Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, August 12, 1897, Image 8

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COUNTY 01 RECTORY, j — - Superior Comt -Jiitfge L. Ihilcliinft, 1...\v enceVillr; dolicltorTieneral C H brand, Law enceville: convenes 3rd Monday in March ainl September. COT NTY OFFICERS. Ordinary T- F. Hill, Homer; Court mm-is tirst Monday in eaeli tiimitlt. Sheriff-. 1. S. Parks, Homer; 1). H. Griflin | Deputy. Clerk Lojjan Perkins, Homer. Tax Heceiver—J. C. Allen, Vorah; Tax Col'eetor -L.J. Uagada’.o, Carnot; Treasurer —W. M. Ash, Holder* Surveyor—U. C Alexander, liomer. Coroner Stovall Poole. Prnit. C<>!'-STY SCMIOOI.COMMISSIONERS. 11. \V. Wooding, Maysville. V. I). I*ockhart, President. Hoard ofEdiua'ion-A.L. Thompson, Ore h-. Ducket, NV. T Aiulcrsoii, M. b.Carter. .11 STK’E COURTS. An lerann District 405-W. C. J. Garris hi J. V L. McCiillard Constible. Thursday before see ou-1 Maturd*y i c.u U month. Berlin Distric 1210-. L S. Conley .T. I\, !>• * Scale aN. P., F. M* Sanders ron^lible. busliville District2oß I- K. Parham J. P• W A. Watson N. P., D. N. McOalliard Constible. Court 4lb Saturday in each month. Columbia District 371- A. J. Cash J. P., S. H , Wilkinson N. P., F. B. Blalock constible. Cour j second Saturday in each m-. Hi. Davids Disr-nci 207—J. C. AVade .1. P-- M J , Burgess N. I\, .T. C. Ingram Constible. Grove River l>istrict C. W-.*Menders.l. I ■ J. Y Xri’.. 11. M Smith Constable. Cour | Urlni Friday in each mouth. (Sol on Hill District 448- W P. Blackburn J. P ; ,J W. Peyton N.P., Julc Owens Constable. Homsr District 2<s—W. H. Turk J. I’m H. .1 , Blackwell N. I*., R. D. Stephens Constable. Cour Second Wednesday of each month. Poplar Springs District 912—E. A. Gillcsp .1.1’., A. .1. Griflin N. P., J. S. Meeks Ccnfitable Court second Friday in each month. Washington I) strict 284 - Sain Kcesler J. I Id. J. Ragsdale N. I*., John Cochran Constable Court third Saturday in each month. Wilmots District 1200— M. W. Gillespie J P G. \\ Wiley N. P. W. B. Shannon, Constable. Court third Friday in each month. LODGE DIRECTORY. Phidelta No. 148 F. A. M. Meets first Friday night of each monthat Homer A. L. Thompson W M., M. C. Sanders Secretary. Legal Advertisements. (iICOTMtIA* Banks Countt.— Will be J M.ld cn the first Tuesday in August next at the court house door in said county within the legal liotirs of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following properly to-wit! One ninth undevided interest in four hundred acres of land more or less, and known ns the Joshua t liven home place, adjoining lands of J. K. Thompson, J. A. Iticliey, A.J. San ders and others. Said land is well im proved and in a high state of cultivation said land levied upon as the property] of J. O. Owen to satisfy an execution is sued from tin Justice court of the 208th dist. G. M. of said county in favor J. 0 Stephens against J. O. Owen, bevy made and returned to me by 11. D Stephens L. C. Notice given to tenant h possession as required by law. Tin., June 30th 1897. J. S. PARKS, Sheriff. Notice. The road Commissioners of Bank; County are requested to meet at the Court house in Homer on the 19th Aug ust next, for the purpose of classify!:!.! the public roads of the county. August 7th, T. F. Hill. Ord’y, GEORGIA ; Hanks County. To ail whom it may concern; —Ail persons interested are hereby notified that if no good cause be shown to the contrary, an order will be granted by the undersigned on the first Monday ! in September next, establishing a ' change in the public road known as ' the Homer and Longview road near the bridge across the Hudson river as marked out by Ihe road Commission-; ers appointed for that purpose. Comm ncitig near the South end of the bridge across the Hudson river, thence to the left around the hill South of the bridge; instead of running straight up the hill, through the kind;-; ol A. M. G. Aciey and George \Y. Dooley. August 4th 1897. TANARUS, F. llill. Ord’y. GH< MftSIA;, Banks Count y. Will Isold before the Court house dor j in said county on the first Tuesday in August next, within the legal hours of j sale the folloing property’ to wit - All tbit tract, of (and in said county known as the William Hix place bounded on lie Not th by lands of Estate of I*. M. Ragsdale deceased, and J. E. Strut ye on the East by lands of J - K. Strange on xlie South by lands of W. J. Cro v on the West by Estate of F. sdale deceased and containing Two hundred and seventy six Acres, ni *re or less. Levied on as the property of W. I). Hix to satisfy a fi fa i-- :i from the S iperior Court of Halier sham County in favor of M. C A .1. t. Kiser & Cos against said W. I> Hix. J. S. PARKS. This July Bth 1897. Sheri GEORGIA. Banks County.—This s to notify all persons that 1 will not bs responsible for anv debts e n tracted by my wife Elizabeth A. Dutinatran. July 6th, 1897. J. D. Dunnagan. GEORGIA: Banks County.— To all whom it may concern: A. T Edwards guardian for R. A. E Urm-L now R. A. Stredman, and John E Edwards applies to me for letters of amission from said guardianship, and I will pass upon his application on the first Monday in October next at ,nv office in Homer said county Given under my hand and official sig nature. Tins J illy the slh 180 7. T. F. HILL, Ord v We will send you both the weekly Constitution -and the Banks t omity journal for H-25 a year cash- J A Cover of Nature. Hamilton Wright' 'fabie famishes in Tlia Century u charming sketch of John Burroughs, the lover of nature. It is I pleasant to know Unit v..■ I -ive ii \,ner-1 ica one mini s.ill who hr.. • n l.i.n ami studies her creations rather than the j doings of p lice own;.., fr.c forks atih fashion. Wc have not had eu’ch a mail since Th ir : u'c tic .:, ami j John Burroughs is uir.r.t human a/cl friendly than Tborean John Btn rougH is not si shy ami Solitary When he vis its cities, Ri.rl and boys crowd about liiui find hang i achunted on his utter uiiccs. They never did that with Tho roan. Mabiu says of Burroughs, “Hoj has no greet love of cities, but he docs j not lose, his poisy and f,.il to cuiviug when ho thinks of 1./udon or Boston or New /m li " Burroughs' youth prepared him, a'l j unknowing, for the life of the natural ; ist Ho says of himself: Asa lan., I. , I laid known all tile ('oninw:l j j birds welt c l I el leve l lliewneC.s | c1. .11 1 atety, Lilt lay niomllijn was net aerleusivl turned to nttturttl history till 1 v ;.s a tnau I j grown. hut no one situ is 111 the study of n.i. J i unit liisloty Willi Slid! adv:uit:i, es :e he wilosu , i youlh was pa ed on tile I'cc .11. He 1... /dread;. I I ,-ot a areal d.vl of 1! ill his liloiwl an t he 1 1 11l -IC. a1: l/i rc.'it rehiimu.sasjlaa^:-.- and ■' till' ■en.l-r'oiers ee.-y end an: i/al tttTri. The main dings mi 1 11 i,,veei nature aie.l sir rlo :u,d who Is so Utuly to hete these ns tile lioy trom Ihe ‘arm? lie is the kind of until who can go into tho wcutis -and ait av i end happy for hoars, watchii:;; the wild creatures, the dancing leave/ and the swaying shadow* Ho tires this, too, 1 not as an aiuiu ..list t run:. > a ski ictou, i mi lily to tind oat v. hat it is and done j with it, but simply from love of nature and her wild childieu. So he sits and waits and watches, taking in each part and fixing ils relations to the whole with a loving rye illuminated by wis dom. “To see the life of the woods go on a boot you,” he says, “it is onlyncc- I essury to keep still.” A great lesson this —to keep still. Here is no ruthless j savage who plunges into the haunts of J birds and woods ereaitires with dog and : gun. lie enters their country only to j make friends with them. Tee wild | creatures know *this instinctively an ! ; do tiot flee from him. It is much that America has such a naturalist and such a man. Ono Jcbn Burroughs, wii'i his wholesome, manly, gent!;: spirit breathing and shining through his literary work, is worth all the multimillionaires who push and hustle and strive to lick the boots cf corrupt European nobility. To long as this country can produce still a John Burroughs there is hope for us. Once in awhile it conics borne to r.a Americans how fortunate \vc are to live in this republic, as, for instance, when we read that there is even in France a law against “insulting foreign sov ereigns.’’ We in the United States may make faces at any potentate under the sun, even err cvtii president, if wo en joy that sort of thing, and nobody cares. But if wo did the same in France wo should lay ourselves liable to a maxi mum line of O'; and imprisonment fer a term of three mouths to a year. IS was a rrv.rkubls case under this law when, rc itiily, the editor:'of a “young Turk” paper in Paris, the Meehvcret, were baled before the court for saying hard tilings of Abdul Humid, sultan of Turkey. The scene in the court was a strange cue. The sympathy of all pres ent, tlii! judge himself, was with the daring, liberty loving young Turks, . Ahmed Rizza and Ganem, though the 1 law required that au example should he j made of them. The trial drew to the courtroom some of the most eloquent and famous men in France, all there to speak for the prisoners. Henri Roche fort sent a letter declaring the sultan’s secretary had informed him (Rochefort) that Emperor William of Germany had received a bribe'of £2-10,000 from Abdul ] Hamid. The offenders were fined $3, | with the privilege of being excused from paying that. The young Turks ■ were applauded as they left the eourt i loom. Seven Months With Fever. Wonderful Recovery of Mr. Baird’s rapid and marvelous recovery from a mere .skeleton to i; is normal weight, 270 pounds, was surely the fullest of the grandest 6trength-giviug and building-up medicine ever produced, namely: Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine. f/A ffl V%t\ .L Vj A it ! stm, v&Mii i■' C J. 11. Baird. "Gentlemen—l wish to express to you my gratitude for the great good that Dr. 1-1 : Uh' Nervine lias done for me, I v;is taken sick with typhoid fever and 1 laid j in bed for seven month?.. After > over ! lip fever I. w:i/; ‘ Mh, nervous and tired, ! ; and did not re tain my lo*t strength. Iti ted i several }>ropN •'•"ry nn.-diciucs, and finady, 1 alter havins; L on reduced it* weight to 1-iO 1 : pound-;, j be:.: -:\ i.rying ytair iWrwtsie>, ami at I • began to npi*ove. Was finally entirely \ cured, and today l ean say iTovitr felt bet i tor in-aii my life, and weigh 270 pounds. '• Ids i.-, my normal weight, as J. measure <) leetsi inches in height.’' South’ Ind. J. IT. BAIKT). . Dr. Mi If;?* Nervine is j-nW on a jwsitive ■ gur...-an!e<* -hut ihe ilrsv not? id \c.l benent. , • - • ;5, or j it will be sent, paid, on receipt of prico ; i j the :. .. alii*. a Medical Cos. Elk.aaft, latu ; Dr. Miles’ Nervine R4 S£u& Please note the Constitution advertisement on page S, can’t you supply the missing word? Subscribe for both papers, at 51.25 per year, send the money and orde” to The JOURNAL, HOMER. Ga. EXIT OF THE SEALS. Tlic Scat, I.flio the r.ufl':te, I. Doomed to life mi i cut i-.m. The present Mir and excitement con cerning the piesemitiou of tho seal species at I tl-< opposing tln - ;y of an nihilalion as a tat ■ iof suppi, -sing the crueliit / ft the sial fur traffic ai dpi • lt'.ojc f;. 'lies remind n, ef T.o old I ns::v:i* id' ut hr. dj; l!ie tt-ihlc door after the hii. e is slolen. SI Lioua of | avals have, l.i en 1.i:,0il fpr the use of their skin:; in Korop,’ and in this couu try, the inert asu being duo to tho popu larity 1 f a'-hi.c 1s an article cf wear -1 iag a> ; iircl, la t now, like tho buffalo, tho seal is doomed, not from any law ef extermination to save it from suffer ing, but simply from the reason that sealskin is no longer esteemed as price less aijd desirable au aiticlo of th wardrobe us it was a few years ago. Beginning in 11170, when the country vas feeding the first settled confidence in prosperity after tho war, the demand for the walskia coat was at first made with fear and trenitdiiiy, its price Kim, us largo as ils dimu.sinus were small. From a small beginning it grew rapidly to an extreme, so that tho fashionable j woman was clothed in it from head to j foot, and tbc.stinttiicr insurance cf those seal became an important branch c ! nsii.t A picturesque background supports tho seal iu Unit far n giou where it dis port: in Amerie:!': • British-Kassinu wa ters and is ail cJ j.-.-t ef soli ' tudn to thico nutinvH. A glanco at statistics shows in i ,") MO,COO seals were taken from tho i ■ 'ids of kit. George and til, Paul. Iu IBIIT it was estimat ed that $75,000 w,< til of seal 1 it wa • furnished per annum. As early a.s 1780 Russia sent ont fur sealers, who em ployed the miserable uutivo Alaskans to do tbo killing, plug those people iu the most absolute poverty and ig ncranco that could be imagined, butuu di . the American regime and the care of the Alaska - Commercial company they have become prosperous and civilized. The. Aleutian Indians have 5, CJO seals reserved every year for food. President Jordan of Inland Stanford university was appointed iu tbo last year of Cleveland’s administration to exam ine into tho condition of the seals. Ink ing into consideration their decline and threatened ext'-rmiiuiticu. Ho sug gested the novel plan of branding tlia j mother souls so 1 bat the pelt would be ; practically valueless to the conscionoe : less liunti :.'!, and tho seals thus marked j would escaj ! the general massacre. A number wero treated in this way, but tlic handling aud capturo of tho mother seal i.- believed to be a detriment to llie perfect success if tho plan. Under Pres id: ut Jordan V supervision 350 seals were blinded on the back. In or .i r to obtain tho 5,000 seal cubs for a food store for the Indians it was found necessary to handle 10,000 of tho pups, and this suggested tho idea cf | sequestrating the bachelor seals where ; they would be protected from pelagic fishing and buntii.;:. President McKin ley having appointed es-Sccretary Fes ter and Charles Hamlin to look after j tho interests of t’-s seals, it is hoped that tiny will find it possible to herd j 00,000 bachelor sea!.-! on St. Paul’s is land, while by system and force of [ numbers in handling them they can ba : counted and protected as easily as a 1 herd cf sheep. Water ponds will bo pro tected by a fence to keep out aquatic destroyers and birds of prey. It is be, laved that they can bo safely held in that mnnui r ft r a s -a.-un. Ti lab, about which so much is ’ said iti r: ports on the cruelty if club | biug tic, tv:;] to lo ath, is a prodtict of Ki I. utdou, (’•••:•!>., where-it is miuin factored for that special purpose from a hard wood, seasoned ar.d prepared with great cure. A bill of extermination was prepared ; two years ago by which the secretary of the treasury was warranted to take aud kill each and every seal, male and female, that could ho found on the Prihilof islands, hut tho bill never passed. Pelagia scaling—killing tho seals in \ open sea with firearms or with a spear ] —is considered wholesale slaughter, as • in ibis indiscriminate killing many ] thousands of the animals are needlessly | sacrificed before tho proper ago of 3 j years. Bachelor seals are legally killed ] at this age, being enticed from their , haunts and clubbed to death according to law. if, however, tho billing is done ; with dispatch, it. is as meritorious ns ! any other method of death dealing j among animals. That the queens of American society would wear seal as a lining for sable no one need doubt, except that it would be a feat beyond the endurance of the most robust. The governor of Michigan is tli owner of such a coat., hut ho keeps it iu a chest, insured for several thousand doii.irs against fire and thieves. .Sealskin has tho merit of be ing mothproof, but whether from the quality of the dye or some native pecul iarity is not known. Perhaps one of the surest signs of the decline of the seal is tho fat t that on tho recent occa sion of several large robberies the seal garments were left unmolested. —Ml. L. Ruyuo in Chicago Times Herald. A Million For llic Lawyers. Lawyer D. M. Delians, San Francisco, Is slowly flinging out, during the prog ress of the Fair will ease, the amount each law firm interested will receive iu fees. The several attorneys are called to Ihe witness stand and questioned by Delmas, who is counsel for Mrs. Graven. It has been shown that lawyers acting for ti e lido Senator Fail’s daughters, Mrs. Theresa A. Oelrichs and Virginia Fair, are to draw nearly a!,000,(100. Lloyd & Weed ran lo receive 5 per cent of all the daughters get. Garli r, Boalt & Bishop have a similar contract, anil Wil.-cu & Wilson aio to be paid 2 per cent. E timaiing ihe share of the two wo men at $8,(100,000, these three firms will receive nearly 81,000,000, aud there are ethos lo he heard from.— New York World. Dent forget to send in y our Suhtwiption for the BANKS COUNTY JOURNAL. At the remarkably low price 50 cent’ i’i r annum,if paid for in advance , The peopie of Central America seem to be as volcanic as their own soil and are always in eruption over something. Even the Creator Republic of Central America, composed of Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Salvador, cannot keep quiet. It is now in eruption because it thinks it does not approve of Captain W. L. Merry, whom President McKinley bys appointed minister to tbeCreater Repub lic. ournal FOR —-— t 7 7 y i WILL BE A SellSi clislS —and.— 9 &Ems FOR IT AND SPECIAL NOTICE. The \Y> kly Cum titution, published at Atlanta, (hn. ha..a announced its 4th word conti £. This is a mld n, ,ml sem thing to in . *y< a during th( h j se£l ’ s 'f’ . . I hi ..- Jua 1 ■ind c! e ol S ;•! mb ■;•- covi ring a period oi ninety It pi bli lic-s tl e full p rti plan I ~nh.. .cling of tba hi-ok (the sum "ice a, ’j■ ■. taken from the wi rks cif ft stan j da.i'll author) and iJitfh;;: tho bind, with I (VI \V. A. Hemphill.the Business Mau- rof the Com tituth n Publishing | C-. mpaiiy, who keeps it in Ins safet, viiuii and will deliver it sealed, to the c,i;nii:;il e-'e dei'iii ing the cimi nts on , . pt tubes Ist. Ton p a C. nt of the money reeeivtu roui sul ril ei ! who ent ;r the miss ing word contest dm mg the months if June,-Inly and August will bo panl to tlii k |h*"sun or peiri'iis, naming con'i’ciij llie missing wort! in tlic .followinc s n thnee ‘WE 11 AYE NOT 1 ’ ENOUGH AND ARE PUT TO VERY AWK AVAR I) SIIIF3 FO R \VA NT O F SOM E.” There ir. not mre.-ii doubt iu the mind •J' the Editor of this paper as to the \v- :ii expressing tiiat of which lie has not b -enable n>: euro enough, and he loalizi it'ae wry awkward shifts he in pi ltofcrw mt ol m -but the point is to find the very word the author of t! - . ; tone i; -ei! in writing it. l>; . poeial arrangemonts of the Weekly Ci :n titution* tha 1 great paper and ours (The BANKS COUNTY JOURNAL) can be obtained for one year at a most is. price Tone papier; Not only that; iut is Ip: our arrangement with The] taker advantage ut this clubbing propoi r-Jtien, subsci'ibiny; for bath fiie AYeekly Constitution, and, The t:k.- (’uunty Journal ais 1,25 will ‘•e ci.l illi'd to a guess at the missing All clubbing subsscriptions and be aper with eacli . üb'sci'iber’s guc; i, the missin g trd plainly written. The guess, the name •nd.idi!re-.u feach subscribe will he forwarded by us in The Consti tution. The ( Yu. til: dint - first •'missing word f'ontesi” closed on tiie Ist of January, ■ 'id but <ne person Mr. M. Brittain a hard-working school teacncr, guessed the missing wonl, receiving therefor a check fin* if 1.033,50. Its second contest clos' and on llie Ist of M.-uv!i, its third contest closed on May Ist. and the Weekly Constitution of Monday, September 6th will contain the .muoiieement cf the awards in which the rush i. to b ilistributod among the sne ce.-sful guessersin this new' contest. The readers of our paper who subscribe ointly to it and Tne Weekly Constitu tion have Gee access into the fourth coolest just opened; and it may be Hire omr of then will get the money to t > distributep on the Dt of September. The only conditinu of the contest is that every guesser must be a subscriber and taking advantage of The Constitu tion’s offer we presi : this opportunity to all who wish to subscribe to both papers. Every person should have bis county paper ar.d one genera newspaper; and The Weekly Cor.stitu tion. with a i rcu 1 alion of loti,ooo, occupies the unique distinction of be ing the greatest A mercan AA t ekly news paper. sffsss An Allied Count Gets Married. “Count” Julian Rado, formerly of Hungary, the other day married Miss Carrie Ewald, until recently a member of the Frohman company playing in the “Masqueraders. ” Mrs Ewald is the daughter of a wealthy Jersey City ft: tioner. She lived with her parents at 338 York street, iu that city. The engagement was an nounced in January last, but was broken off after investigation had been made into tho “count’s” past history. Ho has had previous matrimonial ventures in this city aud while posing as a representative of the Hungarian gov; rmuent was arrested on a charge of sw inding, made by the proprietress of a cigarette factory in Broadway,-whole ho was employed as a salesman. A young man of his name aud description has a bad police record in Budapest, whence he came. The marriage was performed by the well known “Pastor Schneider” at his home, 325 Second avenue, New York city, at 10 o’clock at night. The wit nesses were Henry Weber and Alexander Szaraz. The latter’s picture, it is said, adorns the rogues’ gullery in Budapest, ns does that of Julian Rado. —New York Telegram. Wanted to Hie With a Clean Shirt. An unknown msn at the house cf C. VY. Dickerson, Madison avenue, Chica go, the other night, begged for a clean shirt in which, he said, he might die, being tired of life, but wishing to dio like a gentleman. He got the shirt, but was thought to be joking. He put it on, and, going to the Illinois Central tracks, laid his head on a rail before an approaching train and was killed. Sons of the Strikers. Up with the trusts while we gnaw tho crusts Ami our children cry for bread, And the flag of the free waves merrily Where a million strikers tread I Up with the trusts while we groan and aw oat And lives to tho dark arc led, And prate of freedom and glory yet Where a million strikers tread! And sing the song of “the brighter days” And say, “Be ye clothed and fed!" While the sun of liberty throws his rays Where a million strikers tread! —Atlanta Constitution. Japan has probably some just claim Rgainst Hawaii or she would not con tinue to talk so much concerning it. Japan has always been the friend of this country and any disturbance of the mutual kindly feeling between the two nations would boa calamity. The Unit ed States should quietly investigate the claim of Japan, meautimo keppiug all report of it out of the newspapers, bo those journals that get fat on distorting news may not hear of the matter. Then the United States should induce the Ha waiian government to satisfy so much of Japan’s demand aB is plainly just. Tho United States has morally a pro tectorate over Hawaii, even though au official one has never been proclaimed. Tho country is safe once more since tho momentous and thrilling question whether calves are cattle has been de cided by tho United States government It may settle the minds of those engag ed in tho study of natural history to know that calves have been officially decided to he cattle. Some importers claimed they were not when it came to paying duty on calfskins at the rate of 15 per cent ad valorem. Incandescent Electric Lamps. It has been proved that tho incandes cent electric lamp does not “smoke” the ceiliug, as has been claimed, but that the smoky effect is due to dust. The heat of the lamp naturally oauses a current of air to rise, and the conse quence is that there is more dust depos ited on the ceiling above the lamp than anywhere else. A. R.ROBERTSON , * t miNUMENTS AND I * TOMB STONE Athens, lia. I have always on hand and for sale a large stock sff of Monuments and Tomb Stones at ROCK BOTTOM PRIC E S Monuments, Tombs, Head and Foot Stones c and Cradle Tombs. You should alAAfays go and see Robertson’s and gut his Prices. Remember Robertson Pays all the freight to your nearest depot. A. H. Robertson, 1 15 Thomas St., Athens, Ga. i e*/. j</j ' W/t/re/on ik'cfSMj) ~ z 7il.oQif£ 'BEST "fK OVft Pfz XES 'ME LOWEST /■ . Jfe