The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, December 28, 1922, Image 3

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DECEMBER 28, 1922. rWE STANDARD, CEPARTOWW, GA. pack nrm We Thank You Mr. J. C. Walker spent Friday in Atlanta. Mr. R. P. Watson spent Thursday in Atlanta. Mrs. R. A. Brinim spent Thursday afternoon in Rome. The people of Cedartown and vicinity have given us a gratifying liberal patronage during I922, and we wish to thank them most hear tily for it.! We are going to try harder than ever to deserve your favor during 1923. We wish you, one and all, a most Happy New Year. Hay I923 be filled to over-flowing with good things for you. Mdore's Pharmacy Mrs. W. S. Myers left Friday for a visit at Unndilla. Mr. Irving Silverstein spent Fri day afternoon in Rome. Mr. C. Q. Tatum went to Atlanta Friday for a few days stay. ASK YOUR GROCER for Graham flour made at Vance’s Mill. Miss Myrtice Jones left Friday to spend the holidays at Eatonton. Mr. H. G. Ritchie left Friday to spend Christmas at Commerce. DOSS TIRES—thoro are none bet ter. J. H. Stewart sells them. Miss Lucile Wood went to Menlo Thursday to spend the holidays. Miss Fayne Moore left Friday to spend the holidays in Buchanan. Miss Johnnie Cooper left Friday to spend the holidays in Birmingham. Miss Bessie Ballard left Thursday to spend the holidays at Eatonton. Mr. O. F. Wooten nnd family spent the first of the week in Rome. Miss Mnhel Harris came home Fri day from Hamlet, where she is teach ing. Prof. John B. Jones left Thursday to spend the holidnys in South Caro lina. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Richardson,Jr., of Atlanta, came Friday to spend the holidays. Miss Bessie Westmoreland left last Thursday to spend the holidnys at. Cleveland. Mr. C. Mostoller and family went to Chattanooga Saturday to spend Christmas. CORNER MA IN AND STUBBS STS. STORE PHONE N*. S. RES. PHONE N*. SIS. Prof, nnd Mrs. Wm. Morrison left Thursday to spend the holidnys in Millcdgovlllc. J. R. CHAPMAN , THE CEDARfOVN STANDARD Plumbing and Electric Co. Sanitary Plumbing and Steam Fitting. THURSDAY, DEC. 28, 1922. Hon. E. S. Ault was in Atlanta Thursday. Mr. R. E. Butler spent Friday night in Atlanta. Mrs. J. F. Felton was culled to Chattanooga Thursday by the illness of a son-in-law. PHONE BOB for your Western Beef, Lamb, and Fish. STEPHENS CASH MARKET. Mrs. A. S. Atkins nnd Miss Edith M. Lake have been visiting relatives in Macon this week. Electrical Work. FIRST-CLASS WORK AT REASON ABLE PRICES. Mfic. Phone, 289, 421 Moia St. Miss Rose Moore left Friday for a visit in Iowa. Mr. C. W. Ilollctt left Friday for a trip to Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Trauick spent Friday in Atlanta. Mr. Henry Blonhcim, of Atlanta, cume Friday on a visit to his sister, Mrs. Phil Friedmun. Mr. L. R. Brock and family left last week for Gadsden, where ho has accepted a position. Ih. Phono 91. Horbort St. «. W. Crawford. D. L Raborts. Funeral Directors Cedartown, Ga. rBOMPT, POLITE AND RELIABLE 8ERVICE, REASONABLE PKICES. T. J. DAVIS. Proo. 204 MAIN ST. PHONE 89. (The Best Work at the Lowest Prices. .MONEY TO LOAN. I mb iatborM to toko nppUcn- Mom for 1mm on acceptable real m- ItM at mm Intoroat rate of 5 1-2 pw Ml. ThU rata may mot prevail long. W. W MUNDY, Correspondent for Polk County, CEDARTOWN, GA. Money to Loan. 1 am prepared to negotiate farm loans to run five years, with princi pal repayable ten per cent annually for first four years. Interest rate 7 per cent payable annually. If you want a farm loan on improv ed farm lands in Polk or Floyd coun ties, see me. W. K. FIELDER. Cedartown Lodge, No. 73, I. 0. 0. F., meets every Thursday night. Vis iting brothers always welcome. Lodge room over Standard office. M. L. FISHER, N. G. GEO. W. HOWARD, Sec. A happy and prosperous New Year to each and all. Mrs. J. E. Good went to Acworth Friday to spond the holidays. Our city public schools will re-open for the winter term, next Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Lewis spent the first of the week at Greenwood, S. C. Miss Florinc Janes came home last week from Atlanta to spend the holi days. Dr. II. M. Hull returned last week from a stay of several days at Vala- ha, Fla. Mr. John Frazer cume home for the holidays last week from Oglethorpe University. Dr. and Mrs. P. 0 Chaudron left Thursday to spend the holiduys at Mobile, Ala Miss Ruth Hicks came home Friday for the holiduys from Aragon, where she is teaching. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Benton, of At lanta, were the guests of Cedartown friends last week. WHY PAY MORE, when you can buy automobile tires for less? J. H. Stewart keeps them. Mrs. W. J. Bisaner and daughter, Emmeline, went to Acworth Friday to spend the holidays. Mrs. J. A. Watford, of Birming ham, came Thursday on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Chas. Beasley. Miss Elizabeth Young came home Saturday for the holidays from the State University at Athens. Mrs. Robt. 1 Wilkinson, of Newnan, came Thursday on a visit to her father, Mr. J. R. Chapman. Mr. Chas. Adamson, Jr., came home Friday for the holidays from the University of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Leland Purks left Thursday for a visit in Atlanta. Mr. Purks spent the first of the week there. • Misses Frances Wood, Anna and Ida Young came home for the holi days last week from Shorter College. Mr. Lewis Wood, of Abbeville, La., came Thursday to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wood. Miss Sara Hanahan, of Atlanta, came Thursday to spend a few days as the guest of Miss Mary Cade Holmes. Mesdames M. W. Barber and R. II. Prior left Sunday for a few days visit to their daughter and sister, Mrs. E. S. Reynolds. LADIES, when in Romo make your headquarters at ths New York Hat Shop, 314 Broad St. FINE SHOE REPAIRING, Phone 74. Work cnllod for and delivered. TRITT & WILLIAMS. Mr. Lowndes Yancey came homo last week for the holidays from Em ory University in Atlanta. Misses Elizabeth and Sara Leon ard came home Saturday from At lanta to spend tho holidays. Mrs. W. F. Janes left Thursday for a visit in Atlanta. Mr. Janes spent the first of the week there. Miss Pauline and Mr. Ed. Johnson, of Atlanta, came Saturday on n visit to the family of Mr. J. T. Hunt. Messrs. Maurice Hunt and Robert Terrell came home Friday for tho holidays from Young Harris College. Mrs. W. M. Crows, of Birmingham, came Thursday on a visit to her par ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. 0. Cleveland. PAPER HANGING—I will paper your rooms at tho lowest possible price. Phone 196. R. C. FRALEY. Mrs. L. H. Biggs, of Atlanta, came Friday to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Rus sell. Mrs. J. A. Monfort, of Cartersville, was called here Thursday by the ill ness of her sister, Miss Sallie Mon fort. Mrs. J. S. Lawrence, of Atlanta, came last week to spend a few days with her mother, Mrs. Mary Sue Ed wards. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wright, of Camden, S. C., came Friday on a visit to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Houseal. Misses Nell and Irene Pridgen,who are teaching at Trion and Villa Rica respectively, came home last week for the holidays. Mesdames J. T. Hardwick and N. 0. Landers, of Birmingham, are the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brooks. Messrs. Winfrey Langford and Marion Roberts came home Friday for the holidays from Mercer Uni versity in Macon. Mrs. Albert Adams, of Birming ham, came Thursday on a visit to rel atives here. Mr. Adams spent the first of the week here. Mrs. J. S. N. Davis returned last Thursday to Opelika, Ala., after a vis it to her nieces, Mrs. Lamar Hallum and Miss Paulino Chapman. Quality Store Quality Store A. C. COBB CO. HAPPY NEW YEAR With sincere gratitude in our hearts towards our friends and customers for their splendid business during the year that has passed, we pledge ourselves to serve a little better, to try a little har der, to become a little more worthy of your confidence ^ patronage through out the coming year. Our wish to all is, A Happy and Prosperous New Year. A. C. COBB CO. “THE QUALITY STORE.” Sale Goods Cash Sale Goods Cash Perfumed Pottery. Sounds odd, doesn't It? And mys- torious? Woll, it is both —one of those rare novelties requiring genius and craftsmanship to produce. Perfumed pottery is just what the name implies. It is made from clay saturated by secret process with de lightful perfume that withstands fir ing in the kiln, nnd when finished has tho properties of a sachet. The deliento odor of a single piece of Perfumed Pottery is suite discern- nble in n fair-sized room. Wo have just received a shipment. Prices from 50 cents to $1 each. W. W. TURNER, Jeweler. LOOK for our "ad” In this issue. SANITARY STEAM BAKING CO. Mr. J. J. Edwards Bpent Fridny in Atlnntu. Mr. J. R. Austin spent Fridny in Atlanta. Mrs. G. A. Brooks left Thursday for a visit at Bremen. Mr. Ernest Taylor, of Floyd coun ty, was here Thursday. Mr. R. J. Tyner left Friday for Ma con to spend the holidays. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. W. Philpot are spending the holidays at Troy, Ala. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. G. Stewart, of An niston, came Friday to spend the holi days. DO YOU need a DATING STAMP? You will find them at the Standard Office. Mr. E. C. Thompson came home Friday from Birmingham to spend tho holidays. Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Prickett left Friday for a few days visit in Chat tooga county. WHAT YOU NEED—Brewer’s Lax alive Stomach Bitters, for sale at Burbank’s Drug Store. Mr. M. D. Gray, of Borden Springs, spent a part of last week with his sis ter, Mrs. W. F. Barton. Mr. H. B. Stewart went to Gads den Thursday to spend a few days. His wife came home with him Sunday. Misses Della Lee of Felton, and Willie Mae Watts of Bullochville. spent the last of the week with Miss Gertie Watts. Mr. Charley Walker, who is attend ing the State Technological School in Atlanta, spent Thursday night here cn route to his homo at Lyerly. (greetings Jo Our Patrons and friends To you and yours we extend right heartily; the Season’s Greetings. ! And may the glad New Year bring ever- increasing happiness an d prosperity. Our appreciation of your patronage and that of others you may have directed our way, is expressed in this wish to you. I The Commercial Bank of Cedartown «• Capital Surplus .^zsu,ouu uu Cedartown, Georgia. THE HOTEL OF THREE C’S: . Courtesy - Comfort - Convenience Located three blocks from the heart of the City American Plan—$3.50 Per Day. Meals, 75c; Rooms, $1.25 Per Day. No Charge for Sample Room. Member Chamber Commerce. WILLIAM BOOTH, Manager. THE STANDARD CLUBBING LIST WILL SAVE YOU MONEY