The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 15, 1889, Image 3

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mmm . Wia \ 'f-rji;.;.; ■ -m V - * SPECIAL BARGAINS I ■ ■ ] a order to reduce our tre- ineiulouxly large stock of Dry . Gooi's, Clothing, etc., we offer .special inducements in tiie way of prices, in every de partment of our two large stores. *:■ • A NEW DEPARTURE! r.: \ ' • # .' ■ ■ i..:.,. i -flic Ladies will take tul- - vantage of the good things to he found on our • bargain * counter. Dont fail to see our bargain counter. ♦ * ' - . ' m H. Wolff Oro 9 " t'tie attention ot the gen tlemen is called to the splen did bargains we offer m Cloth ing, Underwear, Shoes ami Furnishing Goods. We arc offering Goods Leap in order to reduce our unense stock. . , You are respectfully invited call early and inspect. The leaders of Styles. THE DAILY TINIES-ENTERPRISE. ALBERT WINTER, City Editor. \Y KDXE8DAV, MAY 15, 1889 Local Schedule. Fast tr ail for Savannah 8 25am •• “ I//...12 401, n, from “ Ar... 131pm *• *■ for Chattahoochee I.v. Train for Allmny hv. • from •• ......... Ar. “ *• for Savannah Lv... — com. from Wayc..Ar... 3 45 p in Freight and ; 200 p ill 9 30 a in 5 20 p in 0 50 pm for 8 40 a ni 4 15 p m Chatt. I/.... . *• *• from Chatt. Ar... 7 15 a •* for Albany Lv... 4 25pin “ from *' Ar... 7 55am niOMASVILLK AND 3IONTICELLO. Freight accpni. for Monticello Lv.. .845 a m “ from ' ** ....Ar...6 20 p m “ ....Lv...206 pm m “ ....Ar..l210pm Trustees Meeting. Tlic Trustees of South Georgia college are requested to meet to-mor row. Thursday, afternoon, at 4 o’clock. Business ot importance. A. P. WRIGHT, i 10 illt Preaident. Looking for a Home. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hardiug are at the Randall., They have been in Florida for some time, having gone there front Ohio, and they arc notV looking for a permanent home. The Leoture To-Morrow. The lecture of Hon. Ben Terrell to morrow at the court house will be a masterly presentation of the aims and ambitions of the Alliance Order. The farmers, whether they be mem bers of the Alliance or not, ought to attend. They will certainly be inter ested and improved. The Timeh-Ent v.rpkihe, takes this occasion for reminding the farmers that they have it in their power to make the Alliance what they will it to be. At His Post Again. Mr. C. b. Bondurnnt is at his post again, after taking in the Savannah festivities lust week. Besides visiting Savannah he went to his old home, Augusta, and also to Atlanta. Welcome to Thomasvlllc. Mr. J. W Peacock, who has bought an interest with Capt. R. L. Hicks, in the Brighton Pharmacy, has arrived and is at his new place. We regret to learn that Mr. Beach will leave ip a few days. - The Virginia House Leased. Mr. J. H. Rcinney, of Valdosta, has leased the Virginia House and will open the house June 1st. The Virginia is well located and will do a good business. Surprised at Their Luxuriance, Mr. M. B; AVnitc, the government agent -who is examining the fruit crop of this section, snys the LcCoutc" pear tree is the most vigorous, luxn limit and beautiful he has even sccu. Put Your Name to it. It would seem that the newspaper rule requiring the name of correspon dents to be put to their communica tions ought to he well understood. Wo trcqucntly receive articles for puhlleatinn without signatures. There is a gaping vacuum ready to receive them— tbe waste basket, Put your name to your cominuuL, cation, uot for publication, but that wc may know win is responsible for CbUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Council Room, May 13, 1889. Council met in regular session, Mayor Hopkins presiding, AWcrnmn Wright, Merrill and Winddon pres* ent, Minutes of last meeting rend, cor rected and confirmed- Petition of Vigilant Eire Company referred to the committee on tiro de* pnrtment. „ Crossing on Stephens street was or dered replaced with wood. Following accounts passed for pay ment: A. F. Prevatt, 810.75, S. I. Smith 85.00. Council adjourned. K. T. McLean, Clerk. “Mr, President,” observed Colonel Halford to Mr. Harrison this morn ing, “have you tried the new puzzle?, “What puzzle, Elijah?” inquired the President, gently.' ' _ ‘ , “Putting the ‘pig® fajwie pen, Mr. President.” „ , A shade came over the President s lace, . . ,, ., ... “No. Elijah,” he said wearily; “I have been so busy trying to keep the hogs out of office that I havn t had time for any other puzzle.” And the President pinked up a pile of applica tions and mutfered a mutter too deep be articulate.—Washington Critic. to The Rail Road Outlook. What follows has been said so often that it may seem stale, but it embodies a great truth nevertheless. Thomasville needs another outlet in the direction of Macon and Atlan ta. The reasons why such nu outlet is heeded arc to plain too require elabor ation, or even mention. (The withdrawal of the proposition made by the Georgia Southern and Florida It. It. to build a branch road from somewhere on its line to Thomas- villc, provided the city would grant a donation of 825,000, and four acres of land for terminal facilities, Jias for the present, at least, cut off all pros pects ofan outlet from outside aid. It was always and will always be an objection against branch roads, that they have a tendency to concentrate trade in the great centers. This would have been especially true of the road proposed to be built by the Georgia Southern. With the main offices in Macon nod owned and controlled by Macon capital, .the tendency would have been to draw every thing possible to Macon, to the detriment of Thomas- ville. If Thomasville should own and control an independent line to Cor- dele, or any point where it would con nect with another independent system, or systems, being the largest and most important town on tho liuc, it is easy to see that she would stand to the same position to her own road that Macon docs to the Georgia Southern and that it would he to her interest and advantage to make such a line a means of drawing trade to her business men, lu its last analysis the matter re solves itself to this: Would it not be better for Thomasville to build her own road, control it as it factor for her own growth, making no entangling alliances; but maintaining friendly relations- with all lines that it might touch? This is the question of the hour for Thomasville, .It is of easy solution; a thorough concert of action and a gen eral disposition to aid such an enter prise, will settle it, and settle it on thc-line that Thomasville -must and will control a new outlet. A Fever More Eight Venn Cured. .1 must extend to you tho thanks of ono of my customers, who has beou cured hy uslngtutlcu- ra Remedies, of an old sore, caused by a long spell of sickness or fever eight years ago. He was so bad ho -was fearfnl ho would have to have his leg amputated, hut Is happy to say he is now entirely well,—sound as a dollar. He requests me to use his name, whieh is H. li. .Cason; merchant of this plaoe. JOHN V. MINOR, Drugglf * " * [boro, f< ter. me nrst auu uuij j ing, strengthening plaster. 25 cents. > Bill Nye on the Blase Young Man. One of the saddest things about, the streets of New York is the blase young man. Hardly old cunigh to know how to harness a horse or milk a cow, even for a picnic party, lie is already weary of life, He knew everything when he was little, ami has gradually added to it ever since. He cannot sit through “Hamlet,” because he has heard it so often before. He says Booth is failing. He thinks Jcftersou doesn’t speak so distinctly as he used to do. He is sorry for everybody, and pities everybody, and wishes lie could split up his knowledge and give the slivers of thought aud experience to the poor. The blase young mail never had any real fun in his life. Even his attempts to be real bad were bad dis appointments," He will criticise his harp,when he gets -it, aud get his crown stretched before he will wear it, He will also speak of the dampness of the cloud he is sitting on, and make sSrcAstic remarks because he cannot wear pockets stitched on the outside of his robe or fly-n-bout, with a slmwl- strap full of Canes knocking the brains out of other celestial people, or pick ing their eyo out and wearing them out on the ferrule of his umbrella. The blase young man never laughed heartily, even ns a child. Nature dis appointed him. The little lambkins were untidy, and the grass took the polish off his Bhoes. He criticised nearly all forms of vegetation. Throw ing a dressing gown hastily over his shoulders, while waiting for his clothes to air and put on him, he looked at the doctor on the first evening of his nppearanee with a keen, searching glnpce, as much as to say: “You have ushered me into world which I can already see is frightfully misman aged.” We acknowledge an invitation to attend a moonlight picnic at the hos pitable home of Mrs. O. T. Hopper, at their country place near Boston,to night. The occasion will no doubt he a very delightful one. - t> r Trustees Meeting Col. Wright, president ot the Board of Trustees of South Georgia College, coils a meet ing of the Board tomorrow^ afternoon at 4 o'clock, NOT A PIMPLE ON HIN NOW. Bad with JExxrma llnlr nil lionc. Mcnlp covered with eruption*,Thought hi. hair would neVcr grow, .ittrr.fbr remedies. Hair aplendid nnd not n pimple on him. I cannot Bay enough hi praise of the Cuticura Remedies. My. Iioy, who when one year of age, was bo had with eczema that he lost all his hair. His scalp was covered with eruptions, which the doctors said was scald head, and tbatbis hair would nevergrow again. Despair ing of a cure from physicians I began tho use of cuticura Remedies, and, am happy to say, with the mostrperfect success. Ills hair is now splendid and there Is not a pimple on him. I recommend the Cuticura Remedies as the most speedy, economical, and sure cure for skin dis eases of infants and children, and feel that ev ery mother who has an aftticted child- will thank me Nol wa> , Mc Ualnsboro, Teun. Severe Scale Disease Dared, A few weeks ago my wifcsulfered very much from a cutaneous disease of the scalp, and re ceived no relief from the various remedios she used until sbo tried Cuticura. Tho disease droraptly yielded to this treatment, and Ilia short whilo Blie was. entire y well. There has been no return or tho disease and Cuticura ranks wo. 1 in our estimation for diseases of the skin. llev. J. PRESSLEY 1IARRETT, D. D. Raleigh, N.C. Cuticura Remedies. Are a positive euro for every form of skin, scalp, and blood diseases, with loss of liair, from aim iiiuuu uiscaooo, "im »«oo w. ****•• I pimple# to scrofular, except possibly itchthyo- Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticura, Goc.; 8oap g 25.; Resolvent, $1. Prepared by tho Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass rug anu Chemical Lo., uoston, mass. gwSend for “How to Cure'Skin Diseases, <A pages, 50 illustrations, and loo testimonials. ninv’0 Skin and scalp preserved and beautl- DADI D flen by Cuticura Soap. Absolutely pure. EVERY MUSCLE ACHED. Sharp aclics, Dull Pains, .Strains l and weaknesses relieved in one min- r A ute by the* Cuticura Anti>Pain Plas- he rirst and only instantaneous pain-kill- Pimples, Sores, Aches and Pains. When n jiundrrd bottles of sarsaparilla or. other pretentious specifics fail to eradicate in-born scrofula or contagious blood poison, remember, that II. B.B. ^ Botanic lllood Halm) has gained many thousand victories, ill ns many seemingly Incurable instances. Send to the lllood Balm Co., Atlanta tin., for “(look of Wonders,' 1 and be convinced It is the only tuve iiloop rVnmra. (1, W. Messer, Howell's X Roads, tin., writes! "1 was nfHictcd nine ycers with sores,. All I he medicine 1 could tnke did me no good, I then tried B. B. B„and 8 bottles cured me sound." Mrs. H..M. Wilson, Round Mountain, Texas, writes: “A lffly frifcnd olminy was troubled with bumps anij pimples on her lace and nick. She took three bottles of 11. B. 11., nnd iier skin gut soft nnd smooth, pimples disap peared, and her health improved greatly." Jns. L. Boswortb, Atlanta, tin., writes: ••Some years ago I coutfacted blood poison, 1 had ho appetite, my digestion was ruined, rheumatism drew up my limbs so I could hardly wnlk, throat was cauterized five times. Hot Springs gavo mc no benefit, nnd tny life Was otic torture until I gave B. B. B. a trial, and, suprising us it may seem, the use of five bottles" - tuny Hi, I m E P O. Don't waste time and money and undergo needless torture with the knife when Ethio pian Pile Ointment will afford instant re lict and certain cure in every case of blind, bleeding, itching, internal ami external piles. Itangura Boot Medicine Company, Nashville, Tcun. 50 cents nnd $1 mu; bottle. Sold by McRae A Mnrdrc nnd S. J,TOssels. Reid & Culpepper arc keeping up nil recession, they Imre secured the agen itli the procession, they bare scoured the agency of the famous Star Mineral Water, the lir.esl preparation known for dyspepsia, It is guaranteed to cure. f 0 tf West’s Pain King—tic lioueshotd reined}, llways useful. Never fi ils to cure cholera torbus, pains in stomnt't or bowels, cramp, olic, chills or summer '.omplaint, 25c. Sold t, Dn. McRae’s Mitcbi II House Pharmacy 'bomasvillc.Ga. 4 3 ly. West’s World’s wonder or family Lini ment, a suparior remedy for neuralgia, lame back, sprains, bruises, cuts, burns or wounds. Cheaper, goes further, and Inst ionger. Sold at Dr. McRae's Mitchell House Pharmacy, Thomasville, Ua. 1 3 ly. illbXER, Ua. I have bad weak Lungs nearly nil my life, have taken quite a number of Expectorants without any npnrcnt benefit. 1 am now us ing Btcwcr’s Lttng Restorer aud I can safely Itdirmitis the only remedy from which I have ever derived any benetit. W. L. Martin.* Wc are still selling cheap grocer ies, the cheapest in town, hut all the same wc have received and marked a lot of straw hats, at prices that will make you happy. Come aud see (hem. Bass & McKinnon, 110 Broad street, 8-20-tf For Sale. A fetv barrels of extra nice new syrup, in new cypress barrels, 20 to 30 gallons per barrel. Nice for family qsc. Cheap for cash. Bass & McKinnon. 116 Broad Street. Pianos and Organs. I have secured the ageucy for the sale of the leading pianos and organs, and can sell either, cheap for cash, or on easy terms, wheu time is desired. Call and get catalogues and terms, or they will oe sent by mail on applica tion, W, S. Brown, • > at Postofficc, O-oyqf Thomasville, Ga. .CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured, by Stiilot's Catarrh Remedy Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free The Mitchell House Pharmacy has been noted for Us low prices, and now oilers 10 per cent off for cash on patent medicines, perfumery, etc., at retail. This, token in connection with its already lew prices, will lie quite an inducement for the public to spend their cash there for good.* in the draig line. ' Mitciueij. Horn “ dtirlt • - ' : 4' \- x. ■■ • lie S. K. A W. R. It. will give low excursion rates from nil points on its line of road within the state of Georgia to Savannah during the May festivities. - ii%. iteyWMi # Also proposes to give the same opportunity to parlies buying goods from now so nut less than 10 per cent discount on all goods In their line, we alio Call your attention to tiieir clothing stock which they can boast of the styles and His. Facta and conrince all that wc offer the opportunity of the season In genteel clothing for l and children, ' O *- o oxr <■ Take « *ook through our Immense Tailoring Department, where our Mt. C. Helms, will pay his special attention to all who will call, and see thatevery Lady and Gentleman is satisfied with the style and fit. of every garment tha goes out. ’ , Our Underwear, Shirts and Neckwear ' . - ’ i . Is the admiration of all who have seen them. ^ TO THE LADIES. We wish to call your attention to the line of Dress Goods we are receiriag daily, consisting of Summer Silks, Cashmeres, Henrietta Cloths, Satines, Challies, Edging, Laea Aul everything the ladies desire. AVc are selling lower than any house in the city. Very respectfully, _ * L. STEYERMAN & BRO. “I had ’em all,” said a rubicund, happy-faccd gentleman. “All what ?” asked his friend. “Why, all the symptoms of malaria, viz: lame back, acliiOg joints, sleeplessness, in (liges’iou, dizzy fits, cold extremi ties, rush of blood to the head.-coil- slant failgue, no appetite, pains in tlm breast after eating, night sweats, allernatc.cliills and fevers, cte., but Brown’s Iron Bitters cured mc, and I recommend it as being the best Ionic inhde.” A FRIENDLY MEETING, •‘How are you feeling, old followf” “Oh, I don’t feel well; can’t cat. I am languid, end feel generally good-for- nothing." “Well, my friend, thereto no; ubo, for you to feeling that way, You need something to do away with that torpid ity of tho liver, and any impurity of tho blood." Such a remedial ngont Is in reach of you ovory day, and you pass by your drug store three or four times a day and never think to ask. your druggist what will benefit you. It you did, ho would answer at once: "Wostraoro- lund’s Calisaya Tonic is tho very thing you need. It is on salo ul every drug store in tho country, and thq bottlos cost only 50c or #1.00. Dr. Mellae is’so situated nowr, as to give special inducements to all customers fn'fltc way tf Prices on nnytlHug in Hie way of drugs, ltll&w TAILORING. There is an end lo all things, to the licoplo suy, but there Is uo ond to tho splondid fitting clothing mndo at 81 Broad street. Gleaning and repairing dono in tho neatest manner. Givo mo a call. John Kenny. l’lANOS AND ORGANS. W. S. Brown, tho Jeweler, luis sc oured the ugenoy for all tho first-class Pianos and Orguns, which ho to selling ut tho lowest prices for cash or on long Uiiio. Thoso doslring to purchaso will do well to lourn Ins prices and terms. Even tiling In Soda Water Hue, aud with a large number of new drinks udded, nice at the Mitchell House Pharmacy. Ild&w NKtV MILLET SEED Just received » supply of fresh Herman Millet Seed at McRae’s, which will be sold cheap. THE WOMEN PRAISE V. B. B. The suffering of women certainly awakens the sympathy of every true philanlhroujat. Their best friend, however, is 11. B. B. (Bo tanic lllood Balm), Send to lllood Balm Co., .Atlanta, Ua., for proufa. II. L. Cassidy, Kcnncsaw, tla., writes: ‘.‘Three bottles uf B. B. U. cured my wife of scrofula.” Mrs. It. M. Laws, Zalabr, Fla., writes: “I liaqo nover used anything to cqua( B.B.U.” Mrs. C. II. Gay, Itocky Mount, N. C’., writes: "Not r dar fo 15 years was I free from headache. H. B. 11. entirely relieved me. I feel like mother person.” Jas. W. Lancaster, llawkinsville, ua., writes: “My wife was in bad health fur eight years. Five du(tora and many patent medicines had done her no good. Six bottles of 11. U. H. cared her.” Miss S..Tomlinson, -ttlanta, Ua., says: “For years I soffered with rheumatism, caused by kidney trouble and indigestion, 1 was also‘feeble and nervous. B. II. B. re lieved mc at once, although several other medicines bad faiied.” “Rev. J. M. Richardson, Clarkston. Ark., writes: “My wife suffered twelve years with xheumatiam and female complaint. A ladv member of my church had bean cured bv B. B. B. She persuaded my wTfo to try it, who now says there is nothing like 11. II. 11., as it quickly gavo her relief. LAUNDRY. Send us vottr laundry. Collars, .02.!.; each, etift’s, .03 per pair, shirt*, .10 each. AVc guarantee all woik lo lie neat nnd clean. Send before 8 o’clock a. tit. AVedncsdays. C. H. Youno Co. McRae A Madrc, Thomasville; Geo. A. Bradford, Columbus: Alexander Drug and Need Co., Augusta; F.A'on Oven, Charleston, agents for Ileidt’s Fine Confections. KILL FLIES. Insect Powder Fly Paper. Cassels’ Pharmacy, 118 Broad street. S. D. FUDGE, THOMASVILLE, GA., —dealer in HARDWARE Stoves. Iron. Tin and Hollow Ware,. i 5ntii of all kinds, and agent for King’s Powder Co. MILLINERY. C. F. COLLINS. ITCH ELL HOUSE BLOCK. Takes occasion (o notify the citiccos of Thomasville am! surrounding countrj that she has just received her usual elegantas sortment of Spring and Summer Millinery, embracing a largo and beautiful line of • Hats, Bonnots, ST. AUGUSTINE PALMETTO GOODS, GLOVES, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, JERSEY MILK. Patties desiring fresh, pure Jersey milk, from Jersey Farm, will be supplied,1n any quantity, delivered, on application to, or by addressing JOUN CHASTAIN. April 10,1889. HOGS’. A lew sows and shoats for sale ul a bargain to early purchasers. Free from disease of every kind. Apply at Ibis office. tf And all articles usually kept in a first-class Millinery Store. A large assortment of Embroidering linen. Real Scotch Linen Floss, in ail colors. The Bargarran Art Thread; Ropa Floss, German Cord; Real Scotch Linen Crochet Thread, cream and white; Embroid ering and knitting silk in all colors. Stamping % Pinking Of all kinds promptly executed. Dress Making In all its branches done in the best style and at reasonable rates. An inspection of goods and prices respectfully solicited. N. S. Saves, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER. Thomasville, Goorjla. I will be clad to make contracts for the construction of all classes ot buildings, pub lic and private. In either brick or wood. I will guarantee In every Instance to give satisfaction. Designs and plansdrawn and careful estimates made.. w ^ FOR RENT. I can rent a nice cottage, cl on JclTcrso:i street, al tlfi-65 per niontli, from June 1st. Eli M. Mam,kttk. ' B.ardrraAVaaied. Good board and lodging can be found at Mrs. 51..Shaw’s, on 'Jefferson street, opposite the Maaury Hotel. Good table board at 85 er week. 1-6-tf. Mx Motto—Qo6d, honest work at fair prices. It yoowant arty building dono call on me. I will aubmtt estimates whether contract la awarded mo or not. I rotor to the many pobllo bnUdlnga exwetod hy. 1» tn ThomaavlUe and elsewhere, and ait portlet tor whom I have worked is T. Kendrick. OOXTBiCTOB TO« BEIGK & PLASTER WORi WIU giro prompt and all work entrusted to * WVIACUMIMNU W III* kMWBt **w. . Z. enlton given to patching and repairing a!i klndaot brick and plaater work. Am so si pert In setting grates, furnaces, rip. Balls action guaranteed, and rrteiiao.jjdl Umas jobJMj