The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, April 02, 1902, Image 1

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FIRE MONDAY Destroys tie Dwelling and.SmoMoase oflr.L. Q. Held Ttoli Regular Monthly leetingln This (Sty Yesterday Morning. THE SPECIAL TERM OF DOOLY SUPERIOR COURT HAS ADJOURNED Authorities Telegraph Major Ihltehead That Road Can’t Come this Way. - News was received here yester day morning that the dwelling ind somehottse of Mr. L. Q. Nobles, Who lives about seven miles east of this city, was destroyed by fire on Monday afternoon, .together with nearly all of the contents. The fire broke out about two o’clock in the afternoon and was first discovered by » little 4-year old daughter, who was out in the yartl playing. The fire originated from a spark tluit fell on the smokehouse from a burning tree ubout ijjoynrds away. As soon ns Mrs. Nobles’ atten tion was called to the fire she went to her nearest neighbor, Mr. Jim Hutto, and gave the ularm. Mr. Nobles was one mile away, at Mr. Bfge Brown’s, but was soon notified by one of the Hutto children. Bv the time they re lumed the fire had consumed the smokehouse and contents. The barn caught on fire several times but was put out at once. A lime-sink being about 20 yards from the bam whiclf' made water very convenient. Three beds, two quilts and two trunks were saved. While working to suppress the fire Mr. Hutto was overcome by . heat and u physician bad to be culled in. Mr. Nobles carried only $200 insu.tincc, which brings his loss down to about $4<fo. On uccount of the busy season Mr. Nobles will not rebuild until full. His many friends deeply sympathise with him in his loss. The board of education of Dooly county met in the office of Coanty School Commissioner E. G. Greene yesterday. All ot tbe board was present except Mr. J. D. Pate qf Cordele. After transacting the regular routine of business the board took up the question of when and what annual institute the teachers should attend. It was decided that if any of the teachers should suspend their school to attend the Chautau qua at Albany, or any other, -that they would not recognise the cer tificates issued by the Chautauqua, and thde they would be compelled to pay thr fine. The teachers may attend any reputable Institute during vacution bu* will not ceive any pay tor their time. Following is the official notice issued by the board: < ‘•Teachers may attend an tnsti lute in the county from the 9th to 13th of June, getting pay for their time. Certificates will be accepted from any reputuble institute at- tanded at the teacher* expense during vacation. “W. V. Harvard, •‘Pres’t. B. of E. D. C.” SEABORN PHILIPS CONVICTED For Murder of Mr. V. C. fetson, and Receives a Life Time Sentenoe- Smith Gets Two Tears. The special term of . Dooly supe rior court adjourned Saturday afternoon, having disposed of four felony cases, two of which had been on tbe docket for some time. The case of the state vs Seaborn Phillips, charged with the murder of W. C. Batson, was the next case taken up after the Jones case Fri day afternoon. Col. Crum assisted the solicitor iu the prosecution and Cols. W. V. Harvard and M. P. Hall, were appointed by the court to defend the murderer. Thi* was a hard fought case and public sentiment ran high, account of the heinouriiess of the as expressed in an editorial in 4 LARGE BEEP AS TO “NOMINATION.” 1050 And M For $40. We have been reading the articles of Mr. O. B. Perry with a good deal of in terest as they have appeared in Tam Nzws at various times, thinking that as he was an Intelligent men he would advance some good reason why the peeplo should support Mr. Terrell, and not spend his valuable time in doing what he claims that Mr. Guerry is do ing. (failing to accomplish his purpose) but In vein. Now, Mr. Perry, we have nothing for you but kind feelings, and would not say anything to hart your feelings if we knew it, but we think yon are a .good man gone wrong in your method ot trying to convinee people whom you think has not gone right. Pitch your articles on a higher plane than apply ing silly names to the gentleman who is opposing the man of your choice. Lay aside your childish way of sneer ing the one you would like to see de feated and appeal to the reason of the people. In this progressive age people employ all their thinking faculties in reaching a decision, and you must ap peal to the esme agencies by which they reach their decision if you would expect them to reverse it. The people who are supporting Mr. Guerry are not supporting him because of the scoffing ot the Guerry men, neither will they lay aside their conviction because of the Jeering ot the Terrell men. Per* haps the time has been when such arti cles as yours in the last issue of Tits News might influence the people, but in this day of enlightenment, when .the One of the largest beeves ever brought to this market to be butch ered was a steer purchased by W. F. Market & Co. , a few days ago, from W. A. Greer of Dakota. The steer’ffgross weight’ was 1500 pounds and, was sold for the nice snm of $45. Mr. Maket bad the beef butch ered yesterday morning and it* was a sight to see tbe large quarters banging in front ol ibis popular market. Who says that cattle raising does not pay in Dooly?— Cordele Duly New*. PRESDINT « SENIOR CLASS. Tbe many friends of Prof. R. O. Powell will be glad to learn of bis success at the State Normal School He has rec-ntly been elected presi dent of the senior class of that school aoif is also president of tbe Young Mens’ Cbnstain Associa tion . which ts doing some effective work among the young men. . Prot. Powell has already proven himself to be an efficient teacher in this county and is now preparing himself to be one of the fdretnost in his profession. The News wishes him every success in bis efforts possible. and then take their position it will take something of a higher grade of HMsonlng than was embodied in your - move them. 80 tune up your campaign Instrument end give a* something better next time, or hang your harp on a willow tree. Cmm A RAGING ROARING FLOOD Washed down ■ telegraph line which Chat C. Ellis of Lisbon, la., had to pair.' “Standing waist deep in icy water." he writes, “gave me a terrible cold and cough. It grew worse daily, Finally tbe best doctors in Oakland, Nets, Mows city Omaha raid I had consump tion and could not live. Then I began using Dr King’s New Discovery and -was wholly cored by six bottles." Pos itively guaranteed for coughs, colds snd all throat and long troubles by Vienna I Drag Co., price goc and f too The readers of the News will re member that we stated in our last Wednesday’s issue that the commit tee composed of Mayor \\ hitehead, J. P. Heard Sr., aud M. P. Hall went up to Macon last Wednesday morning and had a conference with Vice-President Geo. Dole Wadley, in regard to getting the A. & B. road to come by Vienna, The committee laid their plans and ideas before Mr Wadley, who sub mitted them to tbe officials in At lanta. He told the committee that he would telegraph them the decision fhat was arrived sit by the officials and yesterday Mayor Whitehead received a telegram stating that '‘Committee met yes terday. Can’t come by Vienna. Will write at length.” [Signed] G. D. Wadley. Notwithstanding the above de cision, we are of the same opinion crime committed. Several witnesses were put upon the stand by the state, and although the evidence was all circumstantial, it was sufficient to convict. Able speeches were made by the attorneys on both sides, and the jury went to their room at the noon hour Saturday, nnd returned in a tew hours with n verdict of guilty, with a recommendation to the mercy of the court, and sentenced by tbe judge to life imprisonment. The case will be appealed, and the prisoner was carried to Macon Saturday night by Deputy Sheriff Lee Sheppard, for safe . keeping until tbe case is finally disposed of in the supreme court. The lust case tried was that of the state v« Adolphus Smith, charged with manslaughter. The person killed was Lula Lace, a negro woman near Cordele a few weeks ago. The two were playing with the pistol and while be had it pointed at her—not knowing that it was loaded of course, it went off and killed her instantly. He was represented bv Col. J. M. Dupree, of Montezuma. The jiury returned with a verdict of in voluntary manslaughter, after being out only a short time. Judge Littlejohn in passing sen tence upon Adolphus, who is only about 19 years old, said in part: That instead of crime of this character being on the decrease in this county tt was on the increase, and that he was the ninth person that had been before him tor a high grade of crime this court, and 1 am sorry to say that three of them were white men.” Continuing he said that “a. large per cent of the killing was due to the handling of deadly weapons carelessly by the colored race, and although you had no malice against tbe deceased, you were pointing tbe pistol at ber in an unlawful manner. .The penalty for this crime is from one to three years in the peniteptiary and I will not give you the maximum or the minimum, but two years ia tbe penitentiary.” another column. REY. WALKER LEWIS Will Lecture at Heard's Opera Hoasa From MvoodUmp Saturday Kerning But is Caught M Slgbt- 'f he News announces with greet pleasure to its mhny readers the coming of Rev. Walker Lewis, of Atlunta. He will deliver a lecture nt Heard’s opera house in this city Friday evening upon the subject of “Alexander H, Stephens,” the great commoner. Rev. Lewis' is n well known orator and lecturer and our people will not be disappointed by going out to hear him. Prices of admission will be 35, 50 and 75c. Dallas Koyvall, col., the noted chicken thief who was serviug out a three years sentence in the convict camp At Rich wood for burglarizing., the fowl house of Judge Henderson, made his escape Saturday morning by jumping from tbe cars as the convicts were being carried out to the woods to work, but was not missed until about ten o’clock. As soon as it became known that he bad escaped, the authorities telephoned Sheriff Sheppard and other officers here, who kept their eyes open in search of some clue as . to tlie whereabouts of tbe escaped convict. Late that afternoon the officers here learned that he was at the house of George Reid, who lives about a half a mile from the Davis plantation. During tbe first part of the night Sheriff Sheppard and Marshal Mathews went down to tbe DavU plantation in a buggy, and from there they walked over to George’s house and tailed for Dallas to come out und surrender. But instead of doing as was told, he jumped out of a window and ran' under the house. The officers then commenced to shoot and tried to make him surrender, but the negro would go from one side to another in an effort to getaway, and it was- not until the officers bad worked ■ for nearly a a hour and bad become wet with perspiration that they succeeded in getting him to sur-< render. 1 It seems that Dallas and George were in the asylum together, and as soon as he got away from the camp ha broke for George’s house. The officers brought him to townr and placed him in jail until Sonday morning when he was carried down to Richwood. The sheriff und marshal are now a few dollare better off financially they received , 925 for their trouble. SWEET POTATOES. Dooly county is now furnishing some of the finest eating that tbe Atlanta people have ever had. Mr. O. B. Perry shipped one car load of home-raised sweet potatoes to that city last week, und has a few more at the same price if any other city needs them. Mr. Perry don’t only raise potatoes, but lie has pigs and hogs, and plenty of ground peus to fatten them, and the geese, turkeys and chickens that swarm around his barnyard door. He also has bis idea about poll tics and politicians and is fearless in expressing them—but be does raise sweet potatoes. City Barber Shop- Wc have plentyjof customers, but can watt 011 more. Courteous attention shown br polite barbers who take special care In rendering clean service with sharp tools. Auovstus Jokes, Next door to Postofise, Prop’r. harmed. On Sunday the 23rd nit., Miss Salhe Dorough, who lives a few miles East ot Rich wood, was mar ried ' to Mr. Lonnie Saniford. These are both prominent young people and have the best wishes of their many friends for a long and happy life. VETERANS MEETING. The meeting of the veterans of Dooly dounty was held in the of fice of Ordinary Hargrove Satur day morning at xi o’clock. Com mander I. S, Lasseter presided and Jas. Pate acted as secretary of the meeting. It was decided to have a meeting here on tire Second Saturday in Muy lor the purpose ot making arrangements for tbe Fourth of July reunion which will be held in Cordele. Nine delegates and nine nlteefj nates were Appointed to attend the committee at Dallas, Tex., April 33-251!). HE KEPT HIS LEO Don’t give up and say there ts nospec- taclee which yon can see through Just because yon hare failed to get fitted. Re member I am fitting those kind every dar. H- A. Yol-mans, Jeweler and Optician. Twelve year* ago J W Sullivan of Hartford, Com., scratched hit leg with ■ ruaty wire. Infiimmatioo and blood poltlnlng set in. For two years be tuf' fered Intensely. Then tbe best doctors urged amputation, ‘‘but’’ he writes, "I used one bottle of Electric Bl'ters, and r 1-3 boxes ot Bncklen’a ArntcSf Salve inv teg was sound and well ns ever.” For ensptioue, eczema, letter suit rheum sorts, end alt blood disorder* Electric Bitters has no rival on earth'. Try them Wilt guarantee aatltfaction or refund money. Only 50c. Vienna Drug Co.- ..Is ■’'M ...