Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, August 12, 1897, Image 4

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BAN K S C 01' N T Y.] 01 i\\\ A l OUlcial Organ of IJ mkf (.'aunty \\\\A.\ri: 1.. HAIiUKX, I'niro:,. and Fublishkr. ItntM tf Snlwcrlption. One year cv. v t y.h or £l .00 on Lime m .ttha ecu- 5 * cash or 50 cents on time KnU ml at f./ip Posiojjl*'’ at Hunter Gtt. a : ‘ “'M l matte 1 . Cos i , I, but < n rlen'.M >ulti renin in lie r tltat ht.mlreils of pcoj.U? Rr® expected to l'f j l their!i;c^i therefore they-lihoulcl be r in rt and to the point. The o.l;tor of thi • i* does not. hold him n-lf emovrri® for the \ lows or expressions o; o.i iibutora. Tha Jivice, i jmblishcd every Thursday morning and all ‘..’opics should be in this office not Ivit-er ihfcn Simr ’• y morning: to insure publi - tion Address all tvrmuunHßtions to Wallace 1., liar do ii, F4.aj.or. TH UIiSD AV, AUGUS 12 18.07. H.uv i; V Good One, UiilXij Weill Worth Reuterixbertng. ‘•Man horn of woman is spanked bv a hired nurse and jerked baldheaded by cranky sc oolpi asters, and atten ded with a select and varied assort merit of troubles. lie lingers on lux ury's lap until parental ancestors lire bun out to 1 egiii his; bailie with the ■world. He starts a newspaper, liis friends promise to support him. lint in the -hour of need, lie (iyJ.-s promise* like 3 peti-iiv are eas ily broken. If hfijJim'JLpitoh"in t o the p:oilibiumis's tdii Itherahe <*< him, •and it he does ism i!igi;l v-JHifWi+i (rieioi •stops'll)* n-ifni." ft. he" TiTm,cslt.> ! ■ A.13-- t'Jj. 'l, W) l-fital ■social vyi;!i jp.uigy :ry lhay say die is stuck ifo Itjf- is intimate Witß : t-reij-tfrrfj?• ilie y --vr : lie all the ..ihva s,;. stiieinee, statistic,si! for eign i-epwrls and ‘•Qiiilaok, tli fy -.ii- s-ty fie i;V#f ffiV-fir" 1 f.iw <lpes’nt r make a peiv&na* iin-ntisuiAed' everybody m town fheyd-eeT's’ighted, enl if he‘da's, ho will : finally' run a'toss some follow who not like to be- peasniialized, and get, his head punched.”' To the abiye we desire to add, that to be stationed t a point just wfielfe every fault is magnified’ about ten them sand times, and in many ip, stances so changed that they o n hoc ,111 ? hoth l ijurious and dangerous to some and oftansr t > the editor than anj-ione else, is indeed a di If km In station to sa• ' -■-tiilly hold, Rut we shall fhi h< Ivor to ao :omplish th:., very and ,and Md ~'d - -t, aid wHI o:t)v trust to huk about getting our lead punch o-d, r*'nly la.* w :vs of the Editor and his ]’i i”.to>r and hits devils are hard and le v there ha that completely over come the.-did! alties. On" of our Arkansas Esiliam. s lias the following:. ‘ln Lake county Utah, they have a young la lv, •Miss Olara Fergugtin, foi deputy sherlT She is not required to per form any "iierou-j or dangerous duties, the principal ones being the serving of papers’ notifying jurors, and such like duties.” L')ok ©iH Sheriffs! they might- be running fur anff beating v u out of yom- office, ah.i then you might be ;i deputy. y<Hjn df. Cuba, : !" • u ' The . Rnvi :w of Reviews, while per suing'it general line of sub-moss ar.d coiidorysti;: nce-usionaliy bn uks out, as-it VHi'iv. ;i Jrb i;u „eit to l Ii ■ .• from the. pm'-surb of sitting dev.-n upon itself .jsmtat:'.r.tly. In those tie -of breaking out it advances* positive' and jonietiie h J ! i : I. as of j>t own. We Umisgijs • rj tlicf-vyervtpfrve prepo -sitjfiiis in'jJ'fi l;.!iagr;ip!i" at! • ' : eituiitic'jj, C- a. r,T.America, Un- sic:.ri:- gua c-aiial and 1. ~ It • . 'is to. all together ig. one scheme bold tad in genious. .flwg-li beforehand tlio reader cannot guess how the thing is’done. It is like this; Let the 1 United States, gently w ;*s good offices i'nr ike f;-t, ->ig ;if (hi! a its annexation it .to .put-- lv s, 1 h ini Mexico. In returu t|io Unit 1 itg gets a first class naval uud coaling ;•••. tion on the island. Mext let us us; o> good offices to get'the Central Amerivm: states annexed to Mexico • likewise. They are all Spanish, Inuian and n->- together. We should meantime inter into a close commercial and defeus.- o union with Mi xiro. Let the United States get by actual purchase the solo ownership of a strip <4 land on the isthmus and a; once construe: through it th sa agna oapai, getting in aliead of any of the Uurop an nations with this waterway. Wo me. r also obtain advuntagecn ; alina's a ticus and ports at various i ~s in t! ■ West Indies.and on the Paoh. si ..f the isthmus. Mexico would b,..k us in these sebum x h auae v.a us <av ence to do so smich for Me.i :o. 1 .. with Hawaii. Oil in the south annexed to us, wo rest at our c ase and fear naught from the aggressive and sometim.. v . ' :g powers n;! I' '; . There are numbsraof alleged maps of Alaska in circulation, hat we have yet to sec the first one that gives the k>ce tiou or mime, of the famous town of Dyea, which thi-rgoyfirnh);:nt.egnrl.c:;us- Jy made a port pf entry' because our neighbor, Canada, wished it. Ml! .1. S. idClii'lY One of Banks County’s most highly Respected. unit tlonore I Citizens PK.M KH i.I.Y I‘ASAKB ’.WAY. At Ins iio i’.e a; 1 : >’e|o -k August ' th, in the forty eighth year of his oge at his h nne alemt three and a half miles fiom here, Mr. Jake. S. Richey, aide: several weeks hug sickness wish ’Uphold Fneuiiionia p-esi and, over tin' river ‘ Death, to tile ‘ llcyoed," surroni tie 1 l>y ’hose mi ni >ers of faiullv who were themselves well inn rgh l iiw. at lis Icd ilo vvlivn;the end Mill'll. Air I!i< he;> w. s hoin in Audi rs.m Colllitv, >(< ;',ii Carolina about Ril'd, | removed lo this.state with hi.- fai ■ • r iv!:en onlv about five- years old. roe has liven living here ever saner, ; nit . has been making fuends of everyone whom hi; h is met during these year lie therefore has a circle of many tie a 1 sands of friends who " ill learn of h:s ; death with deep and profound sorrow ; and especially is this the ease uith ah <i| ili >se who are a wire “f the l.ic* j that almost every one of las family are now, or have been sick dm mg the past several weeks. Mr. Richey married Alisa Cornelia Telford. Their union has been bless - ed with 7 children, one of wl,i -h has j , He lent widow and nix child,a n to mourn the loss of a loving husband and devote! futh'-r. The remains wcr>- interred in the Webb’s Creak 0.-iMtary,. .Monday morning, at II o’clock. There was a huge gathering of relativi s, friends and acquaintances at the hurrying i 1 j those' who had assitiblfid there their last tribute of respect to one that had always been greatly respected and loved by all who knew him. The surviving children are as follvvs:- Misses Anna, Leila and Ruby and Masters Horace, Frank and Wister. Three of these children are now sick, line of them has been so since about the first of June, but we nreppased to that she 13 convidescemg, and we hniitshe will soon be entirely recover ed.,: and that all the others will also soonbe entirely wot I ■ r ■•• •Thtftj Mr. .T. 8. Richey, Banks nor a: btpgv eonntv ever had any better oriMUrpi-fcigli’.v respect ad citizen. Mek'Rte'tw y was a man who w • ways more than re will.rg to lend a h:’m, : i fell vvmai “‘MXfiSdJj ilft'" 11 ’ 10 - lio heartiLy j-n ikjivoi' fa 3 t'uir.g that had for its oHS;-et*tliftf'advaiiceineiil of this key!i,.n tnu ihe } improvement ef our I ce'jd'Vf i'iis.sun vyas always for til,. ttpLmldieO dfufbks community in which, ife- resided, find to this man‘is eilon s thenr can bo traced several oi out iiiiprovefi’.euts. By -the death of Air.' • Rielier, bis fanvilv lias lost <’-Vk who. place can never be I’iileJ/Itls ebio eii i-ne of i1 s most sp'id jiliiows, and this e >u ■’ v ono of her best ana most popular, public, spirited tiiizens, ami one yvho place wdi Long, remain unfilled. The Journal extends to this- grief stricken family, in this, their saddest hour of affliction. Jut dev pus t ami most-fteai’tfeit sympathy.and fet-st wish The feelings of all whe -kne-tV Mr R'cliey are beautifully expressed in th follcwilig few words. ‘‘ofrci'fft‘O'the tin-. " hove To. friend ,f my ii-u i. rde v.-; KpiMPknev. thee blit lodove th .n Xor named thee Imf ! praise. .-•( jorte siefoi e U3, 0 o.ur. hYother. . To ibi spirit- ltuidl • VwiflTy look we for another, in th;/ pin- e in .'t.-rnfi.-’ VJudge wot Ih,e 1. -ij |.’.V S idt- ■■ use. But trust Him foi- his .gi-jrea,; Beland a;.t : :-r>wjii]ig.pi’i i ,\ idcncv), r He hides a smiling fn-p*.”- The White I.iglita. One of the finest poems Gy Wurman ever wrote or will Write'is published iir JlcCJarc’s Magazine. It is c,titled “Will t! Light Be Whit; V” . It is' tlie ■ very cf tire raflroid en gineer as lie speeds along Ida-thrilling way at night, straining his eyes for ward to catch tho different colored light signals. An ( xcKemetit not un like that cf the engineer kin..stlf vi brates over tho render’s nerves as!:.- follows tho poetic linos turd mi;: rubers liow ho and all of as are straining cur : eyes forward through tiie darkness al ! ways, and wood;ring v. hat awaits us “aronnd the curve ’ Tl.o man on the i .... ; e soys: V.lit a swift no 1 I.n: c:\rncs me Thru:;.'. !i ■ ■ >. :ky>; :: til iiigiit, I 100.-; a ion/ th In:.- to y !. Thai aii lt.n Jan arc white. A blue li/ht- (re*, track), envied car, Tho.givn lj.7ht - • .-• • vJov.-f’ Thu rod ! u.;ht is adu ■:. • r : -.?! ; . Tbo wljuo •'i. oi iicr jroi' • * * ip B.wiSt tov/fn-l life’s tu-rn.i -u i t trend T!i" rv.:\ MV,". • short t-wrrht-. Ood o! :j kiiu*v/s ; vluituS ni-Stes end. | 1 lioifio tiio l.uap ar vvJwi.- - Please note t: ’ .mStituli n fadvertisement on page S, car.’t yon the missing word? jSvftiscr'tlic for noth papers, at PI .'do foer vdar, send dhe nVonoy- and ord" . to The JOURNAL, ROMEJR. Ga. T' '!N!r T FOR KLONDIKE. A Mr.ll Vo ft In Bj-ftlf :o Gives I’iot>ce t: A e IC*. lii C i' the argonaut ft, mi i ato W til ha " to bo rpe cit.lty o' illy la fitic. it the ri r , and • v.'. n v unit Ike hard- | si;i" •• iff : : ! ycr. A c r.v-.<’ Cl' j tv;.i’d,c; ;.• !;■• >:• ■ -■*;,’. f-.r the astute ye !i ti> vvht !.. • i or tic-cj further re r: t t 1 ( i :■ M?o 1 ,• fa v.lai c;; p o '.'.to making t I'll t* ■to . e.l 1 ! nil toe | ' ! (flirt t' ,i- ■ ..' !r. . t-. 0 lit'tin < ir c! • i :. . i v a e.i in. h\ phiuo suggests tii' |0 'r:e, in-, rale j.<" c i.mltU'!;: Kill.) on t a: frontat c x the grip car ia winter. Jo i; '■ - v :is a-i.I t t deroJotliing. f-praoi t . hoc i a day )'i the “zero” room of ■ "tur.ica v,''. Ki i p j ra;r ht iul toc.l. If you j by t orbs ui all, con tine your- S' If to fl. ‘ • out. jf mas. aslc yettr wife t let yog I". :i ■, 1 Lie e. SMI .J. : liUt.V l.u I■' O if sii. ill w r mve.iioat .i r.-.-kl e: k nod rail the i; \t evening.. ~r is ,vi cf a temptratoro • . Jf-U i.i) ilibsi JJfij t‘i. if ye.or fri- hi .0 ooi.l Bias, 3 when they pi'.iet ye 1. As you will bo. y p to to.!; yon r grn b from Jon; 001 to ; ■ you will 1 ... 1 . 3 .iter, pf yoßje builiiicr to all , •. 1 w !if 11 ho wants C...1N nil led '1 ; fa.', 1: 0 * ;erii.v f'di ioc is Cous in::. It Clift'.:. ii:o'Viat. j: .;. tho only to sleep eachnight in the cranio. no 1 xtiviis will ncca.stcnj you to the -.voik you to do iu your jr* iiii’, J..: . ....: • a of tho foliQWiug u.-la teen c viay day: fee. Cal lee lion* ; lowTuikc muttius. More ice. , Tallow ala lo.oeo. J.avd f. K' more 100. !•',laSo-'t pinoeej:' s. t:. e < ( hi; ;, 1 ieebeo, a r- ■ foorm efu'e. e hill e.i. ( a orpuiefl. After it of this diet ttyh-inoro, mouti i . bos- a at (lie hi! 1 1 tin t tniio v-stiff yearn for sii in. n ■ Jilt. ;.. u will Ic in cou d j tion to g a I arriug, couri a no"i --c i;:.; and sickness. Cbicagg Ijiter Occam *' PORTRAIT IN A TOMB. J?lj A CricvG'.g nur.T :••■<! ’• ; .ca to Blake 3t Cliccrrul. In a tomb owned by Jonathan Keed in livnpitciis cemetery a file size por trait if his wife, who died three years ago, is 10 !.. hung. Siuce his wife’s ill alii E and, v!. 1 is 70 years old and liven in Wiltin'.: bid,.:. N. V., hr.a \isiud the ceiu, ury every day arid Blade th" interior if the vault look like the parlor of a dwelling. Curtains are draped about the building, and a live squirrel and si canary 1 rd occupy cages in the vault. Tl: in a clock on a mantel. Mrs. Tad's: b )dy in in a glass ccilin in a i; .in,,;iicniiy caied iron hex. T'h •' i ; ■ ■ eofliu, ii a ndid for Mr. Heed’s body, hc-ive ago he decided to j aye a portrait of He v, '' pat iu the: t b. Undtrus at ii tho pi ts. ' -..iil be hung in the ii ,f the In; will be the J,,iJowii:g in sert jf ion: “i/ct tJ r : who peek no' knowledge pass tiy this t... ■, but U.t; : v.ho fain would ham the s".iet of life ia deaili dtECi nd.' ’ “e-i v; a ; , a , . 1 people have come to sec me a: lie t: tv'i already,” said Mr. h i. 1 , tt .• ! r da a “I bad i t prints fj< ■ '. .. e in a i ndy. Twen ty-two people I.' 0 from England. 0 fri in Germany m.d (1 irom Jerusalem. 1 don't ce:n.;(i here to sit with downcast far-, and nararii c\ 1 r my de-ad. 1 < ••■me to tie uplifted and show to tho world l,.at tl:::i! is at 1 .at ouo man who is i ady to fbew 1 laying devotion to the only vcm 1 time he ever loved. "—New York Sam Pile 1.1 ! lil a lIoHt cf ItatUers. Miss Bella T. Hope, tho “rattlesnake belle of the Alleghenies,” with three young lady companions and two young men wont to pick berries iu the moun tains the other day. At noon, whi: ing luncheon, they witnessed ad< . - ate fight, a few hundred feet c.istiart, la-tween a wild cat and a rattlesnake. , m minu fruiting the c-S v •: i! vi and claws a_. •■:) , • ••.. ji mto shreds. A ruo n.< lit later, m out of evt ry croviea in the surrounding rocks, other rattlers : began to crawl, until the ground seemed iperfectly alive with them. Two of the j ladies fainted, while the men decided to take iieuelx leave. Not so with Miss ' Hope. Fiksfeui:;; nearer, sho took de ' liber, i> irike through the brash and ifin-.ijAitmllid first : c.-t laying low the cut tpk ii •; . Then, cotn- hi liug ; i-e , accompanied .by il.d'y&lg il ■ y hi ,;an a fr-sil- Jud • eu to-.- .-T til tiio result that •iu iio mihuUii L>;faU ; iive .snake was to be t-ii., but the. ground was strewn withdeafli-eptiJcj. When it was deemed safe to Vtjjptnre Star, n count was made, and -II rjttlers, in size fjt.-ia 4 to 5 feet • 6 i:. bes hi -ieiig-th, v. f-jpPud, together with the d< ml Ciggr: .p.‘.t.-r-Lxchange. A' Mev y&i*'. Oil, 1 !•.{.* i. ‘*a”.v ); t r.tVi _ji\r..,ust, When tJ.u Lultf'AU.s-,,i.h- d' When you iVu. if-.i to m .<side And li.o n tool Win. n tlio irirf/n tVp>.o ccaxl W-iun the-Tileo id in tho'i-iiy, Wi: m tin wu.dd are low - oulmy And the bills aro n-iher idgh. When the j r.r vry !b:n>:h r s pu .ing ■ tut* sct.jnt I in li’-vi.f.ell When -i.e : < ncCiful And tl.-o wi > vc.-y v, e.-l. When ! - ;o f. '> -i the c.-crm Rt b its it ;vt t! your L-lccd, And tho ii:-'. o:n t aterjiiliur :t h.y.s ‘vi.fhu. v. i;u cur stud. Oh. ;h • in< -• y of A.r.jrust, V.'iih its i;i:t,ivdF oi it;in, Wl.en ou I 3 out c • - h bind you, And they i*ollv,v by nvxt ii-.-iut —} *ick Me Uj>. Chamberlain’.-; i ho, Cholera and Bian-lu •> itemecty uilvmy.s affords,. i-eiiei'. for >?a: !')' Iv. T. : ':'rr-'mr---.>-r; ill n, t l , Mr. L A: a it', the hi ayy coal opnrti tci, x.iy.i cutup .ny store,! should be pivf., up ao flgipersi x;::y buy sc plies where the* j,lease r>,d ..ihat,-ij g*i .1 c . : : nt paid in orders ou sue’ 1 et ~ the nui.eis khould be paid wash every two weeks." .... 1 C Pew Of ds- exp** vid ; tff V-o. when. $1 a :bushel in our lifetime, yet-That ißgiifre it has touched. if- V, "fH mti f K-lrti 1 ,'s am mm iiiiiai Baf%a'ld ya £. %& tv ..a J u tg FOR u| .** w vsf* til N 1 .9 ■it WiiLL A Sf..\3 r JmiL 1 tD 'T^ajiaa'li 'V \ J •• • ’ - • ‘ =;■; •: ;:TV yilllSl I I 'I lil L |*| VJ'J wrr * 3_'v, FOR IT AND rrvxs* 1 fT\ c - r *r -' '• l f. • i ;~A s- ? I ! ? { ■ > YA.J' .s' . ..F I ".'- ■ y r ■ r. yjtgrf taa . v ,rJL . .J* . Kid&a * * L '— SPECIAL NOT I OK. '['},(> \V(.( kly (kiiistiintiim, puhiL.'.’ •; at Atlanta, (in., har- aiinouiK-ed it--. Ah mi;-:, ing word eonh’st. T'his is a imcl i ch.'.'nic ands ■’H ti-ing t“ in t(> 1 (-; t you duriiur tlie h< 1 ■ a on. It ;a,.i .Kin-- I t. and oh- - the LA <•! o j.i. . •;- o inga r.oriuu (if tiio ty • lays. It publishe.- the full particulats . f tho scaling of the book (tin- sentence :>: i ll g taken from tho w< :-ks of a.- i ..ti author) and placing the iiook with t •..| W. A. f lemphill.tli,- lie.duo- Man , ,f; lu <on titulion Pubiis hin ■; {'i n:; -ny. win) keeps it in his i-afcty vault and will deliver it -ealed, to tin ceinnii; teedocidini: the content..: ( n .Septeml - Lt. Ten p u* emit of t-iie in may receiv ;I*.;.in .Hthsei-ihers who enter the in!-- ii-. contest during J lie months : ! Juno, July and Anguvt. will be paid to tie p( I .aill oi j ll :, UaUlill!< (a • .. i ti mi. : lug word in the folli -.. i , hnce ‘AV E !I A V K NOT ‘ ’ 1-1 !iV U i I A N1) AUEI* U T T O VKit V AWKWARD SUITS Ft) K W A. is T OF SOM E.” There la in t ;.. eh doubt in the mil the Editor of this paper as to ing that of w’ ica in' 1;■-a not tv onai to ac: etc ugh, and lu - • i-, kv.a:d shifts he i; pul tu lx r want of same, but tiie point to find the very word- the author of the se.ntenc n in writ ing il. By : peeial arnmg.-nient.t of the AVch kly ( . - iluti'.W Ilia! grr-a t. |r per and < nrs {Tiu- BANKS COUNTY JOURNAL) an be obtain >d for one year at a most ihe price <f< no paper. Not only that; tut and -r our arrangement witii The Weekly C.-nstit ation every perron who lakes advantage of tltia clubbing pn.po osition, subscribing for both I. 'y (■ institution, and, ik. ( ,-enty Journal ntsl,'~’s will Lcentitled to a guess at the missing word. All clubbing subsscriptions 1" li h - ... ii ; ) tills j ..:per V, ill! ueeh .-i.l ;ei ill l-’s guc ts at ill" missing r.t.d plainly written. The guess, the name nod r.ddn ..;of cac'.i subsci ibe will be fnrwarded by us to The C6ti:. ti ; ution. The Con:. I it ution’s fir; t “missing v\ < .rd contest” and on the Ist c.f Janu: y. ... 1 - one.] n' Mr. M. !.. ii: i. . in a hard-working i hool teticner, gn . i the missing v.o'd. receiving thorcfiu- a ■i: i; : 1 - - Las:-cond contest the ! t of March, its third contest closed on May Lstj the Weekly Coiwlitutien of j Monday. Seplemtier tith will contain the iii.'.r.'meem -ni < : ? the awards in which the !i i; to b > and; stributed among the sue ci . sful guess; , in this tn wc a test. The r.-uiU rs of our paper who sub.-.iTibe oiniiy.t > it and Ttic Weekly (Jjt>:iitu tion leave free access into the iourih ci .rll; i jti: t opened ; and it may lie tin e r!’ th 'll Will get ill- money to b> fi iriluitt or. till- ! iof September. 'I he on 1 j < /,r"i,i‘ u < f the contt st i t.hat every gin-, anrumsi boa snbre > r and taking tUtvantageyof The Uonstiti:- 1 "ifiii’s offer we preaonh.thc; opportunity • sd who wis?i->o. siiiacj ibu to both Kvei-y person should lone- lil-i county pftptW jiiid one genera nejcsimpcr", ’ artdfFlwy Weeuly Oonstitu . ~itb a iTi’cijhftimr ,<rf WO.OOO, oroujiiivi the dphiijd of oe £>aper. Il el Ii f* W r, 3 If hi 1# h IT WAS 'M . TOO” CONKLING. Sena:n:l >.'l y lie K -irrmul A?>cr tiii* <■ -u.: s\>vp;--y. Mv. Liatt is :: rah t-.nro c.f r. peace mail tin. c. he is . ■sr...: .'" c.’ f -• Io; !; b: ing. Chief Juatit ' - which of ’ York its :.r a )■ - . i .. 1 think Lh.h- .--- tm- :i i ■ “ : ■ ru a 1 .. ;■ tn:-; ' . : I ■ nt to .i -- nato the 1 oi tmrfson to be collect:,r. Tilt! i ,xt dry 'J:. Phut went to N;W .oil.-, mid V.; ill' morning told Mr * '■ . 'rich tin xtuiy which lie now tells me. When t he' no . . • s' reached ti - sen; e chamlter Coiil an.i PI: t to; thnr was in choir, m: , o :i.< message was handed him by t!.;: vit:i;.n Bassett ]<•■ opened the t uvclope iu a nonchalant, matter of course way, river dreaming that it contained the bit of poiitieal dynamite which was to kill Garfield, ruin th" career of okli- .. and shorten ids days and make liimst if president and lead i v’Wy to his tally death. When Arthur opened the envelope and his eye alighted upon tho fa:a! words, Is turned as pale a:; a sheet. H-- ■ clinohi and the gavel convulsively, as if he would use it as a weapon. Then he 'beckoned to Oakling and Platt, and they Loth v. oik.d up to the vie- presi dent's desk'. Arthur handed thorn the sheet (‘l paper h(rrir.g Garfield’s signa ture. doubling look( ;i at it, an-i an iu d< set ■ ; . cxpi siou came over his face. Arthur was simply spree bless and i,. . livid with rage. Platt ah re mtt the most unexpected situation wish something like a caira and practical view. “I shall resign r cent in the reb ate,” said “Why do j on say il ut?” asked Arthur, now r; covering his speech. “Be. auso this ncmimdion lueuiiu v,a;, ’’ Plat ". .. : l canse 1 came here for peace . l phj sic ally unable'to go tbi-a ugh >.... ua. war as this is ; ■ ing to he. It will kill a , i only way I can i-.ave jl: . life is by re signing. ” “Piatt,” said Conklin :, “it will be fatal to m. j lai is i yon rcsi in Promise me you wiil viihlmid y* .v resignatic n U r a !• w wet land if you are then c. the sue .a m. ..; .: v. ill re: 0 .: with you." Platt to this and (ho i.-.r,: lu was It, Borne v.. hs later i latt ,a --sistc-d v-i e-u Kviynii a, and Ccnklii.; a resigratieui, he- L- i ■' the r mut ter, was ofiTivi i_l -a. Platt i 1 his friend mid <■( . 1, Judge Got (hi h, e-f this agiedt.ei.t . ■:s..o at the \:.,e prt Ar dent’s desk in tl;.:t dramatic moment before the i. n.iu-.t.ui v;as laid beioro the scnuti, wrrhiu 40 hours. The tilery told here ; .. ; Platt himself narritb n it, aid it effectually dieposes of tho “Mo too” sneer under which Platt mini in silence f. many years.—Walter Well man in Chicago Times Herald. RICH ESPEFtANZA MINE. A C'-tnpz.: j 1.-; Tliking Cut ftfilGO.OU; i- ju.-..4!i. The Ifsperauza f iiiiing'compcny, op erating in ,:r 'Tr.Utr ango, stain of Mex ico, is on the bonanza lead. They are taking out in gold ore SIOO,OOO a non lb., Alter 6iul;i;<g the t-1.-i-ft Jlauager Snlz- Lmg drifted cut, nod the minei.; are now 000 fee t tiuderground and lifting oio day ai.d night. A 40 stamp mill, 05 strokes to the minute, and a itdO j t end stem, also k: <ps going the year round, day and night, uric;.singly. The com pound Corliss engine has a 42 inch stroke and a 28 inch low pressure cylinder. Another shaft is being sunk west of north of tho Salzburg shaft by tho Es peranza people-, and if is down 130 feet, with . identical orn indications. Ihei camp at tho Sulzbnrg shaft is from! 9,00 ft to abjcve ecß inueb'*-- I Exchange. CUT TIMS OUT .ami send it and thirty rents in stamps to the editor of the Banks County Journal and we will send lor .2\ ((i) months Tho Y, mb' Advocate, I’ub lished at Isai-liv hie, 'J’e.nn. Ueg'tlar prieo f"i six niant ts is dO cents, or one tlollar per ye nr. Ne v. t befo. lots such a paper 1 been olieied for one dol'ar. if at a-nv | | rice. (Ivvpv niher, our sjii eial ilorty cents df'feijis for new subscrilx rs only) Rend t he thllawli.L', which will exjii it a •nine of tiien lviu tag's of the \ onth’s .\dvoeate a a ! mi! off. r to give a Biey eh*. Gold Watch, Scholarship, ' Fie. frei The Yuull.’w Advocate, an illustrated in ti i inthly I ■ ■ en 1 pages prini'vl on m very high g'l'ide oi e c< nt.frt.e. m n 'tk n M $ Y: unsr IVone. 'Sub ei Lhe fi.r .1 a; vr shut is 1 leviiting in 11* .l'ae.ter. rnor.'u 11. tone rail) especially interesting and 'profitable to young p, ophi bui. read with int> rc-i. ami ptcfiL, by j pie of All Ag< home of Uie i C-t, t: •at to be found lias been Y* gn'a: ly • oip. y 1 and J'or dii'i’eren't.iil :;')■•• ISt.H. c' , e.'idi poiip inn.tional. ' It w oiiM liy uadeis for tS to comment on the ndvant.iu't ij' of . ech a paper w,; into 1 vey honre riiOhe- ivheic .it umo ei 'and jit*, er.i: y :.■■■■■ :: ■’:, h u lie-; .should ! 111 e-c-traped ami ndfi-v aieo. Fa. ha tends 1 1 i in', vent vhwtg. from 'CtU vat’ijy, the I • 1 c:' Mtlg lliljtß 1 l.'hie and (kmc r and zl'ii:;' 1 . ut.i;. .-it is sift::;-;.■ Iy. i ' ';" •and• by 'Teacbef.Si,- .ASiu'i.stbafi"; ■>..■■: mi a at;cl. roiAetw. A 'Bieye!. . t ••Vatch.'TH. nom' !!ii or a !: 1• . ■ .0 in Draug-x/n e’raelieg! il l ice is Col. ge, Nats' Vllh' ''i nii. tr Tex .1 k vMp Texas; ..or seh'olar.'b p', 1 :) Kiev r piitaijif Bit lin kw <A)II‘ or ] ,i:. r •■■>• Scho ill ti l. niti'.i ... .• tl l-f £•■■< !!!••* yhv .i litti 1 work for- tin :\t home ! ea di pi ion paid a; ent ■ A.Rltvsu ■ Yout.h V Ad . c ; -j'iPo ’Cd , Nimhvdfi Ti > a., ;■' a': ia! t M.mlordi) tor'■■.■ hi s:X cOow'.. as ahov/: dir 11. .1.) a-;.;, p...., 5.-* AI. Is r A I *'3 hu 4--a i; j Are found at HARDMAN BROS DRUGSTORE. Harmony Grove. You can paint, op your ole! Imygv cheap by getting your Paint from i heuv | .. A M y^Hj -' .. IP r-I" 5 * ■“"■ Iv , 0 ■ : i f '( /- ... t'.J V ...V hti j, - j ’■ \ V/.■: IAo ffiction, i.1.. ... , ! r.._ j ’• > :3 • "1 1 ; ‘ '■ 3 l. " .—• . i , '■ ■ yy' J; - ~ I !' -y. • -v ; s, ’ : -i r-esses, 1 r S \ ■ C A : Pu’lci-t!,, f. ■ : • VC.' 4 -’“C’-l ■t * , .Oat LOmECIX. < tr rv">r i ' ■" r-' : ? E! A £ IV. ' .. 1 J. 1 Hs,'.r.t* V:.'*-., --- - , ■ ■■! r. ,-ttf . * ; i,.; ~.j ;.= :.;.,.,-'„inery .'-an tk band.-.-ime 1897 Catalogue of th | la roll Id:‘.iuifactiir : ng Cos,, at this office. !GIA iUkTU'KEN AI JJ XS AND LULA . j. >- ii TIM it T.'.HLL M -. !■ ’i’o TANARUS.,:.. i.Te. I May i ■>. tS\)7. U ' : . NT) , | " L\ 7. - ’ IjX 1 ; ■ : >i. S LATiO'-S. :'uU.- 'r : KiUH-i . K*Su T M A Ar ; A M : V M : 1* M -. ... - - : irrr.y • koo : 10 50 A,.- ; ■ 110 33 : 7 i-i : 1023 : i ■ • V : 94s : u .>••' 12 24 i : *., : . .- : :40 : <=r,o : 9 r-5 ■■ i) '! ; .i : ’• - ’ <■ 30 ASi : rM : \ :Ar Lv :A M : I’M :AM . ;. AGI NIV stands at Tin: head. 'lug'.L Jiogcl, tiie leading druggist or iShre, port, La. ;"i - • Lingf ' Uiseoveiy is the only thing that cures jmy cough, nr.d it is ;h v :cm •■'-'= ■=‘- J - . K. Oanipbell. merciu.el-of Siifford ' ■ " write::: “'Dr.Ring’? New Discove-.-y 1 ’ a!i ! that is claimed for it: it neve ■ fails and is a sure cure fa- consumption, out; br and colds. I cannot sty enough for it merits” Dr,.King’s New Discovery for Consumption, toughs and colas is i. -t mi experiment. ■■ It has been trie-I he a quarter o? n century, and. to-day stamis at the het-.d. It never disappafinls. Krce | trial bottles fit A. J. Piisrp & Bfo’s. H*r- i ! - : \ " -hU SJf j■llai'inor.y drove a:id..-diiys, dpi-,; IGLEIIEALT t 7 OS., EVANSVILLE, IND. Wave gintl to ray that since the.en.. buy, : .: t i the J 0 l It N AI, took place, the]),".pie have beon trying to ab a th ir nppret'l.itiou of the young ■m ! • Inly nu >\p v! •..•.cnl Belitor’s very ,' 1 •!••!. :■; ' it the very best, ■ 1 Weekly ■ \ "la u ■(ten mt in this or r v . ir continued 1 v : inter, efo . . to : are thei-own ' 15 A- M K B B 0 V N T Y J N) U K N A L t• I by tar th h ■ •' circulation ot . '.yl.'.'e'C; ape;- i:i Nnrtli-eM ;'a by (!.•:. -a and swelling its .'iilj "rijitum li-'t one-by-onc. I', .;iv u ■ ;'•i a at i lie . World is up • i p -in -ip.'dly of ~Little drops i,f v ui -r. and l.ittie .'painJofSan i i•': ■ • 1 on is eom . cf •'!.•. -i lor another id ■i-a -I in. ino list. We 1 -of this good advance for .Mill'. "f; i efsiiess‘3e ii ( SAvediisa! v. V" k . /’ 1 ?? if# •if, s• ;" , s. ,sf„ -. r:-: J -:••• Cr•■•••<•' • ‘-l, '. . • 1- ■ ■ . ' V ' .. O . 1 . '■ 1 ", h.U ( . ; - . . v ' ? kind CVi " ~ . : : O . ' it SGQ, A Si. ihula I,:. -.-a.... ■ ~. ■ ' j.'pirgi case, ir.ios / ... -. ' o il -f-Te. Tap Sleep.- 7? r 7 , or s ay infc ■ rtic Eee " urj v'sc.ev® ... , ’. MiOUV:..c, CJC i ' (■ r : ■ %,-G e .’ i • ••> , . “. gfQt-x: ■' ■ - '.ii’ikt *SA.. • ■” RMCS : vr See that this brand is on 1 1 f}-r r?r<-v ? *.-•■;*.•'>s W V y a vi or sack r ft oi iiour ■;a it has now been demonstrated : that nine cases out of ten of women’s I disc:del".-,, painful ::n,I troublesome as aie, do,rot reqi ire of a pi: vsicif.n at all. “Local tacat i ."ii- “priv. ie exsniinotions” : li:i c been shown to lie entirely un ,-a v. The simple, pure wine of Cardiii, taken in the privacy of the home insures quick relief. :t. is entirely unnecessary for any to suil'er from these almost :::i. r*itl complaints. She can,get a battle of McElree’s Wine ei Cardiii at the nearest drug store for SI,OO a:vi quickly put an end .to un ple;. avsir p:?ffis ' -aw4 'vtorunfreuiente * ■. i • ra-i.