The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, December 13, 1900, Image 4

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IfUMIN.K8H CAIU)H. BUNN & TRAWI0K, afe Law, (Office, lHt Nat. Bank Bldg.) CEDARTOWN, GA. All bustnoRM placod in oiir hands wil 1 in given prompt und vigilant attontlon y. II. SANDltKB. J. K, DAVIS SANDERS & DAVIS, Attorneys at Law, Office in Chamberlain Building, CEDARTOWN, GA. W. FI. SfiURRBR ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, CEDARTOWN GA. YlfrlLLpractioo in all tho Courts oi VV Polk, Paulding, Floyd and Ilaral- Counties, and in all tho courts of Georgia, State, Federal and Supreme. Also, in Alabama courts by Bpoofal ar rangement. FIELDER & MUNDY, ATTORNEYS • AT - LAW, Gedaktown, Gisorgia. Pron.[ taltontlon given to all business. Collections a specialty. Office up-stalrs in Stubbs Building. Win. JANES, Attorney - at - Law. First National Dank Uuildlng. CEDARTOWN, - - GEORGIA J. C. WALKER, Attorney at Law. Over First National Bank DuiUlhig, Cedartown, - Georgia. t<r-Collootione a Spooinlty. H. M. NICHOLES, LAWYER. Uommisiiionor to Take Testimony. Offico In Judgo’s room at Court House. CEDARTOWN, GA. J. A. WRIGHT, Attorney at Law Okdaktowh, Ga. Oillco with ,T. A. Dlanoo, in Ohambor- Itkiti Building. J. A. LIDDELL, Physician - and - Surgeon, Cedartown, Georgia. W. A, CHAPMAN, Physician 0 Surgeon, CEDARTOWN, GA. R. Fi. SEr^KS, ^Physician and Surgeon,^ CEDARTOWN, GA. Oulls nnaworod promptly day or night. W. G. ENGLAND, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA. tlullB attondod day and night. CHAS. VANN WOOD, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ortloo over Willingham’s storo, CEDARTOWN, G,\. HENRY M. HALL, Physician - and - Surgeon, CEDARTOWN,JGA. Offico with Dr, J. A. Liddell. B. F. Sims. Wm. H, Mahsh, SIMS & MARSH, DENTISTS. Offers their services to tho public Offloo in First National Bank bulldlug. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. O'. IF. GREER, DENTIST, Tenders his Bervioesio the public. Of fice over the Raekot Store. •Phone 116. HOMEY to LO AN. We «ro prepared to NEGOTIATE EOAN3 In tiny mnount desired, on approved FARM LANDS- its se curity. For further information im ply nt our otfice In the Stubbs building, Cedartown, Gn. Fielder & Mundy. rih GEDARTOWN STANDARD Published Kvory Thursday in tho Yea SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year. ..fl.Oii Mon tin r*r«p Months.. Advkktimino Ratks will bo furnlsiiHd on application. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 13, 1900 Cedartown mines and ships more Iron Ore than any other point in the whole South, out side of Birmingham. WEST END llAPTIST OflURGH Organized I.riHt Sunday Wltli 103 Members by Special Presbytery Called fer Thnt Purpose. Tho West End Baptist church was organised lust Sunday afternoon ut a special presbytery called for tlint purpose. At tho lust hour, Dr. 8. Y. Jameson, of Atlanta, wired that ho could not eomo, and Dr. C. K. Hen derson officiated in Ids stead. The Standard has been handed tho fol lowing interesting account of the church organization for publication: A presbytery composed of the pastor ami deacons of the first Baptist church of Cedartown, together with llevs. W. 1*. Whitlow nnd E. M. George, nnd Bros. Atkins nnd Looney, the Intter two representing West End, met at ttie First Baptist churoh Sun day afternoon nnd proceeded to tem porarily organize a new citurch to be known as "West End BaptlstChuroli.” Rev. C. K, Henderson was selected ns moderator and D. 11. RubsOH secretary. Tho presbytery effected the organi zation and selected Brethren Atkins nml Looney ns denoonB of tho now churoh, aubjeot to tho ratification of West End ohurcli when fully nnd per manently organized. The new dea cons were ordained with the oustomnry impresslvo services of tho Baptist churoh, nnd were authorized to pro ceed at once to permanently organize said church. Earnest nnd forotblo talks were made by Bros. Henderson, Whitlow, George nnd Russell. Tho new ohtiroh starts out under favorable nusplces, with 103 members. About $100.00 linve already been sub scribed to tho new ohuroli house, and more doubtless will soon bo forthcom ing. With the new Canal Street Metho dist olmroli completed and fully organ ized, and with two now Bnptlst churches, one in Enstview nnd another in West End, together with tho old churches—Baptist, Methodist, Presby terian and Episcopal—white and col ored, long established, no individual need excuse himself or herself be cause lie or she don’t like this, that or tho other ohuroli. If they don’t like muoll water tn their’n, they can take little. -i Kodo! Dyspepsia Curs Digests what you eat. BUSINESS AND PLEASURE. CAPT. HARRIS HONORED. OLD CEDAKTOWN HOY IN OIIAHGE Of the War Exhibit at the Fan* American Exposition In Buffalo. (Charles Daniel's Washington belter to the At lanta Journal.) Washington, Deo. 10.—Captain P. O. Harris, of Cedartown, Gu.,of tho Ninth In'antry, United Status Army, has hcon honored by tho War Department ill a mnnnor that rollouts grunt orudit upon him, Ho has boon placed in charge of tho War Department exhibit ut tho PaU'Americun Exposition to bp hold in Buffalo. N. Y., noxt year, and is now arranging for tho govurnment oxhiblt to bo made by tho War Depart ment. The work is ouo of great re sponsibility, and Captain Harris was ohoson for that reason, tho pooplo of Buffalo having roeognizad in him tho mnn thoy wanted for tho work, and having petitioned tho Secretary of War to appoint him to the dnty. Captain Harris was formerly stationed nt Buffalo with tho army, nnd mndo many friends in that city. Homo time ago, whon the govornmont decided to mako an exhibit nt tho Pan-Amerioan Exposition, tho managers of tho enter prise and tho pooplo began looking about for an ncoeptablo army officor to ho put in charge. Thoy quickly decided upon Captain Harris, who was at that timo stationed in tho Philippines with liis regiment. Tho potition was for- wurdod to tho War Dopnrtmont, and Officials .of tho Methodist Church Combine tlio Two Thursday Evening. The hoard of Stewards of the Meth odist church hold their annual re organization meeting Thursday eve ning, and were most enjoyably en tertuined at tho hospitable home of Mr. D. J. Lowry. A bountiful oyster supper was served, starting with oysters on tho half-shell and running the gamut of "stews” and "fries,” with an abundance of accompanying good things, in caring for which the brethren gave "a good account of their stewardship.” After the ban quet, the board was rc-organlzed by the re-eleetiou of Dr. L. S. Ledbetter as Chairman, nnd Mr. J. \V. Judkins us llecoriUng Steward and Treasurer. Miss Ley la Cnliins was elected organ 1st, nud Miss Eva Belize! assistant. The salary "f the pastor, Hev. T. U McCarty, was tixed us last year at $1,000, besides lurnished parsonage. The new year starts out most auspi ciously for ltie Cedartown Methodist church, and the official members who enjoyed Mr. Lowry’s hospital ity feel that, it was an especially good start for them. Reduced Rates Via Southern Rail way Account.Christinas Holidays. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening nnd recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It Is the latest discovered digest- ant and tonic. No other preparation van approach it in efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SIokHeadache.Gastralgln, Cramps, and ill other results of Imperfect digestion. Prepared by E. C. DeWItt A Co- Cljleoflo. E. BHADFOIIO. For tho Christmas Holidays tho Southern Railway will sell tiokets from all points on its linos to points East of tho Mississippi nnd South of tho Ohio and Potomao Rivers at rato of one and third faro for the ronnd trip. Tiokots will be sold December 23d, 23rd, 24th, 25th, and 31st, 1900., also January 1st, 1001, with final limit to re tarn January 4tb, 1001. This gives ex collent opportunity to parties oontem plating spending the Holidays with friends at thoir old homes. For farther information oall on South ern Railway Tiokot Agents. Phoobe—“So Miriam wants to bo a Red Cross nurse.” Penelope—"Yes she hears they intend to organize special ambnlanoo corps to attend foot ball games.” Soorotary Root cablod Captain Harris of his solootion. Ho was dircoted to ar- rango for an exhibit of Philippino pro ducts and manufactures and imple ments of war and otkor things of inter est before returning, and tho result will bo that tho Buffalo Exposition will havo tho first roal oxhiblt of tho Philippines seon in this oountry. Captain Harris is now stationed at Buffalo, lookiug after tho arrangomonts for tho exhibit, and ho is a mombor of tho govornmont board of manngors for all dopnrtmont oxhibits. Ho haa solcotod tho greater part of tho war department property nnd apparatus to he shown tlioro. Ho was rooently 'ordered to Washington to bo present nt the oen- tonnial oolobratiou oi tho locution of tho scat of govornmont in tho Distriot of Columbia, which celebration takes plaoo Dcoombor 12th. Ho will arrivo hero noxt wook, having boon appointed by tho managers of tho centennial a mombor of tho oommittoo on reception. Captain Harris is a son of Dr. C. Q. Harris, of Cedartown, and a brother of W. J. Harris, private soorotary of Sen ator A. S. Olay, of Georgia. Captain Harris was appointed a cadet to tho West Point M ilitary Academy by Hon. ,T m3 so n O. Clements, Congress man from tho Seventh Georgia distriot, in 1888, and ho was assigned to tho Thirtoonth Infantry, stationed in tho Indian Territory. Ho graduated with honors nt the pOBt graduato school of tho army at Ft, Lonvcnworth. He was biovetted for gallantry by President MoKinloy for his sorvioo with tho army in Cuba during tho Spnnish-Amoriono war. He nftorwnrds suffered from yel low fovor and barely escaped with his life, so serious was his oontaot with tho dread fever of the island. Ho was pro moted to oaptain in tho Ninth Infantry, and served with that regiment in tho Philippines until hie appointment as tho War Dopnrtmont representative at the Fau-Amerienn Exposition. Ho know nothing of this honor until ho ro- oeived notioe to arrange to como home to tako up his duties at the exposition oity. At Buffalo Oaptain Harris is arranging for tho first public exhibition of the great disappearing gun in nso by the United States army nt the big forts. Ho will exhibit a 12-inch gun on a dis appearing carriage apparatus, and this feature of tho exposition will be ono of the greatest to he seen there. RETAIL MERCHANTS’ ASSOCIA TION. A number of our merchants met Monthly night in Odd Follows’ Hull and orgunlzed a Keliitl Merchants’ Association. M". D. J. Lowry was made chair man, and Mr. W. P: West secretary. The interests of the retail trade In all its pharos were ilii-cu-sed, and a formal organlznilmi. was effected. Mr. II. J. Dempsey was requested to act as lr"a-uier. and a meeting will bo held at Odd Fellow.-’ Hull next Monday evening. This aggregation of hu-lness men embraces many of our heat cltlz-uiH, and will no doubt prove an lnteres » ing lactor in Hie retail trade of Cc- dartown. Tlio Beat Planter. A piece of flannol dampened with Chamberlain's I’aiu Balm and hound to tho affected parts is superior to any plaster. Whon troubled with lame back or pains in tho side or ohost, givo it a trial and you aro certain to he more than pleased with tho prompt relief which it affords. Pain Balm also onres rheumatism. Ono application gives roltef. For Bale by E. Bradford, drug gist. And take your time to look over our Holiday Goods. Really, you will find them worth looking at, whether you want to buy or not. They are mainly such things as you want time to examine, so come now And Avoid the Rush. In Pictures and Books you will certainly find something to interest you. And our fine Stationery, Perfumery and Bric-a-brac are not uninteresting at all, at all. Come in; we’re glad to show YOU through. “Dis is terrible," said Meandering Mike, with a deop-drawn Biglt. “What’s do matter?" aBkcd Plodding Pete, in alarm. "Hero's a pleoo in do paper. It says wu’vo got muBoles inside of us dat keeps up tin iuvoluntary action. Day goes on workin’, whother wo wants 'em to or not.” An j imperfect skin j ! is always caused by ^ \ bad blood. Remove the ( I cause 1 Improve your . ! blood. How? By tak- \ l ing the blood purifier | j that has stood the test | { for thirty years 4 ! Johnston’s! [Sarsaparilla! k QUART BOTTI.B. | 1 It has thousands of ( 1 happy friends. Quart < i Bottles sell every- < ► where at $1. THB MICHIGAN DRUd COMPANY, Detroit, Mich. LtvereUee for Liver IBs, The Famou. Liule Liver Pill*. Forsnle by E. Bradford. LAND POSTED. I have my lands posted, and the public it hereby warned to keep off my farm's. Hunters and trespassers Hre not allowed on my premises John H Phillips Oumso—“Fosdiok lost his head yes torday." Cawkor—“Oh, well, there’s nothing in it.!’ Among the tens of thousands who have used Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy for oolds and la grippe during tho past few years, to our knowledgo, not a single ease has resulted iu pneumonia. Tkos. Whitfield & Co., 240 Wabash avenue, Ckioago, one of the most prom inent retail druggists in that oity, in speaking of this, says: "We recommend Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for la grippe in many oases, as it not only gives prompt and complete reoovery, but also oonteraots any tendenoy of la grippe to result in pneumonia.” For sale by E. Bradford, druggist. Tho Hero (as the plot thiokens)— “Now is the time to not!”. Voice from the Gallery—"’Ear! ’ear! We’ve waited long enough for it!" We know of V nothing better |j[ than coughing to tear the lin ing of your [throat and jjlungs. Itis ) better than wet feet to cause bronchitis and pneumonia. Only keep it up and you will succeed in reducing your weight, losing your appetite, bringing on a slow fever, and making every thing exactly “ a * right for the germs of consumption. Better kill your cough before it kills you. kills coughs of every kind. A 25 cent bottle is just right for an ordi nary cough; for the harder coughs of bron chitis you will need a 50 cent bottle; and for the coughs of consumption the one dollar size is most economical. “ My cough reduced me to a mere skeleton. 1 I tried many remedies, but theyall failed. After using the i CherryTectoral I immediately be- - gan to improve, and three bottles restored mo to health. 1 believe I owe my life to it.” Sabah F. Mono ax, Oct 7,1893. Browntciwn, Va. . _ jjjslsa Come Early, Please! The New York #- Bargain Store. o 3 & IO CO ow is the time to get your goods CHEAP, as we are CLOSING OUT at-s^w . A .2 § a* CD 10 rO & S CD H {>> cn o3 - a J bn "Z a «» •r; m > 13 M O O hD Prices * Below t Cost, We are going out ol business the first of Jan uary, and it will pay yo.u to come to see us if you need anything in our line, We want to retire trom business, and mean just what we say. SI YORK BARGAIN STARE. 03 c3 <D £ H. GOLDSTEIN, Prop. / W. J. VANCE. ) C1 C. S. THURMAN, [ Salesmen - THE NEWS is what you want, and vou get it in The Standard. RAILROAD CO. Passenger Schedule in effect April 1(1,1900 SOUTHBOUND. STATIONS. No. a No, 4 No. Battlefield Ch’kam’ga La Fayette. Trion Sum'rville Lyerly Rome... Cedartown Buchanan Bremen Ar Carrollton.. NORTHBOUND. Lv Carrollton. Bremen Buchanan• Cedartown Rome Lyerly Sum'rville- Trion La Fayette • Ch’kara ’ga Battlefield Ar Chattan’ga 9 50 am Nos. I and 2 daily. Nos. 3 and 4 Sunday only. Nos. 9,10,11 and 12 daily except Sun*- day. Trains Nos. 9 and 10 arrive and depart irrm C. R.«£ S. shops near Montgomery ayenue. Connections made at Chattanooga. Tf nn„ with all roads tor points North ard West. For any intormation apply to C. B. Wilburn, President and Trafflo Manager. B. A. Fite, Agent, Cedartown Ga. For FREE w Scholarship POSITIONS GUARANTEED, Under S3,OOO Cash Deposit. Railroad Fare Paid Op.n all year to Both Sex-e. Very Cheap Board Georgia-Alnbama Business College, ilacon, Georgia *©» Pay up vnur suhseriptn The Standard East and West R’y of Alabama, EAST BOUND TRAINS. No. 4. No. 2. No. 34. • Leave— , (Daily) ex-Sun. Sun. only ' Pell City........ Piedmont Esom Hill. Cedartown Grady Fish Creek Rockmart. Aragon Taylorsville..., Cartersville..... WEST BOUND TRAINS. No. 1. No. 8. No. 35. Leave— (Daily)ex-Sun. Sun. only Cartersville... Taylorsville... Aragon Rockmart.. Fish Creek. Grady Cedartown Esom Hill. Piedmont,. Pell City.... 10.00 a m 6.40 pm 10.34 7.12 10.49 7.24 10.57 7.31 11.11 7.30 11.15 7.51 11.30 8.10 12.45 p m 1.42 5.50 1.15 pm 1.47 2.01 2.07 2.22 2.27 2.40 3.09 3.48 6.50 A Close connections as follows:— Cedartown with Central of Georgia, at Rockmart with Southern Railway at Cartersville with W. & A., at Piedmont with E.T. V. <fe G. FOR RATES andMAPS ALL POINTS North-West., FRED D. BUSH, DISTRICT PASSENGER AGENT Louisville & Nashville R. R. No. 1 Brown Bid., Opp. Union Depot ATLANTA, GA “No Trouble to Answer Questions.” f, *;