Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, May 08, 1897, Image 2

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BANKSCOIim,JOURNAL ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY tint,ercd at the Postofflee at Horner Ga. as second class matter. Kales of SubscrljtHan. One year 50 rents cash'or SI,OO on time Six months 25<cents cash or 50 cents on time. WALLACE I, HARDEN, Editor and Publisiikb. HOMER, GA., MAY S, 1897. The Old and the New. With this issue we retire as editor of The Journal. As was stated at the beginning by the proprietors of the paper, we were only embloyed temporarily—until they could make other arrangements. These arrange ments have now been made. Mr. Wallace L. Harden has leased the paper and will appear as editor and general manager next issue. Mr. Har den is a brother of Dr. O. N. Harden, a well known and popular ohysician of this place. He is a gentleman of talent and ability, and we expect of him nothing.short of success- In in troducing Editor Harden to the patrons of The Journal, we feel it our duty to say that he is well worthy of their patronage. Oursojomn in the Land of Journalism has been exceed ingly pleasant. We are very grateful to the editors who have spoken so kindly of us, to the correspondents who have so much aided us, and to the people generally who have given j us their support. The Journal will continue to have our best wishes. We are very favorably impressed with the newspaper business to which wo say good bye for the present. M. C. Sanders. In announcing through these col umns that I have come into this com inanity to live and to do everything within iny power for the welfare of this section, I fully realize the great responsibility attached to running a weekly' paper, but notwithstanding it has been clearly shown me that this county is very worthy of a good paper still I have undertaken it, and it is to he hoped that in the near future the Editor will have proven the assertion that this county can and will support a first class paper. In taking hold of this very young Journal and considering that I have come into this county as a perfect stranger to a larger portion of the people of this section I ant as depend ant upon them for their support as one could possibly be, and am fully trusting that I may prove satisfactory to all. The Banks County Journal, as successor to the Gazette, has changed hands fur the last time, provided the people of this part of the county see proper to lend it a small portion of their aid. It shall be my greatest ef fort to make it a grand success- and if hard consistent work will make it something that you all may feci proud of it will, I trust, soon become so. The Journal is to be run upon s'rictly business principals without fear, favor or affection. The editor has no axes to grind, and is simply tor any and everything that is for the welfare of this county, and will ever be opposed to everything j that looks like a drawback to the county. At present it will be sent to all per sons, unless otherwise instructed by those whose names are on its mailing list at the same old price which is 50c per year, cash or one $l.OO on time: As this is very indiffimte and some what misleading, and is liable to cause a little contusion, I will say that in a very short time it will be made into, a better and laiger home printed pa' per and at the same time the subscrip tion will be $1 00 year in advance, the new management will carry out all contracts that have been made with the former manager since April Ist 1897, unless notified to the con trary. I desire to further say light here that I am here to remain, unless prov idence works against me, and it is my geat desire to see that the Banks County Journal will not become a thing of tile past, as did the Gazette. The Journal will be run on strict Democratic principals! The editor has never yet voted for any other than straightout Democratic ticket. But it will not make a special object of handling politics still at the same time it will ever stand by its honest i on victions, ami ’ will ever endeavor to treat every one right, always respect ful to those who mav differ from us on public matters. Our chief aim is the advancement of Banks County and her people. If we meet with the hearty co oper ation of our citizens to such an extent that we will feel justifiable in enlarg ing our paper there will be no hesita - tiogin that direction. Thanking you each and everyone in advance for your hearty co-opera tion and support I am, Yours very truly, Wallace L. Harden, Editor Greece is being crushed by the strong forces of Turkey. sixteen ludiau warriors passed through Atlanta a few days ago en route to Florida. Col. Mosby, the ex Confederate of gunlla fame, is being mentioned fa vorably as the successor to Fitzbugh Lee in Havana. When a cool, level headed and brave man is wanted for ticklish work, look to the South and find him. Dud Brooks one of the murderers M. C. Hunt, who is now m Atlanta jail for safe keeping, had a stroke of paralysis a few days ago which came near ending his life. Brooks and Reynolds both deny striking the blow that took Hunt’s life, but both ac knowledge to being accessary to the crime. They certainly deserve to b e hung. If they had been tried the next day after they were arrested they would both have been hung long igo; but time softens public sentiment and it is not likely that either will ever pay for his atrocious crime with his life. Brooks will probably get a term in the hospital and Reynolds a short term in the ehaingang or asy. lum. YOUR U KSENT NEED Is pure, rich blood, and a strong and healthy body, because with the appr oach of spring and the beginning of warmer weather your physical system will undergo radical changes. All the impurities which have accumlated buring colder weather mils' now be expelled or serious consexuences will result. The one true blood pufier promiently .n the public eye today is Hood’s Sarsaparilla Its "record* of cures is unequaled. Its sales are the largest in the world. A few bottles of Hood’s Sarsapari la will prepare you tor spring by purifying and enri ehing yonr blood and toning and in vigorating your whole system. The community around Albany Ga. is consider ible excited over a band of highway robbers that is doing a Jesse James business on a large scale. The first ho and up was attempted about two we.-ks ago at a country store, Ano gro porter of the store was killed in the fight that ensued; but no money was seemed. A few days later they attempted to rob the same store, but this tune the members of the firm were armed and succeeded in kilting one of the robbers. They again failed to get an y money. On one or two occasions since then they have belli up others and secured their money and valuables. It is supposed that the whole band consists of negroes. The people are greatly excited over the matter and the officers are in hot pur suit of the outlaws. It is estimated the late floods in Mississippi Yalley will cut off the cot ton crop 25 per cent, this year. This is going to result in the largest cotton crop the world has ever known; for the farmers all over the cotton belt have read of the expected short crops and they will increase their acreage in order to take advantage ot the high price. It will be seen this fall that the overflow has not reduced the crop in the Valley so much as is expected. A great deal of the land that has been under the water will yet be planted in time to come in with a much larger crop than can be raised on the old red hills of Georgia. Some of the farmers of the south have tried e/ery spring for years to have less cotton planted, but they have never been successful. Resolutions have been adopted and obligations signed promising to re duce the cotton acreage, but most of those who led in the movement would go home ana double their crop. The ' people saw enough of this to become | thoroughly disgusted at it. This time ’ there has been no need of a cotton 1 convention. Nature sent rain and j raised the rivers of the west; the! whole ct untry was flooded and, as many suppose, the principal cotton fields of the world were forever ruined Nothing is being said but every far mer is thinking that now is the time to make a rise by taking advantage of the unexpected short crop. But even if the crop is short, we fear the price will be as low or proba b’y lower tl an it was last fall. There is no use to try to make a farmer plant less cotton by arguing with him. Time and experience alone can ac complish this. Perry who was tried at Decatur last week for the cold blooded murder of Bely Lanier, was found guilty and sentenced to hang on May 28lh. Col. R. F>. Russell, hts leading council, has appealed for anew trial which will postpone the execution. It, is generally understood that Judge Can dler before whom the case was tried will refuse anew trial, and the case will go the the Supreme court. ■‘Greenvillle, S. C.,ts soon to have a $200,000 eleetrictric street railway plant. The city council has passed an ordinance giving J. S. Law ranee and his associates, the wealthy con cern which has just completed an electrict system tn Charleston, a thirty seven year franchise, conditioned that they equip within twelve months a a system of four miles in Greensville” The above is taken from the Ath- ens Banner to which we desire to add that it might be well for the Council men of Greenville to run down to At lanta, Ga., and see what a difference there is between the Street Ra:l Road fares between Inman Park and West End or between Clark University and Piedn ont Park, and those between Jackson street and West peachtree streets or between Capital Avenue and Whitehall street points which is only 5 cents to and from the first four points named, while it is just double that amount or 10 cents to or from the last four points named. The last four points named are not near as far apart, yet a passenger lias to pay 10 cents or walk the same distance that the Atlanta Consolidated voluntarily gives simply because it saves the Company the trouble of Printing a lot of Transfer tickets and just because the first named points are in the parts of the county that the Atlanta Consolidated manage- ment is janxlous to see grow, be fore the contract between the Green ville Council and the Lawrence Com pany have gotten Greenville in as close a box as Atlanta is in at present. Councilmen of Greenville: Be wise and prepare for war in time of peace, and be sure to see tht your contract calls fora transfer system before you sign the contract or you may regret it very much, as Atlanta has L.r some t me past. BUCKLE.VS ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt, Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skio Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money r-tunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by L. J. Sharp & Bro., Har mony Grove, and L. G. Hardman & Bro., Harmony Grove and Maysvill. Mrs. Nancy Allison McKinley, mother of the President, celebrated hei SStli birthday ot Canton the other day. If the laws of heredity' hoid good, President Mckinley will no doubt lie gunning for office for some time to come. In Feeble Health Unable to c : o Hos* Work Nervous artd Tiretl Ail Those Troubles Cured by Hood's Sc^sapariila. “ For the rasfc four years I have been in feeble health, ana for two years past, owing to change of climate, I have cot been able to do my work. I was nervous and had a tired feeling and was under the treatment of physicians, but I continually grew worse. My husband insisted on my trying llood'3 Sarsaparilla and I finally consented, and began taking it the first of June, 1890. The first bottle did mo so much good that I continued with it, and after taking four bottles and one bottle of Hood’s Pills I am able to do my work, and the tired, nervous feeling ia entirely cured.” Mrs. G. N. Hosea, Suwanee, Ga. Sarsaparilla Purifier. Sold by all drnsrgists. 81; six (or SB. Hood’s PiHs Sick Headache. 25C. •i Or. Price's Crear.: Caking Kowder Fort? Ye-ars the Stpndora. I’oliec Raid Fight in Atlanta. The police made a raid last night acout 11 o'clock in a hall on Ivy street near the corner of Exchange street, and broke up a knock ont prize fight The place is known as the hall: of Good Samaritans and the discoveries mad tlnre by' the police would not reflect credit on the hero of the cele brated parable which the name of the hall recalls. It was a few minutes before 11 o’clock last night, that a negro dropped into the police station and reported to Captain Manly that a prize fight was going on in the nail of the Good Samaritans. The captain with sev oral police officers, went to the place, and they did their best to slip up to the door unobserved, but there were spies posted as and some .ol the crowd on the inside were aware of the approach of the officers before they could reach the scene. Up the stairs leading from tile street the policeman crept, and by them hurried a long line of thorough ly frighened hegroes. At the top of the stairway a elosed door blocked further headway, but a rap on the door brought a black face to a peep hole. ‘'Good Lawdy, de perlice is here !” exclaimed a voice on the inside, and immediately there was scuffling on many feet. The door swung open and a drove of negroes began to file out and as they passed the officers they made a wild dash for the street below. But negroes did not alone consti tute the oncer gathering, for about twenty-five weliknown white men were present who were doubtless the hackers and betters in the fight. The white men also filed out, and they looked shame-faced and foolish as the officers stared them in the face. As yet the police had discovered no evidence of a prize fight and therefore had made no effort at arrests. Finally in .an anteroom t hat found four pair' of boxing gloves, which had been hi 1- den behind a piano, and m one corner ol the room were towels, sponges and buckets of water. A still further investigation revealed that in the center of the room where the crowd had been gathered there was a rope that had been stretched about a carpet some twenty feet square. The two fighters, who were said to have come from Macon, had escaped til rough a rear door. Captain Manly simply declared the fight oft and a draw: The police inspected the hall and found on the third floor there was a negro club room where ihe Good Samaritans are supposed to do tbei f work. Captain Manly has the names of several of the young white men who were present and he mny investigate the ma'ter further this morning.— Constitution. HER LIFE TRULY SAVED, Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure Does It, Mrs. Clias. La Point, a well-known resident of Denver, praises this wonderful remedy. B' r test imony should convince all: Bto the worth of the New Heart Cure and l&cstoi live Nervine. Her letter dated lliii, 1594. reads ns follows: Jyjggtort: Mrs. La Point, 2137 Humboldt Sc. “Typhoid fever left me with heart trouble of the most serious nature. Nothing the doctors gave had any effect. I had sovere pains in the heart, and was unable to lie on my left side for more than three minutes at a time. My heart seemed to miss beats, and I had smothering spells, in which it seemed very breath would be my last. We acci dently saw an advertisement of Dr. Miles- New Heart Cure and Restoratw - Nervine, and purchased a bottle of each. After taking the remedies a week, I could be lifted in a chair and sit up an hour, and in a short time I was able to do lipht housework. I shall be ever grateful to you for your wonderful medicines. Truly they saved my life. MRS. CHAS. LA POINT. Dr. Miles Heart Cure is sold on a positive guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. All druggists sell It at SI. f bottles for $5 cr it will bo sent, prepaid on receipt of price by the Dr- Miles Meuical Cos., Elkhart .'lncL Dr. Miies’ Cure le,H1 e ,H r auh- THE ON?.'/ True Blood Purifier promirrntly in the public eye to day is Hood's Sarsaparilla. Therefore get Hood’s v>“ QriLY MOOD’S. HR. I N SOl/ lEORGIA The Writes ci K:g FARMERS THE FRONT Only on l*iftntKtio>j4 Y, re Tenant* Aro l£ntru*te<l With Ilia 'i t gutuiit of Af fairs I*t Kvtdencrt of * ’mi nil on Noticea ble— Hon.t Work t or the Mouth Delayed. Depautaiext cf Aqicultt;::", i, , A recent, and rather ciAl-a vi: '• t.i the southwestern stvtio^Bj.... lias much encouraged o. I fc,,f in ;iw advance of Georgia agricl idani ;, whicil for years have over to broomseage and re claimed, ami what waraHbw years ago trackless pine are now dotted over with neat farm mses and well kept farms. It is larger plantations, where are entrusted with the management or mis management of farm affairs, that one notices the evidence of stagnation. The watchword seems to be “Progress” and farmers as a rule are attaining to a comfort, and independence unknown in the years immediately surer ting the war. Of cour-o there are exceptions, but in the main, where men have raised their home supplies and farmed oil strictly business principles, the reward has been sure and it has not been long delayed. In many cases men who were formerly working for standing wage?, or renting a one or two-mule iarm, by this “open Sesame” of careful manage ment, and of producing at home all the bread and meat needed to carr; on their business, have been enabled to enter on the enjoyment of an independent home life whose equal for comfort and free- dom from the rash and struggle of the general business world is not found on the globe. One negro man, who 15 years ago was hiring at SIO.OO a month, today owns a 600-acre farm with com fortable 8 room house and necessary outbuildings, among which is asmoke house containing 800 pounds of home raised moat and cribs stored with corn and forage for the coming year’s de mands. Another man, white, who was once a renter with only a small force at b:3 command, today runs 30 plows and owns hundreds of acres of land. On inquiry we found that tho inflexible rule in both cases has been ample pro vision crops and as much cotton as could be well token care of. In the first caso, the man’s own family of boys have helped him to gain his position. In the second, the goal has been readied by a strict adherence to agricultural business principles, coupe! with a sagacity, which has enabled the owner to steer Goar of speculation and produce his cot ton at a figure several degrees below the selling price. What is in tne laud for these two men i.; theie for others of equal pluck and energy. THE WORK FOR THE MONTH has been very much delayed, more especially in the middle and northern sections of the state. Tho southern sec tions were not visited by the heavy rains of the winter and early spring, I which tho farmers farther north had to contend against, and as a rule work there is vary well advanced. Ou ac oouut of numerous delays farther north, from the constant rains, many farmers were unable to give the corn land the thorough preparation so necessary ft.? a successful crop, and some have samp y opened the rows, put in tho manure, thrown two furrows on this ami painter, on the “list.” Where this i- th - ea.a, now is tire time to give the corn land a , thorough and deep breaking out. After this time it will be imposiiblo to jrut the plow in close and deep without breaking off some of the delicate, feed ing roots, which begin to extend in every direction not very far from the Are Yon JL JuLlil | Lock about you! Sec for yourself! Who suffer most from sleeplessness, nervousness, nervous dyspepsia, neuralgia, despondency, general weak ness? Who are on the edge of nervous prostration all the time? Those who are thin, Opium, chloral, bromides, headache powders, only make matters worse. Iron and bit ters are only stimulants. To be cured, and cured for good, you need a fat-making food. You want new blood, rich blood; and a strong nerve tonic. SCOTT’S EMULSION of Cod-liver Oil with Hypoehos phltes is all this. It feeds the tissues, makes rich blood, and strengthens the nerves. Book about it free for the asking, For sale by all druggists at 50c. and SIXO. SCOTT f.- BO'VNS, New York. Where tho land has been thoroughly prepared and is in good condition, the harrow will be found a very effective implement pushing forward effective work. Run diagonally across the rows; it will not hurt the young plants, -but will effectually kill the coming crop of glass, and by its rapid work enable the farmer to give his attention to other pressing duties. In the more southern sections of the state the corn crop will soon be ready for the second working. Our object then should be to conserve moisture as well as kill grass and weeds, and this is best accomplished by culti vating as shallow and as fiat as possi ble. Over r i > cotton beds, where a crust h l'ortnisu, the harrow doer most effi cient \ ork, ami unless Ihe “stand" is very imperfect, does not injure the cot ton Alter harrowing allow the plants to remain until t hey can be brought to a "stand” nr tho first hoeing. This ob viates the expensive and needless “block ing out” once so extensively practiced. 1 This plan presupposes the land in good comaiMii. Ain rjh >V Steal M veil t p : G P young cotton and bolting oil a half scrape boiiind the foot of the plow, to cover the young grass in the rah dies. FORAGE CROPS. All sorts of forage crops may be started this month. Sorghum, about which we liuvo several answers In tbe inquiry columns, cow pens, Spanish ground pens, millets, etc. Kaffir corn is attracting considerable attention ou account of its drouth resisting qualities. R. T. Nesbitt, Commissioner. By differnt nations every day' in the week is set, apart for public wor ship: Sunday iiv t He Christians, Mon day by the Greeks, Tuesday by the Pensions 1 Wednesday by the As syrians, Thursday by the Egyptians, Friday by the Turks' and Saturday by the Jews. The city papers are all right if yon want them, but it is the local paper thtst advertises your business, your schools, your churches, your numer ous societies’ sympathizes with you in your afflictions and rejoices in your prosperity. In short it is your local paper that mentions the thousand and one items in which you are interested during the year, and which yon do not find in the city papers-—Gaines ville Eagle. IIOW TO 11 NO OUT. Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand twerty four hours; a sediment or settling initiates a diseased condition of the kidneys. When umie staines linen it is positive evidence of kidney taouble. Too frezuent desire to urinate or pain m the back, is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are our of order. WIIAT To DO. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed’ that Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp Root, the great kidney reme dy fulfills every wish in relieving pain in the. back, kidnevs, liver, blatG ilqj; and every part of the urinary passages- It c li-erfs inability to hold nrinc and scaldi: g pain in pass ing it or bad eflV-t ts following use of liquor, iv'iii* or it,-, r. nap overcomes 'ha’ ” • ' ’ ' "'-sib of bi-in u many times miai-ft. The try t fleet of a realized. It in., wonderful : - • ••: • . ssmg cases, ‘i : i : ed a in. i, me you should nave to;: best. Sold by druggists price fifty cents and otie dollar, l'ora sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail, mention The Gazette and send your full post-office address to Dr. K.ilmer&Co., Bingham ton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genninceness of this offer. f CTtfSY QA r £>Wm Wme/va . P/ffCESsuut