The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 17, 1889, Image 1

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m —FORE This Week, About People You Know, or May Not Know. PUT IN PITHY PACKAGES, are lovely moonlight nights, Mr. Jim Hall spent yesterday op liom.s 5,000 yards Cher kul Naiusuuk worth 10c. 5,000 yards Checked Nainsook at Sc, worth 12 1-2. 5 000 yards Checked Nainsook at worth 15c. 5.000 yaids Figured White Lawn at 12 t-2c, worth 20. running This is a special drive and is well worth your atten tion. 5,000 yards white India Linen at 50, XYorth 10c. 1 - ;,ooo yards while India Lipen at 8c, worth 12:2 * 5 000 yards while India Linen at toe, % -worth 15. Boston. The farmers report the corn fine. Monday, Eiuancipiition day, is a hi, time for the negroes. There has not been a piAtic in long time. Blackberries arc ripening and file negroes arc happy. Ward spent tbc morn iug in Boston yesterday. Mrs. F. B. McRae lues returned from Brunswick atiil Jcsttp. Will Stegall spent 11 few the metropolis yesterday. Conductor Ricbardsou i No. 7 now. Judge F. A. Monroe, of Metcalfe was in the city yesterday. Mr. C. S. Johnson, of Atlanta, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Walter Mattox, of White Hu] pltur Springs, is in the city Mr. W. B. Todd, of Baiubridgc was in the city yesterday. An effort is being made in Monti cello to organize a Board of Trade, An infant child of Mr. 0. W. Wig gins died yesterday morning, Yesterday \wis almost like Saturday so many farmers were in town. Mr. The?.,'Turnbull, of Miccosukie, witwn-ttje etiy veiterdayf ' Miss Annie Hodges, of White Sul We have the best y niid largest ^assort-1 is a “ 0 "« thc * UC8,Snt merit of white lawns Mr T N Hopkins and Master If; over offered in this Gccrgc Hopkins spent the afternoon Would Call *“ Monticell ° yesterday. A gymnasium should lie added to thc Guards armory when they pro cure otto. market, your special tion to our atten- New crossties arc being placed on tbc track between thc depot and Pinev Wocds Hotel. 51 r. George V. Fcrrill has returned 20c Number, which in width, fin ish and sheer ness of I from his trip to Gainesville, Flu. He g| woof, surpasses any- 1 is coutent t0 reumi " iu Thoma9villft thing evei* shown at this price. 25 dozen bleached damask town knotted fringe, at 15c, well worth 25c- dozen Huckabock Towels at 10c, vorth 25c. for 25c we can give you the very t towel, t 1 4 yards long, all linen I last colored borders, ever shown 'hSmasville. Mr. CL B. Jones and wife, of Jack sonvillc, were among the guests at the Wltiddon yesterday. Sampson has purenased a fountain’ and will add soda wa‘er to bis fruit store’. Joe Dreycr has developed into an attorney since the Messrs. McIntyre have been away. Dock Wiggins, an old negro who is well known about town, died yester- day. He has been sick some time. s . ;..r sen The Monliccllo train made the rim | from Alotiliccllo to Thomasvilie in )ut new and elegant selection of lilies gre still all the rage, and arc f uelling at a very satisfactory rate. In summer silks we have still some vyry I thirty-live minutes yesterday, making choice patterns left, which we arc a stop at Metcalfe, poffering a. greatly reduced rates. Go (mt scu ^ galllc o( bul , , )C . SfWt" Our remnant counter lor this week tween thc Boston and Thomasvilie ’contains some very desirable bar- teams, at tliejCollegc Campus, this af- ‘ l 3, . gains, and mothers would do well to take advantage of this. All lines complete. Stock .acknowledged to be the largest, lower than Do not fail to and inspect. Prices ever. ~ come We are anxious to show you our goods The Timks-Enteri’KIsk once more suggests that thc people of Thomas vilie cimuol he too careful in matters of sanitation. Mr.Xieek White couliuucs to im prove. One of thp strongest aids to his improvement Inis been bis unfailing good spirits. Do not scud a dollar's worth of job work away till you have come to thc Times-Entkri'risk office tor esti mates. Mr. A. S. McFarland, who has been not. whether you buy Ol* spending some lime at jtm Mitchell’s J J near town, left yesterday for LaFayette, 1 Ind., to join his base ball team. Hon. I. A. Bush, of Camilla, was in I town yesterday, en route to Bainbrfdge. Mr. Bush is one of the leading lawyers I of his town. The Thomasvilie friends of Mr. T. B. Simpkins deeply regret his loss by I the-burning ol his residence Wednes- I day afternoon. Full of Sound Sense, Good Advice and Conservatism to the Last Degree. H m. Ben. Terrell, of Texas, nation al Jecturcr for the Farmers’ Alliance and Co-Operative Union of America, addressed a fair audience in thc court house yesterday. His coming Imd been pretty thor oughly advertised, but thc number of Alliance meu that turned out to bear him was not half as large as it ought to have been. 5Ir. Wayne Ivey call £(1 the meeting to order and introduc ed the speaker in a few well chosen words. 5Ir. Terrell is a gentleman of fine personal appearance, and as he faced the audience there was an utter absence of embarrassment on tbc one band cr the stagey effects assumed by some speakers. * ■' Tie commenced by saying that he was here to appeal to men of all avo eatiens, pot classes, for in his opinion we have no classes in America, tc unite in an effort, in an earnest eflort, to remove the unfortunate conditions that surround thc farmers of the conn try. He said that the object of, the Alliauee movement was to correct these untoward conditions of thc farm ers, and if any man could suggest better plan, lie would be glad to listen to him. ' “There was,” said the speaker, ‘‘85.5 per capita; iu circulation in this‘coun try in 1805, to-day there is only 85 per capita, on which to do thc business of tbs country. This unnatural con traction forces a credit system, to con duet which it is uecessary to use the money' of thc capitalists, iiud • mort gages, -distress uud disaster follow in the train. Mr. Terrell argued thul the con traction of the currency iu eircujtjtion hurt the farmer primarily, *ntid through hint, -those that follow other avocations. - Thc nint of thc ulliuncc movement is to • teach the farmers thc power in co-operation. To enable them to hold their cotton'' crop' till they etiiT secure prices that are remunerative. The plan proposed by the Allintfce a substitute for tbc ruinous credit system now in vogue, is as follows: Members of sub alliances who are un able to pay cash, will make a sntistnc tory paper, by mortgage or otherwise, to the State trustee stockholder, who will realize money on it nt the lowest jossiblu rate. This money will be handed over to the members by the month, to be used ns his needs de maud. A thorough combination and union among the alliance members will enable them to hold their cottort in warehouses till the consumer comes to them. Mr. Inman treats directly villi the Texas Exchange for the cotton of the members of the alliance in that State. “Cash,” said Mr. Terrell, “is a good lemon squeezer, and whenever the far iners become as prosperous ami inde pendent as they ought to be, it will my better to farm than to he n awyer, of a doctor, or a clerk, or-a politician. You must remedy your own troubles; ’tis useless to complaiu J»s long as you ure iu debt. Live eco nomically, pay as you go, and you ill be respected. Debt makes Tow ards of all meu.' Mr. Terrell said that thc great dailies of thc country have done much to demoralize thc people. They spread sensational news before their readers after day — murders, suicides, scandals aud what not. Mr. "Terrell cited as an illustration what lie said, the case of one of the great dailies that devoted a column and a half to a sensational story,while dismissed thc heroic devotion of an engineer, who stood at his post of du ty and was terribly injured, in n par agraph of a few Hues. It. is Mr. Terrell’s idea, aud it is a most excellent one. that' the sturdy eomuury of the country ought to frown down seusutiouulisin iu newspa pers. The world is not growing worse, said Mr. Terrell, as some men are in the habit of suyiug, hut thc tel egraphic reports of the happenings of the whole world, iu a few hours after it litis happened, Mr. Terrell related an incident that occurred when he was scut as a representative of the Southern Alliance to the nertheru organization with a view to merging the two bodies into one. “We arc willing,” lie said on that occasion, “to come iu as an equal, but if you expect us to come iu as con quered rebels, we will stay out.” Thc southern organization was invited to come in. Mr. Terrell saiil that two years af ter its organization the Alliance order numbered 1,000,000 members, whose watchword was, “Equal rights to all, special privileges to none,” is the surest pledge that they have cornbin. ed to do good for themselves and to themselves, without injury ns their motive. They realize that ns they are the starting point of all prosperity, that when they become prosperous all of the machinery of the body econom ic would feel the impulse of their prosperity. Mr. Terrell emphasizes the non- political character of thc Alliance order, but relates an incident that demonstrates its hostility to office seekers who buy votes by money or whisky. It £ impossible to give even a sy nopsis of all tbc eloquent speaker said, " but it is a high compli ment to him and the order which he represents, that not one word was said that could be objected to. He was particularly emphatic in his advice to the farmers that they must work out their own salvation. He told them it was folly to utter com plaints, until they ljad made all proper elforts^to help themselves. The address was conservative tofu marked degree, and fairly bristled with trpneliaut points. The distinguished speaker went to Cjuitnihn last night, whore lie speaks tc-day. From there he goes to Valdosta, where he will address thc sub-AHiauees of Istwndcs county, the next day. I!. Thomas Jr’s 1 120 Broad Street. O. S. Bonlurant Vountaer Observe Weather Ilultetin for the 24 hours endilfg I nt 7 o'clock I*. M. May 10, 1889. Tryi'EHATiHr. 7 a. ui..., ; os 2 i>. m .02 Maximum for 2 4 hours 92 Minimum “ “ '• 57 Rain fall At Home- Air. L I’. Roberts is now at home in thc handsome brick bouse in Fletcherville, owned by Messrs. Ham mond & Hawkins. Mr. Roberts baa the house leased for a term ol years, and.with his knowledge of thc hotel business, tact and popularity, lie will make it one of tbc most popular in the city. Alumni Society. The members of Thumusvillc Alumni society, cbapter.mimber I,are requested to meet in thc -office of Judge Alitchell this afternoon, at 4 o’clock. Business of importance. Conte out. 8. G. McLendon, IIansi; 1.1, Merrill, Pres. Secty. Asked for Bids. Judge Hopkins, as agent for Mr, Van Duzer. has asked for bids for building something like five miles of wire fence around 1hc Greenwood plantation. » Watiphr The case of the State vs. John C. Wetherington, a white youth, for the larceny of a watch, was tried before Judge Mitchell yesterday morning. He was found-guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of 880 and costs, or,to work on the public works for seven months. Again we Protest. The Savannah News of Wednesday gives thc maximum temperature at Thomasvilie for thc day before at 95 degrees. Signal Observer Bonduranfs instrument gives it at 89, and was ar ranged in exact accordance with in structions received front the chief ot the signal service. Is there no way to correct the injustice that is being done our city. Arrington’s Jury Still Out. (Quitman, Ga., Alay 15.—-The jury ill out in thc Arrington-Lanc ease is still out and there is little probability of a ir Judge Fla verdict. They sent for J udge Flnnsell to-dav aud asked to be discharged, as they could not agree, but the jiftlge refused to do so. Ho will keep them in until Saturday, unless they agree sooner. The above is the latest inlormation from thc famous case. There arc all sorts ol rumors as to how the jury stand. Of course this is all conjecture The general impression is that-lhe jury stands largely in . favor acquittal. * University Allumni. President AlcIJcndnn, of Thomas vilie Societv, ^chaptSr number 1, of the University Alumni, calls a meet ing this afternoon at 4 o’clock. ' • The Times-Enterprise hopes thc members will turn out. This is an admirable opportunity to bear up the hands of Chancellor Boggs xin his splendid efiorts to build up Georgia’s university.. Are you going a fishing ? Then call at Sam Casscls and get one of his fishing poles. Thc fish just swim up »nd lake ho'd of a hook—bait or no bait—when attached to one of his elastic poles. Prof. F. L. Botts, of fyiinbridgc, was in thc city yesterday. Funeral Notice. Little JTallie Bruce, aged 7 months, 8 days, infant daughter of Mi. and Mrs. C. W. Wiggins, departed this life yesterday morning at their resi dence on JcfTerson street and will he interred at Laurel Hill, this morning at 9 o’clock. Friends and acquaintances respect fully invited to attend the funeral. A traveli.ig representative of thc -Atlanta Constitution and of the At lmita Journal were each in the city yesterday talking up their weekly to the farmers. Mr. B. T. Smillic, representing the Herring Safe Company, was in the city yesterday. Air. Albion Sutherland, who travels for John L. Whilting & Sou, of Bos ton, was nt thc Stuart yesterday. Air. AI. it. Cruce, of St. Louis, Mo., is registered at the Stuart. Wesley, thc |x>pu!ar Stuart House porter picked up 820 in hills at the passenger-depot yesterday morning. Jim Biackshearcame up to-day to hear Col. Terrell, of Texas talk. Jim says lie is going to do just as Col. Terrell advised, except about telling the truth in reference to bis crop, lie is with Terrell on every other point. PRICES AT LEVY’S Many reductions in prices have been made on fine goods to close out for the season. ' Call and see our 10c line of assorted Dress Goods. Only about 20 pieces left. We have another invoice of Hemstitch ed embroidered lloun- ings coming. They will be open for in spection on the 22nd. For genuine good goods, at closing out prices, call at I’he work on thc new road between He made inquiries among the pa-s-cn-j Amerietts and Columbus, bus been gers and found that thc money lie- lougcd to Air. W. AI. Gordon, of Macon, to whom he returned jt. The Times-Enteri’Kihe takes the place of Thomasville’s CWo dailies, pud it will cover I lie field thoroughly. Jt is its ambition to become a familiar friend around every Jbcurth stone iu the city. Will you uot aid as iu doing this? Thc S. F. <(• W. Ry. is moving the debris away from the Gulf Ii iiKgsitc. The new Gulf will be a tasty add con venient house. The Times-Entsrvrise is working for Thotiinsvillc. One good turn do- serves another—let Thomasvilie work for thc Times-Enterpkisk. Marshal Spairbas been superintend ing the hauling up from the depot to day the Ts and crosses tor the water mains. These latter will be put down at an early day. Mr. R. H. Jackson, ol the Atlanta Journal, was in tbc city yesterday in the interest of his paper. He was finished. I’resident Alexander and Superintendent Belknap have been over thc road on a tour of inspiction, aud they found it in line condition. Trui ains will be put on at once. A Savannah cotton factor, when asked about South Georgia uud Flori da cotton,'Kiiid^liat his advices were not so rosy. Thc stands are in t as good ns at this time hist year. President Harrison has appointed Rufus B. Bullock, of Atlanta, one of the government dirertors of thc Union Pacific- Railway Company. Pension frauds have been uueartbed at Savannah. Rev. David Wright, Solomon Washington and Kate Glov er, all colored, arc on trial for de frauding aud attempting to defraud thc government by deceptive pension applications. Levy’s Dry Seods House Mitchell House Corner A team of four cows appeared at Bellevue, Idaho, uot long ago, having been driven from Nebraska,a distance of 1,000 miles. They had acted as motive power for a prairie schooner, aud had also furnished milk and but ter for the family en route. They were ill good ebudition, with tho ex picking up subscribers right and lefijeeption of their f«t,’ which”needed when the reporter saw him. | shot r badly. . ., “ % m . v