The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, April 05, 1902, Image 1

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T" VOL I. NO 89* VIENNA. GA., SATURDAY. APRIL 5. 1902. TWICE-A"WEEK $1.00 PER YEAR. [The Vienna’s of the World. REV. J. D. NORRIS. WONDERFUL BOY PREACHER Vienna in Kennebec county, Maine, .lias a population of 459. Ten miles ' north is the village of North Vienna.' Augusta, the capital Maine is in this county. The two Vienna's in Maine have no railroads. Vienna in Oneida county, N. Y. t has 229 inhabitants, and West Vienna in the same county has 139. Vienna is on a railroad while West Vienna is not. There are 166 people in Vienna, War ren County, N. J., and the town is ten miles from a railroad. Vienna, Md., is in Dorchester county and has a population of 400, and is on a railroad and river too. Vienna, Va., is in Fairfax county, 12 miles south of Washington City, has a population of 317 and is on a railroad, ' Vienna in Wood county, W. Va., has a population of 25 and is on a railroad. Ohio has three towns named Vienna. New Vienna in Clinton county has i population of 805 and a railroad. VI cnna in Trumbull county has 90Q popu lation and no railroad. Vionna Cross roads in Clark county has 150 and no railroad. There are two in Michigan, one in Monroe county with a population of 60 and has a railroad. Theotherone is in Montmorency county and has eighty people and no railroad; is ten miles from thb prosperous eity of Atlanta, Micht Vienna, Ind., Scott county, has 207 population and a railroad. Vienna is the county seat of Johnson county. Illinois—has 1,217 population, * is in the center of the county and has a .► railroad. This is the largest city in "*Norih Amcrlca or the Western conti nent by the name of Vienna. The capital of Dooly is the second largest. Vienna, Mo., Is the county site of Mnri<^ county and has 400 population; there is not a railroad in the county. Vienna, Wis., is in Walworth county, lias 75 population and no railroad; the county is sixty miles long and sixty- nino wide. Vienna, South Dakota, is in Clark county, has a population of 50 and is on a railroad. Vienna, N. C., is in Forsyth county, has 67 population and no railroad. Vienna,41a., is the county seat of Dooly county and has 1,035 population.. Vienna, Ala., is in Picked* county, a population of 70 and no railroad. Vienna, La,, is in Lincoln county, has a population of 65 and no railroad; Vienna, Tex., is in Lavaca county, a population of 20 and no railroad. Vienna (n Ontario, Canada has 400 {population and U on a railroad. ■ Vienna, Cuba has 817 population and no railroad. Vienna in Franca ia nearly two thous and years bid, has a population of 34,817. This is an important manufac turing place. Pilate was banished to this place after Christ was put to death. Vienna, 8pain has a population of 2,061; chief trade is wine and grapes. Vienna in Portugal has a population of 8,816; is near the sea coast and is engaged in manufacturing linen and woolen goods. > Vienna, the capital pt Austria-Hung ary has a population of 1,594,129. There are only six cities in the world larger t than this. It is two thousand years p, old. Geographically, Vienna is well • situated and is one of the most historic cities of the world. There are 2,214 streets, alleys and squares; Punch and Judy park is the largest in the city. .' i The streets are paved with marble, has 290 miles of gas pipe and 485 miles f sewers and over86,000 electric lights, has 02 miles of street railways that , carries 63,000,000 passengers each year. Some of the finest buildings of the world will be found in this city. The Parliament building is an immense marble edifice. The court theatre is perhaps the fine building of its kind in the world. They are great theatre- people. There are but very few and they ore poorly attended and supported. The schools in Vienna have long been under the control of the Boman Catho lic ohurch, but the Pope no longer con trols thenf. There are 146 primary schools, attended by 85,000 boys and 86,000 girls. The colleges and univer sities are of a high grade and well at- Xetx Joiner, Ten Tear Old Boy, Preached at Baptist Church Thursday Bight to a Yery Large Crowd. Chief of ’Police Williamson, of Forsyth, arrived in the city Thurs- , . . day afternobn accompanied by tended. She is famous fpr her great * .. . T . ’ libraries-the Imperial has 400,000 vol. b « kin « nan » MeW J 0lner ’ the umes and 20,000 missionaries. Her art wonderful to year old boy preach- galleries are the greatest in the world er, who delivered quite an inter- The masters of art and music live and esting discourse at the Baptist teach m this city. | church that night to a large nu-! She is the gayest capital in all of .. . . Europe, her population being composed i d,ence *. of pleasure loving people, even more sot The manner in which this young than the people of Paris. There aro j preacher expounded the truths of some of the most ultra aristocratic and the gospel of his Saviour was wonderful and he held the close attention of his heareis throughout exclusive) people in this city to bo found upon the earth. The social leaders there are more conservative than they are in the French capital. Most of the religious population in Vienna are Boman Oatholics; there being 1,105,176 and only 41,943 Protes tants, and 118,495 Jews. Vienna is a great eity commercially- lost year there was shipped from the city by rail 1,143,188 tons of freight, and 3,543,951 tons of freight and 65,000 tons of express matter was shipped in to the city. There were over 32,429,688 gallons of beer made in Vienna last year, and 10,086,438 gallons of wine. The gov ernment controls the sale of tobacco, oigare, snuff, eta It is what Senator Ben Tilman would call a dispensary in South Carolina. Vienna has some strong banks and insurance companies. There are insurance companies and some of them will insure steam boilers, looking glas-t ses, and against'storms and hail. There are 62 post offices in Vienna, 1,000 letter boxes and *118 telegraph ofiloes, the government owning the companies. } • The city is governed by a counsel and a bargomaster, confined ,tay the emperor. The police system launder state control. Vienna has long been a walled city, but they have recently been removed, which adda muoh to the beauty of the eity. She is a wonderful city in many respects. » I haven’t the space to write about Vienna river and county in France, nor the merita of "Vienna of Concordat,” or the great Vienna Congress, or the "Vienna Green,” or "Vienna Paste,” or "Vienna Oauatie,” or "Vlepns Haute.” Let everybody in Dooly help to make Vienna, Ga., a great eity. SNOWLAKES' his sermon., It seemed to be per fectly natural with him to face an audience, and his voice was indeed clear and strong for a mere boy.’ He will tell his experience and call to the ministry at the Baptist church this afternoon at 3 o’clock. Everybody invited, especially the young people. He will also preach HR. 0. B. PERRY WRITES. And Asks “Citizens” tli&t Appeared in Sentinel, Ikpi is tits Liq«oi OUR PINEHURST SCRIBE Writes at Lentfb and Tells tlie People in Poetrj that Dupont Guerry Should Be Governor of Georgia. Citizen to the Cordele Sentinel says we have the fight of our lives to save the country from the grasp of the Liquor Dealers Associations Now old bpd I where is Dooly’s Liquor Dealers Association ? This association can’t be found north of Cordele and therefore, it must be in Cordele as the records of the courts will show that more people have been furnished from Cordele for selling liquor than the balance of the county. I will admit that we had some parties to in come from other counties and sell some ot your association drugs, and today they are serving out their sentence in the chuingang. Now old Bud, in the event that Terrell should ciurv Douly it won’t have anything to do with getting barrooms or dispensaries in this tonight at 7 30: It is said that he county. When you %»y your prayer was converted and called to the ministry when he was only seyen years old. CONSTRUCTION CO. t IS NOW ASSURED As' was stated in our last issue of the News, a number ot our prominent citizens who are deter mined to have a new railroad here if they have to build one, are steadily arratiginig plans and de tails in an effoit to organize a con struclion Co., for that purpose. The News is not allowed to give but any defiinite infotmation on the question at yet, but our people are not asleep any more and it will not be many days before eve rything will be in shape for publi cation and a new railroad will be headed towards this city. A SURPRISE PARTY. The farmen are busy this beautiful weather planting com. Mr. and Mrs. Hooks visited their mother Sunday. We art sorry to learn that Mrs. T. E. Folds Is on the sick list this week. Mrs. J. O. Moore is steadily improv ing from a severe attaok of congestion. Little Nevie McCorvey has been sick for tbe past few days., Miss Maud Hickson, of Oordele, is vlsitingher aunt, Mn O T. Simmons. Olllver Murphy, of Oakfield, was a visitor to our little city Sunday.We are glad to have him. Gome again. A crowd of young people attended preaching at Pinehurst, Sunday night and report a very pleasant time *|TBAnr.” HE KEPT HI! LEG Twelve years ago ) W Sullivan of Hartford. Conn., scratched bit leg with a rutty wire. Inflimmation and blood poitialng set in. For two yean he suf fered intensely. Then the best doctors urged amputation, “but” he writes, “I used one bottle of Electric Bi’ters, and t i-a boxet ot Bucklen’s Arnaca Salve mv leg waa sound and well as ever.” For eruptions, ecsetna. tetter salt rheum sores, and all blood disorders Electric Bitten bat no rival on earth. Try them Will guarantee satisfaction or refold Only 50*. Vienna Drug Co. Pinehurst, Ga., Apr, 3—Much has been and is being said why a fellow should not vote tor Guerry for governor, and little 'has been said wby a fellow should- vote fpr Terrell. It appears that those two are the only ones in it i The way \\ e” view it, is that the Terrell element is mighty perplexed, be cause Mr. Guerry has told so poin tedly how he stands, and Terrell is waiting to find out from the “men who control” how to stand. It is noble to be great and bold, fearless man, to speak for the strug gling masses. And we think that a man with honest convictions, and fearless to express them is in deed a noble man, and to the aver age voter I would suggest: Be brave, true and manly; Dare to do that which is right. S buckle on the armor And help us in the fight A fight for home and country; Where trusts and lobbying control ; Help save the rising generation And your sweet wives heart console. Lay aside your prejudice And be a manly man; “Love your neighbor as yourself,” This is the great command. Let’s set a good example, Macon Telegraph when lie opens it to read. . The Telegraph is one of the best papers iu the state and has been keeping neutral until Mr. Guerry commenced to find so much liquor in the noble columns of the Telegraph. Mr. Editor, it is indeed liurd on u man when lie offers for the gov ernors chair and don’t even stand well in Ul. home com..,. Mr. MSS BffiTM LEONARD and lie down to rest, I will assure you that the Terrell men won’t be found carrying around petitions to get the good people of this county to sign up for liquor. Terrell mm as a rule, are above, these Liquor associations. Mr. Editor it seems us if Guerry _. . , . . . . „ ... , .- , That sister state-* can follow; cart smell the scent of liquor m the givo the and lMroad Macon Tcleuranh when lie onens rinn' ring* A gr at big chance to hollow So here is to Hon. Dupont Guerry, May he be governor yet; Bold to express convictions A true and trusted "Vet.” So lay down all strife and bickerings- And lend a helping hand, And with your ballots, honor This noble upright man. Several of the young people of this city enjoyed themselves at surprise party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Smith Wednesday evening. Many interesting- and highly amusing games were indulged- in during the evening. Fruits were served at a late, hour and when the guests bade their host and hostess good night, it was with the hope that they would soon enjoy their kind hospitality again. Following are the names of those present: Misses Sara Collier; Bertha Leonard, Lucy Heard, Cora Powell, Emmie Woodward, Jewel Powell, Calls Lilly, Lovie Lindsay, Berta Adkins, Annie Powell, Eva Penny, Carolyn Roberts and Ollie Smith. Messrs. L L Woodward, J L Taggart, Ras Smith, Watts Powell, W F George, W ii Proctor Judson Lasbley, Wallie Lytle, J P Smith and W H Lnsseter. -■ j '*■■■«■— — . City Barber Shop* Wc have plentyjof customers, bat can wait 011 more. Courteous attention shown br polite barbers who lake special care in rendering clean service with snsrp tools. . Augustus joxes, Next door to PottoflSce. Prop’r. Guerry needs to beconvertedagsin at he always looks on the dark side and says everything is going wrong, instead ot “basking in tho sun shine,” us the happy man does. I' have just returned from Atlan ta and Macon whete I talk.d with a great many people from different parts of the state and ull expressed themselves that Guerry was hardly in the race. Hurrah for Terrell I ; P„ B. Perry. FINGER NEARLY COTOFF. One day last week Annie May, the little duyghter of Mr. B. O. Willis who lives out ut the saw mill of A. Brewer, was playing with some other children and while holding a stick upon a block for her playmate to cut tbe hatchet came down missing the stick and cutting her middle finger nearly in twain at the second joint. The little one was brought to town where tbe finger was stitched and bandaged, and tt is now healing up nicely. A RA&iRG ROARING FLOOD Washed down a telegraph line which Chas C. Ellis of Lisbon, la., had to re- psir. “Standing waist deep in icy water.” he writes, "gave me a terrible cold and rough. It gtew worse duly. Finally tbe best doctors In Oakland, Neb. Sioux city Omaha said I had consump tion and could not live. Then 1 began uling Dr King’s New Discovery and was wholly cured by six bottles.” Pos itively guaranteed for coughs, colds and til throat and Inng troubles by Vienna DrugCo., price $dc and |too ENTERTAINS AT “UP JINKS.” A most pleasant evening was spent with Miss Leonard Thursday evening April 3rd. Progressive “Up Jinks” was enjoyed by the iuvited guests. Mist Leonard received in a be coming gown of grey Louisine ttlk with black and white trimmings. She wa« assisted in- receiving by Mrs. Leonard and Mr*. M. P. Hall. Mrs. Leonard was handsome in a black grenaline over turquoise blue. Mrs. Hall was stylishly attired in a white silk waist and cloth skirt. Atter seventeen games of “Up Jinks” was finished the first prize, a silver knife was awarded N>r. J. L. Taggart. Mrs. J. B. McDoti- * aid received the consolation prize, a silver back comb. Dainty refreshments were served in three courses at a late hour.. Miss Calla Lilly favored tin- party with one of her recitations/ after which the guests departed and voted their hostesses as charm ing entertainers. Those present were Misses Con. Powell, Em~rie and Carolyn Rob erts, Emmie Woodward, Berta Adkipp. Bessie Collier, Scailett Fudge, Calla Lilly, Eva Penny and Lucy freard. Messrs. W T Mc Donald, Joe Smith, W F George, Lucius Woodward, JL Taggart. Frank Powell, Will Proctor, Wade lAisseter, Mrs. O. M. Heard, Mr. and Mn.. J B McDonald.