The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, March 12, 1902, Image 1

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^S2—' 'X*W * ^ * r ' { ■ . , !£’ *> £*>>J ■M +' i ; r VOL.l. N0 8l VitNNA, GA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1902. TWICE-A*WEE~K $1.00 PER YEAR. A TRAGEDY NEAR CORDELE F. A. .( Negro Man While Playing With a Pistol Shoots and Kills a Negro Woman. . Adolphus Smith colored,about 21 years of age was brought up from Cordele Monday morning charged with the killing of Loula Lace, a negro woman at a supper on the widow Bowen’s place near Cordele Saturday night. The prisoner was seen by a News reporter just alter the cage door, 1 was closed and his statement was to the effect that the pistol was discharged- accidentally while he and the negro woman were playing with it. He also stated thatthere were no malace existing between them und had no cause whatever to commit the deed is charged against him. Coroner Graham went down Sunday, and held an in quest over rte 'dead body of the negro woman anif-frotn the evidence submitted returned a verdict binding him over to Superior court pending an investigation of the next grand jury He was brought up by Mr. A. H. mhiompson of Cordele. Of the Charge Brought Against . Him By the State ■. SAYS TWELVE MEN After Being Out About Two Hours—The Tvo Negroes Charged With Same Crime Tamed Loose. J. E. ROSS DEAD. A sad- 1 death occurred in the ’leosant community lasj Fri- ‘iiy morning about 6 o’clock, when .ie soul-tif Mr, J. E. Ross took its iliglit to the Maker who- gave it. He was about 40 years old and leaves . a wife and 6 children to mourn Ins loss. He had been in bad health for about 18 months. He was u tnembej of the Mt. Pleasant Baptist church. Ilis remains were interred in the cemetery near the church Saturday morning. Rev. T. A. Nelson of ficiated at the grave. To Organize a Guerry Club. The friends and supporters of Hon. Dupont Guerry, candidate for the democratic nomination , for governor will meet at the law offices of Col. T. G. Jones in Cordele .Saturday, March 15th, for the pur- pose of organizing a Guerry club. The call for a meeting lias been issued and well circulated over that part of the county around Cordele, and it is expected that a great many of Mr. Guerry’s friends will have their names enrolled as mem bers of the club. SAM WMTEILAD CAPTURED. H. J. Morgan went over to V \p otl,a,n > A !a V Saturday after Sam .Vlntehead, the negro who was ar- jjAited there a few days ago for as- HRult with intent to kill upon the ^person of Jim Davis, colored, at Cordele. He returned witu the prisoner Monday afternoon and ctoed him over to Sheriff Shep- frd in whose watchful care he £»ll remain until the court passes judgment On his case. WANTED- A first-class painter to pdint a church .ide and out. Apply at once to * Rev. J. M, Vienna, Ga. Jalibage, rutabagas, peas and onions at )ly ^Walton’s. One of the most sensational trials in the history of Dooly Superior court was ended last night about 9 o’clock when the jury returned a verdict of not guilty in the case of the State vs F.jA.Peavy, charged with accessory 1 to the murder of Jesse Ford, colored, last July in this county. )' The trial consumed all ot Monday and Tuesday and every point m the case was stubbotnly tought by the attorney’s on both sides from be ginning to end. The defendant, Mr. Peavy, is a member of one of the most promi nent und lawabiding families in the county and his many friends never doubted for a moment what the final outcome of the case would be. The deiendant was ably Tepre- sented by Busbee & Busbee, Cols. D . A. R. Crum and J. M Dupree, while the State’s interests were carefully looked after by Solicitor Hooper and Hull & George. Three speeches were made on each side. The principal witness for the State was John,Henry Peavy, col., who is now under sentence to be hung March 21st, for committing the murder of Jesse Ford, Several other witnesses were put upon the stand in the effort Jo corroborate his evidence. The defendant also had several witnesses on the stand in his behalf. The following are the names of the jury that served on the case : A Royal, S G Walls, R L Sim mons, J L Martin, D M Striplin, Jr., J E Wright, J T Shetley, A J Moore, Thos. Williams, G W Butler, W A Greer, J D Taylor. The case was concluded about dark und Judge Littlejohn deliver ed his charge and the jury went to their rooms about 7 o’clock. They returned about 9. o'clock with a verdict of not guilty. The first case called this morn ing was thut of J. H. and Ed Brannen, charged with running a lewd house in this county. The defendants are represented by Cols. Jeter, Crum and DuPree. At the time of going to press the case was still in progress. The case of the state vs. Lee B. Jones, charged with embezzeling $45,000 of the funds of the Naval Store. & lumberman’s Bunk of Cordele, a few years ago, is set for trial tomorrow and Judge B. D. Evans, of Sandersville, will be here to tr^ it. This case, if tried, will probably consume two days. A YERY SAD DEATH Mr. John A. Foreband, of tills Comity, Mr. John Allen Forehand, one of the oldest and most highly res pected citizens tn Dooly county, died very suddenly at his home 8 miles north-west of Vienna last Saturday morning about u o’clock. He had been in bad health for over a year, but was able to # be up about the house that morning and assisted in preparing some Irish potatoes to plant in the garden. He left the garden a short while afterwards, stating that he was going in the bouse and take a rest. In a short time Mrs. Forehand decided to go in and see how he was getting along, as was often the case since his declining health, and upon entering the room he was found lying on the bed ahd only breathed about twice after she reached him. He had been smok ing and bis pipe was iaying in chair beside the bed. Mr. Forehand wus born Washington county on the iSth of December, 1S25, and w^ts making towards the 77th mile post at - the time ot his death. He was brought to Dooly county by his parents at the age of two years and has been living here ever 6ince—following the-quiet' tnd peaceful life of the ideal citizen. He has been married twice and leaves a wife and five children. His children are J. C., A. F„ J. G. and H. B. Forehand, und Mrs. T. E Thompson, ail of whom are living in this county. Mr. Forehand served 3 years in the civil war, being a member of the 45th Georgia regiment, Co “C,” and was in many battles, but escaped without receiving a scar. He was a member of the Methodist church for over 50 years. The funeral took place Sunday afternooh near hi? home in the presence of probably 300 people. Revs. H P Myers and C W Snow made touching remarks, after which bis body was interred with Masonic honors, he being a member of Vienna Lodge No.. 324 F. & A. M. Several prominent Masons of the county wete present and engaged in the performance of the lasl sad rites of a dearly beloved brother. Mr. W. C. Batson's Skull Monday NigRt CAUSING HIS DEATH Andrew Cross, Col., Now in Jail Charged With Crime, and the People are Terribly Wrought Up. MUSIC AND EOCUTION. Don’t give up and say there is no spec- vhi ... tacles-which you can see through just because yop ha re tailed to get fitted tte member I am fitting those kind every day, . A. Yol’.maks, Jeweler and Optician. The pupils of the Elocution and Music Department of the Vienna Public School, under the instruc tion of their highly accomplished teachers, have trade such rapid progress in their Judies that it has been decided to give the public an evening of pleasure and amuse ment at the opera house. Friday evening, Manch 14th, has been selected as an opportune time, and Heatd's Opera House a suita ble place, for this enjoyable enter tainment, and it goes without say ing that the -house will be filled with the elite of the city and that the entertainment will be one of the most refined ever witnessed in that building. A warm welcome and cordial reception;awaits all. For cocoatnrt»r • apptevJ orange*, I cab bages, rutabagas, Irish potatoes, onions and white peas, ’phone Kelly & Walton The people of the little town of Riclnvood, the first station on the G, S. & F. railroad below this city, are all wrought up over the fact that Mr. W. C. Batson, one of the merchants of that town, was found in a dying condition just inside his yard gate about 9 o’clock Mon day night with his skull cracked just over his right eye and that side of his face and eye badly bruised up, which is supposed to have been the work of highway robbers. He closed his store as usual on Monday night, just after the Val dosta Express passed Rich wood, and started for his home, carrying with him about $15.00 in money loose in his inside coat, pocket, to gether with his pocketbook and pistol. The would-be murderers end robbers secured his pistol and pocketbook but did not secure the money. ’ Mr. Batson’s,residence is some distance from the railroad, on the east side, and lo reach his-house by the usual way one would have to go through the garden, which is just in front ui the Louse. Mr. Batson was found in his mutilated condition by a negro mun named Andrew Cross, who is well known there and who was Raised near this city. The negro went on some of the female sex of his color just opposite the home of Mr. Batson, on the west side of the railiond, just after the south bound Shoofly passed Rich- wood. When he .got ready to leave he suys that he heard some one groaning over about Mr. Bat son’s gate and, turned and went back to the negroes house and re ported the matter, and they pro cured a lamp und went over to in vestigate. Upon their arrival they found Mr. Batson lying just inside his gate to the right suffering consid erably und unable to speak. He was picked up. carried to the house and placed in bed. Dr. Pate was summoned imme diately and Dr T. F. Btvins was culled in yesterday morning. He has been unconscious ever since lie was hurt and has only tried to speak once. It is nof thought that he can possibly re cover. Andrew Cross, the first to find Mr Batson, was arrested yesterday morning on suspicion and was carried to the scene of the robbery. His trucks were measured which seemed to fit exactly, even,.to the peculiarity that one ,toe stuck out of one shoe. This is the only evi dence against him so far and he denies seeing anybody or hearing [THE CITY COUNCIL MEETS Night-—’Waterworks Discussed, The City council of Vienna at their regular meeting Monday flight went into the election of a city board of education with all the officers present except Alderman Forehand, The election resulted in the re- election ol Messrs J. B, White- head, Joseph Burns, B. M, Wood andj. O. Hamilton. Dr. H. A. Mobley was elected in the place of J. F. Calhoun who has moved‘to Cordele. These are all good sound business men and will no doubt give perfect satisfation to the citi zens of the city. The question of putting tn some water plugs and purchasing some • hose were discussed for a while but no action was taken in the matter. Some did not want to do anything in the matter unless d complete system was put in at first while other members seemed to be satisfied with beginning ori,a small- scale. It seems to us that a few plug's put in would be a great- deal better than none in our business part of the city ahd we trust that this important matter will not be de* ferred until the destructive fire fiend mokes us another visit. of anybody being around the prem ises before he-left the house. He was brought up and placed in jail by Bailif| Lewis Clewis yesterday afternoon. There is suspicion resting on ) other partis and the matter is be ing sifted to the bottom and other evidence is exjpected to be forth coming. * LATER—Mr. Batson breathed his last yesterday afternoon about 6o’clock since putting the.above in type. He was about 48 years old and leaves a wife and two children, one boy nb.out '6 years old and a daughter married. He has been a resident of this county ubout 10 years and has resided near and in Riclnvood most of the time. His body will be interred in the cemetery at sit. Pleasant church a few miles west of Rich- wood this afternoon at 3 o’clock. Sad Death At Shiloh Mrs. Joe Brown passed away at her home at Shiloh last Friday af ter an illness of several months. Her remains were placed in the cemetery at Shiloh Saturday morn ing. She was a good Christian woman and a member of the Shi loh Methodist church. Her pas tor, Rev. H. P. Myers, of this city V officiated at the grave. NIGHT WAS HER TERROR- “I would cough nearly all night long,” writes Mrs, Chat Applegate of Alexanda, Ind., "and could hardly get my sleep. I had consumption so bad that if I walked a block I would cough’ frightfully and spit blood, but when all other medicine failed,three fioo bottles of Dr, King’* New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 58 pounds,” It’s absolutely guar anteed to cure coughs, colds, lagrippe, bronchitis and all throat and Iting trou bles. Price 50c and $100; Trial bottlM free at Vlenna Drug Got 1