The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, November 07, 1907, Image 1

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CEDARTOWN STANDARD. DKV0TE1) TO THE BEST INTERESTS 01 (EDARTOWN AND I’OLK COUNTY. VOLUME T. CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER l 1007 NUMBER 40 The Young Man Cuts a b'g figure wiih us, and we have planned lor him In school or college or business his clothes should be the echo ol his tastes, and not ol his lather's or his uncle's. So Stein-Bluch have made specially designed sack suits and overcoats for him, in style adapted to his exacting demands in dress. We believe they are what he has been searching for and ask him to come in and find out. Suits and Overcoats $12.50 to $30. Agents BOYDEN, CLAPP and WALK OVER SHOES, $3.50 to $6. Stetson and no name Hats, $2.50 to $5. Jno. B. Lacy & Co. Next Door to Postoffice, Up - to - Date Clothiers and Furnishers. CITY TAX NOTICE. The books for the collectionof City Taxes for the year 1907 open at the Clerk’s office Oct. 1st, and close Nov. 25th, 3907. J. C. WALKER, City Clerk. Bookkeeping Course $3.00 per month; Shorthand CourEe, $3.00 per month; Telegraph Course unlimited scholarship, $20.00. Write Southern Business College and School of Tel- The marriage of Miss Callie Smith Wednesday evening at her home in Cedartown to Mr. W. M. Leary of Birmingham, was an event of Interest to her friends in Carrollton, where she has visited as the guest of Miss Daisy Harris. Miss Harris was one of the attendants at the wedding. Carrollton Free. Cress. H »i Cure a Cole vlll Yes, and “you bet its good.” Most boys from fhe country who make their mark in the world are brought up on Arbuckles* ARIOSA Coffee. Dor’t let anybody switch you to drinking something else, which may ruin your stomach and nerves! Be as careful as you can you occasionally lake cold, and when you do, get a medicine of known reliabili ty, oue that has an established repu tation and that is certain to effect a quick cure. Such a medicine is Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. It has gain ed a world wide reputation by Its re markable cures to this most common ailment,and can always be depended upon. It acts on nature’s plan, re lieves the lungs, aids expectoration, I opens the secretions and aids nature In restoring the system to a healthy ! condition. During the manyy years i in which it has been in general use j we huve yet to learn of a single case i of cold or attack of the grip having | resulted in pneumonia when this rem- ' edy was used, which shows conclusl- i vely that it is a certain preventive of that dangerous disease. Chamberlain’s I Cough Remedy contains no opium or other, narcotic and may be given as. | confidently to a baby as to an adult j For salae by Russell Dru? Co. i " Some people climb to the top for j the purpose of looking down on their j neighbors. Deafno'N Cannot In* Cured by local applications, as they cannot | reach the diseased portion of the ear. j There Is only one way to cure deaf- i ness, and that is by constitutional I remedies. Deafness Is caused by an j inflamed condition of tne mucous lin- ! ing of the Eustachian Tube. When ! thi3 tube is inflam id you have a runi- I bling sound or i:n erfect hearing,and when it is ent'r ly closed, deafeness is the result, and units i tne inflatn- j mation can he taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will Le destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing hut an in flamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness Mcaused by catarrh) that cannot be cur'd by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Fend for cir culars free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggist, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for consti pation. A cold handout appeals to the hun gry man more than a warm hand shake. Took First Premium at the 2d Aniiiuil State Fair of Arkansas, Hold at llot Springs. The bjg school of Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting and Tel egraphy. the Tyler Commercial Col lege cf Tyler, Texas, one of the famous Byrne Business Colleges, car ried off first honors. The entire South should feel proud of this In stitution, as it is now enrolling more students for daily personal instruction than any other business college In America, and thrqugh Its well equip ped and extensive employment bureau, it Is placing every graduate In a good paying position. Miss Frierson, who has been elem- monstfkting their methods of touch typewriting, won first premium as the fastest typewriter operator. Hot Springs Daily News, Oct. 1L The famous Byrne Business Col leges are located as follows: Tyler Commercial College, Tyler, Texus, Athens Business College, Athens, On. Columbus Business College, Colum bus, Miss., Capital City Business Col lege, Guthrie, O’.ila., Fredonla Busi ness College, Frcdonia, Kans. These schools ore all conducted on the same plan and contain the famous Byrne systems, which are the most modern In use and are attracting attention far and wide. COTTON CERTIFICATES URGED. J Editors Standard; You published : recently an account of the Farm-' Union mass meeting in Cedar-' town, Oct. 21st. At tnis meeting nearly 400 union men Invited to a conference with, aero the merchan.s, Dus.lie s men and • ankers of our town. At the meeting no discordant note ms sounded. Tne business men pledgtd their utmost effort, and the bankers promised to advance on cot ton every dollar they could spare to aid the farmers in holding their cot ton for 15 cents. National President C. S. Barrett and State President R. F. Duckworth have called on every county union in the cotton belt to meet in tlulr re spective counties Nov. 9th to do hat we have already done. The object of these meetings Is > encourage union and non-union farmers to hold their cotton for bet ter prices. Abo, to consult with and secure the aid of the business men and bankers of the cotton belt. Tile Polk County Farmers’ Un ion, at its regular monthly meeting Rockmart, Nov. 1st, put to a test the instructions of our superior officers. After their business session was er the busin ss men and bankers or Rockmart were Invited to a joint nference. As at Cedartown, the result was all that could he desired. The merchants promised their hearty co-operation, and Hie l ankirs to ad vance all the money they could spare to help the farnuis. No doubt the merchants and bank ers of every other county In Georgia are Just as clever as ours. When called upon by the County Unions all over the cotton belt, they will probably respond us readily and heartily ns did those of Folk. But—our farmers are determined not to part with their cotton at pres ent prices, which are not the result of production or consumption, but of manipulation of cotton exchange gamblers. I^i tills cont si between the farm ers and the.gamblers we are likely to soon exhaust the loaning power of our Southern banks, owing to their inability, under present conditions, to to draw funds from the big Northern money centers. Then what can the farmers, mer chants and hankers of the South do to take care of the situation? It seems to me that Atlanta’s plan of issuing $2,000,090 of clearing house certificates as a circulating medium, to tide over the present crisis, sug gests a safe and feasible way out of our trouble. Atlanta, through her hanks, issues these certificates. Sbo guarantees that O. E. MARSHALL THE UP-TOWS DRUGGIST. Phone No. 5. Fi'ompuu'KM, I *i-* vh«*y, cmiiioii, Poliit-iK-MN gel l , urity mixed with Sol»i-i«*ty, Knowledge and At-i-urni-y make a successful business Local View Post Cards. Wileys Candies, fresh every week. Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, largest line ever shown in the city. A LI, CALLS ANSWERED DAY OR NIGHT. Store Phone, No. 5; Residence Pbone No. 304. (h «V IIolineN 11 ii 11«1 i ujr, CKDARTOWNj OA. A woman ough, but a sip is worse. .vho go c sl; is had ens to p one dollar and fifty cents worth of gilt-edge securities stand behind ev ery dollar of certificates Issued, and that these certificates will be redeem ed in cash at face value by March 1908. LETTER TO REV. (i. K. BENEDICT, OdiirtfliTfi, Gii. Rev. Sir: Will you give yo ;r Arith metic clas.--r.nd Algebra cl os; th‘s problem ? If average paint is worth $1 GO a gallon, and goes two-thirds ps far as Devoe, and wears half as.loig, what is Devoe worth put on, painters’ wig es being $3 50 a day and a duy’:: work a ga’lon of paint. The answer Is $11.80 a gallon; but don't tell ’em that. Yours truly, 43 F. W. DEVOE & CO. P. S. Bradford sells our paint. The greatest sermons are those out side of sentences. Everybody agrees to accept tl at face value, and $2,000,000 of cir culating medium Is poured Into the channels of trade. Cotton, insured, in the warehouse is better collateral than anybody’.' “gilt-edge securities.” When th* banks in any Southern town r aoh their limit of loins on co ton, why not call together the farmers, ware housemen, merchants and bankers, Is sue certificates on coLon and all a to accept them at par? Make these certificates redeemable at face value, In cash, on or befor August or Sepember, 1908. Let the farmer deposit his warehouse receipt with some designated depository and receive in cotton cert, ficat s what he needs up to 60 or even 75 per cent of the market value of his cotton. Don’t charge him any interest o i these certificates, Just a small fee to cover the cost of issuing them. Whenever a l.aie of such cotton is sold, take out of the proceed ; enough to pay the certificat e Issued again, t it. Reasons why you should deposit your money and carry your account with BANK OF CEDARTOWN. 1st. Because, Comparing resources ted to your credit without any cost v*th liabilities, which is the only com- to you. parlson of strength, the BANK OF. 8th.Because, A Check Book is more CEDARTOWN is the strongest bank convenient for you to carry than a in Polk county. wallet filled witli legal tender or loose 2nd. Because, The net resources of | change; if your check book is lost our stockholders, who make good the ^ the bank will furnish you another liabilities of the Bank, are more than ■ free of charge. When your money is ONE MILLION DOLLARS. ' lest, the story is different. 3rd. Because, Our officers are toon- , . 9th. Because, It gives you a better ded, and our vaults are insured to ... ‘ , „ .. , standing in the community, especially protect your money deposited with us. | . 4th. Because, Your money Is safer in hank than anywhere else. 5th, Because, It creates business habits that will increase your sav ings | 10th, Because, Some day you may 6th. Because, BANK OF CEDAR- need to borrow. The customer re- TOWN pays you interest on your celves not only the accommodation, money deposited In their Saving Do- but the preference of rates and partmont. I amounts, while the non-customer In 7th. Because, You can have your' times of stringency will meet with re- out of town checks and drafts deposi- j fusal. E. C. IJENTON, Cashier. A. E. YOUNG, Vice Pres. BANK OF CEDARTOWN, Cedartown, Gin. among the business men, to pay by check rather than cash. To have money In the Bank strengthens one’s credit. Any town which il vvj.'.ld have a 1 i good as All .il adop's this pli of Hi the farmer, without g any Liter st, could put into atlon three-fourths of the value ■ cotton and mill hod it i.i the , ouse The saddest Infidelity is being faith less to the best we know'. In mis way we cou’d circumvent the i cotton garni Llers and speculators, and bid them go spin tlielr winter clothes 1 out of the futures they have so long I used as means to rob us of the price of our labor. JOHN I. FULL WOOD. Pneumonia Follows a Cold but never follows the use of Foley’s Honey and Tar. It stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs and prevents pneumonia. Bradford’s Drug Store. When it comes to taking a long breath the giraffe has the rest of tho menagerie beaten. TO CURE CATARRH SUFFERERS. T. F. Burbank Is advising all who suffer from any of the symptoms of catarrh, such as offensive breath,dry ness of the nose, pain across the eyes, discharges and droppings into the throat, coughing spasms and general ’weakness and debility, to use Hyomei. He goes so far as to offer to refund the money to any usi r of Hyomei who is not perfectly satisfied with Uie re sults. Start using the Hyomei treatment a.*.d you will have quick relief; stop page and filling up in the nose will cease; there will be no more, drop pings Into the throat; the breath will become sweet; catarrhal germs Will be destroyed and their growth pre vented. Go to T. F. Burbank’s today and buy a complete outfit for $1.00, with the understanding that, if It does not give satisfaction, your money will be refund'd. FRIEND TO FRIEND. The personal recommendations of peo ple who have been cured of coughs and colds by ClmmbcrVun’s Cough Remedy have done more than all else to make it a staple article of trade and commerce over a large part of the civilized world. For sale by RUSSELL DRUG CO. KILLthe cough and CURE the LUNGS The man who isn’t afraid need never he afraid of led out rts work I with- i • up ill Childr “Vy little girl 1m subject to cold;” s.iy;, Mrs. Y.’m. H. Herig, No. 41. Fifth St!. Wheeling, W. Va . “I ast winter she had a severe spell and a terrible cough but I cured her with Chamber lains’ Cough Remedy without "the a d of a doctor, and my little boy has been prevented many times from hav ing the croup by the timely use of this syrup.” This remedy Is for sale Russell Drug Co. On occasions that would make a man swear, a woman slams the door. ■ Uli Trial Battle Free AND ALL THROAT AND LING TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. BTJMyiti lynnrartg-jg*-~rrr. ESTER'S ENGLISH This Worth Itoi a boring. As no one is immune, every person should remember that Foley’s Kidney Cure will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of mdecllne. Bradford's Drug Store. PARKER’L HAIR BALSAM Clean**-! inti brautifie* lb. OftlX. Promote* ft Inurmnt frowth. Never JCftll* to ltr.trir u Offtjr Hair to Itit Youtlifu) Color. Cuxei •r-ftlp <1l..ftiie* a 1. Jr uUiak