Newspaper Page Text
„k ■ •. *. .
In order to reduee our tre
mendously large stock of Dry
Goods, Clothing, etc., we offer
: special inducements in the
wvay of prices, in every de
partment of our two large
Bargain Colter.
a- - , ‘ •< :
''Hie jLadies will ta£e ad
vantage >of the good things to
We found on our bargain
•counter. Dont fail to see our
gl :
Idle attetftWn of the gen
tlemen is catted to the splen
did bargain^ 6 tdfer in Cloth
ing, Underwear, Shoes and
Furnishing Goods.
> arc ottering Goods-
in order to reduce our
nso stock.
i arc respectfully invited
l early and inspect.
The leaders of Styles.
.. i,; ■ —: -s=~jgc-rz-::.t &=zz±^-~.zpa ^
TUESDAY. MAY 14, 188? *h
R. Thomas Jr’«" 126 Broatl Street,
C.S.Bandunnt Vouateor Obsort;
Weather Bulletin for the 24 hours
at 7 o’clock P. M. May 10, J88D.
md ing
7 a.m..
2 p. m
7 p. nirt *. «...
Maximum for 24 hours
Minimirm *
7 0
5G •
Local Schedule.
Fast mail for Savannah A
* “ from “ Ar... l 31 j* m
“ “ for Ohattalioochee Lv... 200 p m
Train for Albany..... Ly ...» 30 a. in
“ from “ Ar... 620pm
11 “ “ for Savannah....\Lv... <150 p m
Freight and annum, from Wayc..Ar... 3 45 p m
Chatt. Lv... 4 ir> j> m
from Chatt. Ar... 7 15 a in
for Albany Lv... 4 25 j
from “ ' Ar. v. 7 55 a.
Freight acco». for Alonticello Lv...S45 a m
Ar...»>2() p m
A Glimpse of “Wonderland.”
The TiMEs-ExTUHrrrtsi: is indebted
to Mr. R. W. Glnding.tvho represents
the Northern Pacific Railroad, for
“Glimpse of Wonderland.” The
scenery along the Northern Pacific is
the most picturesque in the world,and
the climate is an ideal one,/or a sum-
mer trip. The illustrated literature
issued l>y the Northern Pacific is
marvel of taste and beauty, and cal
culated to make one sigh for the cool
mountain breezeg.that fan “Wonder
Wedding Bells.
Oureitizcns were quite surprised
last evening to learn that another mar
riage was to take place in our midst,
between Mr. Henry Titus and Miss
Inez Cnmpboll, of Jacksonville.. Last
evening all the guests at the Grand
View were eagerly on the lookout for
the bride; the bridegroom, several
members of his family and several in
vited guests having put in au appear
ance about seven o’clock.
The happy couplo haying received,
the congratulations of the various
mombers of their family,several friends
came forward to wish them joy and
happiness, foremost among them being
Capt. W. B. Watson, followed by Dr.
and Mrs. F. H. Houghton, Mrs. J. P.
Miller, Mrs. Gus Miller, Mr. Dickens,
Mr. C. H. Wulton, and several others
whose names were forgotten iu the
excitement appertaining to this aus
picious aud unexpected event;
Refreshments were bountifully sup
plied, and the evening was pleasantly
spept in dancing, singing and instru
mental inuslo, Mrs. M. E. Titus, Mrs.
Ensey aud Mrs. Henry Tittis presiding
at the piano, while several—amongst
them being. Mr. Purdy—joined in the
singiug. AbSut 10 o’clock the com
pany dispersed to their homes. »
The nowly-married couple have the
hearty congratulations of the Star,one
of whoso staff had •tficydensure of the
first wiltz, with the charming young
bride, who is well known in Jackson
ville, from which place she arrived
hero this day week.—Titusville ( Fla.)
Star. _ '
Mr. Henry Titus has many friends
in Thomasville who will be glad to
hear of h?s happiness. The Times-
Entekprise sends best wishes. , /
The Melon Crop.
The Albany News aud Advertiser,
feeling a deep interest ii the melon
‘industry, and appreciating tile anxiety
of the growers for proper facilities for
handling the crop, wrote President
Alexandeffof the Central system, to
ascertain if auy increased advantages
would he given this season. His an
swer is as follows;
Savannah, Ga., April 30th, ’89.
Editor News and Advertiser:
On my return from a visit to New
York, I find your favor of the 13th
inst. on my desk.
We expect to have ready, for the
earliest movement of the watermelon
crop, upwards of 500 ventilated cars
in service, and 200 more to be deliv
ered before the height of the^season.
I think that this addition to our pres
ent equipment, and w^at wc can get
from our connections, will provi 1 ’
amply for the crop on our lines. The
cars will he concentrated iu the water
melon territory befoie the season be
gins, Hmple provision of motive power
will he made, some extra side tracks
will be put in, and every effort made
to handle tho business satisfacto
We nre deeply interested in the
growth oi'thc business, and I do. not
think there can he found a parallel
case in the world, where as great facil
ities, and ns rapid transportation are
furnished at as low figure as our water-
melou growers will enjoy during the
coming season. I cannot, of course,
guarantee that there will be no com
plaint, but I do guarantee that no
exertion or expense will be spared on
our part to give satisfaction, and that
all reisonablo suggestions that can be
oflered by th« producers interested,
shall always receive prompt and care
ful consideration, ^ '
Very truly yours,
E. P. Alexander,
• , President.
Bnd irilli Enfna.
Hair all None.
I cannot sa;
uaVcr g o«r.
llair splendid and not
age, was so bad with eczema that be lost all Ids
hsir. His scalp was covered with eruptions,
which tho doctors said was scald head, and
that his hair wonld nevergrow again. Despair
ing ot a care from physicians I Derail tho use
ot Cuticura Remedies, and, am happy to say,
with the most perfect success. His hair is now
splendid and there is not-a plmplo on him. I
recommend the Cuticnr Rem. dies i.sthe most
speedy, economical, and sure cure for skin dis
eases of infants ana children, and feel that ev
ery mother who has an afflicted child will
thank me for so doing.
M. K.V
VOOD8UM, Norway Me
Culiure Leads to Simple Dress.
A marked feature of our tin es is
the increased simplicity in dress. Iu
spite of an occasional monstrous whim
that gets embodied iu style, both the
habits of ladies and gentlemen arc
more quiet aud less pretentious than
fifty years ago. Men’s business suits
are on a. pattern brought down to ab
solute economy in expense and fitness
for work. Nor are dress suits charac
terized by any of the superfluities of
tho last century. Clergymen iiave
given up not only the wigs und bauds
and cocked hats, the invariable black
and white tio of fifty years ago. The
judges no longer wear scarlet, faced
with velvet. Wigs, stocks, powders,
pomatums, arc less and less import
ant. A gentleman of 1800, when lie
went abroad, must appear iu satin
embroidered vest, a wig aud satin
small clothes, with white silk stock
ings, Culture does not lead in the
direction of elaborate adornment of
the person—GIoLc-Dcmocrat.
Savannah is taking a rest after a.
week’s dissipation.
They Say.
Well, what if they do ? How
you know that it ; is true ? A g
many false reports are circulated
the reputation of a good man ’ has
ten been sullied by a baseless
Have you anv reason for, S
that what’they say ahoutyourbro
fa true? It not, why should you
mit your name to be included among
the ‘they’ who circulate the scandal?/'
They say—who says? Is any per
son responsible for tho assertion?
Who started the report ? Docs the
author of the surmise evor emerge
from his dark retreat, and openly
make the charge? Such phrases are
often used to conceal the point of an
enemy’s poiniurd, who thus meanly
strikes one whom he dares not openly
assail.. Are you helping iu this cow--
ardly attack? Remember that ‘they’,
means nobody and you should regard
the rumor emanating from such a
source ns uothbig.
They say—why do they suy so? Is
it from any good motive, or is it merely
from a love of gossip? Will it benefit
anybody for you to tell it; or will any
interest of society he promoted by
whispering it about ? If not, you had
belter leave it aloue and employ your
time and spoech to some more worthy
purpose. ,
They say—to whom do they say it?
Do they go to tneir neighbor’s face
aud tell him of it, or do they spread
it with many dark intimations and
iuuendoes behind his hack? Do
they tulk of it where it will be taken
up on scandal’s tongue? You should
never say that behind a man’s back
that you would not say to his face.
Suppose it is true; don’t put it abroad
to his injury. It will do you no goo
and may do him infinite harm. You
yourself arc liable to err, and as you
would that he should defeud, or ex
cuse, or forgive you, do you even so
to him.
How much better it is if, iustcad of
spending our lives iu detraction and
slander, we should endeavor to soften
dowu the rumors, disbelieve ' half of
them, aud, above all, give the absent
one the benefit of the doubt. If in
sp taking of a person, we should not
mention their had qualities, at least,
not parade them, would there he
much harm done? To toetizc the
truth on the side of charity cannot be
a great vice. If it is one, the record
ing angel will probably drop n tear
on it and blot it out forever.—Screven
County Watchman.
A Fever Sore Eight Venn Cared.
I must extend to you the thanks of one of my
customerSj'Vvlio has been cured bv using L’uticu-
r & Remedies, of an “*'* “ J
old sore# caused by a long
spell of sickness or fever eight yoars ago. Ho
bad he was fearfnl he would have to
have his leg amputated, but is happy to say ho
is now entirely well,—sound os a dollar. He
ui*ed uut;
JOHN V. MINOR, Druggist,
Gains boro, Tenn.
Severe Sonic IHscnse gpred,
w weeks ago my wife suffered very ntucL
tancousdisease of the scalp, and r>.-
The MvK. iw; li. II. will give low excursion rate, from all points on lu tine of road 1
within the state of Georgia to Savannah daring the May fcstivitiis.
f. ' Jjjp
Also proposes to give the same opportunity to partita buying goods from now on
not less than 10 per cent discount on all goo^Is in their line. We also call your atten’lon
to their clothing stock which they can boast of the styles nnd fits. Facta and
an“ V oMu-i!. tlm * we 0ffer the °P! ,ortunll y of the season in genteel clothing for men, boys
and children,
O Jk. JLmTL,
Tnke a look through our Immense Tqfi
C. Helms, will paw his special attention k
Lady and Gentleman js satisfied with the
goes out.
*- tr s,
Department, where our Mr.
o. will call, and see that every
nd fit of .every garment tha
Our Underwear, Shii
Is the admiration of all vr..
dromptiv yielded to thia treatment, apd in, A
short while she was entire y well. There has
been no return o* the disease and Cuticura
ranks vo. 1 in our estimation for diseases bi the
: . „ Raleigh, N. C
-v Cuticura Itcmedic*.
Are a positive cure-for every form of skin,
scalp, and blood diseases, with loss of hair, from
pimples tb scroful.'tr, oxcep} -possibly itclithjo-
Sold overywlicro. Price, Cuticura, 5oc,; Soap,
25.; Resolvent, $1. Prepared by the Potto:
Drug and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass 1
B3P~gend for“How_to Cure Skin Diseases,*
04 pages, <10 illustrations, and 100 testimonials.
RIRV’Q Skin and scalp preserved and beautl-
DilDl 0 flen by’Cuticura Soap. Absolutely
Sharp aches, Dull Pains, Strains
and weaknesses relieved in one min
ute by the Cuticura Anti-PaiuPlas-
ilrst and only instantaneous pain-kill
ing, strengthening plaster. 20 cents.
Pimples; Sor'is, inches and Pains.
When n hundred bottles of. sarsapvilla of
other pretentious specifics fail to (Htdicnle
in-born scrofula or contagious blood poison,
remember that B. B.B. (BotanicIlloodBalm)
has gained many thousand victories, in as
many seemingly incurable instances. Send
to the Blood Balm Co., Atlanta Ga., for
“ Book of Wonders,” nnd be convinced'. It
is tho only tuck blood ri'nimit.
G. W. Messer, Howell’s X jloads, Ga„
writes: “I was afflicted nine ycers with
sorcsf All, (he medicine I could take did me
no good. I then tried B. B. B., and 8 bottles
curtd meiiound.” - . - ' . ** T
iba Mountain, Texas.
West’s World’s wonder or Familj Lini
ment, a superior remedy for neuralgia, lame
back, sprains, bruises, cuts, burns or wounds.
Cheaper, goos-ftirtbor, nnd Inst longer. Sold
at Du. McRax’e Mitchell House Pharmacy,
Thomasville. Ga. -1 3 lv.
of mine was /troubled^
her face and'
B. B., and
pies disap-
g really.”
Ga.,. writes:
;tcd Wood poison,
ion was ruined,
so l could
izad five times.
'nnd my life
gave B. B. B. a trial,
may seem, the use of five"
may 1ft, lin
E P O. 4>'
Don't waste time aud mopey and undergo
Ian Pile Ointment will afford instant re
lief and certain euro in every case of blind,
bleeding, itching, internal and external
piles. Bangum Root Medicine Company,
Nashville, Tenn. 50 cents and $1 per bottle.
Sold by McRae & Mardre and S. J. Casscls.
Reid & Culpepper are keeping up with the
>, they iurv
precession, tjicy have secure' - -the agency of
he famous Hutr--Miu<ral Water, the
preparation known for dyspepsia,
guaranteed tn cure.
It is
West’s Fain King—tbs houeehold remedy.
Always useful. Never fiils to cure cholera
Morbus, pains in slomac l or bowels, cramn,
olic, chills or summer •omplaint 25c. Sold
t, Da. McBab’s Mltchl II House Pharmac y
'homasvlllo.Ga. 4 3 ly.
- Miixkr, Ua.
1 have had weak Lungs nearly all my life,
have taken quite n number of Expectorants
without any aparcut bcnelit. I am now us
ing Bicwcr’s I.ung Restorer and l ean safely
affirm it is the only remedy from which I
hnvc cTCC/derived any bcnelit.
W. I.. Maictin.
• 'We. wish t.< call your attention to ihe
-daily, consisting of
and Neckwear
c seen them.
Dri-ss Goods we are receiving
Summer Silks, £aslimores, Honrietta •“ s,
And everything the ladies desire. AVc :
the city. Very respectfully,
tines, Challies, Edging, Lacs
•jig lower than any house in
“I had ’em all:” said a rubicund,
happy-faced gentleman. “All what ?”
asked his friend. “Why, all Hie
svmploms of malaria, viz: lame
back, aching-joints, sleeplessness, in
cligcs'ion, dizzy fils, cold extremi
ties, rush of blood to the bead, con
stant laligue, no nppetile, pains in
the broiist alter filling, night sweats,
alternate chills and fevers, etc., lint
Brown's Iron Billers cured me, and
I recommend it ips being ilic best
tonic made.”
"How uro you feeling, old follow?"
"Ob, I don’t reel well; can't cut I
am languid, tud feel generally good-for-
“Well, my friend, there is no use for
you to feeling that way. You need
something to do uwuy with that torpid
ity of tho liver, and any impurity of the
Such a remodiui agent is in reach of
.yon overy day, and you puss by your
drug store three or lour times a day
and never think to ask your druggist
wlmt will benefit you. If you did, lie
would answer nt once: “Westmore
land's Cnllsaya Tonic Is tho very tiling
ydit need. It is on snle at overy drug
slot o In the country, and the bottles
cost only 50c or $1.00.
Dr. Mcliue is so situated mow, as
to give "Special inducements to all
uiistomci's ill lhe way of Prices on
anything in tho tvitv of drugs,
Sen.’. us your laundry. Collars,
.02jj each, cuffs, .05 per pair, shirts,
.10 each. We guarantee all work to
be neat and clean. Send before 8
o'clock a. in. Wednesdays.
C. II. Young Co.
Mother, to cure chafing, rellovlug baby, uso
Boraclne Toilet and Nursery Powder. It costs
no more, and is superior and highly perfum-
McRae & Madre, Thomasville; Geo. A.
Bradford, Columbus; Alexander Drug and
Seed Co., Augusta; F.Von Oven,Charleston,
agenh* for fleidt’s Fine Confections.
Insect Powder Fly Paper.
Cassels’ Pharmacy,
118 Broad street.
' —dealer in
l’horo is - an end to all things, so tho
people say, but thero is no end to tho
splendid fitting clothing made at 81
Broad street. Cleaning.and repairing-
done in tho neatest manner. Givo mo
a call. John Kenny, •
W. 8. Brown, tho Jeweler, bus se
cured the agency for all tho first-class
l’ianos and Organs, which ho is soiling
at tho, lowest prices for cash or on long
time. Thoso desiring to purchase will
do well to lenrn his prices and terms.
Kvorvlliing in Soda Water line,
amt with ularge number of new
drijdM added, nice at the Milcbell
House Pourmncr. lid&tv
.lust received a supply of fresh Gerainn
Millet Seed at- McRae’s, which will be sold
We are still selling cheap grocer
ies, the cheapest in town, but all the
same wc have received and marked a
lot of straw hats, at prices that will
make yon hapoy. Como and see
them. Bass & McKinnon,
116 Broad street.
For Sale.
A few barrels of extra nice new
syrup, iu new cypress barrels, 20 to
30 gallons per barrel. Nice for family
use. . Clfeup for cash.
Bass & "McKinnon.
116 Broad Street.
Pianos.and Organs.
I have secured the agency for the
sale of the leading pianos and - organs,
and can sell either, cheap for cosh, or
on easy terms, when -time is desired.
Call and get catalogues and terms, or
they will he sent by mail on applica
tion, W. S. Brown,
ut Postoffice,
3-27-tf Thomasville, Ga.
CATARRU CURED, health and sweet
breath sccnred,.by Shilol's Catarrh Remedy
Nasal' -
Price 50 cents.
I Injector free
The Mitchell House Pharmacy has. been
noted for its low prices, and now offers lft
per cent off for cash ou patent medicines,
perfumery, etc., at retail. TU} taken iu
connection with its already lew prices, will
lie quite au inducement for the public to
Sanyo. Brown, who Km been quite, ^
ill, is improving. I diwit
The sutVering of women certainly awakens
the sympathy of every true philunthropiBt.
Their best friend, however, is B. B B, (Bo
tanic Blood Balm). Send to Blood Balm
Co., vttlttuta, Ga., fur proofs.
II. ii. Cassidy, Kenncsaw, Ga., writes:
“Three bottles of B. B. B. cured my wife of
Mra. K. M. Laws, Zalubr, Fla. writes: “I
haoe never usetf anything to ecjual B.U.ll.”
Mrs. C. II. Gay, Rocky Mount, N. C.,
writes: “Xct r Hay fo 15’yeoys was. 1 free
from headache, u. B. B.'tntirely relieved
me. I feel like mother person.’*
Jas. \V. Lancaster, iJawkiusville, Ga.,
writes: “My wife was in bad health for
eight yoars. Five doctors and many pateul
medicines had done her no good. Six bottles
of B. B. B. cured her.’*
Miss S. Tomlinson, .Itlante, Ga., says:
“For years I sufiered with rheumatism,
caused by kidney trouble and indigestion, i
was also feeble and nervous. IL B. B. re
lieved me at once, “though several other
mediciues had failed.**
“Rev. J M. Richardson, Clarkstou. Ark.,
writes: “My wife suftered twel\o years
with rheumatism aud female complaint. A
la-ly membor of my church had been cured
by 11. B. U. She persuaded my wife to try
it, who now says there is nothing like B. B.
B., as it quickly gave her relief.”
Stoves, Iron,
Tin and Hollow Ware,
Guns and Smrtii Goods
“f ill kinds, anil agent for
Powder Co.
©pit •. \
I aF.
she In
f'.sion to notify the citizens of
and surrounding country that
received her usual clcgaiit ar-
Mil line
liue of
r and Summer
- nbracing a large and beautiful
£ -is, Bonnets,
Parties desiring fresh, pure Jersey milk,
from Jersey Farm, will be supplied,'iu auy
quantity, delivered, on application to, or by
April 10,188ft,
A few sows and shoals for sale ul
a bargain lo early pmtbuscr*. Free
from disease of every kind. Apply
a( this office. if
I ran rent a nice collage, close in
on JelVerso.-i street, iu ♦16.05 per
month, from June 1st.
Eli M. .Mai.lm-i k.
iloanlrra Wanted.
Good lioai'daudi-Hlging can be found at
Mrs. M. Nbaiv's, on Jefferson street, opposite
the Maaury Hotel. ’Good table board at $3
erweek. — 1-6-tf.
oustixe palmetto goods,
■rticlos usually kept -n a firat-cUss
'"rtment of Embroideriog
.scotch Linen Floss, in all
dargarrnii Art Thread; Ropo
imuii Cord; Real Scotch Linen
Crochet Thread, cream and white* Embroid
ering a.. ' ’.niiting silk in all colors.
Stamping § Pinking
Of all kinils promptly executed.
Dress Making
Iii all it* branches done in tho best stylo
and at reasonable rates. An inspection of
goods and prices respectfuUy solicited.
N. S. Eaves,
Thomas Tills, Georgia,
1 will bu glad to inoao contracts tot tha
construction ot all clasaea ot buildings, pub-
Uo and private, la either brick or wood.
I will guarantee in every Instance to
giro satlstactlon. Designs and plans drawn
and careful estlmatea made.
SIT Motto—Good, at fair
prtcea. It you want any banding done call
in want any building done coU
on me. I will submit, estimates whether
contract Is awarded me or nob I refer to
the many public buildings erected by mo In
ThrimasTllle and elsewhere, and all parties
tor whom I havo worked
— .
■ *
EL T. Sendriok,
Will give prompt xml |
all work entrttatod to hi _
enilonjfWato patching and l ___
kinds of bfflek sad plaster work. Am aaex
I^mneeUtojrfrato*. lurnaccs. etc. ■