The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, May 31, 1902, Image 1

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1/ VOL I. NO 104. VIENNA. GA., SATURDAY. MAY 31,1902. TWICE-A"WEEK $1.00 PER YEAR THE SUNDAY JOURNAL Promises to Fill a Long Felt Want-The First Edition Appears Tomorrov. The Atlanta Journal has announced its purpose to begin on June 1 the pub lication of a Solidity morning edition. '1 his announcement carries with it the insurance that the Sunday Journal will I e one of the most complete, compre- I ensivc and attractive papers published in the entire country—for it is well 1 nown that when this great southern i ewspaper undertakes it executes per fectly. The Journal argues that the publica tion of its Sunday morning edition is made necessary by the growing demand for the Journal oft seven days of the week instead of six— in„dther words, a -demand for a newspaper that gives all the news all the time. The Journal 1ms gone about the pre- 1 aration of its Sunday edition with the same spirit of enterprise and liberality of expenditure that has made the Daily Journal the most popular and univer sally read newspaper in the south. It lias not only installed a new $42,000 press, but has at enormous expense siiplomented its already excellent news service I that of the Associated Press -admitted the best on earth] with the special cable service of the New York Herald, the most perfect foreign news service in existence together with all the best speeini Sunday features of the Herald, the same to appear simultane ously in thuti paper and the Sunday Journal. In addition to this its own corps of , special writers will embrace some of the best known names in the country; among them are George Ade Peter Fin ley Dunne, Bishop Candler, Sam P. Jones, Mrs. Felton, Rev. Geo. C. Smith, Historian, and numerous others. Its social news and religious departments will be special features, while its col ored comic stiplement will be thp equal of any, and the Brat ever issued by a Georgia newspaper. The Sunday Journal will be sent to regular subscribers of the “daily, at 12 cents per week—or for the small addi- tionalcost df 2 cents per week. Or it will be served by newsboys at 5 cents per copy. It goes without saying that this new piece of enterprise on the part of the Journal .meaning as it does, greatly in creased service at a mincum of incresed will largely increase the circula tion and usefulness of that great news paper. COL. HELDS SPEAKS. A special to the News from a correspondent at Sibley, has the following to say of a speech deliv ered by Col. Fields at that place: •►Col. S. R.'Fields of Cordele, made a speech ut the Sibley school house last IfiatuMay night in the hRerest of his race for representa tive. Col. Fields is u bright young lawyer and made a vote winning speech. He kept the close attention of his audience for about one hour and a‘ half, and seemed perfectly at home while speaking and made many friends while here. I think if Col. Fields is elected he will rpake Dooly a splendid representa tive. “Mr. Editor, lets send Col. Fields to the legislature, he is able, fionest and worthy. The people down here will vote for him almost .olid.” Voter. ShudJers At His Past. : recall now with horror,” savs Mail •ter Burnett Mann, of Levenna, O., . V three years of suffering from kidney .Afiible. I was hardly ever free from dull aches or acute pains in my back. To stoop or lift mail sacks made me groan. I PIWVJ/ VI MSS — V . telt tired, worn out. about ready to give * » • • . _ (.' I * * I* j (2 ttUsaM up, when'l begun to use Electric Bitters, l>ut six bottles completely cured me and [Bade me feel like a new man».’• They’re unrivalf/to regulate-stomach, liver, kid neys rod bowels. Perfect satimetion. guaranteed by Vienna Dave Co, “USONA” WRITES A NEWSY LETTER And Dedicates a Few Verses to'“Uncle Drayton, Ga., May 27- Miss Berta Tunison,of Atlanta, who has been spending some time with relatives and friends here and at Vienna, returned home 23d, inst. Miss Annie Sadler, our popular and efficient teacher visited Vienna 24th, inut. The sale of perishable property of the estate of the lute A G Morgan, udvertised tor the 20th of May, did not materialize us per-schedulc. The political pot from n guberna toriul point of view hus begun, to ebolute, yum, yum. The Terrell fever is so high in this "deestrict” you have to take fire tongs to /eel ot the pulse. Very few people* {jere have ever heard of Mr. GeerieKMr. Terrell is the logical candidate.,an all round, competent, affable,-ac commodating—-and deserving, With a clean cut platform, and, upon which any Christian gentleman can stand on and not become contami nated with the now pandemic evil. Hon. D W Harvard of Unadilla, the invincible political wheel-horse was around reminding the boys that the nomination would be on June the 5th, and altlio fish are biting, he wisht them to stop dig ging bait long enuff to go to the polls and vote for him. Dr. Calhoun visited the capitol of Dooly Friday. A GOOD NEGRO DEAD. Uncle Isaac Davis, an old and honorable r.egro who in life had many friends both white,and col ored, passed into the real beyond early last Friday morning. For a number of years Uncle Isaac had been a faithful wagoner tor Peacock & Kelly, and by his honorable career made numerous friends and set an example which many colored people would do well to emulate. Uncle Isaac had the distinction of serving both the Confederacy and the Union during the war between the states. He first served the Confederacy for two years and made a good soldier. He was then luken prisoner and piessed into service on the Union side. He was drawing a pension at the time of his demise. Dedicated to and apropos of Uncle George Sheppard’s double candidacy. Uncle George is in the race, He Is a candidate two ways; For the other chaps he’s set the pace, While they stand amazed. He is going in n sweeping trot— He has fairly raised a dust; He is leading the whole dad-gasted lot, While the others make the fuss. He is keeper, as you know, Of transgressors of the law; He is a candidate also— To get a mother-in-law. Uncle George has got a "cinch,” He will keep the sheriff’s place; Sit steady In thp canoe and do not flinch, And you’ll win the other race. The sheriff’s Job, It takes the votes— The majority to “laugh;’’ _ The other job, it is no Joke— It takes the “better-half.” —Usoxa. Buggies! Galore- Car Load Celebrated Anchor Buggies just received. Prices right—quality best. 3. P. Heard & Sons. THE COMMENCEMENT A GRAND SUCCESS AT UNADILLA Under the Management of Prof. Powers and His Able Assistants, the School Has Wonderfully Progressed—Whole Faculty Re-elected. Says He Has Disgusted His Supporters A CHEAP EXCURSION From Vienna to Atlantic Beach, Florida, on Jane li-$3.25 for Round Trip. Unadilla, Ga., May 30th.—The commencement of the Unadilla high school closed with last night’s pro gramme. Rev. W. L. Wooten of the First Methodist church of Americus de livered a most eloquent sermon at 11 o’clock lust Sunday morning to an immense congregation. Monday, ut 10 it in Miss Notting ham’s elocution class gave 11 recital that was ^greatly enjoyed. The pupils aijracquitted themselves in a most creditable manner. At 3:30 in the afternoon Miss Herndon’s music class gave the' audience a rare treat in instrumental music. On Monday evening the primary department, ussisted by some of the pupils from the intermediate and high school departments, gave an entertainment that elicited no little praise. Among other good things on the program was the Chinese drill by sixteen little boys in costume and the Liliputinn wedding. Tuesday morning’s program opened with instrumental music on piano and mandoiin, interspersed with recitations from the elocution class. Then came the annual ad dress by Col. Walter F. George of Vienna. Seldom has it been our privilege to listen to such matchless eloquence, utld never have we heard a more appropriate address. Col. George represented Mercer in one of the state oratorical contests, in which he won the victory. On Tuesday evening an immense crowd assembled to witness the last exercise. Everything passed off with that ease and smoothness that showed the teachers lmd spared no pains in drilling and preparing the pupils for that oAcassion. At the close of the program Dr. T. J. McArthur innde a short talk in which he stated that this had been the most prosperous year in the history of the school, and that the board of education lmd re-elected . the entire force. Miss Nelle Thorp as intermediate teacher and Miss Louise Herndon as knusic teacher have been associat ed with the school for the past two years. They have won their way into the hearts, of the pupils and patrons. Prof C. G. Powers, as superinten dent, and Mrs. Powers as primary teacher have been identified with the school for the past year only, but in that time they have won a high reputation among the patrons, of the school, and the citizens of the community in general. Mrs. Powers is considered one of the best primary teachers in Georgia. Under Prof. Power’s able and efficient management the school has reached a higher state of excellence than it has ever enjoyed before. He is a fine disciplinarian and an excellent teacher. His family is a valuble addition to this commu nity. When the votes are counted in the coming gubernatorial campaign Dupont Guerry will be a very sick man. He has disgusted his friends and given bis enemies all-the elbow room they want to pound him good and hard. Instead of pursuing a course in this campaign to make himself friends and votes, he hus blindly and persistently bootted all his supporters away from Ilia stand ard. The first bud break lie made was to everlastingly damn every thing and everybody who did not see fit to support hiui. He seemed to think be had every man’s license to breathe the atmosphere and walk on, the earth in his vest pocket, and of course the people kicked uguinst this presumption. He stalled out by attempting to make the people believe everybody but himself wus a rascal and ought to be in the penitentiary. Not content with attacking pub lic officials in their public capacity, he ussailed their private characters, seeking to destroy their good names and standing in the state. By dragging other men into the mire of his foul calumny, he hoped to raise his own mis-shapen self to a higher plane. He has made a mis erable. failure. The people of Georgia are not so easily gulled. They have too much respect tor themselves to support a mun who is merely trying to walk into office on tire characters of the men tie has tried to slay with his treacherous dagger. They want u mun who can sliow merit of his own and give every oilier man credit for his due. They do not want a man who sees a “nigger in every wood pile who thinks the state is going to the devil and damnation unless he, and he only, stops it. They don’t want this sort <>f man for governor of Georgiu, and furthermore, they will not have him, * * • Macon, Ga., May 27, 1902. D. A. TAYLOR, Candidate for Treasurer, A Card From Mr Williams To Every Voter of Dooly County: I wish to any tlmt I have made an earnest campaign but it has been im possible to meet everybody, however, If you can give me your vote and sup port on June 5th, for Tax Collector, please do so and if I am elected I shall give my whole time to the duties of the office and make all the improve ments thut I possibly can. I will cer tainly appreciate your support. Very respectfully, JAS. A. WILLIAMS. Foley*s Honey and Tar for children,safe,suit. No opiates. The Georgia Southern A Florida Ry. will operate a cheap excursion to At lantic Beach, Fla Wednesday, June It 1902 via Valdosta, Atlantic, Valdosta & Western Ry to Jacksonville thence Florida East Coast Ity. The round trip rate from Vienna to Atlantic Beach and return will be $3,25. Tickets will be sold for train leaving Vienna at 11 pm;and will be good returning on any train until the afternoon departure from Atlautic Beech at 5:45 and Jack sonville at 7:40 p m Sunday, June 25tb, 1002, thus allowing four full days at’ Jacksonville or Atlantic Beach. Atlantic Beach is the latest acquisi tion to the list of sea-shore Summer ' resorts, but ranks first in merited popu larity. This delightful resort is located on the Atlautic Coast, twenty-one miles from Jacksonville, and the froquent' trains to and from the metropolis make it easily accessible. Round trip tickets are on sale daily from Jacksonville at. reasonable rates, and passengers may make frequent trips to and from Jnck- sonvill, Pablo Beach and Atlantic Beach it desired. A magnificent hotel has been built dt Atlantic Beach, the"Gon- tinrntal,” which is one of Flagler’s lat est and most up-to-date hotels. Rates at this hotel are $3,00 per day and up wards. Passengers holding excursion tickets, to Atlantic Beach will be permitted to stop at Jacksonville or at Pablo Beacb which is on the same line two miles nearer Jacksonville, and which is a de lightful sea-shore resort having several nice hotels, offering all that is desired at rates less than that of ‘the “Conti nental” at Atlantic Beach. The excursion train will reach Jock- sffhVllle about 8.00 p m, Pablo Beach ' nbont 8 40 p m and Atlantic Beach 8.43 June 11th. Excursion tickets will bo- good either going or returning between' Jacksonville, Pablo Beach and Atlantic Beach any day within the limit of June the 15th. This excursion will be operated by the Georgia Southern A Florida Ry and will be in charge of competent passen ger officials who will see to the comfort of all on board. While this excursion will be run especially for out white pat rons, a sepornto coach will be supplied tor the better class of colored people who wish to take advantages of the cheap rates. This is without doubt the best oppor tunity to visit tho sea-shore, where you can go bathing, boating, fishing, driving and dancing. There is no finer beach anywhere than that at Pablo Beach and Atlanta Beach and tho fish ing is said to be unsurpassed. Evory- one intending to take a few days vaca tion this Summer should avail .them selves of this opportunity. Full inform motion given upon application to any ugent or to 0. B. Rodes, General pas senger Agent, Macon, Ga. Judge Allen Fort Very 111. Americus, Ga., May 27.—Judge Alien Fort is seriously ill at his home here and his condition is re garded with some little apprehen* sion. Iiis illness is the resujt of a supposed slight stroke of paralysis received two days ago. The fact thut his condition has not improved since then cuuse* concern, though strong r.opes for his ultimate recov ery are entertained. WHATIS FOLLY'S KIDNEY CURE? Answer: it is made from a prescription of a leading Chicago physician and one of the most eminent in the country. The ingredients are the purest tluit money- can buy, and are scientifically combined to get their utmost value. For sale by ail dealers A. ROOBINA CO.,solicits your trade and will appreciate same by showing customers courteous and fair treat-’ ment. Come to see theni KSm