Newspaper Page Text
- - ■■ - ■
JOHN TRIPLETT, • - - Editor.
S.B. BURR, •' Business Manager.
, file Daily Times-Estertoisk i*i published
©eery morniug (Monday excepted.)
The Weekly Enterprise is published every
Thursday morning.
The Weekly Times is published every Sat
urday. ^
Subscription Rates.
W elly Enterprise, . .
Weekly Times, . • •
$r> oo
, \ 00
1 oo
Daily Advertjs ng Kates.
t ransient Rates.—SO ctr. per square for the
first insertion, and 40 cci ts for ea- ii subse
quent insertion.
nc Square, one month, - - - • •$ 5 00
One Square, two months - - - - 8 00
One Square, three monthi, - - - 12 00
Quc Square, six months, - - - - 20 00
One Square, twelve mofitua, - - - 35 00
Subject to change by special arran* «nncnt.
H. It. BUltB. IIiimIiicnn Malinger*
In order to insure pr« mpt inserts u, all
advertisement?, changes, locals, etc., should
tie handed in by noon before the day if pub
,Ju assuming chief editorial coutrol
of the f imes-Entehi’iiise I liave no
new. promises to make. My future
course may be correctly judged by the
past. On that record, and on that
platform, I eland.
Democratic to the very core, toler
ant of the. opinions of others, devoted
to the material welfare and prosperity
of this section and people, the Times-
Entertrise will he found battling,
nt all times, for the common good of
all. Everything looking to the build
ing up of the trade and commeicciof
the town; everything tending to de
velop and improve the agricultural'
interests of the country; everything
calculated to encourage morality, law
aud order, and to preserve peace and
good will between all, will find in the
new paper a consistent, constant co-
The city department, in- chnige
of (.'apt. Winter, will he a reflex of
passing current events of t lie day, aud
will, under his management, he de
voted to the best interests of Thomas-
ville. Ilis trenchant pen will find
ample scope in tiie discussion mid
elaboration of every present, or pro
posed industry which goes to build up
a town and people. No man Inis a
keener perception of these wants aud
agencies, and few writers have the
" rare faculty of better enforcing and
illustrating arguments in favor of the
importance,aud the necessity,of every
thing pertaining to, or which alljets,
the weal of place aud people. His
record as editor of. the Enterprise,
bears ample testimony to bis abiflty
ns well as to his fealty to Thoniasvillc
aud everything atfectiug her growth
-■f» Thus equipped for the work laid
out, the Tlmeh-Enteupihsk makes its
lirst appearance this bright May
»• morning. John* Tiui-i.i-nT.
that any and all things [that have for
theirobjeetthe gcod ofThomnsvillc will
command my earnest support.
With our ample editorial force it is
within the power of the Times-En-
TEnritisE to give Tliormtsvijle the
best paper she has ever had. This is
my ambition, and -I know I am fully
seconded in it by Capt. Triplett, Mr,
Burr and the whole fined that works
on the paper. » This much I have
said, and much more might lie said,
but I leave it to he written in the col
umns of the Timi:s-Kntei:i'1:isi; here
AuiEier Winter.
To Our Readers.
1 might, feel some degree of embar
rassment if I stood before a strange
audience for the first time, but staud
4 ing as I do, in the presence of a peo
ple well known to me, and to whom I
am equally as well known, I can
make bold to address the readers of
the Timi:s-%t';iu'iiise, feeling ihat I
have an audience of friends. As this
is the last time I can, with propriety,
use the personal pronoun, 1 take the
' occasion as favorable for the expres
sion ot some tilings that can with pro
priety be said.
■ The merging ol Tliomasville’s two
dailies into one, brings together w hat
must be acknowledged as the two
mast powerful factors for her good,
ft (’apt. Triplett, who becomes senior
aud managing editor, is a veteran in
the service of Thomas county, Thom-
asvillcaud South Georgia. For near-
* ly a score of years he lias done yeo
man service for his people. It can lie
said of him with entire truth, that he
has had but'one ambition, to push the
fortunes of his town aud county.
That his services have been well di-
. reefed is. attested by the prosperity
" that ha* come to both, aud that they
been appreciated is fully demon-
stralcd by the affection with which he
W " '^cd. -
My own duties, as city editor, call
m ■ -field tbatl shall endeavor to
1 fill with whatever of ability, I may
mmand, and I think 1 can refer to
{Dc files of the Enterprise since it has
Business Announcement.
The proprietors of the Thoniasvillc
Times and the Thoniasvillc Enter
prise, having Seen moved thereto by
the advice of the business men of
Thoniasvillc and friends ot noth pa
pers, have consolidated the two offices
in a stock company, under the title of
Times-Exterprihe Publmiiino Co.
The Daily Times-Entehprise will be
issued every morning; the Weekly
Times every Saturday and the Week
ly Enterprise every Thursday, as
In making this announcement the
business manager desires to say to the
public that in no sense will the pres
ent arrangement have a tendency to
raise prices. The prices lor advertis
ing arc and will be the saint- that have
governed the two papers for the past
four years, as have appeared in both
papers. These rates were agreed on
by both papers as fair and equitable
In job printing wc propose to compete
with the world. Wc recognize the
fact that there arc ample facilities af
forded in Savannah, Macon, Atlanta
and New York for doing the business
of Thoniasvillc, and we propose to
compete with-these points. Our prices
will not he advanced because wc have
no competition, aud our business men
can.readily understand that, as wc
want to cover the field, it is our poli
cy to so run the husiuiss as to make
it unnecessary for competition. De
termined to make our rates in all de
partments as reasonable as circum
stances will permit, wc shall expect
our husiijess men to give tys their, pat
ronage. Recognizing the fact that,
one daily paper is all that Tlioinusville
needs, or will support, we have made
the combination iu the interest of the
public, as well as of the business, aud
we believe the public will show their
appreciation of the movement by giv
ing us their hearty support.
S. B. Buru,
Business Manager.
It is the misfortune of President
llarrisou to have an unattractive
personality. He is cold and unsym
pathetic, and his manners appear
stilted and unnatural. His appear
ance amid the multitude at the recent
centennial celebration in New York
aroused nothing like popular enthusi
asm. The New York Star speaks of
a remarkable incident of the hall as
•‘An opportunity occurred at the
ball to test the President’s popularity
very thoroughly. When he entered
the hall, in company with the mayor,
the clapping of hands could scarcely
be heard. An hour later Mr and
Mrs. Cleveland came down from their
box on to the floor. The whole as
semblage sent up a shout that was
perfectly spontaneous and seemed
slraugCy out of {dace iu a ball-room.
The contrast was the more striking
because Mr. Cleveland was a Presi
dent whose cudeavor always seemed
to be to win the reject of the people
rather than their affection. Com
pared with Gen. Harrison, however,
his popularity is somcthing*astonish-
Railroad Racket.
From a private letter to one of our
prominent citizens we are permitted to
publish tire following extract. ‘‘Presi
dent Blake, of the A.'T. & G. Rail
road tells me that work on said road
will bo resumed within fiO days, per
haps 30, and pushed vigorously on
and on way up in Georgia."—Craw-
fordville, Fla., Times.
The following prominent railroad
men were in Bniubridgc last week:
G. Guubv Jordan and Major \V. 8.
Green, of the Columbus 8oufheni ;
J. E. Tucker, .J. W .Burhuell, II. r!
and II. S. Duval, of the Florida
Railway and Navigation Company.
They left for Quincy Wednesday.
The entire party came from Colum
bus through the country. It is sus
pected the two roads will jiitn in
building from Qpincv or Tallahassee
to intersect with the former.—Flori
dan, Tallahassee.
Valdosta, Ga., May 11.—The
Georgia Southern railroad crossed the
Savannah, Florida and Western rail
way to-day, aud u force ot more than
one hundred hands began to lay rails
southward. Enough rails for the
completion of fifteen miles have al
ready anired, and several carloads
are being received duilv. The entire
line from Valdosta is now covered
with grades* aud cross lie hands, aud
it is said that the road to that point
will be completed soon.
Mf.IvAE, Ga., May 11.—-The Sa
vannah, Amcricus and Montgomery
railroad is being rapidly graded from
Abbeville to McRae. Some-fifteen or
eighteen miles arc now ready for the
erosstics. Messrs. Redmond & Kad-
cliffe. aud McLaughlin Bros., have
the contract for the grading, and have
a large force ot bunds and teams on
the work. RcMinoud & Rndcliffc
have completed the first ten miles
next to Abbeville, aud are now grad
ing from the East Tennessee, Virginia
aud Georgia, railroad - west. Traius
will, in all probability, beginning
between McRae and Amcricus b^the
middle of July,
The route between
McRae and Savannah is heirig^
vcyed, and tjic surveying
reach Savannah within fifteen or!
twenty days, and as soon as the'linc
is located the grading will be he,
between Mellae and Savannah. ofSnyder’s, crashed against the horse’f
Messrs.. Rciltnond & Radcliffe say
they can grade the road to Savuunah
in 220 days. When this end of the
road is completed it will open up one
of the best turpentine aud lumber sec
tions iu the south, aud there is no es
timating the advantage tiiis line will
be to this section and to Savannah.
The Samoan conference, consisting
of commissioners from the United
States. England and Germany arc iu
session in Berlin. Uncle Sam is in
sisting that he has a bona fide foot
hold in Samoa and this position will
be maintained.
Wild stories about the lessees
wreck ing the Western and Atlanta
Railroad are iu cii eolation. Governor
Gordon will keep his eye on that piece
of property.
Larry Gantt has bought the Athens
Banner-Watchman, aud will go to
work to make it a lively and vigor
ous exponent of pure Democracy.
He is one of tbc best newspaper men
in the StWc. He aims to be a sure
enough Democrat, and is not iu the
jcii u i iflc r my charge, as giying proof habit of missing the mark.
A. J. Drcxcl, of Philadelphia, l*a.,
has put his project for mi industrial
school for girls into shape, by pur
chasing for it the Louclla mansion,
at Wayne, Delaware couuty, securing
a charter, and appointing a board of
t#istees. The entire value of build
ings and endowments will reach
Making a Hog Happy, and How It
New York Sun.
Wc were sitting in front of Taylor’s
grocery, on a summer day, when a big
black hog came nosing along the get
ter, aud started a new train of thought.
In the (*Towd of loungers was a man
lrom St. Louis, aud, after watchiug
the porker for awhile, lie remarked:
‘*1 wonder it that hog ever had a
real good time in ail his life?”
‘•Hogs alius have good times, I
ghess,” remarked the village cooper,
who had knocked off work aud come
over .to hear some polities.
“I doubt it,” said the other. “He
must feel.his degraded position iu life,
and so he cannot be happy, I wish I
could do something to make-him feel
that life is worth the living.”
“Fust man I ever saw who pitied a
hog,” grunted the blacksmith, who
ought to have been tacking a shoe on
a waiting mule.
“Yes, I do pity him. 1’vc been
down myself, and know how it is.
Taylor, have you got any cherry
■ “Mighty little, if any. Moro cher
ries than whiskey, I guess.”
“If you’ve two quarts of cherries,
which have been in liquor, bring ’em
out, and I’ll give you a half a dollar.
I’m going to make that hog happy
for two hours.”
The grocer got the cherries, which
had been lying in liquor for a couple
of years, and the St. Louis man pour
ed them out in tiie gutter for the hog.
They were devoured with astonishiug
avidity, aud the porker stood and
looked at us aud hungered for more.
It was doubted by some if the liquor
would affect him, but after a few min
utes ho beiran to frisk aud play, and
was evidently under the influence..
“That docs me good,” said the donor
of the cherries. “He is becoming
fight hearted, and life wjjll take on
new charms for him. Hang a raau
who won’t give a hog a show!”
Just theu the animal uttered
course ‘woof!’ and charged for the
crowd. AVe scattered, and ho entered
jlie grocery, took two or three turns,
hot out and down the street.
‘ ifimitb-wasicoiiiringup.andthe
ig charged and upset him. Hethen
ended for a horse and buggy in front
Griffin \yill have to raise 814,000 to
secure the experimental fai m. Of this
amount they have already raised
$9,000. Their 6ption on the farm, holds
good until the 1st of June. It is not
likely they will allow it to lapse.
Funny men are horn, not made— a
fact which many would-be humorous
writers seem unable to appreciate.
Oil can’t be pumped out of a dry well.
When you are con
templating* a pur
chase of anything* iu
our line, no matter-
how small may be
the amount involved
Blood Iluuior*.
Roils, pimples, blotches on the skin,ertij>-
liou?, etc., evidence the fact that the blood
is notin a good condition. These symptoms
result from the effort of nature to throw off
the impurities, in which she should be As
sisted by Swift’s Specific. This will reme
dj the disturbance, and bring speedy and*.
permanent relief by forcing out the poison,
and will build up the system from the first
After recovery from a severe atcacK of !
congestion of the brain and stomach, my lit- :
tie son had a number of bad ulcers and run
ning sores to come on his heut and body,
which lasted lor years. I tried all the doc
tors aud many which were recommended by
other parties, but the sores still grew worse,
until I did not expect him to recover. My
friends were con lid »nt that if the sores heal
ed it would kill him. I at length quit all
other treatment and put him on Swift’s Spe
cific, and less than two bottKs cured him
sound and well.and Yufos to-day a sound and
healthy child. S. S. S. also cured a sore on
another of my children.
It. J. McKinney,
Woodbury, Tex. fty C OMmg t 0 l 0 Ok
Mother, to euro chafing, relief li*g baby,
lloracine Toilet ami Nursery Powder. It costs
no more, is superior and highly perfumed.
McIUe & Mardrc, Th- luasville; A. lira lord,
Columbus; Alexander Drug and Seed Co., An
gus.a; F. Von Ove: t, Charleston, Agents.
Go to Ileesc and Eason s for Fruit Jars,
Jeilic Glasses, Ice Cream Freezers, Wafer
Coolers and Refrigerators. Best goods a&d
lowest prices is ourpiotto. tuc-tlmr-sa-3t
A Pleasant Lemon Drink,
Tor hil oust css end < obstipation, take Tim*
on Elixir.
Tor imligeet on ;iml foul stomache, take Lem*
on Ellx e.
Tor sick and nervous headache, take Lemon
Forsleeplessutts and nervousness, take Lem
on Elixir.
For loss ot appetite and debility, take Lem
on Elixir.
Forfevcrs, • Mils an t malaria, tako Lemon
Lemon Elixir will not fail yon in anv of the
above diseases, all of which arise from a torpid
The old Libby prison was wrecked
the other day while being transported
from Richmond to Chicago. ’Tis a
pity it was not destroyed entirely.
The people of Richmond should never
have allowed the old prison sent to a
Northern city to keep alive the prej
udices of the war. ,
Ilawes, the alleged 'murderer, was
convicted of murder and sentenced to
death. He will probably get a new
trial, because of the popular demon
stration against him during the trial
just closed. The public aud the pa
pers arc not called upon to try cases,
and their violent iutermeddling some
times defeats the ends of justice.
They are easily defeated anyhow.
The Southern Baptist Convention
is in session at Memphis, Tcnn.. It is
a Very large body, numbering about
800 delegates. Mr. Jonathan Har
alson was elected moderator to suc
ceed the late lamented Dr. P, II.
Mell. Mr. Haralson is a citizen of
Selma, Ala., and is u hivimui.
If there were no profit in working
convicts, private individuals would
not hire them from the State, If
there be profit in working them the
people should get the benefit of it
Put the convicts on the public roads,
and let their labor go to building up
the State.
The veteran sobers of New Jersey
gave Governor Gordon a rousing re
ception the other evening. Gordon is
popular everywhere.
hind legs, aud in another moment
there was a runaway. The widow
Watkins was sailing along with a can
of kerosene in her hand, and the hqg
rolled her off the walk* as if she had
been struck by a locomotive. He
then headed fipr n double team and
started them - off, dovo into Gaylord’s
dry goods store and out, and the old
mail Sabin turned in from Elm street
just in time to he lifted three feet high
aud rolled iuio a puddle.
Fifty meu were out aud after the
porker by this tihie, but he started
another runaway, upset n baby ear
riage, and knocked tbc register of
deeds oft his pins, before wc cornered
,him and got a rope arouud a hindleg.
Then everybody was mad and wanted
vengeance, hut when they came to
look for the St. Louis man lie Imd
skipped, lie, however, left a mes
sage l’qr the public, saying to a hoy,
who had shinned up an awning post
to he out of dnugci:
“My sou, if you bnvu’t adopted a
motto yet, let me throw out one for
your digestion. It is ‘Give everything
a fair show. 1
To London Town.
The following delegates were ap
pointed at Brunswick to attend the
great international Sunday School
convention in London next year:
Revs. I. S. Hopkins, J. W. Leo,
R. S. Barrett, 51. J, Cofer^ Howard
Patillo, NIisscs Giles, Mary Packard,
S. B. Packard, Mrs. J. II. Kcuip,
Atlanta; Thomas W, Dimmock, L.
C. Mandcrvillc, of Carrollton; 51.
Speer, Miss Spear, Amcricus; R. W,
Smith, LaGrungc; J. B. Hawthorne,
G. T. Dodd, J. S. Nix, Atlanta.
5Ir, James F. Evans, who was a
delegate to the convention, told some
of his triends, before balloting com
menced for delegate's to London, that
it would he impossible for-him to at
tend, if he was elected.
Although Atlanta, Augusta, Co
lumbus and other points were urged
as the next place of meeting, Thomas-
viilc carried the day: pud so the con
vention will wept hero next year. It
embraces the best Sunday school
workers in the state—and is not sec
tarian. Thomasville will take goodly
care of the convention when it meets
or diseased liver, stomach,kidneys, bowtls
blood. — ,
rreparedonly by Dr. II, Mozclev, Atlanta, Ua
— drti
50c, and SI,00 jmr bottle'. Sold by druggists. «■
A Prominent il'uialer Wittes.
After ten years ot great suffering from lndl- qi„ 1.,, , r
gestton, with great nervous prostration, hill- At/ fj U V OI ll.S.
outness,-disordcro I Moneys anil constipation, * -
I have been cored by Dr. MozOley's Lemon
Elixir, and tin now a well man.
Rev. C. C. Davis, Eld. M. E. Church South
" 1" "
May 14, darn.
No. 28, Tatnali. 8t. Atlanta, On.
When you want a cool, delicious and de
tent glass, cf soda water, ginger nic or a
milk-shake, drop in at the Mitchell House
Pharmacy. d.twlt
10 per cent off regular retail prices at tile
Mitchell nouse Pharmacy, when bought for
cash. dAwlt
The Mitchell House Pharmacy lms the
goods and the woods must he sold, and cheap,
too. d&wlt
. We. will open, Monday, April 1st, at. tl|f
place lately occupied by Mr. P. H. Hone
a due stock of fresh meats. Beef, Mutton and
Pork. , '
Our meats are from our own farms, fat,
juicy and sweet, We will be glad to reccivo
your patronage amt will serve you with ttic
best meats at the lowest possible prices.
F, P. Hoax k Ba >
over our large and
well selected stock of
Clothing, Gents’ Fur-
nishing Goods, Hats,
etc.,, that is new and
Decide IJticily
seeing the prices and
examining the qual
ity „of our goods you;
can’t resist them. Itr,
is impossible to do as;
well elsewhere.
■’ -
.■ -
A new lot of Fashionable
Goods from Baltimore just
I canplease your in every
respect My prices are unap-
proachable. I am not in the
ring that controlls millinery
I do apt ask $2,oo for a
hat that cost $l.oo, I am satis
fied with $1.25.
Low prices, quick sales and
tasty work, for cash down is
the rock on which I build.
Am up at my post again
and will be glad to have you
call. * "
Oau be found. We
fget the choice of the
best goods oh the
market, andbuy and
sell them at
Mrs. Jennie Carroll,
Low Price Milliner,
Lower Broad St.
CiljinJCostirj Propetfi for Salt.
1 .
And 'faxes ft Iu,
Bring me a description 01 yonr property
That our prices are
the lowest, our as
sortment tliu most
complete, and our
quality the highest.-
Dont fail to call on
Clothiers and Furnishers.
10G Bind St.
- & i
. -• -
■te -1
m S