The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 16, 1889, Image 1

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VOL 1 -NO TliOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, THURSDAV MORNING, MAY 1G, 1885). Special jNews Notes About Town OFFERINGS The Thomasville Real Estate and Improvement Company. The first annual meeting of the stockholders of this company was held .FOR This Week, AT •jiml* Checked Nainsook at 5c, nusKth mb.'. 5.000 yoidslChecked Nainsook at 8c, worth i*a-.2. 5 ooo yards Checked Nainsook at io, worth 15c. 5,000 yatds l'igured White I.awn at 12 i-2C, worth 20. This is - a special drive and is well worth your atten tion. 5,000 yards white India Linen at 5 C > worth roc. ■5,000 yards white India Linen at 8c, worth 12:2 - . 3 000 yards white India Linen aM oc, . worth 15. ..: — aye the best ;.y and largest assort ment of.white lawns ever offered in this market. Would call your special atten tion to our SOc Number, which in width, fin ish and sheerness of woof, surpasses any thing ever shown at this price. Sj dozen bleached damask towels, knotted fringe, at 15c well worth 25 dozen Huckabock Towels at 10c, worth 25c. For 25c we can give you the very best towel, 1 1 4 yards long, all linen and fast colored borders, ever shown jn Thomasville. Our new and elegant selection of (tulles are still all the rage, and arc selling a! a very satisfactory rate. In summer silks we have still some very •choice patterns left, which we are offering at greatly reduced rates. m Our remnant counter tor this W2p5f contains some very desirable oar- gains, and mothers would do well to take advantage of this. m i-Vt Site' A.11 lines complete. Stock acknowledged to be the largest, lower than Do not fail to and inspect. We are anxious to show you our goods vvhether-you buy or not. Prices ever. oonie About People You Know, Of May j Tuesday night, at City Hall. Not Know. ! A quorum of stock was represented | either in person, or by proxy. PUT IN PITHY PACKAGES. j 1Vesidcnt Me " itt WaS th * ch#i ' - j Tne report of secretary and treas- er Parker was received and spread H'li'tinan lias returned Yanliuasti fcom Macon. The Stuart registered thirty-two ar rivals yesterday. T. P. May, of (Quincy, Fla., was in the city yesterday# Ben Cotnfort went to Boston yester day to take in the picnic. Miss Annie Mash returned from a- F. Hawkins. visit ti Savannah yesterday. Dr. 51. R. Mallette, of Boston,spent a part of yesterday in Thomasville. Do not lose nil opportunity for put ting in a word for Thomasville, your home. Travel is picking tip. There were thirty two arrivals at the Stuart yesterday Mr. J. W. Peacock, who has bought an interest in the Brighton Pharmacy, has arrived. Brick laying 011 the scci ml story of Deklc & Cook’s new store has com menced. The trustees of the South Georgia College wl.ll meet this afternoon at •1 o’clock. The hig bay attached to the express wagon attempted to run away again yesterday. Dr. W. F. Yarbrough, a prominent physieiau of Miccosukie, was hi the city yesterday. / ~ The oat crop w.fc: materially cut off. Mrs. McBain is visiting her daugh ter, Mrs. A. U. Bruce, corner Hayes nud Hardaway streets. Mr. T. L. Strickland, who travels for Lighten & Bales, of Savannah, was iu the city yesterday. ' Morton Goodman autographed at the Stuart yesterday. He was not ar rayed in his baseball suit. If you have an item of local news, iu town er county, leave it at the TiMivi-KsTKitritUiE ottice. It U flip ' ambition of the Timiw- Kxtkui’RJhk to iweon.e a dailv visitor to every household in flic city. Mr. Charlie Tuttle, the jeweler, left yesterday morning for a six week’s Cynise among the Florida lakes. More OrUl!)mors were in the city yesterday than - has best! here since the convention at Savannah. The temm ratine yesterday was de cidedly cooler than the day before. The necessity tor rain is as pressing as ftyer- ■ Havu you stippm) to think what a great comfort it is to have tteqad street sprinkled? Otherwise the dust would be unbearable. One contractor in the city has eight new residences under contract, rairgipg ju price from SI ,‘200 to 82,000, and all being built by oU, hor,!? peo ple. Mr. I'm n I )imic. was especially for i... 5.1 nn/utu.'ii ■* (lin uorvSlTKvf A Mammoth Issue. The Manufacturers’ and Trade Re view issue of the Atlanta Journal, is on our desk. It is too_ big. a thing to be disposed of in a short notice. It is by all odds the most pretentious pub lication of the sort ever attempted iu the South. From front to back it is an Atlanta production, lithographic work, illustrations and all. The mar velous spirit of 'push that has raised Atlanta from a heap of ashes and ruins to be the foremost city iu all this beautiful Southland, stood ns the ’I anu inis tujgc spirit will carry on the minutes of the company. The old board of directors was re elected. The members of the hoard are its foliows: J. II. Merrill, IV. R. MacIntyre, William’Campbell, Wil liam Miller, C. H. Williams. W. A, Pringle, L. If. Jerger, C. G. Stark, S. Stevermau, J. L. Linton mid B. This is a'strong, conservative body of men a.iu the affairs of the company will he safe in their hands. The Time* Fx-mil’risk gave a sy nopsis of the figured-embodied iu the treasurer’s report, and they make a splendid showing for the company. Quite a number of people have been enabled to secure homes through this company, and as it grows older, its business will iacriase. Georgian's capital city to still greater heights of prosperity. In this work of development the Journal is doing its full share. St. Thomas Lodge. Members of St. Thomas Lodge, F. A. M. are requested to attend reg ular meeting, to-night. A full attend ance, to transact business of import ance, is desired. Arthur I’attex, W. If. Thomasvii.i.k, May 15, 188!). Dear Timer-Enterprise : As our town authorities will apply to the leg islature of the state for the passage of a local 1) if' converting itiu to a city, would it not be well for this new charter to he granted under die narpe of “City of Thomas?” That c/Y/e conveys at once to the mind of the distant read er a littleness which we ought to shake off, Would this not accord with the will of our citizens? 1 think - it would. Resident. A high compliment was paid to the old board of directors of the Real Estate and 1 mproveraeut com pany, when it was agaiu given charge of the buslupss of the juatitutiqi). Thomasville National Bank. Yesterday the comptroller of the currency issued an order requiring all the National Banks to prepare a statement of their conditidn at the close of business, Monday, 13th. inst. Our bank was notified yesterday by its agent in Washington, by wire, and the (statement appears in this morning’s paper. This is unquestionably quick work. The showing made in the statement is a fine one. The deposit account, §110,000, is good for the season and the slate of business. The surplus at.d undivided profit fund, upwards .of $23,000, shows that the profits of the bank have been steady and satisfactory since it began business 21 months ago. Awarded the Contract. The Thomasville Variety Works, Messrs. Reynolds, Hargrave and Davis, proprietors, have been award ed the contract for making the im provements to he made on the home stead at “Greenwood.” It is under stood that it is Mr. VauDtizer’s intention to retain all the characteris tics that make the house the finest type of the old tin 0 Southern home in the state. Its fiuc shrubbery, wealth of flowers,large and lofty rooms may never again yield their lasciuatiou to those to whom for years it was a loving and lovable home, but it is peculiarly fortunate that it has fallen iDto the hands of a gentleman of taste and means who will make it as it was in its happiest and brightest days. It goes without saying that Messrs. Reynolds, Hargrave and Davis will gpe fine judgment and taste iu this work.,. Thej^have ample-facilities for doing a splendid job and they wijl uso them to the best possible advau- .• It was a Whopper. Bob Balfour, Cicero Young and Dr. White made a raid on the fish in Miccosukie yesterday. Mr. Balfour caught a magnilicen' trout. Mr. Bailout says it would have weighed twelve pounds when caught. I: was on ice yesterday afternoon at the • Pearl” and attracted quite a crowd. Several other fine fish were caught. Hon. H. Frank Sharon, of Quiww, j was in the city yesterday, the guest of j tho Stuart. Mr. Sharon is an old j Bainbcidgc man. c Fire in Monticello. Yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock the residence of Mr. Tom Simpkins, in Monticello, was destroyed by fire. Mr and Mrs. Simpkins were attending a picnic at the time, but one oP their daughters was at - home. The fire is supposed to have" originated from a Stove flue. The loss was heavy and in cluded the bridal presents of Mrs, Denham, nee Miss Simpkins, who was married only a few weeks ago. Mr. Simpkins had only $1,5jo insurance. In trying to save the building a Mr. Hale fell form a ladder, dislocating his sliqulder and breaking his arm. I ll. Ul. _ Maximum tor 21 hours 87 Minimum “ “ “ ....' 58 Rainfall. In the County Court. J udgo Mitchell had several crimin al cases before him yesterday. Willie Scott pleaded guilty to the charge of assault and battery. Another colored citizen was up for the same offense, but the evidence was not sufficient to convict, and he was discharged. The Diocesan Convention. The convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia, met in Atlanta yesterday. St. Thomas church, in this city, elected Capt. W. 51. Ham mond, Mr. T. E. Blackshear and 5Ir. Alex R. Jones delegates to this convention, but none of them attended. The regular monthly meeting of the Thomasville Building and Loan AsJ socintiun will be held to-night at 7:30, 111 the office of Mayor H. W. Hopkins. A. P. WBifiirr, G. H. Wii.i.iams, Pros. Secretary. See what a correspondent says, elsewhere, about Los Angelos, the great sanitarium of California. The [Publication Required by Law.] REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Thomasville National Bank, Thomasville, in the State . pf Ga., at tho close of busmen, Mon- day, 5Iay 1^ 1885). . RKSOUHCKS. Loans and discounts $185,241.82 Overdrafts, secured and unse cured .* l\ 8. Bonds to secure circulu- Otlicr stocks, bonds, and mort gages Due from approved reserve agents Due from other National Banks.. Due from State Banksand bank- 3,596,71 25,000.00 5,850.00 14,433.*3 1,003.20 lunate iu securing the serviees-of Judge llopkius us agent to superin tend the improvements to he made at Greenwood, A parlv of bullet-, chaperoned by Mrs. Bottoms, spout the day Tuesday at the river. Haughty, domineering man, was excluded from the sylvan sports. We will wager something that if a fish was caught, there was not a lady in the party who would take it off the hook Dp to 1) o'clock lust evening the jury in the Arlingtou-Lane case at Quitman were still out. Capt. Hammond thinks a mistrial will re sult. t’apt. K. ti. Fleming, accompanied by Mr. W. P. Hardee, Mr. H. W. Reid and Mr. Jackson, of the *S. 1‘. & \V.«Ry., and also his private secre tary, M r. 5Iarmelsteiii, passed through here yesterday,in Capt. Fleming’s pri vate ear. The party were en route to Montleelio. Capt. Fleming and parly returned 12 o’clock yester The Address To-Day. Hon. Ben Terrell, of Texas, who will address the alliance men of the couutjr|U> day ■un-ivcdh\st # ovui,iiig at 5:20, and is the guest of Mrs. Henry Mitchell. The addresses of this distinguished geuthmun have been most tayorably received everywhere, and aside from their intrinsic mcrjts, Mr. Terrel) gives the farmers some most excellent advice. CM 400.15 Beal estate, furniture, and fix- turcs l,l>*8.2il Furrcnt expenses and taxes paid 2,581.04 Premiums paid 1,87.1.01) Cliccks and other cash items 126.14 Bills of other Banks 1,800.00 Fractional paper currency, nick- els ami cents 46.02 iiu ir» Legal-tender notes 2.468.00 Redemption fund with I’. S. * Treasurer (5 per cent, ot 1,125.00 Tom v $239,828.77 UMtiuriKH, Capital =tock paid in si 00,000.00 Surplus fund 13.000.00 Fndivided profits 10.689.07 National Bank notes outstnnd- ing 22,.'i«0.0o Individual deposits subject tu 1*10,237,76 Demand certificates qf deposit,, 500.00 Time ».prti|lcite3 of deposit 2,225.00 Due t«» other National Banks 23.:il Due to State Banks and Bankers 653,63 Tot ai $2511,828.77 State or (.inontitA. Couutv of Thomas, ss; 1. .la*. A Brandon, Cashier of tho above named bank, do -nlc|i',nly .weal that the ubuvp siatnoieni is true to the best of rnv knowledge and belief. u.iS. A. BRANDOX. Cashier. Subscribed uud sworn to before me this 15tli day of .May, 188‘J. !-!!.! M. MAI.I.ETTK, Nut'v Public, Thomas Coiyity, U«. CouiiEcr—Attest ; S, l „ II Mgs, 1 ,|. \\. HKIU. j IR rectors, T. J. BALI.. Jl . Local Bill. 1 Mr. K II Mfdlctte rented one of i from Mnnliceilo at 12 o’clock yester I - . , . Ml . \t':i day and took the last mail tor Bain* , the cottages being built t)> <>Jr* u 11 j bridge. Thq party writ return here W* - Iti.j*' F. H.Lthnstein, 132 BHOABIST- W0BHA0ZE0N limn Miller, to 5Ir. 51. J. Averett, of ] WbighglM, yesterday. Mr. A. will I move hie family to J homasville at ati I early day. He has i ywBojwiflo }>«; 1 sition with Messrs A. L. Maxwell « Bro., merchants at Whigham. Ihc 1 Times-Entebfbise welcome! Airs. A. ; and -her daughters to Thomasville. this morning and will probably go to Albany on tne 9:30 train The regular monthly meeting -of the Thumiisvilje Building and Ijoan Association will be held in Mayor Hopkins’ office te-night at 7:30. An Early Star), ■I mice Hopkins went out to “Green wood” earlyyesterday morningfamf put 12 hands to work on tho plaep. Among the improvements to be made on this charming country place dur ing tho eouiiug summer we note the following: Six tasty tenement houses will be built along tbe roadside, be vond tli“ homestead, to lie ougunled by tenants on the place; tho whole plantation \yill be enclosed with a wire to nee, and a fish pond will be built. Notice l.' hr ruby given that at the July 'fill PRICES AT LEVY’S Many reductions in prices have been made on fine goods to close out for the season. Call and see our 10c line of assorted J Dress Goods. Only about 20 pieces left. We have another invoice of Hemstitch ed embroidered floun- ings coming. They will be open for in spection on the 22nd. For genuine, good goods, at closing out prices, call at Levy’s Dry Ms House Mitchell House Corner | session of tin- Legislature of tleorgiu, a Bi! w ill tic introduce! to duicud an Vet approved tlctobcr !8lb, 18711, entitled 'un “Act tu in corporate the town of Cairh. In the county of Thomas, said Stale, aud for other pur- p v ,8ui,' so as to cutifer the power and author ity to elcei the Marshal ot said town, upon tile Mayor and eonneiluen, to diimiu from ollicc said marshal for failure or neglect tu perforin the duties of his ottice; to suhstftute for the words “Atlantic A Gulf Railroad, ' the words, '-Savannah, florid# A Western Railroad. - ’ To umko three months residence ill said town—instead of ten days as hereto, fore—necessary to qnatify a voter to vote lu tile town election*: >0 fix tho place of hold- ini' the town elo®>ns at the town hall, In- i u-ajl of tlic “place of holding^ Justice court." as heretofore, and to require hond of tbe Greenwood" will be made to blossom Marshal before lie shall he allowed to enter like the rose. . " I upon the discharge of his duties. 30d