Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, December 25, 1914, Image 2

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/INKS COUNTY JOURNAL YtkllihH Knrr Frld u Journal Publishing Cos. .. FILIAL ORGAN OF lANKS COUNTY arc! M lacaaN Clan matter Arrll 10. t , at the Pa*t*fic at Homin’, Go., under . f .ctal Caßgreta af March 3. 1379 . tption SI.OO a Yur la Advanco i,RANT! ED CIRCULATION 1700 Notice Trustees! The Hoard of Education lias ruled that the schools of Hanks county shall open on the Ist day, or Ist Monday, in January 11*15. All the schools will lie permitted to run lour months at any time lie tween Jan. Ist and Sept. 15. This L-aves one month for the schools to run in the fall term be fore Christmas. Remember that you will have from Jan. Ist to Sept. 15 to make the four months, but no school is to run more than four months up to the 15th of Heptcmlier. This leaves one month of public school before Christmas. By doing this we wi'l be able to go on opening the schools befor Christmas as we have in the past. j. T. Wise. C. B. 8. Thr Journal will reach you early this week as the force will take Christinas the latter part of the week. State Adopted School Books. You can buy these books either at Chandler At Jackson’s l’har maey, in Maysville or at Cornelia. Plies Cured In 6 to 14 Days Your ilruKKixt will refund money If PA7.O OINTMENT tall* to cure any case ol Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pile* in 6to 14 daya. The firat application give* Hut and Hot. 20c. For Sale, A Dictionary- If you want anew Webster’s International Dictionary. The lat est edition, that would cost you about $16.00, for iW-S.OO, call at this oflice. Notice! I will be in Homer ou the lirst Monday in January to make out li las. N. Z. CHANDLER, T. C. Cow For Sale A good milch cow, with young calf. Price reasonable. Call on or address. Hu-i, Hardy, Maysville, ta., Rt. 2. Wilson’s Church The candy drawing at M. D. Love’s last Thursday night was en joyed by those present. Mrs. Ida Prickett has moved from hereto Maysville. We re gret their going away. W. I’. Mooney and tatnily spent Saturday night at J. M. Reynolds. Ou last Saturday night a young man was driving along the high way with his better half and met a wagon loaded with chickens and a hog. The hog grunted aud he raised his hat good evening. If you don’t believe this ask Waldo Reynolds. Mr. Bud Savage has moved in the house vacated by Mrs. Id ’. Prickett. We are having a good school ai Mt. View with Prof. Westmorland as teacher. Mr. Trand Evans is visiting his parents here. J. H. Youngblood has moved in the house vacated by Mr. Hob Evans. Mr. Roy Jones and Homer Bruce were among the fair sex around here Sunday. Mr. Claude Spivn visited friends in Banks county last week. He might have married Sunday but the weather was so bad he lorgot it. Mr. H. B. Fatterson visited the sick at R. L. Puckett s Saturday night A Lonhi.y Kid. Heart to Heart Talks B y JAMES A. EUCERTON OUK lIEUT TO 111 VANITY. How much wo owe mankind! Every hero that <ll**l for liberty died for you and me. Every ruurtyr who gnv bis life to keeii the faith wna a nucrlflce for us. Every scientist who devoted his years to patient Invevtlgation added to our light Every soldier who fought for right eousness helped to carve out the civ lllzatlon we enjoy. We are the belra of all these men, They tolled for us, planned for us. agonized for us. When we think of the infinite pains by which our institutions were buiit up. that human blood was used for the mortar between all the stones in the temple of our civilization, that the heights on which we dwell were erect ed out of the Ixxlies of men, us the coral Isle Is made up of the animal cula of the sea, we are staggered by the obligation placed upon us. How can we ever tell our gratitude to those who thus gave their all for our happi ness V The thought Implants in us a rever cn< e for our Institutions and a desire to Ijo very loyal to society. Its rules were made for our benefit Even though sometimes defective, in human institutions are apt to he, they yet are uecessary until something bet ter can be put in their stead. Our peace, prosperity, liberty, en llghtcnment, security; our inventions, scientific knowledge, philosophy, reli gion, art, litem Unto; our schools, clubs, churches, great cities, beautiful vil lages, railroads, steamships, ocean ca bles, wireless, aeroplanes, comforts, conveniences all these and other blessings are free gifts to us. They have been patiently wrought for n through the long ages of thu past. All that Is asked of us lu return 1 that wo use them to the best advan tage; that we do not abuse or ruthless ly destroy these precious inheritances. If we were keenly sensitive of all that lias been done In our behalf we would never rest easy one moment un less we were doing for others. Humanity has placed on us a debt of snored honor. This debt we must repay to human ity. Heart to Heart Talks By JAMES A. EDGERTON service. There is but one true basis for ei ther wealth or fame. It is service. Any wealth we gain for which wo have not rendered an equivalent serv ice is tainted. Any fame we enjoy that hus not been earned by seVvlce is false fame that will turn to dispraise. The Greatest of tlie Great said he came not to be ministered unto, but to minister. ills life was one of service. The old motto of the nobility wn* •‘lch dien” U serve). The ilrst meaning of service is that ( it Is something we do for others. lie who does any useful work is ben etiting others. It may be the raising of a crop that others may have food, they in turn paying an equivalent price. Whether he recognizes it or not. Ills task is altruistic. He may think that ho works only for the selfish reward, but as a matter of fact he feeds the hungry. Perhaps his work is ministering to the sick. The vulgar idea is that the doctor works only for his fee. Vet no fee can measure the easing of pain, the saving of life. Whatever we may say of the doctor, lie works for others. The one who serves may lie a writer. He entertains, comforts, instructs or Inspires others We in. siiv that In docs it only for the money or reputa tion it will bring him, yet that is hut a small part of the truth. He is min istering to tils fellow men. Or lie may l>e an a list, saying, ns true artists do, that he does not work alone for what lie may gain in return but. ratiter, for the very work's sake Yet even this falls short of the whole truth. He is adding to tin* world's beauty and so is serving counties' thousands in the highest way. So It is throughout life. If we are worth our salt we are serving others. The reward we receive is but the sauce on the dish. The solid, sub stantial thing is the service we are rendering. Moreover, our Importance in the scheme of thiugs depends on this serv ice. It is the rook on which is build ed the temple of our civilization. One other point. The important thing is the service and not the To ward. The man who works from that end is the man who wins in a big way. The absolute scientific basis of suc cess is not how uimii I can jet from others, but how much I can do fot others. BANKS COUNTY JDURNAL mmJtK, ut*. Stig Morris and The Pair of Mules When a Georgia mule gets mix ed up with things in general, then business begins to pick up. This was tiue list hursday. A certain business man ol this city sent, up near Mays\illc nnd had l! c bad ill to levy on the mules. T mules, be it said were innocent parties. .Mr. R. A Wad kins made the levy, and th': mules, ol’ course, rubiint td. The mules were carried to Maysville and held temporarily in a stable in that city, il developed that their stay there was tempo rstry indeed and this was the can Of the tiouble that followed. Bailiff Wad kina was at the s Ladies watching those mules, wading lot an appearance bon Ito be si. ned. While the Bailiff was the 1 - on some, one came rushing in and told him. the baililf, that he was want* dat the phone, by ccntiul. Leaving the mules for a moment, the baililf made h s way to the central office. Imnuigiuc his sui prize, when he was informed that no one had put in a call for him. Then Bailift W<l kins smelt a mouse-- possibly two mice tor he made haste forthwitn back to the stade, only to find that those mules we:cgone. 1 hey went by wireless. That brought on more talk. The next legal step was to swear out a warrant for the man who had told those mules to leave town just an ter, if not sooner. This was done, and Mi. Siig Moi ris, a well known capialist of thaL city was placed und:r arrest, charged with telling the mules to leave town. Bailiff Engrain of this place w...; placed on the job, and he 'cent to Maysville and brought Mr. Morris to Commerce on tl.etiown tiain. The tiial was lit id, with J YV Sailers, Usijr., presiding. The trial judge must have beliveti that Mr. Morris did tell those mules to leave town, loi he held him under a s<>oo bond foi his appearance at the superior or city to irt of this county. And the mules.’ Well they did just what they were told th do, as us ual, and lelt town. V mule, lit- it known, is not foolish about stay ingin town no how. There are 100 many t rains and too many auto mobiles, and too many a tomoiiilcs and too many motorcycles, m town, for theaverge Georgia mule. Thus nds chapter one—Commerce Niiis, St. p 111 Atlanta . At Hotel Empire Opposite Union Depot on Pryor St. Reiiuvuted and nluinished throughout. Reservations made on application. Hot and cold water,private baths, electa ic lights and elevator. First class accommodations at extremely moderate rates. Euro pean plan 75 cents up. John L. Edmondson, Pro pie tor. Only One “BROMO QUININE” To get the genuine, call for full name, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for signature of K.W. GROVE. Cure* a Cold in One Day. Slop# cough and headache, aud works off cold. 25 c. u-:afm>s pa not be cured by local applications, as they can not reach the diseased portion of the ear. i here is only one way to cure dealness, aud that is by con stituiional remedies. Dealness is crused by on inilamed eoudition ol the mucous lining of the Eustachian TuLe. When this tube is inilamed vou have a rumbling sound or itn perfect bearing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result and unless the intlamnmtion can be takm out and this tube-re sum'd to its normal condition, hearing nib be lUsUoyed louver: nine eases out of ten are caused by Catarrh which is nothing but au inilamed condition ot the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dol lais for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by nail's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulais, free. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con ; stipation. Ttie Quinine That Doss Not Atftct The K?r' i I Becinse of its ionic and laxative efied, LAXA TIYK BROMO QUININE is better thin erdina y Quinine and does uot cause nervousness nor ringing in head Remember the full name and look tor the signature of E- W, GRQVK- 25c. Men’s and Bay’s CLOTHING This Stock Must Go * In anticipation of a heavy crop of c .tton and good prices we bought an enormous stock of Clothing 1 several months ago. It has now arrived, but as the crop will be short and prices low, we have decided to let this stock of Clothing’ g’o at unheard of prices. Call and see it. BLACKWELL BROS. fyiaysviffe, Ga. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Dr. O N NARDSfv Office at Residence hive Miles North-cast of Honor, falls Answered Pi inaptly. Tki.p.phon k (’on nhi r:< . DR. J. S. JOLLY Homer, Ga. Will answer calls Day or Nijii. Residence call at Hill Hob !. Office l ust side Public SjUiiic. S. R- JOLLY A rTORNEY -AT-LAVV Homer, tia. OiVICK IS I III’KT llorsK J. S. Chambers, m. and. I Oi'pii i: in oi.n Post'-l iiiklk ii i ING. HOMER. fiA. j. W. Wallace, Physician <Sc Surgeon Office live miles south east ol lloiner at residence ot R.J. \\ ui lace. Calls Answered Day or 5 icht Whenever You Need a General Toni., fake Grove’s The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the v;:--. vn tonic propertiesof QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood a id Builds up Uro Whole System. 50 cents. You can get athanee at a large! Doll and Bed at Mrs.J.T. Smith’s! with each 50c i urehase of Xma gooos at Mrs. J. T. Smith’s. t.r-.g to the Pale a;;d sickly 't.uiJanl general strengf tm g t• c, ; ' I.i ASiELESS chiil ToNit ..r ve., ut .t irh-hes the blood, builds up the svst* m. .c i onic. For adults and children. 50c. Butter We will buy butter iu any quauity. Highest market piice paid. Hull & Brown. We Want Your I kinking £3usiness Tint. Bank enjoys a position of STRENGTL AND SAFETY that is inpregnable. We so licit your banking business with the firn assurance of meeting your requirement in a business-like and satisfactory manner, and with the Absolute Knowledge that your de posit m this Bank is SAFE. IN ADDITION to the assets of this Bank, which are profectly good for protection, DE POSITS ARE Absolutely INSURED AGHNSTLOSS. We are ready to serve and nrotect you. Banks County Bank HOMER. GA. We Vt-knowledge P: > ' B eeipt of All Deposits Sent by Mail MAIL US VOL A? DtPOSITS The liabit of Systematic Saving May be found at the bottom of many a rich man's successful career, Deposit your nrplus m the Baldwin State Bank and. it will, it time make you one of tie country 'most sue cessful men. This B*kk is a safe depository aud has proven this fact to ike people. The p <>;> , e have showni their appreciation of ahome enterprise Th. m i c* ment l> courteous at u.. ‘.iglng. \V,. nspei tuiv'Olit-U a eoiiiiunan enf >our ou-in and guar \u a.-, libt iai tieatmeut as safe baking will permit. Baldwin State Bank BALDWIN. GA.