Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, July 15, 1897, Image 1

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I I A ATT I Q I InTTXTTV I OTTO AT A T 131\ 1\ JrLO V.... j\./ U 1 SI .1 x 3v> U x i\ Ij t VOL. i COUNTY DIRECTORY. Superior Court—Judf'f: N. L. Hufcduns, i..\ \v* enceville; SolicitorCev.ral C. 11. Brand, i.n.xv encevttle; convenes 3rd Monday m March and September. . COUKTY OFFICF.K3. Ordinary—T. F. Bill, Homer; Court naectn first Monday in each month. Ohdriil—J. B. Parks, Homer; D. H. Griffon Deputy. Clerk--Leg in Perkins, Homer. Tax Receiver—j. C. alien, Yonah; Tax Collector—L.J. Ilagsdale, Carnot; Treasurer— W. M. A&h, Homer. Surveyor—R. C Alexander, Homer Coroner- Stovall Poole. COUNTY SCHOOL COMMISSIONER. H. W. Wood in g, May svi 11 a Board of Education ; Thompson, Greshan Duckett, W. T. Anderson, Y. T>. I.ockbar*, 7*2. B Career. .tusticis cod: ‘tb. Anderson District W. C. J. Garrison J. P M. L. McGi)lard Cons:able. 'Thursday before see osv.d Sdturdi y in each xui-nth Berlin District 12i0-o . S. Conley J. P D, 5 . ScalesK. I*., F. Id, Candors oonbt.bY. Bushvillo District) 203 -L. K. Parham J-P , W A. Watson N. P., I>. N. Mcftalliard Constible. Court 4th Saturday in each mouth. Columbia District 2YJ—A. J. CashJ. P., 9. H Wilkinson N. P , P. P. Stalock oonaUMa. CYur* second Saturday in each month. Davids District 20?-J.‘C. Wade .T. P.. W. J - Burgees N. I'., J C Initrum Constible. Grove River District C. W ■vleadore J. P- J. F. Evans N. )*., J 51. Smith Constable. ' •urt third Friday in e.v h mouth. Golden Hill District Us -W P. Blackburn J. X*. J. W. Peyton N. P., Ouie Owen v Cons table. Htfner District 265—W. H.Tnrl. J. 1, IT. J. Blackwell N. X s ., R.D. Siej’he&c* ■ cn>/. 1 i*.. .Vo l econd| Wednesday after first Monday of ea f month. Poplar Springs District 912—E. A. Yill--ivte J. A. J. Griffin >/. P., J. 8. Meeks Constable' Court bocuuT Friday in each month. "Washing ton I>'strict ;JB4—■ Sam Krcstei J. P., M. J. RagsdaleN. P.,John Cochran Consulxle Court third Saturday in ec..h /oontb W iln - * Distrit 1 1206 R If. ley N, P . Court tbiTdFrid,v> in • c b month LODGE DIRECTORY. FbideltaNo. 248F. A. M. Meeru first I'nday viight of each month?.' Homer .A. L. Thorrifsoa W. M., IVi. C. Bau<;iv Secrct.vy. Legal Advertisements* TEOivGLu.: j'as . O.'nty.— Will be sold on the first' --lay in aukusv next at the court hour, do-.r in said county within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following property to-wit: One nini.h unde > • led interest in four hind’-od acre.? of land, more or less, and known as the Joshua Owen home place, adjoining lands of J- K. Thompson .T, .„ Richey, A. ■. ,'sun ders and others. Said land -- well sin proved and in a high state of cultivation said land levied upon as the property of J. O. Owen to satisfy an execution is sued from the Justice court of the SOrtr-h dist. G. M. of said county in favor J. C Stephens against J. 0 Owen. Levy made and returned to me by R r ' Stephens L. C. Noth'.,; given to ter.mi in possession as requ'no by lav.-. This June 30th 1897. J. S. PARKS, Sheriff. GEORGIA;, Banks County. W! be soUl bet ore the Court house Jo ’ in said county on the first fuesday in August next, within the legal hours o [ sale the folUnng property’ to wit-- All that tract of (and in said county knew: as the- Wi!liana Mix place hounded on he. N'oitk by ia nds of Estate of ILM lCagsdale deceased, and J. £. Strange on the East by lands o 1 J - E. Strange on the South by las -. of IV. J. Grow ou the West by Estate of F. M. Rag sdale deceased and containing Two or less. Levied on as the property of W. D. Hix to satisfy a fi fa issued from tl: a Superior Court of Huber sham County in favor of M C & J. Kiser &Cos against sail: W. D- Hix ■ J. S; Pi F. ■ ■ This July Bth 180". Sheriff. GEORGIA. Banks Count’/.—Tins is to notify ail persons that L wiil not be responsible for .my debt?, con tracted by my wife Elizabeth A. Dunuagan July Cth. "1367. J. D. Dtinnagan. NOTICE The road Commissioners, oi Anderson and Bushviite Districts are requested to meet me at the residence of him. Chandler on the 30th uv:l, for the pur pose of locating the District in dispute Leuven Anderson and Bush ville. July 6tfc 1897. T. I. HIL L. Oi Vi). GEORG IA: ' Hnics Oo it m i \. —-To j ali whom it may concern: A, TANARUS,) Edwards guardian lot It. A. Edwards | now R A* Strtd.'.'An, and John fc Edwards applies to me for letters of! dismission from said gi .. Am.ship j •and I will pass upon bis appiio’ion on ; the first Monday m October next at \ my office in Homer said county, i Given under mj hand and official sig.! nature. This July the sth 1897, T. F. HILL, Or'c.y. | C 0 O L AW A l r D0 W N I N T A M 1’ A, 1- L O R I D A. Money Easily And Rapidly Made Raising Tobacco Tampa. Fin, July Bth 1897. Editor Biniks County Journal:- / So much has been said about hot v. oatner ail over the United States that 1 hesitate to ad dress a letter front thb. pari, of Florida for leur it would draw beads of pers piration from soma of your readers who imagine this is the hottest part of the American Continent. They never were more mistaken in their lives in this delusive idea; The days are not as hot as some I have spent iu North Georgia, and the nights are cool and invigorating- A delightful breeze blows hero ;r ' r o bout four o'clock m the ti .crnoons un til. six o’clock next morning.' Why people should go from mis part of the country to tho Northern States, to spend their summers, is more than I can understand, for we i ave muth cooler weather down here iu Summer, and then our cities are not fv- crow-dad. The tobacco i rising business in this part of the count; y cuts be conic a gumi reah.y. Almost every farmer is directing his attention to the cul tivation ot tibia weed and when his enjp is gathered ho is fully compensated for his trouble. A young man of Tame a finding nothing to do to make a living in the city, leased a small piece of ground outside of the city limits and only plau ted, 1u first crop oi tobacco about two acres of ground. This yealded him 1,500 pounds of very fair leaf tor which he found a ready sale at 60cts per pound, making his crop onng him in $900.00. It only ems from 6 to Sets per pound to grow the tobacco plant, taking in consideration every expense of culture. So my readers ma y see the enormous profit in this business. You can raise two crops of tobacco each year on good hammock laud which .meeds very limit-, if any., phosphate or guano, in fertilizers. This part of the world is indeed blessed with a.elimate and soil so that it is po trouble to raise anything that ear, be grown anywhere else-. Vegetable- of kinds, potatoes both sweet and fresh, squashes, beans and in fact everything in the vo -stable line grow with ease and are very prolific. The beauty about all this vegetable raising business is, that you find a ready market right at vour door, at fair pi ices, for a’l that you can raise There are a great many Georgians settled iti and around Tampa. The police force of ibis city is com posed ne-arij entirely of Georgians- They ail seem to be hustlers, too, and the city is piosid of them. The Cigar industry m Tampa is sent - thing peodigious. About sixty five to seventy-five thousand dollars o; r week is the combined pay roils of the factories here. The town is growing stead;.-- vad it Jacksonville does not. look *-> her laurels, sec us soon she will take from her the title of tn-3 Metropolis of 5 lorida. A movement is on font, to dredge out ifae Hillsborough Buy wh ,-i will per mit larger v . ..sels to come into thin harit-jr- It, is not a scheme but "3 ai.ity, through the indefatigable efforts of <>ur Cougressnmn Col Sparkman an appropriation for this work is now underway. The winters here are delightful, just, cool enough occasionally for a little tire. Why should people live in a couu. try where they freeze m Winter end sncll in summer, when they can find a happy medium in the "land of flow ers", and enjoy life. And if is just ws fcimithy here as it. any place you locate. All you have get to do is to lake care of yourself. Dont be hog gish and eat too much fruit when you first arrive and you will be alright. Land car. be had from §I.OO par acre up to any price you want-to pay. you can get real good farming land i |5.00 to SIO.OO per acre. I ~-a offered a me*, little faj'm of 20 acres about 12 miles from thy. place the other day tor $206.00* One half cleared, balance woodland, and of this tract ten acres was good hammock. Now! ray North Georgia readers, if it you are loth to believe what I say about this country (I am a North Georgian myself) just take advantage of one of those oheap axcursioas down this way and come down and see for yourselves. And furthermore I will saj right hero, that I am not rn the real estate btißinsss neither do l rep resent any big laud syndicate, but if you desire me to answer any question about tho laud or climate, just fire them at me, if you will semi a stamp to puy postage, anti it 1 can't answer them I will get soiue good reliable party to do so, for me, so you will be satisfied. Yours truly Lilto, W. Terrv, J 4 No 'lO4. Franklin Straet. Tampa '"a. Lakewood Park.-—Near Atlanta. Editor Jour: al : It might ik !be wholly’ uuinteresiing to the numerous country readers of your excellent paper to know just how the ninny ,vho r,.n fore id to come in contact with he livid cobblestones and glaring brick walls of oar Capitol city, manage to get a breath of fresh air these sultry July days. I refer to to that portion ot the community who have not pimpled head long into tho vrtex o’ prosperity, and have not the where, tv ( to go bgh to the mountain lnxuratc in the aromatic perfume of the clouds. Atlanta has many places of resort in close proximity to the city where one can get a breath of fresh air, Lid the one that is attracting the most at tention just at this time, whan mercury has become so thin that it will not reg ister thn temperature, is Lake Wood Park situated just; three miles from Georgiivs magniheient state house; from, the dome of which can be seen the artistic form of the goddess of lib. erty, her classic brow bathed its great heeds of perspiration. The lake at this charming r-sevt covers an area of seventy acres and is surrounded by a grove of fores!, trees which is interspersed with p-nvilier both houses and stands where cool c fieshments eats bo obtained for a trifle At night the whole seen is elurainated by a thousand electric lights i this grand panoramic view can bo seen a variety of boats darting out from different points along t’ ■ shore of the lake for :. sail, and. happy voices can be heard mingling with the liven strains of the band, which every even ing discourses delightful music fr mi some of the adjoining hilts. Thi -: de lightful resort can be reached from the city for a nominal coot, only ten cents to go and return by the electric car line, which has a schedule oi every twenty minutes to and from the city The scenery along tho route is both picturesque and romantic. Largo crowds visit the park every night. It is a God send to all those who are compelled to swelter and fume in poorly ventihated rooms during the day. In close proximity t, tho park is & rifle 'range, jr steel at the ex t is: f l 'he state, tor target shooting where details from the various military ccnt.- panics of the city meet almost daily to practice. It is a very expensive past time, and .he stare foots the tails. It might be well enough for the Blalock Investigating Committee, while they are looking into the affairs of the el ate officials, to take note of this matter* and see just how far the state is justi fied in expending large sums of ilia People’s money in keeping up such a useless expense in these times of McKinley prosperity. vhe old soldiers have returned from their trip to Nashville, and report having a huge time. The latch strings of the good citizens of the mountain j city hung on the outside, they were recived and entertained with that generous and lavish hospitality so characteristic of middle Tennessee; v-; ile the old veterans were delighted with tbeir trip, and the manner in which they were entertained: They arc asking some very noity -pteations B'hcy would like to know why it was they were charged five dollars and eighty five cents tor the round trip while the Govcrnoi and his party were only required io pay three dollars? They'don't understand just -hy it is that so great a discrimination should he in favor of tha men who hold office, unit's*- it. was that the old vets' have lost their usefulness, and the shekels they had laid to ono ride out of their hard earnings m order that they might once more meet and deep hands with their battle-scarred com rades was gobbled up in order to swell the coffers of wealty corporations Evavy yesr their rank is growing less, and it does see .u if there are i -y spec ial favors to be distributed the old lIOMER. CA„, THmsOAY, JULY 15, 1897. soldiers should receive the benefit. For four long yea is they stqpd as linn in tne trenches us the granites of their native hills, and their blood flowed an freely in repulsing the ad . j.iiv of the invading foeas the water, of their mountain streams. As '.he great balance wheel of time slowly revolves those who filled the trenches, and hal.l in chtek for four year:, the advancing columns of a hostile array, are slowly nsssing to the great beyond and if there if. be sny ape ’is: !i ; granted in the -■/ ipe of red:.cud rrlea otherwise, it occurs to us that the old survivors of th< lost cause should re ceive the minimum. Tlie fourth of July, t.ho noted day • ktncnoan Independence, was cele brate in Atlanta in regular style. n 'ho ‘‘Brother in ideek." v. ;’h hi:: red Inn enadc and half ripe watermelons v/as jargoly i;i Use major Ly jjnrmg tiie old time aunty as : he waddled ‘about the slVeets vending lier tried fish and sum enough nitre, with hel - in the swash L a dr pping p< r spiration. The dusky middens with theiv sable escorts kept the city lively from early mom until late in tne night The usual number of fights, oceure.h and by rj.aaiug the station bouse was packed Judge Andy Calhoun was nut tong in dispatching the crowd at the time adding pt: u a ; r. ■pecMbio sum to the city’ j ban : c< omit. .Iri.TO'-;. C K U E LT Y TO A N I M A I, S IS CON SID E It K A i 0 K I M F. Why is not the cruelty to the little almost helpless Public OhiHren equally as much of a punishable Crime? When one thinks lor a few moments how he or she would hke to he made •-under penalty of punishment at home —to . ivei 1 : ' • and there be compelled to s : upon seats that we grow '•! .ill van become so tiijr .. •. hi-c. iu with oven dur; : . the fev min | that it 13 reauirr.-i .if in to -V tk in order to list en to sou: - few son# or 'he 1 Sunday Sch . -vices. T 1 . li ere pu tished j eve:y day, and for several months, yei appears to be no pi:u: on foot i • kir.t toward remedying of this entirely un iccessary suffering or the part of mes-e children. It is something that r emitnus the seriousconsiderat ’-no! every man wouir.n st:'!. child iii this and e,vr, otht .• i County thu Board of IV: a:v tion —oil know.- ;bis, and pt> V.--.-. to do anything toward fitting up there schoolhouses . Seats and I>< sfc s that mid be f US' the* a i persons, iinles they arc supplied with] cue money to b .y there necessities. We do not doubt tha* they would get ail ley v uire ft! ey had any place to get it from, this they have not. Vow : i V v. it b< AI. Make.: the following propositi:-a ; IV e wili gi m to the School • i:. has the most popular Teachc-r in Ban!.:; county, whether it be a lady or gent!: nan, a. et no*:: -eats and Desks- free of ao?: to the County. These seats and oeskc will be comfort able too. fhey will be suitable for old ar •. • . .. lable the scholars to do much bet ; er studying. Every body T-e opDor’unity, and should eudea .or t • have t:'..- school they patronize fixe;, up better than any other school in the county. Therefore, you ought to go to work, and try to se jeci this verj addition your sci,col. end*.- -.s your -..' Iv or ) Best Fellow that proves to :e tr most popular bchool Teacner m Bank'-: Oour t j . - ke him r her indeed, oi both the high compliment and oi the honor ol teaching the nicest furiiisUe-i : ; .cuo->- in r-'i-ivy. In order -- ken sff >rt t< ha v< -• 'i-.ivii c me:, cc-nf,i-'.'-.-d >pon the Teacher tv ! his m - her sohooi, it i-- necessary for yea t,. i:se 0.-e oi-t.-it. companyir.g l iA-sis, and t-C-h ami - . ry v a accompanied v oh one i yearly < ( advanc - i - . new) snbsci ipt-ioa to the E \Ra ■- oOU NT Y JOUR NA !, et only per am-um, Fill this out, cut it out and forward. Be sure to follow abo instrur.ions. ' • TICKET : T'.is veto is cast by. . - 0 arid ifc . hsi in fa . or of Mr_ ! Mrs. _ ' who teaches at th ' - ->l, ftnb who lilts chert,.- of about ... (here give the approximate lUiiV.: r scholars •This contest closes on the. first i- v of July 1893, but the Seats will be in the fortunate school house before the -ur - mer term begins in 1898, SFJNAL NICKNAMES OF CITIES. Atlanta, Gate City of the South. Baltimore. Monumental City, listigor. Lumber City. Boston. Mcderu Athens, and the Hub of the Ur...erst- Brooklyn. City of Ch. rchea. Buffalo. Queen of the Bnrhngtou, lowa, Orchard City, Char's ton. Palmetto City. Cincinnati. Queen of the West, * I’orkoplois. Ohiaoago. Prarie, or Garden Cl! Cleveland. Forrest City. Denver. City of the plains Detroit. City of ‘.he Straits. Hartford Insurance City I Indd ■ .-polißailroad. City, i Ke suk. Gate -'Sty. LaF'ayette. Star Leaven wo; th. Cottonwoo l City. Louisville. Falk City. [ Lowell Spindle City, i Mo Gregor. Pocket City, Madison, Lake City. Milwaukee. Cream City. Kaslivl e Rook City. New ’laveii. r'm City. Orleans. Cresee.tQCitv. New York. Empire City'. Greater New York. Overgrown Burdensoio and bighead City, i Philadelphia Cityof BrotlierlyLoye ! Pittsburgh. Iron City, | Portland. Hill City. I P rovidonce, .Rodger Williams ■ Raleigh. Oak City, liiahmond' Cork.:.;.!- C. ~ Richmond, Ind Quaker City of the Weir Rochester. Acquoduct City San Francisco, Golden Gate. Savannah. Forrest City of the South’ Sheboygan. Evergreen City. St Louis. Mound City < -,ui !N - -St- Git' ; .cksburg. Kev Ctty | iVas'. up on, T City of Mngnif • icon-, Dir-tanee-' Tffccon, Ga. Central City. Marietta. „ Gom City. Rome. „ Hill City- Athens. „ Classic City. Manchester, College City Decatur. Agnes Scott City. Fitzgerald. The Magic City of (k. ! 'leasoßS W ;.y Chamberlain’; mea edy is tlit- B;-:i 1. Because A abc-.-cN almos: instant relief in case of pain in the stomach, coho and cholera morbus. 2. Because it is the only remedy that never fails in the most severe cases of dyuentery and dhrrhcoa. 3. Beeaui-e it ho only remedy that w;!: cine u diarrhoea. 4. Because >t the only icmedy that ml! preroi. - doss colic. G. Because- it is t" s only remedy hat wi ire epidemical dysentery. 6. Because it A the only remedy nj be rlt j ided upon ii cases of cholera lufautum. Sec ■ • :ho most ; ron; . and mo .; r ■ iable medicine in use for bowel e mnbiints. i. Because it produces no bad re. suits. 9. Because it is pleasant and. safe to take. 10. Because it lias saved the lives of more people thru auy otaei me li <?lue ir. wohiri. 1 l.c 25 an 1 to: i:-cs for r jilt 1; K. Thompson. Merchant Home;-, Ga- THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-A WEEK EDITION. -H Pages a v-cek. 153 Psoers a Year A parer as useful to yen a; a g>sß ’. i’iy for only on : dollar.. y- >-.r. Ft He; than *ver. All tl o new* r: all th world all the time. A..?r: rate .ifid f; l to every body. Democratic and for the people." Against trust and all monopolies. Bril ill r. , ; .-oi ; Sfc-rit by 2. -at a-i■ t-hors in c■. in uu ;;bor Spl-i-diit r?; i itr special doj art* moi.--.30f unusual inT-vA, Ii • ; !i. ’ a ■ ly" paperr , in size, frequency c? puKu.union and fn-.ihiu*.-/ variety and reliability of '■on tents. .i .a a daily at the low price of a weekly ; sr.d it;; vast list tribers, c- tending to . very slate sno Jerri tor y trio i < ion ootl foi-oori countries, will vouch for the accuracy r-'i'i fairness of its news columns. We oibi tins v.r.---qos'r-d nevsgipc-r end Tl TANKS C< UN I \ JOURNAL tm-eiiier <■ ie year for SI.OO. i'ho regular sub *.**rii* t i.m j-. >• ii- •if ■ ■" '• >n Sf </• -if- ’• ’ &n<’>3 Rapidly Rend Vbbb *n. . tk .it Over* '•Ve\ antthr* •Ict r. n yr\ energy and ir ' i f.r-ci .uo in BanOs ind f.l. -Inlng enur - . W‘ 1: fiverhc-.i o sityuiloES tety ■ ui mate monty r: Viily, - jrk beioe light cutbloyniQ,.: il*... vie ri.-sa fttiq-jires no 'ipital or great ed-.-. Ht.oc. Seiae.ef‘cur heat saUsneanre oauatry Soya Fronts qui;k sr.a •.. f- 'ii': ■: i\ i . it;ru wx3, AuMtSS, ac , MU3tNB ft CO • y TBIE 9 T c li, ial —FOR— — V ¥ 1 1 WILL BE A - --AND . V y’lyaii i Hi l|| - Gt f 9-;- & STnir?tlK3E?H POIRITABD SSdJLD IT, JOB ttiSfiiliiy DONE AT THIS OFFICE r In the Neatest, Best Style WHEN IN NEED OF Bill Heads, Letter Heads, - Posters, Statements, Dl- iis YTHIN’G IN THIS LINE, Oive tim JoaiiMi a m ! m KO. 1- yyyyy