The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, December 26, 1918, Image 2

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Atlanta Sunday American of Dec. 29th, to Contain Ro- tagravure Photos of President Wilson’s Cabinet YOUR What wouldn’t you give for an actual photograph of Washington and hii war-cf.binet or Thomas Jefferson and his war- binct. The Atlanta Sunday American of December 29th will contain a hand- tome rotajrrauire plnlograph of President Wilstn and his war-time cabinet, o' fine paper suitable for framing, utogranned by each mem- br *. that you can . .nd down to your children, and your children to their children, for generation:* to come. It will he. impossible to inke any more war photographs of this dis tinguished group cf me who guided America’s destiny th** ugh the great war, and soon there will by a clamor Ye are in the market every day in the week. Outlook Of The Southern Farmer Soil Improvement Committee, Atlanta, Qa. Prosperity glows on the horizon of tho Southern farmer's future—If lie will raise*big crops. And the cry of a needy world rises, urging the Southern farmer to grow big crotw of cotton and food. His obligation is to respond. He must light on, for peace brings no armistice for the farm. Cotton is the hope of tho ragged world: War-torn countries are look ing to the fields of tho South for help. It will not bn in vain. The Southern farmer will meet lii:> responsibility. Prices at which cotton crop will bo Bold will be such as will pay the farmer well, for the fact will remain that the world must have the cotton. The food most needed in Europe Is fat. Cotton seed, peanuts and soy beans of the South will find ready market for the oil or fats that they contain. Cattle, hogs and dairy products will continue to bring good prices because of the heavy live stock losses of Europe. The Southern f&rmor should plan with an expectation of Improving his labor condition, with tho return of troops and the shutting down of ammunition factories. Immediate Preparation. Preparation for spring planting should go rapidly ahead. Seed, fertil isers and -other farm Supplies should bo bought without delay. Materials on which the government has fixed prices will continue to be stabeUsed until they are consumed, so that there are no prospect* of lower prices beforo spring planting. Delay means to faco shipping difficulties. The railroads are going to taovorburdened with traffic for some time to come. Thoy should be given $100 Reward, $100 Tho readers of this paper will ba pleased to iearn that there is at least ono dreaded disease that science has been ablo to cure in ull its stages, and that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on tho Mucous Surfaces of tho System thereby de stroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting na ture in doing Its work. The proprie tors have so much faith in tho curative powers of Hall's Catarrh Cure that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY ft CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, Tie. L. LASH LEY : GEORQIA. VIENNA Disposing of Jean. Enoch, of the age of seven, was dis cussing with lihi .grandfather the ex citing details of an liuaglnnry trip of adventure, Including all hazards of land and sea and air. They had just summnrll^. dispatched a Hon which might spring upon them unawares from tho Jungle, when grandfather sudden ly asked: “Enoch, what about Jean?” (his little playmate). “You enn’t tnko her on such. a dangerous Journey.” "Oh,” said Enoch, complacently, "Jean —I’d kiss her and leave her at home.” F. C. RIES GUY ARMSTRONG When in Macon Take Time to See Ries tfD. Armstrong' Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Jewelry and Silverware RELIABLE GOODS ONLY ' FINE ENGRAVING AND REPAIRING* 316 THIRD STREET ’ PHONE 806 MACON, GEORGIA Professional Cards. Plant la 27 inches long 14 Inches wide 21 Inches high For those who are in need of u remedy for kidney troubles nnd back ache, it is a good plan to try Doan’s Kidney Pills. They are strongly rec ommended by many people in this vi cinity. j J. F. T. Williams, retired farmer, 605 W. Suwanee SL, Fitzgerald, Gu., says: “I used Doan’s Kidney Pills when my kidneya were weak and I had a dull aching across my back. My kidneys ucted irregularly and this an noyed me, especially at night. I began using Doan’s Kidney Pills and they helped me, regulating my kidneys and strengthening my back. I have great confidence in Joan’s Kidney Pills. Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—thes ame that Mr. Williams had. Fostcr-Miiburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. F. E. WILLIAMS, M D. Physician and. Surgeon. ’ Viknna, Qa. Office ovor Walton Bros. Store Electric Light is the best light Electric Power is the best r. ». stein., a. o. a. *. uohlej, a. » BIVINS * MOBLEY, Physicians and Surgeons, OsIIs Promptly Answered. Vienna, • - - Georgia. power . f You con have electricity right in your home. This plant brings you the many labor saving devices tho city dweller enjoys. It gives yon light—ready for use every hour of the day and night, i He snap of a switch floods the house and barn with as much light as you could wish for. Snap another switch and the motor turns the washer and wringer. It’s easier to snap a switch than it is to , fill and clean oil lamps. It’s infer and better light, and it saves a L. L. WOODWARD, Attorney-at-Law. Vienna, • - • Georgia. V. 0. DAVES Phvsieian and Surgeon Office in COOPER BUfLDING Calls promptly answered I vast amount of work when electricity does the washing and the [ other distasteful tasks. Install I Western Electric POWER AND LIGHT I ALLE Y-LXGHT has . been in actual farm use for six years. That removes it far from all thought of experiment. Hundreds of farmers know it is reliable and safe and low cost to run. They know its light is bright and steady and un failing. We will give you a free demonstration of Lallcy- Light on your farm any time. Call for the book of owners’ testimonials. OHA8. S. GURR Inrarancn Office .in Vienna News Building PHONE 181 Begin right now and enjoy this boon of electricity. WestertT'EIecCric Powet and Light can be installed on your place with little trouble and small expense. You owe it to yourself to know just what electricity will do to Help make the day’s work ■kter and the evenings .ICHT- DRS. ELLIOTT * ELLIOTT OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS - CORDELE, GA. FOR FIVE, SEVEN OR TEN YEAR ON IMPROVED FARMS JjfT B 1-2 PER CENT J. D. COBB AE. P. STROZtER gmasg. Th. Urn. "^buying W« Savi^ - SOLD AND QUANANTE0D BY FORD & CALHOUN, Pinehurst .WILL DO FOR YOU khi, Sales Agent, ■pEORQIA. Let us have your subscription, it ior onying wu Miap growiac short let ytarn «•«*« LALLEY LIGHT TheBall-Bearing Electric Light Plant O *3 ElSW-nl i HiBis! I * ; i \ 14*1 I L ALLEY-■ ItarS 1 J——it 1 LIGHT L