Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, August 12, 1897, Image 5

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LOCAIiKIAVS AN O N()! FS. <3ATiKKi:r> I’ftom TOWN ANI) COUNTV. Gif Ito Items too Short lor Ifciiuls Jsut Lang linoqs'li to lu tcrcst Use Reader. We arc bn-ving "fine weather. Protracted •meetings will be; n at Nail's Creek church next Sundry, jiver\bo<Tv ifinvhe.l to them. Mias Bertie Pennell of S.i Carolina is expected to vt v ■ -with hy.r f-isti rM; ; .Ha ' ■ trill''.': l ', /ij.xl' week. LOST STRAY Kit OR STOLEN*' From H.-mor-(hiring 1 1 10 Teiw-hcy’s ltvititui-; ( : Fie. I ka'ibe I.allies Fnirnaol, wall Vaiiautated nimble on fjif -pntf; Finder or possessor will j>l. asi send or leave •!.. same at t bis Ollice, .von’d lik- to‘kin.w wI at as B . cpme of our cpnc spundeiits at Hickory Level; GYuve Level; Washington; ’Urena; Pruit and several other places:* (County School Commissioner li. AV Wooding, Irs wife; Prof Ernest Neat and little toy passed through Honjcr yesterday morning. Bargain!' Bargain! My entire Stock of goods at Cromer, Ga., is for sale. Also Store-House, Dwell b o and Ib.acksniithf Shop. Am anxious to sell, and wi" take it n Severn!, payments. Write' to me for panic duars Mrj;'Essie LrOiiavdel ‘MadtSOn-, Ga Mr. F. \L Pl:if)k .of Chattanooga Teuu., ,tUejrepr?se#t.!ttvye of tlie.New Spencer Medicine Cos, who make and sefl “I’kititera Old Time Remedies” , suah asCuban Oif. Pink i’ills. (Julian fßelief- Syrup Vermifuge: Female Keg viator; Blood and Liver (lure, and Horse and Cattle Powders.was in our town on lest Friday iri the interest of Jiis'houfe. . We found Mr. Plank to be a good pushing business man, and one that his house may wcfi feel proud of. t’i'l ,- ■=.-■> ' : ; 1 ■ ■ j 1 '■ CAM I*-M li ETIX H. ■ ,ii : ■ i a The-Campmeetinge which has just bn ded for this year at Hawkins (or Pop/ lar Springs) campgrounds, were very well attended, and was a net her grand success. As usual, some good and das'ing religious work done, these: are meetings that are always attended by Harge crowds, aud the good results are Vesible to larger’ numbers of’ people ttlian any other religious meetings are attended by, Therefore, the-good work appears to he greater than arid most any other t iiis. But the social and pleasure producing features which always accompany these meeting, are almost ujisurpassed. Take . j> I f ;i. ■;[<;. \!) n *. •?. (.twi 11; { i ait*ul •,! Wi ;UC fj< y ■ Vi': 1 • ' 1 ■ ■ . 1 ■ ,:ty Pilitelfr .*> •*. b.p,c*.’* up v. .• a (led' he q 1 p pie. who lead o'w ire, and wlro are anxious : . go to'.:d of rh Hn every year. • '• It i i ;i!\vav'-••■•• ifr*f y.n.: to receive to*s bnum*.*!-. or ..v .nh * iuns chile, .chol era and Diarrhoea l>*'■niod.-y. mi ujn *n the endorsement,is from a physician it is .especially so. dThtjre is no piore satis factory or effective remedy tlialt Qhtim !berlain*a polic, Chofera and Ularrltoea Remedy,” writes Dr. It: K. Robey, phy sician and pil'd'n'i *i ;t, of's fluey , Mo, rand as Me hap'used the,’ .Remedy in ’hj own family and sold it in his it rtf g'. store if or sis years, lu* should cttctsyily know, For sale by R<. 1, . ... i I C Uosiueet,. TwO TPR ONI!. Bv special arrangement we ofle HOME ani> FARM dtn combination will our paper for 75 cents, fcl.oo feeing the price of both "That is, for all neWur old subscribers ■renewing and paying in advance, we send Tne Home aud Farm one year ■for 25 cents Home and Farm has for many years been the -.leading agrieui ttnral journal of the south oml south ■west, made by farmers for . farmerr. 3ts Home Department conducted by .Aunt Jane, its Children’s I)epa;tment i :and its Dairy Department are bripht ,or and h titer thxtt ever. -liruew noiv j -and get this great Journal for the! ihorne aud the farm for 25 coins. For 84 years Justice Field has ocec -pied a place on tho bench of the ::u --•preme court of the United Stales. The ■venerable justice is 81 years old. He was appointed by President Lincoln and ’has been longer on the bench of the su preme court than any judge ever was •before. He might have stepped'down .with full pay any time these 1 i yeaTs, under the law which permits judgerj of the supreme court, of :b,s United States .jlp-reuw. aft or.; after tho. age of ? held on to his work,. - cost. v, / ’•T • r Evk-rythmg looks prosperous tn our locality at presen*, Jack Aorev ma le n flying trip tn Franklin, Saturday. •Watermelons are plentiful in oi: r neighborhood this year. Mrs. Martha Peyton vi-itcl rein ti\p„ in our section recently. M.t. A Ai. Acres’avlm Ims been vr low with t\ [ihoid fev.-r, ■ state is improving. Ur. 11, 11. Peyton has the finest \v:r UrnidOll patch We hav< seen it Ins Sea non. Hi.vs, you cannot beat Inn. with w,,tei in. lons, Everybody ti e ’.Viter bat. steti b r the Mv-t wee* h as bail broad sniilcs oij'htii.r fact's, S'ip! :sc i to : .tc, effects of the celebration.' Mr. Wash Cundeil, of FI diii ::vwcth passed Ilirocirii nvr seelhn one day this we k. Mr. Caiidcll has keen ?.'U n din a me. tints at, New Ibipcct: ic. I. in' Franklin, and reports a most. pro p. r mis.meeting, bu.t we ikin’t the,k Not. preached any. Protracted meetings well com m.ace lit Pleasant Hill on the f.iurth Sun !... in Ahgust- Revs. It. R. Mule tn’.: aim A. J. Cobirwell"presciit, age and nv tint' is expected. F.vcrybcidy is invited to come and take a part with. us, both saint and sinner, The writer had the pie sure of alien ding inet'iiti'J tvtf the Line chi/vo-h th, past' wan k, the. preaching v,a- very go- ’ amt iiitoreslin v but the grand- st, end prettiest: sight mere, was that of Mr; Peyton and his good assistant, Miss Allice ducket njnr. hing-t. eir entirt* school, both’old and young, from the school room to flic cliurch, lead by the principal 3 and his assistant. The order which they kept wa alihost-perfect, ml one w ufd have known they were m had pe .not seen tlit-in, so perfectly del Ivey keep order while m the clnm-h. The school was'short several 'scHnTarr during the.meeting, hut hot enough hr him to- bin Xvitliowt his- efficient asst tant. J ,ci ,vi t i I . •.: . ■ Wei desire’to say- to oui.good school Commissioner urn] Board of education that we would, he glad if they, would let the Line school alone, and let it re: main whtere it now is. We are satis fied ..that if thy Commissioner had. seen the proceeding's tit. the school, lie would have urged the Board to let the.old Line school, ha : been pal rouLod'so many long years wli*-ic n is, reniaiyr I will close my letter, hyaskciig out editor trt excuse vna for not writing last, week, : becausfe it was impossible for meto do so. (Limb etja. You are excused tills time, because sve cannot took h i' - trust - 1 best 1 ecu . I. .o a gaiA in the wear future. ; A i I ear k>i hie < tie- ■ ; i . ..0.--. j.--, ) ilia, riioEat:. i tKOd. wi.eii tniv i(urury ik : r v.t- •; i n.e.r.nj'.a jiy.Aj jib ill i’cun. y > i Vi Iftn h -i-s. i eonlr icuhi eliri n'ic ( ■ ,i i/3, , . . ,i/ii, it u:.i/ ,i,-'ll men great itcsv yf-trOuble’evW: r ice, 1 haver tried /; dozen different i!is l <Hf , in:v- and -ever:;! praumheht <!upt6j\“ -vyithiuit any ’per:/.,- hont reiit fl n Natdong ago a friend fne sample In ‘He Of- ChajlnUo!-!:: in’/ Colic, ■ handier.!, Remedy, ind.aftcr.lhai-1 lipught aiut: took’ ti 30 j Cent bottle, and r/'twl c-fliijsty t-'n'it l a/n yzitirety cured. ; I-.eaijnat.ho , thankful enough to this great- 'ltejiiedy, afti ‘recommend all stifftii'nig vet wiaijs. It ;ip -a V h\ write in :,, t ours Ki/atofully. Jiitsny•B-i'nivitnm ijn. i Alleiitow*!!, r’n. , Thu 25 aiid.nOe. sines foy.saib. byß- Thompson; iMereliaut Homer Ga '. . . ; i -(1 y \v ti o is & n y>’ b'o and y rukes ~t h ff- c B A K K S' C 0 IT N T Y'J 0 TJ tVX'A L, ‘ ; J Vv' 'll Y " Jo Be .a !ijse • i .>i a th e t- fSt - cfh etntit And X e ie s i Tjk> cat Wee ki y In(iea rki a • an cl. doirt- V< >6 for pc* t it. TTiE i’OISt),V<)BS ACIDS. In the blood are the direct cauee of Rheumatism. There is no. prepvr.i tiun so effective in driving out these j! ..ions as Dr. Dru:n r, >n 1 s L:g ltmng iiemedies. They hive localve 1 the misolicited end-vrsc-mt’nt <•£ 1 nc high/af medical authority, ami ir-piwmiMts from every slate, St your tt-ruggivl ! has not got these remedies., •*, r,<;‘ take anythirg else. De/crib-a your use iu a letter to tlio Ihuiii 0.. i Medicine Cos. No*’ York. Agents wanted “I.iisUi nn ( r ere if err gran children was sick with a m-'mi; btnyel rouble,’ says Mrs.-is. (•*, Ufe;**,; oil Frederick 'town, Mol, “Cliftr <utoto remedy had faifo<l, them jfs’jrl- CliaiuLethua’s Colic* Chpkr’al ’ ffinrhixu Rcma'ty, which.- tnee wer hpeied*/ •'e'St'f'F • Fbf Isste c r, . . 1.;.;* .Tbomgscii Hoar-vr • *.. MOLL AN GS WORTH. i— „ „■ • luMdng. .y citf ,'\ ; Mr. f.’b. f)!.n:kft'ie liyiklirfg irvjffcw residence. ’ d<-‘ Mr. j. ( .'l[)yhips,ai is ;<lp, > pudding :i n:.'" residence. . I I’enjiM s.: '.!i ) !>.. ii I.•■' :>1 *j>Vifs : to takesaneh inter, st in the lneethig-. j Mr. and Mrs- Muge-ne (/.-irrison, ol .Ytile us visited Col A. I’. Woflbid in: i. vec-k. • .omit . , S .e of die is.vs lie re are not in very o and li. j. to h tea and ah lit a f--.-w tliip'_,s. Mr. an !..ilrs E I, Ducket and .Mr red Mrs. B .rn®*vare visitnur relatives ii> Lt:'iiL-k;n ct uftfy) ■* t - Tii c j K't' fi •x .p { k(; ito i• pilvasf 1 1 v i ; t.b/ Ban!'r C'unuy J.iwrija'', i th in ti. y have b w ith any if | county 'paper, jjF.xvv :\i: y•• \\<-- dr in In-11 vau-y Geeyy pepei m’.ii-e. v ] aneaf: ; A.v p.’dij'iii.a nr .pt-fy> ! -i'ppr >r\ id the t.--.. -k y.liji .re. !.;• crbr_: si. iwi<lpi.i;:o.;s<i ; k ■.'■'nN and and sb.-.r .al-eT! T' id -. ■ yr. - ; ■•r '/ > g, . M'.; I Harden is iSwR-e gent!, young .man, an-!, d' tinul: it; idy :nr ; its ou 1 he.u'Vy -supp'jrl, ;■ , X. • ~ P ■ : - ■. - - ■'V.rr' e. r 1 --rt en-1 ' : b- - : r etr: |H' . ■>' i . . t :.. , . -- - ■ • 3 I -' H Vfl E B. AN K.S . O, OuN T Y . ; .1 f) : iJ- U N A T. ONLY. 50 1 i.NTd Pc:l-t ANN FM,. -' v 1 i This is tlic Man P£qi 1* : ; Av M'f ■A’ %&>*P &% % How? Till V A e : l’ll..'ss'-> I .'•Fly,-:.- i-A -.'.A; sfHG'fk'dH' p'GG b'egi kr-uV’d.:.., A.;.', ; : ■ y <h. ... j LfiS <Ui >1 V' s’■ eNFqgiGf : f Gs"y , ' ■!• H'-'A ! uyr- Dv V *;A p:;'! A:;:;A'sr it • b ■ -.-- U SI ; : 'i f ! ] - • 1' •• p. ' •, -I 'v ' _e. . | ;' . c,,. jp. . - ; : ■ : ' ’ s'’iv. - is %sf{ l ; iV have eo:u plcteci the i-rr.-./: tclipvhiCi will enable to- fr-l'cijrai'li ifrOi’.-'ld the • world -o ■ - ■ '/.'a. if hiS ujj v/i;; u..i hi- jays int aan iJistitrh titc/eled-, j ttio .rntrejit.s. cosgJnctdly . jdayi/ig j tiii'oiigl'i ftie grolpid.oj tiff Taxi's.sur face. Oilier .apparatus -yidoh he laisirra r. tied Hyrtt i;pat le th ptit nt s r. : tawiCd ut /ay point alid thedikturhUnde noted mid measured. A syrfeiu of'tele griipliiug cjiipeasily r;e a.iapied to'tlic iuv.wi.tibn.’ This t/le^rapliiiig' through the eiut'’- w'ithiiut wires lias been . the dj-eum of Tesi. 1 . tor yemy. in it different way Aiurceui, the Ureat Tprititip,. has iaso either wholly or partially solved tiie. problem. ■ . . r ' “I know 1 am poor, hot it is .hard enough to boar without < v irybm’.y knowing, it,’-' Exclaimed a' woftnin to whom '.setisutioual jiewspapclrhaU tent, a doctor under the 1 pjfca of giving lire, aid-and thin Bent, a reporter am; had her wliciie story “written tip” and her picture published, a f H for the si agio purpose, of exploiting the Eoivshtidual licv-sria;';-/. The ' railroads -of ,thp United States i pay amuiully in iiytereat on their bonds aloner SadO.Bud’gOO, ..Tin's perhaps ex plains, yvipy railroads a not paying stoch iu dividends attpreseat.. let? m, SaltrKSsep pi . no iatezem*. 1 t lminfo ■*: .y-.ripu,.: ini iI■ 1 . :ie,d.y h-Ml ! aii.y't i.y, ph,.tuber I ill a Uye o. Sbic <!>•:■. t-. - ’‘u-y /cry lratl east h-avtv t *c?i- -'.'uinMit. at is ee* ~y eCScieuti r iiching pilFs-.". 1, “ iev lito reuuuv id) s. re *r-pjfl , chapued hs’.'h, t llhlr-i.ts, iVoot 1h u, lan .. onie Mi ■ ';■cts.p- r I 1V.7, ft T ituMMoa row,!:/.*, or. f.jr.'tt a honhedn wc-vi hi • . ■Sm (Ml ion: 1 bio • .. ’ •’£ I vdrmifn.i'S. The..' nr'-, -/pi' food bt . | medieim and the b-- a in uss to nut i rf i in prime con . . Price 2o | ocula imrpackag". ! For bdchyß-T . Thomjison* llohmr. Gh. in his rcccu: • on “The People For Whom ../ ••; e.:ro i. rcto'' Mr. ,Cha:d - Dudley Weiner quote.; from Wiiliani U..-. : -. v.r; . :.. ~y tirs ago, oil ertraet ex-piaiuir.g why ifugUsh 'meu i ;:t so mach. William.says; "The j situation sd oeitTegioß, ittiug uraw mi to: tho nssthi doth eam.o theheat-of oar j afomael. T 66'-bt of :*. U. :whut- ‘;i.-.vtir force; therafore cur bndi-.sjfio ecu /h a Sttfe aipfe’aoui'hiluygiit fli'ap th;i fijHSb- j iiaub .0-: y;, ■ ' -.,|n> .;ikm„. -yv:£.l~. '.v ly. : r -.0. e: iripayanej,,';. .WJS Uif-jgp’Jn f u-,: <MtU3 snsasssal JDas Opr i&iis&sasaagkm ,rsv “ I-AILNOL . ! - -; - J .Soyrcg sc, and is.rirt order i-t -rheiu-v. - ' ~f ' c ' .’\ f. / *, '. ; ; La tip' Leuisa .Wnl.-ii'is m ills vvi-um ■ ! ,J “ - * ' *■ 1 Mp Auki-r .M.r.-rv :C,.i f.-.iud/' i, ! iUi.f/dUA' (>*o\o, J-tT > W . A in \ < | , i I '' \ y i.1^,1 trlMli ul UJu V <ai;- ] w il'Olli ; kdUt CwijluiUGH >. fuA .rwVii L . o nh. *ii, ;'. ■ ° ! >. iJUAG UL Jl> dlu.v’.ajft J.L'l iui Id.: ’ ; V- ■- . -c- -vpiy . i ■’ L • --' * 1 -*•’• , * • '■ >'• .v.ti j t.b Giit.t. V •nc .on.- Oid'ivlcl -l,“ t>C* •■ :■re . aime,.;.. v>> I * ii..’ ;G t'-l.cj' >Ol .... ... H . • t - Hi or, -.-. t, , Vi y, . n,.. .. V i- 0 -. c OKU. o-ft 1J: ili.o '.- j mgu toi.. j-i . i.. Oii.i.o giiill 'to &o’c\na 'cotit .it; _iCl , Lc toi. p. o .•>•.■.. nine . u G ft IC .'3 . . . , •, r - : ; ixc.j']:. • ri* *' ’■ v:ty - I , . ■, , , : iio \'_l •, iil) - i-i. Ji'i! t- ot M;. \\ , jj. i ' n t-: usj-..0- : ? ,; ;l r a;!-.- I - ‘ v,n v ■.-1 ,t; f i t *:>’ • g .;N tiu* *y'i:Ar.'c ! iiu-nt \.f tho bl. Ga. ). _ :,,i ]i an,-. reveals the iaev. ! v,- .r, tliere fi ahso.l itely destitute ■>i , ;..h ->s. In twu years, b; tin; ku.M.u..- <: Hie,Boys Home, the . orphans !.-• • in j<f,| from 4*.r-tir :i ; i. Ih .A -ap. e for adjiii.-si.-n, n ,-d eases, ai reciveil .lady, mi , : : ;.jj v - te,-' love -lid l::.; :ie-ie. • (j. \ ’ the most needy c-.eaid be jn-r-.fei. Now G , noli and.. I ..- r !,, ■ ml gift ,ssir;..- .'. -r. :'s in . e I kr'gfi.. dj’lic Ip.,np. f v ,r ... largud by a vr.ig- 3 !■•; sb is t {, t ; t-.- ri s high. The uc-ooml will i,c li.le-i with bed's f -in i, js Tittle girls, and li.e first Hour -,vj-il give lilt) long needed chi.-ing. bulk God sen:, kis gill 1'... v cry- i ; . 'va:- ak.r.>- Intcly 'needed about S '■ lim're will be ii.'ces-siry- sfiia-ai llih, an. ’.'it d iodi-vid v.ho lo - the helpless orphans atj.i hviufs an'-l u nit to give thorn aoh m e-t . is el.iie. liuns will quickly sc mi ttys : u : li. L. Grtnnly AUama-.Gs.-aud nh-m .-op ply the orphans- so.-.n to. fh-dr in .will. !1ie.40 iron beds,.n'eedeU i'.r th.-.i:-, in memory cf the liilhs '-B. i-dii.iiitiy Haudfe’! in he ay: u. i-i j-re/. ffM'L : t-2 ik ly 'j> V' y : Female : Regulator '' ' For all diseases peculiar to women and gHrls. ' 1 It Tones np the Serve.-. tin prove 5 the Ap-' 1 petite, Enriches thf Stood, and gives Life, 1 1 iiealtii and S.rcng*h,' It is the 1 QUEENQFTOWCS; MiSES THE COMPI,EXJOH CLEA*.. ( cast ! Al'qlltc.f /It'ily •’ Reaulattne ( t • bills -/,. ■ ('oal- 1 . .-For sirie ov:: ail / ';/i( /:-■ . up.-/!.; .f; /, - by 1 liev* Secr.cer Mcrt. Cos., Chattanooga, Tenn. j LADIES' SPECIAL -TREATMENT: m J cases requiring special, treatment,address, giving symptoms, thadics’ /lediCal Ue- ■ partmerit. Advice and book on Female • with testimonials, free. v For Stile qnd Recommended by T- ’i tiemj-Min, Homer Cn; It looks much, us'if thp last word had not yet been spoken in the Turkish war settlement. Nine-tenths of all the trouble in this life coiucs from bad temper. . iflll pi |if ji iip Jligl rfSlsililitb if . "." ■ f . - r- r -- ' '. ■’ ;. • .1 .. . • . ; : j)ON ; v OFFICE ti i i a \O' fa* 5- ' y -*s .j i- tsajf t L. y I ■' * y = ■ ■ r i r ’/■ ' • ' 'i*;; *. W h . I- . F;-sl Urk-y-rF it 1 1 &-W V>t. wi-w* o ■ • - Letter Heads, Posters, Statements.,. ait -.r'-v'foifo., IV r'e-lt i.JVi; M m" % ... Dr. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY FOR CONSUMPTION. ’bids in the bo A medicine in the World for all fprnis of Coughs and Cel ib ancl-for Con. iiiptien. Mv. ry bottle isgnaraUftned, li wiii cure ami.not dis appoint. It has nil eijtH'l for Who >p nig 'lottgii,,:, IDy Fever, Pile tiiiibnia, Bronchitis, La.Grippe, Cob! In tlVe. In-ad :fnd tor Cuhsu.i'.pt'on, II is'vafe f„. all ages, jhe.ts mt to take, and :ik-.,v.- ill, a sire cue. 11 is a I wav ... s' Is. . bed Now Lit'. Pills A-Vs- - e-ib w 'd, D . King’s N- v Iv)v>.re,- ; as eiiev rygnl ,le and to: <• the wi.oimth and b.iwels. il r giiaran Ice peitc. r sajk-faeiiuii or return uion e-,-, l''rci fria! Lorries a:-, b. J Sti:-.r : Jti o 11 triuorry -Grove, and I. I !Fa'r;bn;*ii & Bros, Uarmmiv t-'rove..: U iy-.'. % IT YOU-HAV£ ANY FRUIT SAVE IT, Von' rrrir I'r'vcr ti-li 'A.lren von will Ivivc ;::iy mure . . Tnp Best; Fruit Cans and t r e Cheapest r i iiitCsns at Ft >r dinan Store. Also spli':(-Bd Fruit Ih.-sci", ii.g Powders. A ’ leieiosecpist is eaekiing like ; r !.- e. , •-r : !/■ Mn.l ef anew micro bo. ‘-? Id y ist!e flesnl, whether it j. i v.P.f.y A, montiouc.l, is called the i Ai 'a a cici, halt lighted place l s:.” yiies sec.! ::l irdllio..-; an hoar 1 is’’ :,;S .is.. .s: blood iIN • a v.s. spire, i. yea-t;A'- n into -the suuH;:ht, bow i -.vr, it firs iu.s*anf!y,-.showing that ;r- i-ei ■■ . 1 ii, like-v, irkedness, cannot hear the"-1 fgL6 - 'rhis bdofidthifsty L-cast at : tacksV. cal: and e:tk nersicns and thus:! v.ho'.live in fl-.nk robnis and sucks their red essy-is: !is empty. Dreadful! 1 Th' supply of bftuuiiu.ous coal in the i aid' v csss of the country is always in ! excess of tin: doinumd. because there are iiov so liniuy tsiucs, imd mihers.. This is oao causa tha-t ckyrossos tlie wages of mhiers. - * If von dr. ta-t know- how to swim, ream, imd Rate -this gg muter. : - tv,- cre yrl..veil to see in' a gri-i r new • T iiprrthc ! rt. niwit I hat tlivcie dr salir'.-:.-; r.f V.' fiax'ria 'and it her:.- were ... -.: .1 s': iy ' in Sicideyv 1.-. U . tku ■ Th-.- Aisaj cf ts ,n cf Critic I. 'A;s-: s'..-. : ; ,-. i. -ij t'. iilcudAe y: '.'. ndn-.-s r>.'- - ~:n and TANARUS; i tii :y, i.hv rc : i ;s .: tec proper ivijki'ivniCicn for this s,as:. “Th< ii-yiiiriW igtr.<••'G-mdon jptmmlisnr” is a goed. phrase, and it Was invented by Dr. Albert t-j!:aw. The railroad property of the country ■ anicqnt-;. iu value to 4,: ; - : .’c.,OO<!„OO0. ELLV..TKSG-- BITTHKS. reh roelin.-ripfewnls.: v/. /. Jm liver is tdrpid unit slnggjsli chid hi'// of :: .rui-i - a-iid nlterativo is felt. \ ;• j use of 1 this medicine has pl-an - .: kingulid perljapse fatal hnjmi. ;■ . NoJineclieiiier will act.ih<m> siii.ely / -of ■ i [llg ;ezl f-'i i hjg tb SJJilt : friirn the iiudariat p./isoji. 1.1 atluciie Indigestion, - constipu.dwii, di/.,ii;; yealAald toElwitriediliic - / sa-r/i ;m |H'-T bnl tie at 1.. .1 . -0 ■:i it'-i.’s Harmony Orove. And ir. I C. f ! a - : r.i A Bro s Ifin-nvoir/(1 !-• v.-;. i■: . _ 1 . .- ’- v win* - - -. r Cfc iife'ii hand.; . -i'-yS : - jy ikh- ■' -- t . - thi: Ni.W YORK WORLD- TilbH.E-A v. EKK ED! in '. H Pager a* wc'.'.k. r.uM‘'.f-'r. ft Y.-r.’ A Diirici’ ft* ill to yell :i a Pl -r- ' e!, :- S .- --. '■ B 11^ all tbo liinc. ’Aw'-irr .to c.’id fs>'- t vi-i- :- . : > and and r i s' I' • • ■>' , .J.. | tre , mid :d( re. s p. s-u 1.Vr.1-ii ii --r ill. ■ ‘ ■ ;V A.wO'ifvV imh! iVi• •'ii 1Vo! c ;n --)!> ' - low nrioo non vv • Ui> ' ; n 1 ' ;u> 1 : 9 ,1-w] t.^tor? of > T ni and : 1 ;.. , *,| Y. * 1 •• . AlldC ■ -' !'o ■ " : - \Vv oiV-; t’i• ; ; t new pK-vr • end Tin : • \ ■ ."S' .!< and l b A; - •c-gether on-' year -r .' • % r'hr- : - ;ii Cl ie i: of tin. two pi.t'cr t; 1 ,r,O ca.di. Tt is str:v . *,' sr in ; f ; discovery o. h t.n.i ,in i-u ; aid also si I -rtn : , -• il,.’:-. : j presperi'y cf dsrt : n ;•-••• su'd • be. at so hi .-li a pr.-cs : - li is to ’■<" j hoped the 1 nit will not in a fin im-i.-il J crash that-will involve tie intern.!.-’ • !' • oapit.ili -U H•:• nas 11! ret the pool'c o! !hat t-ravi iu: rey-d lie. Whii ;:d hai itf-th 1 in-the ps't b'V. : t! I- ii.-u .-.try in j Mexico lie - .--s :cs!y , : and p pee-; ed. Tien year xlric veil! !• ■ adds ! hr- j tween 4,000 and f mid., <t m-iv rail::.. 1, Ik" " ■ y in ry. r:' a there. Bt v< ri of the r w lines re 1 ■■ :< •and;iutpor''K!.t. fee, e- : i-> he c -,i- s 1 : !, \v i 11- can :i< Vera ' •:- .' j gulf of Mexico, vis. Hie Be. :I:- : nd, of j Aenpokl : s rr::i r:- •' - sl/ \ / Aitcjhvr H.'.o wi’.i //■ ■■ s', o-1. cast'to vvr.-f. It t. ;- K . a.- r. .: Norte, Li Uve .IUo C./. J/,'in t’:r- /! to .Of Chill/:,iiM-.i, a.l-1 ■- : to b&uipo, on tin- gt-.lf I f lYJifcn l:>, V. !'•- / ti. • unfortunate -. : : • . . I some enthush’-tii- A:- //■ /. . n mode 1 co-( pi rati-, i colony ihi t px. and j pas-*-a threqali wim v. i.H i I’m"-:' • i’n' richest ; /.if of n. A:/ ' rrs i Will 1 1 : the V ra Cn z coffiS ffn-Ids inio (■ n h with Clipping fi ili tirs. that ar ■ jh w,i t ill < nr sister republic. ‘k. c •• I J bn rpider i w; i : i ■-. i; -i i'/. i- lxrr-i Ft : rit/r- :. ailalimfi i yto bivi.d tJ.i bus' 1. :: far!::. /• /. .by j Vain/ or \ - .:. /. Tho le • ping t.i .-, ib-ral n..t tics in | regard tu .i.h ..-i.-.l i- / m ' ' b ■■ i ■ bcstjcmitaiy ’/‘.-asnin cv ;r a loptt-d. if j an nffus.:.!! unuiti-r f // - occurr . in at / giv if lo;l litj . Sou h at ll:i e-1 hi': ' to the. c:/k,-. \ It 1/..1 !;! u .11 : ..t ;■:/; r t’i'.v !h; i:( st in c veto J-o, 1 ; >'b m -try is of the cities. J -./iy th reyij I Z ■ SS ■ I t:i !/./ :vh'-;.-.- : - : in epidemic A- ■ ; ! vatiod, tl ft | that,-too, and . thorifics st.ih /.1 ; ■ - r- - aud t'lic- ;■ ,s .Fit ■■/ /• '• Of! be Si:: j itK-ntV/il thiti ■ :.!• t l: •/-■'! i -k- ; cl wha'tcvcr.iu catb s:: J! hi/ai/t, so ti/ t ; every - time anybody v. • ;; iu Whole C.b/ .i Eiagte--n it might Le noted dowu. j lie plan oeght ;o he ah.i'j.t./l -c.-vc ryw b-in. Tlio f.i : that a t u record yrJ flu be. kept of him. and hi;: ca .- cv. \/ : a had an ill ness of r..iy t v, b’ far toward ■ 11. *• - ' ’■ I'P-ag pel ft-ot’y .- • J. The 1 n.tutiful .nyd t: eful metal alu minium is ::n v i hy St) /aits a pound, j jin J!ju6 if -/.as a pound, aud the j I genera! ethnic:: -. e ; b at it wonid never [ bo much ebaapt-Ei I ■ b- it -.vat. bo har t | to extract lion :.. . ■-y of vvliit’i -it J -ferried u large a pt but seieuHdoii .Pt'-n B-.f elrir mind-: ' 1 work on the .problem .".ml by !h"’> ti;,- i.'ight itietr.l ■ had declined to 0i ’ / p a/.b It is now ciiuap enough to. Le h:c ahtci-d largely into domestic and lnanafac-turiiig indus tries. It is aim,; Iy -/M ah-uly- ntiliaed for shining kitchen ta mils. For tha back iof h r‘brashes an or other toi let articles ft is Kgbte! than eilver ahd does not tarnish i,• srlj ■- It situs .now as if it might ho utilized exten sively in plaet-.c.) ■ : - ' for ar ticles to tw usod-at the seashore, vvlioro needles., scissors, knives and forks, hinges i-.ud screws are a ,t.kot! and eaten by th'< salt sea damp. A -least a strong alloy of iiluiniuiutu 'might ho used for tin s.: art-ich s apparently, eveii If the puff i moral i- .if. oniu not be. At j any rate this experiment is worth mak- j ing. “Let me give you a said j Mr. M. I-. ihvgg. :i popular enductor i on tre Missouri I’aeitic raiiroisd. "Do; yon ijii,? thrt ( h.-i.-fo -.lohi o Colic,: i i-bulent and l>i#rh<!i*.*: D.-mruy eure.- i yo i when v.-u huv ’ ti noo-h uohoy , \Y:>h ! it • lid . 1 tor u'vi,.. y'.iy.j | friendhit. ■ I.l'pas.rM : :: 1: : o ; h /■■.''; , ,:. ir/ . ‘ . that -- -u tar .& ! add ■ sta •. u; n m an. ~ ;-.i: ... wc • : - -h- 'Kir iiWi m -• ,yv,. , •o,■ - -o ; ; . i'i *..■■ ■■ '.Do-:, /ay. . . illyw-lA: 1 : . y. ~■ - - ii;y. ' : f“ ;' : V , --r - At: ; ...i Tnt -s-" IV Tn Jtiii.inft, 'N lie ' ifl fhvrtiou? Mr. li; ." ’ ■ ,r. -dec.ill • ■ si i in Tlie ... * wo i:vo I' juh of l To ii:i- ■ 15, I? Si/. * ! i .C. govern i : • att 1 t ■ war. to 1 traiity a i. .:oh < f ‘ v,as : i. and at, for I they wen-. at i ....c ■ ' .- ist cc’.i --* i 1 y 11 • fu I -o la;d <-3! :■ ;} r t': M.i A!!;*, r.n ! .is e.-nuid ! the pc' 1 Mr.- : ! c ues has -! , : and a a-J 1 privilege: ; i. :■ ved'i .e' sßjqa. etc ].-: y p • l:- -- , ■f ! :> *ny one eft!: - • : n . - ecu I withri ■ ■ dA Ida vvein-. ; i that i . e;: course for F • isev from the j::i:S iS . a; : clo :;o the 1 ;!J i . r i a...••-.■ f.. F-. act ’.v : kali give an sip. IP'-ihc, cur he ' iv - • i-i niekiuc giganlic strides t :itri '■ r... rc impßttaat . nd v.■•.tie coast. The - liainoau ! ... of any w ’ i '• I■' : narrowly. Th / - :: on oar I'.u.: . irhe noted that • ikAh.ii lire tha only f p v-t. .js.p.icexed by n L.s pus i • V ’ey our b "ei. ’ nv.!,:; it and r - I sis- a up :k ; h s'. P- i" ta’lO lau ac'.ii ' - . i gad do vole i ijs. ... • ■ v Louis : Stev -.-Ur T. • ! . . In : - it:c:j of r . - . . . !T.■ j.' - , -hr ilia ! p :r ili.!;.: : hi ■ ./ -.-.aient ami i..' . ’ .;U:-!i. 1 : .I.' v, oy. aed . amid gt .. i , <-; . •..•r;.-’..boiio ■ diat.fVTt I-':.;..:/,.. . 'i .b - raost - re:/;;. 1 ' .. rid. ! T !:■-'■ ' ’ : I |to St:-v L; ’ ■ : •. b ing ! ■ f ... ' -Y>lib is j.d V 111:.- . . . . IbiLi JSO | civi... .. - for;is. j ii-.U - :• ■■ .. . hi K-.tlU away 1. -i.; I Th: ! ’ ,'i by them... e,vita min g i- ■ . n : . :era ' i.i the c: . ‘ ..' .' puhlio s<' -2 i yof Iu .one ' show er hi. ... : c.i;<ali fce hi. ■ ib ■ h-.r --tho r;• / cr; ■ -i;--. :. Tt :' . ‘ , ' . . h-kiy ; o • • *of j toaim-avil V. J. ■ .- - i,.d and ; i; r. h ails ■ <a hi / ■ - ■ i-;-:, ; anti-all . ' - h. :■ v - ./■ isdo ■be at! i ! ', - -, It/ aa.iis : i.i‘tu be hh::d, /’_ /. h: '..i1l le pnb h.h *. i. m / r c ity. ; ' it l ill . Ut t'ilCtS an I th -i- • ; cf hypno i u ■hal- 1 2atr. '.uti , i r-lepathy j cr dirt'/ 1 : i-.a-cahweti.--, automat ic v i i; t ' • r::d i/.:--pirutio.ual ! epeakin *. I: v.Jil ■ !answer . lying m ;:i ■ : ■ - '. / The editors th t. U lievo tjiat India and 1 ■ ■/ ■ e i.. . ■ is a -system of ; h- v of whh h h ' :: I'/aui t;ic : long h/-. ’ I* v -I juggling ! fakirs tliib - ay/' ..aiduats ou ! orient:.'.’ :ah ./1 .hr . ■ ; ■ A fiu.a : a v m in e.ll parts ' of the chi hi. .... h t-rved eco nomic eomlbh. .. . !y says: "Fn ropecLiam ; doA: a rioau meat. In a few h - . v.iil be a tre : mendou-’ and. e-■ - Anencau cattle there. I orb b- - far in advance of some j am little item of charging : , aid for the poore/: kv : ... .. a I saw .. ... iu ship ping cuiti •to I.T:. . itusHtk is aa awful pa ',” tc::-.- • -a veier. It often : a hseoveted Jin the.streetfl ef n c itv or villr.p- , ’-at that is what .1 i ’Mid ... .Vopil®, Me*., whc--;. an... - ■ 1 , discoyerec . . ... •tj-h-.u j L.-.-i -,,.:7 : 1 - • ’! i'-.i- V .. • /d'iC .- '■£>tv . or '*.. : ti--- it , . ; • .;L s; : ' J 4, ••liftew'- t ;(■ - ; 1 bi\ • ' ikiff'tO - -.csv-•;*!.• .