The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, December 20, 1900, Image 1

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STANDARD OEDARTOWN, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 20, 1900. Winter Cntnrrh. Catarrh o[ head. Catarrh or ear, Catarrh of eye, Female catarrh, Summer Catarrh. choice - 98c Big line line Trimmed Hats at $1.25, 1.48, 1.98, 2.25, 3.98, 8.25 and up to $20. Turkey Red Table Damask, (50-in. wide - 10c Fine Bleached Table Damask 19c Lonsdale Bleached Cotton, yard; wide ' - 64c 27-in. Checked Cotton Ging hams, yard wide - 84c Heavy double Front Overalls, strapped buttons - 88c 25c Glass Vase - 6c Plaids, Large Bowls each 3,5,8,10 and 15c 34c Crystal Glass Sugar Dish, Cream Pitcher, Spoon Holder and ,, Butter Dish; ali : I'or 25e Vaseline, per bottle Good Machine Thread, 2(H) yd spools, only LANHAM & SONS ' ''ROME, OA. Corner 3rd Ave, mwm. r~w~\ ■ * > ' ‘ - VOLUME 14. NJl. Compiled by the Greatest Lmng Authority on Catarrhal Diseases. TOYS, TOYS. DOLLS, DOLLS. Biggest Line isi Rome. ’ : i’vjA-A ; "■"-L , v i 7.'.■ -•-•'■-v : ; ■ \ /a::'"- v- ’S BlGGEST & BEST STORE atarrh of throat, atarrh of tunas. mirhly f.ivoiml BtTtlmoW i of 3 deaths from catarrh. fc"" faViiml sections— " of 20 deaths from catarrh Childrens* Shoes, size 8 to 6, 4c. All Wool Dress Goo4< Double Width, per yard, 7c. tomncn. Ivor 'i'! 1 "! 'IlHonBos prevail— II* of 40 (lentil, from catarrh. O non lit.V n-ont catarrh- a of 10 ileatli. from catarrh. MRS. BELVA A. LOCKWOOD. Mrs. Bclva A. Lockwood, late candidate for the Presidency, writes: **/ have used your Pc- runa and 1 find it an Invaluable remedy for cold, catarrh and kin dred diseases; also a good tonic for feeble and old people, or those . run down and with nerves un strung. 1 desire, also, to say that It has no evil effects.” Mrs. Lockwood’s residence Is Wash ington, D. C. Winter catarrh prevail, most north Summer entarrh provalts moat aoulh. Tho Cause or Moat BodUy Ula I. Catarrh. CONGRESSMAN CUMMINGS, OF NEW YORK CITY. Hon. Amos J. Cummings, of New York, says: "Peruna Is good for catarrh. I have tried It and know It. It relieved me Immense ly on my trip to Cuba, and I always have a bottle In reserve. Since my return 1 have not suf fered from catarrh, but If / do 1 shall use Peruna again. Mean time you might send me another bottle. Catarrh has already become a national curse. GENERAL JOB WHEELER. Major Ocncral Joseph Wheeler, commanding the cavalry forces In front of Santiago', and the author of "The Santiago Campaign," In speaking of the great catarrh rem edy, Peruna, says: «/ Join with Senators Sullivan, Roach and Me. Bnery In their good opinion of Pe runa. It Is recommended to me by those who have used It as an excellent tonic and particularly effective as a cure for catarrh. Its ravages extend from ocean to ocean. More than one-half of the people are affected by it. • Catarth is a sys temic disease. Peruna is a systemic remedy. Peruna cures catarrh by remov ing the cause. Address The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O., for free book. H. N. VanDevander, J. R. Barber, L. S. Ledbetter and B. F. Lowther have pnrohasod an ico tnctory in Car- torsvillo and will removo It to Cedar- town, improve and operate it. It was reported sovorol weeks ago Ed Van Winkle and others had organized a oompany for establishment of ico fao- tory, bat thoy will oombine with tho above mentioned in establishment of one plant.— Manufacturers' Record. Tho kidneys ache when thoy are over- workeilnml the trouble gets serious un- less promptly removed. Priokl.v Ash Bitters is a reliable kidnoy tonio and bowel regulator. T. F. Bnrbank. A girl’s lover is a poor suitor if ho doesn’t snit her. Have you a cold? A dose of Italian!’. Horehound Syrup at bed-time will re move it. Price 25c nnd 50e. T. F. Burbank. Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Barber, of Cedar- town, wore tho guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Sam Davitte, at Davitte’., Wednes day.—Rookmart Slate. The Alabama nnd Georgia Iron Co., oillcollD Broadway, Now York, will ereot another four-log washer, install another stoam shovel and put on dummy engino to shift tho ore cars at Grady. With this additional equipment tho company will mine 1,000 tons of iron oro daily,— Manufacturers' Record, A Powder Mill Explosion removes everything in sight; so do drastio mineral pills, but. both nro mighty dangerous. Don’t dynamite tho delicate machinery of your body with oalomol, oroton oil or aloes pills, when Dr. King’s New Life Pills, which nro gentle ns a summer bronze, do tin work porfeotly. Cures beadaehe, oon stipation. Only 25o, nt. E. Bradford’s drug store. In biliousness, Ilerbiiie, by expell ing from the body the excess of bile and aoids, improves the assimilative processes, purifies the blood, nnd tones up and strengthens the entire system. Price 50c. ’J’. F. liurhnnk. It takes more than a derrick nnd a jaok-serew to lift a mortgage on n liouso. Baling Powder- ►Absolutely Pure* For the third of a century 1he standard for strength and purity. It makes the hot bread, hot biscuit, cake and other pastry light, sweet and excellent in every quality. No other baking powder is “just as good as Royal,” either in strength, purity or wholesomeness. A TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. The Cherokee Club at its meeting Monday evening adopted the follow Ing. resolutions on the death of Mr. W. P, Munson, a non-resident mem her at the time of his demise hut one of the charter members of the organ ization:— Whereas, Death has forced an tranoe Into our ranks, and has laid-his icy linger upon Mr. W. P. Munson, one ot tho charter members of our organiza tion; therefore, Holt resolved, That tho Cherokeo Club views with sincere sorrow this dispensa tion of providence, regretting tho loss of a gonial and loyal member, who has contributed actively to Its success from Its inception. Resolved, That wo hereby express to tho boreavod family our heart-felt sym patby in their groat nflliotion; that a page of our records bo devoted to thiH memorial, and that the publication of these resolutions bo requested in the local papers. ORDER OF COURT. Oed/rtown, Ga., Deo. 18, 1000. It is ordered by tho Court that Tues day, January 8th, 1001, be sot for hold ing motion court at tho Court House in Cedartown, Georgia, at which time all motions for new trials, oortioraries, demurrers and all other matters to be tried at Chambers, be taken up in their regular order and heard, and ail motions be continued until that time. It is further ordered that Court shall meet at 10 o’clock a. m. on January 8th, 1001, and continue from day to day until all business is disposed of, or until the pre siding Judge shall adjourn the same. O. G. Janes, J. 8. 0. Road Notice. All persons ore hereby notified that there U a petition for a new second c'a^s road from the residence of H. Pettit by Pine Bower to the Blooming Grove and Cedar- town road at tho old Hammock place and same will be granted on tho 3rd Monday m Jan. unless good cau«o is shown to the contrary, D. M. Russell, Chairman. Reduced Rates Via Southern Rail way Account Christinas Holidays, ' Many low priced, imitation baklne powders a .. inep upon the market. These are made with alum, nnd care should be taken to avoid them, as alum is a poison, never to bo taken in the food. i For tho Christmas Holidays tho I Southern Railway will sell tickets from ! all points on its lines to points East of ! the Mississippi and South of tho Ohio and Potomac Rivers at rate of one and third faro for tho ronnd trip. Tickets will bo sold December 22d, 25rd, 24th, 25tb, and 51st, 1000., also i January 1st, 100T) with final limit to ro turn January 4th, 1001. This giyos ex- 1 collent opportunity to parties contem- ! plating spending the Holidays with ' friends at their old homes. 1 For fnrthor information call on South ern Railway Ticket Agents. This is by far the largest Store ever in Rome. We now occupy the Entire Building==24i, 243 and 245 Broad street, and have every Nook and Corner of the Three Floors filled with new, up=to=date Dry Goods, Millinery, Shoes, Clothing, Crockery and House Fur= nishings. We Wholesale and Retail, and at lower prices than any house in Georgia. Come and see, and we guarantee to save you money. Read these prices; they are only a few of the many bargains. The whole store is full of them. CLOTHING. VVu bought, the stock of Cloth ing of a big mnnufacturer, nnd can and. do soil Clothing cheaper than any house in Romo. Men’s $4 suits Men’s 5 suits Men’s 8 suits Men’s 10 suits Men’s 35 suits Boys’ $1 suitH Boys’ 2 suits Boys’ 2.50 suits 3 suits 4 suits (I suits Boys’ Boys’ Boys’ $2.19 8.25 4.45 5.08 9.98 48c 1.25 1.48 1.98 2.25 8.50 Ladies’ Fine Plush Gape, Fur I||jf Trimmed, each only 80c Good Yard, r wide Blenched'* JL Sheeting - 4|c Mattress Ticking, 38-in. wide 44e Fine Double Fleeced Outing; Hen’s Underwear good style - jj c 3 Spools best Six-Cord Thread 10c SHOES. Men’s heavy Shirts Men’s heavy 50c Shirts Men’s heavy 75c Shirts Boys’ 60c Shirts Good Calico Remnants, 2 Papers Needles for Toilet Soap per cake 10c Tar Soap Octagon Soa{j SJ-in Fine Comb 4 pint Tin Cup Pic Plates 25c 88c 48c 30c 2c lc lc Tailor Suits. This is the largest, and finest Suit Department in North Geor gia. The siiits are id 1 now styles, line material and best workman ship. Prices are from $2.08 to $45 suit: every garment guaran teed to lit. We lmvo the biggest, stock Leather Shoes in Rome, all solid leather, and priced so low you need fiot, buy the cheap paper shoes. We buy all our shoes direct from manufacturer and get the lowest price anil sell as we buy, Cheap. In the New c[rock= ery Annex. HILLINERY. Boys’ Wool I-lats Pins, per paper Ladies’ Ribbed Vest Children’s Cloaks All Wool Fascinators lc 13c 29c 15c Fine . All-Wool Fascinators, all colors; beaded 25c 24-in. Umbrellas, Pretty bright Dress per yard Full Size No. 7 Box Stove, 20-inch Fire Shovel 10-qfiart Dish Pan 17-qunrt Dish Pan No. 2 Glass Lamp complete Decorated Plates, set Gups and Saucers, set Tumblers per set Gobletk per set Tin Dippers Syrup Pitchers Cream Pitchers $4.50 5c 15c 10c 10c 25c , 29c 16c 23c ft,. 'This is one of tho largest and iinest Millinery Departments in the South. Our milliners are the , most skilled in tho city, and buy ing ns we do in large quantities from first hands, we sell cheaper than any other store in this sec tion. One largo lot Felt Hats trim med with Silk, Ostrich Feathers, Fancy Pompons, etc., all colors, choice 12 Envelopes for 12 Sheets Paner 245 Broad Street.