Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, December 04, 1914, Image 1

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VOL. XVII. Maysville Locals * Miss. Fannie Lee Atkins has re turned from a two weeks \ isit to relatives in liainesville. Mr. Marshall Mason spent Ihe Thanksgiving holidays with home folks at West Minster S. Mr. Weston Rucker returned to his home at tatesboio Sunday, after a weeks visit here. Mr. F. M. Sanders, of Bush vi lie, £ Hfe- Parks, heie Monday. ltev.. LA. Henderson went to ('lei mont Saturday while he had an appointment for services Sun day. Miss Lula Meadeis, ot (lilies ville, arrived Monday afternoon, and will be the guest of Mrs. Heury Meadors foi the week- Dr. and Mrs. J. Sam Daniel, of Danielsville, spent last Thursday with relatives here. Miss Sira Moore had as her guest tor Thanksgiving holidays Miss Janette Ash, ol Athens, and Mi>s Elsie W il. lit, ot Au gusta. Mrs. T. J. Smith spent a few days the past week in Gainesville, at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. B. V. Montgomery, who has been ill for several weeks. .Mr. and Mrs. 11. W. Leaders spent, the week end with relative s in Gillsville. Prof, and Mrs. 11.8. Smith en tertained the younger set last Fri day evening h.mor of their niece, Miss. lona 1 >ueket, of derinint, who entered school heie. • hose present were Misses Marion, Key nolds, Harriet Reynolds, Alina Reynolds, Sara Bberhait, Florena Minis, Boy c. I‘ei kins, Neva Barber, Mattie Douehoo Minnie Pounds, Kathleen McCurdy Genette Ash, and Allene Sims, Messrs, George Cox, Ford Thompson, Otto Stej li nes, George White, Bonis, Boone W ill Miller, Collie Wilson Fred Yoyles, Walter Cox. Howard Miller, Paul Smith, Pollock Pounds, and Harry Boone. The Time Killers Club gave an elaborate live corns • dinner at the home of Mr. and Mis. 1. Ar bur Sin it hon Thanksgiving day. Ihe dinner was prepurtd, and served, by theclub inembeis, and would have been a credit to older, and move experienced e oks, infact, we judge this to have been the best ookitig dinner we most ever saw. The place cords were artistic, a turkey was drawn at one end, aud the cord tied with green and white ribbons. Those present were Miss. Ciaudine Heury Mr. Sty les ( arc. Miss. Billy Smith, Mr. Walter Cox, Miss. Bell Poun Is, Mr. i honias Reynolds, Miss. Ruby Porter, Mr. Croud lord Burns, Miss. Tallie Parke, Mr. Tliad Grillin, Miss. Josephine Grogan, Mr. Paul White, Miss. Margie Adams, Mr. Aubry Suddath, Miss. Essie Johnson, Mr. John Hender son Miss. Hal lie Miller Mr. George Sheridan, Miss. Silvey Smith, Mr. Eugene Ellison, Miss. Inez Suddath, Mr. Howe ( hand ler, Miss. Blache Sims, Mr. John Miller, Miss Blanche Rogers. Miss Mary Deadwyler enter tained a conjeuial party of friend at dinner Thanksgiving day. Maysville High School boys went to Gainesville last Thursday to play football. Came back in high glee, even if they were de feated 32 to 0. Mrs. H. T. Park- and Mr. Ralph Parks went to Atlanta Tuesday morning where they will visil relatives for a few days. Mrs. P. A. O'Connor of At lant , is here at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. H. T. Stephens, who continues quite sick. Misses Lillie and Sarah Smith spent the week-end in Gillesville, as guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Bryan. Mrs. Nash Garrison, of Cornelia t BANKS COUNTY JOURNAL is here with her daughter, Mrs. Joe Ariail, who has returned from Atlanta where she ’ nderwent an operation for appendicitis about a month ago. Although, Mrs. A rail has not entirely recovered, she is able to be up some of the time. Miss Mamie Barber spent a pint of the past week with liomefolks at Dry Pond during her ab-ence her sister, Miss Nena Barber was o crater at the telephone exchange. We ly;>xn M; W aiter Hill will in the near future move his family from here to Homer, and will make their home with Mr. Hill’s mother. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Yeargin, and Mrs. Bob Williams motored up to Gainesville Thursday, and spent lit <hiy with Mr. id Mrs. J. Coley Kinsey and Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Phillips Mr. C. E. Moore, and Miss Sara Moore went to Atlanta Tuesday to consult a specialist about Miss Moore's ey es, which have been giv ing her eoi siderable trouble since she was hurt in an ; utomobile ac cident in Milledgeville about three months ago. A large numlier of | atrons en joyed the Thanksgiving program rendered by the primary pupils at the auditorium last Wednesday af ternoon. Much credit is due their teachers, Misses Cherry and Hill for the success of the cub rtain ment. The Baraca Class entertained the Philathea Class at a rook par ty, at the home of their teacher, Mrs. T. A. Henry, on las’ Friday evening. About twenty live couples were present. Fruit punch was served by Miss Cam dine Henry. It if is useless to say the party was a success for our Ba raca boys are whole hearted, and know how to In; entertaining. Unwritten Law Plea Fails to Free StoKes Macon, Ga., Novcmb r ‘2B.—A. W. Stokes, a Macon lawyer, to day was found guilty in superior court of the murder here July 4th, last, rf Virgil Thomason, a eon tracter, and on recommendation of the jury was sentenced to life im prisonment. Stokes advanced the pleas of sell' defense and the “un written law,” declaring on the stand that Thomason had broken up his home. Stokes counsel tiled a motion h r a new’ trial.—Atlanta Consti tution. Mr. Stokes was reared in Ho mer and is remembered by many of our citizens. FOR SALE 1 have some cows with young calves for sale at price to suit the purchaser. P. F. M. Fl'hu. Singing School J. X. Adamson will begin a JO days singing school at Mt. Camel church, Monday, Dec. 14 next. Terms reasonable. 75c per scholar and £2.00 for a family. Will take any country produce at market price for pay. Be there on the above named date at 9 o’clock if you wish your name enrolled for the full ten day s. After the first day you will be charged 7 1 2. per da.y. Satisfaction positively guar anteed or no pay. This is the chance of your life, why not ccme? Land to Rent. A good two horse farm for rent. About 36 acres of good freih land. Four room dwelling house with plenty of out buildings. Located 5 miles north of Homer. For fur . her particulars apply to L. W. I’orrs, Homer, Ga., Rt. 1. Devoted to Giving the News, Encouraging the Progress, and Aiding the Prosperity of Banks County. Homer, Banks County, Georgia, Friday, Deceember4, 1914. BacKwood Dots^ Miss Kslelle Hughes and her brother, of Madison county, vis ited their sister, Mrs. Annie Kitchens recently . Mrs. Tom Quilliau, of Com merce, visited her sister, Mrs. Tom Armour, last week. Mr. Tom Ivey and lady, of Oconee county, visited Bushville last SaU'biy. Mr. Manguin Bi y a t’s little child got very badly burned last week. Mr. Simon Bryant visitel Mr. Ed Owens last Sunday. Guess he heard about Owen killing hogs. Mr. Alex Hope and charming lady visited Mr. Robert Hope Saturday. M.. Bon Wilson and his better halt visited Mr. Jim Slayton Sun day. Mr. Barto Glenn and wife \is ited Mr. Bud Ayers Sunday. Mr. Bud Ayers and children visited Mr. Bud Snipes Sunday. Mr. Wiley Kitchens visited hi sister near Mt. Pleasant Sunday. Mr. Thails Pendergrass has moved to Mr. Bale Woods. Mr Carlos Olives, <>f Atlanta, visited his grandmother, Mrs. Co per Olives,, last week. Mr. Fast Martin and wife v ted Mr. Buwallen Sunday. Mr. Sim Kitchens and wife vis ited Mr. John Wiley Sunday. We are still having some cold weather in the past. I would be glad for some of the good bible readers to t"ll me where Christ was when he told the wo man to go anl sin no more. I wish he would tell them that now. V IOI.HT R.\ vs, Peggy Ring. Peg Beg King, who Jive l here several years ago passed through tow n last week traveling part afoot and part a tree. While King was breathing the air of this oo minu nity he became involved in debt. He didn’t scho lulc, but to all ap pearances went ci .zy as a bat. Bocal alienists examined him all over, even to his wooden leg, and pronounced him a lit subject foi the biggest asylum in the country. The county authorities sent him him down to Milledgeville hand culled with tw o guards. When he arrived at that institution the head doctor looked in his eyes, asked him a few duestions, put him on the next train out and sent him to Bula, Ga. Some of the boys said when he arrived there he was wealing a tag a 1 dressed to Dank Carter, but we can not vouch for the truth of that assertions. But that that was the last we heard of J’eg • Leg King until he passed through last week, and it may be that we will never see nor hear of him again. FOR SALE Road Summons 35c pel hun died, 50 for 20c 25 for 10. Pos tage paid. Journal Office. Notice to Hunters. Rabbits, squirrels and possums can be caught and killed on the plantation where I live, but birds must not lie not. This is fair no tice to all, and the first man caught in the act of shooting birds will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Dick Mason. Tax Collector's Notice- I will be at Homer from Dec. 14 to Dee. 20. Books will close on the 21st. N. Z. CHANDLER, TANARUS, C. B. C. Homer Locals The people rf this town and cir euit will berhlighted to learn that Rev. Sam’l Hagan has been re turned to administer to the spiri tual needs of our people for the next twelve months. Mr. Hagan is one of the rising young preach ers of the conference and gives promise ot being one of the leading preachers of the state in the years to Coine. Rain fell in Homer last Sunday from 6 it. in. until 6p. in. Much dampness and juicy ground. People are beginning to move early this fall. Scheduling is becoming very pop ular and homesteading is on the in crease. C. W. Gillespie made a trip to Commerce one day last week. •Mr. Willie Harbor, of Arp, was here Tuesday. Mr. Howard Hill made a busi ness trip to Royston Wednesday. Miss Ethel Gillespie entertained a lew of the young people at her home Saturday evening. After spending a i hort while in conver sation, a contest xvas enjoyed by all present. Mrs. A. M. Mason spent the week end with her sister, Mr. Newt Rucker in Lula. Mi. and Mrs. J. ('. Bell, who has been very ill lor several months, is n;\v able to sit up and ler many friends hope she will soon regain her usual health. Mr. Walter 10. Reynold’s of, Maysville, was n visitor here Tues day. Read C. W. McCurdy’s new sul in the Journal o-clay.* He is go ing to give a range demonstration at his store in Maysville from Dec. 3rd to 7th. Always patronize your home merchants. Let the agents alone. Hollingworth. Everybody is digging their “ta ters.” Very little cotton is being sold in this section. They are holding for 10 cents. Will they get it! Mr. and Mis. James H. Wil banks from near Bal twin spent Sunday in town as the guests < I Mr. John Purcell. Mr. Horace Sauders made a bus iness trip to Homer Saturday. We are Sony to learn that Mrs. Lizzie Davies is very sick at this writing, though she seems to be much improved. We wish for her a speedy recover. It rained so hard Sunday that all the boys who had dates with theii girls canceled same with the un derstandiug that they was to call the next pretty Sunday. Messrs, Bussell and Hyland Payne spent the holiday in town and took a bird hunt. Miss Addie Stephens is spend ing a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. John Davis of this place. The ginning season is about wound up for they xvili gin only 3 days in a week hereafter. Mr. W. T. Maxwell made a bus iness trip to Cornelia Wednesday. The surprise party at Mr. G. Ducketts Thursday night was an enjoyable one. Several games were played, after which refresh merits were served. Every one re turned home expressing themselves as having the best time of their life. “Forty” autos passed through town Thursday, business in this line as you see is very nourishing despite the hard times. Mr- E. L. Duckett was in Ath ens this week on business. Mr. Walter Caudelle made a trip to Cornelia Saturday. Mr. M. O. Scoggins gave an old time corn “shucking” Saturday. The Finishing Touch Of a Mau’s Education is EXPERIENCE And the inure experience lie has the more finished is his education So it is in the Drug business, and years of experience added to a thor ough knowledge of Pharmacy make a druggist more proficient, and of the same proportion add to the safety and accuracy with which Phy sicians Prescriptions and Domestic Receipts are compounded. Our Drug Store is a Model One Conducted on a Model System Qur Prescription Department Is always in charge of a Pharmacist made competent by a thorough knowledge of Pharmacy and years of experience Toilet Articles Phe Ladies like to visit a Drug Store where there is a good assortment. That’s why you see so many ladies in our store. Our stock comprises all the most modern Toilet preparations. Bay Rum, Face Cream, Face Powder, Tooth Brushes, Etc. Persumes Did it ever occur to you why the Perfumes you buy here are so deli cate and lasting! Each periumer excels in some particular odor which he calls his special. We buy specials Irom the leading manufacturers, and arc thus enabled to give you satisfaction in this line. W. WALLACE WMLISELL, Licensed Pharmacist, Mgr. MAYSVILLE, GEORGIA “Postage Paid on Parcel Past Packages.” Which is the Best Way? To indulge yourself in everything yon want NOW, and then when old age comes creeping on begin to lop off one by one the comforts of life? OR To go a little slow on the luxuries while young that you may have ALL THE COMFORTS in your declining year when you most need them? THINK IT OVER. Draw a moral from this preachment and resolutely follow up some cheme of steadly saving up for rainy day. Bank of Gillsville, Gillsville, - - - Georgia. GROVES L. GRIFFIN, (Jahhikk. The Habit of Systematic Saving May be found at the bottom of many a rich man’s successful career, Deposit your surplus in the Baldwin State Bank and it will, in time make you one of the country most successful men. This Bakk is a safe depository and has proven this fact to the people. The people have showm their appreciation of a home enterprise. The management is courteous and obliging. We respectfully solicit a contiunance of your business and guar antee you as liberal treatment as safe baking will permit. Baldwin State Bank BALDWIN. GA. 3 Equals 25 A startling Statement but a true one in this case, One teaspooniul of medicine and two pounds of Write (or a trial package your own pre .id eed (cost about 3 dents' equal, otbnDtt STOCK * —in whit they, o for your animals and fowls,—two S?o our page, iiiustra pounds cf air r cady-made stock or poultry tonic tad book, fuiw explaining (price 23 ct,s). There you are ! If you don’t Addr: _ believe it, try it out! Buy, today, a can ot— Bae Dee Stock Medicine 9 * Company, T>dxp, TVna STOCK & POULTRY Chattanooga, Tenn. JO CC JL/CG MEDICINE 20c, 50c and sl. per can. CWngea fa*4 fat* tonic- Mekee it r.tult-prodacia*. At your dealefa. p r ? NO. 36