The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, March 15, 1902, Image 1

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I I ~ * r p VOL I. NO 83. VIENNA. GA., SATURDAY, MARCH 15. 1902. TWIQE-A"WEEK $1.00 PER YEAR. COURT ADJOURNS TO 1«MEET WEEK [ A Special Grand Jury Will Be Drawn to Investigate the Case of the State vs. Lee B. Jones, Charged With Embezzlement—Other Interesting Court News. Court adjourned yesterday after noon until,Tuesday week, March 25th. A special grand juty will be drawn to make another investi gation in the case of Lee B. Jones for embezzlement, and also to in vestigate the evidence against the 4 two negroes in jail charged with . manslaughter and murder.. All of Wednesday morning was consumed in the trial of J. H. and Lti Brnnnen, charged with running 11 lewd house. The defendants were represented by Cols. Jeter, [Crum and Dupree. The jury re lumed a verdict of guilty ubout 3 o’clock that afternoon. They were sentenced to serve 12 mouths in the chatngang'or pay a fine of two hundred dollars each, The next case taken up was that and Jeff Lewis, colored, t.JS[rged with robbing Mr. Mike dkins, and in which case the jury mude a inis-trittl last week. This time however, the jury returned a verdict of guilty. They were sen tenced to pay a fine of $300 each or serve 13 months in the chain- R an ti- The case of Charley Smith, col., charged with stubbing John Whit- sett was the first case 'tuken up Thursday morning. He was rep resented by Col. L. L. Woodward. The jury went to their room on this case about 10 o’clock and made a mistrial. The case of the State vs John Calhoun, a 16 year old negro boy, for carrying concealed weapons was next called, the defendant being represented by Col J . G. Jones. The jury m this case returned a verdict of guilty after being out a few minutes. He was sentenced to 6 months or $40. The case of the State vs Lee B. Jones, charged with embezzeling $45,000 of *he funds of the Naval ttore & Lumberman’s Bank nt Cordele a few years ago, was taken u? about 11 o’clock Thursday morning with fudge B. D. Evans, 0 < Sondeisville, piesiding.’ The defendant vyas represented vie Judge Al'en Fort of Americus, niter Grace of Mucon, Jim An son of Atlanta, nnd G. W. kbee of Vienna. While Solicitor ioper is insisted by Joe Hall and P. Calloway ot Macon, and J, Ilill of Cordele. ^Iic first thing done after sicur- I 1 1 jury was to argue a demurrer up by the defendants attorney’s ningthat the .indictment ren* d by the grand jury was dcfec- ’• and vague, and should be / yd. The judge overruled the rrer, and a plea was next sub- ttedr^to the jury us to whether Intent was* an impartial the fact that W. J. Mus- wli'o was on the grand as a depositor in the bank when it failed. The contention of the state was that Mi. Musselwhite had the money deposited there by the direction of Judge Scott, who was tax collector at that time. The defense argued that the de posit was in Musselwhite’s name und that Judge Scott did not au thorize him to place it iu said bank and that he was an individual depositor and, therefore an inter ested party. The jury made a mistrial on the plea. The case ot the State vs Les B. Jonss, charged with larceny after trust, was postponed on account of the absence of Rev, Hyde, a very- material witness. The case of the stafbvs. Ben Bowden, charged with violating the local option law at Cordele, was tried yesterday afternoon. The defendant was represented by Cols S. R. Fields uqd„.J-JkL_ Busbee, while Col. J. T. Hili looked after the interests of the state. After being out a few minutes ths jury returned with a verdict of guilty. He was sentenced to 13 months in the cliaingang or pay a fine of one hundred dollars. NEGRO KILLED BY PALLINQ TREE NEAR RIGHWOOD News was received in this city yesterday afternoon about two o’clock from Richwooli, stating that a negro stock-cutter had been killed in the woods near that pluce by a falling tree . The name oi the negro could not be learned. This is the second person to pet killed in the above manner near Rich wood in the last few months. Coroner Graham, who was here in attendance upon superior court, left ut once for the scene of the ac cident to hold an inquest over the deud body. At the time of our going to piess the coroner hud not returned to t^e city, amt the result ot the verdict is not known. This is the third inquest that the coroner has heid within the last week. A VIENNA BOV ABROAD. aid Ctemtit In Iti; Sip. The many friends in this section of Rupert Stovall, who since last fall Has been in attendance at Belle vue Hospital Medical College, New York City; will be interested to learn that, he has achieved and now occupies an advanced position in the very forefront of his classes, is fast winning bis way to the top, and statfds well with the (acuity of that great institution. He las re cently been twice honored—once as one of the representatives of the university in a' composite choir mude up of some specially selected students from the various great universities of New York 011 the occasion of a grand meeting at Cooper Union, which was ad dressed by Bishop Potter und Pres ident Hadley, of Yale University. He is now at Toronto, Canada, in attendance upon the biennial ses sion of the- Students’ Volunteer League of the United States and Canada, having again been ^spe cially selected to represent li.s col lege on this occasion. PROTRACTED MEETING ENDS. Great Awakening Manifested Along the Members But Few Conversion i NIGHT WAS HER TERROR- "I would congli nearly all night long,” writes Mrs, Chas Applegate of Alezanda, Ind., “and could hardly get my sleep. I had consumption «o bad that if I walked a block I would cough Irlghifully and spit blood, bdt when all other medicine failed, three $100 bottles of Ur. King’s New Discovery wholly-cured me and 1 gained 58 pounds.” It’s absolutely guar anteed to cure coughs, colds, lagrlp'pc; bronchitis and all throat and lung trou bles. Price 50c and $100.' Trial bottles (reeat Vienna Prog Co. The series: of revival meetings thut have been in progress at the Methodist church in this city for the past two weeks came to it close Thursday night with a prayer nnd experience meeting, “God Be With You ’Till We Meet Again’’ and a general hand shaking. Rev, Leitch and Chorister Mar shall have labored earnestly, faith fully und zeulously for the salva tion of sinners but their pleadings were unheeded and the converts few. The church, however, was greatly awakened and much good was done in thut needed direction. The services of the revivalists were well remunerated by u liberal donation of about $150, which was quite commenduble in our generous and hospitable citizens. They went front this city to Fitzgerald und we wish them greater success in their glorious undertakings. DEATH OF A BRIGHT LITTLE GIRL. Little Eva, the 12-year old daughter of Mi. Jim Roundtree, who lives a few miles east of this city, died Wednesday afternoon about five o'clock, after an il inesf of only a few duys with pneumo nia. Her remains were interred in the Lane grnveyard Thursday afternoon at 4 o’clock in the pres ence of a large crowd of relatives and friends, Rev. J. D. Norris officiating. A younger daughter is also very sick with pneumonia, having been sick longer and was thought to have been worse off than the one that died. The family has the sym pathy of many friends in their sad bereavement. Cabbage, rutabagas,' peat and onions At Kelly & Walton’s; DEATH OF MR.C- W. JOHNS. An Honored Citben Who Had Served this City Faithfully for Many Tears. Mr. C. W. Johns, who was sick about six weeks,died a few minutes after it o’clock Wednesday mom- ini’. He wits thought to have been on the road to recovery about a week ugo, but had a relapse and rapidly grew worse until his death. Mr. Tohtis was well known to the people of Dooly county, and had muny ftiends. He has been a citizen of Vienna, for the past 14 or 15 years, most of the time serv ing as marshal for the city. During his life he proved to be quite a successful business man and had accumilated some good real estate. He leaves a heart-broken wife to mourn his death, who was formely nltss Rena Johnson, daughter ot W. B. Johnson of Byromville. His remains were interred in the City Cemetery Thursday afternoon at 3130 o’clock in the presence of a lurge crowd. Rev. J. M. Kelly, whom the deceased esteemed ns a friend and reverenced as a man of God, performed the ceremony, as sisted by Revs. Atkinson find My ers. Adkins Community. week, we will endeavor ro give more note* Ironi this community. We were glud to tee so ninny out at Sunday school Inst Sundny. Come ngnin. Miss Grnce Land visited homcfolks nt Rochelle Saturday nnd Snndnv. Miss llorten*? Tinsley, n pretty nnd accomplished young lady from l.rslie, wn* 1 lie guest of Miss Miiv Adkins from Friday tin 1 i 1 Suntliiv. Miss Siins nnd Miss Quick from near Riclm-ood attended Sunday school Ill-re last Sunday, Come again. P G Busoce visited relatives at Cordele last'&nturday nnd Sunday. At the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. J A Adkins last Sundny, their daughter Miss May, gave R dining in honor of her friena Miss Hortense Tins ley. Among those present were Misses MRitd and Claud Ray Mamie Carter, and S J Adkins and Richard Ray, It was 1111 enjoyable occasion and will long be remembered by those present. ] A Adkins Is working his road this week. Mr. and Mrs. 1 B Adkins visited Cor dele Saturday. The saw mill at this place has been Idle several days, hut we are glad to state that It is about ready to go to work nt the time of this writing, Bov Blub. SEYERE STORM IN MISSISSIPPI. 21 Passengers Lose Their Lives—Dr. Lancaster, Brother to Mrs. Smitb. of Cordele, a Victim. AN INQUEST HELD Gver the Body of V. C. Batson-*-H0 Rev Developments in the Case. Coroner J. W. Graham went down to Richwnod Wednesday morning and held au inquest over the body of Mr. W. C. Batson* who was knocked down and robbed at his front gate Monday night; The inquest, however, did not re sult in bringing to light any addi-* tional evidence as to who the guilty one was other than Andrew Cross, the negro now in jail to await the action of the next grand jury. Grave suspicions, however, Vests upon other some parties, and future developments may cause them to be called to account to al lay these suspicions. This was one ot the most atro cious crimes that was ever perpe trated in this Louhty and no pains will be spaired to bring the das-< tardly murderers to trial.' PINEHURST DOTS; Pinehurst, March 13.—Misses Heard* and Harvard of Vienna were the guests of Miss Bessie White- head a few days this week; Mr and Mrs. W O Sanders visi ted the family of Dr. and Mrs. Bivins of Vienna this week. L M Mnslibfrrn and John L As tve escaped the waste basket last; \ :ek, we will endeavor to give you a few uliitnRMpent Tucsaay in Macon Miss Dora Hilsman was the guest One ot the most destructive storms ever reported from the Mis sissippi passed through thut state early Wednesday morning leaving waste and ruin in its palli. A steam boat on tile Mississippi river was wtecked near Vicksburg and twenty one of the pastengers were drowned. Dr. N. A. Lancaster a prominent physician and planter of Palmyra, that state, and who is a brother of Mrs. Dr. II. M. Smith of Cor dele, was one of the victims of the terrible ditaster.—Cordele News. of Miss Emmie Woodward in Vi enna last Sunday. > Mrs. R E Jordan spent Tuesday in Vienna as the charming guest of Mrs. W W Jordan. O W Horne mude a business trip to MnCon Tuesday night. Among someot the men who arc attending court in Vienna this week are C A Thompson, H L Adams and R E Jordan, Homo Academy News-' Mar. 13 1092—Mrs. L. Brown and Mr. Homer Watson visited their sister Mrs. W. M. Calhoun last week. Several of our young people at tended preaching nt Smyrna last Sunday. Mina Wood and sister Louk:, visited the family of Judge J. 11. Calhoun Sunday afternoon. Miss Eula Borum is visiting her aunt, Mrs. W C Calhoun; Mr. and M(«. J J Taylor spent Sunday with Mr. nnd Mrs. Lee Adonis of Bradshaw. Wonder how a certain young lady enjoyed her caller Monday night. General Sangster and Sister Miss Mary, spent u while Sunday aftcr-< noon with the family of fudge J. 11 Calhoun. City Barber Shop- Wc have plenty of customers, but can wait on more. Courteous attentio ■ shown by polite barbers who take special care in rendering clean service will: sharp tools. Augustus Jckp.s, Next door to PostofHce. Prop’r. WANTED A first-class painter to paint a chute!* inside and out. Apply St once to Rev. J. M Kelly, Vtenna; Ga .