d Diet, and 4th Sec. of Polk Oounty Ga., hvied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schlicatctt, j T. C. P. C„ vs. tho said unre- ’ 1 the State and Alio, at the Mine time and place and in the manner above described, will bo sold lot of land £, 0, lying and being in tha 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County Ga., levied on aa unreturnsd land under and -by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. O. P, a, vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of tha State and ^aPso^ al X tho ,0 Mine time gnU place and In the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 195, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dlat. and 4th 8ec. of Polk County Ga., " “1 unreturned land under and by o . .. tax fi - **• issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. O. P. O., vs. the said unre- turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the year 1S!W. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 206, situate, lying and being In the 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. ot Polk County Ga., levied on as unreturned land .under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. isaued by W, a V, Schliestett, Ti O. P. 0., va. the said unre- Also, at the Mine time and place and in the manner above described, will he sold lot of land No. 214, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and 4th Hec. of Polk County Ga., levied on us unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued hy W. C. V. Bchllestett, T. C. P. O., vs. ths said turned lai county ta 1890, 1397, ’ Also, at manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 230, situate, lying and being In ths 2d Dint. and 4th Sec. of Polk County Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtun of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. o. V. Schliestett, T. C. P C., vs. the Mid unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the year 1890. Also, at the Name time and place and In the manner above described, will lie sold lot of land No. 281, situate, lying and being Iji the 2d Dist. and 4th Hec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on aa unreturned land under and hy virtue of a tax fl. fa. iosued hy W. C. V. Bchllestett, T. C. P. 0., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and years 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, t time and place and in the 1899 and 1900. Also, it the manner above described, will- be aold lot of land No. 284, situate, lying and being In the 2d Dist, and 4th Hec. of Polk County, Gs„ levied on aa unreturned land under and hy virtue of a tax fl. fa. Issued by \V. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State snd county taxes for tho years 1891, 1892 snd 1893. Also, at the aame time and place and in the manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 321, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and 4tli Hoc. of Polk County, Ga., levied on m unrcturni-d land under and by virtue of a lax fl. fa. loHiicd by IV. G. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of (he Stats and county taxes for the year 1893. Also, at the Mmc lime and place and In the manner above described, will he sold lot of land No. 322, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and 4th Hec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. Isaued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. C., vs. the Mid unre- d land for the purpose of the Rtste and i for the yeara 1800 and 1891. ' time and place_ and in the county Also, manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 328, situate, lying and being In the 2d Dist. and 4th Hec. of Polk. County, Ga., unreturned land tax fl. turned land under and by I. fa. loaned by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. O. P. O., turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for tho year 1890. Also, at the same time and place nnd !n tho mnnner above described, will he nold lot of land No. 381, situute, lying nnd being in the 2d Dist. and 4th Hoc. of Polk County, On., levied on as unreturned land under and hy virtue of a tax fl. fa. Iwmrd by W. O. V, Schliestett, T. O. P. C., vs. the said unre- and 1805. Also, at the naim; time and place and in the manner above described, will L-c sold lot of land No. 383, situate, I ting nnd lieing in the 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. ot Polk County, Ga., levied on na unreturned land under and by ‘virtue of a tax tl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. C., va. the said unre- turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the year 1892, 1893 and 1896. Also, at the aaintt time and place nnd in the manner above described, will bo aold lot of land No. 389, situate, lying nnd being in the 2d Dist. Apr) 4t)i Sep. q) L*plk County, Ga.,* levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax 11. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. 0. P. O., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the Htate nnd county taxca for tha yeara 1893, 1891, 1895, 1896 and 1897, Also, at the Mme time and place and in the manner above described, will Wc aold lot of land No. 390, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and 4th See, of l'olk County, Ga., levlod on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. isaued by -W. O. V. Schliestett, T. 0. I‘. C., vb. tho said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county tftxpa fpr tl»® year 1897. Also', at t|ic Mine time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No, 40), situate, lying and being in the 2d Disf. And 4th Sec. pf Polk County, Ga., levied on AS unreturnsd land under and by virtue of a tax f|. fa. issued by W. 0. V. Schliestett, T. 0. 1». 0., vs. the said unre- turned land for the purposo of the State and oouutv tu«M tor tho ve®r 1890, Also, At the same time ant) place and in the manner above dcHcribcd, will be aold lot of land 451, situate, lying and heing in the 2d Dlat. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga n levied on aa unreturned land under and l>y virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. G. V, Schliestett, T. 0. P. 0., va. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxca for tho years 1892 and 1894. Alao, at the same timo and place and In the manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 459, aituatc, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and 4th See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on aa unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. 0. P. 0., ve. the said unre- turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxca for tho years 1890 and 1891. AIbo, at the same time and place and in tho manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 470, situate, lyiug and being in the 2d Dist. and 4th See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax' 11. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of tho State and county taxes for tho years 1897 and 1898. Also, at the same time and plnce and in tho manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 470, situate, lying and being in the 2d Diet, and 4th See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. G. V. SehlieBtctt, T. O. P. C., vs. the said turned laud for tho purpose of the State and county taxes foe tho years 1895 and 1890. Alio, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. . 482, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and 4th See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and ’ by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. Y. Schliestett, T. C. P. C., vs. the said unre- turned land for tho purpose of tho State and county tax'ea for the yeara 1893, 1895 and 1890. Also, ot the same time and place and in the manner above described, will be aold lot of land No. 487, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist, snd 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under nnd by virtuo of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. 0. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. 0., vs. the said unre turned land for tho purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1S02, 1893, 1S95, 1890, 1897, 1898, 1699 and 1900. Also, at the same time nnd place nnd In the manner above described,. will be sold lot of land No. 497, situate, lying aud being in the 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Qa., levied on aa unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. C., vs. tho said unre turned land for the purpose of tho State and county taxca for tho years 1893, 1S94 and 18U6. Also, at tho same time and place, and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 614, situate, Iving and being in tho 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by \V. C. V. Schliestett, T, C. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose o( the State and county taxes for the year 1892. Xiso, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 658, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied .on as unreturned land under and by Sttr. 0 /* tax «• fa - ,ssucd b * w - c- v. **• 0 '* vs - tbo 81,11 up turned land for the purpose of tho State and 2d Dist and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on a9 unreturned land under and by virtue of a .tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. O. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land fer the purpose of the State and county taxes for the year 1S90. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 625, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. anil 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtuo of a fox fi. f a . issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. O. P. 0., vb. the said unre- turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxea for the years 1896 and 1S97. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot l*nd No. 526, situate, lying And being ip tho 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. 0; V. Schliestett, T. C. P. 0., vs. the said unre al Dist. and 4th See. of Polk Count! levied on as unreturned land under ^ virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued hy W. Schliestett, T. C. P. C., va. the sail! turned land for the purpose of the Btato and county taxes for the yeara 1890, 1891, 1892, 1894, 1896, 1896, 1897, 1898 and 1899. Also, at the same time sod pln> manner ul>ov<; described, will be sold lot of land No. 697, situate, lying and heing In 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of n tax fl. fa. iwoied by W. <\ Schliestett, T. C. P. G.. vs. the Mid u turned land for the county taxes for the 1890. AUo, s No. 014, fd Dint, i levied on i virtue of Schliestett, T. 0. ie linn! and place and in the ribed, will be sold lot of land lying and being In the of Polk County, turned land for the purpose of the State and county Uxea for the years 1892. 2d Dist. and 4th See. of Polk County, Ga. levied on as unreturned land under and hy virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by \V\ O. V. Schlhstctt, T. C. P. G., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and 2d Dist. and 4th See. of Polk County, Ga.. ..■» rJ rt Urnet j - land under ahd liy by W. 0. V. levied vlrtflt * f of „ ... .„ SchllcKtelf, T. C. P. 0., turned land for the purpo> tax fl. fa. iiwucd turned land for the purpose of the ,%it| and count/ taxes for the yeara 1S90 and 1S04 ft > of the State and . s.. -n- * ad In the nanner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 009, situate, lying and bring in the 2d Dial, and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and bv vlrtuo of a (ax fl fa i.»- w n v Schliestett, T. 0. turned land-for th_ county taxes for the year 1895. Also, at the aame time and place snd In the manner above described, will be sold lot of land J\ 0, ,,luat ?' W"* ■"«> being In the 2d Diet, and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. imuud hy W. 0. V. Sdilientett, T. O. P. C., vs. the Mid unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the Also, at tho Mine ___ manner above described, will be sold lot of’land No. 708, Bituate, lying aud being in the 2d Dial, and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga. levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. Bchllestett, T. 0. P. C.* vs. the Raid unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the yeura 1890, 1897, 1899 and Also, at the same time and place anil In the mannor above described, will be sold lot of land £?* J!*} 1 "* tt,J “®. frto* *ud being in the 2d Diet, and 4th See. of Polk County, Gt. ( levied on aa unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fu. Issued by W, C. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., va. the said unre- turned laud for the purpose of the State and county taxes for tho year 1895. Also, at tho same time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land £. 0, ,x?l 8 * • i , tuat <'» WAIT »"d being in the 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. qf Polk County, Go., levied on as unreturned land under and by vlrtuo of a tax fl. fa. iamicd hy W. O. V. Schliestett, f. O. P. O., va. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the Slate and county taxes for the year-1894. Also, at tne Mme time and place and In the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 750, situate, lying and l>oing in the 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unre turned land under ar** virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued hy W. Schliestett, X- C. P. O., vs. the Mid turned land for tho purpose of the State and county taxes for the year 1895. Also, at la- name timo nnd place and In tin manner above described, *Hl be sold lot of Ud« No. .04, situate, lying and being in th® 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk Coanty, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and hy Jrtrtjl® of a tax fl. fa. issued by \V. (J. Y, Schliestett, T. G- P? G,, vs. tho salt) unr®r turned land fpr thp purpose of the State and jgrojy taxes for the years 1802, 1893, 1894 and Also, at the eamo timo nna place and in lus manner above described, will be sold lot of land No- W, Bituate, lying and being in 'tho 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga.. levied on as unreturned land under and by Schllcfctett. T. C. P. 0., vs. the said unre- turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1890, 1897 and 1900. Also, at the Rame time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land 5®. .„ 8da . Bituate, lying ahd being in th® 2d Diet, and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Qa., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P, 0., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the Stats and county taxea for tho years 1895 and 1900. Also, at (he satne’time “aud place and in ths manner above described, will be sold lot of land N°- _® S J» Bituate, lying and being tn th® 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned laud under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. 0. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. 0., vs. the said unre- turned land for the purpose of ths State and county taxes for the years 1890, 1897 ahd 1900. Also, at tho Bamo time and place and In the manntr above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 694, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and 4th See. of Polk County, Ca. t levied on as unreturned land under and by virtuo of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. 0. P. C., vs. the said unre turned laud for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the yeara 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1800 and 1900. • Also, at the samo time and place and in th® manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 897, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Gaj. levied on as unreturned laud under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. 0. Y, Schliestett, T. O. P. O., vs. the uid unr* turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the year 1899. AUo, at the same time and place and In th® manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 003, situate, lying and being in th® 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Oa. # levied sn as unreturned l#nd- under and by virtue of a Ux fl. fa, issued by W. O. Y, county taxes for tho years 1890, 1591 and 1892. Al#, at the Mme time and place and fn th® •manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 919, situate, lying and being in tb# 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and *~ levteu on as unreturned land under and by 1900. virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V, Schliestett, T. C. P. C„ vs. the Mid unre turned land for the purpose ot the State and county taxea for tho yeara 1890, 1895, 1896, 189T and 1000. t place i manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 953, situate, lying and being in th® 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. ot Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., va. the said uni*- turned land for the purpose ot tha State and county taxes for tho years 1895, 1897, 1898, U99 and 11*00., Also, at the Mme lime and' place and in tha manner above described, will be sold lot ot land No. 90S, situate, tying and being in ths 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. Issued by W. G. V. Schliestett, T. O. P. a, vs. the Mid unr®- turr.ed land for the purpose ot tho Stat® and county taxes for the years 1896 and 1807. Alao, at tho Mme time. and place and in th® manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 075, situate, lying and being in th® 2d Dist and 4th Sec. of Polk County, 0*., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. 0. P. a, vs. the Mid unr»- turopd land for tho purpose ot the Stato and couijiy taxes for t^e year 1896. Also, at the same time and place* and in th® manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 981, situate, lying and being in th® 2d Dist and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Go., on a3 unreturned land under and by e of a tax fi. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. 0., vs. the said unre turned land for tho purpose of the Stat® and county taxes for the years 1892 and 1893. Alco, at the rame time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot ef land No. 992, situate, lying and being in tb® 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Go!; levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O, V. Schliestett, T. C. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of tha State and county taxep for the yeara 1891 1892, 1898, MM. 1895, 1895, 1897. 1898, 1899 and J9QQ, ^ Also, at Ihe^ ^ lying and being in th® id* I)is7.’ and 4D* See. of Polk County, Oa., levicil on an unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. Issued by W. <9. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. C., vs. ths said um®- turried land for the purpose^ of the. State and >unty 1900. Also, i for the years 1890, 1861, 1862 and • sbo No. 1005, 2d Dist. levied on ir time and place snd in ths ribed. will bs sold lot of land situate, lying and being In tb® Also, dt the eame time nml place and in th»> manner above described, will be sold lo't of land No. 250, Bituate, lying and being in tho 10th Diet, and 4th Hec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land Krl.1: of T. C. P. C., u-d by s. the aid 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899 and 1900. nd 4th of Polk County, Oa., returned land under and by tasued by \Y. O. V. Schliestett, T. O. P. 0., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State bud county taxes for ths year 1899. Also, i ml pini ibed, will ba sold lot of I. No. 1912, situate, lying and being in th Id Dist. and 4th Sec. pf Polk County, Ui levied on us unrcluim-il land under and 1. virtue of a tax fl. fu. Isaued by W, C. V SchlicHtett, T. C. I*. 0., \s. the Mid unre turned land for the purpose of the State aud county ta_x<a fur the ycm-i 1892. Alao, at the same time and place and ’in tli manner above described, will he Bold lot of land No. 1019, situate, lying and being In the 2d Diat. and 4th Sec. of l’olk County, C levied on as unreturned laud, under and virtue of a tax fl. fa. iaiutif, by \V. C. Schliestett, T. C. 1‘. O., vs. the said ui turned land for the purpose of the State county taxes for the years 1898, 1899 and 1900. a Also, at the Rame time and place and in Hu £ ,ann " abov ‘i d »‘ H cribcd, will be bold lot of land No loso. B tuate, Ijlng and being In the 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga, levied on *• —-* • - virtue of .. Schliestett, T, 0- P- 0., W1M UUIC . turned land for tlio purpose ~ot the ^tale^and county taxes for the years 1897, 1S98 and 1899 Also, at the camu time and p manner above described, will be sold lot of lano 1034, situate, lying and being in nd 4th Sec. uf Polk County, Ga. as unreturmd land ;u*d. 2d Dist. virtue of a tax fl. fa. isaued by W. Schliestett, T. G. P. C., vs. the raid turned land fur the purpose of the State and county taxes for tho yeara 1U99, 1891, 1892, 1893. 1891 and 1899. 'i-'MiOf’it 1 'th®’ manner above described, will be sold lot of land : and in tin time and ph No. 1053, bituate, lying and being in th« 2d Dist. tid 4th See. of Polk County, Ga. “* unreturned land under and b. Issued by W, C. V* levied virtue of Schliestett, T. C. P. 0., vs. the said -...^ turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1394, 1895, 1890, 1807 1898, 1899 nnd 1900. Also, at the same time and place and ... „„ !?* nn ^,H bov ^ bribed, will be sold lot of land ?, o '„f 0 . 70 ’ , ! tu “' c ' W"* " n<1 1»I>W In Hi. .d Dint, am] ttl, Sec. of l'olk County, Ga., levied on aa unreturned land under and br virtue of a tar n. fa. lasucd by W. O. V. Schlloatctt, T. V. I'. 0.. va. the aald unre turned land for the purpoae or Lite State and t.eea for the yeara 180S, JSSI, 1805, lmis, 1899 and 1900. Also, at the same time and place snd In tl Nb n, ‘ii« b0V u df f rib ? d ! wW '« 8oId >°t Of Uii N«>• “S'b situate, lying and being in tl fevied *nn * n d ^ Co,1 0‘y» Ga., unreturned land under and by t t w C o* * ,ax fl - lasucd by W. O. V Bchliestctt, T. 0. P. C., va the said unre- turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1802 and 1893, ...— ut • olu 101 °* *Bna N°- 1 1W. situate, lying and being In the 2d _ Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk Oounty, Ga., unreturned land under and by tax fl. fa. issued by W. C, V. " " im said lmtk). ylrtu* pf._ ... . Schliihtett, T. C. P. C., turned land for the pur|>osc of the State and county taxes for the years 1691, 1892, 1893. 1894 1895, 1800, 1897, 1899 and 1900. Also, at the same time nnd place nnd In the manner above du-scrlbed, will be sold lot of land No. 1109, situate, lying and being In the 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on hs unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. Issued by W. O, V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs, the said unre turned land fof the purpose of the State and county faxes for ihe^jr"* ‘ and 1899. !-;AJ6(h.jfl , n _ ^ manner above described, wfH be sold lot of land No. 1176, situate, lying and being iu the 2d Dist. and 4th Soc. of Polk County, Ga. levied on aa uiucturticd land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by * W. C. Y. Schliestett, T. O. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and countv taxes lor the wars 1893. 1891 a» Also, at the same time and place and in the manner abovo described, will be Bold lot of land No. 1293, Bituate, lying and being 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk Coua. levied «Jn ns unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W.„ C. V. Schliestett, T. 0. P. O., vs. tlio said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and for the years 1891. 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1890, 1897, 1898, 1899 and 1900. Also, at the Rame time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 1204, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. aud 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by * T t,U n V*ii lss ^ J & V. . o. V. Jfi9l, 1895, 1890, 18- time apd place and in th Schliestett, T. P- V- 0., va. the raid u ...c- tumed land for the purpose of tho State and county taxes for the yeara 1890, 1803 and 1900. Also, at the same time and place and in tbs manner above described, will be sold lot of land 12 W. situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk Oounty, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. C., vs. the said 1225, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fg. Issued by W. C. V. S. hlii T. C. 1*. C\, vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1893 and 1894. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will Uo sold lot of land N ?' ^J 230 ’ Bltuate * Jytng and being in the 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtuo of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. G. Y. Schliestett, T. 0. P. O., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the yeara 1890, 1894 and 1895. Also, at tho same time and place and in the manner abovo described, will be sold lot of land b ?* « 1237 * situate, lying and being fu lh( 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and bv virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. a V. Schliestett, T. O. P. 0„ vs. the Mid unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the yeara 1897, 1898, 1899 and Also, at the same time and place and In the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 33, situate, lying and being in the 16th Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Go-, levied _ ’rirtat.vpr jt „ > . Schliestett, T. C. P. C., vs. the said 1894, 1895, 1897, 1898, 1899 and 1900. Also, at the samo time and place and In the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 40, situate, lying and being in the 16th Dist. and 4 th Sec. of Polk County, Ga, levied on aa unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued hy W. O. V. Schliestett, T. a P. C„ vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1S91, 1892, 1S93, 1694, lRO>; YC<W 1C. 17' l cnQ tom ... J * ’ 1805. 1896. 1897: 1898. 1899 and .1900. Also, at the same time ami "lace" and“iiTthe manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 177, situate, lying and being in the 16th Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. Issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the yeara 1890, 1892, 1895 and 1897. Als®, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 197, situate, lying and being in the 16th Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk Oounty, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. O. P. O., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpoae of the Stale and county taxes for the year 1890. tl i V7 * ®° IU 101 OI No- 24®. situate, lying - and being in the ICth Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga. levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C V P * C ’’ 71 tbo ** ld unre- turned land for tho purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1990, 1891, 1892 1894 1S95, 1897, 1898, 1899 and 1900. ’ ’ 10th Dist. lovied on virtuo of Sohlh-sUtt, T. nd 4th Hec. cf l’olk County, Ga., s unretuined land under .and hy tax fl. fa. Iiwucd hy \\\ 0. V. 16th Diet, and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levisd on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. 0. V. Achliestett, T. C. P. C„ vb. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and oounty taxes for the years 1895 and 1697. Also, at the Eamo time and place and in the 10th Dist. and 4th Sco. of Polk County, Ga., levied virtue Of Kchilestctt, T. fturmd land under and % fa. issued by W. C P. C., vs. the said purpose of the turned land for the county taxes for the years 1890, 1891, 1592, 1593, ISM, 1895, 1S06, 1397, 1898, 1699 and 1900. Am.., nt the mine time and plut ( mid in tho manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 322, situate, lying and bciii? in tho 10th Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by riitue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. Y. 8eh.ltt.tett, T. O. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State nnd virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W, 0. V, Schliestett, T. C. P. C., va. the said unrt- turned land for the purpose of tho Stato and 10th Dhtt. and 4lli Sec. ot Polk County, Ga., levied on aa unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V, Schliestett, T. 0. P. 0., vs. the said unre turned land (or the purpese ot the Stato and county taxes for the years 1895 and 1897% Also, at the rame time and place and in tho manner ahove described, will be sold lot of land No. 325, situate, lying and being in th® 10th Dist. and ,4th Bee. of Polk Couuty, Gu., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. tour-d by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. C., va. the raid unru- turned land for the purpose of the Stato nnd county taxes for tlio yeura 1890, 1891, 1892, 1693 1894, 1895 and 1S97. Also, at the same time and place and in th» manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 320, situate, lying and being in Iho- loth Dist. and 4th Sec. ef Polk County, Qa.„ levied on as unreturned^ land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. isaued by \V. G. V* Schliestett, T. C. P, C., vs. tlio raid unre turned land for the purpose of the State and . county taxca for the years 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1891, 1895 and 1897. Also, at the came time and place and in the ICth Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk Cuunly, C;i., levied on aa unreturned land under and hy virtue of a tax fl. fa. iuucd by W. O. V» Schliestett, T. C. P, C., vs. the said uuk- 1000. Also, at the same time and plat® and in tho manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 393, situate, lying and being in tho 10th Dist. and 4th See. of-Po\k County,- Ga.* levied on as unreturned land nmler .and by virtue of s Ux ,fl. fa, 1«wcd .1)4'V. C. V. Schlicutott, T» 0. P. tho said unre turned land for tho purpo4l v of the State ahd county taxes for the years 1890,’ 1BU1, 1802, 1^3. manner above dcHcribcd, will be aold lot of land No. 394, situate, lying and being in the ICth Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Co., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. G. V, Suhlicstett, T. C. P. G., vs. the said unre turned land .or. tho purposo of the State and county taxes for the years 1890, 1801, 1592, 1893. manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 396, situate, lying and being in the lflth Dist. and 4th Sec, of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of' a tax fl. fa. issued by W. n. v. Schliestett, T, 0. P. 0., vs. the said 10th Dist. and 4th Seo. of Polk County, On., levied on aa unreturned land under and hy virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by \V. C. V. Schliestett, T. O. P. C„ vs. tho said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the yeara 1890, 1891, 1S92, 1893, manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 897, situate, lying and being in tho 10th Dist. and 4th See. of Polk- County, Ga., levied on aa unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. 0., va. the said unre turned land for the purpose of tlio State and county taxea for tho years 1892 and 1893. Also, at the same time and place and in tho manner above described, will be Bold lot of land No. 399, situate, lying and being in tho 10th Dist and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Oa., levied on aa unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. p. 0., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpoae of the Stato and county taxes for the years 1895 and 1897. Also, at the same time and place and In tho manner above described, will be sold lot of land 5 , “; ®> 3 ; .ituatc* l,ln s and bclne In tl.e lot 1 Dlat. nnd 4th Ste. of Pollc County. Go., levied on us unreturned land under and by Wrtuc of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. ? ch, !5. 6tc , tt \. T ; °‘. P - ^ tl,e «» ,d unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxea for the yeara 1892, 1893 and 1890. Also, at the same time and place and in tho manner above described, will be sold lot of land JJgi j* 1 ** and being in tho ICth Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga , levied on as unreturned land under and by 0%® a . tax fl * ,a - Issuc d by W. C. V, Schliestett, T* C. P. O., va. the said unre- turned land for the purpose of tho State and C0 H n ;L- XCS for the 1390, 1891, 1892, 1893 ana 1890. Also, at the same time and place and in the N 0 ftnn 7n< ab °r t e f d f cribed ’ wiu b « “Id lot of land N°; 4 <h situate, lying and being in the 10th Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued bv W n v Schliestett, T. C. P. C., v“ the said ,‘fnro. turned land for tho purpose of tha State and 18W nt and a i900 <Or th ° 5Cara 1S92, 180fl ' 1S97 ' 1893 Also, at the same time and place and in the manner abov® described, will b e P sold lot of land loth nut “ nd In the S. DI 5 “nd 4th Sco. ot folk County, Go.. S? “, unr ' l ” r y' d l«nd under ind by SS“B- Ie. issued by W. O. V. bjmed^tand toVpu^oJVi’h'o SUte^eS tsw Md“m or the yctT ‘ lm - lm ’ 18s7 ' 1693 .-ei 1 !! 0 ’ at ' th ® , 6anie tImi * and place and in tha b J *?}« “"t oMand srw l sSa*S*#!b mh D isl . and lilt *Sccf ofHpotk^County 1 Ce" miSr lbel h . 0 dSibrt m l.f,'ii p, ^ e . ? niJ »>“ No. 26. .Ituat? Kin.- ‘i'Ji” E ,°'? Iot 01 lend levted^on S*\ fe* K o? r; v t ; ■■A.