The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, December 13, 1900, Image 6

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7 u Santa Claus Arrived I With the Biggest, Best and Most Complete Line ol Holiday Goods # # Ever collected under one roof, Don't buy a thing un til you see our line, and we suggest that you come early and make your selection, as our line is now com plete, jjfjj . SH! Vases, China and Glass Novelties, Albums, Toilet Cases and Ladies’ Work-Boxes Dolls 1 Dolls 1 Dolls 1 In endless vaiiety and prices. Iron Wagons, Carriages and Wheelbarrows, Iron Trains, Drums, Air Guns, Automobiles, Battle Ships for Boys. Tea Sets, Games, Tin Toys, Story Books, A. B. C. Block an ^ 1999 other things too numerous to mention. Special prices to Country Merchants and parties buy ing for Xmas Trees. Don’t buy until you visit Head quarters. D. J. LOWRY ft SON. A FINK LECTURE To lie Given Saturday Evening at the Methodist Church. The Epworth League has been fortunate In securing Dr. Benj. F. Trueblood, an eminent divine of Boston, Mass., to deliver his famous lecture on "Militarism, the Colossal Crime of Europe,” at the Methodist church Saturday evening at 8 o’clock. Admission, 00 centB; chlls dren under 11 years, 25 cents. Dr. Trueblood Is ono at- the best known and most popular Chau tauqua lecturers In the country, win ning golden opinions everywhere, and 'those who attend Saturday evening 1 will en|oy a rare intellectual treat. THE CEDARTOWN STANDARD TIIBDIT, DICIKII111. HOI. Fresh Celery at Wood Co’s. Oranges and Cocoanofs at Wood Co’s. Fresh Mackerel at J. H. Phllpot & Co’s. ^ Mr. E. Boyd spent Sunday In Car- tersvllle. Malaga and Catawba grapes at Wood Co’s. Ful) dine of Toilet Soap at J. H. Phllpot A Co. MaJ. H. T. Fouche, of Borne, was in the city Friday. Miss Eva Crawford Is here from Home for a few days. To make Xmas cake good, get Life Flour at Wood Co’s. The Standard advertisers are enjoying a good holiday trade. pou W. 0. Bunn Is in Atlanta on some Important legal business. Mrs. C. Phllpot spent the first of the week with relatives In Botno. You can always find what you want In Groceries at J. H. Phllpot A Co’s. Mrs. T. F. Cowan, of Atlantn, was tho guest of relatives In tho city last week. Mrs. J. B. Greer, of Marietta, Is the gueBt of hor brother, Mr. J. 0. Du Bose. Miss Julia Stovall, of Madison, Is the charming guest of hersister, Mrs. J. Wright Adamson. . , Dr, C. H. Harris is visiting tho family ol his son, Dr, Seale Harris, at Union Springs, Ala, Col. and Mrs. J. K. Davis spent tho first of the week with the for mer’s relatives at Taylorsville. Mrs. B. P. Gann arrived Monday from Dallas to spond a few days with hor daughter, Mrs. W, W. Mundy Silvorwnro for tho tablo in sterling ns well ns best plate, a large assort ment. J. L. Turner, Jeweler, at Old PostofHce Building. Fresh Mackerel at Wood Co’s. Best Cream Cheese at J. H. Phll pot A Co. A week from next Tuesday is Christmas. Everything to suit the taste at Wood Co’s. Gindy cheap at Wood Co’s.; no room to put it. Go to Wood Co’s, for anything on earth good to eat. Miss Fannie Lou Edmondsoi) was In Atlanta Tuesday. Mrs. O.E. Marshall returned Tues day from u visit to relatives in Borne, Mr. Frank West, a clever painter and musician, was over Monday from Bockmart. Bemember that Majestic Flour Is for sale ut J. H. Phllpot A Co’s None better mtldo. Mrs. Martha Mundy, of Bockmart, has been the guest of her son, Col. W. W. Mundy, the past few days. Mr. John A. Canfield, munnger of tho Standurd Oil Company in Borne, was here yesterday on business for that company. I am still buying all tho cottonseed I can got, and am paying tho high est market price in either cash or trade. J. A. Adams. Find me ut tho old postoftlco building—also unything you want in the Jewelry line. J. Ij. Turner, Jeweler. Mr. W. A. Webb, the clever har ness manufacturer, has a nice adver tisement in this issue, which will prove of Interest to nil needing any- thing in his line. A beautiful lino of brooch pins, newest nnd prettiest designs, at prices to suit all classes. J. L. Turner, Jeweler, at Old Postofllco Building. Don’t forget to go to thepolls'noxt Wednesday and caBt your vote for the white primary nominees. It matters not that they have no oppo sition—they are well worth voting for. in Bockmart. scales. H. J. Dempsey. with good things for Xmas. J. H. Phllpot A Co. Is hendquar ters for Horse and Cow Feed. Mrs. W. C. Bunn visited relatlvei in Borne the first of the week. Any one wanting good dry stove wood, call on Dempsey A Vann. Trion Mills 3 A Sheeting,yd wide 5 j 4 c Standard Calico, fast colors, 4 C Fruit of the Loom Bleaching. 74 c Heavy Fleeced-back Flannettein large assortment of new de’g’s IOC Special quality Table Damask, 75c value, for this sale 50c Fine Satin Damask, 72-in. wide 75c Hcmed Huck Towels, all linen, IOC Hemstitched Huck Towels, with iancy borders, rpgular 35c val- ues, only 25c J.L. TURNER, PBAOTIOAL Watchmaker and Jeweler. I CARRY A SPLENDID LINE OF Watches, OoGks, Jewelry and Silverware, Spectacles, Etc. The very best selections from leading manufacturers, bought with the greatest pos sible care, and will be sold at prices that can not be duplicated when quality is considered Holiday Goads! In Silverware, both in sterling and plated Staples and Novelties—sure to please. J.L.TTJR1TER, Jeweler IN OLD POSTOFFICE BUILDING, GREAT REDUCTION SALE! ^•We find our stock entirely too large for this season 6f the year, only three weeks to sell them in. Now, to turn our immense stock into cash at once, we have W 'M . & iiii • ■ Cut the Prices Deep. Compare Oar Prices >vitli Others.. A beautiful lineoi all-wool Vene tian Cloths all shades, 60c and 75c, now for 5 0c A big bargain in ladies’ sample Handkerchiefs, 5c, 10 and 15c These goods are worth almost double. Our Ladies’ Jackets at $5 All these we have been selling from $6.50 to $7. They are made of fine Kersey cloth, lined with Silk, and nicely stitched, cheap, call on Mrs. F. Frederick Feed Meal at J. II. Phllpot A Co’s, made of Pea Meal, Corn and Wheat Bran, Mr, M. B. Ware arrived home Thursday night from an extended slay In California. Fine dairy butter irom the famous Yancey farm received fresh each week at J. A. Adams. II you want to save money, have your shoea made by G. E. Manning, the expert shoemaker. Mr. John M. Reed, a popular E. A W. conductor, is spending a week’s vacation with relatives in Alabama County Commissioner B. F. John ston, of Bockmart, was shaking hands with friends in the city yes terday. Mrs. G. B. Stovall returned home to Madison last Friday, alter a brief visit to hor daughter, Mrs. J.Wright Adamson. We have Ju6t received a fresh con signment of all the materials so nice for mnking fruit cakes—nuts, raisins figs, etc. J. A. Adams. Miss Estelle Calhoun returned homo toCartersville last Friday after a week’s visit to her sister, Mrs. H. N. VanDovanderl I want every kind of hido you have—green or dry; also, beeswax and tallow. Will pay cash or trade for thorn. J. A. Adams. Mr. Eugene Smith.of Taylorsville, has accepted tho position of clerk at the Central Hotel, that position hav- ing been resigned by Mr; Sam Oleary. Mr. F. N. Leonard, of Anniston, Ala., has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. Leonard, on Bockmart street for a few days, and returned home last Friday. For Sale—Ono good house und lot on North Main streoc, removed one lot from. Bockmart street, same 55x100 feet, with six room house, good burn nnd cistern. A bargain. 0. F. Harris. The new advertisement of Messrs. Dubose nnd Williams appears in this Issue. They are the clever suc cessors of Messrs. Bobo A Simmons, and are energetic men who run a first-class grocery store. Give them call. The Cherokee Club will have a formal opening of Its elegant new parlors on Thursduy evening, 27th Inst. 1 • The committee In charge of the entertainment consists of Messrs. Wm. Parker, A. M; Lane and J. T, Wright. Mr. S. S. Evans Is overhauling and improving his College street property now occupied by Mr. B. H. March- man’s family. The house Is being repaired and added to, and will be a cozy home when the improvements are completed. "The Junior Club” is the name given by the younger society set to their social organization. The last meeting was held Friday afternoon with Miss Portia Louise Bunn, and the usual pleasant time was had by its members. Gdedonia Lodge, No. 121, F. A A. M., will hold their annual election of officers on the 21st inst., alter which the members wilt enjoy an oyster supper, to which all Masons in good and regular standing are pordially invited. I am forced, by stress of circum stances, to ask all who are indebted to" me for professional services to please call and settle at once. My books, and some ono to settle with you, are at the Bradford drug store. My absence need not delay a settle ment. A .prompt response to this request will be greatly appreciated Wm, Bradford, M!. D. In our'SHOE Department we do not claim to sell the cheapest goods in town. Buy 33IE2>0'W‘lSr’S SHOES and you know about the high quality and the low prices— Ladies’ Walking Hats in all the new shapes at greatly reduced prices for this sale. Ladies’ last-black Hose, good heavy winter weight, seamless. 10c. These are 15c. goods. Good Pins, ic a paper. 4 Spools of good Thread, 200 yards, only 10c. —We have many other bargains-to offer, you. They must be seen to be appre ciated. Do not guarantee these prices, as we cannot buy them at the prices we are selling them at. ^ O. Willingham. For Sale—An eight-room house, with electric lights and water-works, good barn about two acres of land; garden and fruit, known ns tho Ste phens placo on College street. C. Piiilpot, Agent. Mrs. E. R. Stephenson arrived Thursday from Heflin, Ala., to join her huSband, who has purchased HInkley’s barber shop. LOCAL LEGISLATION. Notico is hereby given of an intention to apply to tho presont Legislature for tho passage of a local or special bill,the title or caption of whioh will bo as follows:—A bill to ho entitled "An Aot to anthorizo and empower the Mayor and Counoil of the City of Codnitown, Polk oonnty, Ga., to establish a dis pensary for too salo of spirituous,vinons and malt liquors by submitting tho qnostion to tho qualified voters of said munioipal corporation. To provide for ,, ,, , T , tho regulation of such dispensary, and Bradford, J. Wright Adamson. for other purposes.” Tho title or caption of the proposed bill may be as follows, instead of the preceding:—A bill to ho entitled "An aot to anthorizo and empower tho Mayor and Council of the City of Ge- dartown, Polk county, Ga., to establish a dispensary for the salo of spirituous, vinons and malt liquors. To provide for tho regulations of suoh dispensary, and for other purposes.” (Signed) J. A. Liddell, T. H. Adams, A. H. YanDovondor, J. Iv. Davis, E. FAIR STORE. DR. RUSSELL’S OLD STAND. We want to win your approval. We’d like to have chance to wm your patronage- We have the stock and our -PRICES + ARE + LOW. Gome and see our store. Get the prices. Let us smile on you. We are strangers in your midst. We want your encouragement by a visit. Wt M M Toilet. Soap at ‘12c per dozen. Electric Soap, 18 bars for 50c. ■ Fine line of Capes and Jackets from 60c to $8.46. Big lot to ar rive this week, and the prettiest line of Fur Capos and Collarettes ever seen iiuthis city at from 98c to $8.60—each worth from $2.60 to $7. Baby Caps for the little ones from 10c to 76c. Jack ets and Capes for the bigger ones from 49c to $1.08. Big lot to ar rive this week at prices that will make you wonder. Witch Hazel at 9c, worth 26c per bottle. Fire Sets, 86c, worth $1.26; 2-Quart Milk Cups, 6c; Cake Turners, 4c; Covered Sauce Pans, 6c; Fire Shovels, 4e; Muffin Pans, 7 cents. Falcon Pens, 6c dozen; Coal Hods, 20c, \vortlv40c; Galvanized Well Buckets, 16c; Dinner Pails, 20c; Pot Covers, 6c; Coffee Pots, 7c; Tin Dippers, 3c; Dust Pans, 6c; 0-Quart Milk Pans, 9c; Smoothing Irons, 60c pair; Smoothing Iron Stands, lc; Hearth Broom, 10c; Cover Lift ers, 3c; Meat Fork, 2c; Potato Mashers, 8c; Wire Broilers, 6c; Mouse Traps, 8c; Vegetable Bowls, 10c; Coat and Hat Hooks, 10c dozen; Chimney Cleaners, 6c; Whisk Brooms, 16c; Beef Pounders, 6c; Tin Graters, 3; Fry Pans, 7c; Plate Handles, 6c; Fire Pokers, 6c; Set Clear Glass Tumblers, 20c; Set Goblets, 80c; Glass Lamp, 16c. Lot Blank Books, Day Books, Counter Books, Memorandum Books, Pass Books, Order Books, Note Books, from 24c to60e each A Large assortment of Christmas goods in the store and to arrive. TOYS, DOLLS, and JAPANESE OHINAWARE, NEW FRESH GOODS, DRESSED DOLLS from lc. up. Dr Russell’s old stand on Main St. FAIR STORE. A. A. SUBEJRS, Propa