The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, December 13, 1900, Image 5

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MR. JOHN ROACH STRATTON, Tlio Eloquent IMntfnrm Talker, Will Be at i lie Rnugh Opera llnusu Doc. 18th, at 8 p, m. On I ho evening of Tuesday, Doc. 18th, ul 8 o’clock 111 the Baugh Opera House there will be an occa sion of rare delight to lovers of fun and oratory. Mr. John Roach Stratton, the elo quent platform talker, will deliver one of his humorous lectures under the auspices of the Baptist Ladles' Aid and Missionary Society, Mr, Stratton Is an honor graduate ol Mercer College, and Ids lectures have attracted attention all over the state. Those who attend will be highly entertained, us well ns contribute to a worthy object. The Baptist ludles will no doubt have a successful and profitable entertain ment. OUR STOCK OF --v* 1 * ’In selecting your Christmas Gilts, choose something servicable. Our stock offers a wide range lor the selection ol Presents for Christmas:— Men’s Suits, Boys’ Suits, Children’s Suits, Overcoats, Shoes, Etc. We are just opening up a new and attractive line of Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Hufflers, Walking Canes, Fancy Hosiery. Just the things for this happy season. Come in and make yOur selection. We can please you. An immense variety, to choose from at very attractive prices. Is now at its best — better, stronger, more original than ever before and at prices no other store can match and give as good value. What we show you is the very best products the best ma kers can produce. It will be worth your time to call and see our CLOTHES before you buy, that is, if you wish to dress well and are economically inclined. A solid satisfaction awaits your view of the many popular silk values. An arrny of Silk beauty we are proud of, priced in such a manner that they w,ill quickly change their ownership. As proof positive that we have filled wants other houses have' failed to supply satisfactorily, we point with pride to our remarka ble growth, which has been little short of phenomenal, and the fact that it ha's been profitable to buy of NEW drug STORE. A new drug store is now being opened up by the Russoll Drug Com pany in the Richardson block, in the splendid room just vacated by Mr. Turner. ' Our line, of FUR COLLAR ETTES and SCARFS is ready and prices exceedingly low. This Is an Ideal place for a drugstore, and the new company propose to have their store of the same type. The company is composed of Dr. D, M. Russell and his son, Mr. Mor gan Russell. The former is the popular chairman of our bonrd of County Commissioners, and is a veteran physlciun. Mr. Morgan Russell is one of Cedartown’s most progressive and substantial young men, and Is u druggist of many years experience, having filled the position of prescription clerk lor a long time both here and in Texas, always prov ing himself competent, accommo dating and strictly attentive to busi ness. The now firm starts out with the best of good wishes of a host ol friends far its abundant success. is dvinced by bur present large and always increasing patronage. AVe estnblisecl a record last week of selling more FALL GOODS in a .week than we ever did be fore so early in the season. We attribute it to the excellent se lection of stock and the wonder fully low prices. Our success of last week inspires us to still greater efforts. With additional quantities of new goods and ever lower prices we expect to break the record of Inst week. Better .buy your Blankets now, when the cold weather comes we will be taxed to the outmost. Why delay? In greater variety than ever. Not a garment in stock, however low the price, but what comes up' to the standard of fashionable correctness. They are made right -=Mniule by the best man tailors, expressly to our order; we know the prices are all right. Mr. and Mrs.E. Ilinkley left Mon day for Atlanta where they will re side in the future. Mr. Hinkley was the proprietor ol the "Old Reliable Barber Bhop” and Is an artistic,first- class workman. He goes to the Gate City to look after their properly in terests, much to the regret of their Cedartown Iriends. As indescribably beautiful dis play of Which the chief charm is the dainty appropriateness of each individual article to the par ticular age for which it is intend ed. The largest assortment to be found anywhere both as regards to styles and prices. Just a reminder that we are sole agents of tfie celebrated “Americas Girl” Shoe. Nuts of all kinds at Wood Co’s. Xmas fruits of all kinds at Wood Co’s. Col. W, W. Mundy was in Rock- mart Thursday. Editor and Mrs. E. B. Russell spent Tuesday night In Rome. Mrs. Louis D. Wade Is spending the week with Atlanta relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. Watts Randall visited Rockmart relatives last week. If you want the best flour made, try the Roller King nt J. A. Adams. Mrs. J. M. Rudolph, of Dalton, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.J. M. Morris. Dr. J. P. Greer was in Dallas the first of the week on professional business. Miss Harriet Edwards, of Taylors ville, was the guest Inst week of Miss Susie Wilson. Miss Exa Shiflett is visiting her Mrs. David C. Randall, nt Every one once and a fourth better value than the price would suggest. , Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Siraerville visited Rockmart relatives recently. Boys, come to see Wood Co’s, fire works. Col. F. A. Irwin was in Rockmart Thursday. Candy of nil kinds and prices at Wood Co’s. Cedartown continues to pay the highest price for cotton. Dr. Lee Wright, of Lost Mountain, wus in the city Friday. I want to buy all your old metals and bottles. Lonnie Casey. • Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Barber spent yesterday with relatives at Davitte’s. Mrs. Henderson Lanham,of Rome, visited her sister, Mrs. J. M. Morris, last Thursday. If you have turkeys to sell, let us see them and offer you a good price for them. J. A. Adams. When you want your, shoes re paired promptly anil well, tako them to G. E. Manning, the shoemaker. That Gold Star .Coffee at J. II. Philpot & Co’s, is taking the leud. Try a package. You will be pleased. Call on me for estimates on paint ing, decorating, paper-hanging, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. R. F. Haines. Mr. J. M. Skinner was in Decatur last week, bringing back his children from the Methodist Orphans’ Home, where they have been the past year. Misses Annie Prior and Lucie Mil ler, of Prior’s, and the lutter’s guest, Miss Norris Carder, of Bedford City, Isadore Scheuer Miss Florence Chapman, who was the guest of Miss Nell Ramsuur the past week, returned to Cedartown Thursday. Miss Chapman won hosts of friends in Rockmart by her sweet nnd unaffected manner and charming presonullty.— Rockmart Slate. __ Hats I Hats I “NAMZ ON EVLRY TEC: LOWNEV’S ^=COME TO THE The beauties of the season—and so cheap !—at Mrs. F. Frederick’s. sister, Aragon this week. In teas, we have the finest lino in the market—the celebrated Tetley teas. J. A. Adami. I will sell some of my thorough bred Brown Leghorn Chickens at $2.50 per trio. Ham Jones. Miss Mallfe Freeman returned home last Friday from a visit to rel atives at Alexander City, Ala. Nice lot of Turkeys on hand. I have a largo enclosure in which to keep and fatten them, and you can get a nice one ut any time. J. A. Adams. Mr. R. B. Parks left Monday on a trip to New York to renew his con tract and get a fresh line of samples for the coming year. He is one of mm TAX COLLECTOR'S NOTICE. I will bo at the following named places at dates named below for the purpose off collecting the state and county taxes for the year 1900:— THIRD ROUND. Blooming Grove I ec. 0, a m Lime Branch (J, p m Aiftioch 7, a m Young’s 7, p m Fish Creek 8, a rn Grady 8, p in Browning’s 10 Buncombe 11 Aragon... 12, a m Rockmart ... 12, p m 13,14 Lake Creek 15, a n» Cedartown 15,pml7,18,19,20 .This Oct. 1st, 1900. W. C. Y. SCHLIESTETT, T. C. P. C. WHY NOT? i Select a Pair of HOUSE SLIPPERS | FOR A I Christmas Gift! 1 WE HAVE THEM IN SEVERAL COLORS, 3 $1, $1.25, 1.50. Va., were three attractive vislto'rs in the city Tuesday. Watches for ladies and gentlemen, solid gold and best gold-filled; some real beauties. J. L. Turner, Jeweler, at Old Postoffice Building. I have two new 6 room cottages with city water and plenty of land attached, on Rockmart St., to rent by the year. Apply to Mr. J. A. Wright. E. II. Richardson. A card club is being formed by the ladles in the families of the Cherokee Club members and their lady friends, to meet in the Club parlors every other Thursday. A meeting will be held at 3 p. m. next Thursday, and t he new organization will start .out with a large and brilliapt member- The Wants Of Life. Or one of 1 those Art Squares. We can furnish these in different colors, THEN We have a beautiful line RUGS <0^* You want Groceries—We want to sell them to you. You want Low Prices—we want prompt paying customers. You want the Best :md Freshes Goods— we want your money for them. You want goods Delivered Promptly—we have a delivery wagon for that purpose. We have studied your wants and are prepared to fill them. We have a complete line of«^>-'’ FANCY SILKS, FANCY LINENS For LADIES and >.GENTS. Make Acceptable Presents. SEE OUR LINE. DIFFERENT PRICES, ship. Rev. Adolphus F. Nunn left Tues day for Dallas where he goes to as sume the duties of his charge as pastor of the Methodist church. Mr. Nunn and family have been en joying a pleasant vacation of a few COLLABETTES ARE NOT SO BAD FOR A GIFT.-o^-— Pome in and See Our HOLIDAY OFFERINGS days among relatives and friencla here since the adjournment of the North Georgia Conference in Atlanta. Just before his return to Philadel phia, Hon. Daniel Baugh gave his cheek for $25 to the new Canal Street Methodist church. This remember- ance irom Mr. Baugh is in keeping with his liberal views and generous course towards all organizations, whether religious or social,that have for their object the upbuilding of a community. The donation being voluntary, the contribution was greatly appreciated by the members of that church. Fresh Groceries Our prices are the lowest, and we will treat you right. Your trade solicited. COBB’S Successors to Bobo & Simmons. i ''