The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, March 26, 1902, Image 1

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sgtpjWW . . / ': ■> W$& / VOL. I. ^0 86. VIENNA. GA.. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26. 1902. TWICE-A-WEEK $1.00 PER YEAR. BRICK STORE AT UNADILL4- i», Mr. Gregory Has Let Contract to J, Q. Shipp of This City. SPECIAL TERM dots from pihehorst. DOOLY SUPERIOR COURT — NOW IN SESSION Poetry an(1 Politl()s an(1 otlie,f Sews the JUDGE EVANS IS PRESIDING Mr. T. H. Gregor/, of Unadil- la, has let the contract to Mr. J, Stitms. J. S. 5pradlj, CtogeJ Will Writer Picks, f POLITICS BOIL AND IN DOOL Y COUNTY CANDIDATES HUMP adjoining his present store tn that city. The building will be 25x100 feet, and Svill have a' glass front. The reason of the necessity of this new building is to give plenty of room to display his large stock of goods to a better advantage. 1 Mr. Gregory wilt add a large stock of furnalure us soon as the building is completed, The new store will be used for the retail grocery department and his pres ent store, will be used for the gen eral merchandise and furniture department. Mr. Gregoty handles everything | j ur y. Accessory to the Murder of Dr. Joiner First Case Taken Op. The special termol Dooly Super-, ior Court convened yesterday with Judge B. D. Evans of Sundersville, presiding. The grand and traverse jurors were sworn in and after a short charge by Judge EVani to ijte grand jury, they went to their rooms. M. E. Ruslan was elected foreman of the body^ and S. P. Odom clerk. T. A. Ammons was elected bfiiliff of the grand used on the farm, from a wagon down to u paper of pins, and does one of the largest businesses .'of any firm in the county. He will, keep the public posted through the colunins of the Nbws. A SUMPTUOUS REPAST. The editor’6 household had the exqTtisite pleasure of enjoying the hosjjitulity of hit friend and neigh bor, Mr. C R. .Morgan, on Sun-, day iast and they did their full] - The case ot ttvp State vs Lee B. ..L Jm, et The first case called was that of the State vs J ASpradley, charged with accessory to the murder of, Dr. Joiner a few year ago. The defendant was represented by Thompson & Whipple, D A R Drum, J M Dupree and J T Jeter The case consumed all of yester day und the speakiug and the charge of the Judge was not con eluded until after supper last night The jury returned a verdict ot not guilty this morning after remaining in their room all night, We n re still in the ring.' Our hustling little city still moves, And very likely we will furnish More candidates than one. “Politicians should,” they say, “Remember names and faces, That he may win each voters vote, And each wife's good graces.” Mr. Allen Morris .attended preaching at Pinehurst Sunday and dined with & bevy of pretty girls. Thirteen girls sat down to dine, An unlucky number, they say, So our “devil” was added to the'list To drive tho spell away. And He did'eat 1 Wonder if they are through with the “Potts telegram?” Wish that, that Italian had perfected bis wireless telegraphy before this telegram was sent, then it could have been caught in the air. Don’t he surprised if you learn of another candidate from our parts soon. T u e “deur people” may see Dooly represented by one from 4 MORE ENTER THE FIELD CITY COUNCIL MEETING. Some Important Business Disposed of share in assisting to devour a well prepared and tastefully served royal bird bountifully flaked with all the tempting delicacies ot 4 the > season. No unusual occasion culled forth fthtft sumptuous repast, jt was only u return to early formed habits and a manner kind that makes the whole world kin. The appeased uppetiles of the fortunate few who were gathered caused them to give vent to their feelings in words of the highest'pruise to the mistress of the household and the ctfef of the culinary department. The bright faces and cheery smiles of Misses Jessie Myers, May Dee Roberts and Ora Morgan lent an additional ebartn to the occasion tluit was highly pleasing, The meeting of t he city cdur.cii Monday night was a very busv 01. M 111 *M*a* *■>. It was decided to defray the ex penses of the committee to visit Tax Collector arid Coroner-More Expected to Follow Soon. The political pot in Dooly county continues to bubble and boil and new candidates are continually be ing lidded to the turbulent stream. The more the merrier, jus the old saying goes, and the fewer votes it will take to elect. H. W. Powell, ex-sheriff of Dooly county, has made up his mind to enter the race for the leg islature and vyill make hts fqrmnl announcement through the columns Of The News next week. This adds I he bajuncing leg to the settee und iiow the intelligent voter can Pinehurst, it is rumored, all the sit srtioothly in the boat and ride charged with enibezzel tnent was cnlled this morning ith- 1 mediately after court convened. The defendants attorneys intro duced a demurrer and plea, and also made u motion for a contin u<tnce f all of which was overruled by the Judge, und the defendant was arraigned for triul, ; und at the time of our going to press the work ot securing the jury was being disposed of. The grand jury will probably udjourn this afternoon. THE VETERANS WILL MEET r / '• - NOMINATION. /I see where Mr. Guerry wants to have the nomination sometime in August. I guess it will tuke him that long to sling out ull of his mud. He is an old fashioned mud slinger x und campaigner, Mr. Guerry und his prohibition crowd have done everything in their power to get Hon. Toe Terrell to say something and fight back at them. Sooner or later Mr. GueiVy will have plenty of time to ciaw- fish and ke won’t belong to Cer- vera’s fleet at Santiago either. We don’t claim Mr. Terrell a model Sampson. It seems like Mr. Bei- ner and Mr. Potts have got the the Bud penned up, Mr, Terrell is one of the clean est candidates that ever come be fore the people of Georgia. Mr. Guerry is a great old barker and in his own yard raises a great of fuss. The gate wilf fly open day and then he will tuck ail between his legs and he think he is the other fellow. O. B. Perky, The Confederate Veterans of -Dooly county have been called to meet in this city Saturday, and a large number is expected to be present. Following is the official call issued by their commander: To the Confederate Veterans of Dooly Co. Cams No. 1109: You are hereby requested to meet at the court house in Vienna next Saturday, March 29th, at 11 a, m.. tor the purpose of appointing del egates to the Reunion at Dallas, Tex., and transact other business of importance. • I. S. Lassbter, Com. same. Now Mr. Editor, don’t abuse your mind by thinking thut it it “us,” your humble scribe, ah, mil For we have viewed with a critics eye, all the jobs frOm coroner to president, and can’t decide which we want, and our friends the “dear people” have been kind enough npt to mention us for anything, and we have felt a delicacy in approaching them 00. such a grave point, for we are well satisfied that so many want work that it will not be hard to find u servant. But should our law makers decide to open up some “soft snap” that most anybody cun fill, then, and noj until then will we consent to allow the “dear people” to,offer our name . Allow me to compliment you on lust Saturday's supplement to the News f A hustling paper that you make, Breezy, bright and up-to-date. Mr. V inright Jordan has made two trips here to see his best friend —but she was absent both times. Try the old adage Bro. Jordan, “If at first you don’t succeed try, try again. We ore having an excellent pro tracted service at the Methodist church conducted by the .able pas- tor Bro. Bass, assisted by Bro’s. Snow and Dunaway, Let the good work proceed. There is work in the vineyard, the harvest is ripe. Miss H.lsman, our efficient music teacher \s off visiting friends. She evenly balanced oh the political sea as far as candidates for the leg* islature is concerned.' • . Judge M. H. Hickson, of Cor- dclq, handed in his formal an nouncement yesterday for treasurer add spent the day tn the city view ing the situation, > W. D; Cross has also concluded to run for tax collector and his card will appear sliortlyC Mr. Cross is a prominent farmer of the Third district. The serenitv and quietude of the race for coroner has been rippled by tbeentry'uf Mr, J. W. Hall, jr., veiy deserving mid popular young man who is winning votes everyday. ; The good wotk goes oh and from present indications there will be several others in the race tor the different county offices before many more issues of The News. Vice-President Geo. Dole WadleyJ so make an effort to secure! the A. & B. railroad. It was also decided to exempt the members of the board of education, city council and Clerk & Treasurer from Street Tax. A motion was also made an cars ried that thre» plugs and 500 feet of hose be purchased. Two plugs will be put in ths business part of the city and one at the depot. This is only a begining in this line and before many monts Vienna ’will have a complete system of water works. J. G. Forehand was appointed to superidtend the Working of tlie streets and will be slowed $2 per- day for his services SNOWFLAKS. Acorns From The Gidve. Death Of .Mrs. W. Li Bell Mrs. W. I> Bell, who lived near Ebeneezer church died Satutday of pneumonia. She was 56 years old and the mother of twelve children eight of whom are living. She was a member of the Baptist church and was a gdod woman. Her re mains were interred in the cemete ry Sunday iA the presence of u large crowd. WANTED—A good white lady hotel cook. 0 Fair wages. Address Mrs. J- E. Duncan, Unadillo, Ga. many friends Our clever and congenial friend, Walter P. Speight, one of our liverymen, succeeded 111 getting his fortune /told last Saturday by “Prof.” Francis McClendon, and says that he will profit by it. Well, what next? The rain has left but few acorns in the grove. Those, however, that were so fortunate as to escape being drown ed ore so well “grounded" as to ref- main fixed for ages to come. Farmers in this community are hav ing their rest at the beginning of the growing season this year. They should remember the flood lias passed, and so not become discouraged. Patience is our best teacher sometimes. L. H. Murphy and family visited rel atives near Byromville Sunday. un- Miss , Charles Graham, wife, and little is greatly missed here among her lrom niat UnadilUt were NIGHT WAS HER TERROR- “I would cough neatly all night long,” writes Mrs, Chat Applegate of Alcxamla, Ind., “and could hardly get my sleep. I had consumption ito bad that if I walked a block I would cough irighlfully and spit blood, but when all other medicine failed, three (loo bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 58 pounds.” It’s absolutely guar anteed to cure coughs, colds, lagrippe, bronchitis and nil' throat apd lung trou bles. Price 50cadd $100. Trial oolites .freest Vienna Drug Co. er, guests of R. P. Woodruff's family Sat urday and Sunday. Z. T. Woodruff and family Visited relatives in Snow Sunday. Miss Mary Turner of Spalding and Lila Bevily of Cedar Valley visited Miss Elina Roberts last week. A. L. Thompson, of Cordele, was a visitor to our gdnimunity last week. The school at this place is progress ing nicely. Every one interested seems to be pulling together for the good of the work. May it continue to be so, as this is the only way to success. ,Several young people from Byrom ville and Pleasant Valley attended Sunduy^ehool here Sunday afternoon. Come again. Several young people from hero at tended church at Pleasant Valley Sun day. Judging from recent reports ft .will not be long before trains esn be sjen pacing along the western border of our community. Ma£ the time soon come, As we have not seen anything from our little village in several weeks, we will endeavor to write again. Mrs. C. T. Simmons visited her brother, Mr. Hickson of Perry. John Folds, of Pinehurst, visited his sister Mrs. 8, H. Moore-Sunday. We nre glad to know that the sick in our town aro improving. The young people of this place en joyed a nice sing Sunday afternoon conducted by J. B. Folds. We are sorry to note that Rufus Clew- is, of this community, was sick and couldn’t go to the singing. We misS him very much. J. R, Herring, of Byron, is visiting his sister, Mrs. H. J. McOorvey. A crowd of young people attended preaching at Pinehurst Sdnday night. Mr. Stokes and family visited rela tives in Macon last week. Mrs. J. C, Moore if very sick at this writing. >Ve wish her a speedy recov ery. Mrs. Murray visited her da&ghter, Mrs Young Sheffield a few days last weok. Oar school is progressing nicely der the skillful management of Julia Wallace. Bye bye till next time, Little Bov . ... —■ 1...-.1 .1 In Memory of Our Baby. Maudie Lizzie Gammngc, little daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R, Ganitnage, was born June 8, 1900 and died Feb. 25, 1902. She suffered Intensely front it severe attack of pneumonia for three days which resulted in dentil, while Dr; W. A. Moore did all in hit. power lo save her. Maud was a bright and beautiful child, loved by nil that knew her, and her little sisters loved her dearly. It is so hard to part from our darling baity, never to see her on this earth again, never to bear her sweet voice again, and never to bear her sing her sweet songs on this earth again, but now she is singing those sweet songs in Hearen, where she is a bright sbiniag angel, and we ail hope some sweet day to meet our darling baby in that sweet bye and bye, the land that is fairer than day. “A precious one from ua is gone,' ' And a voice we loved is stilled; A place is vacant in our home, That never tr ore can be filled!.” A Loving Mother, Alapaha, Ga.. March 19, 1902. I DOG TAX NOTICE * AU persons living in the cite of Vienna are hereby notified to pay the taxes on eayh dog owned hr tnent hy April 151)1, alter which time the inarshaU ‘Will kill the dog Wherever they are found B. M, Wood,'Clerk & Trea»