The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, December 26, 1918, Image 4

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Health About Gone Many■ thousands ot women suffering from womanly trouble, have been benefited by the use of Cardul, the woman’s tohic, according to fetters we receive, similar to this one from Mm. Z. V.SpdJ, of Hayne,N.C. 'Tcouli not stand on my feet, and! just suffered terribly,’* she says. “As my oaf- ferine was so (treat, and he had tried other reme dies, Dr. had us get Cardul. . . I began Improving, aid It cured me. 1 know, and my doctor knows, what Car dul did for me, for my nerves and health were about gone.” h. orovitz Proprietor of the TAKE Wishes all his Friends and Customers A WERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR I also wish to express my appreciation to all patrons of this store for their kind and liberal past patronage She writes turtherr "I am In splendid health... candomy work. I feel 1 owe U to Cardui, lor I waa In dreadful condition.’’ If yon are nervous, run down and weak, or suffer from headache, backache, etc., every month, try Cardul. Thousands ot women praise this medi cine for the has done them, rfed ;tnany physicians wlrffiave Used Cardul succeSBully . with their women {3tfents,for yearn, endoreedhls medt- * cine. Think what it means to be in splendid health, like Mrs. Spell. Give Cardufatfiak' Y.M.C. A. NEEDS ONLY VAST AMOUNT OF STRONG MEN OVERSEAS GUM CREWED OY Candidate* for Duty Over Thar* Must MEN OF A. E. F. Atlanta, Oft., Dec.—Whst type ot men are now needed aa Y. M. C. A. workers overseas T Only men of es tablished Christian character, culture and leadership, ministers and men who have had experience In rejig- tons work In the church and the ■young Men's Christian Associations. , In addition to this particular group V ot men, all of whom would naturally /qualify tor hut leaderehlp, there is a »call, according to Information fust re ceived from New York, for educational administrators, such ns school super intendents, high school and grade prin cipals and college and university pro fessors. ■ There Is still a call for good chauf feurs,. mechanicians and enterislnern for overseas duly, all of whom must he of good moral character. It la stated ttiat the V. M. C. A. I Is no longer In need of such men as warehouse superintendents and work ers, store-room clerks, bookkeepers, transportation nnd construction super intendents, carpenters, electricians, .plumbers. However, it number of high f grade stenographers, accountants and Paris, Deo. 1.—(By Mall.)—The Y. M. C. A. furntehee most of the chew ing gum for our aotdiera and sailors overseas. Per one month’s delivery recently It ordered 77% tons of Amer ica’s favorite law developer. When one speaks of chewing gum in tone, the human mind starts to mtss Are and skid, for It tabes con. sldersble gum to weigh 3,000 pounds. There arc 10,320,000 sticks in 77% tons. Figuring the length of a stick ol gum as three Indies, this means 48,- 960,000 Inches of gum. Dividing by 12 wo have 4,000,000 feet of the sue. culcnt sticks. When you roduco this to miles you have Just plnin 771.8 plus. But oven more stupendous figures are to bo had when you compute the number of ■’Jaw-mllea" that this much gum represents. It was found that the average man of phlegmatic tem perament chews 70 times a mlmste, while an energetic, hard-wovfclng, am- motion picture operators can be welt used by the Y. M. C. A. overseas at this tlmo. FARM LOANS W E DEAL WITH YOU DIRECT, making the NET COST to you the lowest possible. Commissions may be paid yearly with the interest,-, thus enabling you to GET ALL YOU BORROW for immediate use. Prepayment privileges allowed.. It you have an improved farm and need QUICK MONEY and REAL SERVICE in getting it, write us. Atlanta Trust Company 140 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ca. And You Will Eventually YOU HAD BETTER PLACE YOUR ORDER EAR LY. IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN ONE WORK, YOB SHOULD SEE IT. WE CAN TELL YOU WHEN AND WHERE YOU CAN SEE ONE IN OPERATION Of Ways and Means. A book has been published entitled: •Star to Lire Longer.” It ought to be Whrth reading—a great many of us Bie abort alt our live*. Very Likely. Our guess la that the man who first Id money la the root ot all evil had St dug up for somebody.—Dallas skylight coven and the like. This Is the merchant sailor’s “knitting work.” For High-Grade Cem etery Memorials CONFER WITH The Prehistoric Buffalo. A huge buffalo with enormous horns Is conspicuous in prehistoric rook draw- ’Inga lately found in Algeria. The Afri can elephant la also n striking feature, and ntjijr animals Include.the lion, leopard,'■gazelle and dorifestlc goats and sheep. Cheering Him Up. Sergeant Instructor (to Cadet)—"Na, yell no mak’ an offleer. But it’s Just possible It the ware keeps on a while an’ >o practice harrd—rerra harrd-r-ye mlcht—mlcht, mind ye—begin to hae n glimmer that ye’ll never ken tb r-rudlmepts o’ the’wurrkl"—Punch.' ' (PROPRIETOR CLARK’S MONUMENTAL WORKS ^ AMERICUS. GEORGIA write Firm of Established Reputation