The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, June 11, 1902, Image 1

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>* \ 7 VOL 2. NO 3. VIENNA, GA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE II, 1902. TWICE-A-WEEK $1.00 PER YEAR th6y will build TWO HUNDRED CARS Instead of One Hundred, as Was first Intended—Cost $120,000. M Instead of ioo cars, the Atlantic' & Birmingham railroad is going ter build aoo at their shops in this city and the work will proceed within a week. Orders for the material for these' cars has all been placed und most thi» MT. VERNON SCHOOL CLOSED LAST FRIDAY A Yery Interesting Day Was Enjoyed by •' Those Present. • i Last Friday found the boys and girls ofMt. Vernon school ready for the" dosing exercises, with patrons and a ' few friends on hand to enjoy the occa sion. Ifhe pupils did well, and the teacher says he is proud of them. They had reviews and recitations, everything passed off so nicely wo all felt good. i At the beginning of the term Prof. J. M. Walters offered three, prizes, one for punctuality, which was won by Henry Jordan Mcln'vale; the second for deportment, which was won by Miss Millie Butler; the third for orthogra phy., For this prize there Was a tie between Misses Mollie Butler and Anri* Clara Lilly; Mollie having gained one, gave her conseht for Clara to have this one without further contest. Sev eral girls who did not win A prize but deserve Special praise are Nannie Dunn, Hula Ingram, Jemima Smith, Drudie and Olivia ltoland, and others we failed to learn. • • j The trustees say that Mr. Walters ' must open up .another term in a week or two. . It is good for a school to be proud of her feacher and the teacher proud of his school; If the patrons ^ succeed in keeping Mr. Walters for another term, may it be as pleasant hiU profitable as the past, and may . love and kindness bind them still closer together. -A VjsiiobT COMMITTEES HAVE BEEN SELECTED PROTECTION FOR RURAL DRIVER? MAIL BOXES. And Everything Points Now to Another Good Time , At the Confederate Veterans Reunion in Cordele July 4—Everybody Go And Carry Well Filled Baskets. PINEHLST NEWS, . We nTe having n little sickness yet, .Mrs. H.L. Adams is reported on the sick'llst. And a few'of the supporters of that bold and fearless defeated chieftain, the lion. Dupont Guerry, are "kind’p off” on account of the political blow received at the primary Just passed. But we maniy submit to the powers that be. Bossisni still reigns and we can but ponder the past and prepare •for the future. ‘ We are to have a wedding here soon, your correspondent interrogated • the, ‘•will be” groom,Mr. Edward Ivey, and hfe smilingly admitted that it was so and he did not object for It to be known. We don’t know when the notable event will takO'place that will make Miss Maud Lee Feavy and Mr. Edward Ivey man and wife, but some time in the near future, and in advancerwe tender the happy pair our congratulations. May their pathway be illuminated with love. We don’t believe that King Edward VII will enjoy, his coronation any more than Prince Edward of Pinehurst will his wedding. “Love is life’s end; and end, but never ending: All joys, all sweets, all happiness ' awarding; Love is life’s wealth, never spent bat ever spending, More rich by giving, taking by discard log At a meeting of the Dooly coun ty Camp, number M09 U. C. V’s. held at Vienna on. June 6th, 1903, the following committees were ap pointed to serve for the conWng re-union to be held at Cordele on July 4th, (Friday) 1903. Committee on transportation— C, M. Killian Chairman; D. A. R. .Gram.’ Committee oh arrangements—B. B. Found Chairman; J. C. Tracy, G. H. Tommey; J. W. Bivins and R. C. Harris. % Committee on program—t) A R Crum Chairman; J S Fate. I B Pate, B B Pound and C C Cutts. Committee on refreshments—I. S Lasseter Chairman; D A R Ctum Committee to secure rations— Cordele district, C C Cutts chair man; 3 B Pound, G.H Tommey, J. C. Tracy, R. L. Wilson, U. V; Whipple,' W. C. Hamilton, R. C. Harris, C. C. Greer, C. P. Rouse, L, C. Averelt and A. J. Morris. First district,—W B Johnson, J H Swearingen. Second district—J A Lockerman, J S Byrom. Third district—J M V Williams VV H J Carmack. Sixth district—L Nobles, T T Brown. ! \ Seventh district—D B Leonard, J P Heard. Ninth district— ]no F Butler, A Wells. * Tenth dtttric*—las Ray, S W Coney. Eleventh district—Sam Walls, Wade Wright. Thirteenth district—Jesse Clem ents, J H Bedgood. Foutcenth district—Z Hardin, John A. Stephens. Unadilla district—William Short W L Hooks. Pinehurst district—H L Adams, WL Williams. The Postmaster, Sir: The following paragraph is tak en from the Posloffic8 Appropriation bill;. Whoever shall hereofter willfully or malicioilsjy' injure, tear down, or de fray any letter-box or othjrfrecoptacle established by order of the Postmaster General ar approve pr designated by him tor the receipt or delivery of mail on any rural free-delivery route, or shall break open the same, or willfully or maliciously in jure,defade or destroy any mail matter deposited therein, or shall willfully take or steal such matter from or out of such letter boxes or other recbiptnblo or shall willf ully aid or assist In any of the aforementioned offenses, shall for. every stioh offense be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars, or by imprison ment for not more than three years.’* This paragraph become effective when the president signed the bill, and it is now in full force. Please have same made public in your locality through the newspapers. Depredations covered by this law should be promptly reported to the United States Attorney for the district in which they occur, and the report should be accompanied with such posi tive evidence as it may be possible to submit, indicating who are the guilty parties. This office should also be immediately notified regarding the case •Respectfully, - \ A. W. MAOHEN General Superintendent, OUR PUBLIC SCHOOL WILL CLOSE FRIDAY After a Very Successfnt Terra MARRIAGES. > • Mr. George C. Lairsev and Miss Kate L. Culpepper, weri.joined in the holy bonds of matrimony ut the home of the bride’s parents near Cordele Sunday last. Sunday morning at the home of her brother-in-law, H. C. Melton near Findlay, Miss Mellie Holmes was joined in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. G. B. Dinkins Rev. P.G. McDonald performing the ceremony. Miss Annie Swearingen and Mr Woodson Roberts were quietly married Sunday at the .home of the bride’s father, Mr. Green Sweiitin gen, near Pleasant Valley Another Sunday marriage was that of Mis^Lennie Lou Burnette Everybody Invited. Below will be found the pro, the commencement exercises Vienna Public school. The school has had .as many as 207 pupils on the roll during the year jnst closed, which' is the largest in the history of the school. The program has been carefully pre pared nnd will no doubt reflect credit upon the teachers and pupils. THURSDAY NIGHT. I. Instrumental Duet (Polka)~White —May Forehand and Gladys Heard. 2; A Boy in a “Dime Museum”—Essa Hamilton. 3. Menagerie in the School Boom. 4. Solo (a) Waltz—Engalmon. 8. Solo lb) MelodlS—Streabbog— Gladys Heard. 5. Gossip—Pantomime. 8. Coon-coon-coon v , 7. Sunday Flshin’—Grady Whitehead 8;' Maud Muller—Pantomime. 9. Joining the Tripanites. * 10. Miss Edith Helps Things Along— Gladys Bennett!. II. Mammy’s Picanin—Lucile Mobley 12. Song, "Mr. Conductor”—Gladys Heard and Louise Hargrove., 13 Red, White and Blue. 14. ‘ Cinderilla.” FRIDAY AFTERNOON. 1. Instrumental Trio (Polka)Keller— Eleanor Summers, Ollie Forehand and Vera McDonald 2. Two Home Comings—Laura Kate Morgan. 3 Columbian—Cantata. 4. My Sister’s Best Fellow—Eleanor Summers. 6. Hatchet Drill. 8 JFrollo of the Frogs”—Watson— Louise Hargrove* 7. Bug-a-boo—Lucile Mobley and Eleanor Summers. \ 8. Flower Party. 9. Bed Biding Hood, (Play.) FRIDAY NIGHT. 1. Grand Gallop De Concert—Blake —Ethel McDonald, Bertha Ballington. 2. "McKinley's Funeral Address,” Extract—Clay—Gipdy*Whltehead. 3. Trio, "Dress Parade March”- of it will be made An and- near city. • ' 1 i: The castings Will all be moulded in the foundries here, except t)ie wheels and axles, and the lumber to build them will be supplied by vicinity sawmills. The company expects to build 15a flat cars and 50 box cars. Thb immense increase in the A. & B’s. business by reason of recent devel opments makes the need urgent and as the factories cannot supply them, they must be built. New sheds wdl be erected on this shop grounds and a large force of hands will be put. to work on theser cars at once. It is expected that from six to eight cars will be built a week—Waycross Journal. BE GOT THINGS MIXED. daughter of J. C. Burnett, to Mr. _ Homer O. Hughes ot the Pleasant Keiler—Vera McDonald, Laura Kate Valley community. These are Morgan and Eleanor Sumnfers. r Love it* 'life's reward, rewarded in [urge every person who will attend the re-union to prepare and carry well filled boxes and baskets. There will be a large attendance, And probably an excursion from Unadilla south. Let all attend. ; '4 I. S. Lassetr, D. A; R, Crux, Commander. Adjutant. Findlay .district—F M Bullingtori T W Sledge. The last above committee is ex pected to at once go to work and popular young couples who have the best wishes ot their many friends and relatives for a long and happy wedded life. rewarding; Ah! shouldst thou live but once love’s sweets to prove, \ Thou wllknot love to live, unless thou . livetolove,” TEACHERS YOB? ELECTED. i) The election of teachers for the Vienna Public School for the en suing scholastic year ' will take place Friday aftertoon by the board L-of education; the secretary of which Y^nform* us that there are already , #two applicants tor principal with y a possibility of another, five for assistants and seven 'for music teacher. - Tl»e News trusts that the felec- tion of teachers will be to the fa* ture welfarqg^nd good of the school and that we will have an even bet ter school daring the next year than ever before. }* \ _ interesting to Asthma Sufferers Daniel Btnte of Oiterville, Iowa writes •I have bad asthma for three or four yean and have tried about all the coughs and asthma cures in the market and have re ceived treatment Irom physicians in New York and other cilice, but got very little benefit until I tried Foley’s Honey and Tar which gave me immediate relief and I will never be'without in in my house. 1 sincerely recommend it to all.” For sale by all dealers. $108 FOUND—We will save the first 10 Buggy Customers that come $100 on Buggiaa during this month of bar gains at J. P. HEABD A SONS. A SURPRISE SOCIAL. An enjoyable social event was that of a surprise party tendered Misa Calla Lilly Monday evening by a few of het friends. Miss Lilly although entirely un aware of the fact that the crowd was coming succeeded in making it very v pleasant for all. Those present were: Col. W. F. George with Miss Lucy Heard, W. H. Proctor with Miss Sallie Leonard, Ernest Sto vall with Miss Emmie Woodward, J. L. Lashley with Miss Calla Lilly, A. E. Walton with Miss Lida Ruthin, W. F. Hall with Miss Jewel Powell,. . r Warning. U you have kidney or bladder trouble and do not use Foley’s Kidney Cure you will bave ooly yourself to blame for re sults, as it positively cures all forms of kidney and bladder diseates. For sale by all dealers. 4. Dollies Good Night. 5. "Scorchingvertus Dicritninands— Pauline Phelps—Essa Hamilton. 8. “Box nnd Cox.” ' - 7. Solo, "Barcarolle”- -Spindler— Ethel McDonald. 8. “The Holy City.” 6. “The Minuet.” 10. Recitation—The Minuet" —Nellie Turton. 11. Solo, “March”—Sousa —Sallie Mobley. 12. Ribbon Drill and Poses, 18. “What William Henry Did’’—J. L. Harbour—Gladyi Heard.' ORXDUATINd EXKEOI8ES. 1. Vocal Duet, “Silver Bella”—Byrne —Mrs. Heard and Mias Phillips. 2. "Fluer De jffni”—Dome—Slmmie Boniske. 3. Music, Art and Poetry—Louie Fean 4. “Danse Anilalouse”~Pannie Fenn. 5. Delivery ot Certificates. Foley's Honey and Tar for children,safe,sure. No opiates. Card WThanks. We sincerely thank the people of Unadilla for their kindness and sympathy during the sickness and deatii of our darling child. Mr. und Mrs, Jno R Lockerman Saturday night Joe Hamilton, colored, evidently drunk and while passing the residence of Mr. J. J. Lashley, saw a light burning in one of the front rooms and thinking possibly that he was at homo .pro ceeded to go ifi and go to bed- He was found about ta 130 by Mr., Lashley, sleeping t(ic sleep of the innocent, occupying the bed with Mr. Lashley’s sou Wjtjie. Mr, Lashley decided at once to take the / law in hit hands and Administered a genuine Whipping. Two or three hard licks were applied before the negro awoke and after continuing the whipping for a while he was- brought down in town, and placed in jail. He was turned loose Monday upon' paying the cost in . the case, Mr. Lashley agreeing not to prose-' 4 cute the case further. The punish-' ment given Joe was one that her’, will not forget soon, and it is safe, ‘ to sny that he will be cettain as to whose bed he falls asleep cn hereafter. • , , , -- / IN MEMOJUAA. 1 Montie, the little daughter of Jno. R. and Alice E. Lockerman was bom January I4th, 1901, end her little spirit- took its flight to Heaven at 9:18 June 2nd, 1902. Witq sad hearts we laid her little body to rest in Walnut Hhl Cemetery, Unadilla, Tuesday evening., but hope to someday find her in that beautiful City, where aadneaa and sorrow are un known. To us she was a little angel illumin ing our home, our hearts and our lives with gladness and aunrhine. But dear Jesus wanted another bright spirit in his Father's kingdom, and though our hearts are sad, and we cannot under stand why this sunshino was taken from ua we bow in humble submissions to Him who is too good todo wrong and too wise to make mistakes, 1 * God called for our very best, And to Him our darling is givenr. Ties and hopes broken and crashed, But made anew for Heaven. Good bye little darling, but we trusts not forever. Mmua and Papa,* l