Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, August 12, 1897, Image 7

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The Names of Dishes. The sandwich is called for the Earl of Sandwich. Mulligatawny is from an East Indian word meaning pepper water. Waffle is from wafel, a word of Teu tonic origin, meaning houeycomb. Hominy is from auhuminea, the North "“American Indian word for parched corn. Gooseberry fool is a corruption of gooseberry i'oule, milled or pressed gooseberries. Forcemeat is a corruption of farce meat, from the French farce, stuffing, i. e., meat for stuffing. Blanc-mange means literally white food, hence chocolate blanc-mange is something of a misnomer. Succotash is a name borrowed from the Narragansett Indians and called by them m’siolc-quatash. Charlotte is a corruption of the old English word cliarlyt, which means a dish of custard, and charlotte russe is Russian charlotte. Gumbo is simply okra soup, gumbo being the name by which okra is often known in the South. Chickon gumbo is soup of okra and chicken. Macaroni is taken from a Greek de rivation, which means “the blessed dead,” in allusion to the ancient cus tom of eating it at feasts for the dead. Sally Lnun was a pastry cook who, at the close of the eighteenth century, need to cry the teabread which bears her name about the streets of Bath, England. Next to an Approving Conscience, A vigorous stomach is the greatest of mundane ■blessings. Sound digestion is a guaranty of quiet nerves, muscular elasticity, a hearty ap petite and a regular habit of body. Thoughnto always a natural endowment, it may bo ac quired through the agency of Hostotter’s Stom ach Hitters, one of the most effective lnvigorauts and blood fertilizers in existence. Tills tine tonic also fortltles those who use it against ma laria, and remedies biliousness, constipation and rheumatism. The seamy side of a city is whero the resi dents get along only sew sew. Maple Syrup. Attention is called to the Maple Syrup adver tisement in this paper, which has the endorse ment of Governor Taylor of Tennessee. Rev. Sam Jones and others. This syrup with the su gar made from it has been manufactured and wold by a company extensively through the wholesale and retail trade, but it ran too high for tlie people by passing through, so many hands. It is now proposed to let the people have the formula and make it at first cost, and they will make a mistako if they do not take hold of it. it has been pronounced equal to the "on y pure old Vermont” which sells at $1.30 per gallon. The average school boy prefers a tanned shoe to a tanned back. T believe Piso's Curo for Consumption saved my bov’s life last summer.—Mrs. DOUG LASS. Leßoy, Mich., Oct. 20, ’9l. ELIZABETH COLLEGE, L FOR WOMEN. CHARLOTTE, N. C. EQUAL TO THE BEST Colleges for men with every feature of a high grade College for women added. A FACULTY OF 15 SPECIALISTS From schools < f international reputa tion, as Yale. Johns Hopkins, Amherst, University of Virginia. Herlin.New Eng land Conservatory, Paris, &c. THREE COURSES Leading to degrees. TißOl’l* SYSTEM With electives. MUSIC CONSERVATORY With course leading to Pipe Organ, Piano, Viol in. Guitar, Banjo,Man doltn, Vocal. ART CONSERVATORY Full course to (llp]oma--all varieties. FULL COMMERCIAL Course—Teacher from Eastman. A REFINED HOME With every modern convenience. CLIMATE Similar to that of Asheville. COLLEGE BUILDING, 172 ft, frontage.l43 ft. deep, 4 stories high, built of prossed brick, fire proof, with every modern appliance. Catalogue sent free on application. Address, REV. C. B. KING, President, Charlotte. N. C. SYRUP Made on your kitchen stove in a few minutes at c>st of about 25 Cents Per Gallon, by a new process, which sells at SI.OO per gallon. “I want to thank you for the Maple Syrup recipe which I find is excellent. I can recom mend it highly to any and every one.”—Hkv. Saji P. Jones, Cartorsville, Ga. Send $ l and get recipe—or stamp and investi gate. Bonanza for agents. J. N. LOTSPKICII, Morristown, Tenn. rAFr CONSULTATION! W" gp fF Chronic Diseases of all forms fl II MB am in men, women and ctdl tlren. Successfully treated. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bronchitis. Palpitation, Indigestion. Constipation, &o. Catarrh of Nose, Throat and I.ungs. Diseases peculiar to women. Prolap sus Ovaritis, Cellulitis, Leucorrhea, Dysmen orrhea. Ac. Write for particulars. Twocents may mean Life and Happiness. S. T. Whitaker, tf. I)., Specialist, 205 Norcross Bld'g., Atlanta, Ga. CLAREMONT COLLEGE,HICKORY.NX. m m u* B m * ARDS can >• saved wlth -5b fl I I MB I# out their knowledge by ■ BS M Anti-Jag the marvelous a I wC I I MVf |% cure for the drink habit. IbII Write Renova Chemical ■ W iWim Cos § 6(J Broadway. N. V. foil Information (in plain wrapper) mailed froe. 50 CTS. FOR 10 CTS. A complete novel, good paper and large type, and l4O-page illustrated book, telling how to be better looking, sent free for 10 cents. Two fine volumes. Actual value, 60 cents. B. E. LAY, 108 Park How, New York, N. Y. ft ANftFR-“Dr A J H B 01 SiBI8 l T&o( iIAHUE.II ,: Buuilti, CM>cUuU. Onto, . MENTTONTHIS PAPER usTr a ‘ tln AK u uSr.32 /VTx .- ■'" "' i ' Spjjf / “Host V. IfeaStS- 'V \. f my wife and two \ t a ?f'~?#'-'<' X / children from the ef-\ \ \ / feots of hereditary! ge- 1 J \ \ / scrofula. -My third I \ \ I child was dangerously af-1 \ \ I fected with scrofula. He \ \ \ / was unable to walk, his left L t . ) \ / foot being covered with run-L i|g§jg|g§g|g||| j /„ V / ning sores, rhysicians liav-n /j>SgS|ps^gSl| / lug failed to rellevethe others*• . lof my family, I decided to try 1 / [ I Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I am Vs. I • W” * I pleas dto say die trial was sue-V I y \. (/ / cessful, and my boy was restored y IT If /to health. lam confident that my y 1 I y I / child would have died had he lioty y, t V \ I>\ / used Ayer’s Sarsaparilla.”—Jas. 1 \• V / Bib, Mintoaville, Ky., Aug. 6. 1895. \ ( /, f ’ \l 1 \, // \.\ V ■ ' U I WEIGHTY WORDS M J W .• ■ fcc _ .vvw® m v , Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. STREET OF YELLOW SPIDERS. Curious Discovery in a Florida Thicket A Mantle of Mimicry. Once in attempting to force my way through the thick hay cedar under brush of one of the smaller and outer keys of the Florida reef, I suddenly broke into an opening which had the appearance of a narrow street or trail. The brush was six or eight feet in height and remarkably thick, and the heat was intolerable. The branches and leaves which were inter laced formed a perfeot network, and gave shelter to innumerable crabs, which had taken possession of old birds’ nest, while under foot the eggs and newly hatched terns almost cover ed the ground. Once in the opening or street, it was found to be about seven feet across, winding away out of sight; but my way was blocked by several curi ous obstacles —a succession of webs stretched vertically across the pathway at intervals of five or six feot. They were of extraordinay strength, and were thrown out and poised in a mar vellous manner. In the centre of each of these silken barriers clung a huge yellow- spider, so ugly and con spicuous that I stopped before the first doubting the evidence of my eyes; and as I looked, the first yellow spider of the series disappeared. There w-as no doubt about it; at first so striking and gaudy, it slowly faded aw ay, and through the web I could see other yellow spiders beyond, sug gesting that it was no illusion. While I stood wondering in the hot sun, the spider solved the mystery by appearing again, first dimly, then like many spiders quivering in the strong light, finally resolving itself into one huge yellow fellow that moved like a pendulum to and fro and then stopped. I touched it gently with a switch I held, whereupon it deliberately began to swing its huge body, imparting to the entire web a vibratory motion which increased in rapidity until the body of the spider began to grow fainter, and in a few moments became invisible. It was all very simple when understood; the spider when alarmed began to swing, gradually in creasing bis motion until it disap peared or could not be followed by the eye. Thinking the case might be ex ceptional, I again touched the spider, and again it literally swung itself out of sight. Crawling beneath the web, I con fronted the next spider, which also was yellow or saffron in color, with black velvet-like markings, hanging in the sun like a great topaz, its web dotted with the remains of many feasts, empty skeletons of insects, bits of pearly fish-scales, perhaps dropped by some passing bird, a delicate fea ther, and a motley array of flies and other insect-folk. At first the spider paid me scant attention; then I saw a slight convulsive movement of its legs as it imparted the first long swing to its hammock-like web that put this wonderful life-saving device, for this it was, in motion. It was the spider’s defenco and protection from enemies. Certain birds undoubtedly preyed upon the spiders, and this faculty of mysteriously disappearing had on more than one occasion served it well. I could easily imagine the astonish ment of the bird when darting down to seize the plump and showy spider to find that it had slipped away. There was much in this street of yellow spiders to distract the mind from the intense heat that poured down from the almost vertical sun. In the middle of the path, beyond a turn, grew a clump of cactus, with here and there a ripe fruit rich in the pur ple of full maturity—a brilliant con trast to the green leaves. As I stood watching the hermit-crabs dropping from the bushes and scurrying away over the sand, I thought I saw a ripe fruit of the cactus move; then, to my amazement it passed directly out of sight; and after the fashion of the spiders, but he slipped around one of the big leaves. I almost expected to see the others follow it, but nothing of the kind occurred. I walked along and placed myself in a position to see behind the broad, flat, pear-shaped leaf. There w-as the purple object now moving cautiously around with the evident intention of keeping itself out of sight, and then I saw it w-as a crab, a crab with a purple back the exact tint of the fruit, while its gen eral shape, when the legs were tucked up beneath the body, made the crab a mimic of the cactus fruit, a protec tive resemblance so perfect that the crab was safe from sharp-eyed enemies and I should have passed it by had it remained quiet; but the phenomenon of moving fruit attraced my atten tion and led to its discovery. For some distance I followed this street of spiders, creeping beneath the webs when I could, and everywhere these tricks of nature to protect the defenceless were apparent. The eggs of the gulls simulated the sand in color; the little mantis, which clung to the big cedar, was the exact tint of the leaves and defied detection until acdideutally brushed off. Over all life in the secluded spot nature had thrown her protective mantle of mim icry.—New York Post. The first museum of natural history was established in London in 1681. ssfs A Royal Exptorer. Princess Theresa, of Bavaria, a maiden lady of mature years and as eccentric in her appearance as in her behavior, has explored all South America, as well as unknown parts of Siberia, and her services to the cause of geography have won for her’honor ary membership of most of the geo graphical societies of Europe. Hymn Writer Dead. The funeral of Miss Maria Straub, well known to Chicago and the West as a writer of hymns for the Church and Sunday-school, who died recently took place in Chicago. Miss Straub was the author of nearly 200 hymns, all of which have been set to music by American composers. Among the best known of her works are the temperance hymn, “Gird on Your Sword of Trust,” and “Wave, Columbia, Wave Thy Banner.” She was an ardent worker in the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, and, although contending with a life of bodily affliction, wielded an import ant influence through her writings.— New York Times. Tlu* Ornamental Parlor Maid. It has been a growing custom for those young men of sufficient leisure to make afternoon calls on their lady friends and sip with them a cup of tea. The custom is bouud to become im mensely popular should the feature thus enunciated become universal. Here is something decidedly new: It is the ornamental parlor maid, a lady-like being, whose waist belt must not lueasuvs over sixteen inches and who is consequently the embodiment of “style.” She is permitted to wear a dark blue serge costume, with white cuffs and collar, while upon her per fectly dressed hair perches a coquet tish white cap. Considering her cor seted condition, no labor save that of handing cups of tea in tho drawing room is expected of her. But, please, think what anew element of danger this modish handmaiden may intro duce into certain households! She is a prize figurehead of housework; the envied of all her peers; the admired of every visitor of the masculine gen der; the criticised of every other wo man who hasn’t thought of setting up a sixteen-inch waist tea bearer. Well, well, perhaps we had better stick to the thin-legged footman or to the but ler or even to a plebeian “gill” who doesn’t go to a manicure after-*U!— Boston Herald. Lounging Gowns. Now', perhaps, at the moment, in spite of the brown linen revelations in undergarments and the augmenting splendors of the millinery displays, nothing is more refreshing to the al ready footsore shopper, her brain daz zled with money changing and close bargaining, than those chosen corners of the big shops where tea gowns and breakfast negligees are displayed. There is so much doing in this quar ter just now for a revival of a fashion has sprung up unexpectedly, women have decided that it is both a pretty and appropriate thing to breakfast in artistic volantes, crown their heads with caps and rather make a function of the early toilet, that none but the fam ily see. For this reason we find, in both elaborate and simple styles, the most charming breakfasting robes, which are something of a cross between the wrapper and the tx> elaborate tea gown. With each and everyone, though a cap is worn, whether the wearer is a debutante or the mother of a debutante. The old women, how ever, rather affects caps that tie under the chin, while the spinsters and young married women cling to the coquettish topknots, snoods of ribbon and bow knots or falls of filmy lace and muslin. —New Orleans Picayune. * Resented an Act of Politeness* If she had been a plain-looking, mid dle-aged woman I don’t think she would have resented it, but as she was an uncommonly handsome girl of twenty or thereabouts, and wore a stunning tailor-made suit of dark green, with a white vest, and a bunch of white cock plumes in her hat, she mistook an act of politeness for imper tinence aud “trun him down,” aaChim mie Fadden would say, with great vio lence. She was going from the ferry to the railway station, and carrying a dress suit case iu one hand aud a natty um brella in the other. He looked like a gentleman, and I am sure he was one, if physiognomy is any key to charac ter, but Miss Disdain evidently mis took him for a “masher,” aud when, as the boat reached the landing, he stepped up and asked permission to carry her dress-suit oase, she gave him a look that was loaded with dynamite, and said: “It is not at all necessary, sir.” His cheeks colored crimson. He stepped back as if he had been stung, and lifting his hat again, begged her pardon and tried to hide himself in the throng. I thought she might. have thanked him, and her neglect to do so showed that she was not a well-bred girl. Fifty years ago—yes, ten years ago, a woman would have expected such an attention, and a dozen men would have offered to carry her lug gage between the railway train and the boat, but nowadays a gentleman dare not offer to do an act of politeness without being slapped in the faee. I said something to that effect to Mrs. Worldwise, who also had witnessed the incident, when she flared up, as women will when their sex is criticised, and said: “Girls are compelled to protect themselves from unwelcome attention. ” . j“But if she had been a plain girl she would have accepted his offer,” I sug gested. “If she had been a plain girl there would have beeii ao offer to accept,” replied the fountain of wisdom.—Will* iam E. Curtis, in Chicago Record, The* Millinery World. Crinoline is much used for shaping lints, and'it can be twisted, tucked, doubled and waved to suit any style of face. For large faces, hats should have much ribbon and florid decora tion, and if the ribbon be fancy and gauzy it should be put on in big bunches. In fact, a profusion of trim ming, especially flowers, is to be ob served in nearly all the season’s mil linery. The fashionable bats and bonnets, particularly those from Paris, have somewhat harsh color combinations, which only [a Parisian milliner can make effective. A hat of black straw may be ornamented with dark red and orange yellow, or with “fresh-leaf" green, violet and black. Canvas sailors are’now as much worn as straw ones; but they should be trimmed with ample bows of ribbon, and some fine flowers to cover the crown of the head when tho hair is worn low. Many charming toques have a foundation of pleated net, gauze, chif fon or silk muslin, trimmed with medium-sized flowers and feathers, often of two or three colors,'or bird-of paradise plumes. Toques are always becoming to young people, but for summer wear they are ruinous to the complexion. Wide, floppy hats give a rural air which can be affected at no other season. Leghorns are very enchanting on youthful heads; but tho very coarse straws now in vogue are a godsend to the middle-aged woman, because their ruggedness coincides agreeably with even a wrinkle or two. Bonnets are much appreciated for dressy wear. The latest caprice goes up to a point in the middle. Theater bonnets are made of gold plait, or spangled and embroidered lace, and are trimmed with quanties of violets. The hair is much waved beneath them. The bonnet itselfgoes flat on the hair in front, and a bird-of-paradise aigrette, held by a jeweled buckle, stands up from the side, or from the centre Of the crown. Wonderful Helen Keller. The marvel of the modern world, Helen Keller, the blind girl of Ala bama, whose wonderful progress in her studies for admission to Badcliffe College have attracted the the atten tion and aroused the admiration of the wise meu of the world, has just cele brated her seventeenth birthday by beginning her preliminary examina tion. She was seventeen years old last Sunday, and she stood her first examination Friday. Miss Keller has been studying in a preparatory school at Cambridge since last fall. Her instruction in Latin, German, French, history and geogra phy has not been specially difficult since the great improvement in books for the blind. Her text books look like the big office books in use in counting rooms. The raised letters she can road as rapidly as if she could see, and the Brayl system, where a cipher consisting of dots and dashes takes the place of letters can be read even more rapidly, because the matter is more condensed. Bonk* that have never been trans lated for the blind, Miss Keller still reads —not by sight as do the deaf mutes, nor by listening to others, as do the blind who can hear. She sim ply places her hand over the fingers of one who is reading by using the sign language for the deaf, and catches every word. In this way she has covered the whole range of her pre paratory studies. For her arithmetic a special slate was invented, and she has become an accurate and ready worker in mathematics. Miss Keller has been provided with a planetarium, upon'which she can feel the positions of the heavenly bodies, and has gained a clear idea oi their relations to each other. The whole world will watch the progress of this wonderful girl’s ex amination for entrance to Kadeliffe College, on which the hope of her life is staked. In studying these examin ations the papers are read to her and she writes the answers on a type writer. Her intelligence is preter naturally keen, her enthusiasm in domitable and her ambition boundless. Many thousands who do not know her will pray that she may succeed.—At lanta Journal. Shown on I>ry Goods Counter*. Lace insertings in leaf designs. Cotton Japanese rugs for summer use. Chiffon veils for general and flatter ing weai - . White organdie flocks lined with white lawn. Shirt waists of black foulard or lawn for mourning. Black China crepe for mourning evening toilettes. Alpine hats of various styles and values ready trimmed. White ribbon belts and collars for colored pique blouse costumes. Turnover collars and cuffs of fancy designs of linen, batiste, etc. Green muslin gowns trimmed with black lace inserting aud velvet ribbon. Colored linen Eton suits trimmed with heavy lace and contrasting bind ing. Cotton canvas gowns lined with a color and trimmed with black velvet ribbon. White duck gowns trimmed with ac cessories of colored duck braided in white. Girls’ empire and reefer jackets and long coats of colored pique, with hats or bonnets to match. The Egyptian census returns, just published, show a population of 9,700,- 000, an intense of 2,9Q0,0QQ since 1882. COOD ROADS NOTES, Synonymous Term*. We clip from Dun’s Review the fol lowing: "St. Louis —Business has improved in all lines this week two to fifteen per cent. Groceries are in the back ground, but promise improvement soon with better roads. ’’ Memphis—Since the waters receded and country roads have improved, trade and collections have been better.” Moral—Good roads and good busi ness are synonymous terms.—L. A. W. Bulletin. A Farmer’s Views. The farmers’ real taxes are not those which he pays into the town treasury, but the most burdensome tax is the unnecessary expense which he musl meet wherever he does his work at 8 disadvantage. If be insists on cut ting grass with a scythe where a mow ing machine could be used, he is taxing himself by as much as the in creased labor, but it doesn’t seem like taxes because it isn’t called by that name. If he goes twice to town instead oi once with a given load, his tax is very materially increased, but in spite- tlf this, he too often objects to paying out the dollar that might bring him two in another way. In view of these facts, it is refreshing to receive a letter from a farmer, who says that he be lieves in the extensive building of permanent highways for the reason that such means of communication would decrease the farmers’ taxes rather than increase them.—L. A. W. Bulletin. Good Ilonils and Broad Tires.) The movement in favor of good roads which has at last really begun to agi tate rural communities all over the country involves many contributory issues of considerable importance. For instance, associations which have un dertaken the task of improving the country roads are generally advising farmers to make use of broad tires upon their wagon-wheels, instead of the narrow tires which cut and rut a soft road so deeply. It is not easy to induce the farmers to follow this advice, because it im plies and requires at the outset the re pairing of the road. Broad-tired wagons could make little or no progress over some of the muddy and rough roads which are too often found not far from the busiest and most thriving cities. Narrow wheels cut their way through more easily, but only at the cost of exhausting the horses which draw the wagon, and of still further injuring the road as a thoroughfare. If the highway could but be im proved sufficiently to' bear the heavy tires, the wheels would act like a minia ture road-roller, and assist in keeping the road in good condition instead of tearing it to pieces. As an immediate result, access to markets would be made much more easy, draught animals would gain in efficiency aud length of service, and it would be possible to transport larger loads with greater ease and conveni ence than is the case at present. The farmers and the rural commu nities which they control hesitate to take the first step because of the im mediate expense involved. It ought not to be hard to convince so intelli gent a portion of the community that real economy, both of labor and money, would be gained by improved road beds and the use of broader tires.— The Youth’s Companion. la., is making some extensive road improvements. A Road Improvement Association has been organized at Lima, O. The Legislature of Massachusetts has appropriated SBOO,OOO to be used in road building in various parts of the State. Good roads throughout this Common wealth are absolutely necessary. lam for the Good Roads bill and all that it means, and will be.until it becomes a law'. —Representative Ebenezer Adams, of Pennsylvania. Bad roads caused the death of E. E. Brown, at Deposit, N. Y., recently. Mr. Brown w r as drivin g a heavy wagon through the streets of that tow'n when the wagon caught in a rut throwing him to the ground, and the wheel passed over his head, injuring him so severely tltet he died in a few hours. Convict labor in road building is be ing employed in Duval County, Flor ida, and in North Carolina. In the latter case twenty-one and a half cents per day per head is said to cover the cost of food, clothes, medical atten dance and guards, compared with twenty-eight cents per day for main taining the same prisoners in jail. A Cat That Goes Cycling. Chicago boasts of a feline cyclist. He is Dixie Norton,'of 4011 Drexel Bonlevard, and as his mistress, Mrs. Leland Norton, spins down the boule vard he stands erect in a fanciful In dian basket that hangs from the handle bar, and watches the sights with all the eagerness, of a happy childi at a carnival. “How did Dixie learn to ride? Why,’* said Mrs. Norton, “he was al ways crazy to go out, and one-evening last summer I picked up his basket and held him at arm’s length while I rode around the block. After that he used to perch on my shoulder, but as his avoirdupois increased, I was obliged to swhsg him from the handle bar.” The query, “Dixie, darling, do you want to go to ride?” is sufficient to send Dixie bounding with delighted squeals headforemost into his basket, where he 'wriggles and twists until “heads are up,” when he sets tip a piteous howl. When taken from the wheel his vocalization is something terrific, and he frantically clutches and claws everything iu reach. Mrs. Norton believes he is eqinv iff a hun dred mile' run, and some day a gold century bar may rest off. the snow white breast of Dixie Norton. —New York Commercial Advertiser. A Rabbit Clnb. , The people of Wolif “Valley, Texas, ! have organized a rabbit club. The ; club pays one cent for each cottontail scalp, and two and one-half cents for each jack rabbit The organization of this club is a necessity. Babbits have ruined all fruit trees this winter which were not protected by oak bushes. If something is not to destroy these pests thf t’ra§rs will suffer great loss. A Well-Matched Royal Couple. A correspondent says the news of the betrothal of Prince Charles of Sweden to Princess Ingeborg of Den mark is scarcely calculated to excite much interest, for the bride is neither pretty nor clever, having inherited the gigantic stature, the huge bones, cavernous mouth, liorße laugh and peculiar carriage of her ungainly and extraordinary mother, the crown princess of Denmark. On the other hand, Prince Charles of Sweden is far and away the least agreeable, least clever and assuredly the most homely of all the sons of Oscar, King of Sweden and Norway. Indeed, there is not one redeeming point about Prince Charles, and it is difficult to find, either in his own country or abroad, any one willing to say a good word in his behalf. Moreover, he is stone deaf. Perhaps it id just on that account that he has asked Princess Ingeborg to become his wife. For even her whispers are of the most stentorian character, and her voice is, as far as volume and size are con cerned, in keeping with her stature— that is to say, very big. How Potatoes May be Spoiled, Tti -A- bulletin issued by Professor Snyder, of tire Agri cultural College, he makes a poinlk'd interest to the housewife. He shows that where potatoes are peeled aud started boiling in cold w ater there is a loss of 80 per cent, of the total albu men, and where they are not peeled aud are started in hot water this loss is reduced to two per cent. A bushel of potatoes, weighing CO pounds, con tains about two pounds of total nitro genous compounds. When improperly cookJl one-half of a pound is lost, containing six-tenths of a pound of the most valuable proteids. It re quires all of the protein from nearly two pounds of round beefsteak to re place the loss of protein from improp erly boiling a bushel of potatoes. Germany has caught the summer school epidemic, the University of Marburg announcing one for French and German this summer. Professor Wilhelm Victor, the phonologist, will lecture on German pronunciation. Comfort Cotitfi 50 Cents. Irritating, aggravating, agonizing Tetter. Ec zema, Ringworm and all other itching skin dis eases are quickly cured by the use of Tetterine. It is soothing, cooling, healing. Costs 50 cents a box. post paid—brings comfort at once. Address J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah, Ga. The road to fame is full of quicksands, ra vines and mountains. How’s This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ea-c of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Cafcurh Cure. m , _ . F. .T. Cheney At Cos., Props., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Che ney lor the la-t 15 years, and believe him per fectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obliga tion made by their Arm. m , , West & Thuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Waldino, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is. taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Pi ice, 75c. per bottle. Soul by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething, softens tho gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. s!sc. a bottle. Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottle and treatise free. Dr R. 11. Kune, Ltd.. 931 Arch St.. Phlla., Pa. NATURES MODERATION. Tit human comtlttltlon Is very much like afire, and the ay many people try to tale care ol their health may be compared to tbt way a careless kitchen girl looks alter the cooking-stove. One minute it is raging red-hot, and then suddenly, first thin* you know, the tiro is out. People are sometimes led to believe that a medicine which has a sudden, tremendous effect must be truly won derful They forget that it maybe merely a tremendous“ draught " which imparts a temporary false effect of brightness and “ fire '' to the system, but suddenly drops it lower than before. There is no sudden overwhelming effect about Ripens TabuJes. home people think the prescribed dose is too slow, and douhle it to get a quicker effect. But nance hereeff is slow, moderate and' tegular in accomplishing her besl work- The Tabules relieve acute headaches, indigestion and nervous depression almost instantly. .But their effect on the bowels is more gradual; yet It ta sure and thorough. Ripant Tabules act In accordance with nature, and their results Idee nature’s are complete and permanent. ± new style packet containing rut nr juts Taurus in a paper carton (with oil CTasslla now for sue at soma druK stores for nr* cwro. This low-prlcod Is trended for thw poor yd rccnooile*J. On dosea of the flre-ceut carton* 090 tabules) can bo had by mail by sending foity eifffct cents totfao Rvaxs ihbmjcal CoMPAXY, No. 10 Sprue* Street, New York-or a single carton (TIN tabules) will be sent for Are cents. All np-to-date Ginners use them because the Grow ers give their patronage to such gins. Huller is PRACTICAL, RELIABLE and GUARANTEED. For full information Address 80ULE STEAM FEED WORKS, Meridian ,Mis ®t|| [Weak Jt 5*2 Fully restored in : * fwji >3 la short time. One **e /]] (l LW *s box tablets $l-;*^ ~? . Three boxes 2 1 rj7 w- \ 1 T S9TO. By mall. .2 M T|V S 5 Write for partie- n I If ■s = V ulurs to ;|iJ Jtf --S HAGGARD'S -3, i fc - sVkl iucco.-* m Atlanta, Ga. 1 rnn/aoi ctc cotton, saw, grist, liUKTIrLL I L Oil and Fertilizer MILL OUTFITS' Also Gin, Press, Cane Mill and Shingle Outfits. s?** Cast every day; work ISO hands . LOMBARD IRON WORKS AND SUPPLY COMPANY, AIIUVSTA, GEORGIA. SflmthedZ aMae Augusta, Ga. Actual business. No text books- Short time. Cheap board- Send for catalogue. Cures all Nervous troubles and Lost Vi tality. Makes old rnen strong aud vigorous, builds up weak run down manhood in iKith old and young. Write tor particulars and how to get FREES 1 treatment. MELZA'S VIGOR BEANS MELZA REMEDY CO.,Atlanta,Ga. NOTICE. ~ ifT 1 i IXPECRNGTO OECOWEMOTBeRS> BjMaiiramfSTKSiod Pußir> E iJ To NE 5 4 f'LAR2EI?OV£RCO'NG ;£ A | “r^!WHICHMKKUfEA | SHBIHKHro WODIESS^Ij(*!%,- MOTHERS. trxiTrn caitst ?abi.stb Aias javt vn ;e xxrxrrxx xxt renu. 1 kj- 6fR ofOMLToV |o|jlkDAnDllofflE!U > fßtt fROM ARCOTICsI ii. O. LIABILITY TO sJUaVtGETABLE,S- j 1 j I 'WVIIL3IOhS,FLOODIt' I PRODUCES ’ p.rASWTT I * A AfTER RESULT?] ■ (WICIUTINA[DIATUr^?TS?^^, 3 ...i i ! CORRECTS SHOULD THE YAPPEAR) - ~<qi utp, PROPRIETORS. ST. LOUIS-i mmmmsEissm $75.00 For $37.50 To be obtained at WHITE’S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 15 K. fain St., ATLANTA. OA. Complete Business and Shorthand Course Com bined, $7.50 Per Month. Average time required five months. Average cost $37.50. This course Would cost $75.00 at any other reputable sehoor. Business practice from the start. Trained Teachers. Course of study unexcelled. No va cation. Address F. 15. WHITE, Principal. •Cotton Press Full and Half Circle HAY PRESS. HLNIt Y COrKLANI), Chnttßiiooea. Trim i MONEY GIVEN AWAY awl IS NOT APPRECIATED. I 8UT....'. When you can earn it easy and rapidly it is a good thing. For HOW TO 1)0 IT. address THE 11. <*. 1.1 MiF.KMAN CO., 104 Could Building:, Atlanta, Ga. FRICK COMPANY ECLIPSE ENGINES Boilers, Saw Mills, Cr.tton Gins, Cotton Presses, Grain Separators. Chisel Tooth and Solid Saws, Saw Toeth, In spirators, Injectors. Engine Repairs and a full line of Brass Goods. &r Send for Catalogue and Prices. Avery & McMillan * SOUTHERN MANAGERS. Nos. 51 & 53 S. Forsyth St., ATLANTA, GA. WE MAKE LOANS on LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES. If you have a policy in the New York Life, Equitable Life or Mutual Life and would like to secure a Loan, write tls giving number of your ioliey. and wo will be pleased to quoto rates. Address The English-American Loan ami TrnstCo,. No. 12 Equitable Building, Atlanta, Ga. U Beat Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use ra in time. Sold by druggists. J