The Southern sun. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1869-1872, February 11, 1869, Image 4

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r&ioe. joint o pax*. ’T?* * cnvi« up In;t —• ».*sr was known— Bat often iu human nature shown, a vlifc* n .-astlc and cottng.— I'll it pride like pig* »*f a certain brood. Will manage to live and thrive on food A* poor ah a pauper’s pottage ! Os all the notable things on earth. The queerest thing is the pride of birth Among onr “fierce Democracy l” A bridge across a hundred years, Without a prop to save it from sneers— Not even a couple of rotten piers— A thing of laughter. ftingH and jeers— b American Aristocracy. Depend upon it, my snobbish friend, Yoor family thread you cannot ascend, Without good reason to apprehend Yon may find it waxed at the other end By some plebhin vocation; Or,, worse than that, your boasted line * May end in h loop of stronger twine. That plagued tome worthy relation. Because you flourish in worldly affairs, !*»»»•♦ i*. haughty and pnt on airs, With insolent pride of station, Don’t he proud and turn up your nose At jioorer people in plainer clothes; Bat learn for the sake of the mind's repose, That all proud flesh—wherer it goes— b subject to irritation. Fo»d for Smiles. was Noah never hungry 1 Because Be had Ham with him. J>iggery aaya he respects old age, except when some oue cheats him with a pair o old chickens. A friend. Why are yonng ladies' brains like a speckled trout? Because they love to sport under a water-fall. Ail old lady hearing of a pedestrian's ••great feat” wondered why they didn’t in terfere with his last walking. A negro after gassing at the Chinese, ex claimed, “If de white folks is as dark as dat out dar, I wonder what’s de color ob de niggers.” Why shonld a chimney-sweeper be a good whist player? Because he is always following soot. The Pacific Railroad Company advertise for sleepers. They should apply to some of the popular churches. Mrs. Muffles says it is “dredful” hard to hme a husband. She never got used to it until she lost her fonrth. ••Tnis is capita? ale!” sad an old toper; ‘are hew long it keep its head.” “Ay,\ • ti<.(a bystander; ‘but consid r 1 ow soon it akes away yours!” Much libellous matter has been written on tombstones about wives. Witness this from Selby, m Yorkshire: — Here lies my wife, a sod and slattern Bhrew; If I said I ugretted her, I should lie too. An Irish girl told her forbidin lover that •be longing to possess his portrait and intended to obtain it. Bn! Ik w if yonr fnends see it!* “Ah. but I'll tell the artist not to make it like you, so thy won't know it.* A moon-atrsck poet got - ff the following; iliapandy skating:: “0? the girls, the tieantiftil girt, with tire liquid eyes and the golden curls, skating along o’er the crowd ed rinks, as sweet as a pea, as cute as a pink." A gellman, giving a lecture to some was explaining how no one could live with nut air. He then said - “You have all heard nf a man drowning how does that happen 7 * The ready answer was, “'Onus she can’i •win/ A ntrager in Boston, desring to be shown the wa> to the South Boston, accosted an irishman,, who at once replid,. “Take Harri son Avenew along wid ye, mind that ! turn Sontli Boston bridge over, do ye mind that j j«*re just there, now !’ r Two rival* belhss met ast a hop. ‘‘How well yon look under candlelight ! ’ exclaim •done, wilh a atresson the candles. “And hew charming you are iu the dark P an- Bwe red the other. The following is from a local paper: “per tons wishing to see the editors will gener ally find them at printing-office. In their absence, however, invtanions- to dine, and •hailengw to fight, should be left either with tßwpah!isher r in oof t»Me- drwaer." ITncte- *Tdare say when T talte you home again,. Gharlie, your mamma will- have a nice present foryon. What would you like •beat, my boy—a little brother or a little sis ter?“ Charlie (after some consideration) ••Well, it it makes no diflernce to ma, I’d at her have a little pony.” A letter bearingtbe followingsnperscrip ion- was recently received-at the Silver City poat office, from lowa.* ; “Augustus Jones, a Webfoot 6crnb, To whom this letter wauls to go,- Is chopping cord wood for bis grub,- in Silver City, Idaho.’’ “Sammy, Sammy,- my son, don’t stand there scratching yonr head; stir your stumps or you will make no progress in life.” ••Why father, reblied the yonng Hopeful. •*l‘rw often heard you say that the only way to get along in this world was to scratch aheadr A ob>ck having jnsl struck the hour of ono, a tender-hearted women exclaimed: ‘ 0 what a cruel clock!” “why so f’ asked a friend. “Because it struck its little one!’ answered the tender hearted mother. awim.” A newspaper ill Cleveland having adve tised that they wonln smut a copy of their paper gratis for one year to theiperson sem • ir.g them a ‘ club of ten,” received the ten spot of clubs from a young lady in the coun** try. A Paris prper gives a conversation be tween a father and his little daughter.* “What have yon done with your doll?* “I have put it away to keep for my chil dren when I grow up. “But if you shouldn't have any?” “All 1 well! then it will do for my grand children A youngster, on being admonished by Lis mother not to take all the hash from the dish, becaus he should leave some for man ners, replied, overlooking around the table, “Well, 1 never saw any Manners here to eat hash. Manners never comes to our house!” Pan Bryant, the” minstrel,” tells of the most complex family ever known, something in this wise: ”1 married a young widow, who lived with her stepdaughter: my father shortly after married the step daughter. My wife was therefore the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law of my father. I am the step-father of my mother-in-law, and my wife’s step-daughter is my step-mother. Well, my step-mother —that is to say, my father’s wife, and my wife’s daughter—bad a sou. He is roy step brother, of course, but being the son of my wife’s step-daughter, my wife is, of course, his grandmother, and I am his grandfather as well as his step-brother. My wife also had a boy. My step-rootber js consequently step-sister of my boy aud also hi» grandmother, because be is child of her stepson, and my father is the* brother in law of my son, who is the son of my stepmother lam my mother’s brother in law, my wife is the aunt of her own son, my son is the grandson of my father, and I am my own grandfather^ A recipe for cooking beans, which have not tried, but would infer, taking into consideration the law of possibilities, was worthy of a trial Buy a bean, bathe it well putin twelve quarts of stenched river wa ter (if you haven’t got a river, better buy one, as they are handy to have), bile it six hours by an avoirdupoise clock take it out and wipe it thoroughly dry with a soft towel—an old shirt won’t answer—lay it on its north cast side, about two degrees sow westerly; bore n hole i» eaeh end, abstract the” innards” very quietly, with out mussing very much; then stuff oue end with soft biled rice, and the other end with rice biled soft; the end that pints toward the north should, in all instances, except in cases of extreme hemorrhage, be stuffed first; then take the south side of the shell off gently; then the east carefully, so the eastern people won’t know it, then sweeten with salt, audit will taste so much like rice you’d never dream it was a bean. A Washington dispatch says Genorel Grant has prepared his resignation as Gen eral oi the Army, and will tender it fc» President week, cm the day after the e-lecioral vote for President is counted and declared by Congress, THE SAVANNAH fgjtemtif flew DAILY AND TRI-WEEKLY, A RELIABLE Family & Commencail Newspaper, CONTAINING THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH & MAIL FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD A Daily Telegraphic Report of all Foreign and Domestic Markets, together with a full Daily Report of the Savanuah Cotton, Grocery, and Produce Market Every Friday we publish a full Financial and Conimenial Report of the Savannah, Market con taining Prices Current, Comparative Statement of Cotton, and full 1 Meieantile Statistics, carefully compiled under and by dircctiou of the Board of Trade of this city. In the future, as in the past, the News and Hbral#* will pursue the same straight-forward, earnest, honest' policy. It will oppose Radical despotism,- which is now blighting this country, in ail its changes and under whatever device it may appear, it will oppose Fanaticism and all the monstrosities, humbugs, and delusions that grow out of it, the stupid and barbarous polices aud usurpations of the State Government by negroes and Northern adven turers. Ae heretofore, ir will give unceasing. atten tion to State Internal Improvements, the subjects of* Education, Manufactures, and Immigration. Nor will the News and Herald be the organ- of aßy clique, the sla-ve of- any money power-, the champion of anv corrupt oorporatiom It will have no senvioes to sell, no favors to ask, no passions or prejudices to lead it astray—unless loving and defending Con stitutional Rights be a passion, and hating the enemies of-liberty, peace, and fraternity be a preju dice. Connected with the paper are Colonel W. T. Thompson, late editor of the “Morning News,” and well-known as the anther of “Major Jones' Court hip,” and Dr. J. S. Jones, formerly of the “Tal lahassee Floridian.” TERMS: Patty, a year $lO Tri- Weekly (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday), a year $6 Subscriptions received for any length of time from one month upward ; and if you want a Savan nah paper, send one dollar and try the New6 and Herald for a mouth. Specimen copies can be procured from ouragents. Connected with the office is a' BOOK, JOB. & CARD PRINTING OFFICE. AH orders, by mail ortherwise, promptly attended tO: All communications, to receive prompt attention, must be addressed 1 to J. H. ESTIL£ r Editor and Proprietor. 11l Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. Postmasters everywhere are authorised td’ receive snbscri prions. March 18, 1868. 41 -tfi 1869. 1860. f "L >j mm ffvs. ' m i O I I . mitt jjr iml | <* ['jjj fo]**Bl*'l« 1 NSI .. i ■ifil-ii mnrßff y i 'lißnir i vv " - D-5 mummmL ts'BPh b'" dail strnc- to the kbm i t!u' panee.ot _ 'leaf Congress, no £dm .teriai! (,n !' •* (JWm ~m ; m s ? r, ‘ tfcn ’ 8 J K'srf Mprdihary com •rite between And -i “ ; ' f "riBffIBBCJ \ a»h r p V* V.T Court of Ordinary at. '«B 1 D >oly -Lo.elt. bos nppliechMl'r ft setting apart and vatiu£|.j§ JOB I* f re/’J_3?el»gihility ofuegreßbJ V p - Jr * irtiA As can be Done Any Mr. offered an amendment t * SjbuVtF “ish branches of the j to abip WITH THE SAME FACILITIES AT HAND. We Use Nihotng but the Best Article of Paper,, m *■ ■ jp. . cfoneur w '., s 'of the . And" grot's to hold i io this Wlime Cuurl, it. was adopted finest inks, TANARUS.: jpurnng with the f selectio ***-“-’ V Thus Giving at * £ A TONE AND FINISH TO 000 WORK, Which No Other Kind of Material will Produce*- > ‘ v . - - - - —.— - ... ~ OUR TERMS Are Strictly CASH OK DBLZVBBT And* oar Kates As Low as those of any Establish me» / Io this Seofeioo of the Country.- • % ~ SgSgsgggSgggggg^g^gsgggggS!jgiaWlgai^"ll!gg^?!ggßg^ ORDERS soliciie®. JOSBPQ FIN EG AN, JAS. B. PABRAMOBB, Fetnandina, Fla. Madison, r JOSEPH FINEGAN & CO., COTTON FACTORS —and — Commission Merahants JONKS’ UPPER BLOCK, U\ STREET, SA VANHaH, GEORGIA 1 ggp Liberal Advances on Cotton consigned to oui Correspondets in New York and Liverpool. Sept. 10, 1808. 25 ' 3M o. dauvergne, Cabinet Maker, Upholster and Undertaker. Beecher’s Block, Water Si-., BAtNfeKtbGE, Ga. third door from Corner of Broad and Water Streets. I take^ Os** ,m . !?w" a t l ordere for every thing pertaining to Cabinet Wotk, tJpholstets and undertakers.- fnrniture Matrasses made to order or repaire notice" repaired, funemis furnished at the shoiest notice, Everything else done or fumiehrd usual in the line of business. 6-Bin. , July 1808. |L' Vr * LMCimEsiLoom HSPER LEWIS & GO.. ‘ WATER: STREETS. : ® ' v ' I,WAYS FIND RPfW 1 *- a J'HT VMS , .-|JI flar * WMmSm % Boof.r> slip; \«rrMoßßis, Jr., General Partners. Muller, l Special Partners. baowa, \ Ngw ¥OEK . .t ; o: flawtng formed a limited partnership under the laws of the State of New York, with Messrs. Frantz B Mullet, and Win Harman Blown, as special part ners, un'iiW the firm name of “B. C. Morris. Jr,” I am now continuing, with increased facilities, the busint . ,ieretofore conducted by the late firm of Caldwell & Morris, at the same office No 20 OLD g£_jp_ B. C. MORRIS, Jp,. New York, August 4,1868. Sept.-2-16-6m. fclA. s 9q OnipHip wiib 1 “ will he ;ff3»nded to imrftedje Hall and nex * Feb, I.lth, 1860. Gallery. *- , a f . "* _ _ Ji stock to be had Vsas All \ )f) S 2o 00, s'2s 00, \ 00 and sso 00. liiirti - ( £QBKC ,u * c *‘ l> ~ MMll ' iim V, inn, " , .•f* > REMOVAL. THE Office of the “Printers’' Circular” and Printers’ Furnishing Warehouse formerly located at 36 Hudson Street, has been Removed to 516 Minor Street. Address all orders for material to R. S\ Men ami,n 515 Minor Street, Philadelphia, Penna. [3_s_tf. TAX NOTICE. IWILL be at the following named places for the purpose of making my last Assessment of State and County 'Paxes. Every Tax payer are requested to eome forward and give in their Taxes for the year 1868. Jones, Friday Dec. 4th‘; Chester’s Store. Saturday Dec. sth; Cooper’s Shop, Monday Dec. 7tft; Atta pulgus, Tuesday Dfec. Bth; FaCevHle, Wednesday. Dec. 9th; Lower Spring- Creek-, Thursday DeC loth: Steam Mill, Friday Dec. fl-th; Rbek- Pbttd 1 , Saturday Dec. 12th; Brocketfsr Mill, Monday Dec. f4tfr, Baiu’- biidge. Tuesday Dec. 15th; Lime Sick; Wednesday Deoi-HJth. And again in Bainbridge on December 18th and 19th-and at Harrell’s Station on thte 21st and 22d. After which time the Books Wilt he closed aud a-H defaulted-doubled- Taxed T. C. BLOUWT. Tax Assessor. Dec. 2’ 1898. 35-3 t. Beef and Stock for Sale. THE Subscriber has for sale den and Liberty CoiMitietr; FlbTida, FPVS HUNDRED HEABo/ BEEF and ii* H STOCK CATTLE, there can be had about ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY HEAD OF BEEF CATTLE and the remainder STOCK. For farther particulars apply to 4 t IT. G-REGOORY, QuinCY, Florida', or to' E-. S CANDLER, Bats bridge, Georgia. December 23’, 1868. 38-6 m SILK and STRAW GOODS, JUST RECEIVED a fine assortment of LadieS a'od Childrens Straw, Felt and Plush, also. Ribbon Trimmings, Velvet Braids, Artificial Flo. ere &,o for sale very low by t T. Bi HfiNNEWFXI & CO. Hoop Skirts, LADIES and Misses, of the latest style, just' re ceived'and'fbr sale by T. B; UTONE-WEIIE, & CO. YDS., Assorted styles of Prints at a 5 V V V reduction from termer prices, ms received and ter sale bv T.‘B. BUNNEWeBL & CO. Opera Flannels, F'Crtt ladies-a«d i ChiidretiS'Shcks-, all Colors, now »n store and for sate by i xv a* & co* 1868. ®bc s rteutifi? JMnfrifim. THE BEST PAPER IN THE WORLD. Published for Nearly A QUA»rfctt or A CENTiRYi THTB sDlendid newspaper, gteatly enlarged anrt . ,-!h is onto of the nioat reliable, useful, improved, is ouo f (ibl . #lie<l Kver „ lim . and interesting j an( i elegantly il list rated le , isbe»ut.fnl v P ‘nt«l « r ; pifc .’„,| htl *.ith Mvernl n.X»li ngricnltm.. TX'uytVbotuginpby, m«,u(nctnr«, unglueing, science and ait. inventors engineer*, them .^&3&£3ss u Ui Wo?’the value of which is beyond pecuniary SS g All »»“««'• «" ‘’tvnry public P ri '“*'' l ; br * , J “ h ™ ld ,b * Wo Th t c b yeur'r i u'u P X 1 » thVsdn.liftic AmericM 'V™X°Zr 51=5 quaito P«-6 • 11 Anew volume commence* Jah l T'l86& Published weekly Ttortns-One year, $3 •’ half-year, $1 50 ; Clubs of teh copies one year, s2 £id?e e ss lUea C ° Pieß grati6 ‘ MUNN & CO., AddlChS 36 Park Row, New York. mb* xtie publishers of the Scientific American; if tirinnection with the publication of the paper, hav. acted as Solicitors of Patents for twenty-two yearn. Thirty thousand applications for patents hifve toeen made through their agent#.'More one handled thousand iu ventors have sought the counsellor the proprietois of the Scientific American concerning their inventions Consultations ahd advice torn ventors. by mail, free. Pafllphlfetsfconcermng paten laws of all countries, free. A handsoirife bound volume, containing lOOTtne chdnical engravings, and the United States census by counties, with hints and receipts for mechanic*, mailed on receipt of 26 cents. jan2.)--t IMPORTANT TO ONERS OF ST Ocfe. THE AMERCAN STOCK JOURNAL AND r' Farmers’ a dSt»ak Ssidr’i kiFdftljer. ■ ONLY $1 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE; P?A First-Class Monthly Journal, devoted to Isrtt ,m,l Stock Breeding. Each numl>er contains 2d ■RjtfSluble fcoinuih iiiitstrated with numrr >? vings. Specimen Copies free, for stamp, L splendid Premiums to Agent*. ."d 0 ATT I/ft DOCTOR FRER. ‘*£\ ■ ‘ V* American Stock Jourfid uuy Department in tie ,e> w, v > ith is plated ttfrder tie f . ? tifjt Veterinary I'lohwr,- i, ' s l, "‘ M,i ments ov iiVfffi' >' aU . d l ° %. at ewer in print\iu coniiectiOP question, hov. they should b* treated for a hese prescrip tions are give»i gratis, and thns every' subsen her tc the Journali h’ts always at his command a VeterinA ry SufgeorJ free of charge. Every Farmer afct Stock Breeojbr should subscribe for it. Sent Free, Three Months for Nothing. Every nevt subscriber for 1868, received by fhi first of Fohnfary, will receive the October, Novem bes jfnd December numbers of 1867, free making over 500 large double-column pages of reading mat ter in the 16 numbers. All tor the low price of SI.OO. Address U. P. BQY'ftR & C., Publishers, GmiPrree, Chester County, PennSylVani monthly magazine, univef .ackiiowlwlged the Model Parlor Magazine W ‘fv lit 1 voted to Ofighial Stories, Poems, Sketcbesf > Ai^4ij£J^lt^£2i^^'Uiottages. House hold Matters, perns wjjwfroualit, Personal and Liter ary Gossip (ruUifli’ngispeciiil departments on Fash ions,) instructions on Health, Music, Amusement, • etc., by the best authors, and profusely illustrated! with costly Engravings, (ftlfsftfe) useful and relia ble Patterns, Embroideries, and a constant succes sion of artistic novelties, with other useful and en tertaining liferaJtUre No person of refinement, economical housewife, oi faf!y of taste can afford to do without the Modi! .iionthly. Single Copies. 30 cents ; back numbers,- as specimens, 10 cents ; either mailed free. Yearly $3, with a valuaable premium ; two three copies. $7-50 ; five copies, sl2 and splendid 5 premiums for clubs at $3 each, with the fiist pie mi ums to each subscriber.- Hr Anew Wheelia 4 Wilgon Sewing Machine for 20 subscribers at $3" each. Address, W. SENNINGS DEMORE.ST. No. 473 Broadway, New York, Demorert’s Monthly and Young America, to gether $4, with the premiums for each. Dec. 12. 1867. 38-ts. Agents Wanted for TE OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR, Its Causes, Character, Conduct add Resultss By HON. ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS* A Book for all Sections and all Parties. npIIIS great work presents the orily Complete and 1 1 impartial analysis of the Causes of the War yet published, and gives those interior lights and shad ows of the great conflict only knOWn to those high* officers who watched the flood-tide of revolution 1 from its fountain springs, and which were so acces sible to Mr. Stephens from his position as second officer of the Confederacy. To a public that has beCh surfeited*with apparent ly similar pkondCTiONs, we promise a Change of fare, both agreeable and salutary, and an intellectual «r eat i° f the hlgheßt order - The Great American War has at last found a historian worthy of it* importance, and at Whose hartds it will receive that moderate, candid- and iYhpattfht treatment which' titith and justice Sb Urgently demand. The intense desire every where ihanifested to ob* tain this work, its Official character arid ready sale.- combined with an increased commission, make it the best subscription fioott ever published f r aßton - s>a - reports 7- subscribers ill’ thtee day. Oue in Boston Mass I*o3 subscribers iri S'rJl'T'* Memphis, Tenu. subscribers’ LnA n f n y l ?? n ? sot Ci '<sblare and see our terms,- and a fulll dbscription of the worW, with Press no ices of advanee sheets, &c. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. TIE NEW YOffi OEM! Is now publishing a New Serial SiOrt, to ruti* through a large part of the next volume, entitled 5 ‘’Mr. Biwning’s Parish.” forlßNewßhb..iribenT ‘* 6i M “ chln^ ants tietr*..ii.ruiu ..(’•n'fl* ,he Obaefrer to rfew reader, lilietUlVftrJfor ml,aence ' w ® the following^ New Subscribers; y® ' v, ",f® n ' l the for oue rear to' o subscribers, one or both being new, ter $0 00* 1 „ ar all n “ for $8 (O' Or tn tartar ~ reeornZ f “ fOT 0« sriiiD ir>oT> y pevson sending Ul JTVe or more new' each R8 ’ we wsl l allow* one dollar commission on* ®*’ n 5 h T check, dtaft,-oT Post-office order. e ,ses aut T Circulate sertt free. Terms,- in advance' Ea lr„ A ««., ' ft* o ■**-, 37 Park Row > New York -